4 minute read
Kevin Chambers
Interview by David R. Navarro
Photography by Donte Toussaint @dtouphotography
David R. Navarro: Tell us a little bit about yourself?
Kevin Chambers: I’m a hard working, career and goal oriented person. I value family, friends, and integrity. I’m all about positivity, gratitude, and helping as many people as I can. I was adopted from South Korea at 3 months and grew up in Michigan. I started martial arts when I was 3, and have been studying ever since. I placed 1st in the state of Michigan for Forms and Sparring. Plus 2nd in the state for weapons at the age of 12. After graduating High School, I moved to Los Angeles and attended the Theater Academy a 3 year actors conservatory located on L.A.C.C. campus. I traveled the world for a play I was apart of called Anton’s Uncle’s including Edinburgh, Scotland and London. While acting I also got into stunts and have worked on the TV show, Deputy on Fox. I’m always striving to be a better person everyday and to help out as many people as I can.
DN: How long have you been in the film industry?
KC: I’ve been in the film industry for 13 years.
DN: What made you decide to be serious about acting?
KC: I started pursuing acting at 16 and I’ve never looked back. I started with reading as many books as I could on the art of acting and everything I could find about the film industry. While I was senior in High School, I took an acting class at G.R.C.C. in a duel enrollment program. I moved out to LA when I was 20 and immediately began college for acting.

Photography by Donte Toussaint @dtouphotography
DN: Which people or books have had the most influence on your career and why?
KC: My grandma has been a huge influence for me. She had her own costume store when I was growing up and every Halloween I was at least 3 different characters. I know that was a spark for me that has led me to acting.
DN: What would you say is the #1 key to success in the film industry?
KC: Hahaha. There isn’t one! If there were, more people would be doing it. People have slept their way to the top, YouTubers have an enormous following they are given a tv show or are put into films, or the traditional way I was taught. Go get training, get on set experience, constantly audition and sharpen your tools. Be professional and prepared all the time.
Can you give us some examples of things you are doing or have done to grow your fanbase?
KC: Honestly, my fan base has grown organically. I haven’t bought any fans. I just keep posting about my work and what I’m doing in my life.

Photography by Donte Toussaint @dtouphotography
Talk about the biggest failure you’ve had. What did you learn from it?
KC: Taking a break from martial arts when I was a child due to my parents divorce. I learned to take advantage of the time I have. The present moment is what’s most important.
What advice can you give other individuals who want to follow in your footsteps?
KC: Get some great training in acting and constantly be working on your art. Be the light you want to see in others. Constantly give thanks and pay attention to your surroundings. Make your decisions based off of people’s actions not their words. Constantly network, because you never know who will be the next big thing.

Photography by Donte Toussaint @dtouphotography
What does a typical day in your week look like?
KC: Keeping my daily routine of nutrition to start the morning. This consists of taking my vitamins, a spoonful of extra virgin olive oil with lemon, and a protein shake. Responding to emails. Working on auditions when they come in. Going to the gym to go train in martial arts, some weight lifting, and cardio.
DN: What keeps you going when things get tough in the business?
KC: The fact that any job, any gig can literally change your life.
DN: Please list your website and/or your social media platforms.
Facebook: Kevin Chambers Instagram: Thekevchambers TikTok and SC: Thekevchambers

Photography by Donte Toussaint @dtouphotography
DN: Is there anything else you’d like us to know about you?
KC: This industry is filled with ups and downs, more downs than ups. This career isn’t for those who can’t deal with rejection, financial instability, and egotistical people who can be very cruel. If you want to obtain the level of success you want in your mind, then you have to do it yourself. However anything is possible, who knows maybe we will end up working together!