SUMMER Spirit 2019
… feed your soul
Discover how to interpret your dreams with Sunday Times best-selling author, Theresa Cheung
Rediscovering our
instinctive and intuitive connection with Nature can inspire us all… Ian Banyard
Uncover the science behind spirituality with Steve Taylor from the Watkins’ Spiritual 100 List
With Adrian Incledon-Webber
Explore the elemental world of fairies with FAE magazine’s Karen Kay
CRYSTAL SKULLS ~ EPISODE 2 with Philippe Ullens
with John Wadsworth
More than just a feeling People have been coming to Avebury for thousands of years seeking soul food to feed their souls... Following several visits to Avebury and its mysterious crop circles, we bought the Henge Shop in 2006 and finally moved from Brussels to Avebury in 2016 to take over the management of the shop. The shop originally offered items and symbols to support people in connecting with the healing energy of the circle, but in the last few years it has become much more.
Our planet and its inhabitants are currently undergoing a major transformation, so we have created a hub where our guests can learn, discover and exchange information through our regular lectures, workshops and activities, held on the first f loor of the shop.
Call 01672 53922 9
www.hengeshop.c om www.hengeskulls .com Henge Shop, Hig h St, Avebury, Marlbor ough United Kingdom SN8 1RF
Have a Say...
We love to hear fr om our readers, so if you would like to write in and co mment about any of our articles, contributors, or te ll us which subjects you’d lik e to know more about, then emai l me, Naz...
What’s in store?
The spirit of summer is well and truly with us, full of light and promise. It is a time of celebrating the life-giving force of the sun. And in our summer spirit issue, our contributors certainly bring you life, colour, healing and so much more...
Dreams and Fairy Magick Discover the wonder of the Fae, with our special Fae feature from Fae Magazine’s Karen Kay. Create sacred space with Divine Decorator, Klary Goldy. In this issue, we also meet our new regular contributor: Sunday Times Best-selling author, Theresa Cheung. She’ll be taking us into the dream-world to uncover our dream messages.
Back to Nature Explore the Druid path with Head of the British Druid Order, Grey Wolf and rediscover your connection with Nature with Ian Banyard. Plus, Geomancer and Earth Energy Healer, Adrian Incledon-Webber takes us on a journey in the Avebury stone circle. If you’re in any need of re-balancing, then Janie Whittemore introduces you to the healing touch of the Havening Technique.
Science and Spirituality We also delve into the science of spirituality with Watkin’s author, Steve Taylor PhD and, of course, we have our wonderful regular contributors who have a basket of soul food to share with you.
Wishing you a warm welcome, and look forward to celebrating this most wonderful season with you all.
Dominique & Philippe Ullens Custodians of the Henge Shop
Naz Ahsun, Editor
The Henge Magazine 3
Contents Regular Soulfood Contemplations 6 Dragon’s Lair
Astrology for the Soul
Cosmic Classroom
Crystal Wisdom
Crystal Skulls
Regular & Community Events
Henge Skulls
The Reading Room
Tarot Toolkit
Witches’ Cauldron
Henge Shop Treasures
Soulfood ~ Healthy Mind, Body & Spirit 76 Summer Events & Author Signings
Autumn Preview
4 The Henge Magazine SUMMER 2019
for news of Henge S Avebury hop eve nts and offe rs
Features Beyond Matter ~ Steve Taylor
Dowsing the Stones of Avebury ~ Adrian Incledon-Webber
The Spirits of Avebury ~ Grey Wolf
Dream Wisdom ~ Theresa Cheung
Fairy Eight-Page Special ~ Karen Kay
Natural Mindfulness ~ Ian Banyard
Make Your Home Your Sacred Space ~ Klara Goldy
The Havening Technique ~ Janie Whittemore
Thanks! We could not have taken our first steps without so much hard work from our many fantastic contributors and collaborators ~ our warmest thanks go out to every one of them. Designer: Ida McConnell ~ A big thanks to Ida at Jackson Mcconnell for the design and layout of the magazine and help in conceiving the Henge Shop branding. Contact Ida to chat about brand consultancy, graphic design, brochure or ecommerce websites… VIEW PORTFOLIO
The crop circle season is well and truly upon us, and one can't help but wonder about the messengers of these beautiful creations. Some people are exceptional and fascinating. My favourite painter is Monet, the French impressionist. If I want to feel what type of being he was, I can read his biographies, contemplate the pictures taken of him, visit his house in Giverny. My main source though will simply be to look at his paintings - as
being could create such an image? You can also visit my personal website on Even better, experience them in person by visiting Avebury between 15th June and 15th August ~
"It could be that the crop circle phenomena is a giant hoax..."
crop circle season ~ where you will have a very good chance to see one, stand in one
many as I can find - look
and touch it for yourself. You can also experience
at what he was trying to capture: the subject, the
a bird’s eye view of one in Avebury by going to
colours, his interpretation of reality. I can do this
Yatesbury airfield where you can take a microlight
very rationally, with my mind, but on another
and view them from the air, which adds another
level, I can also try to feel with my heart.
layer to your experience. From the air, it becomes
Perhaps we can do the same with crop circles?
What are Crop Circles? You’ve probably heard a lot of rumours about crop circles such as crop circles made by 'Doug'
obvious that these crop circles seem to have been designed to be seen from the sky – but by whom? It could be that the crop circle phenomena is a giant hoax, a fake and a scam. However, there is another possibility. Just suppose there is a small chance that some of these incredible structures are
and 'Dave', coming out of the pub, and making
not man-made? Just suppose these amazing creations
them with planks and ropes. Or perhaps
were created by someone else? Wouldn’t you want
you’ve heard of the extraterrestrial link?
to see one with your own eyes in this lifetime?
Whatever the rumour, it is always wise to form
There is nothing quite like a first-hand experience
your own opinion through your own research and
of a crop circle – it is totally unique as you connect
experience of them. There are many ways in which
with their size, their energy, their perfection
you can do this. For example by visiting www.
and their beauty. Size-wise, they are, typically, or www.temporarytemples.
between 100-300metres in diameter. All-in-all, it is
com. Take time to look, and I mean really look to
a fascinating and moving meeting. Hopefully, just
see a crop circle through the eyes of your heart.
by contemplating this, you are already beginning
Take the time to contemplate their beauty and
to wonder about the crop circle architects and also
perfection, then ask yourself what kind of person/
why crop circles seem to appear in specific areas.
6 The Henge Magazine
Where Do Crop Circles Appear?
at: Uffington, Avebury, Stonehenge, giving the
If one takes the period 2000 – 2015, about 150 crop
area a significant spiritual dimension.
circles were discovered annually; half in England
If one looks at author and
and half spread all over the rest of the world. Out
researcher, Robert Coon describes the Mary and
of the 75 British discoveries, about 50 % appeared
Michael ley line as part of the 2 main dragon ley
within 20 miles of Avebury. One wonders why that
lines that circle around the Earth. He positions
is? The landscape around Avebury is very smooth,
the heart chakra of the Earth here, between
full of delicious curves, beautiful green and lush
Avebury, Stonehenge and Glastonbury.
landscapes; not the strong 'yang' style of the Scottish
So, could this be another reason why so
Highlands or the Alps, nor the flatness of Holland, but smooth green hills, like the smoothest parts
many crop circles appear here?
of Tuscany or the Palouse area in Northwest USA.
From Pisces to Aquarius
This area has something deeply and intrinsically
Author, Robert Coon has explored the shift of the
feminine about it – is this a possible explanation?
Earth from Pisces to Aquarius and explains that the
For thousands of years visitors have been journeying by foot to the area and its big temples
Earth follows a cycle of 25, 600 years, rotating on its axis to face the 12 constellations. For the last 2000 years, the Earth has been facing Pisces; yet now she is rotating to face Aquarius. According to Coon, this transition from one to the other started around 1990 with a focus on the Heart
... continued Chakra of the planet – at about the same time the most active crop circle formations began – coincidence? Or is there a deeper meaning to all of this?
Contemplating many of them creates a sense of wonder and awe. In my mind, they often seem to belong to some higher dimension. If that is the case,
In my years of exploring and contemplating the
they may well be beyond our rational understanding
magnificence of these wonders, I have been struck
which is why perhaps it is easier to connect with them
by their perfection and beauty. Beauty is much more
on a heart level rather than with our rational minds.
essential than what we’ve been educated to believe.
I find it fascinating that crop circles occur in fields in
Our souls feel at home in the ‘Beautiful’. The joy of
which the very matter used, feeds human beings.
flying in a microlight in the morning light to discover
Perhaps they give an indication that a connection
a crop circle is intense. It is deeply touching to alight
is possible with something that is more than human?
upon such beauty that has clearly been created by
Yet, we are free to believe what we want. Most
some form of intelligence in the sacred land of Avebury
probably, if a connection is possible, it is more of an
- It strikes my heart chakra and makes me melt.
inner one, at heart level, rather than a rational one.
Many of the crop circles I have come across
I invite you to explore…
are clearly constructed using sacred geometry, which adds a spiritual dimension and leaves a series of questions about how such huge and perfect artistry can be executed during the short, dark hours of the summer nights.
Avebury is my special place, where my soul feels at home, at peace, it is where all the stresses of modern life disappear and instead, I can refuel with the wonderful energies of Avebury. I go home feeling renewed and recharged. Gina Thomas
8 The Henge Magazine
Beyond Matter…
How Spirituality Can Make sense of the world STEVE TAYLOR
As an academic - a researcher and senior lecturer at a university in the UK - people are often surprised by my spiritual views on the nature of life, and of the world. For example, when I mention to colleagues that I believe in some form of life after death and in paranormal phenomena such as telepathy or precognition, they look at me as if I’ve told them I’m going to give up academia and become a professional footballer. It’s taken for granted that intellectuals and academics
and natural selection. But there is a third alternative
don’t entertain such unusual views. People are
world-view: a spiritual approach that transcends
even more confused when I tell them that I’m
both conventional science and religion and explains
not religious. “How can you believe in life after
many of the riddles that neither of them can answer.
death without being religious?” They wonder.
Panspiritism - “All is Spirit”
But it is very possible to be intellectual and rational while accepting the existence of seemingly ‘irrational’ spiritual
This is an approach that I call panspiritism literally, ‘all is spirit’. Panspiritism suggests
phenomena. In fact, in my view, it is much more rational to be open to such perspectives.
A Materialist View Our culture is dominated by a belief system which in its
that the fundamental reality of the
Spirituality isn’t often thought of in an ‘explanatory’ context
own way is just as dogmatic and irrational as a religious paradigm. This is the belief system of materialism, which
universe is not matter, but spirit. Spirit pervades all living beings, and all nonliving things, so that they are always interconnected. You could compare it to fundamental forces like gravity and electromagnetism, which aren’t caused or produced by anything - they simply
are. But spirit is even more fundamental than these forces, because it preceded the universe.
holds that matter is the only thing that exists, and that
The universe - with all of its material particles and
anything that appears to be non-physical - such as the
forces and laws - is an expression of spirit. Spirituality
mind, our thoughts, consciousness or even life itself - is
isn’t often thought of in an ‘explanatory’ context.
physical in origin, or can be explained in physical terms.
It’s often assumed that we only have two
Most people believe that it’s the role of science to explain how the world works. But the simple notion
choices in how we see the world: a ‘scientific’
that there is a fundamental spirit which is ever-present
materialist view or a religious one. Either you believe
and in everything has great explanatory power.
in heaven and hell, or you believe that there is no
In fact, this is the main reason why I think this
life after death. Either God created all life forms, or
approach is so valid. There are many things that don’t
they evolved accidentally through random mutations
make sense from a materialist perspective, but which
10 The Henge Magazine
Steve Taylor PhD, is a senior lecturer in psychology at Leeds Beckett University, and author of several best-selling books on psychology and spirituality. can be easily explained from a spiritual point of view. Conventional science can’t explain where consciousness comes from. It can’t explain the powerful effect that mental intentions and beliefs can have on the body (as illustrated by the placebo effect). It can’t account for spiritual experiences, or near-death experiences. It can’t account for altruism, except to explain it away as a kind of mistake.
Explaining Altruism and Consciousness But as I show in my new book, Spiritual Science, all of these phenomena make sense in spiritual terms. Let’s look a little more deeply into altruism, for example. If human beings are just genetic machines, only concerned with the
“In a similar way, we can explain spiritual experiences as a ‘touching into’ the fundamental oneness of things”
survival and propagation of our genes, then altruism is difficult to account for. It makes some sense for us to be altruistic to people who are closely related to us genetically, but not to strangers, or to members of different species. But altruism can be easily explained in spiritual terms. Since our minds are
The Henge Magazine 11
has ars Steve Taylor ye n ve se st la e For th it Mind, Body, Spir s n ki at W in d e d been inclu iritually the ‘100 most sp f o t lis ’s e in az mag de: ’. His books inclu le p eo p g in liv l a influenti f the p, The Fall, Out o Waking From Slee k and his new boo p a Le e Th s, es n rk Da ed Tolle has describ t ar kh Ec . ce n ie Spiritual Sc ntribution to the co t n a rt o p im n his work as, ‘a on ich is happening h w s es sn u io sc n shift in co sent’. our planet at pre
animal), the raw essence of spirit is canalised into our own individual consciousness. And because the human brain is so large and complex, it is able to receive and canalise spirit in a very intense and intricate way, so that we are (probably) more intensely and expansively conscious than most other animals. In a similar way, we can explain spiritual experiences as a ‘touching into’ the fundamental oneness of things, that can happen in states of mental quietness, or in higher states of consciousness when our ego-boundaries dissolve away. Near-death experiences are possible because consciousness is not produced by the brain, and can continue in the absence of neurological activity. And rather than trying to prove that psi phenomena like telepathy and precognition don’t exist (as conventional science does), we can also explain them in terms of fundamental spirit. Like
an influx of the same spiritual force, we are essentially
altruism, telepathy is the result of our fundamental
one, sharing the same network of being. It is therefore
connectedness. We are not separate individuals
possible for us to sense the suffering of others (through
enclosed inside our own bodies and brains - we share
empathy), and to respond to it with altruistic acts.
the same network of being, and so can occasionally
Since we share a fundamental spirit with other species
sense each other’s thoughts and intentions.
too, it is possible for us to feel empathy with - and to
Precognition relates to the timeless nature
behave altruistically towards - animals and insects too.
of fundamental spirit (which is also evident in
The Fundamental Oneness of Things
mystical experiences and NDEs). In the same way
Conventional science attempts to explain consciousness
everywhere in time. So in a sense, the future may
as the result of brain activity. Scientists have been trying
already have happened, and the past may still be
for decades to identify which types of neurological
happening. Precognitive experiences may simply
activity are associated with consciousness, with very
involve a transcendence of the illusion of linear time.
little success. However, from the panspiritist point of view, we don’t have to try to explain how the brain gives rise to consciousness, because it doesn’t. Rather than producing consciousness, the brain acts as a kind of receiver which transmits and canalises fundamental spirit into our own being. Via the brain (not just the human brain, but that of every other
12 The Henge Magazine
that fundamental spirit is everywhere in space, it is
The world is not made of matter - more fundamentally, it consists of spirit. Spirit is the essence of all things, and all beings, and we can only make sense of the world from that perspective.
