V42. Issue III

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Vol . 42, Issue III

The Student Newspaper of St. Joseph's Prep

Kania: Teacher, Friend, and Art Donor By Mat t Phil l ips '18 At a school greatly affected and shaped by its history, where many students? fathers and grandfathers were taught by some of the same teachers, "Brother" Kania remains one of the most well-known faculty at St. Joe?s Prep. He has taught at the school for some forty years, and his hallmark of calling every student ?brother? or ?bro? is a quip that resonates within the core of any modern Prep student.

This collecting began

after he left the Society without any focus on a particular style or time period, as he simply collected what he liked; the artist to first captivate his attention was Georges Rouault, a French expressionist painter who died in 1958. From there, he started to collect prints by David Row? one called the Kingdom of

Time and Place, and three others from the preeminent folio of Row?s works. This collecting of prints continued with Stanley William Hayter, who is one of the most significant printmakers of the 20th century. Hayter, who lived from 1901 to 1988, Continued on page 2.

(Photo Courtesy of Tamarind.unm.edu)

However, a lesser-known fact about the sophomore religious studies teacher is evidenced in the art prints in his classroom: he is an avid art collector, and has been one for most of his life. His fascination with art began while studying to become a Jesuit; his first stint as a Prep teacher (1961-1964) also came during this period, as a Jesuit scholastic. At this time, Kania notes that

there were eleven scholastics teaching various subjects in the school, and Jesuit Hall, which was still a residence for the priests, was overflowing. Some scholastics who came were not even able to find room to board in Jesuit Hall.

"The Kingdom of Time and Space" by David Row, one of many paintings that Kania has bought and donated.

Oct ober 13, 2016

Mid-season Col l ege Foot bal l Recap simple, or at least it can be. The teams in the Only six weeks into top five conferences the College Football (ACC, Big 10, Big 12, season and this Pac-12, SEC) can afford question is already one loss. The teams front and center: not included in these ?Who?s In??. Right now, five major conferences it is impossible to say must go undefeated to who has cemented have a chance at the their position in the title. College Football This article will Playoff, but it is analyze possible to predict the meticulously chances of certain how many teams can make it per teams who will be still given an opportunity conference and which to take home College teams you should keep Football?s most an eye out for. By selection day, you?ll coveted prize. know who?s in before Currently, around 26 Kirk Herbstreit and teams still remain in other big ESPN names the running according do. to my predictions. I The SEC is the most have been crossing difficult conference to schools off the list win in the NCAA. They since the very first week of NCAA Football currently have seven this season. Everyone teams in the AP Top 25, has a chance, but week and every week there is guarantee of by week the list no shrinks. The method is Continued on page 9. By Nick Pal ermo '18

Prep Abroad: Mil l er Jaeger '17 Visit s Germany By Mac Riga '17 Miller Jaeger ?17, has proven himself to be a bona fide globetrotter. Over the summer Miller spent 20 days in Frankfurt, Germany as a participant in the Goethe-Institut of Frankfurt?s foreign exchange program.

The goal of the program is to host one student from each of Frankfurt?s partner cities. Philadelphia is fairly new to this list, as it became a partner city only last year. The inclusion of Jaeger in the program is a significant honor

for the school Miller himself.


?The purpose of the program,? says Jaeger, ?was to improve my German speaking skills but not necessarily my grammar skills. They wanted to help us with the fluidity of Germansomething that cannot

be taught classroom.?



In order to qualify for the program, an applicant had to have a grade average equivalent of the B1 Level in the CEFR (or Common European Framework of Reference for

Languages) System. The organization Deutsches Welles, an international broadcasting and educational company, suggests approximately 300 hours worth of study is required to reach this level. Furthermore, they had to write a one page essay in German answering questions such as ?Why do I want to go to Frankfurt?? and ?What do I expect from the program??

(All photos from this article are courtesy of Miller Jaeger '17)

Upon completing these qualifications, Jaeger became the sole American participant of the program. He traveled to Frankfurt where he stayed with the Remmert family.

Jaeger (far right), with fellow German immersion students.

There he participated in full days, starting at 8:00 a.m. and going right until 7:30 p.m. participating in classroom sessions, various activities, and meals with his fellow classmates. The trip was not all work

however. Jaeger recalls fondly many outings with his new friends, and the misadventures that ensued. ?One night,? Miller reminisces, ?I missed my train and got so turned around, I eventually had to follow the tracks back to my host?s neighborhood. It took so long, I think I got about one hour of sleep before I had to wake up for school.? This was Jaeger?s second trip to Germany, the first being the German Exchange Trip run by our very own modern language department (moderated by Mr. Conners and Mr. Vaccaro of the History department and planned by Ms. Watson of the Modern Language Department). For Jaeger, this trip was much more than just fun and games. Continued on page 5.

2 | News

Kania (cont .) influenced many prominent artists, including Pablo Picasso, Alexander Calder, Jackson Pollock, Mark Rothko, and K.R.H. Sonderberg. However, much as he enjoys collecting art, Brother Kania?s intention has never been to hoard it for himself.

encourage other art collectors to give to the museum. Many of Brother Kania?s pieces have already been displayed by the museum, and they are planning a full exhibition of his donations in 2017. Elaine


curator of the museum, had this to say about Kania and his work: ?Paul Kania has donated more than two hundred works of art to the Allentown Art Museum of the Lehigh Valley over the past twenty years. Ranging from nineteenth-century paintings to

twenty-first-century drawings, his contributions to the collections and his continued support of the Museum have been invaluable. Paul has a passion for prints in particular, which will be featured in an exhibition solely of his donations to be held at the Museum next summer.?

One of the most important questions that lingers, however, is also one of the most simplistic: why? What caused his passion for collecting in the first place?Was there some event or experience that stood out as a catalyst? Brother Kania believes that his collecting of art and

?Good art is best enjoyed in public collections,? he notes, adding that even from the beginning, as a Jesuit scholastic-collector, he always knew he would donate it to somewhere where it would be enjoyed by others. This brought Kania to the Allentown Art Museum, a local museum in Allentown, Pennsylvania.

He hypothesizes that this same seed of openness was also what led to his considering of the Jesuit order, and his decision to become a religious educator. Brother Kania declares with certainty that it is extremely important for young people to have these experiences that expand their horizons and challenge their consciousness, all of which he calls ?humanizing experiences.?

(Photo Courtesy of VSBA.COM)

The aforementioned works of David Row, sixty-five prints by Hayter, pieces by Rouault, as well as works by many other artists (Kania could name nine just from memory) have all been donated by him to the Allentown Museum. His intention in doing so is to affect others in two ways: first, that they may observe and enjoy the art; second, that his giving will

the formation of his profession go hand in hand. He notes that, as a child growing up near New York City, his parents encouraged what he terms ?cultural expression.? Kania said that they were not extremely well-educated, nor were they art experts, but they fostered in him an openness to these cultural experiences from a young age.

Allentown Art Museum, to which Kania has donated over 200 works of art.

One thing is for sure: Kania?s art donations broaden museum visitors? cultural experience every day, in a clear parallel to exactly what he does as a religious educator at the Prep.

The New Grading Syst em and It s Ef f ect s By Michael Enright '18 Before the beginning of the 2016-17 school, the administration at St. Joe?s Prep made a monumental decision and decided to change the grading scale. Instead of the simple A-F, 4.0 through zero, including ".5s" for ?+?, the administration shook things up with the addition of minuses, ".3s" and ".7s". The game has officially been changed and the decision was met with much confusion as curiousity began to build as to why this change took place. Questions such as why would they do this? Will this affect my grades from last year? And when will this go into effect? were all answered in a email to your parents. So, for any (probably most) of you out there who had no idea there was an email of this kind, here?s the basic run down. Toward the

end of the 2015-16 school, a group known as the Academic Council, consisting of teachers and administrators that advise the principal, began to review the curriculum and other things concerning this 2016-17 school year. During these discussions, Mr. Mark Halligan, the director of College Counseling at the Prep, proposed the idea of changing the grading scale to greater benefit the students. Most, of the council agreed with this proposal and thus the journey to fix the grading scale began. Once the grading scale was finalized, the administration had to make it clear that this new grading scale will not affect past grades and will go into effect the very next school year. That was the basic story behind it, but when I approached Mr. Zazyczny about it, he gave me much more insight.

?As they (the college counselors) are looking to get you all (the students) into college, they try to make sure that our students are getting the same look as any other student,? Mr. Z explains, ?We wanted to make sure that there was not something in our grading scale that was not to the advantage of the students.? As to the specifics of analyzing and forming the new grading system, Mr. Z elucidated, ?We did a lot of research into what other schools were doing, we looked at the history here at the Prep concerning the grading scale and we just did a real evaluation of how a new grading scale could help our students.? He explained how everything was going towards helping the students as he says, ?at the end of the day anything we can do to better assist our

students and better equip them for long run of applying to colleges is a win for us and a win for the students.? When I talked to Mr. Kelly, Chemistry teacher at the Prep, he was very indifferent about the change. He respected the decision but said that the

grading scale from every school is different and that the grading school here is the same. ?We teachers will just figure it out like we always do, the grading has no substantial effect on how I run my class,? he explained. As for the opinion of

the students, most enjoy and welcome the change as it helps relieve stress and improve GPAs. Overall, as Mr. Z said, at the end of the day, the objective is to really help the students and better improve their opportunity and future in applying to colleges.

