The Hardware Journal Sept/Oct 2019

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September/October 2019

The Official Magazine of Hardware Association Ireland

THE ROPO EFFECT Research Online Purchase Offline Including The Building Materials & Supplies Supplement 2019

Window Surrounds: Pure Fennel Window Wall: Mid Fennel Left Wall: Subtle Fennel

SIGNATURE COLLECTION Inspired by design, designed to inspire.


ge sa es m m fro September/October 2019

thinking and insights from thought leaders on issues such as digital marketing and credit control as well as sharing of experiences with peers are critical. Many challenges in staff knowledge faced by members are accommodated in the autumn training schedule held here in Rathcoole. In an era of almost full employment continuous professional development is a sure-fire way of attracting and retaining high calibre people. The Business Index is a reliable guide to the overall trend of the marketplace. It would be improved by including more information at category level and with more contributors. Good data enables organisations to plan stocks - improving cash flows and profitability. In the turbulent times ahead good data will be critical. Having grown up in a border town in the 70s I am acutely aware of the sensitivities of Brexit and its threat to fracture the carefully cultivated and emerging all-Island economy. In September we invited many of our members based along the border to an evening on Preparing for Brexit. Having surveyed many of our members beforehand most are as ready as they can be for October 31st. The summary of the results are highlighted in this edition but as events are unfolding – relevant at time of going to press!. Recommendations to mitigate the impact of Brexit as well as stimulating the economy in a more regionally balanced way were a major focus in our recent pre-budget submission see page 38. There are many trends shaping our future, and we are faced with many exciting challenges. I am looking forward to working with you to avail of the opportunities ahead.

EO eC th

Firstly I would like to welcome you to the September/October edition of The Hardware Journal. Having worked in a number of industries I have never seen such a professional, and engaging trade publication. Six weeks into the role I am very impressed with the warm welcome that I have received and I am struck by the sense of opportunity in the sector. I am really looking forward to getting out and about to meet members, listen to the issues impacting your business and with the help of the team here in HAI and the board to enhance business for our sector. I come with a bit of baggage. For 10 years I had a marketing company and we conducted projects for a number of key players - both suppliers and hardware stores and builders merchants. So there is some knowledge base to work from, but it is still a steep learning curve. I have also a background in membership organisations - I have been on the board of the consultant’s association (IMCA) for 7 years and prior to that I worked for the membership organisation for the furniture industry in the UK (F.I.R.A). While working for the Electrolux group I was involved in the early days of the WEEE directive. A daunting task at the outset as there was no game plan, Ireland is now one of the leading lights in terms of compliance, and it has an enviable track record as one of the highest performers in environmental protection. The public have an appetite for an eco-friendly future and the government plans to retrofit 500,000 homes. The Irish hardware sector will be the key partner in the formation and delivery of this strategy. This is a massive opportunity and one that we need to grow. From our next issue our intention is to feature an article on trends in the sector. As with all member organisations we are faced with the issue of relevance - is what we do having an impact on the businesses of our members? I was delighted to find out that there is a subcommittee working on the value proposition – how we as an organisation are relevant, what we do well and what we need to improve. On visits around the country I will be teasing this out with members. The quality of staff and their ability to apply learning boosts the productivity and competitiveness of any business. Fresh

Martin Markey Chief Executive Officer - HAI


contents news

FRONT COVER: THE ROPO EFFECT. Research Online Purchase Offline.


Hardware Association Ireland host a briefing on Nearly Zero Energy Buildings (nZEB) with SEAI.


Taking Care of Business Workshop planned for Athlone in October.


Sligo has been selected for this year`s IEDR Digital town initiative.

regulars Blackchurch Business Park, Naas Road, Rathcoole, Co. Dublin t +353 1 298 0969 e w @hardwareassoc ISSN 2009-5481

Published by: Hardware Association Ireland Editor: Jim Copeland, Editorial/Feature Contributor: Aoife Kinsella, Advertising Manager: Jim Copeland, Design and Production: Stephen Broad, ConceptRoom, Printers: GPS Colour Graphics Ltd, Belfast. Distribution: MMS Mailing Services, Dublin.

ADVERTISING ENQUIRIES: To advertise in The Hardware Journal and reach the key decision makers in the industry please contact Jim Copeland at 01-298 0969; email

© 2019 All editorial contents and all advertisments prepared by the publishers and Hardware Association Ireland HAI can accept no responsibility for the accuracy of contributors’ articles or statements appearing in this publication and any view or opinions expressed are not necessarily those of HAI, save where indicated. No responsibility for loss or distress occasioned to any person acting or refraining from acting as a result of the material in this publication can be accepted by HAI, authors, contributors, editor or publishers. The publication of advertisements does not constitute any endorsement by HAI, authors, contributors, editor or publishers of the products advertised. Readers should take specific advice when dealing with specific situations.



A MEssAgE FROM THE CEO Newly appointed HAI CEO Martin Markey introduces himself and this latest issue of The Hardware Journal.


NEw MEMbERs HAI welcomes its newest members.

features 20

HAI CONduCT Brexit survey with builders merchants, hardware/décor shops in the border counties..


gLObAL dIY suMMIT Our second look at some of the insights at this year’s Global DIY Summit in Dublin.


THE ROPO EFFECT Steve Collinge gives us some insights on how DIY retail is changing.


Psd2 The Second Payment Services Directive comes into force in September.


HAI subMIT A Pre - Budget Submission to Budget 2020.

market intelligence 6

HAI busINEss INdEx Benefits of participating in HAI’s quarterly Business Index.

business support 42

bEsT IN CLAss In the third and final article on stocktaking, Patrick McDermott advises readers on best practice and how to tweak and optimise.


CHANgINg YOuR CusTOMER ExPERIENCE In her second article, Susannah Hewson advocates Changing Customer Experience for a better bottom line.


AdvERsE wEATHER Tom Smyth & Associates brings you the HR forecast on Adverse Weather for your Business.

September/October 2019


INTRODUCTION Editor Jim Copeland introduces the second Building Materials & Supplies supplement full of inspiration, advice and information on the possible implications of Brexit.


INsTANTOR Sanbra Fyffe introduce their new Copper Press Fittings to a national audience.


A PERFECT FIT Dulux offers superior quality products to get the job done.


HOw TO MIx CEMENT Irish Cement offer a dedicated website to help with general concrete projects.


NEw LIgHTwEIgHT ONE COAT PLAsTER Gyproc offer the sector a solution that is easier to spread and apply.

24 profiles


The Hardware Journal talks to Barry Thornton & Gary Ryan, following the recent opening of Murdock’s new Finglas Store.


Pipelife’s Padjoe Barry expands on how the organisation`s history of innovation has made it a leading manufacturer and provider of plastic piping.

10 200 YEARs OF suPPLYINg QuALITY PROduCTs Bostik continue to supply a comprehensive range of quality building chemicals. 12 PROvIdINg A ROOF wITH FOCus Tegral Building Products team up with Focus Ireland to challenge homelessness. 14 IdENTIFYINg YOuR CusTOMERs HEATINg NEEds Grant offer a hassle free approach to a highly efficient and reliable heating solution. 16 kEYPOINT sAY THAT dIAMONds ARE FOREvER Keypoint bring Klingspor’s Diamond product range to the market.

28 training 40

CLAssROOM TRAININg HAI launches its Autumn classroom training schedule.

18 NsAI TALk CERTIFICATION The NSAI advise on issues concerning certification and the construction product regulations.

classified ads

19 REvENuE Ask ARE YOu FuLLY PREPAREd FOR bRExIT? Revenue give you an action plan for coping with Customs Declarations in light of Brexit.


20 kEY MEssAgEs FROM THE dEPARTMENT OF HOusINg ANd LOCAL gOvERNMENT The Department outline steps to be taken by all economic operators.


22 CLIMbINg THE LAddERs OF suCCEss IITC offer an exclusive range of Youngman Ladders that step up to EU standards. 23 YARd ANd wAREHOusE sTORAgE sOLuTIONs OHRA give you the benefit of 40 years of experience in warehouse technology and storage solutions. 24 sOME vOLuME ANd vALuE sTATs FROM THE sECTOR Construction Information Services (CIS) provide some current industry stats.

September/October 2019


45 FUELS A look at the season ahead with some uncertainty around solid fuels but a lot of optimism for the sector as a whole.



Demand continues to improve for this sector with laminates marching ahead.

55 WORKWEAR The Workwear market is on the rise led by customer expectations of choice.


Market Intelligence

busINEss INdEx QuARTER 2 2019 REsuLTs 191 member branches are included in the HAI Business Index. Member firms showed an average 6% increase year on year for Q2. A year on year rise for Q1 peaks among urban member groups, while member groups in the Rest of Leinster saw no change year-on-year. The quarterly moving average for Q2 is 101%, and the quarterly moving average is highly consistent across all member groups. 23% of member firms offer agricultural supplies (all located outside Dublin) - rising to 51% of rural members.

Branches Profiled

36% 43%

64% 57%



191 149Member Branches included in Index 53%

Number of Employees


29% 35% 18% 23%

How to get involved The more retailers and merchants involved in contributing to the index, the more robust the data. All raw data is kept confidential and never revealed to HAI. If you agree to participate in the monthly business index, you will receive an email from Behaviour and Attitudes, our research partner, once a quarter (usually at the start of the second week), asking for several pieces of information that will form the benchmark survey: UÊ Õ LiÀÊ vÊi « Þiià UÊ V>Ì Ê vÊLÕà iÃà UÊ 7 >ÌÊÌÞ«iÊ vÊ>Ài>ÊÞ ÕÀÊLÕà iÃÃÊ «iÀ>ÌiÃÊ ]Ê °i°ÊÌ Ê}iÌÊ> Ê urban/rural split UÊ Õ> ÊÃ> iÃÊÌÕÀ ÛiÀÊ­ iÃÃÊ6 /®Êv ÀÊÞ ÕÀÊLÕà iÃÃÊv ÀÊÓä£nÊ broken down by month UÊ -> iÃÊÌÕÀ ÛiÀÊ«iÀÊ Ì Êv ÀÊÓä£ Once this benchmark is complete, you will only be asked for one piece of information each quarter thereafter, sales turnover per month for the quarter. Please call 01 298 0969 or email for more information and to participate.

What our members say

Business Location

38% 40 15% 12


18 18%

29% 30% Dublin

Rest of Leinster

Connacht / Ulster


Monthly Business Index: % change in revenue from 2018 to 2019








2019 8%

+ 2018











Quarterly 2019 v Q2 MonthlyBusiness BusinessIndex: Index:Q2 YTD 2015 vs 2018 YTD 2014

Padraic Rogers, Owner Topline Rogers, Ballymote, Co. Sligo “We at Topline Rogers are finding Hardware Association Ireland’s business index a great help to our business. We are finding it great being able to compare our business performance against people in our region with a similar size business, it’s a great help. It helps us plan and project for where our business is going. It’s very timely for our industry, pity it didn’t happen years ago!” Stephen Blewitt, General Manager Agribusiness, Aurivo “The benefits to our business are: 1. With 35 retail outlets spread geographically across eight counties and three provinces, we find the breakdown of regions very useful in the report. 2. To be the best, you need to compare yourself to the industry, and the monthly benchmarks help us decipher the areas we are over or underperforming in versus the industry. 3. The fact it is completely anonymous gives us the confidence to be totally open with the figures we provide.”



< 10

6% 28%





Rest of Leinster


+11% +4% 4% Urban




Single Branch



Connacht / Ulster



+1% 10-15

+9% >15

Source: B&AData 2015. collection Data collection from191 149HAI HAI Member branches Source: B&A 2019. from Member Branches.

September/October 2019

News & Products

sMARTPLY sTRONgdECk Is HERE SMARTPLY STRONGDECK is the brand-new high strength, lightweight, high-performance OSB4 panel from MEDITE SMARTPLY. The latest innovation in its product range, SMARTPLY STRONGDECK is a 30mm OSB4 panel for use in humid conditions (Service class 2 as defined in Eurocode 5), ideal for mezzanine floors or industrial shelving. Make light work of the most demanding structural or load-bearing applications and work smarter, not harder. Created in response to a demand for ever stronger solutions to temporary flooring and industrial storage, especially in humid environments, SMARTPLY STRONGDECK provides users with a truly flexible solution. “Traditionally mezzanine flooring panels have been chipboard,” says Head of Innovation and Ireland Sales at MEDITE SMARTPLY, David Murray. “What we have created is a considerably lighter – up to 17% in some cases - Mezzanine flooring product that maintains its durability and is stronger than some chipboard alternatives. As a result, it is easier to handle and quicker to install due in part to the larger surface area per sheet laid.” Using timber only from their own sustainably managed forests in Ireland, MEDITE SMARTPLY ensure all panels are manufactured with FSC® certified timber and contain zeroadded formaldehyde. “We have been manufacturing all SMARTPLY products with zero-added formaldehyde since 2001. As a timber manufacturer that has always placed high importance on wellbeing and environmental concerns, it’s imperative that we continue to innovate responsibly.” Manufactured in accordance with the requirements of OSB4 as defined in EN 300, SMARTPLY STRONGDECK

contains no core gaps, or hollow pockets and is CE marked in accordance with the harmonised standard EN 13986. The structural properties of SMARTPLY STRONGDECK are derived from extensive testing in accordance with EN 789 while characteristic values are calculated in accordance to EN 1058. Download the datasheet and request a free sample at:

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For more information contact us on 016260155 September/October 2019


News & Products

IN MEMORY OF MONA HugHEs HARdwARE’s FIRsT LAdY Former Hardware Association Ireland (HAI) President Mona Hughes died on 25th June after a short illness and a long and very successful career in the Hardware industry. Born in Dublin, Mona’s family owned and lived in the nationally famous Drimnagh Castle. Her mother’s family, the Hatches, owned both the castle and the lands surrounding Drimnagh as far as Robinhood, eventually bequeathing same to the church. She established Andy Agencies in the sixties having worked prior to that for a wholesale agent representing the pharmaceutical trade. Andy Agencies progressed from strength to strength and she became sole agent in Ireland for brands such as Grosfillex and Gilac, manufacturers of bathroom accessories and garden furniture respectively. She will perhaps be most remembered for the Le Creuset/Cousances cookware range which under her management in Ireland became a household name. The range achieved the number one per capita sales position in the world. Mona was also the first to import barbecues and charcoal for same into Ireland and at the time an unheard-of foreign dish, fondue, which later became popular and widely enjoyed. It was fitting that at a time when Ireland chose to elect its first female President Mary Robinson, Hardware Association Ireland followed a similar course of action. Mona Hughes became President of HAI in 1991 after having served on the executive V ÌÌiiÊ> `Ê>ÃÊ À>ÀÞÊ/Ài>ÃÕÀiÀÊv ÀÊv ÕÀÊÞi>ÀÃ]Ê> `Ê6 ViÊ President to Jerry McCarthy for two years. Mona’s great interests were HAI Trade Shows and Training/ Education. As Chairman of the HAI Trade Show Committee, she oversaw three very successful annual trade and consumer

shows. Her belief was that they were the trades shop window of the future. She was also very much part of developing the HAI fiveyear Strategic Plan that had to take into account the Single European Market in 1993. She saw this as being a distinct advantage for the trade in Ireland. She strongly supported Training and Education within the sector and was a great believer that the strength of service and the depth of product knowledge was more than enough to meet the challenge of single market competition. She was also a great advocate for independent merchants / retailers becoming part of HAI and travelled the country helping to retain existing and recruit new members. Amongst her many personal achievements, she was particularly «À Õ`Ê vÊ iÀÊÜ À ÊÜ Ì Ê6>À iÌÞÊ ÌiÀ >Ì > ]ÊÌ iÊ `Ài ½ÃÊ Charity of Ireland, where she was Chief Barker in 1999-2000 and a life patron. In 1974 she was made a “Chevalier de Tastevin”, an exclusive fraternity of Burgundy wine enthusiasts. She was a member of Toastmasters International and on the organising committee of FIDAQ, The International Federation of Hardware Merchants when Ireland hosted the world congress in 1979. An accomplished golfer she was a member and former Lady Captain (1989) of Blainroe Golf Club and a member of Dun Laoghaire Golf Club. Mona is survived by her two daughters Anna and Jo. Ar dheis Dé go raibh a hanam dílis.



Beaverscrews® have announced their unveiling to the Irish market with a major trade marketing campaign in October 2019. The exciting launch programme will build strong brand awareness amongst the Building Trade, explaining the many technical features of this stimulating new product. With striking design and packaging the notable Beaverscrews® brand is expected to quickly become a favourite amongst builders. For the merchant Beaverscrews® offer an added value sales opportunity at attractive margins, backed up with creative point of sale materials. The Beaverscrews® display unit - memorably known as the Lodge - is available to all stockists. Stockists are listed on the Beaverscrews interactive website map to encourage trade interest back through the merchant. Merchants interested in becoming a Beaverscrews® stockist can register their interest at September/October 2019

SMARTPLY STRONGDECK, taking mezzanine flooring to another level!

Let’s do the right thing!

SMARTPLY STRONGDECK is a high strength OSB4 panel developed specifically for use in mezzanine flooring applications as well as racking and storage systems. Possibilities are now even

Manufactured using the state of the art technology, the panel is only 30mm thick, it’s lightweight and has a high strength to weight ratio, making it the perfect alternative to heavy particle board

greater with an engineered panel that offers enhanced moisture resistance and is free from added formaldehyde.

systems – do the right thing with SMARTPLY STRONGDECK.

To find out how we are setting new standards in timber panel engineering, go to

News & Products


Hardware Association Ireland recently hosted a breakfast briefing on the Nearly Zero Energy Building (nZEB) and related building regulations with the Sustainable Energy Authority of Ireland (SEAI). The event was sponsored by Kingspan Insulation who provided their own insights. The morning began with an introduction by Emer Burton, Programme Manager for the Better Energy Homes Programme, who provided an overview of SEAI and their available grants and programmes. Emer also identified heat pumps as a key growing trend in home-building and renovation. The keynote speaker for the morning was Orla Coyle, Programme

Manager for nZEBs and High Performance Retrofit at SEAI. Orla provided a detailed breakdown of the regulations and began with a reminder that all new buildings are to meet these regulations by the 31st of December 2020. In a Q&A session that followed an attending merchant expressed concern about potential fines that could hit non-compliant business owners, and it was made clear that more information needs to be made available to builders merchants, business owners and home owners alike. Orla and Emer assured attending delegates that SEAI will be releasing information guides and workbooks, along with new updated software that checks for nZEB compliance on non-residential buildings. The morning concluded with a presentation from Brett O’Sullivan, Business Development Manager at Kingspan Insulation, who demonstrated the potential impact on building performance levels when nZEB compliant and provided some information and advice for merchants on available products that comply with the regulations, including wall, flooring, and roofing insulation. HAI will be running future nZEB briefings in regional locations, subject to demand. If you are interested in attending future events please contact

HIgHTOwER ARE guARANTEEd IRIsH very proud of this recognition and will proudly advertise this at home and abroad when attending international trade fairs.”