Dowsing the Stones of Avebury ADRIAN INCLEDON-WEBBER
Many people ask when my interest in dowsing started. The answer is when I was seven years old, but to be honest it was very rudimentary in those days, looking for water pipes, hidden objects and so on. Early Years
enigmatic and distinctly feminine Swallowhead
The rods were a part of my life for many years, but
Spring. They cross again at The Sanctuary before
it wasn’t until I bought a one ton standing stone
winding their way East to leave us at Hopton-on-Sea.
from a local garden centre in Surrey that dowsing came into its own. Where was the best place in my garden to plant it, I wondered? It had to be the right location for the
During that visit I asked if there was any ‘Geopathic Stress’ that needed to be healed, not really knowing the full extent of what it could be. The rods crossed and
good of the land and my family.
then pointed at one of the stones.
Out came the dowsing rods
I followed them until they
and I asked them to take me to
crossed again, telling me that
the best place in the garden to
I had arrived. I then set about
site the stone; they swung to my
trying to find out what healing
left and as I walked away from the house they suddenly crossed, right over where my Border Collie was laying - he knew the most beneficial spot already!
Avebury Earth Energies However, it wasn’t until a visit to Avebury several months later, for an Earth Energies workshop, that the real passion started. Dowsing the energy lines that cross the site was
was needed. It turned out that a man had been killed here by a jealous husband, some time in the early 1900’s. His spirit was still there and affecting many of the stones detrimentally. It was time to carry out a spirit rescue to help the man go to the light (or heaven), this was done very respectfully by our tutor, David.
Geomancer at Work This lit the fuse that turned into me becoming
fascinating, especially tracing the famed Michael
a full-time Geomancer (Earth Healer). I read
and Mary Energy Channels as they meet at The
all the books that I could find on the subject of
Cove. They run parallel with each other and cross
geopathic stress, yet all, to me, were inadequate
before parting: Michael running down West Kennet
and outdated. Some would tell you how to
Avenue to The Sanctuary and Mary to Silbury
find the problem areas in your home, but none
Hill and then West Kennet Long Barrow via the
would tell you how to heal/clear them.
14 The Henge Magazine
Adrian Incledon-Webber is an Earth Energy Healer, Author and former vice-president of the British Society of Dowsers. That is why I wrote, Heal Your Home, to introduce the public to the harmful effects of these earth energies and to help them to help themselves. The book is written in three sections, the first explains how to dowse our connection to Mother Earth and the higher realms, psychic protection and much more. We then move onto how to find these noxious energies, what to look for, how to plot the lines, ghosts, attachments, curses, water veins, earth energy lines and so on with lots of case studies. The final section is how to do the clearing/healing yourself. It explains, in
Reconnecting to Mother Earth Our connection with the Planet is so important for our survival. As human beings we have lost that link to Mother Earth. Millions of people have, during the latter half of the 20th century, chosen to live in towns and
detail, what I do to bring relief from the
cities, whereas in the 1940’s most of us were living
problems that you have been facing. All my
in the countryside and working the land.
secrets revealed if you like. So, it is a selfhelp book that has been described as the ‘bible of Geopathic Stress’ by many people. A follow up book is planned for release later in 2019.
Sacred Stones of Avebury The stones are timeless, a reminder not only of the past, but the present and future. Countless hundreds of people visit the
That is why sacred sites like Avebury are so important to us, just walking around the stones can not only help ground you but also bring a sense of belonging to something greater than yourself. Walking in our ancestors’ footsteps, tracing a ceremonial pathway or just sitting quietly on the banks of the Henge can bring a profound and peaceful feeling to you.
circles each year, with their own thoughts,
The Henge Magazine 15
... continued each leaving a trace of themselves behind blending into the overall energy patterns left over from the past. The stones communicate with each other, even the missing ones are still there in the ether, a vibrational outline meaning that the circles have never been broken energetically but have obviously suffered physically. By visiting Avebury, the site is kept alive and being
ED It is importan t to spend qu iet time in Av ebury, look, listen an d experience the sacredne ss and spiritual aspect of the site. The long er you stay the bette r it gets.
Avebur y never disappoints...
able to touch the stones, unlike Stonehenge that feels very sterile, allows energy to be transferred from
sunsets are special, the colours change as does the
human to stone and from the stone to human. Human
mood of the site. The solstices are very important
interaction, therefore, is critical to sacred sites as it
as are the cross-quarter days and equinoxes. The
keeps them active and alive - the sense of wonderment
energy patterns will change, and that change can
from children and adults alike is so important,
be tangible and each of the four separate areas
you can almost see the stones swell with pride!
(cut by the road system) are very different. The Cove is my favourite, it is the most mystical
Missing Circles
part of Avebury, a place of high vibrational energies
Then there are the missing circles, both inside
similar to those found around the altar of a
and outside the Henge. Some were made of stones
church. You can feel the power there, the meeting
from Fyfield Down, others from local timber
place of the Michael and Mary line squeezed and
that has long since rotted away. Many of these
forced between the two towering megaliths, the
demolished circles can be found through dowsing
place of high ceremonies and magic (Sorcery).
but please be mindful as much of the land around Avebury is now under private ownership. However, you don’t need to be on site as remote or distant dowsing can provide you with as much information as you need. It can be a difficult concept to grasp but once you are efficient with the rods or pendulum, the world is your oyster. Buy a map of the local area and start by dowsing for a ceremonial pathway as it will probably lead you to one of the defunct circles; personally, I find the Stuckley drawing quite fanciful and I am slowly working on updating how the Henge and Stone Circles were accessed and by whom.
Feel the Power The Henge needs to be viewed at different times of the day to be fully appreciated, sunrise and
16 The Henge Magazine
BOOK SIGNING Friday 21st and Saturday 22nd June at The Henge Shop Adrian will be signing his books ‘Heal Your Home’ and ‘Spirit and Earth’.
The Spirits of GREY WOLF
Walking along the line of sarsens on the summer of 1976, I had a vision of man I presumed to be her partner. H great sarsen stones. He was clearly d waving her hands over his head and In the early hours of the morning of the first night I spent in the West Kennet Long Barrow, I was moved to take a lighted candle across the road and climb to the top of Silbury Hill to await the sunrise. My
Over the years, thousands of folk from all over the world were initiated as bards of the Gorsedd to these words translated from a traditional Gaelic prayer...
vigil was rewarded by a horned crescent moon thrusting up from the clouds along the eastern horizon. It was blood red.
The Welcoming Arms of a Great Mother Goddess
Wisdom of serpent be thine, Wisdom of raven be thine, Wisdom of valiant eagle.
My overwhelming impression of Avebury
Voice of swan be thine, Voice of honey be thine, Voice of the son of stars.
the wide spacing between the stones
Bounty of sea be thine, Bounty of land be thine, Bounty of the boundless heavens. (3)
immense earthwork boundaries many
during that first visit was of the henge being the open, welcoming arms of a great mother goddess. The whole nature of Avebury, its wide entrances, of the circles, its visibility within the landscape, its sheer scale, all suggest openness, that it was built to attract, make welcome and hold safe within its hundreds, probably thousands, of people. In 1993, I was asked to compose a ceremony for a multi-faith gathering in Avebury hosted by Tim Sebastian of the Secular Order of Druids. I discovered that
18 The Henge Magazine
f Avebury
n the western side of Avebury’s South inner circle in f a grey-haired woman kneeling beside the body of a He lay on a wicker stretcher at the foot of one of the dead. She was singing, rocking gently back and forth, d chest, singing his spirit into the stone.
Greywolf, aka, Philip Shallcrass has been a druid since 1974 and is the founder of the, British Druid Order.
the remains of a short woman had been unearthed
Ronald Hutton, referred to as the central event of
near the bottom of the great ditch surrounding the
the new Druidry. (2) For many Pagans, it was their
henge, just by the southern entrance. A fire had been
first experience of performing ceremonies in public.
built there, lit and allowed to die down. Her body had
There was a special magic to hearing a Christian
been laid on the ashes, surrounded by blocks of sarsen,
speak a prayer to the East, followed by a shamanic
curled in a foetal position and facing down the West
invocation of a fire deity to the South, a Wiccan
Kennet Avenue. I believe she was a priestess of the place
call to the Watchtowers of the West and a Heathen
who sat in what the guidebooks call, ‘The Devil’s Chair,’
speak to Odin in the North. Australian Aboriginals,
the notched sarsen flanking the southern entrance,
Bahá’í, Buddhists, Earth Mysteries enthusiasts,
to greet pilgrims arriving for ceremonies. I wrote her
Goddess folk, Japanese Shinto, Native Americans
into our ceremony, her part being taken by my late
and many others came to share our circles.
wife, Ellie, then pregnant with our second child. This ceremony resulted in the formation of the
Magickal Transformations
Gorsedd of Bards of Caer Abiri, which still meets to
Central to the initiation is the awen chant. Awen is a
celebrate the turning of the seasons amongst the stones.
Welsh word, usually translated as ‘inspiration.’ In the
(1) I also gave the Gorsedd a motto; “In the spirit of
British Druid tradition, it is the spirit of inspiration and
freedom, and for freedom of the spirit.”
A Place for All People Prior to that, Avebury was not widely known in the Pagan community, ceremonies there being attended by only 10 or 20 people. The Gorsedd soon attracted hundreds, becoming within two years what Pagan historian,
creativity that flows through all creation, brewed in the cauldron of the goddess Ceridwen, patroness of bards. It has impacted many who experienced it during Gorsedd ceremonies. Lives were changed, a biker became a harper, a heavy metal drummer became a folk musician, an office worker took over a Witchcraft Museum, Druid summer camps were created, bereaved spouses
The Henge Magazine 19
... continued were enabled to move on, elderly clergymen
drumming all night until sunrise. One elderly
were inspired to write poetry, a couple founded
resident told me he doesn’t mind the drumming,
a woodland craft centre, another couple became
but strongly objects to people who can’t drum in
traditional craftspeople making early musical
time! I have sympathy too for the National Trust
instruments. We wove genuine magic.
who have the difficult, often thankless, task of
The original Gorsedd was, I feel, fulfilling the role for which Avebury was originally created, bringing
protecting Avebury and its environs from harm whilst ensuring maximum access for all the
together diverse groups of people from
people who visit throughout the year.
all over the British Isles and beyond
I live not far from Avebury and visit
to celebrate important festivals, creating a sense of community between people of differing beliefs and backgrounds. To honour this, I wrote these words into our ceremony, “All who come here are welcome, but thrice blessed are those who come
“ Avebury
mainly with family and friends between festival times. It’s nice
inspires in many ways, some stranger than others.”
in peace, with reverence and love.” The Gorsedd I invented in 1993 has now
just to sit under the Beech trees by the eastern entrance, play music and commune with the spirits of the place. In the late 90s, near the West Kennet Long Barrow, I had
a vision of a Bronze Age harvest ceremony. A group of naked men did
become such a feature of Avebury that notice boards
a weird, high-stepping dance, like Cranes or
around the site were updated some years ago to read:
other long-legged wading birds, whilst blowing
“Please respect this scheduled ancient monument and
bird‑bone whistles clenched between their lips.
sacred site.” A small victory for those of us who have always seen this magical, ancestral place as sacred.
Women, children and the elderly stood around, clapping time and laughing. I later found that Devizes Museum has a Crane-bone whistle in its Bronze Age collection. Years later, I got a group of
Despite having created the Gorsedd, I feel great
Druids on a summer camp to re-enact the vision.
sympathy for the residents of Avebury village
I tell you, you haven’t lived until you’ve been in a group of naked, body-painted Druids high-stepping around a sacred circle blowing whistles. That’s Avebury magic. No wonder I love this place!
who have had to put up with increasing numbers of Pagan visitors since its inception, especially at the summer solstice, not all of them peaceful. Many stay over, gathering in the south circle, often
NOTES (1) The full text of the Gorsedd ceremony is included in my book, Druidry: A Practical and Inspirational Guide, Piatkus Books, 2000. (2) R. Hutton, Witches, Druids & King Arthur, Hambledon & London, 2003, pages 255-6. (3) Alexander Carmichael, Carmina Gadelica, volume III, Oliver and Boyd, 1940, page 241.
20 The Henge Magazine
MY AVEBURY I’ve wandered far and wide. A restless spirit inside. I’ve found the place where I should be. My soul’s come home, my spirit’s free. Land that I love I’ve found you again. I’m home where I should be. It’s been so long. My Avebury. R’S R E A DE
Eyes Wide Shut
Working With Your Dreams
Theresa Cheung is a Sunday Times best-selling author in the fields of spirituality, heaven, the science of the paranormal and the afterlife. Born into a family of spiritualists, she has over two decades experience, both personal and professional, boasting a Master’s degree in Theology and English from King’s College Cambridge. YY Dream Wisdom
will have the opposite association. That’s why dream
Many of us don’t pay enough attention to our
interpretation dictionaries aren’t always that helpful.
dreams and are missing out on a wealth of
They give the generic or most common meaning but
untapped intuitive wisdom, creativity and insight
obviously can’t give the personal meaning for you.
that can heal and transform our waking lives. Dreams offer an instant insight into your state of
The best dream interpretation dictionary for you is the one you write. Only you know what associations
mind. Through them you can learn about yourself,
certain symbols have for you. Once you understand
your aspirations and desires. By recalling them you
that personal interpretation is key, here are some
gain increased self-knowledge which is the beginning
simple but effective steps you can use to understand
of all wisdom. They can also reveal hidden emotions
the intuitive messages your dreaming mind is trying
and undercurrents in your life, and learning to
to send you.
recall and understand them can help you express and face these aspects of yourself. Given the strong correlation between dreams and heightened creativity and intuition, as well as mental and emotional wellbeing, dream recall is good for your holistic health.