In t er est ed in adver t isin g in The Hawkeye? Con t act Ryan Gill '17 f or det ails.

News | 3

Report : Fracking and It s Ef f ect on Eart hquake Frequency By Andrew Devany '17

shale rock containing Ever since large scale the oil and gas. fracking started in the Although fracking early 90?s, there has companies claim that always been debate on fracking has little to no whether or not fracking environmental impact, is bad for the there is a lot of environment. Fracking, evidence against it or hydraulic fracture, is proving otherwise. For the process of drilling example, in areas such into the earth to extract as Oklahoma and even natural oil and gas. At a Pennsylvania drill pad where the earthquakes have been fracking takes place, a reported, states in large drill bit is used to which earthquakes are drill into the earth a not frequent. couple hundred feet Earthquakes frequency until it reaches shale in Oklahoma has risen rock, where most over 300 times in the natural oil and gas are past seven years, from found. After metal only 3 per year in 2008 piping is inserted into to 900 a year in 2015; the hole made by the many people attribute drill bit, the drill bit is this rise in frequency turned sideways due to fracking. burrowing horizontally Geologists have into the shale rock to found that this rise is extract more oil and due to both fracking gas. More piping is inserted after the and dormant fault lines drilling is done and underneath Oklahoma; then explosives are set fracking is shaking fault lines, off all along the these causing more seismic horizontal piping which rupture fissures in the activity.

Not only has fracking lead to a rise in earthquakes, but it is also polluting the environment. For example, fracking companies capture a large amount of oil and gas that is extracted

from the shale rock; however, around 4% of methane that is produced leaks out into the environment. It might seem like that is a negligible amount, yet according to the article, "How The Oil

And Gas Industry Awakened Oklahoma?s Sleeping Fault Lines" by Maggie Koerth-Baker, there are thousands of fracking site all around the country and even more startling is that

methane is also 25% better at insulating heat in the atmosphere than carbon monoxide is. Eventually, all of this will add up and raise the earth?s global temperature. Furthermore, when drilling into the ground the drill may pass through drinking water aquifers, and the chemicals used to lubricate the drill bit contaminate the water. This makes the it undrinkable and hazardous to many families.

Th is gr aph ic displays t h e com plex pr ocess of f r ack in g.

Although there is a lot of evidence against it, not all fracking sites leak, contaminate water, or are overall evil corporate organizations. In fact, natural oil and gas is a lot cleaner than coal, making it a reliable option in the future of energy production.

Cl int on and Trump Cl ash in First Debat e By Liam Gibbons '18

Most of these polls are widely considered to On September 26, the be inaccurate for a first Presidential number of reasons debate between Hillary including their Clinton and Donald anonymity and Trump took place at repetition of voters. Hofstra University in These polls will have New York, under the no true effect on the moderation of NBC outcome of the news?s Lester Holt. This election, but public was the most watched perception debate in the history of surrounding the television, garnering winner of the over 80 million presidential debates viewers. The debate often has throughout lasted over ninety-five American history, minutes and was including the covered on every Nixon-Kennedy debate major news network. and the Clinton-Bush But when the debate. For reference, candidates left the these polls are the stage, the question on same format through everyone?s minds was which the British the same: who won? government agency Recently Mr. Trump nearly named a ship ?RRS Boaty has taken to twitter the writing: ?[The] Final McBoatface?. However, debate polls are in -- the Hawkeye is here to and the MOVEMENT help run down who wins!? The Clinton won in many of the campaign also claimed major popular online victory, writing on its polls and give you, the website, amongst Prep community, a many other things, that definitive answer as to Trump lost ?bigly,? a won the debate. jab at a comment made As seen to the right by Trump during the of this article, the total debate. score is 3-3-1. These very Both candidates can polls weren?t claim victory because helpful in the long run. the only immediate As for who actually sources for the won the debate, we determination of the might just have to wait November 8, victor were online until polls, many of which 2016 to know for sure. showed Clinton as the winner, many of which showed Trump as such.

ABC news report ed t hat ?Cl int on Trounces Trump? in a 64% -36% vict ory (+/ -5), which is a f ive point increase f or Cl int on f rom t he company?s pre-debat e pol l ing. CBS/ NYT af f il iat e Pol it ico report ed t hat ?Cl int on Opens up 6-point l ead? ? wit h Cl int on winning onl y 49% of l ikel y vot ers. 43% surveyed sided wit h Trump, and Gary Johnson and Jil l St ein received 8% and 3% respect ivel y. Pol it ico al so report ed t hat Cl int on has been ?riding a post -debat e high? and Trump ?has been on a sel f -dest ruct ive st reak.? The given margin of error is +/ -4 point s f or t his pol l . CNN/ ORC cl aimed ?Trump [is] running out of t ime...? showing Cl int on wit h 47% of t he vot e, Trump 43% , Johnson 7% and St ein at 2% . Here St ein?s ent ire pol l ed vot ing bl ock was wit hin t he +/ -3% margin of error. Fort une?s pol l s showed Trump winning wit h 53% of t he vot e. There was no margin of error f or t his pol l because it is not ?st at ist ical l y represent at ive of t he American el ect orat e.? Sl at e?s onl ine pol l gives Trump a 55.18% -44.82% l ead. No margin of error was report ed as it was a ?t ot al l y unscient if ic onl ine pol l .? Time report ed a 50% -50% t ie, but al so gave a discl aimer saying t hat ?pol l s l ike t his one are not st at ist ical l y represent at ive of l ikel y vot ers. Washingt on Times?s pol l showed a 66% -26% vict ory f or Trump, wit h 5% going t o ?neit her? and an est imat ed 3% f or t he moderat or Lest er Hol t . No margin of error nor discl aimer of inaccuracy was provided f or t his pol l .

*N.B. Due t o t he nat ure of The Hawkeye's print ing schedul e, The Second President ial Debat e was not covered or considered f or t his report . Theref ore, some dat a or comment s may be rendered inaccurat e by t he debat e on Oct ober 9t h, 2016 or ot her event s surrounding t he President ial El ect ion.

4 | News

New Renovat ions Bring New Hope

Tribut e t o Arnol d Pal mer

By Marco Sammart ino '18

(Photo Courtesy of arnoldpalmerdesign.com)

Graffiti-ridden and neglected, the Spring Garden School stands on 1146 Melon St., not far from our home of the Prep. Since the 1970?s, it has been empty and unused. However, HELP USA and the Philadelphia Housing Authority have combined forces to renovate the dilapidated building, and are converting it into a residential building at affordable prices. A total of 37 residential units will be available sometime in the middle of next year after construction began on August 1st of this year. An interesting characteristic of the Spring Garden School is that it?s covered in graffiti. Even more interesting is how the plan is to keep much of this graffiti for when the building actually opens next year. This is surely an unconventional move, yet it should be exciting to see how it works out for residents.

Arnold Palmer won seven majors over the course of his career, including four Masters.

On September 25, 2016, the world lost a golf legend, Arnold Palmer. Palmer was born on September 10, 1929 in Latrobe, Pennsylvania. Growing up, he lived along the sixth hole at Latrobe Country Club, where his father was the greenskeeper and head pro. Palmer was not able to enjoy the luxuries of the country club, since his family were not considered members. He was only able to play the course early in the morning before the members came, or late in the afternoon after they left. Palmer did not do exceptionally well in school, only succeeding with math because he had to use it for adding up his score. Palmer became a caddy at Latrobe at 11 years old. This allowed him to play the course on Mondays when the course was closed. Palmer developed his game and went on to win the caddy tournament several times. He won many high school tournaments including

two state championships. Palmer went to Wake Forest on a scholarship for golf. He loved playing in college, but his world turned upside-down when his best friend and Wake Forest teammate, Buddy Worsham, was killed in a car accident. Because of this, he left Wake Forest and went into the Coast Guard where he served for three years. Palmer returned to Wake Forest but left again. He could not figure out what to do, since he did not want to be a head pro at a golf course, but he wanted to continue with golf. Palmer played in the 1951 U.S. Amateur Tournament and won, so he decided to turn pro. He had tremendous success over the course of his PGA Tour career. He won seven majors, including fours Masters championships, one U.S. Open, and two British Opens. He had such success that he was named the Athlete of the Decade for the 1960s. Even though he was a very famous athlete, he was also one of the great ambassadors to golf.

