20 | Sporfs | Wednesday, April 1, 2020 | The Hawkeye
Raffa, Car rot Prepare for Fight Night In a stunning press conference announcement, Modern Languages teacher Mr. Raffa decided that he would like to have a rematch against the carrot he faced back in January. For those who do not remember, the last fight ended with the carrot taking Raffa?s front tooth, and his battle scars are still visible. In a press conference last week, Raffa said, ?I think I'm ready to bring the fight back to that carrot. You know, when I was a kid growing up in the streets of South Philly- Hey Jimmy! Hey! Come in here!? The carrot is yet to respond. Bets are already taking place with the odds in favor of Mr. Raffa. The SJP Sportsbook is packed at the moment with prop bets, including how many
Diet Cokes will be consumed and how many JUGs will be given for disobedience. Drew Kampf ?23 said, ?I think Raffa could clinch this win this time. He?s got the pure strength that the carrot lacks, but he?s gotta stay ready for everything...or else a repeat of the last fight will happen.? But some are doubtful at the Spanish teacher's odds and favor the carrot. ?I think it?s gonna be a tough fight, but in the end my money is on the carrot. We saw what happened in the last fight, and I think that could happen again,? said Finn McNamara ?23.
(Photo: Not Mr. Raffa)
By K ier an Hicks ?23
The fight is scheduled for April 31, 2020 in the faculty parking lot hut.
Pictured: Mr. Raffa (left) and Carrot (right) at the weigh-in. The two are slated for an April 31 rematch. Carrot won the January matchup and knocked out a front tooth of Raffa.
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