Spring Edition 2014
Inaugural Issue
Tell The
truth and Set Yourself Featured profile of Roshawn Smith
Rising from the Bottom to the top
Penny Gilmore’s Personal Journey Learning to Serve Charlotte Better
1st Annual Conference
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803-328-8555 • 877.361.0301 M o r t u a r y . G i l m o r e @ C o m p o r i u m . N e t
In This Issue
STAFF Publisher/Editor Roshawn Smith Art Director/Co-Editor Stacey Bowers, AugustPride Photographer Rebecca Alexander, Just 4 You Art Photography
12 Rising from the bottom to the top Personal Journey of Penny Gilmore
10 Apostle Glenda Bradley
Corliss Longmire
For Real Girl
I love my Hair and Me
Ad Specifications and Pricing
Size of AD
Breath of Life Ministries, Charlotte
Business Card (3.5x2) Quarter Page (4.375 x 5.625)
14 AugustPride Learning to serve the Charlotte Community better.
Half Page (8.75 x 5.625) Full Page (8.75 x 11.25)
Full Page Double Truck (17.5 x 11.25) Inside Cover and Back (8.75 x 11.25) Back and Front Cover (8.75 x 11.25)
(1 Issue / 4 Months) $35.00 $50.00 $65.00 $100.00 $165.00 $135.00 $200.00
The True Gospel Magazine • • Spring Edition 2014
From The Publisher
Welcome to a New Beginning Evangelist Roshawn Smith is an eminent voice in the kingdom of God. It is evident that God is using her to build His kingdom in this day. Lives are being changed and empowered by the Word of God she presents to the men and women of God. Evangelist Smith had her first crusade in 2000. Healing the hurting heart, God has especially anointed her to operate in the gifts of prophecy, laying on of hands, teaching and preaching. Evangelist Smith is the proud daughter of Pastor Rosaline Smith and Deacon James Smith. She is the oldest of four girls. Evangelist Smith has three children of her own: Cassandra, Victoria, and Jeremiah who are wonderful additions to her life. Evangelist Smith did her first trial sermon at the Seventh Church of God Christ in West Palm Beach, FL under the late great Pastor John Brown who encouraged her to go forward in the things that God called her to do. She is a author of a book entitled Life Changers Booklet, which has guidelines for living better. Since the rerelease of her first book, Evangelist Smith has been doing seminars all over the United States. Evangelist Smith has two other books coming soon Tell the True and Set Yourself Free and Healing the Hurting Heart. She is continuing to preach and teach the gospel God has put in her belly, to destroy the devil and all wickedness that try to set itself above God. She empowers both believers and unbelievers, by listening to the voice of God to minister to his people.
Roshawn Smith
The True Gospel Magazine • • Spring Edition 2014
Tell the Truth and Set Yourself Free
See her feature on page 8
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Co-Pastor Corliss Longmire Breath of Life Ministries, Charlotte, NC Co-Pastor Corliss Longmire was born in Brooklyn New York. She traveled to the United States Virgin Islands in the summer of 1960 at three months old and was placed into foster care. By God’s divine order she was placed into the nurturing care and love of Mercedes Harris until age eighteen when she joined the United States Army. Corliss attended St Croix, US Virgin Islands Public schools. After graduating from St Croix Central High School, Corliss enlisted in the United States Army. Basic and Advanced Individual Training was completed at Ft Jackson, South Carolina in July 1979. Corliss received her next assignment to travel to Kaiserslautern, West Germany. It is here that Christ was presented to her in a life changing way. Corliss received Jesus Christ as her personal savior while stationed in West Germany in November of 1980. She served the Community Gospel Service in Kaiserslautern Germany as a choir member and singles department from November 1980 to July 1981 until her assignment led her to Ft Stewart, Ga. While in Ft Stewart GA, she served on the Gospel Hour Choir and received biblical teaching from Bishop Clarence Williams and the late Lee Esther Davis. On December 4, 1982, Corliss was united in Holy Matrimony to her William Longmire. They have five sons Brandon, Levar, Andre, Joshua, and Cortney. Their next assignment led them to Gelnhausen, West Germany where they again got involved with the Gospel Service in July 1983. They would stay for three years and the Lord used them to serve in various ministries. Corliss taught bible study, young adults, children church, and choir. 6
The True Gospel Magazine • • Spring Edition 2014