Palmer started playing when golf was first introduced to television, so he generated a lot of excitement for the sport. Palmer also was very personable to fans; whenever a fan wrote to him, he always answered them. Arnold Palmer was also a very charitable man. He helped contribute to the Orlando Regional Medical Center and renamed it Arnold Palmer Hospital for Women and Children. He later separated them into the Arnold Palmer Hospital for Children, the Winnie Palmer Hospital for Women and Babies (named for his wife), and the Howard Phillips Center for Children and Families. These make up the Arnold Palmer Medical Center, which is the largest women?s and children?s facility in the United States. Arnold Palmer contributed to the sport of golf and helped it grow throughout the years. He was a one-of-a-kind athlete and humanitarian who will be immortalized in history.

Another building experiencing a rebirth is the Divine Lorraine on North Broad Street and Fairmount Avenue. Built in 1884, it originally opened as an apartment building but transitioned to a hotel in 1900. It remained a hotel until the Great Depression. It was the first racially integrated hotel in the country, a true feat to be proud of. The Divine Lorraine

remained open until 1999, and has been closed ever since. However, in September 2015 renovation began, and the Lorraine is going to be back in business this year. It has balconies that face in on an inner courtyard and traditional touches. Rent for a one-bedroom apartment starts at just over $1,000, making it affordable. Seeing that the Divine Lorraine stood as an icon for countless years, breathing new life into it will surely unearth some of that historical magic. And since the housing prices are reasonable they are providing homes for low-income families and young professionals alike. With both the Spring Garden School and the Divine Lorraine coming back into the limelight, they will both certainly provide that historic flair that Philadelphia is so belovedly known for.

(Photo Courtesy of Phillyvoice.com)

By Mat t hew Brennan '18

While the art and renovation are certainly positive talking points, the Spring Garden School renovation has something else to offer: housing for veterans. That?s right: the building, when finished, will house 12 homeless veterans. Considering there are almost 40,000 veterans who are homeless currently in the United States, giving 12 a home may not seem like much. However, the project represents an awareness for the problem and the beginning of a potential solution.

The Spring Garden School is located on 12th and Ogden Streets, just blocks from The Prep

Quinn Room Undergoes Renovat ions By Ryan Bresl in '17

Before the ?Dean?s Update,? was released, students could often be found enjoying the Quinn Library as a quiet place to study, an alternative to the more stark and modern McShain Library. This space was also used for club meetings and impromptu after school hangouts. In order to use the Quinn Library today, both

students and faculty are required to make arrangements with Mrs. Tara McFadden, Assistant to the President. It is well known that the Quinn Library houses archives from the Prep?s past, as well as books from the Jesuit Community Library that used to be a part of Jesuit Hall. The Quinn Library also houses the Villager Archives, which ?contains the history of St. Joseph's Preparatory School, the Church of the

Gesu, and the surrounding neighborhood. Hundreds of books, awards, records, photographs, and audio materials are part of a collection that spans over 150 years (sjprep.org). One can only hope that this library is preserved as a symbol of the Prep?s past and that Prep students will once again have access to the Quinn Library in order to experience all that this amazing space has to offer.

(Photo Courtesy of Mr. Leo Vaccaro)

In a recent ?Dean?s Update? (September 12 through September 16, 2016) , students and faculty were made aware that the Quinn Library is no longer available for student use. Also noted in that particular ?Dean?s Update? was the fact that the Quinn Library ?will become a space that will be used for important receptions with benefactors and other guests?. During a recent visit to the Quinn Library, one could see many pieces

of antique furniture marked with Post-It-Notes that are slated to be removed from that space.

An Archived Vol ume Cat al oguing Pew Rent al s in t he Hist oric Church of t he Gesu.

Features| 5

Jaeger (Con t .) Miller was deeply moved by the experience, and when asked which of the two trips he preferred, he had this to say, ?I'm sorry Mac but as much as I loved the [Prep?s] trip with you guys, I think I loved the trip to Frankfurt more just because of the people I met there. I feel like it changed me for the better meeting these people, especially the girl from Egypt [Khadiga]. Because before I met her I really did not care about what happened in the Middle East as long as we ended up winning. I always viewed Muslims as potentially dangerous

so I was uneasy around them, and I never really believed it when people told me that Islam is a peaceful religion until she explained to me the difference between what I see in the media as an American and what really happens in a Muslim country. She showed me that it's not just us in the world that hold prejudiceshe avoided me on the first day because she thought that I would hate her since I am American and she is Muslim. Also I feel like she is someone who can help me find constructive solutions to problems I have

when previously I would rather just burn the bridge on certain issues I'd have with parents or friends. I guess you could say that Khadiga is helping me live more like the way that a Jesuit would, and she is certainly helping me with the ?open to growth? part of that.? Jaeger?s trip truly illustrates the value of being a man for but especially with others. His experiences have created lifelong memories and bonds. Miller stands as a living example of a Prep student who has ?set the world on fire?.

Jaeger (far left), with fellow exchange students participating in a team-building activity.

Gesu Sch ool Wr it in g Con t est Resu lt s Three Weeks Ago, The Hawkeye Staff started a creative writing contest for middle school students at The Gesu School. We received eight incredible submissions, showcasing impressive writing from each student who entered the contest. Below are the two most outstanding creative writing pieces from our next-door neighbors. We would like to thank Dr. Eileen Erwin for making this contest possible and congratulate the winners of our first Gesu School Writing Contest.

The Candl e by Kara Nunnal l y, 6t h Grader The flame of a candle walks through the dark, protecting the people holding him, comforting the enslaved Africans in the darkest time, hearing them cry over and over again. He wants to help them. When he is blown out for the night, he wonders what will happen the next day. He does not like to be alone in the night. He despises that the sun is brighter than he is. He is only used at night. One night they stopped using him for light. Now he is just held in their hands as they wait for freedom. Will he be used again? Will he comfort them again? Will he disappear? When the enslaved Africans made it to the free states, they no longer needed him, but he was happy, knowing the people he loved were finally free.

Damaged by Sydnee Monroe, 8t h Grader I was damaged by my father when he left me He was supposed to be the one that would always keep me safe I had no one to tell me I was a princess No one to tell me I was beautiful No one that protected me from the evils of the world I had no one to tell me boys aren't worth it I had no one to tell me that I was going to be okay I could never please them I was damaged by friends They were there when I had things they liked They were there when I did what pleased them They were there when I was always happy They left when I felt alone They left when I didn?t do as they pleased They left when when I couldn't handle always being happy I realized just like a shadow in the dark they disappeared I could never please them I was damaged by love Everyone I loved was never faithful Everyone I loved never felt the same Everyone I loved broke me Everyone I loved left me when I needed them the most Everyone I let my guard down for, pushed me away when they heard my past I could never please them I was damaged by society Telling me to be skinnier Telling me if I had more weight than others, I was obese Telling me to be prettier because my face wasn?t good enough Telling me if I wore makeup, I was a barbie Telling me that my teeth need to be whiter Telling me that my waist should be smaller Telling me I would never be someone they would accept I could never please them Everyone is damaged in their own way Some people are better at hiding it than others Some people forget they are damaged and don't want to remember Some people choose to be hurt because there is no one else to help Some people never knew they were hurt They couldn?t please someone I realized I am a princess I love myself and I don't need anyone else I'm beautiful in my own way I?m strong and independent and I don't need people telling me I'm not I have scars so everyone knows I went into a battle and won I learned that God removed people out of my life because they didn't deserve me I learned that you can?t please everyone I am damaged But everyone is

6| Features

St u den t of t h e Week : Jim m y Hegar t y '17 By Joe Scot t '19

Sword, where you?ll see him leading Stage Crew as a Tech Director; or yearbook club, snapping pictures and designing pages for the books we all will keep the rest of our lives. Jimmy is all over the Prep.

(Photo Courtesy of @SJPrep_MandM)

What a guy. Jimmy Hegarty is just a joy to be around, as so many people can tell you. He comes into contact with so many people at the Prep, whether it's through Kairos, for which he is Rector this October; Cape and

Some may think that the omnipresence of JImmy stops there...not quite. Jimmy is also involved in Mission and Ministry. You might know him from last year?s 2 Philly 4 Francis: Ignatian Pilgrims on the

Hegarty (2nd from right), pictured with fellow

Journey, when he was part of the host team for the visiting Jesuit school students who came to Philadelphia during the 2015 World Meeting of Families to see Pope Francis during his historic trip to the United States. Jimmy is also very active in the Prep?s ongoing mission of service, including service trips to Trenton, NJ and New Mexico. He is also a leader on retreats, such as the Freshman IGNITE Retreat in 2016 and Kairos 147 as a retreatant, as well as 151 as rector. Another significant facet of Jimmy?s life at St. Joe?s Prep is the Cape and Sword Drama Society. Every day after school, if you look from 2:45 to 5 this fall you can find him in the the theater

leading the Stage Crew in creating the set for Peter and the Starcatcher, the Cape and Sword production this November. He is one of the tech directors of stage crew. Meaning, it is his job to lead the group as they complete the painstaking task of constructing a giant, detailed backdrop for the show. You can also see him on stage during performances, where he?ll be leading the Run Crew as tech director, moving set pieces and helping backstage. In addition to being super involved in extracurriculars, he owns the game in curriculars. He gets some impressive grades in a packed schedule of wicked hard classes. You don?t need Power School to see his

intelligence, look no further than his conversations and leadership skills for that. Jimmy is one of the nicest people in the Prep. He?s always smiling and cracking jokes in the halls or the theater, or the Mission and Ministry office. Say hi to him when you pass him in the hallway, and you?re guaranteed a smile and a pleasant response. Trust me. I?ve said hi to him. 10/ 10 would say hi to Jimmy Hegarty again. Jimmy is one of the most ?Prep? people I know. He just gets it. You can tell by the way he talks about school, and by the way he acts within the walls and outside. He is what this school tries to instill in all of its students.

