QUEENIE CLEM Book Reviewer/Interviewer
AstheFounderandCEOofTheHeatSeekerspublication,Iwillcontinuetospotlightindividualsintheater, film, music, and literary works The THS team works diligently to ensure that every story, ad, review, and feature will be unique and diverse for all readers We are now a 2022 recipient of The Atlanta Hottest award due to our fresh and intriguing editorials I am honored and privileged to have an award-winning magazine that sparks the interests of readers worldwide We are spotlighted in over 19 countries and an estimateof10Kreaderseachyear
Thank you for your continued support as we continue to show the world that we can enlighten, educate, and praise others by pushing them to their greatest potential. We thrive on lifting each other up and helping all to evolve and shine. We are the light of the world and we will continue to push, motivate, and inspire otherstoBRINGTHEHEAT.
I am a Heat Seeker…with extraordinary talents. So help me celebrate the others withinthispublicationthatarealsoHEATSEEKERSwithextraordinarytalentstoo
Teresa B Howell https://tbproductions.org
Teresa B. Howell
Teresa B. Howell Editor
The Heat Seekers Magazine
Dating is hard, and dating during the holiday is even more so because now you can buy a gift for someone you may not even be within the new year and or feel obligated to invite to a family function. From Thanksgiving through Valentine's Day, it is filled with heightened emotions. If you are single, you are thinking about just that: you are single. If you are in a dead-end relationship, you are thinking about the possibility of someone being better off if you were not in a bad relationship.
Mixed feelings of loneliness and insecurities begin to creep in, which leads to stress and, ultimately, some seasonal depression. And if that is not enough stress, you suddenly have to constantly see all these "happy" couples doing holiday activities on your favorite social networks It makes you feel like you want to engage in some happiness, too. But do not rush the process because you want to feel wanted and desired, and you hurry to get into a relationship with someone you barely know.
Sure, pumpkin picking, eating apple pie while watching Netflix, or even kissing under the mistletoe is fun when you like the person. Still, please remember that you must tell the potential person precisely what you are looking for and what your nonnegotiable are. It is perfectly normal if you want to have fun and hang out, but do not assume the other person wants something just as equally casual without talking about it; this will eliminate any potential problems if you are honest and effectively communicate
Also, a big mistake that is often made is that the holiday season is also the season of the exes resurfacing. They will contact you via text, email, calling, and even Instagram to test the waters and see if you are single and open to some holiday hooking up disguised as giving it another try. Stay Woke!!!
Even though the holidays are a time of the year that makes you feel love and togetherness, it is still OK to be single, and you do not have to date if you do not want to; you can get through the holiday season and be single. It's not only OK, but it can be great to remain single or attend holiday events solo, so you do not feel obligated to keep your plus one occupied and have conversations with various people without making the other person feel like you are neglecting them.
Kisha Green
Author Spotlight Interview: Author Tony Lindsay
In this exclusive interview, we delve deep into the creative world of Tony Lindsay, an acclaimed author with sixteen captivating books across mystery, urban drama, speculative fiction, and more. From his inspiration to his writing process, Lindsay shares how he crafts unforgettable stories that keep readers hooked. Discover what drives him, his biggest challenges in the publishing world, and what he envisions for his literary future. If you're a fan of gripping tales, this interview is a must-read!
1) First, I want to thank you for taking the time to do this interview with me! When did you know that writing is what you were called to do? What is it about being a writer that you love the most? What about being a writer frustrates you the most?
As a young reader, when I read, I thought - I can do this. I can write a better story than this, and I knew when I read a horrible story. I started writing stories when I was around nine. What I enjoy most about being a writer is bringing characters and situations in my mind to life. What frustrates me the most is fighting against the systemic control of the publishing industry.
2) Can you tell us a little about your book(s) and where our readers can find out more about them and you?
I’ve written sixteen books – four mysteries: One Dead Preacher, One Dead Lawyer, One Dead Doctor, and One Dead Activist – four urban dramas: Urban Affair, Chasin’ It, More Boy than Girl, and Three Married Women and Her, two speculative novels: Street Possession and Melody Knight – a vampire’s tale, three young adult books: Fat from Papa’s Head, Almost Grown, and Chess not Checkers and three short story collections: Emotional Drippings, Acorns in a Skillet, and Pieces of the Hole. All these titles are available on the AALBC.com, Amazon, and Barnes and Noble.
