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Downtown Rennaisance

Participate in the Downtown Renaissance
551 Main Street Naming Recognition
2nd Floor Rooms
• The Jeanne Y. Curtis Room
• The Myles & C. Jean McDonough Room
• David Greenfield Conference Room
• The Hanover Theatre Conservatory for the Performing Arts was made possible through the generosity of The Eppinger Family
• The Mary C. DeFeudis Performance Studio
The Hanover Theatre for the Performing Arts and Conservatory • 2016 Report to the Community • 6
Progress on the Plaza A working group was formed in June to begin the planning process for re-designing the Francis R. Carroll Plaza. In addition to theatre staff and volunteers, the group includes representatives from the city of Worcester and Tower Hill Botanic Garden. The group will advise on the design plan and address issues related to parking, school bus and conservatory drop offs, handicapped access, traffic flow and safety. The plaza is currently maintained by theatre volunteers who have created a beautiful and welcoming space for pedestrians and patrons. During the summer, tables and chairs as well as free Wi-Fi and music were added to the plaza. This is just the beginning of much more to come.

Building a Vibrant District The Hanover Theatre in partnership with the Worcester Business Development Corporation formed the Theatre District Alliance in October 2015 inviting representatives from other cultural organizations, area businesses, civic and city representatives and Worcester Police to work cooperatively to bring the district to the next level of revitalization. The group holds monthly meetings which address issues related to economic development, cultural programming, safety, traffic, parking, cleanliness and beautification. The Theatre District Block Party in June was the group’s first event which was financially supported by members of the alliance who participated in its planning and execution.
As a founding member of the alliance, the theatre is meeting its strategic goal to continue to be a change agent for revitalization and sustained growth downtown.
The beauty of the Francis R. Carroll Plaza is attributed to the Garden Committee volunteers who selflessly devote their time maintaining and enhancing this lovely space for the benefit of our patrons and the community. Photo: Lillian Irwin.
Support for the redevelopment of 551 Main Street was made possible through the generosity of the following local foundations, corporations and individuals:
The George I. Alden Trust Bay State Savings Bank Coghlin Electrical Contractors, Inc. The Jeanne Y. Curtis Trust The Fred Harris Daniels Foundation Mary C. DeFeudis The Ruth H. and Warren A. Ellsworth Foundation Patty and Fred Eppinger The Fletcher Foundation The George F. and Sybil H. Fuller Foundation The Albert J. Gifford Charitable Trust The Hanover Insurance Group Foundation
The Francis A. and Jacquelyn H. Harrington Foundation The Hoche-Scofield Foundation MCPHS University Massachusetts Cultural Facilities Fund The Myles & C. Jean McDonough Charitable Foundation The Mildred H. McEvoy Foundation Amelia Peabody Charitable Fund The Schwartz Charitable Foundation The Stoddard Charitable Trust Unum Wyman-Gordon Foundation
Due to space contraints, we have only listed donors at the $10,000 level and above.
The Theatre District Alliance has proven to be a great collection of our area’s businesses, as well as civic and cultural representatives, coming together for the common purpose of making our downtown neighborhood a great place to live, work and play.
Craig Blais, President & CEO, Worcester Business Development Corporation