Kairos 151 leaders.

Facu lt y Gr id

By M ich a Delf m an n '18

Mr. Rupertus

Mrs. Castagno

Mr. Martin

Mr. Callaghan

What is your spirit animal?

The Armadillo

Polar Bear

Killer Whale

Doesn?t like animals

Which historical person do you identify most with?

John Milton

Eliza Hamilton

Gregor Mendel


What is your favorite TV-show?

The Get Down

Designated Survivor

Chicago P.D.


Where have you always wanted to travel to?





(Photo Courtesy of Fantasylabs.com)

Sports | 7

Shocking Deat h of José Fernandez St uns Sport s?Worl d By Zachary Carr '19 The loss of José Fernandez sent the sports world into a frenzy. On Sunday, September 25, many sports fans woke up to hear that José Fernandez had died earlier that morning as a result of a boating accident. Fans were devastated to see a young, energetic, and charismatic phenom like Fernandez go so soon.

On the night of Saturday, September 24, Fernandez wanted to go on a boat ride with friends. It had been reported that the pitcher had been upset, and wanted to ?get away? to clear his mind. Fernandez went out boating with his friend, Eddy Rivero, who was maneuvering the boat, and Emilio Macias. Later the next morning, between 3 AM and 5 AM, the boat had struck a rocky jetty. The accident killed all three occupants of the boat.

(Courtesy of NESN.com )

Fernandez was enjoying a wonderful season, owning a legitimate chance to be awarded the National League Cy Young at the end of the season. His season was made more impressive by the fact that it was his first full season since having the infamous Tommy John surgery in 2014.

He was 16-9 this season while posting a 2.86 ERA, and a very impressive, league leading, 12.5 K per 9. There was no doubt that the Marlins were expecting at least one more big start out of him in the waning weeks of the season.

M ar lin s player s com e t oget h er bef or e t h e gam e in a special cer em on y t o h on or t h e lat e Fer n an dez. Th e en t ir e t eam w or e #16 on Sept em ber 27t h , t o r em em ber t h eir t eam m at e an d f r ien d.

The death had an immense impact on the MLB, as the Marlins game against the Braves was cancelled. In addition to the cancellation, every other game played that Sunday afternoon dedicated a moment of silence in the memory of Fernandez. Teammates of Fernandez mourned the loss. Martin Prado, their third baseman was quoted, saying, ?This is difficult for me and for everybody.? On Monday, the Marlins played the New York Mets in a game where Fernandez was scheduled to pitch. Before the game there was an emotional tribute to José Fernandez, which included every Marlins player placing their hat on the mound. Dee Gordon, the Marlins second baseman, took a pitch from the right side, even though he is left handed, during his first plate appearance. The purpose of this was to honor Fernandez, who hit from the right side of the plate. Gordon also wore a helmet with Fernandez?s number, 16, on the back. After taking the first pitch, he switched back to his normal helmet and his normal stance on

the left side of the plate. He let another pitch go by, but on a 2-0 fastball thrown by Bartolo Colon, Gordon took him deep. It was Gordon?s first home run of the season, but that did not cross his mind as he was running around the bases. Instead, he was thinking, about José Fernandez, and why he wasn?t on the top step cheering for him. Gordon got quoted, ?I was just wondering why [José Fernandez] wasn't on the top of the steps cheering for me." Unfortunately, José Fernandez is not the only athlete to go to soon in his career. Baseball alone has lost its fair share of players too soon to bizarre accidents. Roberto Clemente is one player that comes to mind. He was killed in a plane crash, while delivering relief goods to earthquake victims in Nicaragua. Clemente is one of the best baseball players of all time, won the National League MVP in 1966, and was inducted into the Hall of Fame in 1973. Another athlete killed in a plane crash was former Yankees catcher, Thurman Munson. Munson was piloting a plane and practicing take-offs and landings when he

crashed, resulting in his death. He was a vital piece of the Yankees during their streak of three straight World Series appearances in the late 1970?s. He also won the 1976 American League MVP award. A Philadelphia athlete who died too early in his career is former Flyers goalie, Pelle Lindbergh. He was only 25, when he got into a deadly car crash. He was under the influence of alcohol at the time of the accident. The accident happened just eight games into the 1984-85 NHL season, the season after he won the

Vezina Trophy, which is awarded each year to the NHL?s best goaltender. These deaths, with the exception of Lindbergh, just do not compare with Fernandez?s death because the players were either late in their prime, or the last years of their career. Also, the death of Fernandez comes at a time where the world has social media at its fingertips. For many more years, sports fans across the nation will discuss what could have become of the young phenom, Fernandez, but unfortunately, no one will ever have a definite answer.

8 | Sports

Phil l ies Sl ight l y Ahead of Schedul e, Look To Grow In Coming Years By Pat Morrison '18

(Photo Courtesy of AP Images)

The Phillies were predicted, by Sports

The success this season could be considered miraculous, since they had the worst run differential in the league, -186, which means on average they lost by 1.1 runs a game. This shocking result is

Ph illies r eliever , Hect or Ner is celebr at es a save.

due to the fact that the Phillies were able to win close games, 28-23 in one run games to be exact, and got blown out a lot of games. This improvement in the Phillies organization is the direct result of the removal of RubĂŠn Amaro Jr., who is infamous for hiring veterans at a high price who are unable to perform, at the end of the 2015 season. After Amaro was removed, the new general manager, Matt Klentak, has made some wise moves. By replacing older, expensive stars with younger and cheaper players. This shifted the payroll from $145 million in 2015, to only $88 million. This makes the result of this season even more of a surprise, since they were able to be 8 games better while playing players a total of $60 million less. This loss in payroll is due to the trading of players such as: Chase Utley, who made $7 million, Carlos Ruiz,

who made $8.5 million, and other expensive contracts ending. This year was also the last year in Ryan Howard?s 5 year $125 million contract, so next year an even lower payroll can be expected. This is a bittersweet goodbye for Phillies fans, since Howard was exceptional for the Phillies for a few years, but then when he signed his $125 million contract, his performance and health declined. This year was not a statistically ?good? year by any means; the Phillies were in the bottom 5 in the league in most batting statistics, which includes but is definitely not limited to: hits, batting average, runs, on base percentage, and slugging percentage. Batting was not the Phillies strong suit, but a couple players stood out: CĂŠsar Hernandez and Odubel Herrera. Both young and promising stars for the Phillies, who both had

(AP Photos/ Michael Perez)

The 2016 Philadelphia Phillies started off the 2016 season with low expectations. Which they did surpass, finishing with a record of 71-91. This result was a pleasant surprise, which is a rarity for sports in this town. Although not a good year at all, this year was definitely a step in the right direction.

Illustrated, to finish the season with 65 wins and 97 losses. Surprisingly, that would have been better than the 2015 result of 63-99, which was their worst season since 1972.

Odu bel Her r er a at t h e plat e. batting averages over .285, and on base percentages better than .360. The Phillies pitching, on the other hand, was promisingly decent. They rank just below average in most statistics. Their young pitching staff has shown potential, especially in Hector Neris, a 27 year old right-handed relief pitcher, who finished the season with an impressive earned run average of 2.58 even

with a total appearances.



The Phillies mediocre 2016 season is very promising for the future of the organization. The Phillies showed their fans something that they had not seen in a few years: hope. The young stars are are exciting to watch and bring a good crowd to the ballpark. The Phillies fans are sure that this season was a step in the right direction.

NCAA: 5-St ar Nova Recruit Academical l y Inel igibl e By Robbie Cal abro ?19 Fresh off a championship year, Villanova?s hopes to be the first repeat ?March Madness? champion since Florida in 2006 and 2007 were reduced drastically when incoming 5-star recruit Omari Spellman was declared academically ineligible by the NCAA.

Many people had Villanova penciled in for another Final Four trip this season, who are returning three starters: favorite for the Player of the Year wing Josh Hart, guard Jalen Brunson, and wing Kris ?Big Smooth? Jenkins. Also, transfer Eric Paschall, A-10 rookie of the year, is scheduled to make his Villanova debut. But why was Spellman ruled ineligible? Under Jay Wright?s tenure as head coach, Villanova?s

After beginning 9th grade at a public school, he had the opportunity to transfer to a private school, the Hookam School, and did. The only problem was that the new school made him repeat 8th grade. He was still allowed to play on the high school basketball team however, which is where the problem lies. Wright?s reaction was expected: "By rule, we get it. But he was on the ninth-grade basketball team. He wasn't a star. He wasn't even on the JV. He just had a chance to get to a private school. He didn't know anything

about NCAA eligibility rules back then. ... Our contention was, he wasn't thinking about being a college athlete. There were also some family issues there that he was dealing with."

