AstheFounderandCEOofTheHeatSeekerspublication, Iwillcontinuetospotlightindividualsintheater, film, music, andliteraryworks. TheTHSteamworksdiligentlytoensurethateverystory, ad, review, andfeaturewillbeuniqueand diverseforallreaders. Wearethe 2022 recipientofTheAtlantaHottestawardduetoourfreshandintriguingeditorials. Iamhonoredandprivilegedtohaveanaward-winningmagazinethatsparkstheinterestsofreadersworldwide. We arespotlightedinover 19 countriesandanestimateof 100Kreaderseachyear.
Thankyouforyourcontinuedsupportaswecontinuetoshowtheworldthatwecanenlighten, educate, andpraise othersbypushingthemtotheirgreatestpotential. Wethriveonliftingeachotherupandhelpingalltoevolveand shine Wearethelightoftheworldandwewillcontinuetopush, motivate, andinspireotherstoBRINGTHEHEAT
IamaHeatSeeker withextraordinarytalents Sohelpmecelebratetheotherswithinthispublicationthatarealso HEATSEEKERSwithextraordinarytalentstoo
Teresa B Howell
Teresa B Howell
Teresa B. Howell Editor
I was recently beginning to become more and more short-tempered and stressed. I did not know what to do, but I knew I could not give up; failure had never been an option, and I wasn't about to start now. My bible was my comfort, and I read a new scripture each day that gave me insight and hope. I needed that more than anything.
Life had shown up and parked confusion, aggravation, and stress at my doorstep, and I needed an outlet and fast. Depression was not new to me because I had been there more times than I could count, but what got me through was my faith and the good word from the bible. Faith gave me courage for the present and helped me prepare spiritually for the future. My confidence came from reading the bible daily, and I believed that everyone would benefit from scriptures from the bible: those who were empty in the faith department or those who wanted to strengthen their faith; either way, the good book would help.
I also began seeing a therapist. Therapy was a HUGE step for me if I wanted complete peace of mind. Over the years, I would talk it over with my friends over food and drinks; while this was entertaining, it was just applying a bandage to deeper-rooted problems.
Initially, I had a wall up due to past hurts that I could not even recognize that Karmella was there to help me. I eventually realized that if I wanted to begin to heal, I had first to acknowledge I had a problem and second that I needed help and HAD SUFFERED ENOUGH!
After a year in therapy, I finally began to feel better and think clearer. Did you ever wake up smiling for no reason? Yep, that was me. I used to complain about ANY and EVERYTHING and be on the phone talking for hours about nothing. That was the old me because I had so much to be thankful for, and opening my eyes was the greatest of them all. Many bitter, lonely, miserable, and unhappy people come online and post pictures and quotes to try and convince themselves they are happy, whereas THAT IS NOT MY CASE (anymore).
My life was not perfect, but baby let me tell you, I had more to smile about these days than frown about these days, and as I am evolving into the best version of me, my therapist began to see it; she, too was very proud, and I am kicking butt in that department. "You never know how strong you are until being strong is your only choice." I began to lose weight and no longer dependent on blood pressure and cholesterol medications and could see a real difference.
Prayer had always been my solace; with therapy, I was ready to put my best foot forward. My life changes inspired me to do things I had put off doing, loving myself entirely and totally, and my therapist said to me initially that once I loved myself, my taste in men would change. That was the truth, as I could date with an actual purpose. Those who used to approach me no longer even contemplated because they knew I was unobtainable, and that was an incredible feeling as I was able to meet someone who wanted EXACTLY what I wanted, so I say all of this to say- do not ever give up and always bet on SELF.
And all the things you ask in prayer, having faith, you will receive. -Matthew 21:22
Good Luck & Happy Dating
Kisha Green
Tonya Barbee, MBA
In this inspiring interview, Tonya Barbee shares her passion for writing and her mission to uplift women through her heartfelt works, including The Little Girl Inside and I Am Still a Rose Drawing from her personal experiences, Tonya empowers women to embrace healing, accountability, and self-worth She opens up about the challenges and joys of being an author, her future projects, and how she has touched lives through her series, workbooks, and motivational events Her journey is one of resilience, helping women navigate pain, red flags, and ultimately blossom into their best selves. Discover how Tonya’s writing has become a beacon of hope for women everywhere, and find out more about her unique vision for the future.
What is it about being a writer that you love the most or frustrates you the most? What I love the most about being an author is sharing what is in my head as it comes to me, flushing it out on paper into a full manuscript That is exciting to me!