YY Write down your dream… Write it down as best you can and don’t even try to make it logical as it rarely will be. Dreams aren’t
YY Understanding Your Dreams
direct, linear or logical; they speak to you in symbols.
Dreams speak to you in the language of symbols. You
As you write down what you recall, be sure to do
need to translate the meaning of the symbols and,
so in the present tense as this helps you re-enter
in most cases, the symbols can only be translated
the dream world as if it was happening. Writing
and interpreted personally. For example, if a dog
down your dream also helps you see it from an
appears in your dream, this typically suggests love
outside perspective and makes it easier for you
or companionship, but if you are afraid of dogs it
to pick up on connections with your daily life.
22 The Henge Magazine Theresa Sheung imge © David Crump/Daily Mail/Solo Syndication
YY Once you’ve written down your dream story… … read it to see what it is trying to say to you. For
you become an observer rather than an experiencer
example, if you dream you are drowning does this
of the emotion and you retain control or free will
suggest that you feel emotionally overwhelmed?
over what choices you want to make with your life.
Whatever association with the symbols in your dream come up will be correct for you.
YY Ask questions In addition to noticing the emotions your dream
Your dreaming mind wants what is unconsciously blocking you to come to the surface, so interpreting your dreams is very important work. If you identify something hidden that is preventing you from moving forward with your life you have the choice to do something about it. If, however, you write down your dream and after reflecting on it still don’t understand what it is trying to tell you,
inspires, ask yourself who the characters are in your dream and what kind of reality is revealed…
YY Who are you in the dream? YY Where are you? YY Is there a dream theme? YY What about colours? Ask as many questions as you can about
the next step is to notice the emotion
your dreams. Don’t try to interpret
associated with it, which can truly help.
YY Notice the emotion Intuition reveals itself primarily through emotion so focus on the main emotion or feeling your dream inspired
anything or make it rational. Just asking
Dreams offer an insight into your state of Mind.
in you. Was it joy, love and support? Fear, anxiety? Try to pinpoint how your dream
yourself questions and paying attention to the associations that come up is sufficient. There is a reason why certain people and associations appear in your dreams. Your dreams are trying to tell you something about you. For example,
if a person you know appears in your dream,
made you feel as there will be a message for you
you aren’t dreaming about them but what aspects of
there. Then once you’ve noticed and acknowledged
their personality are reflected (or required) in you.
the emotion instead of identifying with it and saying,
Everyone and everything in your dream represents an aspect of you and your life. It’s all about you. If you’ve seen that incredible movie, Inception you may recall the scene when everyone in the dream stares at the dreamer. If you haven’t seen Inception, that’s your dream homework assignment this week.
"I feel angry" or, "I feel ecstatic" step outside and observe that emotion to see what it can teach you about your waking life. Remind yourself that you are not the emotion, you are learning from it. In this way
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B O O S T Y O U R DR E A M R E C A L L If you struggle to recall your dreams it doesn’t mean you don’t dream. Research has shown that we all dream during periods of REM or rapid eye movement sleep and we dream several times a night. The issue is you can’t remember them, but there are things you can do to remedy this. We can learn to recall them by setting the intention to remember our dreams before going to bed at night and then when we wake in the morning to remain still… YY Remaining in the position you slept with your eyes closed helps your brain to hold on to the dream as movement will distract it. YY Keep still and try to recall as much of your dreams as you can. If you can’t recall anything just let your mind meander for a while. You’ll be amazed how many dream images this can trigger. YY Then when images start to form, open your eyes, reach for a notepad and write down everything. YY Don’t put off writing your dream down until later when you have got dressed and begun your day because if you do, your brain will be distracted and the dream will vanish from your memory. YY Supplementing your diet with vitamin B6 or making sure your diet is rich in B6 vitamins, found in sunflower seeds, tuna, turkey and dried fruit may also help dream recall according to research.
Simply reading this feature will serve to improve your dream recall. One study has shown that the more people think about their dreams or participate in dream studies, the more their dream recall is enhanced. In other words, the more attention you pay to your dreams, the more you are likely to remember them.
24 The Henge Magazine
The magic of a thousand ancestors. Jo Dore
What are Fai KAREN KAY
We have all heard of fairy sightings, w gossamer wings! We are told they will
offered to you by the fairies, but who ar Fairy Lady shares her fairy findings.
Fairies have received a not-so-great press over the years, so it’s no wonder some folk are fearful of them. Will they trip you up? Yes! They might, if you disrespect the land or litter the
A Simple Way to Connect with the FAE... YY Find an old tree that you feel drawn to. Ask
Earth. They may well attach a bramble branch to your clothing as you wander through the woods! It’s no surprise that these notorious beings of Nature are shrouded in magic and mystery. Fairies are primarily gentle beings
permission of the tree, wait to feel the answer
of Nature. They are guardians of the
in your gut, then if the answer is yes, sit
Earth, watching over the plants, trees,
down with your back against the trunk.
YY Take some deep breaths then say, “Fairies, fairies, come to me, as I sit beneath this ancient tree.”
YY Then just sit, relax and wait. Be mindful of any changes in the atmosphere, or in how you are feeling. Just be open to communication with the fairies. Sit for as long as it feels right.
flowers, rivers and streams, even the air. Speaking from personal experience and my own connection with them, I have found them to be a joy to work with. Yes, I have encountered some of the more mischievous fairy beings, and I choose not to work with them. I work with the fairies of love and light for the highest good of all beings, including the fairies! Fairies seem to be coming closer to humanity at this time, perhaps it’s because the Earth is literally crying out for our help. As humans we have a duty
26 The Henge Magazine
Karen Kay is known as the Fairy Lady and is
warnings, magic, mischief, fairy rings and charm you away and never to eat the food
re they? Who are the fae? Karen Kay, the
a Hay House Author and Editor in Chief of FAE Magazine.
to protect and care for our planet. The fairies wish for
human years! But in fairy time they have only been
us to become more aware of the impact of our actions
gone a few hours! So, it’s wise to remember this.
upon the Earth. From simple things like picking up litter
The fairies will not dance to our tune or instructions
when you are out walking, to changing your chemical
unless they want to! So whilst you are waiting for a
household cleansing products to more naturally derived
fairy to make contact with you, it would be wise to
ones, these are the things that make the fairies happy. It’s not that difficult to please our fairy friends. Many of the things they care
be very patient. Remembering also that they will only connect with you if they want to! Imagine you are starting up a new friendship, it
about are common sense and
takes two, right? So, by sitting
they whisper to us through
under the tree and calling
inspiration, subtle and not-so-
the fairies to come to you,
subtle signs, dreams, Nature, or
you are stating your intention
direct contact.
of forming a fairy friendship
The way to be more receptive
with them. Now you literally
to the Fae (another word for fairies),
have to let nature take its course!
is to be open-minded and open-hearted. Think outside of the box, in-fact just throw
Fairy Whisperings
the box way, or ideally recycle it! Make time to be still,
Over the coming days, weeks, months and years, be
perhaps meditate in Nature if you are able. Visit some
open to fairy whispers and write down any messages
standing stones, like Avebury, or your local stones. For
or inspirations you receive. Remember to look at the
these are some of the dwelling places of the Fae.
way you treat the planet, our precious Mother Earth.
Fairy Time
Fairies love animals, not just pets, but all animals, and they will be watching the way you treat them. The
The fairies are not bound by human time constraints,
lighter your vibration, the more attracted to you they’ll
which is why when you hear the tales of humans being
be. So, eating more plant-based food will certainly
taken to fairyland, they can be gone for a hundred
put you on the fae-dar! (fairy-radar!). Other things
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... continued you can do is leave your grass to grow, or leave a wild
I had the innocent mind and heart of a child, nothing
patch in your garden for the Fae to play! Placing a fairy
contrived. I knew fairies were real, I could feel them.
statue, or perhaps a friendly gnome will also attract the fae‑folk. It lets them know they are welcome. Feeding
“Believing is Seeing”
the birds is another great way to charm the Fae.
As I grew older, I would see them, usually as
Placing a fairy door made from natural materials
bright sparkling lights darting around. Vibrant
in your garden or nearby outside your home is
sparkles in blue, green, pink, purple, gold. I still
another way to let the fairies know they are invited
see these lights today; they have stayed with me for
into your space. I would advise not to have fairy
my entire life to date. I have seen fairies manifest
doors inside your home, at least to start with, for
before me in ethereal form, with gossamer wings.
you might find things being moved around, just for
I feel so blessed to have seen them in this form.
fairy-fun! It’s important to build up trust first and
It is said “Seeing is Believing” but I believe that
slowly get to know these magical beings of Nature.
“believing is seeing”! I also say, “I do” to believe in
Connecting with the Fae When connecting with the Fae it’s important to
fairies! I KNOW they exist, and belief leaves an element of doubt, I know they exist from my direct experience.
remember everything is upside-down, inside-
Are fairies just for children?
out, back-to-front, betwixt and between! Throw
No! They are for everyone. Just because we grow up
away the rule book and expect the unexpected
does not have to mean that we deny the existence of
as you embark on the journey of fairy friendship.
fairies, for that would be like denying the air or love;
Expect magic and miracles, fun and fairy
just because we can’t see these things does not mean
frolics! Prepare for joy, laughter and smiles.
they are not there, just like the fairies. We may not
I have been working with fairies for many years
always see the Fae, but they are here come what may!
and first connected with them when I was a young girl. I used to spend lots of time in my grandmother’s garden. She loved flowers and roses and I would collect the fallen rose petals so I could make perfume for the flower fairies. I would gently crush the petals in water, and leave out the fragrant liquid for them overnight. As a small child I had no concept of belief or non-belief, this process was completely natural to me.
ing Fairy Lady’, is releas he ‘T as n ow kn Karen Kay, also with Hay House cle of the Fairies” her first deck, “Ora er Kelly. g artwork by Ging in ur at fe , 19 20 er on 1st Octob Festival in nual 3 Wishes Fairy Karen hosts the an elamare, fairy poet Walter D to d te la re is e Sh l. Cornwal s editor. ked as a BBC New and previously wor
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How to Connect with the Fae KAREN KAY
If you wish to connect with fairies then Karen Kay, the Fairy Lady, shows us a few techniques sharing ways to meet with these magical beings of Nature. One of the most common questions I am asked is, “How can I connect with fairies?” It is something we can all do, but it’s important to remember that it’s a two-way street, meaning, IF the fairies want to connect with you too, then it might just happen! I shall share a few of the ways that I have employed in the past. I am well and truly connected with fairies now. Once the physical and metaphorical fairy door is opened it is difficult to close it again! This is why I always say tune-in to see if this is something you wish to do.
Opening the Door to the Fae My life is a joy and working with the fairies always brings unexpected and magical surprises. There is always something going on and I am very happy with this. For some people it might not be appropriate to be awakened at dawn with inspirations or ideas from the fairies! Fairies are not confined by the confines of manmade time constraints. With little need for sleep, dawn or dusk, it makes no difference to them. It’s good to be mindful of this fact before consciously stepping through the fairy door. So, assuming you have now
Fairies are mostly fun to work with, yes! But connecting with them is a somewhat serious business. Fairies do not suffer fools lightly, and they can feel your intentions a mile-off.
Visual Declarations Another way to connect with the Fae is to place visual declarations in your immediate surroundings, garden, porch or inside your home. I would always suggest starting outside, as you might not want fairies coming into your home at the beginning of your friendship - things may go missing (just for fun) as they
thought about it, and assuming
do enjoy hiding things!
you still wish to continue, let’s
Garden statues or figurines
try some simple techniques to open the fairy door. Depending on your particular way of working, connecting with fairies can be approached simply and from your heart; this tends to be the way I usually work. Or you can do it in a more ritualistic way. Either way is fine, it’s your intent that really counts when connecting with fairies.
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of gnomes, fairies and pixies etc, are ideal. Or a simple wooden sign saying, “Fairies welcome here”. Keep it simple and sincere, and above all use your creativity for the fairies will really appreciate this. Enjoy the process and remember to write down your findings as your journey to connect with the fairies commences.
A WRITTEN DECLARATION Let’s start by writing a simple declaration of your intent. You will need a pen and paper, this can be special parchment, a page in your journal, or even on a scrap of paper. Your pen can be a basic ball-point, or a quill. Use whatever feels right for you. 1.
Take your pen and start to write as if you are writing a letter to the fairies.
Write something like, “Dear Fairies, I wish to connect with you for the highest good of all beings, including you”.
Next, write the reason or reasons why you wish to connect with them. These could be things like, you wish to manifest something in your life, you wish to help the Earth, or perhaps you already have your own personal reason for wanting to connect with them.
When you have finished writing, take your paper and hold it over your heart centre.
Then, in your mind or out loud say something like…
Fairies, please read my words, written on this paper, from my heart to yours. I wish to form a fairy friendship for the highest good of us all. I am receptive to your inspiration, and request that you please acknowledge that I always have a choice and the free will to say no. I ask this with respect and a mutual love of this land where I now stand.”
Take the paper and kiss it. Then place it somewhere safe, perhaps under your pillow, beneath the bed or in a special box of trinkets or treasures. If you feel inclined you can also bury the paper outside in a secret place, that is only known to yourself and the fairies. If you have a fairy garden area, this would be ideal, you could even place it beneath a garden gnome for protection.
“Working with the Fairies always brings unexpected and magical surprises.”
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Nature Conn
The Pathway to Rediscoverin IAN BANYARD
On a warm, fresh Spring day in 2014 I answers to the question - How can I br life?
“We are Nature and part of something much greater than ourselves.”