How does it make sense that a school with eighteen years of academic fraud isn?t punished while a school with one case is? Two possible explanations:

This leads to a larger problem: the clear bias The NCAA is biased and by the NCAA in support makes no attempt to of ?blue blood? hide it. If SMU had the programs. same list of allegations For instance, the North as UNC, then they Carolina Tar Heels have would probably have been under gotten the infamous investigation due to death penalty. ?paper classes.? These The rules of the NCAA were not real classes; are flawed. This is they only existed on shown in their crazy paper. Kenneth academic rules and Weinstein, the head blatant disregard for investigator, what?s best for the conservatively athlete. estimated that over 3,100 students took An example supporting these fake classes. Not the former is Alabama surprisingly, most of star linebacker Tim He was the ?students? were Williams. arrested for carrying a athletes. deadly weapon without This "blue-blood" a permit. His school was allowed to punishment? participate in this Suspended for the first year's tournament, and half of the game likely will not face any against Kentucky by the punishment school. whatsoever. SMU, a The NCAA never non-traditional basketball program, mentioned this in any to the was suspended from statements the postseason after press. What deserves one case of academic more of a punishment: carrying a gun or fraud.

(Courtesy of Getty Images)

Spellman, the 18th ranked recruit on ESPN, was poised to be the starting power forward for an experienced Wildcat squad. He was expected to fill the huge shoes of Daniel Ochefu, now a power forward for the Washington Wizards.

player have had a spotless media and academic record. The statement regarding the decision by the NCAA reveals little, ?Despite graduating from high school in 2016 and presenting the same academic qualifications as an NCAA qualifier, the NCAA determined Omari's status to be an academic redshirt.? This reveals little as to why he is an academic redshirt.

Spellm an , Pict u r ed Above. repeating 8th grade? Alabama is a traditional powerhouse and brings in money, so they will most likely never be sanctioned by the NCAA. Of course, their rules are also to blame. What other company in the world punishes employees for being overqualified like Omari Spellman? Why should a basketball player be sanctioned for dunking during the last 20 minutes of warmups (yes, that is an actual regulation)?

There?s so much wrong with the NCAA, but they continue to focus on the most trivial things. Punish schools for legitimate reasons such as UNC funneling athletes into fake classes or Alabama players getting arrested; not for an extra year of high school. It needs to be reformed; not only the rules, but the bias that comes with them.

Sports| 9

(College Foot ball Con t .)

The PAC-12 is a shell of its former self. One team will meet the criteria, but it is uncertain if they will be selected. According to the formula, only three teams still have hopes of advancing. The only team I can see moving into that playoff spot is Washington. If Washington runs the table, they will easily secure their position in the CFP. If they lose a game, their chances are severely damaged.


Qu ar t er back of t h e Alabam a Cr im son Tide, Jalen Hu r t s.

Oh io St at e's QB, J.T. Bar r et t .

(Courtesy of Foxsports.com)

The ACC has ascended to the third most powerful conference in college football. You can expect five or six strong teams leading the pack, and lots of mediocre ones lagging behind. Louisville has the best offensive talent in the league in Lamar Jackson, but they still have to play Houston on the road. Clemson still has to go to Tallahassee to play a disappointing Florida State. One team will make the CFP from this conference, but I?m hesitant to say which one. On the other side, watch out for Miami and Virginia Tech. Virginia Tech recently dominated North Carolina on the road, and they have minimal challenges down the homestretch of the season, with the exception of Miami. Miami has a few tough games in the upcoming weeks, but still a favorable schedule. A well rested Miami or Virginia Tech could snag the ACC title and a spot in the CFP.

The worst of the top five conferences, the Big 12, contains a plethora of overrated teams. At the beginning of the season I thought Oklahoma would make the Playoff under the leadership of Baker Mayfield, but the Sooners were soon eliminated from contention. Only two teams still have their shot. The only one who may live up to that expectation is Baylor. The Big 12 is going to have trouble putting teams in the CFP because there is no conference championship game. While teams like Ohio State are bolstering their resumes with wins over much inferior teams like Iowa, Baylor will be sitting at home, eating popcorn, and screaming at the TV. The week off does nothing but hurt the Big 12 and her champion. When I began writing this article, there was a great chance that an AAC or other inferior conference might be represented. Now, those chances look bleak. Houston had the best chance to do so, and I seriously thought they were going to run the table. Last week they lost to Navy, ruling them out of contention. The only small conference teams that remain are Boise State, from the Mountain West Conference, and Western Michigan, from the Mid-American Conference. These teams are undoubtedly good teams, but their strength of schedule, or lack thereof, will be more glaring than an undefeated season. This leaves me to think that either Washington, Baylor, or a second ACC team will claim that last

(Courtesy of ESPN.com)

The Big Ten is the second-most challenging conference in college football. With powerhouses Michigan, Ohio State, and Wisconsin, the conference is loaded with potential playoff teams. Two teams from this conference can advance to the CFP(College Football Playoff), but only one will. That one is Ohio State. Even though I believe Michigan is the best team in the conference, Ohio State has the good fortune of playing Michigan at home. Home field is vital at the collegiate level more than any other time in an athlete?s career, and when it is too close to call, the home team is the winning team. Currently five teams in the Big Ten Conference can still dream about a CFP nomination, but it will

undoubtedly come down to Michigan @ Ohio State on November 26, 2016. The winner of that game will have to defeat whoever comes up against them in the conference championship, whether it be Nebraska or Wisconsin.

(Courtesy of Kentuckysportsradio.com)

success (yes, even for Alabama). Unlike other conferences, a team from the SEC still has a chance to qualify, even with two losses. Ole Miss and Georgia, I have not deemed your season over. If the conference champion has two losses in tough games, they have a chance in making the playoffs. The SEC is also the only conference who must have a team in the Playoff, so the situation described above is especially possible when all teams in the conference have more than one loss. This conference is one of three conferences that can send two teams to the Playoff, although it is unlikely. Right now, eight teams in the SEC can still go through their season with a chance of hoisting the trophy in January. The most likely of these are Alabama, Texas A&M, and Tennessee. Despite tough games against Texas A&M, Tennessee, and LSU, I expect Alabama to make the playoff.

Clem son qu ar t er back , Desh au n Wat son .

Cu r r en t FBS

Paler m o's

Ran k in gs

Pr oject ed

1. Alabam a (6-0) 2. Oh io St at e (5-0) 3. Clem son (6-0) 4. M ich igan (6-0)

Fin al Ran k in gs 1. Alabam a 2. Clem son 3. Oh io St at e 4. Wash in gt on

5. Wash in gt on (6-0) 6. Texas A&M (6-0) 7. Lou isville (4-1)

5. Lou isville 6. M ich igan 7. Baylor

8. Wiscon sin (4-1)

8. Texas A&M

9. Ten n essee (5-1)

9. M iam i

10. Nebr ask a (5-0)

10. Wiscon sin

Follow The Hawkeye (@Hawkeye_SJP) on Twitter

10| Opinion/ Debate

Col umbus Day or Col umbus Nay dubbed the natives there ?Indians,? because of his final destination being India to trade spices.

By David McCabe '19 So how did you spend your Columbus Day weekend? Maybe you went to the beach or had a barbecue with friends and family, but you probably did not reflect on why Columbus Day is an actual holiday. In reality, Columbus Day celebrates the genocides and enslavements of hundreds of thousands of Native Americans and it is an atrocity and an embarrassment that the United States still celebrates it. The holiday was only just made into a federal holiday in 1937, but why should we let it continue to be celebrated? Mr. Dino Pinto, the Prep?s own expert on everything Native American, expresses his

opinion on Columbus Day, ?We tend to, as a nation, still view things from a Eurocentric lens and so many of us are ignorant of what transpired in our Nation's history, let alone the fact that Columbus never stepped foot on what is now the United States. People see us as a nation that started with European settlement and the myth of Columbus discovery America still lives on. Natives are a side note our history. Just look at our history textbook, how many pages are dedicated to the story of Native Peoples?? All that Americans are really ?celebrating? is that people sailed on a boat and they happened to be the second people to come to America from a different place. That?s

right, the Spanish were second to the Nordic Vikings who came to North America about 500 years prior. Christopher Columbus was also an Italian sailor exploring for the Spanish crown. This may not seem like much, but it makes no sense that if America descends mostly from the English colonies and traditions that we would celebrate the ?discoveries? of Spain. Although, these discoveries should be more accurately called ?accidents? because Christopher Columbus was sailing with his three ships in search for a trade route to the Indies. So when he stumbled upon the Bahamas he figured that he must have reached an island off the coast of Japan. That is why he inaccurately