Please tell us a little about your book(s)
“The Little Girl Inside” focuses on owning up to our own pain What did we do to get us in this mess? How can we get out of it? Learning accountability. “I am Still a Rose” is the story of my life, being married four times and in summary, accepting responsibility for the choices that I made, learning to live with the choices, and to do better. “Affirmations for the Rose” was written to remind the roses how special they are. “Red Flags for the Rose” was written to help women learn to not ignore red flags to deter them from potential harm, heartache, misery, pain, confusion, emotional abuse, domestic violence, divorce, etc “Red Flags for the Black Rose” was written for men for the same purpose, to protect them from women who may not be good for them “Be the Rose” Workbook was initially my own documented steps that I used when I was betrayed, broken, and emotionally abused I recorded everything I did to heal and documented those steps in the now-published workbook to help others I have also participated in several best-selling anthology projects: “Resilience in Hard Times” with Visionary Author, Minister Paulette Harper; “The Image in the Mirror II” with Visionary Author and Publicist Joan T. Randall; “Sharing Our Prayers: Twelve Testimonies on Spiritual Habits to Improve Your Life” with Visionary Author Shani McIlwain; “Empowered to Win 2nd Edition” with Visionary Author and Publicist Rev Allison G. Daniels and “Joyfully in His Care: Women Living in All Circumstances” with Authors from First Baptist Church of Highland Park, Pastor Henry P Davis III, Senior Pastor
Where do you draw your inspiration from for the stories that you manage to weave together and the characters that you create?
Currently, I draw inspiration from my own life stories Through my pain and suffering, I am in hope to help others through their own.
Do you outline your novels?
Yes, I outline my stories several times until I have a final version.
What projects are you currently working on?
I am currently working on a Red Flags workbook/masterclass and a play about being a victor not a victim I also have a novel in my head I am working about domestic violence
What has been your most significant achievement as a writer thus far?
My greatest achievement is seeing women (the roses) come together under one roof to celebrate with me, following reading my material that has impacted their lives. I get pleasure in knowing that my story has helped them with their story.
Where do you see yourself within your career in the next five years?
Now that I am fully retired as a program analyst/auditor with the federal government, I am free to plan more, reflect and act on my goals, write and reach my audience, and continue to provide them with the tools to help them with new beginnings, self-worth and wholeness
How have you dealt with rejection within your writing career?
Dealing with rejection in my writing career has been challenging but I have learned to not give up, and keep doing my very best. Discouragement is not the answer, but perseverance is.
What is your advice for other writers to better be able to cope or navigate their way through the publishing process, be it traditional or self-publishing?
My dream is to be published traditionally with a reputable company but in the meantime, self-publishing, with book coaches, has been the way to go for me and it has worked well. And I highly recommend using all the free tools that are there to assist and go to their local library to get books on how to self-publish which outline all the steps to include marketing aspects of getting your book out there to the public.
Do you find it hard to juggle the creative side of being a writer against the business side of being a writer, in terms of marketing and promotion and things of that nature?
I have not found it hard to juggle the creative side of my writing versus the business side of being a writer however the marketing and promotion of my books has been challenging. Social media research on marketing and promoting is a good approach to rectifying this challenge which is what I do more of now.
How hard has it been (or easy) for you to build up your author platform?
I am an extrovert and took advantage of doing many live videos on social media when I first started writing yet my job got so busy as I moved to the Pentagon, I completely stopped. When you stop you lose your platform. When you are consistently providing content, your author platform grows. This is what I’m working on rebuilding now.
What unique quality is there about you, about your art, that you feel represents your authenticity?
My story is my life. I even experienced a nervous breakdown. I share my story. It is real. It is me. It is my life. My goal is to help women blossom and be their best version, the rose.
How does writing help you to be more empowered in your purpose?
Writing is expressive to me. It is a way to be expressive and communicable. When a reader, one of the roses, let me know after reading one of my books, it changed their life for the better. That to me is empowering. It encourages me to persevere through challenges to keep writing, putting content out there, to make a difference. Many are hurting after a failed relationship. I want to be that person to help them know it is not the end of the world. They can heal and receive love in their life again.
Tell us about any events you participate in for the remainder of the year. I am excited that we have virtual quarterly discussions on key topics starting with “Red Flag Discussions with a Rose.” The next one is planned for November 9, 2024. We are planning our next annual event, Be the Rose, a face-to-face gathering of amazing women, scheduled for August 9, 2025, in Oxon Hill Md.
How can readers find you and your books?
My books are on Amazon and most places where books are sold. You can also reach out to me and get your books sent to you autographed with a special message and special tokens in the packaging.