That Spring morning in 2014, I was feeling lost, unfulfilled, stressed, irritable and a little disillusioned with life. My wife suggested I go for a long walk in nature, with no destination in mind, offering to come and pick me up when I’d walked-off my mood. She knows that when I immerse myself in Nature, it not only helps me recharge my energy levels, but also enables me to reconnect with my true nature.
Cosmic Google Connecting with Nature is like having my smart phone constantly plugged into a power source with full bars of super-fast WiFi on tap. I am at my best. My body is energised and my mind is sharp. I get all my best ideas when I am walking in Nature. It’s as if I can plug into what I call, Cosmic Google and download brilliant and life-improving ideas. Have you ever noticed how smart phones aren’t very ‘smart’ when they have low battery life and no WiFi signal? More and more people in today’s busy world seem to be operating on less than 10% battery-life and poor WiFi signal.
34 The Henge Magazine
ng our True Nature Ian Banyard is an author and founder of Cotswold Natural Mindfulness, where he facilitates walks and runs training programmes.
I went for a long wander in Nature looking for ring the me I am in Nature back into my day-to-day find an opportunity to pause, breathe, still our
Nature’s Gifts Nature gifts me clarity, balance and the spiritual connection that is often missing from life. Nature
overburdened minds and take a moment. Rediscovering our instinctive and intuitive connection with Nature can inspire us all to
reconnects me to my true self; the intuitive
not only change the way we interact with
and instinctive parts of my nature. Many
“When I am
of us are programmed to live in a manufactured world that only provides logical
emotional and spiritual life challenges.
our natural environment, but also help us find a simple way to discover, heal,
immersed in Nature, I feel like me.”
On a mindful nature-connection walk, I frequently receive insights and guidance in the form of metaphorical life-lessons. These life-lessons in Nature are all around us, the more present and in tune with Nature we become. Science is now helping to confirm what generations of humans have sensed for thousands of years; that forests and natural landscapes heal us. There is growing evidence that people who appreciate Nature, and make the effort to invest time in it, are happier, healthier and more creative.
The Healing Power of Natural Mindfulness We all live in an ever-changing, fast-paced, busy world. Over half the population now live in cities where the noise, pressure, stress and anxiety can overwhelm us. Fewer and fewer of us can
know and release our own true nature. It’s beginning to look like a combination of Nature and Mindfulness may hold the key
to living healthier, happier and more consciously-connected lives.
About Nature ZZ Nature is a powerful antidepressant - Studies show that walking in Nature helps to balance levels of feel-good brain chemicals. ZZ N ature can prevent heart disease, diabetes and obesity - Walking is one of the healthiest cardiovascular activities around. ZZ N ature helps us recover more quickly and feel less pain – Studies in America revealed patients who could see Nature, recovered more quickly from surgery and used less pain medication than those looking at urban landscapes. ZZ N ature gives the brain downtime to recharge - Brain science has discovered that in a mindful or ‘daydream state’, when our
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... continued minds are free to wander, the brain can rest and recharge. The brain settles into a default mode where the day-to-day mind chatter switches off. ZZ N ature can lower blood pressure and reduce stress Studies in Japan found people who spent their day in forests had lower concentrations of the stress hormone cortisol, lower pulse rate and lower blood pressure. ZZ N ature can boost our immune system - It’s not only our minds that benefit from time in the woods, but also our bodies. There is widespread evidence that chemicals emitted by plants, known as phytoncides, essential wood oils, can help strengthen the immune systems of humans who are exposed to them. ZZ N ature stimulates our intuition and creativity - Our minds become sharper and more inventive after spending time in Nature. ZZ N ature improves memory - Several studies show that being out in Nature and moving naturally has memorypromoting effects. ZZ N ature can make us less afraid and anxious – Recent studies in the UK revealed that sounds found in Nature, like birdsong and running water, can have a relaxing and calming effect on us, even when the sounds are recorded.
WALKS & MORE... If you’re interested in discovering about Natural Mindfulness Ifmore you’re interested in discovering walks or would like to Mindf becomeulness a more about Natural Natural then a walks orMindfulness would likeGuide, to become connect Mindf with meulness on my website. Natural Guide, then with me on my website.
About the Aut hor
Ian Banyard is the author of Natural Mindfulness – your persona l guide to the healing powe r of nature co nnection. He is part of a global movem ent of Forest Friend s including: sc ientists, authors, med ical practition ers and nature practitioners who all share a passion for reconnecting humanity to N ature and the true nature. In ir 2019 he launc hed www. natureconne, a new online, global comm unity of peop le who provid nature conne e ction activitie s and events.
36 The Henge Magazine
Thank you for your magazine. I really liked the article by Jeremy R.J White on Sacred Journeys. Thank you for giving me the opportunity to read this. Marc Rhodes-Taylor ~ Swindon OM M E N T
People often say that home is where the
be still and simply BE. For over 25 years
transforming their space and their lives
muse helps us connect more deeply to the
For example, utilizing the power of connecting to Nature has huge benefits on our quality of life. Using the home as a catalyst for personal healing and growth transforms our lives in so many other areas.
“The Sanctuary of home acts as a catalyst for growth.”
My unique way to create a home
is to connect my clients to a deeper sense of who they are and discover what’s important to them. Designing a home with the focus on unravelling these deeper aspects supports them to transform areas of their lives. It allows them to embody more of who they are becoming and to feel elevated.”
By designing our homes with this intention, we can assist well-being and align to our true purpose. When the ‘WOW’ factor wears off having something new, you will be left with something that gives you great pleasure for many years, so every act whether that’s bathing, eating, studying or making love is embracing aspects of this.
38 The Henge Magazine
me Your Sacred Space heart is: For me it is also a place for you to breathe,
s I have been committed to supporting people in
s. Setting our homes up as a sanctuary or creative
e sublime moments that grace our lives…
Discovering Your Soul Style Our natural inherent quality is to be joyful and to celebrate our lives. More and more with the information overload or material distractions of the world, it seems even more relevant to be a keeper of this soulful connection.
Klara Goldy, aka, The Divine Decorator, is a creative leader and author who creates homes that inspire your personal growth. people’s personal energy is nurtured, they tend to function better. It builds more positivity. To discover your soul style, you need to go beneath the surface of colour and texture to explore their healing qualities. For example, if you think of church windows and the way the light comes through the coloured glass, it has an immediate impact on the
Defining the spaces in your home as a reflection
human psyche. Deeper references to this are the
of your deeper desires acts as a blueprint on many
way the ancient Egyptians set up the heliotropic
levels and it is a great tool to navigate the process of
temples of colour light bathing for spiritual healing.
home design. How it functions supporting flow and equilibrium throughout the cycles and seasons of our lives can elicit inspired actions, nurture and celebration. The holistic ability comes about by transforming the space to have therapeutic qualities which nurture. The environments I design bring this feeling of peacefulness to the space, so that people can feel energised by the beauty surrounding them. Connecting them to calm and serenity helps release any negativity.
Weaving in the Light with Soul Colours Colours, textures, fabrics and lighting all can be used in such a way that the experience immediately invokes sensorial inspiration and can be a great awakener of our senses. What’s apparent is when
Impacted by the way it effects our emotions, colour and light can be used in such a way which brings about
FIVE KEYS TO INVOKE MORE CONNECTION TO INTIMACY… YY Notice the spaces in your home where the light comes in at different times of the day. Take note of the morning light and of the afternoon light when the sun sets and is low in the sky. How does it affect the space? How does it affect your mood?
YY How could you utilise the light for an activity? E.G. sitting
... continued atmospheres that can elevate our moods ‑ ever notice how your mood is affected by the colour and light in a room? Harnessing this light with colour can be used in harmony with specific tasks or activities in a room to optimise an environment so that it nurtures and empowers. Plus, as
in the sun eating lunch or fruit, relaxation for bathing. Alternatively, a study space or a space for contemplation.
colour can be light reflective, it’s a great
YY Notice how it makes you feel when the light comes in and
create the perfect environment for you.
when the light goes in the evening. Make a note to self.
YY On a large piece of lining paper paint your favourite colour. Stick this on the wall where the light streams in onto it. Now stand back. How does the impact of that colour make you feel? Does it energize you, calm you, make you feel buzzy?
YY Some great movies to watch which illustrates light and nature are, “The Girl with the Pearl Earring” or “August Rush”
L e t ’s m e e t …
t colour and ligh y m in e m in Jo to you would like if s e ri se r e st a m u. is can uplift yo th w o h r e v co dis e ation about th rm fo in re o m Find ops that we are retreats/worksh y ar. Check out m running this ye
.klara website w w w
40 The Henge Magazine
way to utilise these vibratory qualities to On a personal level, I work more deeply with the Soul aspect of colour as a tool to assist your ability to embody your own power and inner wisdom. By utilizing home as a catalyst for living more fully into your sacred life purpose when linked with soul colour alchemy sessions, you can gain clarity on what’s important to you. I harness colour and light as a system to enhance your life for a deeper, soulful experience for more pleasure!
As soon as I began reading the article from Cosmic Classroom on Avebury being an active stargate, I knew this was where I was being guided to. I have been working on activating emerging Chakras beyond the standard seven Chakra system and knew that something more was needed to fully integrate this new wave of incoming energy. Avebury was the place for this to happen. Twenty-four hours in Avebury amongst the stones felt like a week of heaven here on Earth. My heart feels as if it has expanded and I am feeling radiant and abundant in love. I am so grateful that Sue Coulson’s piece has created a much‑needed shift and alignment within all aspects of my BE-ing. Sonya Sage Son, London
Hi, I'm Caroline Mitchell, The Original Dragon Lady, a fourthgeneration psychic and a trained Reiki Master in both traditional Usui, and Dragon Guided Reiki, as well as a Dragon Healing Master. As you may have guessed, a great deal of my work is dragon based. Frequently, my workshops are guided by the Dragon Clans, and they want their presence and information shared far and wide, as we, as Human Doings (as they like to call us) are waking up to their presence and energy.
Back to School Like all great teachers, dragons stretch us as pupils; they rarely answer a question directly, their response usually
The Return
is to answer a question with another question. They
One of my dragon guides is Joshua the Speaker, and it was he who told me the story of dragons coming back to support mankind…
We came in droves to support our counter parts, the Arch Angels in the destruction of what you call 9/11. Our Angels wept at the pain you inf lict upon each other and they needed our support with carrying the dying, the wounded and those who had passed in such terror. Gradually, people of Earth are waking up to our presence. There are those enlightened ones who have always been aware of our presence and there are those who are only waking up to it now. We welcome you all as you are about to begin a new phase in your spiritual awakening on Earth.” Joshua ~ The Speaker
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encourage us to look inside ourselves, to feel for the answer of what is troubling us. I have said many times over the years, “you can’t think dragon, you have to feel dragon”. We are masters of our own destiny, it is not for a dragon, spirit or loved one to live our lives for us, to be responsible for what takes place in our day-to-day lives. That is not to say they won’t step in if we were in mortal danger. There are a great many stories of angels or spirit guides who have intervened during accidents and saved lives. And this is where the dragons made their first, en masse, appearance during the immediate aftermath of 9/11.
Guardian Dragons Joshua also went on to say this: “We are The Guardian Dragons and work with your Guardian Angels and, in times of crisis, we, the Guardians, and the Guardian Angels work with the Arch Angels. We, the Dragons, link to every Culture and Civilisation throughout history – we date back to time immemorial. Yes, some of us have links to Atlantis but not all of us. We have been around this planet since the dawn of time”.
As a footnote to Joshua’s words, he ended with the following… “Dragons aren’t keen on Cheesecake”. For all their innate power, dragons also have a sense of humour, which I found quite extraordinary when I first encountered it.
Connecting with the Dragons If you are new to working with dragon energy, it’s a really good practise to make sure you are fully grounded before invoking them to work with you. Their energy is so incredibly powerful it can knock your system sideways. When I first began working and channelling them, it was common for me to feel somewhat nauseous afterwards for a few hours. In those early days we were both adjusting our energy frequencies; the dragons needed to be able to lower their density and I had to learn how to heighten mine. I had totally forgotten about this until running a workshop in Southampton. An old student and friend of mine joined us for the day. We called the dragons in (she is experienced with working with energy). As their energy connected, she began to feel woozy which stayed with her for much of the day. We discovered that the power of the dragons can affect your energy and aura. Once she had pulled her aura back to a more central position, grounded and brought her focus inwards, the feeling cleared. The answer to this little quandary is to be fully present and focused when working with dragon energy, to ensure you are grounded. There is no right or wrong way of working with dragon. The key is to follow your truth, your intuition, let go of the monkey-mind, that constant internal dialogue and connect to what you feel. If you honour what you feel – really feel - not what you think you should feel - you won’t go far wrong connecting to your dragons. Remember be centred, be grounded, be present with your presence.
With gratitude and blessings
Caroline x
Caroline also offers regular weekend readings and workshops at The Henge Shop, Avebury ~ SEE HENGE SHOP EVENTS ▶ Visit for more about Caroline
Astrology for the Soul with John Wadsworth
John has been working as a professional astrologer since 1993 and teaching astrology since 2000, running the Kairos School of Astrology in Glastonbury. John holds an MA in Cultural Astronomy & Astrology from Bath Spa University. He also teaches night-sky astronomy and runs a mobile planetarium for schools. YY Twelve Gateways to Wholeness ~ Cancer to Virgo
our lives, we begin to remember what we already know deep within us. That we are not separate
Why are people so drawn to astrology? Many
or alone, but actually connected to each other, to
people dismiss it, whilst at the same time,
our ancestors, to the beings of the earth and sky,
peeking furtively at their daily sun sign forecast.
to our spiritual roots. In order to be healthy and
The idea that the movements of the planets
happy, we need to consider the whole of our being,
and stars should have a bearing on our lives is
not just the material part. C.G. Jung said that we
thousands of years old, but it has been cut adrift
must reconnect to our wholeness, and to this
from the acceptable face of modern western
end we must treat not just the body but also the
thought. So why does it still prove such a source
‘imaginal or psychic component’, the heavenly half
of fascination to so many people? The answer is,
of ourselves. The Zodiac as an ancient emblem of
perhaps, that we are all longing for something that will address the loss of meaning in our
the soul, offers us a route to recover this knowing.
lives. The twelve signs of the zodiac, and the
YY A Dynamic Model of the Psyche
idea of having one of those signs as your own
In my book, Your Zodiac Soul, I present the zodiac
personal totem, stirs up a sense of wonder.
as a dynamic model of the psyche, a wheel of
YY The Zodiac ~ Ancient Emblem of the Soul Perhaps what we are really longing for is a sense of being connected to something greater than ourselves. We have become separated from the stars above that
awareness. Psychologist, James Hillman once said of the soul that it is, 'not a substance, but a set of perspectives…a mode that recognises all realities as primarily symbolic or metaphorical.' The zodiac offers twelve distinct and richly layered
simultaneously twinkle
perspectives, twelve powerful metaphors to
in our imaginations, and
describe both the order and the complexity of the
stimulate a yearning in the
human experience. It carries a body of wisdom that
soul. As we bring the stars to
can help us transform and heal our perceptions of
earth and feel their presence in
44 The Henge Magazine
life that is deeply imprinted in our collective
ourselves, our world and the cosmos we inhabit.
