1 minute read

What are Faries?

Fairies have received a not-so-great press over the years, so it’s no wonder some folk are fearful of them. Will they trip you up? Yes! They might, if you disrespect the land or litter the Earth. They may well attach a bramble branch to your clothing as you wander through the woods! It’s no surprise that these notorious beings of Nature are shrouded in magic and mystery.

Fairies are primarily gentle beings of Nature. They are guardians of the Earth, watching over the plants, trees, flowers, rivers and streams, even the air. Speaking from personal experience and my own connection with them, I have found them to be a joy to work with.


Yes, I have encountered some of the more mischievous fairy beings, and I choose not to work with them. I work with the fairies of love and light for the highest good of all beings, including the fairies!

Fairies seem to be coming closer to humanity at this time, perhaps it’s because the Earth is literally crying out for our help. As humans we have a duty

to protect and care for our planet. The fairies wish for us to become more aware of the impact of our actions upon the Earth. From simple things like picking up litter when you are out walking, to changing your chemical household cleansing products to more naturally derived ones, these are the things that make the fairies happy. It’s not that difficult to please our fairy friends.

The fairies are not bound by human time constraints, which is why when you hear the tales of humans being taken to fairyland, they can be gone for a hundred human years! But in fairy time they have only been gone a few hours! So, it’s wise to remember this.

The fairies will not dance to our tune or instructions unless they want to! So whilst you are waiting for a fairy to make contact with you, it would be wise to be very patient. Remembering also that they will only connect with you if they want to! Imagine you are starting up a new friendship, it takes two, right? So, by sitting under the tree and calling the fairies to come to you, you are stating your intention of forming a fairy friendship with them. Now you literally have to let nature take its course!

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