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The Bloomfield
Bloomfield Hills High School
October 2015
Volume III-Issue I
new building SAME SPIRIT We’d like to tell you about Homecoming. Really we would. In fact one of our best reporters tried. She interviewed a variety of people and wrote a nice article. But that couldn’t do it either because what happened during the second week of this school year is so hard to put into words. Not because there aren’t any words. In fact, there are many. Adjective after adjective can describe the events, the excitement, the people and all the players that had a role in making it happen. But still something was missing. Sure we had pep rallies, the traditional Black Hawk games, royalty were crowned, over a thousand kids danced at our first school dance in the Main Commons and we even had our first football win on our brand new field. But Homecoming 2015 was more than Student Leadership’s themed tribute to Detroit sports. It was more than hallway deco-
rations, relay competitions, and singing the fight song. It was so much more. It was a feeling that can’t be redefined or reimagined. It had to be felt. You had to be there. You had to see what we saw. To experience what we did. You had to come from where we all came. Because even before the knight and baron were embodied in bronze statues in the back of our building, we bought what they were selling. We believed that the two rivalries could become a family. Maybe not a 100% but even at 1% we all held on to the hope that we could be one united community. We had to. For some of us lost our home, and others had to share theirs. We were asked to step out of our comfort zones and believe in something no one had ever seen before. In two separate buildings on two separate campuses we trusted our leaders and held onto hope that there was something better in store. We believed in an intangible concept as Barton Malow made it tangible.
For two years we watched the brick and mortar go up. We questioned if it would be done on time. What will it look like? Some even snuck in for some individual sneak peaks. And after the doors opened on September seventh, we had a week devoted to define who we are and what it means to be in the building which the Free Press biasly headlined with a grand staircase and a fireplace. We can’t tell you about Homecoming because it wasn’t just any ordinary week. It was a time when our past hope happened into a current reality. This week was the beginning of the end of a very, very long journey. It was the end of surveys about furniture and meetings about eateries and more Google surveys about furniture. We can’t tell you about Homecoming because you had to be there. You had to see it. You had to feel it. Because only then could you believe it. And we were. We did. All of us. With all of our 1700+ personalities, diversities, and stories. We wore the purple, black, and silver with pride. Don’t believe us? Go to youtube see the videos of the band on the staircase, watch Bennie in the poms kickline or notice how the hammer authority lead the student section that Friday night. Watch the awesome video by the
21 1200 1800 people packed the gym for the Black Hawk Games
The amount of points scored by the Black Hawks in their Homecoming Victory over Troy High School
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students attended the first Homecoming Dance at the new building, the largest number the district has ever seen
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The New BHHS: Month in Review A successful first month of classes ushers in the brand new building Hannah Stein Feature Editor
Editorial Policy The Bloomfield Hills Hawkeye is a student publication distributed free of charge to over 1800 students, faculty, community members, and businesses. We strive to inform, entertain, and continue a tradition of journalistic excellence. We take our integrity seriously and strive to report the news as accurately as possible.
As the first month comes to a close the BHHS students, faculty and administration reflect on their new home. “This first month has been just students and staff acclimating themselves,” said Principal Charlie Hollerith during a Press Conference regarding the new building. “I think the programming has gotten [better] in terms of the routine. We’re getting to know the building and how the building operates. Remember this was a building nobody, including myself, knew how it was going function. I see every day it gets to be easier and easier.”
David Shulkin, Director of Learning and Performance Technology added that for him on “the first day we saw staff walk in and then all of you [the students] walk in, and you guys just naturally ‘went’ and just moved stuff. I walked in with Brian Goby and we thought ‘Ah yes, this is exactly what we hoped for.’” When it came down to seeing if all the hard work paid off, he added that the biggest success for him was seeing the students and staff use the spaces. “I think that’s the big thing. All of the work that we’ve done thinking about that- all the
site visits, all the thought about flexible spaces, we saw it all come together and that was the home-run. So from that perspective, it just felt flat out awesome.” Even though the building was ready on Opening Day, Hollerith said, “we still have obviously some work to do in a number of the existing areas. From tiling stairwells to putting on base molding trim and still placing furniture in some areas. A big one that’s still ongoing is we continue to add technology, which you can see as you look around the building. We currently have what we
call a ‘Punch-list’ going where if we see things that may need touch up- a hole in the wall, or the door doesn’t close, or whatever the case may be- we’re putting together a list and Barton Malow, our general contractors, are then following up on that list to make sure that the things that aren’t working or completed get done. Some of those cases it’s taken care of that same day and some cases it might be that we’re waiting on a part or another piece of equipment in order to complete it and then it may be a week
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