Elegantly nested within the image of each
Let us consider the healing gifts and
sign are a rich array of myths and motifs. These
insights that we can glean from each
reflect observable changes in nature, in the body
sign in this cycle of the year.
and in the human condition, and the signs are arranged in such a way as to encourage balance and continuity. Learning to align ourselves to the wisdom contained in the zodiac can help restore
YY Cancer (21st June - 22nd July) The fourth sign of the wheel, Cancer offers us the medicine of memory. Beneath the
our relationship with the turning wheel of time,
protective shell of the crab,
its seasonal cycles and our body’s own natural
lies a vulnerable, sensitive
rhythms. These stories are medicine to the soul.
core. Thinking alone
1. Carl Gustav Jung: Critical Assessments vol iii: Psychopathology and Psychotherapy (ed. Renos K. Papadopoulos) (London & New York: Routledge, 1992), p. 31.
cannot penetrate here,
2. James Hillman, Revisioning Psychology, (New York: Harper Colophon, 1975), p. x
this water sign. Here we
YY The Summer Solstice ~ Second Cardinal Gateway
from, and we long to return.
We have now reached the second cardinal
feel the need for home, yet we must also create a
turning point of the year, the longest day of the
sanctuary in our own heart. The shadows that
year, a moment celebrated around the world
hover around this gateway might make you feel
with great festivity as the Sun rides high in the
unsafe and cause you to be overprotective, so it’s
sky. It brings us to the three signs that lead us
important to take care of your inner-child, nurture
from summer into Autumn: Cancer, Leo and
and nourish your primary needs, imagining
Virgo. Within the seasonal and agricultural cycle
yourself in the warm embrace of Mother Nature.
these signs represent the fruiting, ripening and
in the deep feelings of remember where we come Deep connection is everything and we
harvesting of the crop. At midsummer, with
YY Leo (22nd July - 22nd Aug)
the Sun at its zenith at the Solstice, we reach the
The fifth sign, Leo, fires the spirit and opens up to
maximum expression of physical light, and the
opportunity to experience the vital force within
Sun enters the sign of Cancer, known esoterically
you. The lion is your totem now, and it is the
as the 'gateway of matter' through which the
creative fire of your burning heart that takes centre
mortal soul is said to incarnate. After three
stage. Be full of heart now and let your true light
days of solar standstill, on St John’s Eve (24th
shine out. This is not just for show, and while there
June) the Sun God begins his descent into the
are shadows of pride and hubris at this gateway, do
Underworld, and this was traditionally celebrated
not be afraid of your greatness. Recognise yourself
in some European communities by setting fire
for the uniquely gifted individual that you are, and
to a cartwheel and rolling it down a hill to be
take the courage to express that. Your vitality can
extinguished in a river at the bottom. If the fiery
restore you to health and you can overcome any
solar wheel made it all the way to the bottom, it
obstacle when you recognise the power of your
was considered a good omen for the harvest.
inherent divinity. May the force be with you!
The Henge Magazine 45
YY Virgo (22nd Aug - 22nd Sept) The sixth sign, Virgo, brings a very different medicine, which can cultivate your body wisdom. It is the harvest goddess that oversees this next gateway, and she is a wily mistress of discernment. She will rein in your excesses and remind you of the work to be done. The force is strong, but it must be trained, embodied in some form of ritual application in order to be of service. Find a daily rhythm that works for you and, without becoming puritanical, find ways to simplify your
YY For details of John’s consultations, talks and workshops visit…
YY Free Resources John is also offering extensive free resources to accompany the book and help you interpret your own
life, to purify your body and mind. Put in the effort
birth chart. Visit…
necessary to harvest what is useful, that which
serves your well-being, and cultivate its essence.
I’ll share more in the next issue, where I’ll be covering the signs of Libra, Scorpio and Sagittarius.
H E NG E SH O P 46 The Henge Magazine
Avebury's Cosmic C YYGreetings Cosmic Ones, Here in the Cosmic Classroom, in Avebury, I work closely with the ever-changing energy flowing to and through this sacred site as a way
Sue Coulson brings us cosmic and ancient knowledge from our planet and beyond. REGULAR HENGE SHOP EVENTS CRYSTAL SKULL MEDITATION Introduction, Foundation, Intermediate and Advanced levels are offered regularly, along with themed workshops.
INTERMEDIATE GROUP One Friday Evening a Month OUTDOOR COSMIC CONNECTION MEDITATIONS for the zenith of each new and full moon @CosmicClassroom @SpiriTourExperiences
to acknowledge our inherent multi-dimensional nature; our connection to ALL consciousness. Our Planet and our People are not alone in the evolutionary process that is leading us into a new paradigm; a new way of being. We are woven into a web that extends through the Solar System, Galaxy, Universe and Dimensions. By actively integrating the energetic influences of the Cosmos, we keep ‘up to speed’ with the changes taking place around us on a far-reaching scale. As we look beyond Solstice to the other Summer events, we see there is much to anticipate. The New Moon in Cancer on 2nd July aligns with the Sun to create a Solar Eclipse over South America, and we will see a Partial Lunar Eclipse in Wiltshire at the Full Moon in Capricorn on the 16th July (weather permitting). These celestial alignments influence the currents flowing through the earth-grid. Whilst standing upon the Michael/Mary flows of the St Michael Ley as it travels through the Avebury environment, it is possible to discern a significant shift in their vibration at these times.
YY You may ask ~ How do you know? For the past 12 years, I have stood among the Sarsen Stones of Avebury at every Full & New Moon zenith to witness, first-hand, what occurs energetically with the Land, the Stones and the Stars. With the Moon’s nodes close to the ecliptic, a portal is activated for far-flung frequencies to reach us from deep space. We utilize these key moments in the lunar cycles to pay particular attention to the guidance being offered from the Star Nations through the eclipse window. Many ‘strange’ experiences have unfolded over the years, some more noteworthy than others. During the Solar Eclipse in July 2011 a white lion made itself known during meditation. Its life-size face appearing at armslength in front of me eye-to-eye, heart-to-heart, delivering a message from the Starlight Realms. It was a shocking sight, as
Connections it was so vivid and real. At the time I was not aware that
towards the Sun and the abundance of golden light
real white lions walk upon our planet or exist among
which lands upon the Earth. With this in mind, it is not
the Stars in their expanded state. Discovering their story
surprising that the Lionine Star Races step forward at this
was an awakening, swiftly delivered, which developed
time, as their energetic essence exudes these qualities.
into a long-standing and important relationship.
With regular contact, it is now clear that the Lionine
YY Avebury's Potent Temporal Space
races are associated with a number of different star systems: Regulus (the star at the heart of the Leo
The ancient sacred landscape surrounding Avebury Stone Circle is a potent temporal space offering enhanced access to the starlight realms due to its vibrant properties. In the summer months, our awareness is directed
constellation), Sirius (the star at the heart of the Dog, Canis Major), Alnilam (the central star of Orion’s Belt), and the Lyra constellation, whose brightest star is Vega.
Communicating with the Star Beings Through meditation it is possible to communicate with the consciousness of these majestic beings, who each present themselves in uniquely distinct ways. Some appear in lion form, like the four-legged beasts which walk upon our planet. Others are half-lion, half-human, or present no discernible shape at all, just a powerful presence. It is not in the best of interests to describe each of them in great detail, as preconceived ideas may limit what is possible with your own encounters. However, should you wish to try to make a connection, you will find particularly friendly felines who have a human body and a lion head, who will be very happy to meet with you when invited to do so. Their faces are slightly fury and blue, adorned with a jewel at their brow. The males have long flowing mains which tumble down over bare, smooth skinned, human shoulders, supported by a strong torso and a commanding regal demeanour. The females hold an air of nobility which is both authoritative and compassionate. Their bare-breasted bodies are beautifully elegant as they stand tall and proud. Is it coincidence that the oldest known figurine in the world reflects this form? The Ulm Museum, in Germany, holds a statue, 40,000 year old, of a ‘Lion-man’. This Ivory sculpture, carved from a mammoth
tusk in the Ice-Age was discovered in Hohlenstein-Stadel, a German cave in 1939. Have these benevolent beings always offered guidance to the inhabitants of our world? We see temples and statues in Egypt dedicated to Sekhmet, who also takes this form.
Each summer on the 8th August, for the 8:8 Lion-gate, we gather in Avebury to receive a starlight transmission for personal and planetary expansion. At this time the sun is at its pinnacle as it moves through the zodiac sign of Leo, activating clear access to the Lionine energy.
YY The Global Heart Line In 2018 there was a particularly potent delivery, like a 'Love Bomb' landing. A group of us gathered at the Sanctuary, the sacred site connected to the Avebury Henge by the West Kennet Stone Avenue. Here the masculine and feminine currents of the St Michael Ley intersect to create a powerful vortex, before following their paths east/west across our country to become the Global Heart Line. Heavy rain had soaked the earth before we commenced, cleansing the pathways to make way for the golden rays of the setting sun to empower the planetary grids. For our meditation, we stood in concentric circles to mirror the sacred site beneath our feet as 'One Heart', lost in stillness and peace; surrendering to the serenity within. In spirit, the Lions were prowling around making their presence well and truly felt. These beautiful beasts of the starlight realms brought us wisdom, courage and LOVE. Profound, deep, LOVE. Blessings of bliss and certainty of an amazing new way of being forming around us, as wave upon wave of the brightest light flowed through us.
The journey starts and ends in the home of the Heart. That place of knowing within; of the sovereignty of our soul, our starlight essence. With the certainty and clarity of our capacity to LOVE, to be love, to receive love, to love ourselves and others with compassion.
50 The Henge Magazine
The Lionine-ones are here to support and encourage us to step into the light and shine, for our spiritual evolution is entwined with their own, and the whole of creation. Their support has continued into the new year. From January 2019 to Spring Equinox, an international group has gathered weekly and online to listen to the guidance being offered by the Lionine Star Races. It was clear early on that a ‘mission’ was being requested of those here, in our world, by those who reside in the Starlight Realms. Piece-by-piece a plan became clear. We were asked to fill the challis of our hearts with golden light until they overflowed into the Earth, activate the Heart Chakra of the Planet with fierce & profound LOVE, to ease the expansion of golden consciousness as it is unfolding around us ALL, in all places and spaces. The new Golden Age now sits on the horizon, like the dazzling light of a new dawn.
About Sue Coulson
Sue is a natural intuitive and a channel, and the founder of Cosmic Classroom™ in Avebury, UK. Her work is rooted in an understanding of the inter-connectivity of all things. She has actively studied the energetics of Avebury for over 12 years. Sue is a certified Master of Crystology, an Access Consciousness™ Bars Practitioner, and a spiritual event coordinator. She offers both indoor and outdoor meditation workshops to those awakening to Multi-Dimensional Awareness, and is dedicated to supporting people who wish to expand their awareness of consciousness through group gatherings and 1:1 sessions.
The Henge Magazine 51
I've been working with crystals in The Henge Shop, since 2008 and have learnt to be guided by my intuition. I've come to understand that crystals (much like Tarot) are a very personal aid. My own private collection is made up of crystals that have chosen me, rather than me choosing them. In each issue, I will be offering my knowledge and understanding of specific crystals, based on my own experiences with them. I hope to aid you in your journey with these beings, trusting your own feelings and remembering, if you feel something different to what you read (anywhere), don’t reject it ~ you were drawn to that crystal for a reason. Sit with it, hold it, keep it near you and most of all, believe ~ allow it to aid you in your day-to-day life.
YY Blue Lace Agate Keywords: Calming & Communication Do you sometimes feel like you’re not being heard? Blue Lace Agate helps you find your words and is beneficial for anyone wishing to enhance their communication. In doing this, it can also help build your own confidence to speak your mind when the time calls for it. On the other side of this, the pale blue colour and patterns within can also calm you if you feel overwhelmed by a situation and can help prevent you saying things that may be said without thought, or in anger.
YY Rose Quartz Keywords: Love & Gentleness Rose Quartz is the stone of love; Love of self, love of others and attracting love into your life. Emotionally, it is said to aid in the repair and release of past wounds, which in turn, then allows us to accept love as we all deserve. This is also very much connected to the Heart Chakra, opening, unblocking and allowing a link to the heart of the Earth (especially when meditating with it). Rose Quartz is also a Crystal of emotional healing, its soothing colour and energy enveloping us in true feeling of joy rather than the despair that can so easily swallow us up in today’s hectic lifestyle.
52 The Henge Magazine
Discover more a
bout the meaning of
s l a t s y more c r
YY Green Aventurine Keywords: Confidence & Optimism Green Aventurine is known as a stone of good luck and confidence. This makes it a great aid for any situation you are unfamiliar with or particularly nervous about. It is said to be particularly useful in situations where you have no control of the overall outcome. Emotionally, this crystal can help you look on the bright side of negative situations, assisting you in the ups and downs of everyday life and in healing. It can help you replenish and rebuild any depleted energy.
YY Ameythyst Keywords: Protection & Purification As well as opening the Crown Chakra, Amethyst can calm an overactive mind during meditation, allowing you to fully immerse yourself into the experience. This is also a crystal of spiritual protection and is a great companion for those who find themselves in situations that can be overly stressful (wearing Amethyst can help maintain a sense of spiritual balance and well-being). Said to be a Crystal of purification, Amethyst can aid anyone trying to give up an addiction or destructive behavioural patterns.