Favorites: Going to the beach to pray, relax, and plan
Scripture: I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. Philippians 4:13
Food: Steak, baked potatoes and garden salad
Drink: Tequila with lime
Hobbies: Dancing, reading, and writing
Color: Pink
Tonya Barbee has dedicated her life to the field of education, with over four decades of experience in project management for the government. She earned her M.B.A. from National-Louis University in Chicago, IL. Tonya is also the founder of I Am Still a Rose, LLC, a platform where she empowers and inspires individuals through coaching, speaking engagements, and branded apparel for both men and women
Her expertise and story have been highlighted in numerous media outlets, including My LYFF Story, Turning Up the Gospel, Goodreads, Joyous Word, Renee Wiggins’ Blog Radio Show, Push-It News, Scoop USA Newspaper, Say Your Peace with Ernest Armstrong, Jeff Foxx Radio, WBGR with Lionel Green, WHCR with Daulton Anderson, VOX Radio with Cheryl Wood, Black News, Authors Chat with Allison hosted by Allison Daniels, and Queenie’s Book Talk and Reviews, among others.
Tonya is the author of two impactful books, The Little Girl Inside and I Am Still a Rose. Additionally, she has contributed to five powerful anthologies: Sharing Our Prayers, Joyfully in His Care, Empowered to Win II, Resilience in Hard Times, and The Image in the Mirror II, four of which have achieved bestseller status.
As a dynamic speaker and coach, Tonya has hosted The Still a Rose Show on WBGR’s online gospel network and currently hosts the podcast Barbee’s Real Talk. Her inspirational masterclass, Be the Rose, Not the Thorn, guides individuals on how to heal from life’s challenges and blossom into their best selves, inside and out
Tonya is an active member of Toastmasters’ Go Pro Club, where she has served as President for the past two years She is also a proud member of the Eta Phi Beta Sorority, Epsilon Zeta Chapter
A native of Durham, NC, Tonya is a mother of four and grandmother to eight She is an active member of First Baptist Highland Park Church in Landover, MD, led by Rev Dr Henry P Davis III, and plays an active role in the women’s ministry
To learn more or connect with Tonya, visit her website at www.tonyabarbee.com or follow her on social media platforms.
Have a wonderful and Prosperous NEW YEAR
Charleston is one of my favorite places to visit because it has a lot of different types of restaurants that are not the average.
A While back when visiting in Charleston I came to eat dinner at Herd Provisions with my son Tyler Shockley Daughter n law Lena Fender and her momma Mrs Terri. The atmosphere was perfect! The weather was warm, so we sat outside in view of the sparkling lights.
It’s one of my son Tyler’s favorite places To eat in Charleston and I can see why. they have a grocery section as well as signature wine. And all of their beef is grass fed.
I love it when I go to dinner with someone who has actually been to the location before because they help me choose which meal that would give the best review.
I let Tyler choose for me. His choice was the blue cheese burger. It was amazing with beef fat fries with lemon aioli. Now, if you are tight with money, this is not the place to go. The beef patty was very thick and cooked to perfection. The burger came with homemade blue cheese creamy sauce and the lemon zest gave ot a perfect fit for my taste buds. The burger also had made to perfection bacon.
The reason why this burger was the best burger that I’ve ever had is because the burger alone cost $26 You read that correctly. The bread was toasty, but still soft.
Would I ever visit this place again? Probably for the dessert! However it was a wonderful dinner. I enjoyed the atmosphere and the company as well as the food.
Herb Provisions is located at 106 Grove St, Charleston, SC 29403
open for take-out and dine-in:
Monday - Thursday, 3pm-10pm
Happy Hour from 3pm-5pm Dinner Service from 5pm-10pm
Friday - Saturday, 11am-10pm Lunch Menu from 11am-3pm Happy Hour from 3pm-5pm Dinner Service from 5pm-10pm
The grocery is open during hours of service. Additionally, you can order from our online Butcher shop for pickup.
Parking: We offer free parking right across the street
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A marriage of convenience saved Lady Abigail Worthing’s family from disgrace, but she’s nding her absent husband's endless conditions increasingly repressive Unable to stay at their London home during the oncoming winter, she accepts a ride to the country from her neighbor, Stapleton Henderson However, she's less than delighted that she’s his excuse to avoid a dinner held by Lord Charles Duncan, one of London's most powerful and relentless magistrates. More irritating, women are decidedly unwelcome at the evening’s prestigious discussion of criminality even though Abigail and Stapleton have solved several cases together . .
