February 2018
Bloomfield Hills High School
school news Broadway benefit by BHSD
The Bloomfield Hills High School Broken Leg Theatre Co. proudly presents Theatre Celebrates Life: A Broadway Review & Silent Auction Benefiting Camp Casey. The Broadway Review and Silent Auction will take place, Friday February 9, 2018, at 7:30 p.m. in the BHHS Performing Arts Center. Camp Casey is a horseback riding program for children with cancer and their families. Camp Casey spreads the healing power of horses through three cost-free programs: Horsey House Calls, Cowboy Camp Outs and Outlaw Outings. Last year they provided services to 1,200 families. We would like to help them provide services for the coming year and beyond. Tickets will be on sale for $20 adults/$10 students through etix. com using the keyword BHHS. All ticket sales, concession and silent auction proceeds will be donated to Camp Casey.
Additional lot will be added next school year by KAITLYN LUCKOFF Staff Writer
fter the demolishment of the operations department building, 140 parking spots are scheduled to be added to the Bloomfield Hills High School lot by next school year. “The only problem was that there were a lot of parent complaints and student complaints. We do need some additional parking for the site anyways when we have big activities. We left this [operations department] building standing to wrap up our construction and finish a bunch of projects. There is no real purpose for it now,” said Brian Goby, BHSD Director of Physical Plant Services. He added
that, “It gives us the opportunity to tear it down and maximize that space with parking.” Since the building of our new school, administration and the students understood that additional parking would be necessary. “We knew all along that we needed additional parking on the site,” said Goby. “Another thing that did drive this project is we wanted to relocate the crosswalk from where it currently is to right in front of the front doors, because it’s a natural egress in and out of the building.” Although it was known that additional parking was needed, administration was unsure of where more parking spots would be added. Principal Mr. Hollerith explains how the move of the operations department has allowed for more parking.
NHS eligibility
Join the Bloomfield Hills High School sophomore students on Thursday, February 15, at 5:30 p.m. for MYP Personal Project Celebration Night. Students will showcase their Personal Projects, a culmination of their IB Middle Years Programme and focused work over the past year. There will be an introduction at 5:30 p.m. and families are welcome to explore the work of the 10th grade class. This night is also appropriate for 9th grade students to explore, ask questions, and be inspired for their own projects upcoming next year.
STUDENT VOICE How vacations form memories Editor reflects on the nostalgia of break
For this story and more, go to our website
andover rd.
Personal project celebration night
“We’ve known we need more parking,” said Hollerith. “As we try year in and year out to help people, we understand that there wasn’t going to be parking for everybody and since the operations department moved to the old main campus, which previously was the Lahser campus, we had an opportunity with more real estate to expand our parking and that’s what we look forward to doing this spring, and we will have it ready for next fall.” As a student, getting a parking pass is not an easy feat; sophomore Jordyn Shapiro explains how the new parking lot will affect her as a student driver.
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staff Lot
For students interested in applying to National Honor Society (NHS), after first semester grades have been reported and community service has been reviewed, the NHS adviser will send emails to all eligible students on February 12, 2018. This email will be sent directly to students’ school email accounts, and it will announce that they have met the credentials to proceed with the application process. Those who wish to be considered for membership should follow the detailed list of instructions that will be provided in the February 12th email. It will contain all forms needed to complete the application process.
Volume V-Issue IV
former operations department building
legal news Michigan Supreme Court orders millions refunded to teachers by ANDRES QUIROGA Staff Writer
erte. “Being that it took almost eight years has been taxing on teachers who have been waiting After a seven year lawsuit with the for that money to be returned.” Despite having made a step in state, Michigan teachers have won back three years worth of three the right direction, Blair explained percent of their annual income. how teachers still have a long way “The money was taken to cover to go when it comes to wages. “Teachers as a whole are inthe cost of retiree healthcare,” said deed, underpaid,” president of the Blair. Bloomfield Hills By the Numbers explained “Often teachers in Education Associathis country and tion (BHEA), Mary • 3 percent of income this education sysBlair. “However, returned to teachers tem are compared public school emto other countries ployees already • 275,000 public school like Switzerland pay into their pen- employees where teachers are sions. This was paid the highest an additional tax • 550 million dollars in salary in the world that was levied un- total constitutionally.” • 6-0 unanimous decision (The US is not even in the top ten). If Phillip Laliberte, we as a country the Vice President of the BHEA, gave insight as to how truly value education and want extensive the lawsuit process was. our education system to be the “The lawsuit began immedi- best in the world, we have to fund ately after they began taking the it. Currently, there is a teacher money from us and was bounced shortage that will only continue back and forth between the State Supreme Court and Appellate continued page 2 Court a few times,” said Lalib-
on campus Alumni visitation policy changes by SAMMI TREPECK Staff Writer During the school day, there is a new procedure for alumni to visit Bloomfield Hills High School: they are now required to have an appointment with the teacher they wish to see. According to Principal Charlie Hollerith, it is important that alumni have appointments if they plan on visiting teachers. “We love to have alumni visit, but
if they don’t have an appointment it can be a distraction to the teacher who is teaching a class and is unavailable,” said Hollerith. “As a part of this procedure, it allows for both students and teachers to be more productive.” The procedure was put in place not only as a result of potential distractions, but to also make the visiting process more efficient.
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Interim administrator chosen by AVA SINGER Staff Writer After five months of searching for a new assistant principal for Bloomfield Hills High School, science teacher and leadership advisor Jessica Lupone was chosen as the interim. “In, the middle of the year, [we] were not going get that many candidates, [so] the applicant pool was small. Hiring season in education starts in the Spring in March or April,” said principal Charlie Hollerith regarding the challenges due to the time frame of
the opening. “We have a time period for second semester and we needed somebody to fill that void. We [the administrative team] decided it would be a great opportunity, to see internally if there were candidates, teachers that were interested in the experience.” He added that, “Here was the perfect opportunity to build our internal leadership capacity.” In the October article “Committee to hire assistant principal,” a selected
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