3) Where do you draw your inspiration from for the stories that you manage to weave together and the characters that you create?
My inspiration to write comes from life; I’ll see something that makes me think, or I’ll have a conversation that sparks an opinion, or I just want to express how I feel about a situation.
4) Do you have a schedule for when you write? Do you outline your novels? How long does it generally take you to finish a novel? What projects are you currently working on?
I do not have a schedule, but mornings are my most productive time. I have a mental outline first – then I wright it out realizing it will change a dozen times – the outline allows me to see a possible ending.
5) What’s the first book you ever read that really moved you emotionally? Who is your favorite author to read?
Donald Goines’ Whoreson was the first book that made me feel emotions while reading. Toni Morrison is my favorite author to read; her different perspectives on scenes always amaze me.
6) What has been your most significant achievement as a writer thus far? Where do you see yourself within your career in the next five years?
Finding publishers – getting books to the market is significant work and good publishers are skilled in that area- finding a publisher is major. In five years I plan to be still writing novels along with movie scripts.
7) How have you dealt with rejection within your writing career? What is your advice for other writers to better be able to cope or navigate their way through the publishing process, be it traditional or self-publishing?
Rejection for me, means I’m knocking on the wrong door, so I have to find other doors to knock on. The publishing process forced me to understand what is acceptable to me – I start out wanting the stars, but sometimes I have to accept a sunny day or a cloudy day with a slight sun. I always start the process with the highest expectations.
8) Do you find it hard to juggle the creative side of being a writer against the business side of being a writer, in terms of marketing and promotion and things of that nature? How hard has it been (or easy) for you to build up your author platform?
I am truly creative – the business side annoys me – it always has; I enjoy a service that brings my work to new readers. My marketing includes doing literary events, art shows, and cultural affairs – I try to take my work to readers.
9) What unique quality is there about you, about your art, that you feel represents your authenticity? How does writing help you to be more empowered in your purpose?
I write page-turners – readers want to know what will happen next in my books, and they get an idea as to why I wrote the book- they join my mental discussions. Readers think and wonder about what I am thinking and wondering about. I am a thinker, and I like thinking with others. Writing allows me to share my thoughts.
10) How can readers find you and your books?
My titles are on the AALBC.com, Amazon, and Barnes and Noble along with most online book stores, To reach me – send me an email writing.night@gmail.com or go to www.pen-4-hire.com
My Favorite Things: Reading, writing movies, walking, plays
Pastime: Writers group, book club, family and friends
Food: Vegi pizza, beans and rice, Snack while writing: Fritos and chips
Restaurant: Chicago pizza parlors
Color: Blue and black
Biddy Mason, born into slavery in 1818, is a towering figure in American history, whose life story encapsulates the tenacity, resilience, and determination of African Americans in the face of adversity. Her journey from enslavement to becoming a prominent landowner and community builder in Los Angeles is a testament to the indomitable spirit of individuals who strived for their own freedom and worked to uplift their communities.
Biddy Mason was born Bridget "Biddy" Smith in Hancock County, Georgia, in the early 19th century. She was born into slavery on the plantation of Robert Marion Smith, and her life initially unfolded in the oppressive and dehumanizing institution of slavery. Her owner, Robert Smith, moved to Mississippi in the mid-1840s, taking Biddy and the other enslaved people with him.
While in Mississippi, Biddy worked as a midwife, healer, and nurse, skills she honed during her time on the plantation. These skills would prove invaluable in her later life and in her path to freedom. In 1851, she was taken to California by her owner's family, which would become a pivotal moment in her journey to liberty.
California, which had just entered the Union as a free state in 1850, was a place of opportunity for Biddy Mason. It was on the brink of the Gold Rush, and as the Smith family relocated there, Biddy saw her chance at freedom. California law at the time provided a pathway to freedom for enslaved individuals who had lived in the state for an extended period. When Biddy Mason discovered this, she took her chance.
In 1856, Biddy Mason petitioned for her freedom and won her case. She became one of the first African American women to gain her freedom through the California courts. Biddy did not stop at securing her own freedom; she also helped others escape slavery and attain their liberty.
With her newfound freedom, Biddy Mason took on work as a nurse, caring for the sick and injured in Los Angeles. Her skills were highly regarded, and she soon began to save money. She invested in real estate and became one of the city's earliest Black property owners. Biddy's entrepreneurial success grew as she expanded her real estate holdings and became a philanthropist, supporting her community through acts of generosity and service.
