Home Retrofit
Home Retrofit - Part Three Works progressing towards completion In the May/June and July/Aug issues we introduced you to Shane Kenneally and his new family home in Clonakilty as he prepared to get started on a major renovation project. In this issue we move into the new year (2021) with works progressing well towards completion. Shane is happy with all the help he and his carpenter uncle Ben have had to date: “My uncle and I are doing most of the work and we are lucky enough that family are helping out where they can as well.” All details below are supplied by Shane. January – Mar 2021 Roof – Extension works: •
After their well-earned Christmas break Shane and Ben checked the weather and saw a dry cold spell coming. They decided to drive on and get the roof ready. The warm deck roof consisted of a layer of 18mm OSB3 (bottom deck), then a vapour membrane, 150mm insulation and another layer of OSB3 (top deck) to which the fibreglass would be applied. They also opted to have a parapet wall around the outside to finish it off. With the roof ready they covered it in preparation for the fibreglass. The extension is a passive design. The walls are built from 6 x 2 stud work. Then 18mm OSB3 outside of that with a weatherproof membrane outside of that again. “A big thanks is owing to Dad and Ben for all their work getting the extension done and sealed so quickly”, praises Shane. Shane and his team decided to opt for a passive sill as they felt they would help prevent cold bridging through the windowsill. While the scaffold was up Shane and his dad power washed the slates and painted them with Tegral blue/black paint to finish it all off.
Front windows.
Windows: •
Next up they had to get the house ready for the windows to be fitted as this had to be done before the external insulation could be fitted. Also the passive sills had to be in place for the windows. Once the window openings were ready and the sills fitted the windows went in. They taped the windows and doors internally and externally with airtight tape.
Extension wall & windows. September/October 2021