The Henge Magazine

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of our society to see that our internal combustion

with the energy of the circle and the transition we

engine is falling apart, and, in the last 100 years,

are living in. We offer symbols to connect with the

our model has proven to be too self- destructive.

strong energy and the beauty of the circle wherever

Now, our challenge is to go beyond the polarities,

your final destination. Tai chi, qigong, yoga, reiki

beyond competition, beyond economic growth,

and meditation are practiced upstairs in the circle`s

beyond the intelligence of the brain, beyond

energy. Books, astrology, runes, dowsing, lectures

religions toward oneness, team‑work, happiness, the wisdom of the heart and being in partnership

"There is no path to happiness… Happiness is the path." A.J.Muste

and workshops are also available to supply guidance in the chaos between point A and point B. And the

with the Universe. This partnership is a communion

Henge Magazine is our latest evolution. A collaboration

experienced through community, collaboration,

with our generous contributors and team to share

co-operation, co-creation and compassion. It is no

beauty, knowledge and possibilities with you.

accident that the word communion and community stem from the Latin word communis, which means

Is this Heaven?

‘sharing’. This sharing is also the sharing of

Anita Moorjani describes in her book, Dying to be Me

knowledge, of beauty, of resources, ideas, viewpoints

her experience as she died of cancer, spent some time

and possibilities. We are moving toward a space where

on “the other side” and came back healed. Her next

there is no right path, as all paths are equally valid.

book, What if This is Heaven? encourages us to be more

More than just a Shop

aware of the beauty of the world around us, to step out of our fear programming, “If life is about the journey

At the Henge Shop, we have been feeling this transition

and not the destination, could it be that this is heaven – this

keenly and as such, our shop is evolving and moving

physical life we are living here on Earth?"

Have a good Journey…

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