Biddy Mason was not content with her personal success. She played an instrumental role in the establishment of the First African Methodist Episcopal Church (FAME), the city's first Black church, and she later founded the city's first Black-owned child care center. Biddy's dedication to her faith and her community led her to become a prominent figure in the church and a symbol of the strength and determination of African Americans in Los Angeles.
In 1872, Biddy Mason donated the land on which FAME was built, and her legacy endures through her contributions to the church's founding and the support she provided to countless families in need. Her commitment to social justice, community building, and philanthropy continues to inspire people today.
Biddy Mason's legacy is a beacon of hope and perseverance. Her journey from slavery to freedom, entrepreneurship, and community building serves as an enduring testament to the strength and resilience of African Americans throughout history. Her name is remembered not only as a symbol of triumph over adversity but also as a reminder of the importance of lifting one's community and striving for a better future.
Today, Biddy Mason is celebrated in Los Angeles through landmarks, monuments, and an annual Biddy Mason Day. Her story remains a source of inspiration, reminding us that individuals can overcome the most challenging circumstances and, in doing so, uplift their communities and contribute to the greater good. Biddy Mason's remarkable life embodies the enduring spirit of hope, freedom, and community that has defined the African American experience in
Interview by David R. Navarro
Kay Soul is a recording artist, songwriter, and aspiring plus model based in Chicago Kay began singing and writing songs in ele- mentary school and recorded her first solo song at the age of 19 Kay Soul is a 2020 W A M (We are the Music Makers) Winner for Best R&B album for “Hiding In Plain Sight” and nominee for the HerSong Blog artist of the year award for her May 2020 release, “Blood In My Veins”
David R Navarro: Tell us a little bit about yourself?
Kay Soul: I was raised on the southside of Chicago by my grand- mother and grandfather Music has always been an outlet for me I started writing in elementary school and recorded my first song at 19 I am a compassionate person who believes that my calling in music is to heal the heart, soul, and mind
DN: How long have you been in the music industry?
KS: I have been in and around the music industry for the past 14 years but decided to pursue it very seriously as my main career for the past 9 years.
DN: What made you decide to be serious about music?
KS: I have always had the desire to pursue a music career but it was not a dream that was supported by my family However, after the death of a close friend I realized that life was too short for me to spend my days doing anything but what I love to do.
DN: Which people or books have had the most influence on your music career and why?
KS: In highschool I read “I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings” by Maya Angelou and it changed my life encouraged me to find my voice and speak my truth
DN: What would you say is the #1 key to success in the music in- dustry?
KS: You have to have perseverance There will be many naysayers and lots of rejection You have to have tough skin and believe in yourself always
DN: Can you give us some examples of things you are doing or have done to expand your fanbase?
KS: In addition to consistently releasing music and staying active on social media, I travel to various events and perform as often as possible Additionally, keeping fresh content and visuals
DN: Talk about the biggest failure you’ve had. What did you learn from it?
KS: I don’t really look at anything as a failure anymore There is always a lesson to be learned I have fallen down plenty of times I have been disappointed However, each time I’m able to gain more insight that gives me tools that I need to get up and keep pushing forward
DN: What advice can you give other young men and women who want to follow in your footsteps?
KS: You have to be willing to work hard and invest in your goals and dreams. Set short term and long term goals and be dili- gent about accomplishing them everyday. Seek to understand your purpose in life and let that guide you on your journey.
DN: What does a typical day in your week look like?
KS: I like to wake up and pray, meditate, and journal. I love a hot cup of coffee while I’m checking emails and making a todo list of tasks that must be completed. From there, I’m taking meetings, taking care of the needs of my family, and practicing my craft. I try to fill my days with things that will bring me closer to my goals. Anything else is just a distraction.
DN: What keeps you going when things get tough in the busi- ness?
KS: I try to always keep my faith in God and the vision that he gave me for my music I know that he would never bring me this far and leave me I aim to look at every situation as a learning experience for a greater outcome
DN: Tell us about your new single, Strong Connection.
KS: Strong Connection is the first single off my forthcoming con- cept EP entitled Connections It is a story of an unbreakable bond of love that stands the test of time I wanted to give listeners a more intimate side of myself and challenge them to cherish the strong connection in their lives
DN: Are you working on new music, Album or EP?