Then an unexpected blizzard strands them at Lord Duncan’s with his now-house guests. Suddenly, an evening of fine dining, fine brandy, and insightful debate becomes an inescapable and deadly ordeal. The ultimate test for Abigial’s skill One of the dinner guests is found dead in front of the Berkley Square mansion And when another party is murdered, Abigail discovers each had received a taunting, prophetic
nursery rhyme coincidence, or clues left by a killer on the loose?
Through deft interrogation, she learns everyone present is connected to Lord Duncan's greatest failure in the courts: the conviction of a Martinique plantation informant for a murder he didn’t commit. But as Abigail races to nd who was really responsible for the miscarriage of justice, she'll be forced to put her own and Stapleton's lives at risk in a gambit that will alter their fates forever or end them permanently
Denise M Walker
Does your busy schedule keep you from spending much needed quality time with the LORD?
If you answered yes to the above question, you are in the right place. The H.O.P.E. Method is an acronym. It was designed for those who desire to remain faithful in God's word daily but are in need of a guided str ucture.
This 90-Day jumpstart into God's word is a 30-Minute strategy that will guide you through your daily scriptures in a unique way. it will help you to focus more on your spiritual health while at the same time assisting you in maintaining an eternal perspective as you move throughout your day. In addition, this strategy will lead you to quickly journal about the areas of focus to assure God's word is being stored up in your heart
The Heatseekers Magazine Exclusive Interview
Pubic Announcement was created by R. Kelly in 1991 after MGM. They collaborated and created such hits as “Honey Love”, “She Got That Vibe”, “Body Bumpin” and “Slow Dance”, After 30 years they have continued making hit after hit.
THS: How did the group get started?
PA: The group got started when Jive Records was ready to move to move forward with making R. Kelly a solo act without public Announcement (He was always a solo act, public Announcement was just put around him to give it a group look because solo artist wasn't popular at the time..(in the 90s Groups were More popular)...
THS: The Heat Seekers: You have been in the industry for decades, tell us what made you decide to be serious about the music industry?
PA: What made us serious is once we saw that we had a public announcement fan base also without R. Kelly.
THS: What was it like working with R. Kelly?
PA: He's a Genius!
THS: What has been the most memorable moment for you working in the group.
PA: Witnessing how fans were loving our music and hearing their stories about how our music changed their lives.
THS; Did you have a “I want to give up” moment in your career?
PA: Yes we did after our second record company Downsize and we lost our record deal..(RCA)
THS: What are your views on the music industry today?. Wonderful because you can do everything yourself now
THS: Who are the original members of the group?
PA: Right now it is Fel Davis,Ace, Mar-k, Timbo (These are the original members of platinum Recording Public Announcement)
THS: What is your most memorable concert and why?
PA: When we went to Japan and we saw the fans didn't speak English, but when our Song (Body bumping) can on they all sang the song in English!!.. (that was amazing) music brings together all Races.
THS: Who is the funny guy in the group? Who is the outspoken? Who is the most serious?
PA: We all have our days of being one of these. But if I had to say Fel (Funny) Timbo (Funny) Mar-k (Outspoken) Ace (Serious)
THS: If you could do it all over again, what would you do differently?
PA: Nothing!!..If we had done something different we probably wouldn't be doing this interview for you, so it all worked out (God's Plan).
THS: What is the group doing differently then back in the 1990's?
PA: Learning more about the business of music because now days you have to know...there are so many outlets musically that you can benefit from now days.
THS: Who would you like to work with in the future?
PA: Any of the living Greats.
THS: What advice would give you give up and coming artists?
Ace Watkins was born into a very large family were music and singing played a big part of everyday life
Raised in Chicago, Illinois, Ace Watkins’ foundation of musical inspiration came from many Gospel artists and the timeless sounds and lyrics of The Isley Brothers, Donny Hathaway, Al Green, Stevie Wonder and Brian McKnight Crafting his passion for singing and songwriting fueled the creative fire for this Chicago native son
Singing soon became Watkins’ paintbrush and songwriting was the tool to communicate his life experiences both the good and the bad His vocal coach, world renowned opera teacher and Gospel songwriter Lena McLin, was instrumental in fine-tuning Watkins’ soulfully familiar voice and sharpening his writing skills These lessons better enabled Watkins to tap into the creative ‘Black Pool of Genius’
Watkins became a member of the Chicago-based and internationally acclaimed R&B group Public Announcement With the platinum single “Body Bumping”, Public Announcement stormed the U S , European and Asian music charts Later, the group joined RCA Records releasing their sophomore album with hits like “Mamacita”, “John Doe”, and “A Man Ain’t Supposed To Cry ” Worldwide performances and television appearances on BET’s “106& Park”, MTV, Soul Train and the “Showtime at the Apollo” helped master Watkins’ natural performance skills
As a solo artist, Watkins debuted the uplifting single “So Loved”, which became a most-requested and breakthrough radio hit This inspiring ballad touched the hearts of both men and women alike, and earned Watkins’ a Chicago Music Award for Best Male Vocalist For Watkins’ music and songwriting are like breathing He feels that his musical talents are an extension of his contribution to this life “My music is my truth and my salvation,” Watkins explained “It has taken me around the world and back again, and the one thing I have learned is that every day is a new song to be written and a new melody to be hummed of a love or life experience.”