JOIN OUR LIST G N I L I A M ur s about o for New ffers events, o ... and more
See more be autiful crysta ls and a range of crys tal skulls for meditation at the shop, or on our we bsites... www.hengesh ions/crystals www.hengesk
H e n g e Sh o
p, High St, A vebury, Marlboroug h, United K ingdom SN 8 1RF
T g i c a ll y , all th ese Cr are me ystals mb e r s of the Quart f amil y z ! Mine r a ls determ ine th e colo ur s
G e o lo
Crystal Skulls
Henge Shop Custodian, Philippe Ullens has been an avid collector of Crystal Skulls since he first encounted them in Sedona, Arizona in 2009. Having encountered the Crystal Skull, Heartstar, whilst on his trip, Philippe's curiosity was piqued and he decided to dig deeper into the subject of crystal skulls‌ YY Making Contact
YY Legend of the Crystal Skulls
After meeting with the Crystal Skull,
Their research led them to discover the special
Heartstar, I felt a strong connection, not only
quality of crystal skulls and the legends behind them.
in my dreams, but in my waking reality.
Namely the famous story behind the 13 original
I searched for books and information.
skulls which is the basis of the last Indiana Jones
One of the best sources I found was the book, The
film: the story of 12 nations and races from the stars
Mystery of the Crystal Skulls by Morton and Thomas.
who visited the Earth to teach and help her and
As independent film makers and environmental
the human race. According to the stories, they left
campaigners, they researched the subject extensively,
12 huge, quartz crystal skulls, full of wisdom and
over a 5-year period, resulting in a documentary which
knowledge, to coach and guide the development of
was presented on BBC1. Although a documentary, I
the human race. Together, they built another crystal
found that it was more like watching an intense thriller!
skull to co-ordinate the actions of the other 12. These skulls were hidden and have yet to be found, although they are said to be located somewhere in central and southern parts of America and Mexico.
YY The Mitchell-Hedge Skull One of the most fascinating and controversial cases in recent times has been the discovery of the MitchellHedges Skull, discovered in 1924 by Mitchell-Hedge and his daughter in Belize. One interesting fact about the skull is that it was investigated by Hewett Packard in the 1970s to verify its authenticity. In their investigations, they discovered that there was no trace of the use of tools to make the skull. They also believed that to hand carve it and polish it to that level of perfection would take hundreds of years of manual polishing. At the time of investigation, Hewett-Packard could not identify or confirm how the skull had been constructed.
SKULLS YY A Personal Connection
For example, a human crystal
As you can imagine, this only increased my growing
skull could help us connect more
curiosity about crystal skulls, so I continued to explore
deeply to our humanity and
them to uncover this mystery for myself. My first stop
human consciousness, whereas a
dragon skull can help us connect
to search for some on EBAY. After a few unsuccessful attempts, I connected with crystal skull specialists, Raven and Ravenia. Raven started carving
News, info abo insights and ut our e vents...
to the essence of the dragons.
YY How to Work with Crystal Skulls There is no definitive way to pick a skull. Some say that
skulls a long time ago and
the skull often chooses you, rather than you choose it.
had an amazing knowledge
After all, they are conduits of wisdom and knowledge.
of crystals and stones, especially North American ones, whilst Ravenia, his wife, knew so much about the shamanistic properties of stones. I am so grateful to Ravenia for what she taught me about crystals and skulls. Her site was very explicit and she was as generous in her email. She loved skulls and certainly managed to transfer that love. I discovered that it was one thing to read about crystal skulls, and another to experience and connect with them directly.
YY What is the Purpose of Crystal Skulls? You might well be thinking ~ what is the purpose of these crystal skulls? There are some people who believe that crystal skulls act much like a mobile phone and will connect you with the 12 original skulls and their makers. In addition, if you consider that crystal skulls are constructed using crystals, which have their own individual properties and are shaped into either a human skull, dragon skull, animal skull or Star Being skull, they become a powerful symbol and, as such, can
Yet there are some things you can do to help the process. I would recommend defining your needs first…
What is your intention in working and connecting with crystal skulls?
Consider your mood and the type of issue or challenge you`re confronted with.
Once you have clarity, follow your intuition and see which one draws you. The key is to always follow your joy.
YY An Invitation If you visit us at The Henge Shop, you will discover a variety of skulls where you are able to feel, more directly, which skull is calling to you. Choosing a skull or having a skull choose you is a very personal and special experience and should, ideally, be done in person.
Ultimately, whatever your initial thoughts or feelings about crystal skulls, your relationship with them will be as deep as you wish it to be, but be prepared for some interesting surprises…
help us connect with whatever reality they represent.
The Henge Magazine 55
REGULAR EVENTS ...more than just a feeling
Community & Connectivity YY Cosmic Classroom ~ Meditation with Sue Coulson Sue is based here at the Henge Shop and she leads a Crystal Skull meditation and regular full/new moon meditations in the circle.
CRYSTAL SKULL MEDITATION Introduction, Foundation, Intermediate and Advanced levels are offered regularly, along with themed workshops.
INTERMEDIATE GROUP • Speaking with the Star Nations One Friday Evening a Month ~ 5th July | 2nd Aug | 30th Aug (some weekend dates will be added to the schedule) OUTDOOR COSMIC CONNECTION MEDITATIONS for the zenith of each new and full moon 2nd July | 16th July | 1st Aug | 15th Aug | 30th Aug | 14th Sept | Please check her FB events page for details ( AVEBURY 8:8 LIONGATE GATHERING ~ An outdoor event on 8th August 6.30pm – 8.30pm Avebury Retreat ~ Equinox Portal to the Stars ~ Two day gathering 21st/22nd September 2019 See Faceook for more details and times of events Contact Sue via •
YY Earth Healing Meditation & New Earth Energies Meditation Ankara was part of the national Earth Healing Network that were guided by Archangel Gabriel and star family from Arcturus in the early ‘90s.
One Sunday per Month 2pm-4pm ~ £8.50 donation Find more in-depth info on Facebook or contact Ankara on
YY One-to-One Freedom Consultations ~ Counselling with Tiffany Jarvis Tiffany Jarvis has 20 years experience counselling adults & young people, and has created a unique model of life coaching to uncover the cause of situations you may find yourself in. Join her for relief and freedom from waht is interfering with your happiness.
Thursday Mornings ~ £60
YY Meditation ~ Ivan Brownrigg Focus on creating new patterns which shape your behaviour, and lead to new experiences.
Thursday Evenings 7.30pm-8.30pm ~ £5 • Contact Ivan on 07791 234562 •
or News about o ur magazin e, event s , offers an d more.. .
YY Tarot Reading ~ Caroline Mitchell or Ivan Brownrigg Alternate weekends ~ from £20 We have two regular Tarot readers. Caroline of Simply Dragons & Ivan of Avebury Tarot.
Contact the Henge Shop on 01672 539229 or pop in for more information •
YY T'ai Chi with Terence O'Connor Terence O'Connor is available by appointment to teach T'ai-Chi either in a 1-to‑1 class for £45 or a group session of 4 people for £25 per person.
Contact Terence on or 020 7978 8898 for more information
YY Reiki with Reiki Master Helen Ramsay ~ via appointment only Contact or call 07990 513930
THE OUTER LIMITS RADIO SHOW & PODCAST Wednesdays 10-11pm Join the Outer Limits team each week and explore the esoteric, spiritual and mysterious. With guests and a weekly cosmic update. Listen live, online and on demand via podcast.
Text in your questions to 07900171453 •
...more than just a feeling
Sponsored by The Henge Shop The Henge Magazine 57
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∙ c r y s t al s h u m a
We have one of the largest collections of crystal skulls
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a go n s ∙ c r y s t a l s ∙ h
YYUnable to visit? Have questions? Come and visit us at the Henge Shop in the
in the world, with many
mystical Avebury stone circle in the UK or
beautiful, rare and unique
browse the collections online. If you have a
specimens ~ impossible to
specific requirement we'll do our best to help
describe with words!
you find the right spiritual stone for you.
CALL US +44 (0)1672 539229 ∙ BUY ONLINE
sk ul
Jane Easton has been a member of, 'Team Henge' for several years. She is a qualified garden and floral designer and has been initiated into various holistic and spiritual schools. Armed with this knowledge and experience, she spends many hours sourcing the right material to sell in the shop. Her love of literature is clear, and she is very enthusiastic in sharing her passion for information with those who visit the shop; she loves to chat and compare! Jane organises regular book and divination signings, and is always on the lookout for new and inspiring Authors! For those who are seeking all things Spiritual, Health and Wellbeing, History and Geology, you will alwys find something on our shelves. YY Letting in the Wild Edges Glenie Kindred • £14.95 Glennie Kindred is the author of several best-selling books all of which I have and would highly recommend to anyone wishing to understand the Earth connections, the Eight Festivals, Seasonal shifts and Wisdom of the seasons. The text is hand written and the illustrations quirky. Letting in the Wild Edges, is a perfect book for getting into particularly around the Solstice, with such an abundance of edible plants to forage. With direction on learning how to grow edible native plants, historical observations, recipes for storing and using healing herbs and how to be more sustainable. This is a book you will dip into regularly.
YY The Secret Language of Colour Cards Inna Segal • £12.99 Inna Segal has created a well thought out and creative pack of colour cards to aid you and others in a simple-to-use healing technique. The Secret Language of Colour Cards, is your key to unlocking the extraordinary healing power of colour. The cards are quite large but, that aside, do have great images for you to ‘fall into’. Along with meditation and visualisation, the cards can be used on your body to aid healing. If colour is your thing, you will be not disappointed with these cards. Inna Segal is a gifted healer and a pioneer in the field of energy medicine and human consciousness. www.
YY Luna Moon Hare Wendy Andrews • £15.99 ‘’My wish is that my paintings will act as portals through which you, the viewer, can enter these mythic realms and be enriched by what you find there...” Wendy Andrews takes the reader on a journey through the festivals with stunning ethereal drawings within the pages. A magical journey with the moon cycle is taken with the Goddess, Luna Moon Hare. It is written in a Pagan setting and the artwork is enchanting and exquisite. The words which accompany the artwork take you deep into a world of captivating magic.
YY The Art of Mindful Gardening Ark Redwood/Leaping Hare Press • £7.99 Ark Redwood is Head Gardner at one of England’s most sacred places, Chalice Well Peace Garden in Glastonbury. He has pursued a life-long study of Zen Buddhism and follows the teaching of the Zen Master, Thich Nhat Hanh. The Art of Mindful Gardening explores how mindfulness can bring a new dimension to gardening. Put very simply, this book reminds the reader that gardening can be approached from a different perspective. Don’t just garden for the sake of it but allow yourself a ‘seize and enjoy the moment’ attitude with a spiritual edge to it. Find yourself a part of the garden, allotment or an outdoor area where the mindset of practicing meditation and contemplation in an outside space becomes a haven for you. The author takes you through the months and seasons, with lots of suggestions on mindfulness which are easy to follow.
Tarot Toolkit with Ivan Brownrigg -
Ivan started learning the Tarot some 40 years ago under the guidance of his teacher, Leo. He reads with the Tarot of Frownstrong cards, designed by Leo and the research group Ivan worked with. He also has a diploma in Business and Life Coaching, is a qualified NLP Practitioner and facilitates a Meditation group. As a mentor with IBM Australia, Director of the International Association of Human Values and a consultant with the Conflict Resolution Network, Ivan has enjoyed a varied range of personal development experiences. Now while I don’t advocate leaving life’s important
what we are experiencing also point towards the
decisions solely in the hands of a deck of cards,
solutions. As the antidote to the venom in a snake
the Tarot can certainly help you see things
is also found in the snake, so we hold the solutions
from a new, more objective perspective.
to our own problems – given that the problems are
Tarot as a Coaching Tool
exaggerated or mitigated by how we are responding. It’s often just a case of us being willing to take
The coaching element of a reading comes from the
more responsibility for what we are creating and
cards' ability to prompt the enquirer towards new
manifesting in our lives, rather than just being
solution-oriented thoughts. Ones that may have been clouded
comes e b t o r a T e Th r a catalyst fo ss… self‑awarene
by the gamut of emotions
victims of what is happening. In this way the Tarot, becomes a catalyst for self-awareness - almost like holding up a mirror to our inner selves, bringing to
often associated with the
conscious, ‘insights’ of what is processing through
challenging situation(s)
our unconscious and becoming part of our reality.
they find themselves in.
There are, of course, many modalities other
The Major Arcana
than Tarot Readings to access this bridge to our
cards of the Tarot reflect, energetically and pictorially, the karmic experiences we
encounter in life. It is the karmic
unconscious, including meditation practices, and combining Tarot with Meditation can provide a powerful enhancement to this self-awareness process. It’s not like a normal Tarot reading where
element (the inevitable consequences) that enable
you’re interpreting influences, here you’re just
the cards to reveal the patterns playing out and
witnessing them. It's gently mining and exploring
shed light on what is determining our current path
your unconscious and welcoming everything you
and outcomes. This observation of the sources of
find, light and dark, they are all our teachers.
62 The Henge Magazine
THE ELEMENTS & THE TAROT YY WATER ~ if the card shows water, do I feel drawn to it? Do I want to immerse myself in it, drink it, anoint myself with it, look for my reflection in it, bathe in it or perhaps just paddle in it? YY AIR ~ if it shows air element symbology, do I want to breathe it in? Can I feel a soothing breeze? Is it blowing cobwebs from my mind? Is it whispering anything to me? Is it carrying things away or blowing things towards me? YY FIRE ~ if it shows fire, does it feel warming or burning? Does it feel threatening or purifying? Is it healing my emotions, like watching the embers in a log fire slowly marching across the wood, or does it evoke a sense of danger or warning? YY EARTH ~ if it shows earth, do I feel supported, at home, grounded? If there is a path, do I want to follow it? If there is a building or a room, am I drawn to enter it? Does it feel like home? Am I in a mountainous, rocky landscape where I need to tread more carefully, or is the way ahead clear and unobstructed?
YY TAROT MEDITATION I like to use the Tarot in the following way and if you have a Tarot pack I recommend you try this practice too. In this process, it is not so much about interpreting the symbology of the cards, more just feeling what they evoke in me at that time. You can also explore the elements that are depicted in the card you have chosen, which will give you another layer of understanding.
