Hawkeye The Bloomfield
Bloomfield Hills High School
SCHOOL NEWS Model UN team wins fourth straight MSUMUN title
March 2017
Volume IV-Issue V
DR. Abdul El-Sayed
BHHS Model United Nations team becomes first delegation to accomplish the feat Evan Stern Section Editor
t the Michigan State University Model United Nations XVII Conference in East Lansing Michigan during the weekend of March 17-19, the Bloomfield Hills High School Model UN Team won their fourth state title in a row. “I am most proud of the longevity to our success. It is great to win once, but to win over several years speaks to the strength of our students. You can win once with a strong group of kids, but to win five out of six years is only possible by having such tremendous students every year,” BHHS Social Studies Teacher and Model UN coach Matt Macleod said. According to MacLeod, the current seniors have now won every single year of their high school careers, in addition to many other students on the team earning several wins throughout grades 9-12. “What I am most proud of is every year, we have managed to top the previous. We have taken home more awards and more importantly, the students have had fun. I am still trying to find the apex for this group. Every year, the kids keep surprising me with how they outdo the previous class,” he said. BHHS will host the Southeastern Michigan Model United Nations Association (SEMMUNA) conference during the 2017-18 school year in the Fall, according to MacLeod, the year’s first conference, in preparation for MSUMUN XVIII.
GOVERNOR Photo Credits: Leydya Yatooma
STATE NEWS Governor Snyder Proposes $325 million funding increase in K-12 schools Proposal revolves around an additional $50 per pupil for high schools Giancarlo Tucci Staff Writer
overnor Rick Snyder’s proposed education budget increase if approved, will continue a five year streak of school aid funding increases and increase Michigan’s school aid fund to the highest it has ever been in
history. “The proposed budget has been presented by the governor to the legislature, and they give the final
“I think one of the things we know is that, as students get older, the cost of their education gets greater, so we were pleased to see that Governor Snyder recognized that in his budget proposal.” Charlie Hollerith BHHS Principal approval because they are the funding source,” said Principal Charlie Hollerith. “Typically budgets will get amended through the process, so it’ll be interesting to see how Governor Snyder’s priorities and funding shake out at the end of the
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Bloomfield Hills School District Alum announces bid for the 2018 gubernatorial election If elected, El-Sayed would become first Muslim Governor in American History Hanna Halstead Staff Writer
lumnus Abdul ElSayed has announced his campaign for the Democratic candidate in the 2017 Michigan gubernato-
rial race. “My work has always been about building and leading the kinds of institutions that create opportunity for real people by breaking down barriers they face,” Abdul said in his initial campaign speech in Detroit’s Eastern Market on February 25th. “That work has never been more important than it is today. The politics of fear and hatred threaten to divide us.” Prior to his run for governor, the former Baron was recognized as a public health professor, and became the Detroit Commissioner of Public Health ensuring the health and safety of the Detroit community by fighting for clean drinking water and working to reduce the amount of pollutants in the air for children with asthma. Building from his leadership background, this member of Andover’s graduating Class of 2003 said he sees a lack of leadership within the
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economy that attracts young people current government and the need to provide better health and education back to our state, to be able to build the future of work for our communifor the people of Michigan and wants to be part of the change. ties, and to rebuild public educa“I realized that’s what our state tion.” As the Secretary of the BHSD needs right now: leadership that’s focused on people and their opporBoard, Jacqueline El-Sayed shares that her tunities, and the secondkinds of eldest son has vision jobs they can have, and understands the kind of educahow to tion we’re execute change. providing them, and “He the kinds has the of public knowledge and health experience that we are to provide BHSD School Board Secretary the protecting for them,” leadership and Abdul’s mother needed for Abdul our state. said. “For those reasons, I decided I wanted to He also has had the opportunity to run for office: to help fix my state, work with some of the foremost exto help protect people across our perts in the world. This increased his state from the kinds of travesties that passion, since he developed a vision we saw in Flint, to help us build an about how to impact public health
“I am very proud that he feels so strongly about giving back to our state in this way.” Jacqueline El-Sayed
and the environment, and by doing so, save many lives,” the mother of three said. “ I am very proud that he feels so strongly about giving back to our state in this way. Abdul has a gift for public service so I am very pleased and confident that he is following the right path for him.” Following her mother’s thoughts, senior Samia El-Sayed added that her older brother has “always liked helping people. He was a doctor, then a teacher. He always goes on the next journey, and the more people he can help, the better.” Agreeing with members of his family, BHHS science teacher Dennis Kwasny, who taught Abdul AP Biology 14 years ago said that his former student has always possessed empathetic leadership qualities, and continues to do so. “He’s really good at managing things, he has a real passion for helping people, and he always has the people in mind.
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