The Longmire family returned to the states in July 1986 and resided in Cleveland Ohio until February 1988. This brief assignment was blessed under the leadership of the late Bishop Stanley Halton, of the True Churches of the Apostolic Faith, Inc. Later the voice of God instructed the Longmires to move to Charlotte, North Carolina. Under the leadership of Bishop Edward C. Roberts and First lady Betty Roberts, diligent service was in the ministries of Instructor of New Members Class; Sunday School Teacher; Sunday School Superintendent; Intercessory Women’s Prayer Group Instructor; and Altar Worker and Outreach. The voice of God continues to speak and William Longmire’s next assignment was in the service of pastoring. The first service was held in the Holiday Inn with 30 precious hearts. William Longmire serves as the Senior Pastor of Breath of Life Ministries of Charlotte Inc. with his wife, Co-Pastor Corliss Longmire. The ministry was founded in October 2002. The Longmires are dedicated to leading God’s people to experience a breath of life from the Lord. God has anointed this ministry to empower, encourage, and inspire lives through the preached Word of God. To reach the lost and hurting with the message of faith and the loving touch of God, this enables men and women to overcome the challenges in life. The Longmires work to enrich the lives of the believers to fulfill their God given potential and take the message of the Gospel into their world.
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Cover Story
Featured profile of Roshawn Smith In the beginning God spoke to me and said (Tell the truth and set yourself free) . Sometimes as Men and Women of God, we lie to ourselves regarding our walk with God. I knew that I was not walking the way God would have me to walk. I was preaching in different venues all over the world but something was missing (The Truth.) I started attending church with my family when I was thirteen years old, and truly didn’t know God.. I had one child at the age of seventeen, a beautiful little girl named Cassandra who is the joy of my life. I still didn’t know him even then, I did what I wanted to do. I got married at the age of nineteen to a great man name Hans E. Smith but I didn’t know how to love him the right way. When God gives you a gift, you must be grateful for it. We travel as a couple, but I still didn’t know him. The lies we tell ourselves we sometimes believe. I was living a lie not telling the truth about my feelings regarding my marriage. I went on into that marriage for six years and made his life miserable. Needless to say we, are no longer married. I decided to move to Florida where I started to do things that was not of God. As a result, my daughter went to live with my mother until I was ready to surrender to God. The life style I had was not fit for a child. And again, I was not telling the truth to my family and they believed I was down there working and setting things up for her. I knew I couldn’t tell my mother that I was drinking and drugging because it would make her pass out. I lived two different lives: I was one way in Georgia and another in Florida. I still didn’t tell the truth to myself about being a young lady with a daughter- wow! The devil will make you think you have it all together but it’s not so. I knew of God, but didn’t have a relationship with him. That’s why most people are in and out of the church.
I moved to Miami where they do what they do and know body says anything. I thought that was the right place for me, but it was not. I decided to move to Orlando, FL and was still trying to run from the truth. I was still doing everything I did down south. I met this guy who was a mason and I decided to become a eastern star. We went to the balls and everything else. I still didn’t deal with the issue from my childhood so that relationship didn’t work. I let the enemy trick me in my mind about love and life so I set his house door on fire. I know you’re saying what an Evangelist? Yes me the preacher. I finally got it together and got my daughter who was nine years old now. I had to learn how to be a mother and take care of somebody else besides me. I truly love my daughter, but we had some struggles together and trying to be that prefect mom without God doesn’t work. I knew something was missing, but what I couldn’t put my hands on it. I was still living the lie in Florida because people didn’t know me. So I could live a lie while I knew problem. I met this sweet sister at my job, who happened to be a Christian. You know I was on the run; I didn’t have time for those holy people. God use her to speak to me about coming to church. I told her she was crazy. Then God sent an angel to me. I was killing myself slowly and didn’t know it. It took a while before I even considered going to her church. Finally, I did go and the journey began in my walk with God that changed my life. I knew I needed him in my life to be a better mother and sister and friend to someone. I join Church of God In Christ under Pastor Derrick W. Hutchins. God moved in that place to change my life. I still wasn’t telling the truth about my life. When you living a lie you don’t know what’s the truth.