Quick Facts:
Hometown: Chicago, Illinois, USA
Nickname: Ace Astrological Sign: Cancer
Favorite Song to Perform: “What Love is About” by Ace Watkins
Favorite Place: Dublin, Ireland; Tokyo, Japan, New York City
Favorite Things: Journal
When you think of a musically talented genius, look no further than Mr. Tim Campbell. Like most great vocalists, Tim discovered his God given gift in the church at the tender age of 5 years old. As an adolescent he continued to nurture his talent by becoming an accomplished pianist and drummer, while touring with the Wisconsin State Youth Choir. Continuing with his upward trend, Tim created a R&B group called ‘Reign’, which shortly after would sign a recording deal with major label powerhouse Electra Records. Tim honed his musical skills by working with veteran artist like Tank, the late Lisa ‘Left Eye’ Lopez, Bryan Michael Cox, Akon, Rico Love, and Jazzy Pha just to name a few. Tim’s career was soaring, that’s when tragedy struck. After a car accident in Miami, Florida on I-95 that almost left him dead, Tim had an epiphany. While laying in the hospital with his mouth wired, he recalled Kanye West going through the same exact situation right before his career catapulted. After the accident Tim got in the studio immediately while his jaw was broken, begin composing, and writing. Then burst into action singing background for the incomparable R&B super-group New Edition. He produced songs for the likes of rap stars Gucci Mane, DannyBoy of Death Row Records, Young Joc to name a few. Tim Campbell is the former Vice President of Bobby Brown Productions, but he also sang background for Bobby Brown from 2006 - 2022 while pursuing his solo career. He dropped a hot single from an upcoming EP called, ‘Lose Out’ available now! Tim is currently on tour while gearing up for the launch of “The Time is Now Showcase”, the biggest talent search event in Florida, Baltimore, California! He, and his team are adding states. The tour will launch 2025
Mar-K is a hidden gem, an American R&B singer and dancer, and a member of the Platinum Recording Group Public Announcement. Born and raised in Cincinnati, Ohio, he is one of six children. Mar-K's venture into music and dance began at the very young age of five. He started singing in church alongside his mom and siblings. At sixteen, he and his best friend formed a dance group called Murder Rock. Even at this young age, he performed with Cincinnati's The Callaway Band in the early 90s. Influenced by the music of the 90s, such as Jodeci and Htown, Mar-K decided to pursue his dream. In 1990, he formed a group of three known as Deeper Than Black. From community and talent shows, this R&B trio took the Cincinnati community by storm. In 1997, Deeper Than Black was introduced to UnoHoo Entertainment, which developed the trio to perform and be the opening act for the multi-platinum group Public Announcement. Unfortunately, Deeper Than Black dismantled in 1999. Mar-K continued to pursue his dream, working with Earl Robinson of Public Announcement to develop his artistry and learn the entertainment business. By 2003, Mar-K had become an official member of Public Announcement. In 2006, Public Announcement released the album "When the Smoke Clears." Mar-K recorded his solo project "The Best Kept Secret," which was released in 2022.
Platinum Recording Artist, songwriter and producer, Fel Davis is no stranger to the music industry. Fel replaced R. & B Recording Artist R. Kelly as lead vocalist of the group. “Public Announcement” in 1996. A Chicago native, Fel ma be best known for his ‘front man’ status on Public Announcement’s hits to include “Body Bumpin”(Yippie-Yi-Yo)”, “John Doe” and “A Man Aint Supposed to Cry”.
Fel wrote thier first project with a Platinum hit “Body Bumpin” that peeked at #4 R&B and #5 Pop on the Billboard charts. Their song “Mamacita” scored a hit in the movie “All about the Benjamin’s that starred Ice Cube and Mike Epps.