KS: I am currently working on a new concept EP entitled connections. I just finished the music video for Strong Connection and will be releasing that in the weeks to come. My recent Album “In My Mind” was released in October 2020 and is available now on all music streaming platforms
DN: Please list your website and/or your social media platforms
KS: www.kaysoulmusic.com
Teresa B : How did you become a bodyguard in the music industry?
Lamar Burno: Yes, the first group that I did bodyguard work for was signed to Philadelphia International records. They were called The Intruders. You may know them by their music. They were known for a song called, I'll Always Love my Mama. She's my favorite girl. Another song was Cowboys to girls and a host of others. but it really started when my brother Kenny brought this young man home from school. He was a great singer. He stayed at our house for about a year and a half. He told us, “One day I’m going to be famous.” His dream came true and that young man's name is Juanya Morris from the group Boys ll Men. . He always said that he would look out for us since my parents allowed him to stay with us He kept his word I was the group's bodyguard for years As you go through Musical events, Awards and other shows, you rub elbows with different other artists I was with Boys ll Men and a host of others including gospel artists as well
Teresa B : How long were you in martial arts?
Lamar Burno: My dad put me in martial arts at a very young age that started at five And ironically I'm still in martial arts I'm 51, so over 45 years of being in the martial arts world. I have a black belt in Taekwondo and I have a black sash and hungar kung fu. I'm also considered an electric night in Ninjutsu. One of the highest levels.
Teresa B.: So are some of the other groups you worked for besides Boyz II Men.
Lamar Burno:. Luther Vandross was an artist that I worked with because he gave me the respect that no other artists would give me. Before he would get on stage he would say: “Lamar, have you been paid yet?” I would respond, “yes, sir.” He would say, “Now I can perform.” That made me look at things a lot differently from that point on. I've done work for the R & B group, High Five, Mark Nelson who was a founding member of Boys II Men and former lead singer for a group called Az Yet Also, CeCe Peniston, Hezekiah Walker and a host of others
Teresa B : Okay awesome
Lamar Burno: I have some things I'm doing as far as management with the agent the group Surface I'm also working on something with Day 26 who was from Making the Band, P Diddy's television show and Carol Mirage which is Nikki Minaj's mother.
Teresa B.: Okay, and after spending time with these individuals, I'm sure you met other entertainers as well, right?
Lamar Burno: Absolutely. I realized that you never know the longevity of any artist. Boys ll men were just blessed to have been in the game for 31 years. But a lot of artists don't get to 30 years. Some artists are one hit wonders.
Teresa B : Mm- So if you had an opportunity to change anything during the years that you were in the entertainment industry what would you change?
Lamar Burno: If I had the opportunity to change anything, I would change the people that I called friends and family.. I would. change my circle completely. When you realize people don't have your best interest at heart, you tend to make other decisions in life and move away from the negative things.
Teresa B.: Are you still in the business of bodyguard full time? You still do it?
Lamar Burno: I’m currently opening a school that will specifically teach students how to do things from the bodyguard and security aspect The name of my school will be the challenge experience Academy.
Teresa B : Nice! If you had advice for anyone that's going into entertainment security, what advice would you give them?
Lamar Burno: Do your due diligence and learn about the business before you enter into it. Second, find a reputable company or agency that will allow you to work on the job training There are different sizes of security/ executive protection. Some outfits are non-uniform. You must be and have a level head You must be even tempered You can't be in the security industry if you're not You have to be able to think about every situation and act accordingly. Remember safety first
Teresa B.: If you had any advice for young entrepreneurs trying to start a business or to work with the entertainment industry as far as consulting, what advice would you give them?
Lamar Burno: I would give them the advice to stay focused Don't listen to the naysayers because people will say you can't do this. You can't do that. Remain focused and follow your heart, If your heart's in it, you'll be successful
Teresa B.: Good advice. Anything else you want to tell your fans?
Lamar Burno: Keep watching. I have movies coming out. I'm producing one movie called Shattered Reflections. It’s a Tracy Parson film with Hezekiah Walker and others I'm also working on a martial art movie with David Stevenson.I must give a shout out to my business partner. Kevin Patterson and Domicine Pierre Jr We all encompassed managing different artists together. I'm coming out with a liquor brand called Blue Magic. I had the opportunity to bodyguard Frank Lucas and then became his personal manager So that is where the name Blue Magic comes from as we started to complete a movie by that name based on his life story.