Hightower has recently been awarded the prestigious Guaranteed Irish status. As an Irish based manufacturer with the majority of the products locally produced it was a natural fit for both organisations. Keith McGrory, the Founder & Inventor of the Hightower Telescopic Bucket System, said that “The Team at Hightower are


Hightower Painting Products Ltd are based in Waterford city where they also design, develop and manufacture the Hightower System. The Hightower team picked up a top Award this year at The Hardware Show 2019 in CityWest for the ‘Best New Product of the Year 2019’. The company have since launched in the UK and have plans to attend the National Hardware - ÜÊ Ê >ÃÊ6i}>ÃÊ iÝÌÊÞi>ÀÊ­ÓäÓä®Êv ÀÊÌ i ÀÊ USA Launch! For further information please contact us at or visit www.

September/October 2019

To be the kings of MDF and OSB fills us with immense pride!

Let’s do the right thing!

MEDITE SMARTPLY is the leading manufacturer of sustainable timber panels. Our award winning brands MEDITE and SMARTPLY

Whether you’re looking for a panel manufactured using zero-added formaldehyde, that’s resistant to moisture or fire, or something that

are renowned for delivering the highest quality products.

meets stringent sustainability criteria, our range can offer you the solution to any specification challenge.

Manufactured using state-of-the-art technology, we have an extensive range of highly engineered MDF and OSB product solutions.

Do the right thing with MEDITE SMARTPLY.

To find out how we are setting new standards in timber panel engineering, go to

News & Products


Grafton Merchanting ROI, are thrilled to announce that it has raised ¤68,456 in vital funds for four Irish charities, that were chosen with great care, Focus Ireland, CMRF Crumlin, Pieta House and Cystic Fibrosis Ireland. In a bid to raise much needed funds for the four charities, the Four Peaks Challenge saw a 22- strong Grafton Merchanting ROI team travel across the country to climb the highest mountain in each of Ireland`s four provinces in four days.

In preparation for the mountain ascension, the team carried out months of training for the demanding four-day challenge. The team kicked off the significant feat starting with Carrauntoohil in Co. Kerry, followed by Mweelrea in Co. Mayo, Slieve Donard in Co. Down, and finally finishing with Lugnaquilla in Co. Wicklow between the 2nd and the 5th of May. The team at Grafton Merchanting ROI not only defeated the Four Peaks but also smashed their fundraising target of ¤40,000. Commenting on the success of the fundraising challenge, Patrick Atkinson, CEO, Grafton Merchanting ROI said: “We are very proud to announce that Grafton Merchanting ROI has raised ¤68,456 for four incredibly important causes by undertaking the Four Peaks challenge. After many weeks of training, lots of determination and a dose of good humour, we conquered the Four Peaks and most importantly, we busted through our target for the four charities. Grafton Merchanting ROI has a long and proud history of working with and donating to charities who raise funds for those most in need in Ireland. On behalf of all the team here in Grafton Merchanting ROI, I would like to congratulate and thank the team of 22 employees on this great achievement. I look forward to us realising the next initiative for charity.”

TAkINg CARE OF busINEss There is a free `Taking Care of Business’ half day event with advice and information for businesses in the Sheraton Hotel, Gleeson Street, Athlone, on Wednesday, 2 October 2019. You can Register now at for the free half-day event. Heather Humphreys, TD, Minister for Business, Enterprise and Innovation will give the keynote speech. Minister of State for Trade, Employment, Business, EU Digital Single Market and Data Protection, Pat Breen TD, is also due to speak at this important event for existing and potential entrepreneurs. The one-stop-shop event is specifically targeted at existing small business owners and managers and also people thinking of starting a new business. It will help the participant UÊ



iÌÌiÀÊÕ `iÀÃÌ> `ÊÌ iÊ > ÊÀi}Õ >Ì ÃÊÌ >ÌÊ>vviVÌÊÌ i Ê so that they can focus on the main task of running their business; iiÌÊiÝ«iÀÌÃÊvÀ Ê>ÊLÀ >`ÊÀ> }iÊ vÊ«ÕL VÊL ` iÃÊ Ê> Ê informal setting; `Ê ÕÌÊ>L ÕÌÊ>`Û ViÊ> `ÊÃÕ«« ÀÌÃÊÌ >ÌÊ>ÀiÊ>Û> >L iÊvÀ Ê the public sector.

An initiative of



Own or manage a small business?

Thinking of starting a new business? The free half-day event will open for This event is for you! registration at 8.15am and conclude Taking Care of Business Event at 1.30pm. There will be two Wednesday October 2 2019 Sheraton Hotel separate strands running at the same Athlone time, with presentations from State Free Admission bodies in one area and information stands with representatives from these State bodies in a separate area. The concise presentations will focus on key regulatory requirements and assistance available to help entrepreneurs develop their businesses. Experts will be available at the information stands to speak directly to attendees and answer questions. Early booking is strongly advised as there are a limited number of places available. You may register, free of charge, by visiting www. The website provides full details of the event including the running order for presentations and the full list of bodies attending. The hashtags for the event are #supportforbusiness and #TCOB2019. 8:15am to 1:30pm

Meet with representatives from a range of State offices and agencies Get practical information and advice

Find out ways to save your business money

Learn about supports and tools to assist you in your business



September/October 2019

News & Products


Window Pure Fennel Satinwood, Window wall Mid Fennel Diamond Matt, Right Wall Subtle Fennel Diamond Matt, Door Pure Fennel Satinwood.

September/October 2019

The Signature Collection by Dulux has been carefully designed to make it easier for consumers to select beautiful colour combinations, creating a refined designer led colour scheme throughout the home. The collection brings together years of professional colour expertise and design know-how in a collaboration with architect and interior designer Denise O’Connor. The collection features neutrals in families of trios, with each sibling related to the other, according to Denise. “Equally these trios work well from room to room to create flow and connectivity throughout a home. Specifically designed for Irish light, the beauty is each tone comes in a whole range of different finishes, so you can opt for different gradients of a colour on woodwork and skirtings, giving your home fluidity. The collection also boasts a range of 12 on trend dark neutrals and 12 accent colours, designed to make a bold statement. Simply pick a colour, then a finish, whether it be for walls, doors or windows. Those looking for a particular hardwearing long-lasting finish, opt for Diamond Matt or Diamond Eggshell finishes for their longevity. Signature is available from specialist paint stores nationwide.


News & Products

uNITEd HARdwARE LAuNCHEs ITs COMPREHENsIvE TRAININg sOLuTION United Hardware, one of Ireland’s leading hardware and DIY buying groups, has launched its innovative new group member training solution aimed at supporting and equipping its growing membership with the key skills and fundamentals of hardware and merchanting retailing to leverage current and emerging market opportunities. United Hardware’s Group member training solution encompasses a two-prong approach to member learning services. It incorporates both online and offline (classroom) solutions which will allow United Hardware members to upskill remotely (via online on their new training portal the “Learning Centre”) across a variety of different training modules and in the classroom. Bespoke tailored training programmes are also available to assist members across business-critical areas of their store. The United Hardware Group training solution has been created in partnership with people development specialists, Harvest.

All training has been developed in conjunction with United Hardware Group and has been specifically designed and engineered to address key business training areas. Membership training is part of the ongoing development and enhancement of group member supports and has been a key project of their Store Operations division, which was formed in 2018. Store Operations’ core emphasis is on providing United Hardware Group members with a full range of business advisory supports such as store design, regional manager support and store performance analysis to name but a few. Commenting on the launch of the new group training initiative, Jason Doherty, Head of Store Operations at United Hardware said “We are acutely aware of the many challenges facing our members at store level and through this new programme we are aiming to equip and support our valued members with some of the skills necessary to navigate these challenges and exploit opportunities to increase their sales and footfall to their stores and operate their business more effectively where possible”. United Hardware Group have already experienced significant uptake and interest in its range of training modules with a number of pilot programmes being booked out upon their launch. Its first wave of training has already commenced with retailers and their employees from across the country.


TIMco, one of Ireland`s fastest growing suppliers to the builders provider sector, is expanding their SHIELD brand with the official launch of a First Aid range, as well as introducing the new SHIELD Protective Board. These new introductions will sit under the rapidly expanding SHIELD Site Protection range. These new extensions reflect the company’s commitment to safety in construction, as well as delivering on the company’s strategy of becoming a ‘one stop shop’ for builders’ merchants. The new range includes a selection of workplace and vehicle first aid kits, as well as a heavy bleed and burns kit. The range also includes an eye care kit, heavy duty plasters and an accident book. These kits reflect the changes in both workplace practice and risks, making them demonstrably more ‘fit for purpose’ in 14

today’s environment. The kits come in a durable and stylish polypropylene case and are wall mountable with an integrated bracket and come in a durable polypropylene box with green safety clips, integrated carry handle, and a secure airtight lid to provide protection from dust and water. All workplace kits are available in three sizes – small, medium and large. The Heavy Bleed & Burns kit has been specifically designed to provide rapid and effective treatment to the kind of serious injuries tradespeople may face on site. It includes a major bleed trauma dressing and sterile burn dressings. The Eye Wash Station kit includes saline solution, eye pods and pipettes. Both kits come in a wall-mountable polypropylene case. The SHIELD Protective Board has been developed to protect and preserve all hard floor and short twill covered floor surfaces from dust, dirt, spills, sprays and site grime. This new product complements the existing Ram Board product in the SHIELD range. The FSC certified board is made from recycled compressed fibre board and this innovative protection system is also 100% recyclable and reusable. It is also breathable and can be laid on wooden floors and new concrete. It will not trap any moisture, therefore allowing the substrate to dry whilst also protecting it from damage. John Mackin, General Manager for TIMco, comments: “The welfare and safety of our customers and end users is of paramount importance to us here at TIMco, which is why we have launched this extensive First Aid range under our growing SHIELD brand, as well as our new SHIELD protective board. We look forward to introducing exciting new product additions to our expanding customer base here in Ireland.” September/October 2019

News & Products

2019 dIgITAL TOwN INITIATIvE IE Domain Registry have launched their 2019 Digital Town initiative to combat low rates of e-commerce and digital uptake in Irish towns. Sligo has been selected as this year’s Digital Town. Pioneered and led by IE Domain Registry, the Digital Town initiative seeks to highlight the economic, social and cultural benefits of the internet to towns across the country, and to ensure SMEs and local economies are realising the full potential of digital technology, particularly e-commerce. Sligo has been chosen for its achievements in cultivating a truly digital environment in the town, and for its ongoing success in fully embracing digital for its residents and local businesses. IE Domain Registry believes that in showcasing Sligo’s efforts, it can inspire other Irish towns to begin their journey to becoming fully digital. Gorey was chosen as Ireland’s Digital Town 2018. Bringing local towns online Findings from IE Domain Registry’s SME Digital Health Index 2018 - research conducted among 1,000 SMEs - show that Irish SMEs are not maximising their full e-commerce potential. Ireland’s e-commerce economy is worth ¤12.3 billion, but just 3 in 10 SMEs (30%) can take sales orders, and even fewer can actually

process payments for transactions through their website (26%). Almost two-thirds (61%) of SMEs do not promote their services online and just 1 in 10 SMEs have taken part in a digital skills training or business funding programme. In 2018, there were approximately 254,929 SMEs and microbusinesses in Ireland, accounting for 99.8% of total enterprises.1 IE Domain Registry research shows that each of these businesses stand to lose up to ¤25,761 a year on average if they do not have a website. Digital technology can bring benefits to all sections of a town: businesses, community groups, and citizens. It can transform the delivery of public services, making it possible to do more with the same available resources, and enhance workplace productivity, allowing employees to work remotely from anywhere. From a social perspective, connecting people through digital technology fosters a sense of community and positivity. Research shows that 78% feel more connected and 80% feel happier when using digital technology.2 1

Source: SBA Fact Sheet 2017


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September/October 2019


News & Products

HEAT MERCHANTs LOw CARbON PLEdgE In 2018, Heat Merchants Group together with 46 other companies signed up to the Business in the Community Ireland Low Carbon Pledge. On the 12th June 2019 the first Low Carbon report was launched recording progress and confirmed that the group is on track with the Low Carbon Pledge’s commitment to reduce direct carbon emissions. The report reveals that the 47 Pledge signatory companies have seen an overall emission reduction of 42% between the Baseline Period and 2018 marking significant progress towards achieving a 50% decrease in carbon intensity by 2030. As a signatory to the Low Carbon Pledge Heat Merchants Group have reported the actions they are taking to transition to a Low Carbon Economy: 1. In December, they installed a 470 panel Solar photovoltaic system on the roof of their business support offices and central warehouse in Athlone, which will generate up to 150kWp of renewable power, and reduce consumption from the grid by circa 120,000 kWh per annum preventing approximately 80,000kg of harmful carbon dioxide from being released to the environment each year.

2. They replaced all light fittings in their 45 locations nationwide with energy efficient LED lighting. This will achieve savings of approximately 667,000 kWh per annum or 447,000kg of carbon dioxide. 3. Over the coming months they will replace four diesel fork lifts with four new electric Jungheinrich fork lifts in their warehouse, which will utilise the majority of the approximately 3.75Mwh of surplus power which ÃÊVÕÀÀi Ì ÞÊLi }Ê}i iÀ>Ìi`ÊLÞÊÌ iÊ- >ÀÊ*6ÊÃÞÃÌi Ê and as a result will deliver an estimated CO2 savings of 67,480kg per annum. 4. In August they will install electric vehicle chargers at their business support office in Athlone and in 2020 will begin to introduce electric cars into their fleet and install electric vehicle charge points at their branches, with the intention to change all cars in their fleet to electric vehicles over the next four years. Alan Hogan, MD of Heat Merchants Group said ‘We are committed to doing our part to help Ireland transition to a low carbon economy and this is demonstrated by signing up to the Low Carbon Pledge and by the significant steps we are taking to reduce our environmental impact across our business network’.

bPFI PAYMENTs MONITOR FOR H2 2018 HAI attended the latest Banking and Payments Federation of Ireland (BPFI)’s Payments Monitor, which provides a comprehensive picture of the various means of payment (including card payments, digital banking and cash) executed across Ireland by consumers from all sectors. Here is a summary of the latest figures for H2 2018. Debit continues to drive strong growth in card usage, including contactless, with volume growth of 23.3% year-on-year. Credit card usage also grew by 10.5% in that same period. According to Richard Walsh, Head of Digital Payments and Strategy at BPFI “It is unusual for such acceleration of growth for such a traditional form of payment”. BPFI attributes this growth to the continued strong growth in contactless payments. Digital Banking (online and mobile) has grown by 12.6% year-on-year to 48.1 million transactions, with direct credit transactions growing by 8.1% and direct debit growing by 3.9%. Mobile banking has also grown considerably, with some 59% of digital payments being made through mobile banking, but with 93% smartphone penetration in Ireland, 16

not much more growth is expected of the medium. As for Irish enterprises 31% have an online sales channel, the second highest in the EU, and the percentage of total sales transacted through online (35%) is the highest in the EU. However, the BPFI acknowledges that more support is needed for merchants. “There isn’t enough awareness that eCommerce is coming to all sectors” says Maurice Crowley, Director of Banking and Payments. Consumers’ love affair with cash continues with ¤19.9 billion withdrawn from ATMs in Ireland during 2018, according to figures from the Central Bank of Ireland. The volume of withdrawals in H2 2018 is almost flat at 2.4% year-on-year, however value of those transactions rose by 7% to ¤10.6 billion for the same period. Cheque usage continues to decline in late 2018 with volumes falling by 13.4% year-on-year. Less than 0.3% of credit transfer were initiated using paper forms in 2018, which indicates that consumers are moving on from traditional forms of payment.

September/October 2019

News & Products

sHORTLIsT FOR OCTAbuILd AwARds 2019 ANNOuNCEd The shortlist for the Octabuild Builders Merchant Excellence Awards 2019 has been announced with 16 builders merchants in contention for the three regional and five category awards. In addition, 13 staff members have been nominated for the first-time Rising Star Award. The Octabuild Awards, which have been acknowledging the best in the builders merchant trade for 35 years, have been revamped for 2019 with a renewed focus on excellence that reflects the modern builders merchant sector in terms of business management, customer service, sales & marketing, innovation, leadership, diversity, partnership and communication. In addition to the established National and Regional Awards, merchants are now competing for five individual award categories: Excellence in Business Management, Excellence in Sales & Marketing, Excellence in Customer Service, Excellence in Sustainable Business and Excellence in Community Outreach. A new Rising Star Award also allows builders merchants to acknowledge the up and coming talent in their business. Commenting on the quality of the entries, Chair of the Judging Panel, Liam O’Gorman, said: “Reviewing the submissions into the Octabuild Builders Merchant Excellence Awards 2019, it is clear

that the industry in which today’s builders merchants operate has evolved hugely and that merchants have led the way in embracing this changed landscape. More sophisticated business systems, an enhanced skill base and a keen focus on the environment, health & safety and assistance for the local community feature strongly across the country and is highly commendable.” Octabuild Chairman, Mark Filgate said: “It’s important for Octabuild that the Awards highlight to the building and construction industry the excellence of Irish builders merchants. We are delighted with the enthusiastic response to the new style awards this year where merchants from all over the country have put themselves and their teams forward to showcase what’s excellent in the industry.” The Awards presentations will be made on the evening of Thursday, 7th November in the Aviva Stadium in Dublin. All shortlisted merchants will be guests of Octabuild members - Dulux, Glennon Brothers, Gyproc, Instantor, Irish Cement, Kingspan Insulation, Tegral Building Products and Wavin at the Awards ceremony. The full shortlist is available at


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September/October 2019

23/08/2019 16:44


News & Products

INTACT INTROduCE EAsIER INTEgRATION Gary Brookshaw, Product Director, at Intact talks about what matters most to merchants in terms of ERP and business management software. Easier integration has become key. Business software providers were often a one-stop-shop but, with so many best-of-breed solutions out there, people are looking to leverage those where relevant.Such integration projects have historically been costly or not lived up to expectations. It’s for this reason that Intact Software have added extendable integration using the very latest RESTful API technology. It allows read or update access to any object in our Intact iQ system without any development effort. You can control the whole thing via a visual designer. This is a dream come true for developers who have traditionally struggled with integrating with ‘hard coded’ web service APIs. Streamlining the sales process, in particular at the trade counter, is always high on the agenda. But this isn’t just about fewer key strokes or mouse clicks. It’s about optimising the process and presenting relevant information only when necessary. This helps achieve better service levels and that’s a key differential that independent merchants strive to achieve. Rebates are a huge part of a merchant’s business but so

many of them are managing this outside of the system. The information is all there in your business software so if you can leverage this you can get key information like ‘net net cost’ where you need it (subject to permission!). Rebate tracking also means you can get timely reminders on rebate due, thresholds you are close to, etc. Customer terms are another key area. Gone are the days of high ticket prices with layers of terms to arrive at a customer’s price. The increase in web trading and blurring of lines between merchants and retailers has led to merchants needing a more competitive starting price. You’ll still need terms for some customers but simplification and flexibility of these to aid understanding and management is key. Linked to this is negotiation. Your customers will still want ‘their price’ so you have to negotiate but the trick here is to minimise and monitor this using some flexible rules. Minimum margin within a product group is unacceptable as products vary so much within that group. Inline overriding of margin exceptions by senior staff aids transaction flow here. 6 Ã ÌÊ to find out how Intact are empowering merchant businesses to operate at their best.