Having built a strong diverse musical resume, Fel Davis branched out as a solo artist in 2003 with rave reviews. Davis masterfully infuses his soulful vocals with tightly woven beats to create and capture a timeless R & B sound remaining true to himself. Fel’s songs are influenced by personal experiences, situations, and struggles relatable to every aspect of the human emotion.
Fel Davis’ sexy smooth melodic style resonated throughout his music career and the first took root in the Chicago Stepping dance community and has since become a much sought after sound in Neo-Soul/R&B circles.
Since the release of his debut album, Secrets in 2011, Davis has found success with a string of critically acclaimed hits. Now back in the studio, Fel’s focus is on his 2nd album creating ballads and music for lovers. Fel’s music be purchased online at amazon.com, Google Play Store, iTunes and many other online music outlet stores.
By: King Brooks
The literary world mourns the loss of Nikki Giovanni, an iconic poet, author, and activist, who passed away at the age of 81. Known as one of the most prominent voices of the Black Arts Movement, Giovanni leaves behind a legacy of truth, resilience, and creative brilliance that inspired generations
Born Yolande Cornelia Giovanni Jr. on June 7, 1943, in Knoxville, Tennessee, she was raised in Cincinnati, Ohio. Nikki Giovanni’s journey as a writer began during the turbulent 1960s, a time of civil rights struggles and social upheaval. Her poetry became a rallying cry for justice, reflecting the experiences of Black Americans with honesty, passion, and an unflinching demand for equality.
Her debut collection, Black Feeling, Black Talk (1968), set the stage for her to become one of the leading literary voices of her time. Over the decades, Giovanni published over 30 books of poetry, essays, and children’s literature, including the acclaimed Ego-Tripping and Other Poems for Young People and Rosa, a tribute to Rosa Parks. Her work explored themes of love, empowerment, family, and Black identity, often blending the personal with the political.
In addition to her literary accomplishments, Giovanni was a beloved educator, serving as a Distinguished Professor at Virginia Tech for over three decades. Her influence extended beyond the classroom, as she mentored countless students and inspired young poets worldwide.
Nikki Giovanni received numerous accolades during her lifetime, including multiple NAACP Image Awards, the Langston Hughes Medal, and a Grammy nomination. Her impact as an artist and activist earned her a place in the hearts of readers, scholars, and advocates for justice everywhere. Beyond her groundbreaking works, Giovanni will be remembered for her unapologetic voice, her fierce advocacy for Black culture, and her ability to articulate the complexities of humanity with grace and power She was a poet who spoke to the soul and a trailblazer who lived her truth unapologetically. Nikki Giovanni is survived by her family, friends, and legions of admirers whose lives she touched through her words. Her light may have dimmed, but her legacy will forever illuminate the world.
Rest in power, Nikki Giovanni. Your words live on.
We are thrilled to share Level 33 Entertainment's upcoming release of filmmaker Sav Rodgers' celebrated
We are thrilled to share Level 33 Entertainment's upcoming release of filmmaker Sav Rodgers' celebrated award winning feature documentary CHASING CHASING AMY. award winning feature documentary CHASING CHASING AMY.
The film will be available exclusively ON DEMAND starting December 17th ! Link to TRAILER
The film will be available exclusively ON DEMAND starting December 17th ! Link to TRAILER
On a quest to explore how a divisive LGBTQ+ ‘90s rom-com saved his life, a filmmaker is met with
On a quest to explore how a divisive LGBTQ+ ‘90s rom-com saved his life, a filmmaker is met with unexpected truths that will shape him. unexpected truths that will shape him.
In CHASING CHASING AMY, filmmaker Sav Rodgers takes a journey of self-discovery while making a
In CHASING CHASING AMY, filmmaker Sav Rodgers takes a journey of self-discovery while making a documentary about Kevin Smith's' ‘Chasing Amy’' and its polarizing reputation among LGBTQ+ people. documentary about Kevin Smith's' ‘Chasing Amy’' and its polarizing reputation among LGBTQ+ people. Smith’s “Chasing Amy” chronicles the impact on the long-term friendship of two New Jersey comic book Smith’s “Chasing Amy” chronicles the impact on the long-term friendship of two New Jersey comic book artists when they are joined by a third artist, who turns out to be lesbian. The fallout includes heartbreak artists when they are joined by a third artist, who turns out to be lesbian. The fallout includes heartbreak and jealousy. It starred Ben Affleck, Jason Lee and Joey Lauren Adams. It remains controversial among and jealousy. It starred Ben Affleck, Jason Lee and Joey Lauren Adams. It remains controversial among LGBTQ+ people. LGBTQ+ people.
