Brunel Drive Modbury Heights South Australia, 5092 Ph: (08) 8263 6244 Fax: (08) 8263 6072 Email: contact@theheights.sa.edu.au WWW: http://www.theheights.sa.edu.au
OUR SCHOOL VALUES We work hard to learn We respect ourselves and each other We value acts of generosity
IN THIS ISSUE Book Cup Parent News Arts News A letter from OSHC
DIARY DATES 9/8 Grounds Comm 4pm 9/8 Gov Council 7pm 15/8 Year 9 Boostrix 16/8 Yr 10-12 Parent Mtg 7:15pm
NEWSLETTER No. 9 4 August 2011
Junior School Assembly Dates: I am pleased to extend a big friendly welcome to our new reception children who started their schooling journey this term. They have now become part of a caring community that will nurture and enrich their learning. Meg McLeod is their teacher. We welcome Suzanne Wheaton (R/1), Vicki Mazis (English & SOSE), Craig Holyhrim (Design and Technology), and Lina Zhu Yildirim (Resource Centre SSO) who are replacing staff on leave in term 3, and Belinda Percey is providing learning support to some of our students. Review of the Site Improvement Plan was a focus for our student free day professional learning program. Staff provided evidence of action we have taken to achieve the improvement targets in reading comprehension, student achievement and attendance priorities and effectiveness of school operations (Litter, Time Out procedures, communication and staff Performance Development).We want to know what parents’ views are about the work we are doing. You will be invited to tell us what you think of the quality of teaching, the communication and relationships, the general environment of the school, leadership and opportunities for involvement in school life and decisions by responding to the annual Parent Opinion Survey. Parent Opinion Survey responses in 2010 indicated that parent satisfaction in all aspects is comparable to state and region. However with only 21 parents completing the surveys we were not able to get a true picture of parent opinion. In the next 3 weeks you will receive a ‘Parent Opinion Survey’ that we strongly encourage you to complete either online (randomly selected parents) or hardcopy so that we can address aspects of the school that many parents feel need improvement. You will get a strong sense of the quality of the educational service that our school provides by joining us for the Arts Week Showcase and Cabaret, Pedal Prix event, Book Week activities, subject information session and subject selection day, Wakakkiri, Festival of Music, Sports day and the daily lesson activities and excursions that have been planned for this term. Helen Calvert Principal
Friday 5th August Activity Room 2:15pm Friday 26th August Activity Room 9:00am Wednesday 14th September Activity Room 2:15pm Friday 30th September Activity Room 9:00am
SUBJECT SELECTION DAY YEARS 9-11 On August 29th there will be no lessons for students in years 9-11. Students/ parents will instead make appointments for that day with their teachers to select their subjects for 2012. Student/parent information sessions will be held before that day. For any queries, please contact either Kris Nielsen or Michail Darley at the school on 8263 6244.
UNIFORM SHOP TEMPORARY CLOSURE Please be advised that our Uniform Shop will be temporarily closed on Tuesday 9th and Thursday 11th of August (week 3). We apologise for any inconvenience.