CARL kAMMERLINg sHINEs A sPOTLIgHT ON ITs ExCITINg NEw wINTER PROMOTION Carl Kammerling International launches its Spotlight Autumn/ Winter promotion, (2nd September - 31st December 2019), offering fantastic savings on products from - C.K, C.K Magma, C.K Classic, Avit and Kasp. This includes proven sellers, core items, plus 5 innovative new products and great value packs – with minimum qualifying order and no minimum number of lines. Spotlight offers retailers a superb incremental profit opportunity on over 180 products, with discounts up to 44% at no minimum order quantity. Ordering is quick and easy with a trade price list containing details of all products.

Innovative New Products: UÊ /{Èx ÊqÊ£ÓÊ« iViÊ ÕÀi`Ê3/8” Sure Drive Socket & -«> iÀÊ-iÌÊ Ê À}i`Ê À iÊ6> >` Õ Ê-Ìii Êv ÀÊÃÌÀi }Ì Ê and durability - colour coded for easy tool selection. UÊ /{ÈxnÊqÊ£ÇÊ« iViÊ ÕÀi`Ê¥»Ê-ÕÀiÊ À ÛiÊ- V iÌÊ-iÌ]Ê colour coded; high torque 12 point sure drive sockets. UÊ /{Î{È £Ó-/ÊqÊ ÕÀÊ `i`Ê L >Ì Ê-«> iÀÊ-iÌÊ vÊ 12. UÊ x xäänÊqÊ*Ài Õ Ê ÌÊ*À ÊqÊÕ Ì >ÌiÊÌ L>}]Ê«>V i`ÊÜ Ì Ê innovation: Slim Glow Screwdrivers Set and Armourslice SWA Cable Stripper – 15 piece set only ¤ÎänÊ­iÝ 6 /®° UÊ / Ç£x,ÊqÊ ° Ê£x7Ê,iV >À}i>L iÊ `Ê } ÌÊÜ Ì ÊV > «Ê mechanism / 360° swivel head – only ¤{Ó°ÓÇÊ­iÝ 6 /®°


Fantastic Value Packs: UÊ } ÌÞÊ, `Ê*,"Ê-Õ«iÀÊ-iÌÊ£Ó Ê³Ê , Ê Ü À Ê >L iÊ , ÕÌiÀÊ³Ê , Ê-« À>yiÝÊ Ê¤££äÊ­iÝ 6 /®°Ê UÊ } ÌÞÊ, `Ê*,"Ê-iÌÊ£ä ÊqÊ , Ê i>`Ê/ ÀV ° Great Counter Boxes: UÊ /À Ì ÊÝ ÃÊ ÃÕ >Ìi`Ê-VÀiÜ`À ÛiÀÃÆÊ ÕiÊ-Ìii Ê-VÀiÜ`À ÛiÀÊ ÌÃÊ> `Ê6> Ê V ÊE >ë° UÊ Ýi`Ê Õ ÌiÀL ÝÊ Ê ° Ê > `Ê/ ÀV iÃÊ> `Ê Ã«iVÌ Ê Lights. UÊ * «Õ >ÀÊ L VÕÌÌiÀÊÎÊ> `Ê L VÕÌÌiÀÊÎÊ >Ý° An excellent sell out package includes consumer brochures, counter mats and price stickers. The popular Retailer Reward Scheme is back! The more you spend the more you earn, rewarding customers with vouchers or FOC stock. 6 à ÌÊ or contact your local representative now.

September/October 2019

News & Products

gLENNON bROTHERs FINALIsTs IN TTJ AwARds Glennon Brothers are delighted to have been selected as finalists for two Timber Trade Journal (TTJ) Awards, The ‘Softwood Trader of the Year’ Award and ‘Smart Manufacturing’ Award. The ‘Softwood Trader of the Year’ Award, is one of the TTJ’s most coveted awards, open to companies across Ireland and the UK to nominate their choice of ‘Best in Class’ timber supplier. Customers were given the opportunity to use an online voting system, to vote from a range of timber suppliers within the entire industry. Glennon Brothers are the only home grown timber supplier to be nominated. The ‘Smart Manufacturing Award’ recognises companies in the UK or globally who have completed investment projects in machinery & technology that have led to a significant improvement in production efficiency in the timber trade industry. The award is open to all companies in the timber products supply chain, from sawmills and wood-based panel producers right down to components producers and furniture manufacturers, and Glennon Brothers are one of only three finalists selected. Glennon Brothers ‘Smart Manufacturing Award’ submission, detailed a £14 million biomass Combined Heat & Power (CHP) Plant project in their Troon facility in Scotland. Completed in 2018, the plant produces 2.5MW of electrical power, sufficient to supply the entire site, with surplus energy being exported to the

UK national grid. A new Progressive Kiln was also installed, that increased their timber drying capacity to 110,000m3 per annum. The state of the art low emission plant, uses renewables such as wood chip, buttchip and bark to generate heat to dry timber, replacing gas which was previously used, thereby conserving fossil fuels and reducing the carbon footprint. The use of renewables onsite, has also resulted in reducing road haulage by 50%, again helping the reduction of CO2 emissions. Mike Glennon stated: “This is the first time Glennon Brothers entered the TTJ Awards. We are delighted to be nominated for the ‘Softwood trader of the Year’ Award, as providing excellent customer support and reliability to our customers is key. It’s a great reflection of the hard work and effort everyone in Glennon Brothers puts in, as we strive to deliver high quality products and excellent customer service, from forest to front door.” Pat Glennon also stated; “Being nominated for the ‘Smart Manufacturing’ Award is a recognition of the focus we put on pushing the boundaries of innovation and quality of home grown timber, through the early adoption of new technology and state of the art equipment. The biomass Combined Heat & Power Plant (CHP) completed in the Troon facility is a great example of where we endeavour to improve our efficiency and product quality.”

wOOdIE’s dELIvER A bEsT IN CLAss E-COMMERCE ExPERIENCE Monsoon consulting partnered with Woodie’s to redesign and redevelop on the Magento Enterprise platform to deliver a best in class, multi-channel responsive ecommerce experience and brought their aspiration of content-driven commerce to life. Following an Agile software development methodology, Monsoon redesigned and redeveloped the ecommerce platform to deliver a truly content-driven ecommerce experience for the Woodie’s consumer: UÊ


>}i Ì Ê Õ Ì Ã ÌiÃÊ>ÀV ÌiVÌÕÀiÊÌ >ÌÊ ÃÊvÕ ÞÊyiÝ L iÊ> `Ê supports the addition of new stores, currencies, and countries >}i Ì Ê«À `ÕVÌÊ>ÌÌÀ LÕÌiÃÊÜ Ì ÊVÕÃÌ Ê «Ì ÃÊv ÀÊV ÕÀÊ swatches and hex colours to enhance the user experience and increase conversion *À `ÕVÌÊ >}iÃÊ> `ÊÛ `i Ê}Õ `ià " i «>}i]Ê i ÃÌi«ÊÀië à ÛiÊV iV ÕÌÊÌ Ê VÀi>ÃiÊ conversion rates *>Þ i ÌÊ}>ÌiÜ>ÞÊ Ìi}À>Ì ÊÜ Ì Ê`iviÀÀi`Ê«>Þ i ÌÃÊ through Sagepay

V Ê> `Ê iVÌÊÌ Ê> ÜÊvÀiiÊ ÃÌ ÀiÊ« V Õ«]Ê` ë >Þ }Ê> Ê store locations on Google maps, with information on real distance from customer billing address to store September/October 2019

6 `i `À Ûi ÊÃ> iÃÊi >L }Ê customers to purchase multiple products after watching a video, directly from the video page -Ì V Ê>Û> >L ÌÞÊV iV iÀÊ> Ü }Ê Woodie’s store staff to check stock in all brick-and-mortar stores «À Ûi`Ê-Ì ÀiÊ V>Ì À]Ê > }Ê it easy for customers to find their local Woodie’s store.

Since launched on Magento Enterprise, the new responsive website has transformed Woodie’s digital presence, allowing them to provide their extensive customer base with an engaging, omnichannel retail experience. “The guys at Monsoon Consulting got it right from the get-go; not only have we an ecommerce platform that is exceeding our expectations, but they are also helping us on a daily basis to optimise our operations, reporting and digital marketing.“ Brian O’Neill, Online Manager, Woodie’s Do you need help with your next e-commerce B2B project? Get in touch,]ʳÎxÎʭ䮣Ê{ÇxääÈÈ]Ê 19

Brexit Preparedness

brexit Preparedness soundings september 2019 In August and September HAI interviewed 15 hardware/décor shops and builders merchants along the border to assess their levels of preparedness for Brexit and its probable impact. Respondents were interviewed both face to face and by phone. Respondents details were confidential.

Profile of Business 1/2 What % of your customer base comes from Northern Ireland? £ä¯³




Less than 5%


Little or none

4 Source: 15 hardware/décor shops and builders merchants

Profile of Business 2/2 What % of your product range comes from UK(directly or via Buying Group)? Ó£¯³


11 to 20% Less than 10%

4 2 Source: 15 hardware/décor shops and builders merchants


September/October 2019

Brexit Preparedness Preparations for Brexit What preparations have you made for Brexit? Registered for EORI


Attended Seminars


Relying on Buying Group to sort Substitute Suppliers


In direct contact with suppliers


Extra storage/stockpiling


In contact with bank


None of above


Source: 15 hardware/décor shops and builders merchants

Likely Impact What impact do you think that Brexit will have? Don’t Know


Negative impact on local economy Positive impact on local economy

14 0

Extra costs/admin


Delays in Supply Possible opportunities

4 0

Put our expansion plans on hold Findings Context: Timing - most interviews were conducted against a backdrop of a no-deal becoming increasingly likely, with no backstop provision for Northern Ireland. U




Businesses along the border have always had to cope with issues and competitive pressures that are different to the rest of the country. Currency fluctuation, solid fuel duty differences and competing with businesses in the north who operate a very different economic model have been part of the ebb and flow. Many of these issues existed before Brexit but their impact will be exacerbated by Brexit, and in particular by a no deal crash out. The border is not homogenous. All respondents are located less than 20kms from the border. In some areas there is a history of cross border shopping patterns, in others this is much less the case. For 3 of the 15 respondents’ customers from NI account for more than 10% of their business, for 4 respondents they account for little or none. For most respondents UK-based suppliers account for more than 20% of their sales. September/October 2019


Source: 15 hardware/décor shops and builders merchants


There is a general belief that agriculture and businesses relying on agriculture will be most affected. Compounded by other factors such as the beef question farmers have already curtailed their spending.


In preparation for Brexit 13 respondents have registered for EORI. If representative of the sector as a whole this is well above other sectors. 9 have attended seminars. 8 are relying on their buying group to sort out suppliers and source substitutes if need be, 4 have been in direct contact with suppliers. 5 are stockpiling. And one respondent claims not to have made any preparations.


14 of the 15 interviewed believe that Brexit will have a negative impact on their local economies. No one thinks that the effect will be positive.


11 believe that it will increase costs and administration for businesses, while 4 believe that it will cause delays in supply.


5 of the 15 have put their expansion plans on hold.


No one sees a possible opportunity in Brexit.


Store Profile

Flying start for new Finglas Murdock’s Aoife Kinsella talks success with Barry Thornton and Gary Ryan from Murdock Builders Merchants at the recently opened Finglas store. Since its grand opening on July 15th, Murdock Builders Merchants’ newest branch in Finglas has been going from strength to strength. Such a successful start is down to a dream combination: convenient location on the busy St Margaret’s Road, a dedicated team, and impressive range and merchandising. Entering the store, I was struck by the large area dedicated to DIY, as well as the extensive product displays including Timber, Workwear and Hardware. The trade counter was bustling, with assistants attending to customers in person and by phone. Clearly, business is brisk and the friendly, efficient staff are well able to cope. Barry Thornton, Managing Director for the group’s ROI branches, and Branch Manager Gary Ryan gave me the grand tour and a bit of history. 24

Expanding into Dublin Murdock Builders Merchants is a well-established name in this sector. The original branch opened in Newry in 1982, followed in 2006 by the first Dublin-area store in Balbriggan. Finglas marks their fourth Dublin outlet, with stores also in Ballymount and Kilbarrack. Thornton reports that development plans for the Republic of Ireland are well underway. “My job is to lead our expansion into Dublin in the years to come; our new branch in Finglas is key to this growth. A Bray branch is due to open next year.”

More space to succeed As Branch Manager for both Finglas and Kilbarrack (opened late 2017) stores, Ryan divides his time between locations. September/October 2019

Store Profile

In the Finglas branch alone, his day-to-day activities include greeting customers, liaising with suppliers and supporting 14 full-time staff. Based on his experience managing two premises, Ryan is upbeat about the results to date. “Finglas has been a great success since we opened, and last year Kilbarrack expanded to include a large range of specialist civils products that service the entire Dublin region.” The Finglas site spans over an acre. Its warehouse alone covers 1500 square metres. To double the yard area, Murdock’s acquired land from the adjacent Manhattan Peanuts plant. “If we had not made more space, it would have been very difficult to manage operationally”, explains Ryan.

An exceptional team The Finglas team consists of experienced employees relocating from the Kilbarrack and Balbriggan stores, as well as from local competitors. In just a few weeks the staff have settled into their new surroundings and already made a lasting impression on management. High praise from Ryan: “We are delighted with the team as they are very experienced and already there is a fantastic spirit”.

As a group, Murdock Builders Merchants employ 450 in Ireland, 80 within the Dublin area. Murdock’s takes real pride in rewarding the hard work and commitment of their people, Thornton tells me. “Despite our size we remain a family business and have a very loyal staff, many long-serving. We have an annual lunch to recognise those with 20 and 30 years’ service; every year there’s more at it.” Gary Ryan is among these veteran employees, having started in 1986. When it comes to recruitment, Thornton emphasises that good customer service is a primary focus and a soughtafter quality in all their staff. “We look for people who enjoy customer interaction, regardless of the job they are applying for. As we always say, everyone in Murdock’s is part of the customer service team.”

Location location location While both trade and DIY customers are welcome, trade customers provide the lion’s share of Murdock’s business. However, due to its busy location near Lidl and Aldi, Thornton and Ryan expect DIY business to thrive in the Finglas branch. The McKee Avenue location was a major factor in the decision-making and planning process. According to Ryan, “We are only five minutes from the M50 which is great. Many of our customers who use the M50 to get to their jobs are taking advantage; calling in early to get whatever they need for the day”.

Customer-centred store layout To accommodate increased activity in the DIY market, space allocation has been adapted. “The store layout is similar to other Murdock’s branches, but our shop has dedicated more space than normal which has been well received by customers”, explains Ryan. As well as selling standard building materials and timber, Finglas also focuses on more specialist materials such as roof trusses, bespoke machined timber and civils products. Ryan notes, “They are performing very well for us as we continue to build our reputation as specialists in these products in Dublin”.

Added buying power

Gary Ryan, Branch Manager and Barry Thornton, Managing Director ROI Branches. September/October 2019

Asked about the branch’s affiliation with the Murdock Group’s wider network, Ryan couldn’t be more complimentary. “Being part of the Murdock Group is great. Murdock’s are one of the largest independent chains of Builders Merchants on the island of Ireland which gives us great scale.” Thornton then detailed how being part of Fortis, the UK’s leading independent merchant buying group, gives Murdock Group additional buying power and position in the sector, “and the ability to source specialist products for our customers”. “We also work closely with our sister timber companies that import timber, manufacture roof trusses and bespoke machined timber.” 25

Store Profile

Giving back to the community Only a few months up and running, yet the Finglas branch already feels like a thriving part of the community, thanks to its dedicated team, loyal customers and commitment to the Group’s ethos of local community support and involvement. “Here in Finglas we’re sponsoring the McKelvey Football Club,” says Ryan. “And, as a Group, we are committed to giving back to the communities that have supported all our branches over the years.”

Confident about the future When it comes to surviving uncertain times ahead, Ryan and Thornton stressed the importance of customer service. “Looking after our customers is vital to survival in this business,” Ryan affirms. “Our customers are very loyal to us because of this service.”


The recession acted as a stark reminder of the importance of customer engagement and loyalty, motivating Murdock’s to enlarge their range to include more specialist products. The looming Brexit verdict will present more unknown possibilities. But Thornton remains optimistic. “Obviously, like everyone else, we hope there will not be a No-deal Brexit in October. However, given the scale of our group, we know that we will adapt to whatever the eventual outcome is and continue to give our customers top class service.” Indeed the future is looking bright for both the Finglas store and Murdock Group, with expected growth in the construction trade and a loyal and expanding customer base.

September/October 2019


Old Qual-Pex

Uncoils straight

lays flat

Uncoils with a twist

Does not lay flat


Supplier Profile

Pipelife - Pipes for Life In the latest Supplier Profile Aoife Kinsella talks to Padjoe Barry, National Sales Manager at Pipelife, to explore how the organisation’s history of innovation has made it a leading manufacturer and provider of plastic piping and extrusion systems. Formerly Quality Plastics (QPL), Pipelife was established in 1970 and since then it has been committed to producing quality plastic goods for the construction, agriculture and plumbing sectors. Specialising in the extrusion of polyethylene (PE) pipes, Pipelife offers industry leading products for the heating & plumbing, water pressure, electricity, cable ducting, gas and agricultural sectors. Pipelife Ireland Ltd is part of the Pipelife Group which is one of Europe’s leading producers of plastic pipe systems. The group employs almost 3,000 people in 29 manufacturing facilities in 28 countries, including 60 employees in their Irish plant based in Cork (with plans to grow the workforce to 70). Pipelife has grown to become a key supplier of innovative products in the plumbing, water, gas, energy & power distributions, telecommunications, and industrial applications sectors. Drawing on almost 50 years of manufacturing experience from their production plant in Cork, Pipelife has been to the forefront in developing innovative products and has been an industry leader for many years. “Quality and innovation continue to be the terms that define our philosophy, and this is reflected in the range of products and systems that we manufacture to this day”, explained Padjoe Barry.

New Innovations As well as being a leading-edge manufacturer (ISO 9001 2015) of pipe for the Plumbing and Heating industry, Pipelife has developed a true expertise in the design of heating systems to >Ý âiÊÌ iÊ« Ìi Ì > Ê vÊÌ i ÀÊ iÜÊ+Õ> * 8Ê* Õóʼ >ÃÞ >Þ½Ê Pipe. Many systems are straight-forward and are simply adapted from traditional metal pipe plumbing systems, but new methods of heating buildings are now being opened up with the use of


thermoplastic pipe in applications such as wall heating, ceiling heating and particularly Underfloor Heating. Pipelife attributes a lot of their success to their dedicated team including their Renewables Department and Sales Technical Support teams. “The experience and expertise of our Renewables Department coupled with the security of our design indemnity insurance, top quality materials, and comprehensive before and after sales technical support ensures that we continue to offer an industry leading service in this growing segment of the residential and commercial market”, added Barry.