Teresa B : How can people reach you?
Lamar Burno: You can reach me on Instagram Lamar Burno or email me at LamarBurno@ gmail.com.
A few weeks ago, I took a road trip traveling to Baltimore, Maryland to celebrate my best friend’s birthday. Upon my arrival, she already had a place set up for us to go to lunch She works at a local college nearby and she told me about this food truck that serves fresh Asian style food located at 1715 Edmondson Avenue in Catonsville Maryland Upon arriving, they greeted my friend Alexis by her first name with their big smiles We ordered two meals I love chicken pad Thai so that was my choice It was Stir fried thin noodles in homemade Pad Thai sauce with egg, spring Onion, sweet radish, shallot and bean sprouts.it had ground peanut and sliced of lime on the side. The otger meal was the Pad Kra Paow. It consisted of Stir fried Thai basil in brown sauce with minced garlic, chili pepper, string beans, bell pepper, Thai basil and onion, and served with steamed rice. While we waited on our order to cook We sat by the fire pit and they gave us complementary Thai tea and Thai coffee And then the owner of the food truck Grace shows up She is the one who delivered the food to us at the picnic table So right then and there I was able to give her an authentic food review on my tasteful tips and trips with focus forward with Robin Both meals were so delicious and flavorful with a special seasoning in each one. Not only was the food delicious the hospitality service was outstanding even more so as being a food truck business. Because I took the time to visit the location and give her a complimentary food review, she gave us not only our Drinks free but also our meals and the mango rice pudding dessert.
You can follow Thai food truck on social media with Instagram, Facebook and TikTok if you were ever in the area Baltimore in a small town called Catonsville you have got to stop by and try this authentic Asian Thai food
Tasteful Tips & Trips with Robin” is not just an ordinary food blog! It’s about fun, adventure, and a lot of tasty foods as I travel to places along this journey road called life I am all about traveling and experimenting food flavors and the mixtures of them So what better way to spread the word to others about places that I visit and help promote businesses! If you would like for me to visit your venue or restaurant please email me at swiftmagazine22@gmail.com the name of your restaurant and location. You may just see me show up unexpectedly one day with my big smile and readily appetite! Robin Shockley is the Founder of “Focus Forward with Robin” she is a Writer of magazines, creator of S.W.I.F.T. Magazine. Radio/ TV Talk Show Host, Actress, Community Servant-Leader, Entrepreneur, Motivational Speaker, and Author of books She believes there is freedom to move forward in life to think, believe and achieve a thing Contact Robin for future bookings to host your event or be a Speaker to help empower your audience Www robinshockley com
Spotify Artist Page Link
Vanessa Miller
Over the twenty-four years she was enslaved on the Montgomery Plantation, Louella learned to feel one thing: hate. Hate for the man who sold her mother. Hate for the overseer who left her daddy to hang from a noose. Hate so powerful there's no room in her heart for love, not even for the honorable Reverend William, whom she likes and respects enough to marry
But when William finally listens to Louella's pleas and leads the formerly enslaved people off the plantation, Louella begins to replace her hate with hope. Hope that they will find a place where they can live free from fear. Hope that despite her many unanswered prayers, she can learn to trust for new miracles
Soon, William and Louella become the appointed king and queen of their self-proclaimed Kingdom of the Happy Land. And though they are still surrounded by opposition, they continue to share a message of joy and goodness--and fight for the freedom and dignity of all.
The American Queen weaves together themes of love, hate, hope, trust, and resilience in the face of great turmoil With every turn of the page, you will be transported to a pivotal period in American history, where oppressed people become extraordinary heroes.
