7 minute read
Extraordinary Storytelling That Touches the Heart and Soul: Author Vanessa Miller
Interview by Angela Anderson
Vanessa Miller is a best-selling author of more than fifty books. Her love for reading and writing started early, as a child. Fast forward, Vanessa is an eclectic writer of poetry, short stories, stage plays, and novels. She beautifully crafts stories with elements of redemption, healing, and hope. Her creativity and gift from God aid her in writing extraordinary stories designed to touch her readers’ hearts and souls. Several of her books have appeared on Essence Magazine’s Bestseller’s List and received awards like “Best Christian Fiction Mahogany Award and “Red Rose Award of Excellence in Christian Fiction”. Whether writing Christian Fiction, Women’s Fiction, or Romance novels, her unique mastery of storytelling with an inspirational, heartfelt tone and edginess that keeps you on the edge of your seat; turning the pages for more, is not missed.

The Heat Seekers Magazine had an opportunity to speak with Vanessa Miller and talk about her writing journey and her new release, Something Good.
Angela Anderson: When did you know you wanted to become a writer?
Vanessa Miller: I was nine years old, sitting on my grandmother’s porch listening to my father tell me a story about something that seemed so beautiful. But when he finished the story, I discovered it was about a rat. From that very moment, I knew that I was born to take the hideous things of this world and make them beautiful. I was born to write redemption stories.
AA: What do you enjoy about being a writer?
VM: I sit down at my desk, open my computer, and ask myself who these characters are. As I discover what makes each character tick, I get closer and closer to that moment where God steps in and changes my character’s whole world. This is the part I really enjoy… the part of the book when God takes over. I love writing inspirational women’s fiction!

AA: You have written over fifty books, which is an amazing accomplishment. What is something you know now but wish you learned sooner?
VM: This is a good question. I hope my readers see growth in my books because I have been working hard. I now realize that I need to take my time with my characters and develop them so that the reader sees the good, the bad, and the struggles that the character has to overcome. I’m also learning how to provide the setting in a scene and understand why it is important to acclimate the reader to each new scene.
AA: What are some of your writing must-haves when you are working on a manuscript?
VM: One thing I need when working on my manuscript is my computer (I used to write my stories longhand thirty years ago, and never want to go back to that). Next, I would say that I need my outline and character bios to understand where the story is supposed to go. Oh, and a comfortable chair. I can’t leave that out.
AA: If you had to give one piece of advice to new authors, what would it be?
VM: I would definitely say to spend time learning the craft. The best thing a writer can do for their career is write a great book. Because when you write a great book, the readers will tell others about it, and before you know it, your fan base will grow.
AA: What is one thing most readers don’t know about you?
VM: One thing that readers might not know is how much I love breakfast, especially omelets, link sausage, pink grapefruit, and green tea with lemon. I’m getting hungry just thinking about it.

AA: This is an exciting month for you. Your debut novel with Thomas Nelson, Something Good, will be released on March 8, 2022. What is the inspiration behind this story?
VM: One of the issues in Something Good is distracted driving. I don’t know about where you live, but in Charlotte, NC, it is a real thing. In 2015 I was hit head-on as I was driving home. The car driver that hit my car had bent down to pick up his cell phone, and he lost control of his vehicle and hit me head-on. My ankle was broken, and I have not walked the same since. But I am thankful that I can walk. So, I wanted to highlight the distracted driving issue in the book and pray that I cause someone to stop and think before doing things that will distract them from paying attention while driving. I also wanted to write a story where it seemed as if everything had gone wrong, causing the characters to lose hope. But then, one prayer becomes the catalyst that begins to turn situations around.
AA: If you could describe “Something Good” in three words, what would they be?
VM: Something Good in three words…Beauty for ashes.
AA: March is Women’s History Month with a 2022 theme of “Providing Healing, Promoting Hope”. What comes to mind when you think about how far women have come in society and the accomplishments of women trailblazing the paths of those coming after?
VM: I think of God’s grace and His mighty love for women. We are not just survivors; we are out here thriving and getting it done. I’m thankful for the women who came before us, blazed trails, and created pathways that we now follow.
AA: Who are some influential women in your life who have helped shape and molded you into the woman you are today?
VM: I would first have to say my mother. She was the kindest woman I have ever known. She taught me how to be respectful of others. Even though she left this world way too soon, and I have been without her for over a decade, I still haven’t forgotten how special she was and how blessed I was to have her in my life. There have also been countless teachers, preachers, and friends who have helped me and encouraged me along the way. These women are sheros in my book, and I thank God for each of them.
AA: What is next for Vanessa Miller?
VM: Well, Something good releases on March 8, 2022. After that, I have another book that will release in November of 2022. The title of that book is What We Found in Hallelujah. And that book is a wild ride. I hope my readers will enjoy both books this year.

AA: How can people stay connected with you?
VM: People can stay connected with me on my website, www. vanessamiller.com. They can also stay connected with me on Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter.
Instagram - www.instagram.com/authorvanessamiller/ Facebook - www.facebook.com/AuthorVanessaMiller Twitter - @vanessamiller01