Key Milestones The manufacturer has celebrated several key milestones in its history, including: U The first PEX pipe in the world to gain BS 7291 certification in the UK. U The first PEX-B pipe in the world to gain drinking water certification for the Scandinavian market. U The exporting of PEX pipe to more than 30 countries worldwide. U The first gas pipe in the world to gain the new BS PL2 certification in the UK.

Pipelife Know-How “First and foremost, Pipelife is committed to designing bespoke energy efficient heating and domestic hot water systems that perform. But what sets us apart is the way we work with our customers”, explained Barry. Pipelife’s customers are supported by their experienced customer service team and specialist service engineers. Their September/October 2019

Supplier Profile

in-house designers work with homeowners, contractors, architects & consulting engineers across the country in projects ranging from residential homes, hospitals and nursing homes to warehouses and car showrooms.

Supporting Irish Jobs vÌiÀÊxä³ÊÞi>ÀÃÊ vÊ Û>Ì Ê> `Ê«À `ÕVÌÊ`ià } Ê* «i viÊ >ÃÊ developed a wide range of products that can be implemented into any project whether it’s commercial or residential, V Õ` }ÊÌ i ÀÊ iÜÊ+Õ> *iÝÊ* Õóʺ >ÃÞ >Þ»Ê* «i]ÊÜ V Ê is manufactured to the most stringent standards allowing customers to install with confidence, and comes with a 50-year guarantee, which is vital when the pipe is being buried within the floor structure for the lifetime of the building. / i ÀÊ+Õ> *iÝÊ* Õóʼ >ÃÞ >Þ½Ê* «iÊÀ> }iÊ ÃÊ£ää¯Ê À Ã Ê >`i]Ê something which the company prides itself on in supporting Irish jobs.

Brand Awareness Before Timmy Mullins joined Pipelife as its Marketing Executive two years ago social media and online presence wasn’t a key focus, however since then they’ve grown an active presence on Facebook, Instagram and Linkedin. For Facebook and Instagram they use a mix of industry/product information along with some more light hearted posts to build brand awareness and engagement. For LinkedIn however they concentrate on more relevant product information while reaching out to corporate contacts and potential buyers.

Challenges With their UK presence, including an office and a warehouse there is a concern about the possible fallout from Brexit after October 31st, particularly how it will impact pricing and

September/October 2019

transport. “Brexit will definitely have some impact in regard to items produced in the UK” explained Barry. Competition continues to be a fierce challenge for all those in the sector, including Pipelife. Despite these challenges the company remains optimistic about the future as they prepare to celebrate their 50th anniversary next year for which they have some “big plans” in place. Looking beyond 2020 Pipelife also has plans to expand their sales force by another five across commercial and technical roles.

Pipelife Renewable Training Centre To keep their merchant customers up to date with their product selection Pipelife Ireland now offers extensive product training at their new Renewable Training Centre in White’s Cross, Cork. The courses are free to attend and are led by members of their Technical Team who have a wealth of practical knowledge and installation practices, and feature a unique tour of the Pipelife manufacturing facility where visitors are given the opportunity to see first-hand where their products are designed and produced. The free courses are available to installers, service engineers, plumbers, merchants, architects, local authorities and BER Assessors. “By offering a valuable insight into each of our heating technologies, those who attend our courses are equipped with the best product knowledge and installation techniques, ensuring that our customers are fully satisfied.”, Barry commented. “We have always had a strong focus on providing a great service to all our customers and with the launch of our new Renewable Training Centre this will allow us to support them with hands-on product training and installation techniques. Along with the additional sales staff that we are adding to our team for 2019 these are truly exciting times for Pipelife.”


Global DIY Summit

More Insights from the global dIY summit In her second article reviewing key insights from the Global DIY Summit, Aoife Kinsella looks at the revelations around Digitalisation and how retailers can prepare their teams for the digital transformation of their business. Day One of the DIY Summit took an indepth look into the world of Digitalisation and how to adapt to “the Era of Disruption” and included striking demonstrations on the power of emerging technologies like augmented reality (AR) and Artificial Intelligence (AI).

adapting to the behaviours of digitally native consumers, including a humorous example from China, where they have installed “phone-user” walking lanes on their public paths, similar to cycle lanes! This might seem like an extreme example, but Rademaker used it as a stark reminder to retailers in the delegation that with the changing face of consumer behaviour the world is changing around it.

Customer Centricity In her presentation on Extreme Customer Centricity Nancy Rademaker from Nexxworks reminded delegates that “digital is no longer a novelty, it’s a reality”. Survival in this digital era is the new normal for businesses, with 76% of executives predicting significant industry disruption in the next three years. It’s not just how businesses are run that has been changed by technology, human nature has significantly changed. Rademaker demonstrated how the world around us has slowly begun


September/October 2019

Global DIY Summit

The 5 I’s of Human Nature Rademaker explained the five key characteristics of human nature: Informed – Individuals and groups are now more informed than ever before and the age at which people are informed is younger than ever. This has led to an influx of information and a stress of choice, so we should concentrate on making things simple for consumers. Individualistic – Individuals are now in charge of, and create, their own universes in which they are in the centre. The customer is more empowered than ever before and is even creating “multiple-me’s” which makes it a lot harder for companies to accommodate to their customers’ needs. Impatient – As a society we have become more impatient and our attention span has decreased dramatically. It is important to never steal time from customers. Influenced – 75% of consumers no longer believe companies tell the truth in their ads, while 78% trust peer recommendations. Traditional mass media campaigns are losing impact as the power of social media and influencers continues to grow. Intuitive – Individuals are now more emotional, and less rational. We are being presented with too much information which results in us reverting to our intuition. Customer Experience In the battle for the customer, Customer Experience (CX) comes first. Rademaker explained that “a customer’s perception of his interaction with any part of an organisation influences behaviour and builds memories”. A customercentric strategy is the only way to achieve this. “Don’t start with the product, start with the customer”, Rademaker advised. CX Pays Concluding her presentation on customer-centricity Rademaker revealed that this strategy can have lasting, positive effects on an organisation, by pointing out that a low-effort experience in their purchasing journey will result in 91% of customers continuing their relationship with your business. In addition to that, retailers have seen a 21% increase in revenue year-onyear from a moderate increase in customer experience. (You can read more about CX in Susannah Hewson`s second article later in this publication). Preparing your Team to Embrace Digital Transformation The final topic of Day One at the DIY Summit was how businesses can bring their team onboard with digital change. The first speaker of this topic, Elena Ritchie, Head of Retail at Google, pointed out that 75% of leaders state that the biggest challenge for digitalisation, is within their organisation, and 54% of those internal challenges are related to company culture.

September/October 2019

Effective leadership is key to changing a company culture, and Ritchie listed the following attributes of a great manager: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

Are a good coach Empowers their team and does not micromanage Expresses interest/concern for team members’ success and personal well-being Productive and results-orientated Are good communicators - listen and distribute important information Support career development and discuss performance Have a clear vision and strategy for the team Have key technical skills to help advise the team

Culture of Innovation In order to facilitate this digital transformation organisations must transition to a Culture of Innovation. Greg Hicks from Foster, Hicks & Associates was the last speaker of the day, and echoed Elena’s advice on building a Culture of Innovation, by sharing his steps to ‘Creating the Innovative Workplace Culture’. “The only way to survive is when the whole tribe survives”, said Hicks, pointing out how important it is for leaders to connect and relate to others in the business. Hicks offered the following steps, as part of his FosterHicks Model, to help business owners transition the workplace to a culture of innovation: 1.

Intention – Share your intention with the team. “Reveal the why behind the what”. 2. Accountability – It is important that individuals feel safe to be held accountable for something. Create a culture of accountability, not victimhood. 3. Identification – Let people shine in their own way and reward them for this. 4. Centrality – People should be made to feel central to the organisation and be allowed to shine. 5. Recasting – Occasionally when a large problem or barrier must be overcome, it is important to reset, take a step back and view the problem from another angle. 6. Options – People are much happier when they are provided options, and the worst thing for a company to do is remove these options as it creates a feeling of hopelessness. 7. Appreciation – Actively look for when people contribute and tell them right away that it was appreciated. This can build motivation and in turn innovation. 8. Giving – It is important to give generously without the expectation of return of this generosity. 9. Truth – Lying results in a physiological and psychological negative response in the body and should be avoided. 10. Self-reflection - It is important to see that what makes people happy is very individualised, one person’s happiness isn’t found or expressed in the same way as another’s. According to Hicks and his international study of happiness and innovation, these 10 key areas are the key to happiness. “This happiness, if present in the workforce, can lead to increased innovation, motivation and greater success for the organisation”, he explained.


The ROPO Effect

The ROPO (Research Online, Purchase Offline) Effect Steve Collinge from the Insight Retail Group looks at how DIY retail is changing thanks to more digitally savvy consumers. The consumer purchase process in Home Improvement is getting increasingly complicated. Before the internet came along and changed everything, the world of DIY retail was a very simple place. Consumers either had a home improvement related problem, a leaking tap, blocked sink or drafty window frame or we had been inspired to spend time improving our homes, gardens or maybe both. / iÊÀiÌ> iÀÊÌ ÕV « ÌÃÊÜiÀiÊ ÕÃÌÊ>ÊÀiVi ÌÊ/6Ê ÀÊ iÜë>«iÀÊ advert, a flyer received through the door or word of mouth from the neighbour who (in those days) we could be bothered to actually speak to. If consumers wanted to buy a home improvement or garden related product, they had only one option and that was to go along to a retail store and buy it. In those days, we would happily pop along to the nearest DIY store, buy what we needed, loving the experience of hunting through the packets of screws and widgets, excited to buy the very latest paint colour or lawnmower. We then drove home and wasted no time at all doing the job ourselves, because we actually knew what we were doing and we were very proud of what we’d achieved. How things have changed. Established DIY retailers have come and gone, new retailers have arrived and in a short period of time have become our preferred option. Our Dads have given up teaching us how to wallpaper or replace a light-bulb, because we’re so rubbish at it. More and more of us are renting, so home improvement is now limited to the purchase of a brand new cushion, a clock or a house plant and


millennials are so obsessed by living the ‘Insta’ dream, that the mere thought of having to do something mundane like buying Polyfilla and filling a hole, brings on a deep, dark depression. For those of us who are engaged in improving our homes and gardens, who believe a better life starts at home, who long for that emotional uplift you experience when walking into a freshly decorated room or the sense of satisfaction when you sit on your new garden furniture in the garden that you have cultivated, how do we purchase these days? Well, of course the retailer touch points have increased dramatically.

September/October 2019

The ROPO Effect

Consumer Touch Points It’s no longer the traditional ‘above the line’ forms of consumer communication, it’s now all about inspiration through social media channels including Instagram, Pinterest and Houzz, direct email marketing, surveys, YouTube help videos; basically any way possible for the retailer to use relevant, great content to get inside our heads and persuade us they’re one step ahead of the rest.

What is the ROPO Effect? So, let’s get back to the title of this article, what is the ROPO effect? Well, first of all it’s not that new. Wikipedia defines it as ‘a modern trend in buying behaviour where customers research relevant product information to qualify their buying decision, before they actually decide to buy their favourite product in the local store’. Industry research tells us that between 40% and 50% of consumers now research DIY products online before going into a store to buy them, but this differs hugely across the categories. The more functional, consumable or regularly purchased products, paint brushes, storage etc. are rarely researched online, as consumers know the stores will offer a broad range of these items, priced competitively. The higher ticket, one off purchases of products that consumers have limited knowledge of – power tools, security, lighting, garden furniture and BBQ’s etc. are researched far more online before a final decision is made.

whether they have in stock the product needed and of course, what the latest price or promotion is.

Bricks and Mortar Retailers It makes logical sense that once a consumer has started the purchase process online that he/she will probably end up buying online and in many retail categories, this is increasingly the case. However, in Home Improvement, the lack of knowledge and experience, means that even after extensive online research, they are not confident enough to make the final purchase and therefore they decide to visit a store to confirm that decision. The consumer may also prefer the advantages of the bricks and mortar retailers, including zero shipping costs, because they want the product there and then as they have limited time to complete the task, or because exchanges and refunds can be simpler and easier. However, as difficult as they are to identify and differentiate while researching online, consumers are just as difficult to actually recognise once in store. Is that customer visiting the store to simply research a product or to actually purchase it? With a mobile phone in every customers’ hand, it is impossible to know.

Key Principles for Retailer Success

When you step up again to big ticket, more complicated, project purchases such as kitchens and bathrooms, researching online takes on a whole new dimension. These projects can take anything from three to nine months to come to fruition and a very high percentage of consumers will research styles, ranges, installation services, promotional offers and finance deals at multiple times during the process. The supply of online design tools and price comparison websites such as encourage consumers to spend even more time researching and selecting their preferred look and feel. Ultimately this leads them to the retailers that they then choose to visit and buy from. ‘Researching online’ is of course a fairly broad term and can be just finding whether the local store is open on a Sunday, September/October 2019

Recognising that consumers are researching online some product categories more than others, in addition to visiting stores to confirm and complete their purchase, leads to a number of key principles for retailer success. The website should be mobile enabled and it should help consumers to find the product(s) they are searching for very quickly and very easily. Making the ‘Store Finder’ link obvious on every page of the website, as well as the contact us details is also really important, so customers can get the help they need or find the store to visit. The reality is that consumers are now researching and shopping for Home Improvement in a multitude of different ways and retailers need to be aware that the playing field has shifted. Just getting the right range, pricing strategy, promotional offer and service right in store, is now only half the battle. To have a chance of being considered by your potential customers, it is critical to be visible, accessible and competitive across every single touch point.


Golf Society

HAIgs CAPTAIN bRIAN wOgAN’s PRIZE Our first trip to the lovely Ardee Golf Course but not our last. As usual kindly sponsored by Irish Abrasives, guests were warmly welcomed by Captain Brian Wogan and the Management and Staff of the club on Friday 28th June. A lovely day’s golf was enhanced by a ladies programme for non-golfers, kindly organised by Brian’s wife Olive, which attracted record numbers of ladies on the day. 1st Prize Mens - Winner Laurence Kelly being congratulated by HAIGS Captain Brian Wogan.

2nd Prize - Paddy O’Leary receiving his prize from sponsor Jim Cuddy, Irish Abrasives.

3rd Prize - Jim Cuddy presenting Michael Kane with his prize.

Winner Class 1 - Eddie Kelly being presented with his prize by Jim Cuddy.

1st Prize Ladies – Ladies Winner Barbara O’Connell receiving her prize from Jim Cuddy.

REsuLTs OF gOLF sOCIETY HAIgs CAPTAIN bRIAN wOgAN’s PRIZE 28th June 2019 - Ardee golf Course sponsors - Irish Abrasives OVERALL First place Second place Third Place CLASS 1 First place Second place CLASS 2 First place Second place CLASS 3 First place Second place


Laurence Kelly Paddy O’Leary Michael Kane

Eddie Kelly Jim Cuddy

PJ Gunn Matt Jennings

38 points 37 points 36 points

33 points 33 points

35 points 34 points

handicap 26 handicap 24 handicap 28

handicap 14 BB9 handicap 12

handicap 17 handicap 18

Back 9 Front 9

Joe Wallace 18 points Michael O’Donohoe 18 points

LADIES First place Second place

Barbara O’Connell Sandra Barrett

33 points 29 points

VISITORS First place Second place

James Wallace William Wallace

38 points 37 points

PAST CAPTAIN`S PRIZE PJ Gunn 35 points Diarmuid McFeely 32 points Paddy Brady 32 points

handicap 29 BB9 handicap 25 September/October 2019

handicap 17

Golf Society

HAIgs PREsIdENT TOM gLANCY’s PRIZE There was a great turnout by members for HAIGS President Tom Glancy’s prize on Thursday 25th August, again kindly sponsored by Tucks O’Brien. It has been over 20 years since the Hardware Association Ireland Golf Society has played the Mullingar Golf Course but judging by the feedback of those who played on this occasion, it will be a regular venue on the schedule going forward. The course was in excellent condition with a great welcome received by all attending from the Mullingar Staff and Management. 1stÊ*À âiÊ i ÃÊ Ê7 iÀÊ6 Vi ÌÊ Þ > `ÊLi }Ê congratulated by HAIGS President Tom Glancy.

2nd Prize - Matt Jennings receiving his prize from sponsor Bob Boxwell, Tucks O’Brien.

3rd Prize - Bob Boxwell presenting Diarmuid McFeely with his prize.

Winner Class 1 - Hugh O’Donnell being presented with his prize by Bob Boxwell.

1st Prize Ladies – Ladies Winner Brianan Kingham receiving her prize from Tom Glancy.