The True Gospel Magazine • • Spring Edition 2014
Apostle Glenda Bradley House of Refuge, Inc, Hinesville, GA Apostle Glenda Bradley resides in Hinesville GA and is a native of Burke County GA. She was married to Elder Jimmy Bradley Jr. on July 27, 1974 and have three biological children; Ingrid Bradley-Wimberly, Isaac Bradley and Jimmy Bradley III who is now deceased and one adopted child, Emily Bradley. Apostle Glenda Bradley resides in Hinesville GA and is a native of Burke County GA. She was married to Elder Jimmy Bradley Jr. on July 27, 1974 and have three biological children; Ingrid Bradley-Wimberly, Isaac Bradley and the late Jimmy Bradley III along with one adopted child, Emily Bradley. Apostle Bradley accepted Jesus Christ as her Lord and Savior in December 1977. She accepted her call to the ministry in July of 1983. Due to being a military family, she was given the opportunity to evangelize in various places throughout the United States. Taking souls off the streets and winning souls for the kingdom. God dealt with her by having prayer meeting and bible study. After the death of her 13-year-old son in September of 1992, she felt the presence of God like never before. She then began having prayer meetings and bible study in her home, which grew over time. Her husband who was unsaved at the time allowed her to close in the greenhouse in the back yard; that greenhouse became the church. Her husband Jimmy Bradley Jr. was later saved through the ministry in 1995. People came from various places for prayer. God was healing and delivering, prayers were being answered and souls were saved.
The True Gospel Magazine • • Spring Edition 2014
As she continued to work diligently in ministry, the Lord spoke to her and said the ministry shall be called the House of Refuge. It will be for people who are in need, for the broken, hurt, wounded, desolate and destitute. In September of 1994, Evangelist Glenda Bradley was ordained and installed as Pastor of the House of Refuge, Inc. The ministry grew and a larger building was needed. The church moved to 307 South Welborn St. and they leased the building for 2 years. God spoke to Pastor Bradley and told her to buy all the property that would come up for sale. In 1998 God prophesied through her to tell the church that He was going to build them a new building. That he was going to do it with a few people; and that the people in the city would know that He is God and that they would give Him the glory. Each year thereafter, a piece of property was purchased; three lots on one side of the street and one lot on the opposite side that contained a two-story house. In November 2004, God called and positioned Pastor Glenda Bradley in the office of Apostle. In 2006, God told Apostle Bradley that it was time to build. The building process started in 2007 and they moved into the new edifice August 1, 2009. Apostle Glenda Bradley has sold out for the Lord. The apostolic and prophetic anointing upon her life has changed and influenced the lives of many.
Biography Apostle Bradley’s mission is to build and change the lives of people; making disciples; giving hope to the desolate, hurt, misfortunate and wounded. Her is a place of restoration and a safe haven to all who enter. Her vision is to be a light shining in the nation, serving God by serving people: meeting their needs through the power of prayer and the word of God. Offering deepening spiritual growth and inspire every Christian believer to apply God’s word by seeking the higher calling and the experience of God’s power to teach the principle of God’s word and the true meaning of praise and worship. To allow the Holy Spirit to anoint in healing, deliverance and salvation, that the gift of the Holy Spirit will be experienced and demonstrated by building strong families and marriages; by strengthening single men and women to endure and wait for the promise. To embrace our youth and teach them morals and values; helping them to understand godly principles to live godly lives. And to assure the elderly that they will be well taken care of and never forgotten. Apostle Glenda Bradley’s prayer is for every believer to be established in God’s word and to live a life for others to follow.
The True Gospel Magazine • • Spring Edition 2014
When God has a call on your life, the enemy senses it and makes every attempt to delay, hinder, and even try to destroy you. In that darkness Jesus comes so you have his strength and have life in abundance!!