TIn this game-changing book, trauma therapist and mental health expert Dr. Anita Phillips reveals how embracing emotion is the key to living your most powerful life Just as gardens thrive in good ground, the abundant life you’ve been seeking can only be grown in the soil of your heart
Blending faith, the latest In this game-changing book, trauma therapist and mental health expert Dr. Anita Phillips reveals how embracing emotion is the key to living your most powerful life. Just as gardens thrive in good ground, the abundant life you’ve been seeking can only be grown in the soil of your heart Blending faith, the latest discoveries in neurobiology, and her own research and work as a licensed therapist, Dr Anita shows you how to cultivate a state of emotional well-being that can:
• strengthen your body and reverse the effects of trauma,
• calm anxiety and renew your mind, and
• unleash a new level of spiritual power in your life AUTHENTIC FRUITFUL POWERFUL
By Michelle Stimpson
Sisters Rose Tillman and Marvina Nash haven't spoken in decades not since Rose sent Marvina $40 to register their business and Marvina spent it on something else Rose begins a long career at the post office and Marvina spends her weekends cooking chicken dinners for the church fundraiser Marvina never leaves the canister of their mama's special spice mix in the church kitchen, and she shares the recipe with no one
Rose never forgave Marvina for that $40 betrayal, but when she retires, she's still dreaming of opening a restaurant with her sister, using mama's secret spice mix to make their fortune in fried chicken and Southern comfort food To her horror, Rose realizes she's forgotten the spice mix recipe There's nothing to do but get in her car to drive the two hours to Marvina's house back in Fork City, Texas Marvina's determined never to speak to Rose again, but figures she'll meet her on the doorstep to hear what she has to say, before closing the door in her face
Of course, that's not what happens next, as the sisters find a way to turn their mama's legacy into a bright new future for their whole community.
Release Date: 3 5 202
(Available at richesinreading com)
Day 26 formed in 2007 by Sean “Diddy” Combs in a handpicked selection while performing on MTV’s “Making The Band 4”. There album Forever in a Day topped the billboard charts in 2009.
THS: How did the group get started?
Day26: The group was formed through the MTV reality show Making the Band 4, led by Sean “Diddy” Combs. We went through an intense competition against other talented singers, and by the end, we were selected to form a new R&B group. August 26th, The name “Day26” represents the day we went from being unknown to becoming stars.
THS: What do you like the most about being a music group?
Day26: Being part of Day26 means we get to share this journey with each other. We all bring unique strengths and styles, so it’s amazing to see how we blend together creatively. There’s also a special bond we’ve developed from sharing experiences on stage, in the studio, and on the road.
THS: Tell us more about your experiences in the music industry?
Day26: The industry is challenging, no doubt about it. We’ve learned a lot about what it takes to succeed—especially around hard work, resilience, and the importance of adapting. We’ve seen both the highs and the lows, but each moment has been a stepping stone that made us stronger as a group and as individuals.
THS: Tell us about your experience with other wellknown artists?
Day26: We’ve been lucky to work with some big names and learn from them along the way. Working with Diddy, of course, was a major part of our journey. He pushed us to bring our best, and it really helped us understand the kind of commitment it takes to be successful. We’ve also been inspired by and had interactions with other incredible artists in R&B and beyond.
THS: What has been the most memorable moment for you while working in the industry?
Day26: Winning a BET Award was a huge highlight for us. It was a moment where we felt our hard work was truly recognized, and it showed that our fans were there supporting us. Another memorable moment was hearing our first single on the radio— it was surreal!
THS: Who has had the most influence on your career and why?
Day26: Diddy was a big influence, especially in the beginning. He taught us a lot about what it means to be disciplined and driven. He always emphasized perfection and professionalism, and those lessons have stayed with us throughout our career.
THS: Did you have an “I want to give up” moment in your career?
Day26: Definitely. There have been times when things got tough, and we questioned if we could keep going. The music industry can be demanding, and sometimes it feels like the odds are stacked against you. But each time we thought about giving up, our love for music and our fans’ support kept us moving forward.
THS: What does the future hold for Day26?
Day26: We’re excited to bring new music to our fans! We’ve grown a lot as artists and have so much more to share. We want to continue evolving and exploring our sound, and hopefully inspire a new generation of R&B lovers along the way. By the way download our new album “ Day Ones” available on all streaming platforms!
THS: What advice would you give to an up-and-coming artist?
Day26: Stay true to who you are and don’t compromise your vision. The industry can be tough, but if you believe in yourself and put in the work, the rewards will come. Also, always keep learning and growing, both as an artist and as a businessperson.
THS: How can fans reach you on social media?
Day26: Fans can find us on Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook. We love connecting with our fans, so be sure to follow us and say hi! (IG)@officialday26 (FB)Day26 (Twitter)@Day26
THS: Any golden nuggets you would like to share with your fans?
Day26: Just remember that anything is possible if you work hard and stay focused. We started as a group of individuals with dreams, and now we’re living them together. We couldn’t have done it without the love and support from all of you—so thank you for being part of this journey!