REsuLTs OF gOLF sOCIETY HAIgs PREsIdENT TOM gLANCY’s PRIZE 25th August 2019 - Mullingar golf Club sponsors - Tucks O’brien OVERALL First placeÊ Second place Third Place CLASS 1 First place Second place CLASS 2 First place Second place

6 Vi ÌÊ Þ > `Ê ÎÇÊ« ÌÃÊ > ` V>«Ê£ÈÊBB9 Matt Jennings 37 points handicap 18 Diarmuid McFeely 36 points handicap 29

Hugh O`Donnell Sean Moran

Paddy O’Leary Brian Wogan

34 points 33 points

33 points 32 points

handicap 9 handicap 16

handicap 22 handicap 18

September/October 2019

CLASS 3 First place Second place

Michael Kane Laurence Kelly

34 points 34 points

Back 9 Front 9

Joe Wallace Paddy Brady

18 points 19 points

VISITORS First place

Paddy Molloy

handicap 28 BB9 handicap 26

LADIES PRIZES First place Brianan Kingham Second place Kathy Hyland Third Place Barbara O’Connell


New Members

HAI Is dELIgHTEd TO wELCOME ITs NEwEsT MEMbERs AIRPACKS Limited T/as KORE Insulation The Green House, Kilnaleck, Co. Cavan Ph: 049 4336998 Contact: Steven Magee Business: Insulation Manufacturer

Homestore Unit 2G, The Anchorage, Bettystown, Co. Meath Ph: 087 2452351 Contact: Ollie O’Sullivan Business: Hardware/DIY shop

Quinn Farm and Building Supplies Limited Station road, Kiltimagh, Co. Mayo Ph: 094 9381628 Contact: James Quinn Business: Hardware and Agri Supplies

Hoeys DIY Station Road, CastleBellingham, Dundalk, Co. Louth Ph: 042 9372380 Contact: Stephen Hoey Business: Hardware/DIY/Homewares/ Garden

PW Shaw and Co Limited 36 Pearse Street, Mullingar, Co. Westmeath Ph: 044 9348357 Contact: Nicholas Shaw Business: Hardware/DIY/Homewares/ Garden

Maroma Hardware & Agri T/as Byrnes Hardware & Agri Unit 8, Ryland Business Park, Y21H2XO Bunclody, Co Wexford Ph: 053 9377956 Contact: Matthew Byrne Business: Hardware/DIY/Builders Merchant

Templeogue Décor 293 Templeogue Road, Templeogue, Dublin Ph: 01 4909831 Contact:Ê-Ìi« i Ê6> Ê Business: Paint and Interiors Retailer

WM McLoughlins Hardware Banba Square, Nenagh, Co. Tipperary Ph: 067 32698 Contact: Celine McLoughlin Business: Hardware/DIY/Homewares/ Garden

Cavan Plumbing Unit 2, Corlurgan Business Park, Ballinagh Road, Co. Cavan Ph: 049 4360055 Contact: Gerry McPhillips Business: Plumbers Merchant

Albany Home Decor Nenagh Summerhill, Nenagh, Co. Tipperary Ph: 066 31527 Contact: John Kennedy Business: Paint Specialist (Retailer)

Patrick Mitchell & Co Ltd Riverview Commercial Park, Cloncollig, Tullamore, Co. Offaly Ph: 057 9351777 Contact: Gabriel Keeley Business: Hardware/DIY/Tools PJ Nestor (Belcarra) Limited Belcarra, Co. Mayo Ph: 094 9032054 Contact: Tom Nestor Business: Plumbers Merchant

Membership built for you How can HAI Membership help you?

merchant, supplier or manufacturing business thriving. Protecting You: - Employment Law & HR - Health & Safety - Hardware retail & builders merchant insurance

Moving You Forward: - Trade Journal - Trade Show and Conference - Study Tours - E-learning and online training resource - Sector specific classroom training - Industry specific recruitment solution and job board website - Industry specific online retailing advice - Hardware retail and builders merchant management development - Supplier B2B sales management training - Business Index of net retail sales

Become a member To become a HAIamember and to avail of any of the above Become member

services visit or call on 01 298 0969 To become a HAI member and to avail of any of the above services visit or call on 01 298 0969 36

September/October 2019

Building Materials & Supplies


Building Materials & Supplies

e g a s s e m A ditor E e h t from

Hello and welcome to The Building Materials and Supplies Supplement 2019, designed to give you information and provide inspiration in the weeks and months ahead. We felt it only prudent and necessary to include several articles on the possible implications of Brexit, be it hard or soft! The Department of Housing, Planning and Local Government have provided an Information Leaflet which aims to explain what will potentially change in relation to the supply of construction products in the event of a ‘no deal’ Brexit. It contains the key messages for, and steps to be taken by, economic operators (manufacturers, importers, distributors and authorised representatives), and end users (builders, specifiers, certifiers). The National Standards Authority of Ireland ( NSAI ) outline the issues that could impact on the certification of building material products in relation to the Construction Product Regulations ( CPR ) where the products are currently certified by a UK notified body, that will cease to be recognised as an EU notified body in the event of a hard Brexit . Revenue have addressed the possible requirements for customs declarations from 31st October if the UK becomes a third country. From registering for an Economic Operations Registration Identification (EORI) number to key actions regarding your unique business model including setting up a customs account to pay import charges. It`s not all doom and gloom however! Life and trade will go on and with innovative companies like those in the following pages there is plenty of scope for optimism. For example, Sanbra Fyffe introduce their new Instantor copper press fittings, WRAS approved and available nationwide. The Dulux Ireland Trade team are offering superior quality products, service and expertise with a strategic focus on your trade customers, contractors and specifiers to get the job done right every time. Irish Cement introduce their new “How - To “website which has already proven to be a big hit with customers and retail /trade counter professionals alike. The easy to follow animated videos provide all your customers need to know about mixing bagged cement and calculating the quantities of materials required for most general purpose concrete projects. Gyproc are extolling the many virtues of their new lightweight one coat plaster that is easier to spread and less physically demanding to apply. This leads to a greater speed of use, reduced working time and improved performance. Bostik remind us of their 200 years of experience in supplying


building chemicals to the construction industry. Constantly refined and developed to ensure ease of use and optimum results. Their range is comprehensive and manufactured to the highest quality standards. Tegral Building Products are proudly announcing their new charity partnership with Focus Ireland. The charity is at the forefront of challenging homelessness and changing lives in Ireland. Tegral say that “Everyone deserves a roof over their head, and at Tegral, putting roofs over heads is what we do. So, the issue of homelessness in Ireland is one that is very close to our hearts. We are, therefore, thrilled to partner with Focus Ireland”. Heating technology manufacturer Grant talk about continuing to lead Ireland’s plumbing and heating industry with its highly efficient and reliable heating solutions, all of which are designed to the highest quality and feature within the company’s popular Multiple Package Solutions offering. Suitable for those undertaking a new build project, the free of charge offering brings an innovative and hassle-free approach to the identification of a property’s heating needs. Keypoint are bringing the Klingspor Diamond product range to the Irish market. Building on an over 40-year reputation for top quality and reliable products the Diamond Range offers builders merchants and hardware stores a quality branded product at competitive prices. Irish International Trading Corporation (IITC) are offering an exclusive range of new EU compliant Youngman ladders. The range includes Stepladders, 2+3-part Aluminium Ladders, Extension and Platform ladders and a large range of Accessories to help your customers work safely and efficiently. OHRA , as one of the leading manufacturers of storage equipment in Europe are bringing their 40 years of experience to the attention of all those in the sector looking for a broad range of storage equipment, starting from small racking systems up to a full automatic warehouse operation, including storage and retrieval machines and warehouse software. We finish the supplement with some interesting construction industry volume and value statistics from various sectors from Construction Information Services. We hope you enjoy reading this dedicated supplement and that you use the information and advice to steer you through the always challenging trading period ahead. Jim Copeland

September/October 2019

NEW from Sanbra Fyffe

The Makers of Instantor


T 01 842 6255


Sanbra Fyffe Ltd Instantor Works, Santry Avenue, Santry, Dublin D09 K160

Building Materials & Supplies

Dulux: Trade Specialists Choosing the correct paint products is an important part of the job regardless of the project size. From the smallest space to the largest project, Dulux Paints Ireland offers superior quality products, service and expertise to get the job done right. With a strategic focus on contractors and specifiers in Ireland, the Dulux Ireland Trade Team provides the specification information and expert knowledge your trade customers may require to deliver projects right the first time. Dulux products are specially engineered to give a technically superior performance, allowing professionals to use their skill to get fantastic end results. The Dulux Trade product range provides a comprehensive range of everyday and specialist paint finishes that professionals can always rely on. The Diamond Range from Dulux Trade will help professionals make their great work last even longer. Diamond Matt offers unrivalled durability in a classic matt finish. Ten times tougher than Vinyl Matt, its innovative technology protects walls from scrubs, scuffs and stains, keeping busy spaces looking good for longer. Delivering a mid sheen finish, Diamond Eggshell offers an unrivalled durability and stain resistance which is especially useful in spaces with high moisture such as kitchens and bathrooms. This year Dulux Trade launched Diamond Satinwood, a unique water-based product with exciting new technology from the experts at Dulux. The secret to Dulux Trade Diamond Satinwood is an exclusive Cross Linking Technology involving a unique form of latex that binds and links the paint as it dries. Suitable for wood and metal surfaces, its extra tough & durable satin finish provides excellent protection from scratches, stains, grease marks and day-to-day knocks. New Diamond Satinwood is designed to be used in high traffic areas, such as corridors, stairways and access areas, while having the added benefit of being quick drying with low odour. With a professional aesthetics finish and non-yellowing waterbased technology, it has never been so easy to switch to water based paints. With the launch of Dulux Trade Diamond


Satinwood, the Dulux Trade Diamond range now gives you a total range of premium, diamond tough finishes for walls, ceilings and woodwork. Armstead Trade, a Dulux Paints brand, is the smart choice for professionals to deliver the results clients demand even when time and budgets are tight. Armstead provides the perfect balance between price and quality, offers a full product and colour range suitable for small and large domestic painting projects and is supported by investment in innovation. Developed specifically to meet the needs of the Irish professional, the new Armstead White Base formula launched in the market in June this year. The new formula, which can be used as either a white matt or a pastel base for light colours, delivers a smooth finish with glide on application and is first rate for cut-in and touch-up. With excellent coverage and opacity, it is the perfect product for both new build and redecoration projects. The Sikkens range of professional premium woodstain systems has been specially formulated to protect and enhance the inherent beauty of wood by allowing natural features to show through an exceptionally translucent finish. With outstanding durability and an excellent finish, the Sikkens Cetol range is the first choice in woodcare coatings for the professional. With a comprehensive range of products, with Dulux Paints you’ll find the right finish for every type of project from minor fit-out to complete commercial refurbishment, retail sites to healthcare, education to social housing. For further information on Dulux Products and how they can support you, please contact the Dulux Technical Advice Centre on 021 422 0222.

September/October 2019

DIAMOND IS A DECORATOR’S BEST FRIEND Designed for superior durability, the Dulux Trade Diamond paint range will keep high traffic interiors looking stylish for longer, withstanding knocks and scuffs.

Attractive by name and tough by nature, this high performance paint brings class to home decorating with finishes available in trendsetting shades like Spiced Honey, Colour of the Year 2019.


Colour of the Year 20

Spiced Honey

AkzoNobel, the AkzoNobel logo, the flourish logo, Dulux Trade, Diamond Technology are trademarks of the AkzoNobel Group. Š AkzoNobel 2018.

Building Materials & Supplies

Irish Cement Launch new how-to website Irish Cement’s new dedicated website which was launched in May has proven to be very popular with bagged cement customers. The site includes three short animated videos that provide easy to follow, step by step guidance and tips for general purpose concrete projects. The first video sets out what your customers should consider when planning a small-scale concrete project, such as a path or patio. Videos two and three give more detail on how to mix concrete using either a shovel (video 2) or a tumble mixer (video 3), depending on the scale of the project.

Irish Cement’s ‘concrete calculator’ is a big hit! The site also includes a handy ‘concrete calculator’ which has been a very popular feature. When Irish Cement reviewed the traffic to the site they found that the ‘concrete calculator’ page had over half of the ‘hits’. The calculator allows the customer or retail/trade counter staff to enter the project dimensions (length by width by depth), to calculate the approximate quantities of cement, sand and gravel required. Ray Molyneaux, Irish Cement Sales & Marketing Director said, ‘We always knew the calculator would be a popular feature but we were a little surprised to see that over half of the users of the site in the first few months used the calculator’. ‘We regularly get enquires from the public about mix ratios and how many bags of cement they need for particular projects’. Based on the success of the site so far, Irish Cement are planning to extend the content and include other ‘how to’ videos in the future. ‘Since we launched the site we have received lots of feedback and suggestions for other videos that our customers would like to see added to the site’, said Ray.






Ray Molyneaux, Sales & Marketing Director Irish Cement.

September/October 2019


Scan here

Building Materials & Supplies

Gyproc OneCoat Plaster Gyproc has launched a new lightweight, one coat plaster which can be used on most masonry backgrounds. The new Gyproc OneCoat plaster is a gypsum based lightweight plaster that’s easier to spread and less physically demanding than other systems leading to greater speed of use, reduced working time and improving performance on site. Gyproc OneCoat also provides a high quality, durable finish with a single application, saving time and labour costs whilst improving the quality of indoor air by removing formaldehyde from the air. When applied to masonry walls Gyproc OneCoat can provide a significant contribution to the overall airtightness performance strategy of a building. Test results undertaken in a INAB accredited laboratory demonstrated that the application of 10mm Gyproc OneCoat over 100mm Irish manufactured concrete blocks, laid on edge, offered an air permeability performance of 0.028m3/h.m2 (50pa). As an added benefit, the Activ’Air technology removes formaldehyde from the indoor air improving the air and climate in your customer’s home. Gyproc OneCoat plaster is applied directly to blockwork and built out to a depth of 13mm for Party Walls to meet Building Regulations (OR 10mm for non-performance walls) and finished like a normal finish plaster. When mixing Gyproc OneCoat, for optimum results, hand mixing should be carried out with an 1800watt mechanical drill. For machine application, Gyproc OneCoat plaster works well with most electrical spraying machines. The plaster should be applied in an even manner and can be built out to a depth of 13mm. If required, Gyproc OneCoat can be built out to a maximum depth of 25mm (for more details please see Product Data Sheet at This new one coat plaster speeds up the plastering process – no need to wait for a Sand & Cement undercoat to dry/set before applying a finish coat. Gyproc OneCoat is a single plaster application, and with a 4 - 5 hour setting time, you can have your walls finished in 1 day.


September/October 2019

Building Materials & Supplies

Bostik has your Building Chemicals covered Bostik builds on over 200 years of experience supplying building chemicals to the construction industry. The building chemicals range has been constantly refined and developed, to ensure that Bostik offers the best products, designed for ease of use and optimum results. Bostik Cementone Colours for Cement are specially formulated to colour cement, concrete, renders, mortars and screeds. They use pigments that conform to EN 12878:2005, are suitable for interior and exterior use and are intermixable to give a wide range of shades. Bostik Cementone is lightfast, lime resistant and disperses easily into the dry mix. It will not affect the strength of the finished mixture. Bostik Cementone PVA building adhesive, primer, admixture & sealer is ready to use and is suitable for a wide range of building jobs. It is not only an excellent adhesive, but also a highly effective primer, admixture, bonding agent and dust proofer. It is economical to use and suitable for interior use and dry service conditions. Bostik Mortar Plasticiser allows for smooth easy to work mortar. It improves the workability of mortars without the addition of lime. It helps remove grittiness to provide a smooth mortar with improved adhesion. It also reduces the water content of the mortar. Bostik Integral Waterproofer is a concentrated chloride-free additive for cement. It is water repellent to reduce penetration, but also water retentive to aid curing and ensure maximum strength. It protects against wet and damp conditions, without inhibiting vapour transmission. The Bostik Building Chemicals range is comprehensive and manufactured to the highest quality standards. The products are practical, easy to use, effective and include - building adhesives, chemical admixtures, surface treatments that clean, restore and protect and cement colours. Bostik’s instantly recognisable brand is trusted by millions of professional users worldwide.


September/October 2019

The start of a perfect finish. Now you’re building. OUR INSTANTLY RECOGNISABLE BRANDS ARE HOUSEHOLD NAMES, TRUSTED BY PROFESSIONAL USERS AROUND THE WORLD. As one of the world’s leading manufacturers of adhesives and sealants, we employ more than 400 research chemists and technicians in 10 regional technology centres with the sole purpose of ensuring that our products meet the very highest standards of innovation, quality and performance. Bostik Industries Limited Newtown, Swords, Co. Dublin, Ireland Phone: +353 1 862 4900, Fax: +353 1 840 2186

Building Materials & Supplies

Tegral partner with Focus Ireland to support homelessness across Ireland Tegral are proud to announce a new charity partnership with Focus Ireland who are the forefront of challenging homelessness and changing lives in Ireland. Tegral Marketing Manager, Claire Kelly said, “Everyone deserves a roof over their head, and at Tegral, putting roofs over heads is what we do. So the issue of homelessness in Ireland is one that is very close to our hearts. We are, therefore, thrilled to partner with Focus Ireland”. Tegral’s first campaign to support Focus Ireland centres around their Cedral Sidings range. Through a variety of media, they are inviting users of Cedral sidings to share a photograph of their completed project on their own social media using the hashtag #MyCedralProjectIreland. For every project shared using the hashtag, they will


donate ¤10 to Focus Ireland. “No project is too big or too small, so whether you have used Cedral Sidings on your whole home, or your garden shed, we would love to see it” says Claire. “We have seen a wide variety of projects across the country already, including some stunning houses with a full Cedral façade, some homes where Cedral is used as a feature and even some beautiful garden sheds. We are looking forward to seeing some creativity too as users often feedback they use leftover boards in inventive ways such as to build bird houses and flower boxes”. This is the first of many initiatives from Tegral to generate awareness and support for Focus Ireland and the issue of homelessness across Ireland.

September/October 2019

Building Materials & Supplies

Grant drives exceptionally efficient property heating Heating technology manufacturer Grant is continuing to lead Ireland’s plumbing and heating industry with its highly efficient and reliable heating solutions, all of which are designed to the highest quality and feature within the company’s popular Multiple Package Solutions offering. Suitable for those undertaking a new build project, the free of charge offering brings an innovative and hassle-free approach to the identification of a property’s heating needs and combines the specialist knowledge of Grant’s Technical Team with its expanding product portfolio. Ensuring a fully-integrated heating system, Grant’s Multiple Package Solutions service designs, quotes and supplies all required heating products, specifying the property’s main heating source and suitable hot cylinders, right through to accompanying heat emitters including underfloor heating. Combining multiple technologies from its product range, Grant helps to ensure that maximum efficiencies are achieved for the property’s heating system which can then have a positive impact on annual heating bills. The newly-launched Aerona3 R32 air source heat pump range is a key feature of Grant’s Multiple Package Solutions offering which provides end users with a range of benefits including optimum efficiency outputs and a cleaner and more environmentally friendly performance. Available in outputs of 6kW, 10kW, 13kW and 17kW, the Aerona3 R32 range is the latest addition to Grant’s range of heating technologies and features R32 refrigerant which has a lower global warming potential than typical heat pump refrigerants and meets legislative targets outlined as part of the 2014 EU Fluorinated Greenhouse Gas Regulations. With an impressive A+++ rating, the Aerona3 R32 range delivers exceptional efficiencies and incorporates several familiar features that end users and installers have come to associate with the Grant Aerona3 brand. All models within the range are single phase, DC inverter driven and feature weather compensation controls and a base tray heating element to stop ice formation in cold weather conditions. The R32 refrigerant featured within the air source heat pumps is a single-component refrigerant which means it has no temperature glide. With just one molecule in formation, the R32 heat pump’s saturated liquid and vapour temperatures are the same which means there is no risk of temperature glide and the system can recharge and recycle with greater ease, making it more efficient.


With a compact footprint and low noise levels, the heat pumps are designed to have minimal impact on their surroundings both aesthetically and acoustically. The international award programme Quiet Mark, which validates and awards low-noise, high-performance technologies that help deliver solutions to overcome noise pollution, recently awarded the esteemed Quiet Mark to the 13kW and 17kW models within the Aerona3 R32 range. The models underwent acoustic testing and assessment associated with the achievement and were recognised for their quiet operation. Grant’s full range of heating solutions are available from leading plumbing and heating merchants throughout Ireland. For more information visit

How your customers can avail of Grant’s Multiple Package Solutions offering UÊ -i `ÊÌ i ÀÊ« > }Ê`À>Ü }ÃÊÌ Ê UÊ Ê i LiÀÊ vÊÌ iÊ À> ÌÊÌi> ÊÜ ÊLiÊ ÊÌ ÕV ÊÜ Ì Ê you to discuss requirements UÊ / iÞÊÜ ÊÀiVi ÛiÊvÕ Ê«À «iÀÌÞÊëiV wV>Ì ÃÊÜ Ì Ê recommended products all available from Grant.