Personal Journey Evangelist Penny Michell Gilmore is a native of Hinesville through Fort Stewart, Georgia. She is the oldest of six siblings. Evangelist Gilmore took leadership at a young age by helping to raise her siblings. Although Penny was introduced to Jesus as a child, she sensed God’s hand and calling upon her life while attending church one Sunday morning with her grandmother. Since that day, she knew her future was serving the Lord. She is also happily married to Reverend Cecial Gilmore and she has three beautiful children, Antonio, Christopher, and Chelsea. As a firm believer in flowing God’s timing and season, Evangelist Gilmore made her decision at the early age of 19 to serve the Lord. For over 15 years, she has diligently served in ministry in various capacities and has had the opportunity to teach people how to apply the word of God in their everyday lives. One of her favorite saying states, “You never have to give an account of others’ actions but you do have to stand out and give an account of how you react or respond.” Evangelist Gilmore feels strongly about maintaining consciousness of her actions as well as those in the body of Christ. Her clear gift of discernment enables her to flow in a prophetic anointing with sure authenticity. With a background as a registered nurse, Evangelist Gilmore is currently in her junior year at the New Life Theological Seminary, located in Charlotte, North Carolina, majoring in Christian Counseling, fueled by her passion and love for ministry. Evangelist Gilmore brings understanding and clarity to the workings of the Holy Spirit. She also has a program that airs live on station WHKY every other month, and participates in preaching engagements throughout the nation. Her compassion moves her to minister to the masses and to the one.
My beginnings were humble. I grew up in a single parent home. My mother did the best she could with six children. Of my siblings, I am the oldest. We grew up on the system of taking care of each other and not relying on outside assistance. As a young child, I knew I wanted to do something great for God. I would often tell him “When I grow up I’m going to beat the devil up for him!”. My grandparents would take me to church. One moment that stands out in particular was choir practice rehearsal where I was singing “God’s got the whole world in his hands”. The overwhelming presence of God flooded my soul; tears began to flow like a river. I couldn’t explain it then, but now I know it was truly God calling to me! The enemy attacked me at the age of 19. While in college, I was transported back to GA for mental health issues. Physicians ordered multiple psychotic medications and to enroll in a mental health program. The side effects of
Rising from the Bottom to the Top
Penny Gilmores Personal Journey
the medication were unbearable. I kneeled down in my bed room one day and prayed to God to let me die and go to heaven or to heal me as I called on the name of Jesus! In that moment, I felt a light that shined from heaven and it filled the room and my soul. Immediately, I was healed and in my right mind. I no longer needed the medications and my mental health was sound and stable. Twenty years later, my mind is still free, I preach the gospel, I am married, I have three beautiful children and have a successful business. When God has a call on your life, the enemy senses it and makes every attempt to delay, hinder and even try to destroy you. In that darkness Jesus comes so you have his strength and have life in abundance!!
Penny Gilmore
The True Gospel Magazine • • Spring Edition 2014
Community Feature
I love my Hair and Me
For Real Girl The goal of For Real Girl is to help us focus on the things that we can do to make our lives healthier, happier, and full filling. The journey revolves around natural hair, skin care, healthy eating habits and getting other peoples spin on all things natural.
We will also add segments on business, finance, health, and recipes for you to enjoy. We encourage your feedback as you explore the site or even an email or two with suggestions for articles or topics that you would like to see on the site..
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The True Gospel Magazine • • Spring Edition 2014
Media Personality
Introducing Coretta Livingston the QC Info Broker of Charlotte Coretta Livingston is known as the QC Info Broker in the Charlotte, NC and surrounding areas. “Ask me anything I have the answer, if not I will connect you to the person that does.” Coretta is now employed Radio One as an Account Manager and is loving it!!! After being at Radio One for only 18 months Coretta has won the highest award in the sales department 2013 Presidents club winner. She has been an emerging event planner and publicist for the last several years in Charlotte NC and has made her name as an information specialist, promoting other businesses as well as her own. She also has an event facility located in Charlotte just 3 minutes from uptown Charlotte. The event hall is 2000 Sq.Ft and she hosts church events, Bachelor/Bachelorette parties, bridal parties, kids’ parties, and pole parties, etc. Ms. Livingston is now pursuing other areas in radio. The goal is to have her advertising knowledge become a full serviceadvertising agency.
Some of the events Coretta is known for producing are monthly yacht rides at Lake Norman, The QC Beauty Professions Awards, concerts, plays and more! With her finger on the pulse of Charlotte, the QC Info Broker, Coretta Livingston, keeps you informed on everything happening in the Charlotte area. QC Info Broker now has a Mobile App to stay connected to the information specialist by phone or mobile device; hear her radio show from this mobile app, tweet to her from this Mobile app, or leave a message on her Facebook page. See her magazine website all from her mobile application that can be downloaded free.
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The True Gospel Magazine • • Spring Edition 2014
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