When one thinks of Columbus Day, and its negative connotations, one?s mind usually jumps to the slaughterings of many Native Americans. An excerpt from Columbus?s logbook, ?They would make fine servants.... With 50 men we could subjugate them all and make them do whatever we want." Because the Europeans had superior technology and knowledge of the world Columbus and his men took advantage of the ignorance of the natives so that they can force them into slavery. And those who opposed the tyrannical and ruthless fist of the Spanish were slaughtered. The genocides committed in the Americas are arguably the most

the the

Besides the hundreds of thousands of people who were directly murdered by Columbus and his crew, its effects have lasted to this day with the discrimination and oppression of Native Americans within our country. But it wasn?t just the Spaniards who killed the natives. During the Columbian Exchange diseases spread to the Americas and killed hundreds of thousands of natives. Smallpox, measles, malaria, yellow fever, influenza, and chickenpox all came from Europe. Christopher Columbus himself was probably disease-ridden, spreading death with each handshake he gives. Pinto shares his view on what he believes to be be Columbus?s greatest atrocity, ?The greatest atrocity is that Columbus and those who colonized the Americas is that they viewed Native people as less than human. This led to mass enslavement, murder, and near extermination.? In 2002 the Venezuelan president finally changed the name of the holiday to the ?Day of Indigenous Resistance? to commemorate the indigenous people who resisted the influences of the Europeans. Other alternate names for

the holiday in Latin America are Day of the Cultures, Pan-American Day, and National Heroes Day. Pinto continues, ?Perhaps there will come a time when our nation changes the holiday to Indigenous People's Day. There are many states and cities who have officially recognized is as such. When I lived in South Dakota, we recognized the day as Native People's Day.? Although, the efforts of the Native Americans were not enough to stop the superior Europeans. Some even saw them as gods and, after a while, they did start to play God, deciding who lives and who dies. Be the generation that ends Columbus Day. Even a simple change to the name can remove the negative connotations and conceptions associated with Christopher Columbus. Columbus Day is offensive to Native Americans and a reflection of a period in history when bigotry and racism were accepted as the norm. Although it may get you a day off from school, take that day to remember the people who died in their own hometowns when one day the foreigners came.

(Photo Courtesy of NBCNEWYORK.COM)

(via Photobucket.com)

Columbus?s goals for reaching the Indies were actually very selfish, too. He traveled around Europe, begging for any rich, royal family to sponsor his journey west. He didn?t care for whom the expedition would be, but he just wanted to sail for someone so that profits made from trading on his route may make him rich by association.

severe of all genocides in course of history.

Young New-Yorkers watch the annual Columbus Day Parade in 2015. Columbus Day has evolved to become a day of celebration of Italian Heritage.

Opinion/ Debate| 11

Debat e: Is Cereal a Soup? By Jack Thorel l ' '19 Does Mr. Raffa give out candy? Is the 3D printing club the new break out club of the Prep? Does The Hawkeye have an embarassing amount of typos? Is cereal a soup? All these questions have one thing in common, the answer to each is yes. You all probably saw the title of this article and made a snap decision of your own. And although you scoff at the idea of cereal being a soup, do you believe it deep down, or is it just society telling you to?

But the Prep is no place for hate, it?s a safe environment

By David Sakowski '18 ?Cereal in it of itself is not a soup.? That?s what Brian Ghee, Director of Transportation and Student Activities and self-proclaimed cereal enthusiast confidently replied when asked the burning question, ?Is cereal a soup??

If you haven?t caved yet, maybe I can appeal to the Jesuit in you and make you think about things. Let?s analyze the true meanings of these words. Webster's Dictionary defines soup as ?a liquid food especially with a meat, fish, or vegetable stock as a base and often containing pieces of solid food.?

Some argue that soup has to to be hot, ruling out cereal. Assuming that soup did have to be hot, which it doesn?t, some people heat up cereals like oatmeal. And, Gazpacho, a cold, Spanish, vegetable dish, is accepted as a soup despite its temperature. Things like tomato soup, Gazpacho, and cereal are the very reason why Webster?s doesn?t

explicitly say a soup is hot and only meat/ fish/ vegetable based.

break these two dishes down into the same 2 types of ingredients: broth and solid food.

Webster?s Dictionary agrees, milk and grains are a sufficient soup broth.

It doesn?t matter what that broth or what that solid food is made of, because not all soups are made up of the same broths and solid foods. Society tells you that cereal and soup aren?t similar enough to be classified together, but after hearing the facts and examining an

be colorful, flavorful, fun, and exciting, promising hope and helping to give you a positive outlook on your upcoming day. Soup, ugh, soup. Even it?s name just deters you from considering the ridiculous thought that cereal and soup even resemble each other in the slightest of similarities.

question. Cereal is cereal, soup is soup.? said Frank Villanueva, class of 2018.

No, you don?t put meat, fish, or vegetable stock in your cereal-unless you?re weird like that. But according to Webster?s Dictionary, to classify it as a soup you don?t necessarily have to. We all generally accept tomato soup to be just that, soup. And tomatoes are neither vegetables nor meat.

Obviously, cereal is 100% not a soup for countless reasons. When you wake up in the morning and you are hungry it seems absolutely ridiculous to envision anyone saying to themselves, ?I?m gonna have soup for breakfast.? Cereal is meant to

You can ask anyone if cereal is a soup and every time the answer will be the same, a resounding ?no? and you will probably get laughed at for even suggesting that.

(Photo Courtesy of www.wellplated.com)

Now on to the second half of the definition, ?often containing pieces of solid food.? Is a Froot Loop not solid food? Are Cocoa Puffs not solid food? We can

actual definition, what do you really think? Now that you?re informed, with an enriched understanding of what a soup really is, I encourage you to go forth and preach your views on breakfast foods. Because only with the help of my fellow informed debaters can we convince the world that cereal is in fact a soup.

(Photo Courtesy of www.saladworks.com)

Many of you won?t even give this poor debate piece a chance, you judged it based on what other people have told you, however misinformed they may be. Many people are afraid to voice their actual opinion in today?s society with fear of straying from the social norm and being labeled ?weird?.

where you can make your own choices, and where you can discuss what you really think about the classification of breakfast foods. So ask yourself, do you want to admit that cereal is a soup, or be peer pressured into an opinion? Do it. Admit it?s a soup. It?s what all the cool kids are doing.

I decided to test this theory and when I approached Dom Leuzzi class of 2018 with this question. He seemed to be in a hurry, but without any hesitation he said, ?Cereal, is a cereal.? He gave a slightly sarcastic tone making it seem as if I had almost insulted his favorite breakfast food. ?That?s a dumb

This remark involves the central question of this debate because it points out that both of these foods are different and have their respective terms. They both should just be left alone. I bet you if you ask anyone, and I truly mean anyone, like ask the person sitting next to you right now ?Is cereal a soup?? I guarantee they will respond almost instinctively as if they have been preparing their entire earthly existence for this one moment with the simple one worded answer, ?No.? Cereal and soup should not even be said in the same sentence together. Come on, one is for breakfast and the

other is for dinner, who thinks that far ahead in their day to plan their dinner when they are thinking about fixing themselves a nice, healthy (or unhealthy) bowl of cereal? The distinctive dissimilarities are endless, cereal is meant to be eaten cold with some refreshing milk poured on top and, if you're feeling adventurous, why not give chocolate milk a try? I highly recommend it. Side note: if you are that guy who pours the milk into their bowl before the cereal, you should seriously rethink your life. Soup, on the other hand, is meant to be eaten hot and at dinner time, maybe at lunch, and it most certainly does not contain milk. Another strong reason crushing any or all belief you may still have had about

cereal being a soup is that cereal, if done right, goes great with fruit, perhaps some blueberries or banana slices. While soup on the other hand does not even make the attempt to incorporate a healthy fruit choice. Has Michelle Obama taught us nothing? These two foods when being shopped for are nowhere near each other in the store. There is a ?cereal aisle? and ?soup aisle? for a reason. Cereal will never be a soup and if you even have the slightest inkling that somewhere out there there is a scientific law or some extremely complicated and brain-twisting mathematical algorithm out there that can disprove my argument, you are sadly mistaken. Long live cereal!