CHASING CHASING AMY explores the transformational impact of the ‘90s cult classic on a 12 year old
CHASING CHASING AMY explores the transformational impact of the ‘90s cult classic on a 12 year old queer kid from Kansas, coming of age and to terms with his identity. For young Sav Rodgers, the Kevin queer kid from Kansas, coming of age and to terms with his identity. For young Sav Rodgers, the Kevin Smith cult classic became a life raft. As Rodgers examines the film and its making as a cornerstone of Smith cult classic became a life raft. As Rodgers examines the film and its making as a cornerstone of LGBTQ+ cinema, he finds himself at a complicated crossroads. LGBTQ+ cinema, he finds himself at a complicated crossroads.
CHASING CHASING AMY features exclusive interviews with figures including Kevin Smith, Joey Lauren
CHASING CHASING AMY features exclusive interviews with figures including Kevin Smith, Joey Lauren Adams, Jason Lee, Guinevere Turner, Scott Mosier, Andrew Ahn, Robert Hawk, Princess Weekes and Adams, Jason Lee, Guinevere Turner, Scott Mosier, Andrew Ahn, Robert Hawk, Princess Weekes and Academy Award-winner Kevin Willmott. Academy Award-winner Kevin Willmott.
Gospel Choice and Black Music Awards recording artist Reggie Boone’s raw memoir reveals a powerful true story of resilience. Boone shares eyeopening details about his journey of overcoming homelessness, addiction, divorce, single parenthood and even cancer to becoming an inspirational artist. He believes that the primary reason for his victory is God’s blessings. Boone who was recently nominated for a Radio and Records award is set to release his book on February 14th. ‘In a Perfect World’ shares practical guidance on how to stay motivated, overcome adversity and tap into the blessings that God has in store for readers. This isn’t done like a typical self-help book but is delivered through the vehicle of his praise-inciting story. Within its pages, he lays bare a journey that weathered depression, anxiety, rejection, drugs, cancer, homelessness, and single parenthood. Against countless struggles, Reggie found solace in his soulful music. This inspirational autobiography showcases the determination that powered his rise from even his darkest of days. As a moving companion to his book, he released "What's Wrong" a soulful track penned by Reggie and arranged by legendary musician Felton Pilate. ‘What’s Wrong’ promises to tantalize listeners who have an unsatisfied appetite for modern music with a pinch of old school R&B flavor. Together, the book and music invite everyone deep into Reggie's poignant tale. They showcase one man's triumph in overcoming life's every obstacle through the healing balm of creative expression. Reggie's story touched the lives of many who have crossed his path and inspired him to write his book. Notable figures like Steve Harvey who hosted at the Apollo when Reggie was booed off stage but Harvey saw his talent and hired him to perform at his club with Erika Badu. Also, Michael Baisden who said, 'I want to support artist like Reggie Boone, who like the greats, Marvin Gaye, Gill Scott and Curtis Mayfield create music with a message.’ 2024 is a big year for Reggie Boone, his fans, and lovers of good music as the he embarks on a musical tour. In addition to his tour, Reggie Boone will be starring in and portraying the artist that he has most been inspired by and compared to, Marvin Gaye in the stage play “What’s Going On The Season of Marvin Gaye.” Through his upcoming book and new single, Reggie Boone hopes to awaken a sense of hope in readers and listeners. The narrative is destined to make readers laugh, cry, cheer, and, most importantly, motivate them to overcome their obstacles and embrace their blessings. ‘In a Perfect World’ will be available for purchase on Amazon, Kindle, Apple Books, Barnes & Noble Nook, and all other book outlets. Reggie’s book and cd release party will be held in Atlanta at the New Black Wall Steet on Feb. 14th at 12pm – 3pm at the Pink Lion Jazz Club. ### For more info, contact Marlon Hunter at (770) 465 4036, email Marlon@marlonhunter.com. For tour dates and book signings visit www.ReggieBoone.com or find him on socials as @RealReggieBoone.
