Volume 44, Final Issue

Page 1

Sophomores Win $15,000 for PAR Recycling

Science Depar tment Tur tle Found Dead

Avengers: Endgame Review

Pg. 7

Pg. 8

Pg. 20

K yle M cCor d '21 Commits to OSU Pg. 28

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The Student Newspaper of St. Joseph's Prep

Vol. 44, I ssue I X

1733 West Gir ar d Ave. Philadelphia, PA, 19130

M ay 22, 2019

(Photo: Elizabeth Robertson)


8-Seat Quinn Sullivan '20 celebr ates fir st Var sity 8 win at the Stotesbur y Cup since 2008, clinching a spot at the Henley Royal Regatta in England. This is their fir st Henley appear ance since 2011. (Full stor y on page 26)

Cape and Swor d Finds Their Gr ail with Spamalot By Ned Bur ke ?19 As the school year comes to a close, the Cape and Sword Drama Society delivers another hit with Spamalot. The first major musical produced by Cape and Sword since 1776 in 2018, Spamalot takes its premise from the movie, Monty Python and the Holy Grail. Monty Python, a British comedy group, has had a steady presence in Night of Scenes, having its skits featured throughout the years. ?I saw [Spamalot] on Broadway in 2004, but to be com-

pletely honest, I didn't love it then,? said director Mr. Tony Braithwaite ?89. ?That's mainly due to the fact that I had not ever been a Monty Python fan. But I have come to have an appreciation for the Pythons, and we've had such thrilling success with their work in Night of Scenes over the years that I felt the time was right.? The show involves musical numbers that are frequent and elaborate while including little plot. The story loosely follows King Arthur, played by Michael Taimanglo ?19, and his quest for the Holy Grail.

Accompanying him are his quirky Knights of the Round Table: Sir Dennis Galahad played by Captain Joe Scott ?19, Sir Robin played by Captain David McCabe ?19, Sie Bedevere played by Joe Matthews ?19, and Sir Lancelot played by John Fioravanti ?19. Accompanied by his lovably dim- witted squire, Patsy, played by Jack Thorell ?19, the band goes on a hilariously ridiculous adventure in which they encounter violent forest knights who say ?Ni!?, a killer bunny, and God Herself, played by Mount St. Joseph (Continued on page 4)

M r. K ania and M r. Gr iffin Accumulate a Centur y of Ser vice to the Prep, a Tr ibute Mr. Griffin feature begins on Page 16. By Gar rett M cCloskey '21 Paul K. Kania described his upbringing in New York as ?nothing spectacular.? He grew up on Rossiter and Lockwood in a era clouded by the aftermath of the Great Depression. Kania?s mother worked as secretary at Good Housekeeping, which is a women?s magazine owned by the Hearst Company. She left the company when Paul Kania?s older brother, Richard, was born. His father was a self- made businessman. A self-proclaimed nerdy and introspective kid, Kania, the grandson of Polish immigrants, could not pinpoint a favorite subject, instead opting to say he spread his knowledge across all areas. After graduating from Fordham University, Kania continued his journey with the Society of Jesus, better known as the Jesuits.

The cast of Spamalot per for ming their show-stopping number, K nights of the Round Table.

During his time in the Jesuit formation, Mr. Kania was as-

signed to a teaching post at St. Joseph?s Prep in 1961. The Jesuit scholastic was slotted as a chemistry and English teacher. Kania?s only previous chemistry experience was a single college course. He also moderated the yearbook in the 196364 school year. Indicating his longevity, Kania is the only active member of the Prep?s faculty to have taught in the Stiles Street Building and 17th Street Building. An infamous lateJanuary blaze ravaged twothirds of the Prep?s structure on a cold, blustery morning in 1966.

Kania complemented the final fifteen months of his stint at Fordham Prep with taxi driving. Kania left for Maryland in 1964 to finish his Jesuit (Continued on page 15)

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