12| Opinion/ Debate

Campaign Trail Takes Donal d Trump Visit s Cl int on t o Haverf ord Ast on, Pennsyl vania By Liam Scot t '17 Democratic Presidential Nominee Hillary Clinton spoke on Tuesday at the Haverford Township Community Recreation and Environmental Center with daughter, Chelsea Clinton and actress Elizabeth Banks. This ?Family Town Hall? was free, open to the public, accessible, and was right in our own backyard. In a rather unorthodox and ever-changing election cycle, it is easy to lose sight of the fact that Trump and Clinton are actually representing me as a citizen of the United States. The realization hit me quickly as I watched the Secretary from a suspended track in a community gymnasium say that she was campaigning for local communities like Haverford, the one in which I live. In a story about the Town Hall, The New York Times called Haverford ?the kind of Philadelphia suburb that could decide this critical state.? Needless to say, the proximity of this Town Hall to my daily life reminded me that the election is not something just to watch on television,

but something that has actual concrete importance to our daily lives. Simply waiting in line to get in was raucous and energizing. Hundreds of people lined the sidewalk in front of the Rec. Center on the Haverford Reserve while campaign volunteers engaged those in line about the political process and got sign-ups for more volunteers. People were selling unofficial Clinton t-shirts, Clinton buttons, Clinton signs, you even had your classic Philly dude selling soft pretzels. Other campaign volunteers were busily trying to rally the crowds by chanting things in favor of Hillary like ?Clinton Kaine, 2016!? and ?I Believe that We Will Win.? The biggest story of the day, however, was an answer the Secretary gave to the first audience question. The moment Elizabeth Banks asked for questions from the audience, hands shot up. Banks called first on one teenage girl wearing a red bow in her hair. The girl raised the microphone and began, ?At my school, body image is a really big issue for girls my age. I see with my own eyes the damage Donald

Trump does when he talks about women and how they look. How could you help girls understand that they are so much more than just what they look like?? Even before the girl finished asking her question, the eruption of support and applause from the audience had already begun. Elizabeth, Chelsea, and Hillary basked in the laudation of the brave young woman before the Secretary delivered an answer that made the next day?s headlines. Hillary began the answer by sincerely thanking the girl over a rush of sonorous applause. She than began by pointing out her opponent?s taste in body image not being good enough for Miss Universe, the most ?acclaimed? player in the body image game. Because of this, Clinton argues, ?We can?t take any of this seriously anymore. We need to laugh at it. We need to refute it. We need to ignore it. And we need to stand up to it.?The Secretary?s answer was met with more applause pouring out for a candidate who can effectively build the confidence of body-conscious teenagers around the country: all in a Philadelphia suburb from which many Prep students hail.

By Thomas Dit ino '19 September 22nd was my opportunity to see the Republican nominee for president and the savior of Western civilization, Donald J. Trump. His rally began at 7pm, three hours after the doors opened, at Sun Center Studios in Aston, Pennsylvania. After I returned from school, I threw on my ?Hillary for Prison? shirt and my prized possession, a red ?Make America Great Again? trucker hat, then left for Sun Center Studios. Driving up to the venue was a gloriously patriotic sight. The street was lined with vendors of knock-off Trump for President merchandise, Trump flags on residential flag poles, and groups of people holding up other Trump banners from elevated areas for all to see. While waiting in the line to the venue, which was miles long, a motorcade that had a large van with tinted windows passed directly by me and drove around to the back of Sun Center Studios; it must have been Trump himself. Outside of the venue, there were only a few protesters. A man held a sign reading ?Delco Needs Jobs, NOT Trump?s Hate.? I doubt he actually cares about jobs, because if he did, he?d be voting for Trump.

crowded and had a large screen showing the speech for people who couldn?t see through the opening. There were thousands of ?deplorables? there, all wanting to Make America Great Again. After legendary basketball coach Bobby Knight finished speaking, out came Trump, in all of his glory, to ?Gonna Fly Now,? the Rocky theme song. The crowd went wild, chanting ?U-S-A? and ?Trump.? Almost immediately, Trump pointed out how crowded the second room was and waved to us. He then yelled at the fraudulent media because they wouldn?t move their cameras to show the massive crowd in both rooms. Trump discussed economic policies to revitalize Pennsylvania from NAFTA and China?s entry into the WTO. Both of these, which happened under President Bill Clinton, have cost Pennsylvania 35.1% of its manufacturing jobs and New Jersey 48.6% according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. He also stressed putting the American worker first and protecting those in the coal and steel industries.

Trump assured the crowd that he would make America a safer environment through a more secure border. He also praised the excellent men and women in our police force. The Republican nominee ended the night by saying, ?Once more we will have a government of, by, and for the people. We will make America wealthy again. We will make America strong again. We will make America safe again. And we will make America great again!? After Trump left the stage, people flowed out of the venue. I overheard a conversation about needing a few more security guards, so I decided to stay inside to see would happen. Shortly after, Trump came back out and signed autographs and threw a few hats into the remaining crowd. Unfortunately, I was not close enough to get my hat autographed. Ironically, some people were climbing over a small barrier to get closer to Trump for an autograph.Overall, the rally was energetic, patriotic, and passionate. It was unique opportunity to witness a figure who will be remembered in American history.

(Photo Courtesy of Liam Scott)

The studio was divided into two separate rooms. The first room, where the nominee would be speaking, was packed with people and the media.

Hillary Clinton (Center Stage), holds a town hall in Delaware County with Elizabeth Banks (Left) and Chelsea Clinton (Right)

I was in the second room, which was separated from the first by a wall that had a large opening through which I could see Trump. The second room was also very

(Photo Courtesy of Thomas Ditino)

When I finally made my way to the entrance of the venue, I had to pass through a metal detector to get inside. While in line, I overheard a group talking about the contradiction of my Trump hat and Hillary for ?president? shirt, but they were amused when I pointed out that it said ?for prison.?

Donald Trump, fist held high, greets an electric crowd in Aston. PA.

Opinion/ Entertainment | 13

Edit orial s

(Photo Courtesy of Clearkin.com)

From t he Edit ing St af f : Is Carson Wentz The Best or a Bust?

Why "The Prep"? By Liam Grugan '19 Around this time last year, I was up in Boston, donning my Prep sweatshirt, when a stranger yelled from a block away ?the one on Seventeenth?? There exist several other ?Preps,? but ours has earned a definite article; we are the Prep. This title, fueled by an earned arrogance, survives singularly to display the school?s provision of a superior experience. What sets us apart: the fact that we are

the only school that supplies a particular, omnipresent sense of fraternity.

replaced by a straightforward, totally immersive social experience. Because there doesn?t exist this same unnecessary sense of boundaries, conversations in the halls, while sometimes crass, profess truly the concerns of one brother to another. Few other interactions will ever be as pure as those that occur between Prep guys.

We go to a school that has manufactured the same feeling of comradery for one hundred and sixty-five years. This has been accomplished simply by the elimination of societal buffers. Preppers are assured a safe haven from both commonplace pleasantries and polite exaggerations. This clutter is

We have focused for generations on

strengthening a universal brotherhood, so the thought that there are still men who exclude their brothers, who can see a kid sitting alone and keep walking, baffles me. Many students feel as though they are not fully submerged in the experience, but what are we if not an alliance? Regardless of teams, activities, and clubs, we must show a fraternal love for every other student; any attempt at social stratification only strips the Prep of its identity.

In the sports world, it is often said that there is no way to predict how a player will hold up during his first season. While everyone may claim that he said it first, Carson Wentz is looking to be a quality player with an infinite amount of potential. The Editors of The Hawkeye have weighed in on Carson Wentz performance thus far. All but one editor has agreed that Carson Wentz is a great quarterback, despite being in his rookie year. Editor of the Opinion/ debate section, David McCabe ?19 says, "[Wentz] will not only increase the record of the Eagles and make our team one to be contended with but, he has instilled hope in the fans.? Much of the editors agree with McCabe when he says that the Eagles are now a contending team in the NFC. However, Director of Editorials, John

Kromchad ?17 disagrees entirely with his fellow editors. He says, ?It?s too early to tell that Carson Wentz is a solid player. While he is quick in the pocket, majestic with his throws, and arguably one of the most athletic players to play the game, he has yet to be thoroughly challenged in a game with high pressure and high stakes.? While it mystifies the rest of the editorial staff, everyone respects the other?s opinion, no matter how wrong they believe it to be. Carson Wentz, a currently stellar draft pick by the Eagles, seems to be quite the selection, especially for the way he has produced in his rookie season. Most of the editors of The Hawkeye seem to agree that Carson Wentz is a stellar player with a promising future in the Philadelphia organization.

Musical Musings Lil Yachty, born Miles Parks McCollum, is an Atlanta based hip-hop artist, recently achieving fame through the release of two profound mixtapes, Lil Boat and Summer Songs 2. Lil Yachty?s talent was immediately recognized as Lil Boat rose to the top of charts across the western hemisphere. This mixtape featured a previously released single, titled ?One Night? in which Yachty explains that he lacks the time and commitment to be married, a common theme in today?s hip-hop industry. Mr. Boat faced legal troubles after the release of the mixtape, which featured a song titled ?Just Keep Swimming?. The song title, as well as a sample within the track, was reported to be taken from

Disney?s Nemo.


that simply displays the image of red braids, a representation of Lil Boat himself.