Firstly, I settle and relax in preparation for a meditation.
do I feel the character(s) are doing? Do I feel any sense of
I prepare in my usual way and you can prepare in a way that
identification with any of them, and if so, what emotions are
is natural for you too. If you’re not familiar with meditation,
coming up in me?
then preparation means sitting comfortably, relaxing your muscles, and taking a few deep inhalations and exhalations.
2 Then I draw a card from my Tarot pack (The Tarot of
Next, I consider what do the symbols, colours, landscape or surroundings evoke in me?
4 I then close my eyes and picture myself in the setting
Frownstrong) and place it in front of me on a cushion.
depicted in the card, in amongst all the imagery.
Keeping my eyes open, I just effortlessly let them rest on
I am in a meditative state and allowing my ‘inner eyes and
the card, without scanning it for any precise details. I am
ears’ to play. How do I feel now? Are there any sounds? How
simply allowing myself to sense the feelings I am invoking.
do the characters or symbols respond to my arrival?
I allow this sense of what is going on in the imagery of the
Are they welcoming, supportive, distant, harsh, wary,
card to gently emerge at its own pace. Then I explore the
loving, indifferent, interested? Do I feel I know them? Do I
feelings a little more. What do I feel is happening? What
want to say anything to them, or ask them something?
And if I see anything challenging or scary I recall the advice of Ram Das, who would say
was that had been so dramatically delivered.
at such times, “That’s just my Guru in drag
I chose to see it positively. After all, I was hardly
trying to say something, or catch me out!”
injured, had survived what could have been far more
A recent reawakening moment
serious. I felt blessed and grateful. There is a saying,
‘Life’s gifts sometimes come badly wrapped.’ They
Recently, I drew a single Tarot card from my pack.
do not look like gifts when you receive them but later
I was not about to meditate, but was waiting for
you realise they were indeed a gift, one you did not
someone to arrive for a reading, and sometimes
ask for, or would not have chosen, but ‘something’
I just draw a card for myself, at that moment.
knew what you didn’t. I decided, contrary to the
It was card 16, the Falling Tower. While there are
police, insurance companies and life generally, that it
no ‘good’ or ‘bad’ cards in themselves, the Falling
was not an ‘accident’ – it was more a dramatic wake
Tower is a somewhat dramatic card, normally
up call, a kick up the proverbial bum. A reminder
indicating some abrupt, probably unexpected
that events happen outside of my control, and this
event originating outside of our own control.
was an opportunity to have some say in how it
While the longer- term outcome may be good, the event itself often has a ‘shock’ element to it. Then, the following
affected me, if not physically, then definitely mentally, emotionally and spiritually. I felt the message was – a little
day before another reading, I drew
more urgency – a little more
the same card and later, when I
pushing back my ‘comfort zones’
was shuffling the cards after the
– a little more risk – certainly not
reading, a card fell out of the pack.
in driving terms, but in terms of
So what? I have just dropped a card. But curious anyway, I picked it up and saw it was the Falling Tower. "OK – so now you have my attention," I said to it. I had some immediate thoughts about what might
not allowing old concerns about
‘looking good’ in other’s eyes from determining what I do or don’t do with my life. After all, we never know how much of it is left! So, I now feel a little more fearless and
possibly be coming to an abrupt end or be a shock,
willing to play more fully. I feel more awake.
but then I thought, well if I could anticipate it, it
Another gift – although sometimes I wish the
wouldn’t be a shock. I put it from my mind, however
universe would be a little less generous!
I noticed, this time, I felt a little unsettled. Two days later I was waiting to make a right turn when I was
Enough about me ~ What about you?
hit from behind by a car travelling at approx. 50mph.
As once again, we have emerged out of winter and
I ‘escaped’ with relatively minor physical
during that time, I wondered what the message
passed that pivotal point - the Vernal Equinox. It is an
injuries given the force of the impact, but it was
auspicious, awakening time. Light and dark became
certainly a big shock. I had seen the car, huge in
equal for a moment and now the afternoons are slowly
my mirror, in the instant before the crash. It was an
stretching into evenings as the daylight waxes. There
explosion, glass flying everywhere, an enormous
is a natural, joyful awakening phenomena taking place
crashing sound and sensation, like I was in a
everywhere in nature. And there is no better time to
falling tower! I needed to rest for a few days and,
enjoy an inspiring, awakening journey with the Tarot!
Hard to describe what Avebury makes me feel like. It's
definitely home, because my heart is there, the sense of belonging, of wanting to go back there time and again. Ahhh and the Henge Shop ~ my very own sweet shop ~ Eric De Kat Angelino
The Witches' Cauldron Stuart & Dean James-Foy
Welcome to the Witches’ Cauldron, a magickal guide for positive living. We are delighted to be able to share our enchanted lives with you. We are Stuart & Dean James-Foy, International Psychic Mediums, award-winning authors and Wiccans. We love Avebury, in fact we call it home from home, a place we visit as often as we can to charge our batteries much like we do with a mobile phone. Plugging ourselves into the energy of the place, linking with the ancestors and gaining insights and wisdom.
Merry Meet and Welcome...
sites, you’re spoilt for choice as to where you wish
It’s June already and we are half-way through the
to stand, celebrate and observe the festival.
calendar year. Time really does fly by. It’s also
Litha, the Summer Solstice or Midsummer is
time for Midsummer, The Festival of Litha or
the longest day and shortest night of the year. The
as many will know it, The Summer Solstice. This is many people’s favourite time of year with Nature in full flourish, the wildlife thriving and warmer weather for us all. It’s
date usually falls on or around the 21st June in the Northern Hemisphere. It is one of the eight festivals that make up the Wiccan wheel of the year. This is the time of year where the Sun is at its
also the time where we have the longest day,
greatest power, but is ready to begin declining from
referring to the longest daylight hours.
this day forward, hence daylight hours reducing.
There are two solstices throughout the calendar and Wiccan wheel of the year, the first being the
The Battle For Kingship
Summer Solstice. The word solstice derives from the
There are two Kings who rule over the two halves
Latin words Sol (sun) and Sistere (to make stand).
of the year. The Oak King presides over the lighter part of the year from Yule (Winter Solstice) until
The Longest Day The Summer Solstice is probably one of the bestknown festivals by the general public. Most will know it as the longest day or may mention Stonehenge, as this sacred site gets much media attention. You can of course celebrate this wonderful event anywhere.
Litha (Summer Solstice) Now he is overthrown by his brother, The Holly King, at Litha who begins ruling the darker part of the year as daylight declines, until Yule where the roles reverse again. Some Covens re-enact a battle between the Oak and Holly King, by two people dressing for
Going to an ancient sacred site is certainly a
the occasion. People cheer for the Holly King
wonderful way to mark the event. Why not come
ensuring the Holly King wins at this sabbat.
to Avebury and enjoy the celebrations? With
The battles are purely a symbolic gesture and
Avebury’s vast landscape and its surrounding
are to celebrate the changing of the crowns.
66 The Henge Magazine
A Poem for Litha By Dean The summer solstice arrives in splendour, With a longer daylight hour, Darkness falls much swifter now, The Holly King’s in power. The Goddess is still in her aspect of Mother with an abundant harvest being promised in the coming months. The Goddess continues to preside over all
In robes of Mother Goddess glows, Presiding over changes,
changes throughout the seasons and Sabbats.
Life, Death, Rebirth, Persona,
Shine Your Light
God revels through the ranges.
This time of year, as the Sun is at its peak of power, we can learn to attune to those powers and allow our true self to, 'Shine Bright'. You can, 'shine bright' by simply, 'being yourself'. Shine bright in the way your heart speaks to you. Don’t allow your own self-doubts to rule your life and don’t worry unnecessarily about what others think of you as this can limit us in so many ways. Wiccans apply a simple rule called the Wiccan Rede (Rede meaning advice, guidance or counsel ) it states, 'an it harm none, do as you will'; simply put, so long as you’re not doing any harm to anyone, including yourself, then do what you need to do in life.
The power of the sun upmost, Lends thought for some reflection, Old things fade and fall away, Remember with affection. Harvest yet to bear its fruit, Prepares for changing season, Reflect, relive, revive, enjoy, Life goes on for a reason.
Our seasonal ritual follows the solstice theme and helps you utilise the power of the Sun so you too can, 'Shine Bright'. Make a commitment
© Stuart and Dean James-Foy
to shine today and for life. Let go of self-doubt and believe in your own true power.
The Henge Magazine 67
... continued
YY Salt (for earth) YY A feather (for Air) YY A tea light candle (for fire) YY Water in a dish (for water) YY 1 Gold taper candle representing the sun (Masculine energy)
YY Rosemary herb is so versatile and has many magickal properties, including strength. It’s associated with the Sun which makes it the perfect choice. Another reason this is so popular is that most of us have this in our kitchen cupboards for cooking or have a plant growing in the garden or window box.
YY Honey (associated with the Sun, offering to the Gods and its power of natural longevity).
YY One orange cut into quarters. The orange is associated with the sun. Cut into four can represent the 4 quarters (or cardinal directions of North, South, East and West). It can also show the cross quarters of 2 solstices and 2 equinoxes.
YY Leave them on your altar or working space.
YY 1 cup, chalice or beaker. YY A working space or altar. This can be a small table inside or outside, or a piece of material on the floor. The choice is yours. 68 The Henge Magazine
TIMING 1. On solstice morning (or close to it) get up early and greet the rising sun. Go outdoors if you can or by an east-facing window. Stand or sit facing east. CAUTION: NEVER LOOK DIRECTLY AT THE SUN!
2. Close your eyes and feel the gentle warmth as the sun begins to rise, take a couple of deep breaths and then centre yourself as you sit in quiet contemplation with your mind focused on the task at hand. Visualise yourself being totally happy with being your true self. You don’t need to think of what would make you happy as in winning the lottery etc, as its difficult to know what would make us truly happy. 3. Then light the gold taper candle and say:
"I welcome the sun and light this candle in your honour. May your light fill me with happiness, joy, health and prosperity. So mote it be." 4. Always walk or visualise Sunwise (clockwise) in all your movements. . Visualise 3 golden circles appearing around you and your working space. This gives you a protective circle in which to work. 5. The four elements representations are now to be activated by saying:
“I call upon air in the east and archangel Raphael to attend this circle, hail and welcome. So mote it be.” “I call upon fire in the south and archangel Michael to attend this circle, hail and welcome. So mote it be.” “I call upon water in the west and archangel Gabriel to attend this circle, hail and welcome. So mote it be.” “I call upon Earth in the North and archangel Uriel to attend this circle, hail and welcome. So mote it be.”
6. You are now ready to read the following incantation 6 times (6 is one of the numbers associated with the Sun in numerology):
“I draw down the golden sun to give me strength for what’s to be done. Your golden rays and masculine way will bless me each and every day.” 7. Once you have said this with intent, finish by saying, “so mote it be.” 8. Pick up the pot of honey and say:
“Dear Divine, please accept this offering of honey as a token of my gratitude for your blessing. So mote it be.” 9. Squeeze the quarters of the orange into the beaker. Raise the glass in honour of the Sun by saying: Litha Painting © Dai Cable
“I charge this glass in honour to you and ask for my hopes and dreams to come true. Blessed be.” 10. Either sip some juice then pour a libation into the earth if outdoors, otherwise leave the libation for 24 hours near a window then dispose of it. If you have an allergy to orange juice, just leave the juice in the beaker as above, or pour it into the ground, if outside. 11. Thank the elements and 4 archangels for their attendance and say to each one:
“Element of Air and Archangel Raphael, Element of fire and Archangel Michael, Element of Water and Archangel Gabriel, Element of earth and Archangel Uriel, thank you for attending. Hail and farewell, so mote it be.” 12. Visualise the 3 golden circles dissipating. When this is done the ritual is over.
We wish you the b r ightest of blessi ngs on th is wellwor n pa th… Ble ss
ed be
The Henge Magazine 69
Henge Shop Treasures YY What's in Store? Step into the Henge Shop and discover an Aladdin's Cave of souvenirs, gifts, tools and esoteric items. From our unique and exclusive crystal skull collection, symbolic jewellery, holistic products and spiritual symbols, you are bound to find something that resonates powerfully with you. We do our best to make sure that our products are ethically sourced and kind on the environment. Visit us in the Henge Shop in Avebury or make your purchase, online… •
YY Tarot De La Nuit Price £22 This wonderful deck is the result of a beautiful collaboration between Tarot creator, Carole-Anne Eschenazi, and French Illustrator, Alexandra V. Bach. This deck comes beautifully boxed and contains 79 cards and a guidebook. The guidebook itself contains six languages: English, Italian, Spanish, French, Portuguese & Russian. IN STORE or online ~
YY Silbury Goddess Price £8.75-23.75 Made exclusively for the Henge Shop by local sculptress, Jane Rickards, and available in three different sizes, this Neolithic pregnant goddess is inspired by the landscape and represents Silbury Hill. The material is jesmunite and the handburnished finish makes it deliciously tactile. Available in store and online. IN STORE or online ~
Advertise with Us Contact the Editor: 70 The Henge Magazine
Half Page Full Page Quarter Page Inside Front Cover Inside Back Cover Outside Back Cover Box Advert
£60 £120 £40 £150 £150 £210 £25
Box Advert is 1/12 page • 50 words max, no images or frills Custom ads designed on request.