September/October 2019

Building a new house?

Multiple Package Solutions.

(also available in horizontal)

Your heating system’s overall efficiency can be significantly improved by combining multiple technologies. By installing an air source heat pump, high performance cylinder and effective heat emitters(such as aluminium radiators, fan convectors or underfloor heating)a home’s heating system can be taken into a new class of efficiency. And, what’s more, you can get all of these products from Grant.

Sahara Solar Thermal Solo Fan Convectors

Aerona³ Air Source Heat Pumps

High Performance Cylinders Solo Hideaway Fan Convectors

Think Heating. Think Grant.

To avail of our free of charge heat loss calculations, send your planning drawings to heatpump@ or call 057 912 0089

Building Materials & Supplies

Klingspor - Helping you manage your construction Diamond Product Requirements Keypoint are delighted to offer the Klingspor Diamond Product Range to the Irish market. Manufactured in Europe Klingspor has been Irelands leading brand of Abrasives and Cutting and Grinding discs for over forty years and has built a reputation for top quality reliable products. The addition of this Diamond Range to the Keypoint Abrasives portfolio offers the Hardware and Builders Providers sector a quality branded product at competitive prices. Klingspor’s vast experience in Research and Development, Manufacturing and Logistics has been focused on this new range. Significant investment in a new European state-of-the-art production facility ensures that Klingspor’s reputation as a leading worldwide quality manufacturer is enhanced further, guaranteeing products of superior quality and reliability. Klingspor’s comprehensive new range of diamond tools makes it easy for any user to work faster and with greater precision and longevity. All of the diamonds and raw materials that Klingspor use are supplied by world renowned manufacturers to ensure consistency in the quality of its products. As they are made of carefully tested premium grade materials, the products included in each product line offer a wide range of possible applications and meet the highest safety standards. As with all other products made by Klingspor, its new diamond tools comply with strict OSA guidelines and are guaranteed to meet the European safety standard EN 23236. The Klingspor Diamond Range covers all your requirements for Diamond Blades for use on Angle Grinders, Consaws, Benchsaws and Roadsaws for cutting a variety of construction materials.


Klingspor offers three finely attuned product lines, Extra, Supra and Special, ensuring the right tool for all applications. These offer brand name quality at an affordable price for users who expect their diamond tools to meet professional standards that consistently deliver a powerful performance and service life. The Klingspor product range is presented in attractive packaging with easy to follow guidelines making product selection easy. “Sales of Diamond Products into the Construction Industry have been steadily increasing over the last number of years and with the large number of new building and renovation projects expected over the coming years there is no doubt this will once again become a very busy sector with substantial sales of Diamond Products needed to service it.” Richard Murphy, Product Development Manager at Keypoint. Klingspor Diamond Products are available exclusively from Keypoint ( and the Keypoint sales team are happy to assist you with any enquiries you may have.

September/October 2019



Exclusively Available from | 01 885 3030 |


Building Materials & Supplies

How Brexit will impact Certification bodies The construction sector is facing a myriad of potential problems as we move ever closer to the October 31st Brexit deadline. The issue of certification could pose significant challenges with major disruption to supply chains. NSAI has identified several issues which construction businesses need to be aware of. Product Certification The relevant EU regulation for Construction Products is Regulation (EU) No 305/2011 – Construction products (‘CPR’). The introduction of the ‘CPR’ was to overcome the technical barriers to trade which arise where different countries in Europe have different standards, testing and labelling approaches for the same construction products. CE Marking is mandatory for any construction product covered by harmonised European Standards which is placed on the EU market. Many Irish construction products could lose their CE Mark following from the UK leaving the EU while imports could also be disrupted as a result of products originating in the UK and other countries losing their marking.

Do you use a UK Notified Body for Product Certification? Post Brexit, all notified bodies in the UK will cease to be recognised as EU notified bodies and you will no longer be able to rely on them to place your products on the EU Market. If you or one of your product suppliers currently rely on a UK notified body to support a product declaration for ‘CE’ marking purposes, you must act now. Manufacturers can either transfer files and certificates from a UK body to an EU 27 notified body before the withdrawal date or apply for a new certificate with an EU 27 notified body. The details of all EU notified bodies are available on the EU NANDO website.

product, then he will be treated as the manufacturer. Post Brexit, an authorised representative must be established in an EU 27 Member State.

Be aware of requirements around pallets and wood packaging material Another issue that could trip up Irish businesses is ensuring they have compliant pallets. ISPM 15 is an international phytosanitary measure that establishes standards for the treatment and marking of wood packaging material (WPM) which is mainly pallets, crates, boxes, cable drums, dunnage etc. ISPM is used in international trade as all WPM must be officially marked as being ISPM compliant.

ISPM 15 Currently, the EU only requires that all WPM from third countries entering the EU to be ISPM 15 compliant. PostBrexit the UK will become a third country and ISPM 15 will apply to WPM used in imports from the UK and all WPM exported to the UK. For further information on Brexit related issues visit:

Role of Economic Operators If you import products from the UK, you are currently classified as a ‘distributor’. Post-Brexit you will become an ‘importer’ and will take on additional responsibilities which are outlined in the ‘CPR’. It is vital that you consult the ‘CPR’ and prepare for these. If an importer believes that a construction product is not in conformity with mandatory ‘CPR’ requirements, they must not place the product on the market. Distributors also have a duty of care under ‘CPR’ and if a distributor places a product on the market under his trade name or modifies a


Sean Balfe, NSAI, Director of Sustainability and Built Environment.

September/October 2019

Building Materials & Supplies

Fully prepared for Brexit? No? Acting now is vital. The United Kingdom is leaving the European Union and will become a third country for customs purposes on 31 October 2019. Notwithstanding ongoing political developments, this will result in the requirement for customs declarations from that date in relation to imports and exports from/to the United Kingdom. So, what does this mean for you as a business involved in the sale of hardware and related goods1 and what do you still need to do to be fully Brexit ready? In relation to your sector, over 1,100 businesses traded with the UK in 2018, of this total only 53% hold an Economic Operations Registration identification (EORI) number at the time of publication. This registration is a critical first step to ensure you can continue to trade with the UK post Brexit. 1

If you are one of those business that has not registered, you should register for EORI as a matter of urgency. The registration steps are outlined on our website at customs-traders-and-agents/brexit/register-for-eori. While EORI registration is the critical first step, you will need to build on that action as failure to do so could lead to significant delays post Brexit. In this respect, you should carefully consider the following actions having regard to your unique business model and supply chain. These key actions form the basis of the current direct engagement process by Revenue with economic operators. You may already have received a letter and subsequent telephone call in this regard.

Retail sale of hardware, paints and glass in specialised stores Agents involved in the sale of furniture, household goods, hardware and ironmongery Wholesale of hardware, plumbing and heating equipment and supplies.


What I need to do


Have you considered the cashflow implications of import charges including customs duty, VAT and/or excise?

Payment of Import Duties

Have you registered for Revenue Online Services (ROS) to lodge funds into your Customs Account to pay import charges?

Supply Chain

Do you know where your goods originate, their value for customs purposes, tariff classification and invoicing currency?

Customs compliance

Do you plan to complete all customs formalities yourself on import or will you engage a customs agent? Have you contacted your customer in the UK to establish if, along with export formalities, you will be responsible for customs formalities on the UK side?

Customs simplifications and Authorisations

Are the range of customs simplifications and authorisations available compatible with your business model and supply chain?

Impact on Logistics

Have you considered the impact on your logistics model? Do you know the new information your logistics provider will need and when they will need it? Is your logistics provider aware of these requirements?


Do you import or export goods from/to the UK that require a certificate or licence? You will need to contact the relevant regulatory authority or regulator now to put the necessary measures in place.


Have you availed of the Brexit advice available from Hardware Association Ireland and or other State Bodies and Agencies, including Revenue? Financial supports may also be available.

To address the issues raised above, please note that detailed information is available on our website www., including links to other State Agencies. Any queries not covered by the material available can be emailed to brexitqueries@ Broader Brexit related information is available at www. Raphael Ryan Trader Engagement Brexit Unit Revenue Commissioners

Table 1: The Retail Hardware Sector in numbers (Position at 15/08/19). Sector


EORI Registered


% EORI Unregistered

Retail sale of hardware, paints and glass in specialised stores





Agents involved in the sale of furniture, household goods, hardware and ironmongery





Wholesale of hardware, plumbing and heating equipment and supplies










September/October 2019


Building Materials & Supplies


September/October 2019

Building Materials & Supplies

September/October 2019


Building Materials & Supplies

The Ladders of Success Irish International Trading Corporation PLC is one of Irelands leading wholesalers of Hardware, Steel, Wire, Salt, Plumbing materials and Bathrooms. With new Ladder Standards in 2019, IITC are offering an exclusive range of new compliant Youngman Ladders. EN131 is a European committee for standardisation (CEN) harmonised standard for portable steps and ladders, manufactured from metal and certain other materials such as GRP. It covers minimum safety requirements. The European Commission is dissatisfied with elements of the previous standard (BSEN131) and has issued an EC Mandate for the standard to now include requirements for stability, slip, durability and strength in position of use which will help in preventing the main causes of ladder

related accidents. The main changes to tests required by the new EN131 standard involve the ladders now being tested in position of use and the clarification of test methodology ensures consistency across manufacturers and test facilities. This range will contain a selection of Stepladders, 2+3 Part Aluminium Ladders, Telescopic Extension Ladders, Platform Ladders and Roof Ladders along with an extensive range of Ladder Accessories. From builders’ stepladders to shock-resistant fibreglass, work platforms and extension ladders, IITC have the full range, with special features to help your customers work safely and efficiently.

IITC are offering an exclusive range of new compliant Youngman Ladders. EN131 is a European committee for standardisation (CEN) harmonised standard for portable steps and ladders, manufactured from metal and certain other materials such as GRP. It covers minimum safety requirements.

ex cl us ive FR OM lY

For further information contact IITC:

iiT c

T: Cork: 021 4705800

Naas: 045 888300 e: W:


September/October 2019

Building Materials & Supplies

Take care of your business We care about your warehouse! Trust in 40 years of experience in warehouse technology & storage solutions. OHRA is one of the leading manufacturers of storage equipment in Europe with a broad range of storage equipment, starting from small racking systems up to a full automatic warehouse operation, including storage and retrieval machines and warehouse software. For different individual requirements, especially for builders’ merchant stores, OHRA provides bespoke products for many applications, customised to the goods to be stored and to the available handling devices. In accordance with these requirements, we plan, produce and install storage systems like cantilever racking for long goods, pallet racking for heavy loads or mezzanine floors for an ideal use of the existing storage space.

September/October 2019

In 2019 OHRA, European market leader specialist for cantilever racking, celebrates its 40th anniversary as a reliable partner for the builders’ merchant business. All racking systems are made of high-quality solid hot-rolled steel. The unique arm-to-upright connection allows the arm to move freely in the case of impacts by the forklift truck, avoiding undue damages to arms, uprights and the storage material. The arms can be adjusted easily in the height, without using tools. Cantilever racks and other racks are available in high-quality powder coating or as hot-dipped galvanized surface for outdoor installation. Additional services such as assembly, statics calculations or drawings complete the range of our services. Further information:


Building Materials & Supplies

CIS share some Industry Stats On this page Construction Information Services (CIS) provides information on the volume and value of the various sectors within the industry added/updated to CIS Online in 2019 by the

CIS Research Department to Date in 2019 (Data generated on 20th August 2019)

Projects Published (Summary by Sector) Sector

ROI Projects

NI Projects

ROI Value

NI Value














Community and Sport





Construction Supplies





Design and Professional



































ROI Projects

NI Projects

ROI Value

NI Value






Contract Awarded





On Site





Plans Granted





Plans Refused





Plans Submitted





Plans Withdrawn



















Agriculture Civil and Utilities

Projects Published (Summary by Stage) Stage

Pre Planning

About CIS Construction Information Services (CIS) is Ireland’s leading provider of business intelligence to the Construction and Allied Industries. Founded in 1972, CIS is celebrating 47 years of providing comprehensive, researched, verified and real-time information on all building projects throughout Ireland – North


and South. Our highly qualified research team investigate valuable projects in great detail to ensure businesses can make important decisions quickly and generate the right contract and supply opportunities for their pipeline.

September/October 2019

Payment Services Directive

Psd2 in Full Effect The second Payment Services Directive or PSD2 is a European law which comes into full force on 14th September which will make it more secure for consumers to make electronic payments when shopping online or using online banking services. The first Payment Services Directive (PSD1) was adopted in 2007, providing the legal foundation for an EU single market for payments, to establish safer and more innovative payment services across the EU. The objective was to make cross-border payments as easy, efficient and secure as ‘national’ payments within a Member State. (Source: European Commission). PSD2 aims to make payments safer, increase consumer protection and continue to foster innovation and competition while maintaining a level playing field for all parties. Implications for Retailers: While some elements of the PSD2 legislation have applied from 13th January 2018, the full rollout from September will result in changes to how retailers use digital payments channels and how consumers shop online by introducing added security rules referred to as Strong Customer Authentication (SCA). The Banking and Payments Federation of Ireland (BPFI) have indicated the following key changes coming into effect as of September 14th: U





PSD2 requires existing banks to share customer data with authorised third-party providers where the customer gives consent. This will be done through APIs (application programme interface) which banks are currently developing. PSD2 will facilitate consumer protection by requiring these third-party service providers to be authorised and regulated by the national competent authority, such as the Central Bank of Ireland. They will be prohibited from accessing any other data from a customer’s accounts beyond that explicitly authorised by the customer. New regulatory technical standards (RTS) will introduce security requirements – including strong customer authentication – which service providers will have to observe when they process payments or provide payment-related services. PSD2 introduces new rules which prohibit ‘surcharging’ for card payments in most cases, meaning merchants who take online payments are no longer able to charge a customer an extra fee when they make payments using their card. PSD2 stipulates that, except in cases of fraud or gross negligence by the consumer, the maximum amount September/October 2019

a consumer could be obliged to pay in the case of an unauthorised payment transaction will decrease from ¤150 to ¤50. This regulation affects all customer payments (B2C only) made with debit and credit cards, direct debit payments and credit transfers. Retailers are required to operate at a higher level of security, most notably by providing Strong Customer Authentication (SCA), often known as two-factor authentication. Two-factor authentication not only requires a username and password, but also a device, e.g. mobile, smart watch, that the user currently has on them. eCommerce consultancy group eConsultancy recommends the following four steps for retailers and merchants to manage the implementation of PSD2 law into their payments system: Analytics - Retailers should be tagging all clicks and payment actions (where possible) to better understand user behaviour and optimise the payment process. Analytics should be used at every point of the customer journey to understand the impact of each decision and keep the focus on improving conversion and reducing dropout. Progressive roll-out - Rather than rushing to introduce lots of measures at once, businesses should plan a progressive roll-out of technologies to meet regulatory compliance, with an emphasis on keeping changes to the payment flow smooth and signposted to customers. Communicate - Copy, call-outs, even emails can be used to let the customer know how, and when, important aspects of the flow will change, so that they’re not too jarring when they do arrive. Stay up-to-date - Businesses should check whether they are using the current version of a payment provider’s integration tooling, as this will invariably require an upgrade for PSD2. Those lagging behind on old versions of the tooling may find that the effort to upgrade will be greater than expected. Further information about PSD2 can be found on


HAI Pre-Budget 2020 Submission

HAI Pre-budget 2020 submission Encourage Retrofitting of Homes There is a groundswell in public opinion towards becoming more eco-friendly as evidenced by recent elections and the most recent Eurobarometer Poll (Spring 2019). Results of the poll evidence that while concern about the environment and climate change has grown throughout the EU – 35% of EU citizens consider it to an important issue- this figure rises to 50% in Ireland. Previously Ireland set a target of 20% reduction in greenhouse gas emissions by 2020. However current forecasts suggest that only a 1% reduction will be delivered. 80% of our homes have a C rating or less. We use 7% more energy than the EU average and 58% more carbon. We require a breakthrough on this. The plan to retrofit 500,000 homes will be enabled by the strategy detailed below. HAI members will be key delivery partners in the implementation of this strategy. In other areas of environmental protection Ireland has an enviable track record – as evidenced by the success of the WEEE scheme, where Ireland is one of the best performers in Europe. The HAI welcomes the recent report of the Climate Action and Tax Strategy Group and its focus on taxation stimulus to encourage retrofitting. HAI Recommendations: UÊ ,i`ÕViÊ6 /ÊÌ Ê ¯Ê Ê> ÊV>ÀL ÊÃ>Û }Ê«À `ÕVÌÃÊÃÕV Ê as Heat Pumps, Insulation, Wood burning stoves (all products as per Energy Saving Credits- Better Energy Homes). UÊ Introduce a value-based incentive scheme for retrofitting with similar incentives to the HRI scheme. At present most incentives are weighted towards deep retrofitting. Even with current grants the financial outlay for many householders is prohibitive. According to the Property Price Register the average selling price of a secondhand house in many parts of the country is less than ¤200,000. Currently the Deep Retrofit Grant programme has the aim of an A rated home. This requires an investment by the homeowner of an estimated ¤30,000. Adjust the grant system such that it will encourage medium-level retrofitting. Target properties with a BER rating of B3 or less. Works to be conducted only by a qualifying contractor who is registered for the scheme > `ÊÜ ÊV> Ê`i ÃÌÀ>ÌiÊÌ>ÝÊV « > ViÊ> `Ê6 /Ê registration. UÊ Previously SEAI granted works were practically excluded from the Home Renovation Incentive. To overcome this, we suggest that if an individual receives a an SEAI }À> ÌÊÌ i ÊÌ iÊÌ Ì> ʵÕ> vÞ }ÊiÝ«i ` ÌÕÀiÊ­}À> ÌʳÊÌ>ÝÊ exemption) will be reduced by the amount equal to the grant amount- allowing for co-existence with SEAI grants

38 38

and avoiding duplication of funding. e.g. If a household spends ¤10,000- The grant may account for ¤5,000 and the household can claim tax relief on the other ¤5,000. UÊ Introduce measurements (KPIs) and targets for retrofitting activity at local government level. UÊ ÊvÕ ÞÊi ` ÀÃiÃÊ/ iÊ- V iÌÞÊ vÊ-Ì°Ê6 Vi ÌÊ`iÊ*>Õ ½ÃÊ recommendation to “Ensure sufficient funding is available to allow Local Authorities to complete the energy retrofitting of social housing stock and set a target of upgrading all existing stock in the next four years. Cost: allocate ¤50 million for energy upgrades in 2020”.