Singer, Songwriter, Host
Reggie Boone is a singer/songwriter born in Kinston, North Carolina. Like many others with southern roots he grew up singing in the church. So, at a very early age he experienced, firsthand, the incredible power of song and knew it would always be an integral part of his life. Reggie’s musical style has been described as a smooth fusion between R&B/soul and gospel. As an artist he has always relied deeply on his faith which drives him to write songs that he hopes will connect with listeners on an emotional and spiritual level. According to Reggie, “I want to create music that will inspire men women and children to love God and to love one another until the end of time. Never afraid to be bold with his pen and loud with his voice, Reggie’s current single, “No More” tackles the intersection between social justice and race that continue to plague urban communities across our nation. The track is a result of his collaboration with Felton Pilate of the legendary funk group CONFUNKSHUN! The two also collaborated on Reggie’s independent CD Made of Love released in 2018 on the UK’s Ramrock Records. “No More” is the first release off Reggie’s new CD entitled In A Perfect World on his independent label Momma Momma Records. The official video for “No More” debuted on @MichaelBaisdenLive in September on both Facebook and Instagram and has racked up more than 70,000 views. “I want to support artists like Reggie Boone, who like the greats, Marvin Gaye, Gill Scott Heron and Curtis Mayfield create music with a message,” said Baisden. Reggie now resides in Atlanta and with its rich cultural landscape as a backdrop he is also developing an online cooking show called What’s Cooking with Reggie Boone and Chef Chenoa Douglass. During each episode the co-hosts will serve viewers with a variety of segments to include a tasty dish of the week, hot topics of the week, song of the week and, in keeping with his faith, a scripture of the week. In his spare time, when he’s not writing music and performing Reggie enjoys meditation and supporting initiatives that both honors and supports fathers committed to developing and maintaining healthy relationships with their children and families. In a Perfect World is available now for download on all digital platforms.
New Music Artist in the ZONE
Dej Bae, raised in the vibrant culture of The Bay Area, was destined for the spotlight. Growing up surrounded by entertainers, her love for music blossomed early Inspired by legends like Aaliyah and Missy Elliott, she initially pursued R&B but found little traction. It wasn’t until she found her voice in rap—a journey shaped by her long-standing appreciation for Kendrick Lamar—that her career truly ignited This new direction fueled her passion for the art of rap and a deeper appreciation for hiphop history, transforming her path in music.
Her journey wasn’t without obstacles Raised with a strict Muslim father, Dej had to suppress her musical dream and focus on other pursuits. Excelling by achieving a black belt in Taekwondo, winning gold medals, first-place trophies, and becoming a soccer MVP She later dedicated six years to nursing, committed to healing and nurturing those who couldn’t care for themselves. After her father’s passing, he left her with his blessing to pursue her dream in music, and she’s been grinding ever since, pouring her roots and resilience into every verse With raw talent and unrelenting dedication, Dej Bae’s journey in rap is just getting started.
A Visionary Partnership Redefining Entertainment, Sports, Film, and Lifestyle Lamar Burno Sr. and Kevin Patterson, two trailblazers with decades of expertise and a shared passion for innovation, have joined forces to create a powerhouse of businesses that revolutionize the worlds of entertainment, sports, film, and lifestyle. With headquarters in Los Angeles and satellite offices in Las Vegas and Spring, Texas, their collaborative enterprises are built on a foundation of excellence, integrity, and a relentless drive to make a global impact. Burno Patterson Entertainment Group Burno Patterson Entertainment Group is at the forefront of the entertainment industry, offering premier talent management, event production, and creative development services. Representing icons and emerging stars, the company specializes in elevating careers and producing transformative projects in music, television, and live entertainment. Burno Patterson Sports Management Group Burno Patterson Sports Management Group is a leader in athlete representation, delivering personalized career strategies that empower athletes to excel on and off the field. From contract negotiations to brand development and post-career planning, the company provides a holistic approach to athlete success and long-term stability. Focus Frame Filmworks Focus Frame Filmworks is a creative force in film production, dedicated to storytelling that resonates. Specializing in feature films, documentaries, and groundbreaking digital content, the company consistently delivers captivating narratives and cinematic excellence. With an emphasis on authenticity and innovation, Focus Frame Filmworks is shaping the future of filmmaking. Casa Lucas Alcohol Beverage Company Casa Lucas Alcohol Beverage Company is a premium lifestyle brand inspired by legacy and tradition. The company’s flagship product, Blue Magic Brandy, pays homage to the legendary Frank Lucas while introducing a sophisticated range of spirits, including vodka and tequila. With a commitment to quality and a flair for bold branding, Casa Lucas is redefining the world of fine beverages. A Partnership Built for Global Impact Together, Lamar Burno Sr. and Kevin Patterson have created a multi-industry empire that stands as a beacon of innovation and excellence. With their companies headquartered in strategic hubs and driven by a vision to inspire and lead, they are transforming industries, empowering talent, and crafting a legacy that transcends boundaries. This extraordinary alliance represents not just business success but a movement to inspire a new generation of creators, athletes, and visionaries worldwide
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