Come & visit us in store or online. We'd lo
you e e s o ve t
YY Pewter Bee Necklace Price £17 Perfect for any Bee lover, this beautiful necklace is made in Cornwall with a pewter pendant and 18" rhodium-plated chain. This also comes in a gift box. Complete the set with matching earrings and Brooch. IN STORE or online ~
YY Gardenia Incense Sticks Price £3.40 Fill your house with the scent of summer with these wonderful Japanese style incense sticks. Each pack contains 50 sticks made using high quality ingredients, plus a small holder. Each stick has an approximate burn time of 25 minutes. IN STORE or online ~
YY Titania, Queen of the Fairies Price £5.50 This self-clinging window transfer depicts Titania from William Shakespeare’s comedy, 'A Midsummer Night's Dream'. This has been reproduced from the original Shakespeare window, situated in the south aisle of Southwark Cathedral. It is easy to reposition and is a great gift for any Fairy lover. IN STORE or online ~
FIND US in the High St, Avebury, Marlborough SN8 1RF CALL US on +44 (0)1672 539229
The Havening Technique
In May 2014, I went to a weekend seminar in London with Richard Bandler and Paul Mckenna, called, ‘Get The Life You Want’. I was excited about hearing Bandler explain Neuro‑Linguistic Programming (NLP) and how it can help people. However, there is one thing I remember most about the whole weekend. I took out a notebook and started to write. He saw me and suddenly yelled loudly at me, “No notes!” All two thousand people heard, stopped and looked at me. Immediately, I was transported back to my first day of
smells and the emotions connected to it. These sensory
senior school. As a first-year student I was in the front
inputs can be transduced into electrochemical responses
row in assembly, when the headmistress suddenly
which become encoded in specific areas in the brain.
shouted from the stage, “You! You there! What are you
Years later, we may not even know why we feel the
looking at? Come and see me after.” Her finger pointed
way we do about certain things – going out, speaking
straight at me. My eyes had been wandering during
in public, crowds, open spaces, flying, water...
prayers. The shame and humiliation of being singled out in front of all those people bore a burning hole in my heart and brain. There was no
Events experienced as children – which may even seem insignificant to an adult – can create ‘trauma’ that stays with us. Scientists have found
escaping the 800 pairs of eyes that
that whether we are conscious
were, at that moment, trained
of it or not, a trauma is encoded
on me. I could not run away.
in the amygdala, the part of
When Bandler yelled at
the brain that stores emotion.
me that day, more than thirty years later, the exact same feelings flooded my being – shame, flushing, sweating, increased heart rate, pounding in
The Healing Touch Back at the same seminar, long after I had put my notebook away and my pulse
the ears, a sense of rising panic, nausea… This is the
rate was back to normal, Paul McKenna took a spot
flight, fight or freeze system, a primal physiological
to demonstrate a new therapy he was excited about.
response to feeling threatened. In those who have
Remembered as a TV hypnotherapist, Mckenna is
already experienced some ‘trauma’, a trigger can set off
now a respected behavioural scientist, broadcaster
a repeat of the emotions felt at that earlier experience.
and author of many self-help books. McKenna asked
Electrochemical Responses
for an audience member who would like to get rid of an unpleasant memory or trauma. A haunted-
The brain takes a ‘snapshot’ of a whole situation when
looking Italian woman volunteered herself. She quietly
it is perceived as dangerous; all the sights, sounds,
explained she did not wish to share many details, but
72 The Henge Magazine
Founder of the Healing Company, Janie Whittemore is based in Cheltenham where she offers a range of healing treatments.
I could see for myself that her upset, in just thinking about it, was very real. McKenna sat the woman down and proceeded to stroke her arms, her face and her hands. He asked her to hum tunes and to count out loud as she climbed imaginary flights of stairs. What on earth was going on? After some fifteen or twenty minutes of this, the woman stood up and told us how she now felt about her trauma. She was smiling! To me, she looked years younger; as if a great weight was lifted from her. When asked to re-visit the memories, she kept smiling. The pain and upset was gone, the emotions were gone. I was entranced. If someone could be freed so speedily from a debilitating weight they had carried for years, this was worth investigating further!
A New Therapy
I am convinced that in due course HT will prove to be revolutionary in its application in medicine and help change and empower people’s lives. Dr. Michael Carmi
As a therapist, I wanted to learn how I could help people in the same way. The methods McKenna used were originally developed and presented by Dr Ronald Ruden in his book, When the Past is Always Present (2010), and by his brother Dr. Stephen Ruden,
The Henge Magazine 73
... continued a dentist and hypnotherapist. They called
qualified and experienced Havening Technique
it, Havening Techniques (HT) therapy.
practitioner when dealing with trauma release.
The Havening Technique is new and revolutionary because it enters the system differently from talk and drugs (by touch). HT enters the brain and generates
Havening invokes a temporary experience of past events, which needs to be handled carefully. Not only used for removing distressing memories,
slow Delta waves. If created at the right time, these
the specific Havening Touch and other Havening
Delta waves can permanently remove the unwanted
Techniques can also enhance positive thinking, so can
emotional content from the brain.
be used for sports performance, public speaking - any
I completed my own Havening Practitioner training in 2016. Since then, my experiences in practice have amazed and delighted me. I am frequently blown away by the speed and efficacy of this therapy.
Enhanced Positive Thinking
situation where there is a lack of confidence. There are different types of Havening… ZZ Event Havening ZZ Affirmational Havening ZZ Role Havening, and more
Dr Michael Carmi, a retired GP and proponent of
Each can be used alone or with other types.
Havening Techniques says, ‘I am convinced that
Importantly, there is also Self-Havening, so that with
in due course HT will prove to be revolutionary in
the right instructions, the patient can take the work
its application in medicine and help change and
home and ‘top‑up’ if symptoms of anxiety, trauma or
empower people’s lives’. It is important to go to a
stress re‑appear.
About Janie Whittemore Janie has studied and followed her interest in the mind-body connection for over twenty years. In addition to offering Havening, Janie teaches regular Reiki courses, gives talks, runs Reiki groups and puts healing packages together for her clients, combining her tools in tailored ways. She especially enjoys nature, walking her lurcher, Angel, writing, meditating, connecting with like-minded people, her big family gatherings and Thai food.
74 The Henge Magazine
To book a session or discuss su itability fo r treatment , you can c all Janie Whit temore on 07807 914817 or contact Th e Healing Co mpany www .thehealin gcompan
r u o Y s ’ t Wh a
Stay in touch with your inner‑self and find myriad ways to keep healthy in mind, body and spirit
Wellbeing Health Recipes Healing Therapies Meditation
YY RECONNECT THROUGH MEDITATION Just 10 minutes of daily meditation can have a significant impact on your well-being. Meditation is a state of deep rest and relaxation. It can improve your energy, focus, connection to your soul-self and reduce your stress levels too. It needn't be difficult either. In our fast-paced, modern society, it's easy to get caught up in the whirlwind of, 'to do lists', getting somewhere and future thinking until we become totally disconnected from ourselves. One of the simplest forms of meditation is to find a quiet place where you can close your eyes and focus on your breath. To keep your mind occupied, why not try counting your breath as you inhale and exhale for the first 10 breaths, then simple keep the attention on your breathing and allow yourself to sink into a state of stillness.
You might notice a slowing down of your mind, your thoughts drifting, colours or visions; simply allow this and focus on your breathing. Try this for a week, on a daily basis, and see if you can notice a difference.
YY GO GREEN WITH BAKING SODA The subject of climate change dominating 2019 invites us to step up to how we can be part of the solution and not the problem. The good news is it needn't be complicated - just add a sprinkle of baking soda. Baking Soda is a versatile ingredient that isn't just for muffins. It is also an environmentally friendly, cheap and effective household cleaner. You can use it to scrub your bathroom, remove grease and even tackle clothing stains! Simply sprinkle and use a damp cloth to scrub the affected areas, then rinse.
YY RESTORATIVE ROSEMARY Rosemary is a well-known herb used for all sorts of culinary, medicinal and spiritual purposes. This beautiful, fragrant herb has a fantastic and distinctive aroma that has powerful healing properties through its smell alone! YY Great for the onset of headaches as it clears the head and also encourages increased focus and memory retention. YY Why not make some Rosemary tea after a meal, by simply adding it to hot water ~ it's great for the digestion too. YY On a spiritual level, Rosemary is said to be the herb of remembrance and purification due to its cleansing properties.
Spicy Green Goddess Juice With the heat of the Summer upon us, add an extra zing with this energising juice. EQUIPMENT & INGREDIENTS ~ To make one cool glass of juice…
You will, ideally, need a juicer • 2 Golden Delicious apples • 2 limes • a good few inches of fresh root ginger METHOD
1. Wash and cut all the ingredients. Washing your fruit and veg in a solution of 1 ounce of baking soda and 100 f luid ounces of water will get rid of any pesticide residue. 2. Juice, and add some ice. 3. Relax and enjoy.
STIONS… You can inclu de a range of other ingred ie ad d ing some nts too. T ry cooling cu cum b e r, u p lift ing celery e ven some iro a nd n-fort if y ing sp in a ch • Golden D apples are gre eliciou s at for their sw e e t, fr e sh ta ste, but if yo li ke somethin g a litt le sour, u tr y Granny Sm it hs.
REGULAR EVENTS ...more than just a feeling
Author Book Signings YY Adrian Incledon-Webber, author of 'Heal Your Home' and 'Spirit and Earth' Friday 21st June and Saturday 22nd June Healer and Dowser, Adrian will be here to celebrate the Summer Solstice, 'Heal Your Home', 'Spirit and Earth' and his DVD 'Intuition'. Adrian will be available for book signings and to talk about his work.
Contact: or The Henge Shop on 01672 539229
YY Rosie Anderson, author of 'The Lost Key' and 'Songs of the Trees' Friday 21st June Rosie will be here to celebrate the Summer Solstice and available for book signings and to talk about her work.
Contact: The Henge Shop on 01672 539229
YY Dawn Henderson, Author of 'The Skull Chronicles' Saturday 22nd June Author, Dawn Henderson will be available for signing copies of her novels and to talk about her work and upcoming projects.
Contact: or The Henge Shop on 01672 539229
YY Steve Marshall, Author of 'Exploring Avebury' and 'Avebury Days' Sunday 23rd June Author, Steve Marshall will be available for signing copies of his book and will be available to talk about his work.
Contact: or The Henge Shop on 01672 539229
YY Tree Carr, Author of 'Dreams: A Guide to Conscious Dreaming' Saturday 3rd August Dream expert and author, Tree Carr will be available for book signings and to talk about her work.
Henge Shop TALKS • WORKSHOPS • GATHERINGS YY Crystal Healing Level 1 Course ~ Philip Permutt Saturday 27th and Sunday 28th July - £185 Crystals have a wonderful natural energy of their own. They are easy to work with for self-healing, self-development and treating clients. Lead by Philip Permutt, this weekend workshop is certified and involves discussions and practical work with crystals, how crystals work, what crystals do and how to work with them. You will also explore the many ways that crystals link to other therapies such as Reiki.
about ou r magazin e, event s, offers an d more.. .
For more info, contact: The Henge Shop on 01672 539229
YY Writing From the Heart ~ Naz Ahsun Saturday 7th September - 10.00 am-4pm - £45 including tea, coffee and biscuits You are invited to join Editor of, 'The Henge Magazine', author , writing mentor, publisher and literary agent, Naz Ahsun in this insightful workshop. Do you have a book inside you that will inspire and impact people’s lives, but you don’t know where to start? Well, on this experiential workshop, you have the opportunity to do just that. If you’re serious about writing your book, then this event is certainly for you.
PLACES ARE LIMITED, SO BOOKING IS ESSENTIAL For more info, contact: The Henge Shop on 01672 539229 or
YY Light Activation with the Lady Masters ~ Ankara Sunday 8th September 11.00am - 4.30pm - £62 (concessions apply) Join Ankara for an intensive day of inner-journeying and downloading the higher frequencies of light and sound through deep attunement to these guardians of the higher portals and to have revealed and activated the higher frequency Chakras, beyond the 7 major centres.
BOOKING ESSENTIAL, contact: The Henge Shop on 01672 539229 or
YY Avebury Fae Weekend and Fairy Workshop ~ Karen Kay & Friends Saturday 21st and Sunday 22nd September / workshop Saturday 21st 2pm-5pm £50 Join Karen Kay, the Fairy Lady, and friends for a magical fairy weekend in Avebury. This weekend will consist of stalls and workshops. A limited number of tickets are now available for Karen's workshop at The Henge Shop in Avebury where you'll also receive an Oracle of the Fairies preview deck! Learn how to interpret the cards as Karen guides you through the cards and their meanings. Experience a fairy manifestation meditation journey, and learn ways to connect with fairies and to work with fairies for the highest good of all.
For more info, contact: The Henge Shop on 01672 539229 The Henge Magazine 79
Wyn Abbot Ceramics Proud to supply The Henge Shop with our range of Spiritual & Pagan products all handmade in our Walled Garden Po�ery in the beau�ful Lune Valley 01524 221857
The Walled Garden Po�ery, Hornby Castle, Hornby, Nr Lancaster LA2 8LA
Join Caroline at the Henge Shop, via Skype or Zoom or at her beautiful tranquil workspace in rural Hampshire.
Book today on 07824 374073
Caroline is also available for Tarot readings, spiritual and dragon workshops.
Caroline Mitchell Simply Dragons Caroline Mitchell the Original Dragon Lady the_original_dragon_lady
80 The Henge Magazine
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. Have a Somaoyur..readers,
ear fr We love to h rite in uld like to w o w u o y if so y of our nt about an and comme us utors, or tell ib tr n o c s, le artic e to know cts you’d lik je b su h ic h w me, Naz... then email t u o b a re o m a m e g n e h e th naz@
82 The Henge Magazine
THANK-YOU for joining us… We’ll be sharing more Soulfood with you in our Autumn issue!
What’s in Store for Autumn? As we move into the energy of the Autumn Equinox, we give thanks and welcome the abundant harvest that accompanies this time of year. It is also an opportunity to pause in reflection of our journey and the bounty that we have collected, not just in terms of goals and achievements, but in all areas of our lives: our relationships, our experiences and our discoveries.
The Gift of Life This time of year also offers us an opportunity to show our gratitude toward the precious gift of life that we have been given. Discover how the power of gratitude can shift your reality. WINTER Insights 2019
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Magazin e
your sou l
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Wellness and Well-being ns 2019
At times, we might be challenged by what shows up in our life, so in this issue we focus on how we can support our wellbeing and mental health on a number of levels with the help of Mother Nature and the universal matrix that we are part of.
Creative Magick We also have the opportunity to go deeper into our creative gifts, and this issue introduces a new, creative section of the magazine that invites you, the reader, to discover your creative genius.
Come and join me and let’s celebrate Autumn... and Winter... and Spring!
Naz Ahsun, Editor
The Henge Magazine 83
...more than just a feeling
High St, Avebury, Marlborough SN8 1RF
Opening Hours ~ 9.30am-5.00pm