Home Renovation Incentive (HRI) scheme HAI strongly encourages the re-introduction of the scheme. We suggest that the scheme has a lifespan of 3 years from January 2020 until 31st December 2022. Statistics from the Revenue show that the scheme has been highly successful. HAI also suggests that the minimum qualifying spend is ¤3,000 to encourage small home dwellers, and also to increase the ceiling to ¤50,000 as an incentive for homeowners to pursue additional home improvement projects. Evidence to-date suggests that the HRI scheme has acted as a strong encouragement for otherwise latent home improvement works, thereby making the scheme effectively cost neutral for the exchequer. HAI requests that the tax credit be made claimable in the same year as work is completed, with 100% of the claim credited the following tax year (currently spread over the following two fiscal years). This would provide an extra incentive and ensure money is more efficiently circulated back into the economy. HAI Recommendations: U Re-introduce and extend the HRI scheme by 36 months. U Lower the floor of the scheme and increase the ceiling. U Claim tax credit in same year as work completed and claim credited following year.

Stimulate Housebuilding and Renovation of Property Residential housing remains heavily under supplied and new house build activity subdued. The recent Eurobarometer results show housing to be, by far of greater concern in Ireland than 26 of the 28 EU states. Only Luxembourg is more concerned about housing than us. We welcome the Rebuilding Ireland plan and its ambitious targets; however, we feel the sector needs additional stimulation to encourage new builds and reduce the number of vacant dwellings.

September/October 2019

HAI Pre-Budget 2020 Submission

HAI Recommendations: U Introduce a Derelict Property Renovation scheme (similar to Home Renovation Incentive scheme) for property owners. U Extend the Help to Buy Incentive Scheme beyond the 31st Dec 2019 deadline to 31st Dec 2021. U Introduce a Tax incentivised savings scheme for first time purchasers based on the SSIA model.

Upskilling the sector. It is essential that the industry can respond to changing demands. U

We support the recommendations in the Construction Industry Federation’s report ‘Demand for Skills in Construction to 2020’. Despite the positive outlook for construction over the medium to long term, a skills shortage could threaten to derail this. In particular, HAI advocates the establishment of a Construction Skills Forum, to monitor progress and address barriers in the education and training system which are impeding the delivery of the required skilled employees.

Special Consideration for Timber Industry in Brexit negotiations Brexit presents challenges across our industry and in particular, to the timber trade. The Irish timber sector contributes ¤2.6bn and sustains 12,000 full time rural jobs. Over half of Irish sawmills output is exported, and 95% of those exports go to the UK, compared to 41% for food and drink. 90% of panel products produced in Ireland are exported, with two thirds going to the UK. The UK is the biggest importer of wood in Europe and our only logical market for exports. We call on Government to ensure its Brexit strategy takes account of the specific needs and opportunities of the timber industry. HAI specifically calls on the Government to consider the following actions: Acknowledging that the impact of the United Kingdom’s exit from the European single market and customs union will be widespread and varied. HAI endorses special consideration for the timber industry in the Irish Government’s Brexit discussions and outlines the following threats to the industry: Immediate Threats: U Weakness of Sterling - Every 1 pence movement in Stg costs the industry ¤3m. UÊ > ÃÊ >ÞÊ ÌÊLiÊÜ }ÊÌ ÊÃÕ«« ÀÌÊ ÛiÃÌ i ÌÊ ÊÌ iÊ industry due to volatility in our key export market. UÊ ,i`ÕVÌ Ê Ê`i > `ÊV Õ `Ê i>`ÊÌ Ê LÊ ÃÃiÃÊ ÊÀÕÀ> Ê areas.


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Introduce voucher scheme for winter fuel allowance HAI urges the introduction of a fuel voucher system under which those currently claims receiving a winter fuel allowance would be entitled to use a dedicated fuel voucher/smart card to purchase only fuel products from registered and tax compliant retailers and merchant fuel outlets, including many HAI members. Currently the allowance is paid by way of a cash top up on the recipients’ current payment, which can be spent on anything, not exclusively solid fuel, and from any source of supply without any traceability or recovery for the State. HAI believes that this is an unintended and unnecessary loophole. The Department of Social Protection has indicated that a total of 410,000 people currently claim ¤20 in fuel allowance per week (¤520 in total during the allowable period), including those in receipt of social welfare and HSE payments. The allowance costs the State ¤213 million per year. A fuel voucher system would allow the Government to recoup some of this ¤213 million expenditure through legitimate outlets’ tax returns, ensuring that the money is spent with legitimate suppliers and not those operating in the shadow economy, and ensuring that the payment is fully used, as intended, to help in reducing fuel poverty. HAI Recommendations: The introduction of a fuel voucher scheme so that: U The winter fuel allowance is used as intended. U Registered and tax compliant fuel merchants are supported. U Government can recoup some of its ¤Óää³Ê Ê welfare spend.

You can view the full submission at

Long term threats: UÊ />À vvÃÊ ÊÜiÊiÝ«iVÌÊÃ>Ü ÊÌ LiÀÊÌ ÊV>ÀÀÞÊ ÊÌ>À vvÊ> `Ê«> i Ê products to carry 7%. UÊ * ÃÌÊ ÀiÝ ÌÊ ÊÀi`ÕVÌ Ê ÊÌ iʼi>ÃiÊ vÊ Ûi i ̽Ê>`` }Ê cost and time.

September/October 2019



HAI Classroom Training Attendee Feedback HAI’s classroom training workshops and courses are back for Autumn and offer a tailored learning and development experience for hardware retailers, builders merchants, suppliers and distributors. But don’t just take our word for it, look at what some of our previous training attendees had to say about their experiences: Essential Selling Skills: Advanced Selling Skills (B2B)

“Well structured and presented course. A lot of new ideas as well as a great refresher for seasoned sales people.” James Cavanagh, Irish Wire Products

Digital Marketing and Social Media

“Excellent day, very informative.” Derek Doyle, DS Supplies Ltd

Consultative Selling Skills: Suppliers

“Well run course in an excellent location. Instructor was very informative” Ian Curley, Tucks O’Brien Ltd

Leadership and Communication Skills

“The course was very well presented. Well done to all” DD Kerins, Ard Rí Marble

Performance Managing the Sales Team

“Excellent delivery of course” Mick Buckley, General Hardware Supplies

Stock Control

“Would highly recommend this course” Robert White, Topline O’Connor

Customer Service Excellence (For Hardware Retailers, Agri Retailers and Builders Merchants)

Creating a Selling Environment In-Store

“I found the course very beneficial, and a great way of increasing sales and communication between customers.” Andrew Mulhall, Newtown Builders Providers

“Very enjoyable and very helpful.” Wayne Guildea, Davies Ltd

Our Autumn training schedule can be viewed in full on the next page.


September/October 2019


Autumn 2019 Classroom Training schedule All courses will take place at HAI’s offices in Blackchurch Business Park, conveniently located off Junction 5 of the Naas Road (N7) in Rathcoole, Co. Dublin.




Course Duration

Cost (HAI Member)

Cost (Non-Member)

September 24th October 8th

Essential Selling Skills – Advanced Selling Skills (B2B)

Frank O’Toole

2 Days



September 26th

Digital Marketing and Social Media

Greg Fry

1 Day



October 3rd

Stock Control

Keith Harford

1 Day



October 10th

NEW: SEO for the Hardware Industry

Greg Fry

1 Day



October 15th

Customer Service Excellence

Terry Harmer

1 Day



October 17th

7\Ê } Ì> Ê6 `i Ê Workshop

Greg Fry

1 Day



October 22th

Consultative Selling Skills (Suppliers)

Terry Harmer

1 Day



October 24th

NEW: Creating a Profitability Culture in your Business

6 Vi ÌÊ,iÞ `Ã

1 Day



November 5th November 19th

Leadership and Communication Skills

Noel Davidson

2 Days



November 7th

Performance Managing the Sales Team

Terry Harmer

1 Day



November 12th

Creating a Selling Environment In-Store

Terry Harmer

1 Day



November 14th

NEW: Email Marketing for the Hardware Industry

Greg Fry

1 Day



For more information about all our courses visit To book places or for queries about any of our upcoming training courses please contact Aoife Kinsella at or call 01 2980969.

September/October 2019



best in class Patrick is delighted to be providing his third and final article and you can view his earlier two articles at Regarding “best in class” lets first think of, “what is best in class?” what do you think of? Hold that thought, we’ll come back to that later. Firstly, specific to your stock and the control of it. Assuming that you have your stock on your EPOS, and all is scanning correctly, staff know how to use it, and you are confident that stock is now easier to manage. It is now time to ensure that you have in-place a robust procedure that ensures that your stock is managed as efficiently as possible. You need to have a system of control for your current stock in place. This means that you need to count it on a regular basis. The purpose of this count is to bring your stock levels up to date on your EPOS and to know what level of shrinkage is occurring. To do this, you do not need to have a wall-to-wall stocktake each month. I recommend to stores that they need to have in place a system that fits in with their own internal systems of accounting and capabilities. If that’s through one or four annual stocktakes wall-to-wall then great. If that’s having a weekly stocktake on your highest value lowest margin items, then brilliant. Just note: a count of any stock, is only as good as the action taken afterwards once the results are known. Know how to get a result. Be certain that the variances are trustworthy. Act accordingly. Taking action once a result is known is the most important part of any stocktake. If you don’t have the time to do an analysis after the count, then you may need to think if it is time well spent. There should be a cycle-counting schedule that needs to take place across specific departments. I would focus on where the money is. What is the highest value and what is likely to go missing/unaccounted for. You should work towards knowing: UÊ How many units should be in-stock UÊ How many units are actually in-stock UÊ How many units up/down? UÊ Why? UÊ Action to be taken UÊ Repeat the count in X amount of weeks UÊ Compare that result to the previous one UÊ Repeat across all departments



Do this, one department at a time. Momentum will build and results will be achieved, be patient. Back to “best in class” and what it means. There is no right and or wrong answer to this as it depends on where you currently are and where you want to go and what you want your business to be. When I think of best in class I think of a business that is: UÊ UÊ UÊ UÊ

constantly changing constantly improving has a dedicated, engaged workforce that delivers results is seen as a leader in it’s sector

Note I didn’t state an actual tangible result, simply because there isn’t one. It is the responsibility for each business to state in their plan (remember from Article 1) what they want to achieve. That plan is to achieve certain things and it serves a purpose for your business. Once that purpose is served, it’s not over. It is updated with a new plan. A revised plan. UÊ UÊ UÊ UÊ


One that will bring your business to the next level. One with a more engaged workforce that is actively contributing to the success of the business. One that is the envy of it’s peers. One that has taken ownership of its stock and knows exactly what is on hand, what is selling and ensures that stock never runs out and is easy for your customer to find. Identify what is not selling and either substitutes it or places it in a less prominent position of your store. Set up your store entrance to match the seasons. Interrogate how can costs be reduced?. Ask yourself do I have the right team to deliver the results I need. Clarify if each person`s number (from Article 2) has meaning? Do they need to be reviewed?

Your stock makes you money. Respect it, so that shrinkage is kept to a minimum and profits are maximised. Good luck!

September/October 2019



Changing your Customer Experience for a better bottom line In the second of three articles, Susannah Hewson, owner of will introduce you to Customer Experience and share some tips on where you need to focus your efforts in order to improve your bottom line.

Customer Experience (CX) is how customers feel about all the interactions they have with your brand and is the key differentiator and driver for business growth. In this article, I’ll explain what really matters to your customers and how you can improve your customer experience. When training staff I use one of the most effective and robust CX frameworks developed by KPMG Nunwood in the UK. This is based on six key emotional drivers for customers in all business sectors: Personalisation Design the experience for each specific customer. You can connect with your customers emotionally when they feel that you know them and understand their needs and circumstances. Staff should ask diagnostic questions, listen and show that they’ve understood. Depending on the product, ask questions e.g. for a lawnmower: Will you use it yourself? How big is your garden? How often will you use it? What did you have before? What did you like/dislike about it etc.? Then when you make a recommendation, it’s much more personal as it’s based on their circumstances. Integrity Without trust, your customers won’t do business with you. Trust is built in many ways but two key areas are: 1) Product knowledge: If your staff know their stuff, customers will trust their recommendations and 2) Doing what you say you will e.g. if you order something in for a customer and say you’ll call them, making sure that you do, not waiting for them to call you. It seems like a small thing but it’s really important for building trust. Expectations Setting and managing expectations is important, particularly if you trade online. Look to experts such as Amazon. They weave room into their delivery timelines so at worst, the customer gets their order on time, and at best, it comes early. If things change along the way, the customer is instantly updated. People don’t necessarily mind when delivery times change, they mind when they’re not told, and have to chase you. They’ve paid already so their money is gone, and they don’t yet have a product in exchange so negative emotions can surface very quickly. This is September/October 2019

also vital if your store supplies to businesses. Think of the impact on a business if their order is delayed without any warning. Time & Effort Removing unnecessary obstacles and making things easy is also essential. In-store, making it easy for customers to find what they’re looking for (or someone to help them) and to get through the checkout. Online, we need to ensure that the journey is very clear and simple – particularly when a customer is trying to find a specific product or process an order. Empathy Empathy is about understanding what it’s like to be in your customer’s shoes. Looking at each customer as an individual and imagining what things might be like from their perspective e.g. a parent trying to shop with small children can be really stressful. If we can recognise that, we can give them a better experience e.g. help them find what they need quickly, carrying things for them if they’ve a buggy, trying to engage with their children to make it easier for the parent to concentrate on what they’re there to buy. Resolution Things go wrong in every business. How a business resolves an issue determines a future relationship. Resolution enables you to show customers just how much you care. Staff tend to fear the complaining customer instead of seeing it as an opportunity to turn them into a fan! CX leaders offer ‘no quibble’ returns, which shows the customer that you trust them, rather than making them feel like they need to prove themselves. When a customer returns a faulty item, do your staff apologise that it has happened, or acknowledge that they had to come back to the store to return it? If you can model how you deliver customer experience around these six drivers, you’ll not only lock in your customers for longer (and spending more), you’ll also get new ones. In the next edition of The Hardware Journal, I’ll look at some of the common barriers to great customer experience in Ireland and give you some tips on how you can empower your staff to deliver superb customer experiences.



Adverse weather or an Exceptional Circumstance Heading into the Autumn months we are hoping they will offer at least some fine weather, however we have come to the new reality of living in Ireland and therefore, planning ahead to the possibility of adverse weather. With this in mind, we have constructed this article to outline the various events that could affect the business and the options available to both the employee and the employer.

What can affect my business? The winter months hardly go by without Met Éireann issuing some form of weather warning. These episodes of adverse weather or exceptional circumstances can determine whether an employee can attend work or not, or even be able to conduct their work. Adverse weather can be any form of weather warning depending on whether it is safe to open the workplace or if a keyholder cannot access the workplace to open the premises. Exceptional circumstances can also affect a business through events such as public transport strikes, road closures, natural disaster, or third-party impact which may inhibit an employee’s ability to get to work or force an employer to close the premises.

What obligations are on my Employees to attend work? Depending on the adverse weather condition, or unusual circumstances, and where the work premises remains open for work, employees are expected to make an honest effort to use every reasonable means of transport to get to the workplace. This may also include employees having to take extra time for the journey and/or taking an alternate means of transport or route. Employees who have made every effort to attend work, and unfortunately cannot present themselves for work, should make contact with their Manager to notify them of their absence from work. Any employee who has not notified their Manager of their absence from work and/or has not made every effort to present for work should be notified that they are on unauthorised absence from work and may be dealt with through the disciplinary procedure.

As an Employer what are my obligations to my Employees? Employers have a responsibility to provide a safe workplace for their employees under all circumstances. Both employees and employers should ensure they keep up to date with announcements from the Company and in the media (e.g. An Garda Síochana, Met Eireann, etc) in order to make the most appropriate travel plans ahead of their next working shift, and for employers to make an informed decision as to whether they will be expecting their employees to attend


AOIFE WALSH, Tom Smyth & Associates

work or decide to close the premises. With this in mind, it is important that employers keep their contact details up to date to ensure a clear system of communication with each employee, particularly in case of any out of hours emergency communication surrounding the exceptional circumstance. In cases where the workplace remains open, employers are not obliged to provide pay for any non-attendance to work. Alternatively, employers may decide to provide the following options; a. b. c. d.

The time/day can be worked back if appropriate to the business needs; or The employee can apply to take Annual Leave for the time/day(s) lost; or The time/day is taken as unpaid leave; or The business may consider permitting some employees to work from home, if based on the workload/nature of the work, if it is feasible to do so.

Alternatively, employers may be forced to close the workplace early as a result of adverse weather or an exceptional circumstance. Where this event occurs, the time lost will be managed by giving consideration to the use of appropriate options listed above (a; b; c; d). As an employer you may make the decision to close the business as a result of adverse weather or exceptional circumstance. In such circumstances, employers may use their Lay Off/ Short Time Clause (which should be in the contract or employee handbook) to lay employees off from work or reduce their working hours. This policy outlines that employees will only be paid for hours actually worked. Any employer who may not have any such Adverse Weather Policy, or Lay Off/Short Time policy in place should seriously consider putting such policies in place. It is difficult to enforce policies that aren’t already in place, and given our recent record of natural disasters, it may be the one policy which could save an employer from a much bigger disaster. If Hardware Association Ireland members have any queries on this policy, or indeed any aspects of their HR or Employment Law needs, please contact our office at any stage on 021 4634154.