Yachty was ordered to remove the sample and title, but fortunately, he was later given permission to replace them. It is in this same song that Lil Yachty introduces his alternate persona, Lil Boat, whom Yachty explains is ?a little bit more aggressive?. Throughout the song, as well as the rest of the album, Lil Yachty alternates between the characters Lil Yachty and Lil Boat, who seem to have very different and distinct styles. Lil Yachty makes brilliant use of autotune, while Lil Boat raps remarkable bars. Lil Yachty has managed to display his red braided hair as his own form of discernible individuality. In fact, among his tour merchandise is a shirt

Prior to the release of the first mixtape, Lil Yachty signed a deal with Atlanta based record label, Quality Control, under direction of Chief Operating

Officer Coach K. To celebrate Coach K?s recent birthday, Lil Yachty purchased a Rolex wristwatch and gifted it to his new friend and colleague as a token of appreciation. During the summer of 2016, Lil Yachty made an appearance at Philadelphia music

festival Made In America, where he and his group of friends and collaborators, The Sailing Team, performed. The Sailing Team consists of other Atlanta based rappers and producers, such as Burberry Perry and Big Brutha Chubba. Burberry Perry made himself known in the music industry by featuring Kylie Jenner on a song titled ?Beautiful Day?, inspired by the beautiful ?Mr. Rogers? Neighborhood? theme song. ?Beautiful Day? found its place on the Soundcloud ?trending music? list, but did not make it to Spotify or other forms music media.

(Photo Courtesy of merryjane.com

By Von Hobe '17

Lil Yachty, a performer at this year's Made in America, is best known for his recent mixtape "Lil Boat".

Big Brutha Chubba, who was on stage during the Made In America festival, showed off his incredibly refined dance moves, as he jumped and waved a

white towel around his head. His enthusiasm was clearly shown through the use of his microphone, as he yelled ad lib remarks, often profane. The entire Sailing Team is featured in a recent release, ?All in?, in which each member of the Team is featured on his or her own verse. In this track, Lil Yachty, with backup vocals from his crew, alludes to the copious amounts of money that he spends regularly: ?Bankroll after bankroll, I spend?. After all the talent that Lil Yachty has displayed to the world, he deserves to be commemorated. Some say that this is the artist that the industry needed in order to finally realize that there must be an Autotune Hall of Fame.

14| Entertainment

'Pepe The Frog' Meme Too Spicy For ADL, Decl ared Hat e Symbol By Von Hobe '17 In the spring of 2005, comedic artist Matt Furie debuted his latest comic and soon to be world famous meme, Pepe the Frog. Little did

Furie know, the image would soon be widely used on Myspace and other forms of social media to convey relatable messages. These


featuring Pepe the Frog were among early forms of the common ?meme?, and were originally very funny or even inspirational. But, as Pepe became more popular in the macrocosm of memes, the messages started to become more hateful. Internet trolls began using Pepe the Frog to communicate put downs or harsh remarks to certain audiences. Social media users began using the image of the green frog to cyber-bully one another. Pepe the Frog, which started a simple comic, took on the identity of a symbol of hate, and the Anti-Defamation League took notice.

Entire social media pages have been dedicated to the intolerance of certain religions and races, using Pepe as a sort of mascot. The internet hate groups have customized the image Pepe the Frog to reflect their own ideals. Pepe has been seen to wear a Hitler-like

mustache or even a Klan hood. CEO of the Anti-Defamation League, Jonathan A. Greenblatt, delivers his remarks on Pepe, stating that ?racists and haters have taken a popular Internet meme and twisted it for their own purposes of spreading bigotry and harassing users?. He goes on to say that ?these anti-Semites have no shame. They are abusing the image of a cartoon character, one that might at first seem appealing, to harass and spread hatred on social media?. The Pepe meme not only joins the Swastika on ADL?s hate symbol database, but also the ?(((echo)))? meme, which is a symbol used by anti-Semites to

identify certain individuals as Jewish by surrounding their names with three parentheses on each side. This echo symbol became a topic of internet conversation in June 2016 after Google removed a browser extension that automatically highlights Jewish surnames in the same style. In an effort to stop hate, the Anti-Defamation League has called plenty of attention to Pepe the Frog. In some ways, this is exactly what internet trolls crave, but now that something has been done in opposition to internet hate groups, there is now a hope of resolution.

(Photo Courtesy of Sportingnews.com)

On September 27, 2016, The Anti-Defamation

League (ADL) added Pepe the Frog to its list of hate symbols called the ?Hate On Display Database?. Pepe the Frog now joins the Swastika, which was once an ancient religious symbol and the Indian symbol of peace and continuity, on the list. In fact, like the Swastika, Pepe the Frog has been used to carry out an anti-semitic agenda.

Antonio Brown of the Pittsburgh Steelers stiff-arms the Broncos' Von Miller in a screenshot of the most recent installment in the M adden series.

Video Gam e Review : M adden 17 By Jake Howard '17 Start up your Xbox?s and kick back on the couch, because it's that time of year again to start up your madden grind. In this yearly implementation, players will find themselves with a new running game, a long awaited franchise mode, and the standard ultimate team experience that we have all learned to love. Whether you are playing as Todd Gurley or Le?Veon Bell, this madden will present you with a new approach to the

ground game. This comes in the form of a new button mashing quick time event in place when a runner is hit or presented the opportunity to juke, spin or stiff arm a defender. A player will find themselves having to focus on their ability to mash the right button in this moment, because the game is punishing if you juke when the play called for a spin move. Alongside this new mini-game of sorts comes the greater emphasis that the rating of your offensive line has on a given play. For

instance, a team like the Chargers who have one of the weakest offensive lines in the NFL has little to no ability to form pockets in the offense for Melvin Gordon to run through (not saying that he would be able to anyways because you know, it's Melvin Gordon). One of the most unchanged features in this game has to be the pass game. Madden has done a great job in the past refining and tweaking their air game, and that same perfection is found in Madden 16. Players still have

the ability to spam verticals and catch amazing passes with their favorite stars. Similarly to this unchanged pass game, defense has kept a very similar style of play. The main implementation placed in this game is a focus on gap assignments. If a player picks a correct counter to the offensive play and executes it correctly, the defense has the power to make devastating sacks and shut down the offense. With this being said, playing on defense is still about a quarter as enjoyable

as the game.


Over the past few years, franchise mode has been what seems to be a less centralized part of the overall madden experience. On this new rendition, players find themselves with a cleaner interface, better draft system, and overall touched up experience. This goes alongside the fact that practices now take place after games, allowing the player a less guilty feeling when skipping them. Ultimate Team has stayed very similar to the great game it has

been these past few years. With a new chemistry system and a familiar style, players must take more time to organize their team and get there overall chemistry rating up. This being said, spending the extra time designing your team is satisfying after seeing them wipe the floor in seasons mode. Overall, this yearly edition of madden has players coming back for more. It is available on all platforms and still runs at its rate of $60. I rank it a strong 8.5 out of 10.

Games| 15

The Hawkeye St af f Edit or s-in -Ch ief

En t er t ain m en t Sect ion Edit or

Jake Howard '17

Jon Erdy '17

Eamon Gallagher '17

Chris Rathke '17

Aidan O'Connor '17

Michael Enright '18

New s Sect ion Edit or

Bu sin ess M an ager

John Figge ?18

Ryan Gill '17

Liam Gibbons ?18

Matt Phillips '18

Dan Morrow ?18 Head Wr it er s

Pat Morrison '18

Feat u r es Sect ion Edit or

Liam Scott '17

John Thorell '18

Marco Sammartino ?18

Mac Riga '17

Nick Palermo '18

Ronan Egan '18

David Sakowski '18

Spor t s Sect ion Edit or

Jacob Deannuntus

Robert Calabro ?19

Matthew Brennan '18

Liam Grugan '19

Zachary Carr '19

Joe Scott '19

Micha Delfmann '19

Opin ion / Debat e Sect ion Edit or David McCabe '19

Daniel O?Connell ?19 St af f Wr it er s Ryan Breslin '17

M oder at or

Dir ect or of Edit or ials

Andrew Devany '17

Mr. Leo Vaccaro '05

John Kromchad '17

Marcello Garber '17 Von Hobe '17

Haw k eye Su dok u

Har d


Th e Fir st Per son To Ret u r n Bot h Com plet ed Su dok u s t o Jon Er dy '17 or Aidan O'Con n or '17 Will Win a Hawkeye st ick er !

Th is Week On Tw it t er By Jon Er dy '17

Upcom in g Even t s at t h e Pr ep By Aidan O'Con n or '17

Fr iday, Oct ober 14

Th u r sday, Oct ober 20

Su n day, Oct ober 23

Dress Down Day

Faculty In-Service

Football Game vs. Father Judge

No School

Freshman Father-Son Paintball

Su n day, Oct ober 16 Open House

M on day, Oct ober 17

Fr iday, Oct ober 21 Class of 1966 50th Reunion Starts

Wedn esday, Oct ober 19

Golf State Championships

Th u r sday, Oct ober 27 Sat u r day, Oct ober 22

Fall Faculty/Staff Appreciation Luncheon

Jesuit College Tour

Soccer Quarterfinals

Senior Portrait Make-Ups

Tu esday, Oct ober 18

M on day, Oct ober 24

Cross Country PCL Championships

Cross Country DIstrict 12 Championship

Football Game vs. La Salle College High School Head of the Charles Regatta

PSAT Grades 10-11 No School Grades 9 and 12

Follow @SJPr ep_Spor t s on Tw it t er f or Scor e Updat es an d Gam e Resu lt s

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