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New Hardware Insurance product launched
O’Leary Insurances Ltd have successfully launched their new Hardware Insurance Product in conjunction with Zurich Insurance earlier this year. Already, they have had significant traction on same and have secured competitive quotes & placed policies for a number of businesses struggling with increased premiums and inadequate covers. Though designed specifically to cater for medium to large type enterprises, O’Leary Insurances have access to a panel of other insurers and have no problem in placing covers for hardware clients that do not fall into these categories.
Some of the exclusive benefits of the Zurich scheme are :• Fire Brigade Charges automatically included at ¤30,000 • Standard excess of ¤300 on all property claims • Nil liability excess • Work Away/ Collection & Delivery – automatically covered under Employers Liability section • Standard Gross Profit Sum Insured of ¤750,000 noted under the Business Interruption section • Standard Public Liability Limit of Indemnity of ¤10,000,000 • Standard Employers Liability Limit of Indemnity of ¤13,000,000 • Liability sections extended automatically to include Work away/ Collection/ Delivery • Extension to cover farm supplies/ agri feeds/ nurseries/ garden centres • Cover for polytunnels/ greenhouses
They also have the facility to place all other forms of insurance e.g. motor fleet, engineering, management liability, cyber insurance and they will expand further on these covers in future issues. For more information please contact David Lombard, CIP Account Executive.
To contact O’Leary Insurances Ltd. call +353 (0)21 4730005 / +353 (0)87 7697729 or email dlombard@oli.ie.