September/October 2019


Fuel ban issue still causing uncertainty In April of this year, Minister for Communications, Climate Action and Environment, Richard Bruton confirmed that the current ban on bituminous coal would not now be extended nationwide for the 2019/20 heating season. Having discussed this issue with the Attorney General, the Department is working to finalise a legally robust plan which will improve air quality by reducing particulate matter in the air. Pending the completion of this work the Minister said that he was aware of the need to provide clarity now to the public and to the trade to enable them adequately plan for purchases of stock for the 2019/20 heating season. The ban on the marketing, sale and distribution of bituminous coal, was first introduced in Dublin in 1990, and subsequently extended to major cities. Following a public consultation process, it was further extended in 2012, and now applies in 26 urban areas nationwide. In light of its health and environmental benefits, it had been announced by a number of previous Ministers that the ban would be extended to the entire territory of the State. In June, Hardware Association Ireland were part of the Retailers Against Smuggling (RAS) group that met with a committee from the British Irish Parliamentary Assembly who were undertaking an inquiry into illicit trade on the border in light of Brexit. The RAS group were confident that on the day September/October 2019

they effectively got across their key points on cross-border solid fuel smuggling while expressing a general frustration about the lack of enforcement of current legislation and at the lack of knowledge by those in a position of power and the general public as to the consequences of cross-border smuggling. There was agreement by all attending that a national cross-agency public education campaign was required and that the Parliamentary group`s final report would reflect this requirement. RAS also stressed the importance of The Sale of Illicit Goods Bill 2017, currently before Dail Eireann at Third Stage, as well as the need for extra resources and better cross-border communication. The Bill seeks to make it an offence to purchase illicit alcohol, illicit tobacco and illicit solid fuel; to make it an offence to purchase such goods from an unregistered or unlicensed retailer; to provide for the imposition of a penalty in respect of such offences; to provide for an on-the-spot fine in respect of such offences; and to provide for related matters



Carbon Tax will be a burning issue into the future As part of our annual Commercial Feature on Fuels, we asked Andy Maher - Managing Director of Stafford Fuels to do some crystal ball gazing on the immediate future of Solid Fuels. A new fuel season is upon us, but a lot of the old uncertainties remain. The Government, having pulled back from the implementation of the Bituminous Ban, has not committed to any new date. But the issue of emissions and clean air will not go away and I do expect the Government will institute a Nationwide Bituminous Ban, however many years late it is. The issue of Carbon Tax will dominate the headlines all the way to Budget 2020. It is now almost certain that a 造10 per tonne of Carbon (造1.20 on a bag of coal) increase will be implemented. There now seems to be agreement on rising Carbon Tax to 造80 per tonne of Carbon by 2030 adding 造7.20 to the cost of a bag of coal\smokeless fuel and making it virtually unaffordable. There is acknowledgement of the fuel poverty issue but no agreement on how to mitigate it. There is a second issue with any increase in Budget 2020. When Carbon Tax was introduced in 2010, solid fuel got a derogation, when the tax on Oil & Gas was introduced. The tax was implemented on Budget night (Dec 9th) on Road Diesel and Petrol but held over until 1st of May for home heating oil and Kerosene. When it was


introduced on Solid Fuel in 2012 , the implementation date was 1st May, 2013. Any other date, other than a summer date, to introduce a change in Solid Fuel Carbon Tax would cause massive confusion and escalate illegal activity. We would hope common sense will prevail on this important detail. After a very difficult (mild) winter in which volumes fell between 15% and 20% and with the negative ongoing publicity on coal relating to both emissions and Carbon tax, some would see the glass as quarter full and rapidly emptying through the hole in the bottom. However, it is important to remember the vital service being provided to a significant section of the population many of whom are elderly and rural and many in fuel poverty. The need for solid fuel will continue for many years to come as the cost of deep retrofitting of 500,000 houses, even over 10 years is enormous. There will be a future for solid fuel. It will include a very significant element of biomass when technology and price can come together to provide a quality product at an affordable price. In the meantime the trade will ignore the negativity and continue to provide a vital service.

September/October 2019


Energy solutions for all Supersers The Flogas Superser is the solution for retailers to help their customers successfully manage heating costs in their homes. The contemporary Flogas Superser heaters are fitted with easy glide castors for hassle free movement from room to room. ‘Flogas Superser Heaters are the perfect solution for your cost conscious customers. They are an economic solution to instantly spot-heat a room which many customers find far more economical than turning on the central heating’ Said Eoin O’Flynn of Flogas Ireland, the exclusive Superser distributor in Ireland and the UK.

Gaslight Cylinders Flogas Gaslight cylinders are the smart choice for those camping, caravanning, boating, barbequing or using patio heaters. The innovative, lightweight Flogas Gaslight cylinder helps the customer avoid heavy lifting, and the semitranslucent exterior ensures they will not run out of gas. Available in 5kg and 10kg cylinders.

Keep them snug with Superser er Exclusive distributor for Superser heaters in Ireland d In this chilly current climate, your customers will be looking for new ways to heat their homes this Winter. So why not offer them a super snug alternative? Super economical, super-efficient and exclusive from Flogas. Superser is the simplest way to heat any room in an instant. • The original mobile gas heater • Leading brand – highest quality

Superse r Exclusiv ely from Flo gas

• Modern Design with latest safety features

To order contact Flogas on T: 041 983 1041 | E: | W:

Wherever you are September/October 2019



kindling Cracker delivers real world ingenuity Irish International Trading Corporation (IITC) are delighted to introduce their exclusive new and innovative product to the Irish market, The Kindling Cracker delivers real world ingenuity, invented by a young girl who was determined to avoid injuries from splitting firewood into Kindling. This simple, safe and easy to use design that began as a science project has become an award-winning product across the world. The Kindling Cracker is made in an Australian foundry. It consists of one solid piece of high-quality cast iron. The only maintenance it needs is a touch of paint from time to time. The Kindling Cracker is a top-grade cast iron splitting head mounted inside of a 12’’ H Cast iron frame. To make a perfect piece of Kindling just place a piece of firewood inside the iron safety ring and strike with a blunt instrument, such as a hammer or mallet. This drives the wood down onto the splitting wedge for a quick easy split. There is no need to swing a sharp axe blade dangerously close to your hand. It is the perfect companion for creating perfect kindling for your fire.


ÊÃ>viÊ> `Êi>ÃÞÊÜ>ÞÊÌ Ê make Kindling with no moving blade or sharpened object passing by your hands. -« ÌÃÊwÀiÜ `ÊÜ Ì Ê iÃÃÊ force than a standard axe. È°x½½Ê à `iÊ` > iÌiÀÊÌ «Ê ring. >`iÊ vÊ } µÕ> ÌÞÊV>ÃÌÊ iron in Australia. 6 ÀÌÕ> ÞÊ > Ìi > ViÊvÀii°

See the Kindling Cracker in action; For further information contact IITC at 021 4705800 or 045 888300 or email or visit


A safe and easy way to make Kindling with no moving blade or sharpened object passing by your hands.


• Splits firewood with less force than a standard axe.

• •

6.5’’ inside diameter top ring.

Virtually maintenance free.

Made of high-quality cast iron in Australia.

For further information contact IITC:

T: Cork: 021 4705800

Naas: 045 888300 E: W:


September/October 2019


Calor launches Ireland’s first bioLPg cylinder through Calor Retailers

Calor BioLPG 100% renewable energy in every patio cylinder.

In April 2018 Calor were the first in Ireland to bring BioLPG, a 100% renewable gas, to the market. Calor BioLPG is the only renewable gas which is available across Ireland and the new clean energy is already making inroads into the energy market for homes and businesses. Calor BioLPG delivers emissions savings of up to 90% on conventional LPG. Calor have indicated that by the end of 2020, 10% of all Calor gas sold in Ireland will be renewable. The company is already well over half way to achieving that goal. In April 2019 BioLPG became available in Calor’s range of patio gas cylinders. This means consumers can enjoy their BBQ days knowing that they are making a small contribution to the future of our environment. BioLPG will be available in the 6kg lightweight and 11kg patio gas cylinders through Calor gas stockists. Interested in becoming a Calor stockist, call 1850 812 850 to speak to a member of the cylinder support team or visit

100% Renewable energy in this cylinde r

100% Renewable energy in this cylinde r

September/October 2019




Flooring demand continuing to improve The Timber Flooring Market in Ireland has followed an upward trend in recent years and is now at approx. 3.5 - 4.0 million sq Meters sold annually, with demand for wood flooring continuing to improve into 2019. Laminate, the largest product category in this sector, continues to be a strong driver of growth in the overall wood floorcoverings market. While both engineered and solid wood options are more aspirational, laminates’ price points, excellent environmental credentials and improvements in quality and finishes have made it an

September/October 2019

VÀi>Ã } ÞÊ« «Õ >ÀÊV Vi°Ê6> ÕiÊ>``i`Ê«À `ÕVÌÃÊÜ Ì Ê useful additional features, such as 5G click systems for easy installation, improved moisture resistance and longer plank formats, have also helped stimulate demand. Overall the wood and laminate floorcoverings market is predicted to see modest but continual growth rates up to 2021.



bIg FOOT by Trojan Designed to hide those bigger gaps between floors. This 60mm self-adhesive profile can be used on floors of the same height or floors with up to an 18mm height difference! Get these brand new profiles in a 1m or 2m length, in Gold, Silver, Brushed Steel, Rustic and European Oak only at DS Supplies. Dont forget, DS Supplies also fill the extra wide gaps with their 80mm Proline coverstrip. Available in 3m lengths in Silver.


Wide self adhesive floor cover strips for BIGGER gaps!

Peel & Stick

Lengths 1m & 2m Levels <18mm Wide 60mm

Perfect for different levels

Quality Adhesive








T: 01 4011 666 E: W:


waxing Lyrical with ds supplies

The ‘Trojan Soft Wax Repair Kit’ is suitable for all types of DIY repairs to floors and furniture, i.e. wood, flooring, doors, kitchen cabinets and is suitable for interior use only. It is quick and simple for your customer to use. Firstly remove any high points or burrs by using the edge of the applicator provided, then chip a small amount of filler onto the tip of the applicator and press into affected area. Surplus filling can be removed by using the edge of the applicator. The ‘Trojan Professional Floor Repair Kit’ comes with a melting tool and is hard wearing which is ideal for permanent application. It is suitable for indoor and outdoor use and can be used on all types of floors & furniture, i.e. wood, doors and kitchen cabinets. The melting tool heats up in 30 seconds, then all your customer has to do is touch the tip onto the appropriate filling wax block and the filler will then melt onto the tip of the melting tool. The applicator can then be touched onto the damaged area and the filler will run into the affected area. The ‘Trojan Contractor Repair Kit’ is ideal for your trade customer who needs to repair chips, scratches and other types of cosmetic damage to items such as laminate / real wood flooring, furniture and kitchen worktops. A filler applicator, melting tool, lacquer pen for sealing, sanding & polishing cloth comes with this kit, along with the batteries for the melting tool. September/October 2019


when in Rome The “foundation” of our building industry can be traced back to the Romans who developed concrete to strengthen buildings, roads and bridges – many of which are still standing today. Roman architects were also pioneers in solving the modern day housing crisis by stacking individual floors on top of buildings to create what we now call apartment living. Roads are notably one of their greatest achievements and played a vital role as they set out to conquer neighbouring countries. Their construction consisted of various layers of base materials covered by solid stone. The most prominent design involved interlocking individual pieces of stone in a pattern which became known as “Herring – Bone” due to its resemblance of a fish skeleton. This Herringbone design was also used in many architectural features, most notably flooring and a quick browse through today’s interior design magazines is testament to its current popularity.

budget. Leading German laminate flooring manufacturer Kronotex, have identified this current trend and are now manufacturing stunning affordable alternatives. Together with the Whiteriver Group they have created a unique palette of colours with a matching plank format for the Irish market. Whiteriver Group’s Sales Director Iain Wogan says they have experienced increasing demand for their engineered herringbone range in recent years and the introduction of a quality European manufactured laminate option was a natural step. “Over half of all herringbone installations are accompanied by a matching plank format used to define different areas, typically a herringbone hallway with adjoining rooms finished in a compatible plank” Iain says. Whiteriver Laminate Herringbone brochures are available by contacting their Customer Service Team / 041 6861000.

While traditional real wood herringbone floors are the ultimate in luxury they may not be within everyone’s

September/October 2019



Flooring Trends are changing and evolving Sales in Wood Flooring and related products have remained buoyant through 2018 and so far in 2019, says Charlie Hamilton, Managing Director of Canadia Flooring. Constant updating of influences on platforms like Instagram ensure that flooring trends are changing and evolving ever more quickly. What was new and in-demand last year is unlikely to be in vogue next year. We believe that when a consumer visits a Canadia Flooring Centre in a retail store, their first impressions are key. They must see and be drawn in by the colours and designs that they have seen online and have pictured in their dream room.

Canadia Ad resized.qxp_Layout 1 17/04/2018 10:12 Page 1

Each year new designs in both Engineered and Laminate flooring are the life blood of our business. We have over 220 Floors on stock in our facility in Tallaght, with an additional 40 new floors being launched between September 2019 and March 2020. We work closely with our retail partners helping to drive sales and increase their margin. One of the ways this is achieved is by helping to continuously update their offering and product mix. Another is when a floor has been selected by your customer, we have a matching profile for each and every floor, this finishes the project to a very high standard and at the same time, gets an add-on sale and higher margin for the retailer. We strive to offer the retailer the complete package. Our quality Canadia Brand, an excellent, always-on-trend flooring collection and a market leading range with matching accessories. Combine these with a strong focus on staff training and our formula delivers growth in sales and market share.


September/October 2019


workwear, where choice is key The global workwear market is on the rise. It has been on an upward trajectory since 2015 when the downward spiral of the recession finally eased, and fortunes began to change within the industry. However, it is a market that is constantly evolving so rising sales are not giving companies a chance to rest on their laurels. A rapidly changing customer base, driven by an ever-discerning male customer and a significant increase in female workers joining traditionally male industries are forcing companies to consistently review and update their product offerings. The modern customer expects an endless choice of trend led clothing that marries functionality, comfort and design seamlessly and workwear producers are sitting up and taking notice. Improvements such as effervescent colours, higher standards in PPE and the introduction of non-traditional materials all mean a better experience for the wearer. An example is the recent introduction of fibreglass to safety shoes which allows for a light, breathable solution to the protection required. Another huge driver of growth within the sector is the everincreasing burden of responsibility on employers. Constantly evolving legislation and an increasingly litigious workforce mean that employers need to have all their bases covered to protect themselves from hefty fines and penalties. Workplace accidents cost the Irish economy millions of euro each year and The Health & Safety Authority’s Annual Report shows that there were 39 work-related fatalities reported September/October 2019

to the HSA in 2018, compared to 48 in 2017, a decline of 19%. However most of these accidents and incidents are completely avoidable . When viewed in this light, the constant push for better health and safety legislation is totally understandable. Growing Trends: In addition to the reasons mentioned earlier, other factors are contributing to the steady increase in the workwear market. The resurgence of the construction market is certainly a big factor in Irish growth and with the Irish construction sector due to grow in 2019, it shows no sign of slowing down. The accompanying demand for associated trades and professional services further boost the demand. We have also recently seen smart technology begin to be rolled out for various workplace solutions such as GPS trackers for remote employees and health monitors forming part of wearable workwear tech. This innovation is only beginning, and we can expect to see many more technological advancements coming down the line over the next couple of years. All in all, the workwear market continues to boom and with Ireland enjoying full employment, it doesn’t show signs of slowing down any time soon.



Portwest safety Centre: A winning partnership with Morris dIY! Morris’s DIY Waterford, one of the largest builders providers and DIY in the south east pride themselves on their customer service and the experience they offer the local community in Waterford. “Morris’s are a leader in modern customer centric retailing and we really value the partnership we have had with them over the years” commented Rachel Davoren, General Manager of Portwest. When you walk into the store the first thing you notice is it’s easy to navigate displays, extensive workwear ranges and modern merchandising. Morris’s were one of the first builders’ providers in the country to adopt the Portwest Safety Centre concept. They also stock the Portwest Leisurewear range which is popular with customers. Portwest is still a family owned company and are experts and market leaders in the design and production of workwear clothing, footwear and PPE. For over 110 years the company has built its success on the principles of high-quality designs, value for money and superior service. Their team visited Morris’s store and worked with management to tailor a Safety Centre concept especially for them. The Portwest Safety Centre concept is the complete retail solution for hardware stores. It combines a


comprehensive range of over 2000 products with fully merchandised modern displays. It also includes the added benefits of staff training days, an online ordering portal and marketing suite of promotional videos and custom social media graphics. Since it’s installation Morris’s have seen significant increases in sales. Regular visits to the store by the Portwest merchandiser ensures that the latest innovative products are being added and only best sellers are stocked in stores. The collaboration has worked extremely well, and their Store Manager recently commented on the partnership by saying “We are delighted with our collaboration with Portwest. The store looks fantastic with the installation of the new stands and sales are growing significantly. The service we receive from Portwest is second to none and we look forward to working with them for many more years.” Portwest offer their Safety Centre concept to all hardware and DIY retailers nationwide and can tailor bespoke solutions no matter how big or small the store. If you are interested in having a Safety Centre installed or would like to know more about the Portwest range of workwear and PPE you can contact their team on 098 51712.

September/October 2019


6251 Stretch Cordura Work Trousers Comfort, flexibility and durability all in one.

Front loops with key holder.

Holster pockets.

Ruler pocket with knife button. Stretch Cordura® gusset construction. Knee expansion pleats. Cargo pocket with attachment for ID badge.

KneeGuard® Pro system.

4-way stretch panels at the back.

Stretch Cordura® knee reinforcements.

Pre bent legs.



Stretch Cordura® Cordura® Work Trousers. Trousers. 4-way 4-way stretch stretch panels panels at at the the back backand andStretch StretchCordura®Ŝ Cordura®Ŝ at at the the knees. knees. KneeGuard® KneeGuard® Pro Pro system systemcertifiedŜ certifiedŜ according according to to EN EN 14404. 14404. 6251 6251 AllroundWork, AllroundWork, Stretch Stretch Loose LooseFit FitWork WorkTrousers Trousers with with Holster Holster Pockets.Ŝ Pockets.Ŝ ±ÓÂŜvçv¥±v ± Ŝ¥¼Ŝ»Â ϼŜ ¥ÙŜċćĉĆŁ ±ÓÂŜvçv¥±v ± Ŝ¥¼Ŝ»Â ϼŜ ¥ÙŜċćĉĆŁ #InventingWorkwear #InventingWorkwear

Advertise your job vacancy with Hardware Jobs Hardware Jobs ( is HAI’s hardware industry-specific job board website, which gives hardware retailers, merchants and suppliers the platform they need to reach out to ideal candidates for their roles.

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Unlimited job postings Dashboard access to monitor and filter applications Access to a growing pool of candidates who you can contact directly Added publicity through HAI’s social media.

To find out more and to avail of our member-exclusive offer please contact Aoife Kinsella at or call 01 2980969.

Classified Ads September/October 2019

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To advertise to key decision makers in the industry, contact Jim Copeland at 01-298 0969 or email Classified advertisements (text plus logo) can be emailed to: and are to be prepaid, at least two weeks prior to publication. September/October 2019


smart spaces Rooms available for hire at HAI HQ If you need an easily-accessible meeting space on the way into or out of Dublin, HAI can offer you convenient and wellappointed rooms suitable for a range of requirements, from one-to-one to group facilities for up to 16 people.

Facilities A boardroom/ training meeting space for up to 16 people in a T-shape or in classroom style, with air-conditioning. A 62” state of the art screen is available with mini-Intel PC so you don’t have to connect a lap top. If you have a presentation or other documentation you want to place on the screen, all you need is a memory stick.

A six-person meeting space with tea/coffee/water facilities available. Ideal for a one-to-one meeting on the way into or out of Dublin. Alternatively, if you just need a pit- stop for refreshments, you are welcome to drop in as this space is available to HAI members free of charge.

¤75 morning (9am to 1pm) or afternoon (1pm to 5pm) and ¤130 full day – HAI members. ¤100 morning or afternoon and ¤175 full day – non-members.

FREE to HAI members ¤50 morning or afternoon and ¤100 full day – non-members

Wireless internet access is available in both spaces as well as plenty of sockets, natural daylight and blinds. Lunch is available, if requested in advance (24 hours’ notice) and starts at €4 per person for sandwiches.


Directions to HAI Head Office


From Dublin

On the city-bound side of the N7, more commonly known as the Naas Road, less than 1km across the border from Kildare. On the site of Johnston Logistics facing onto the Naas Road. See the map for our exact location.

Junction 5 N7

From Naas


When you visit us take the opportunity to learn more about HAI. To book either of the spaces, or for further information, contact HAI at or call 01 298 0969.

September/October 2019

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