Associations and clubs around the world World Hereford Council – secretary general - Larry Feeney Email: worldherefordcouncil@gmail.com
Member countries
American Hereford Association Jack Ward, Executive Vice President Box 014059, 1501 Wyandotte, Kansas City, Missouri, 64108-1222, USA Phone: 1-816-842-3757 Fax: 1-816-842-6931 www.hereford.org/ Email: aha@hereford.org
Asociacion Argentina Criadores de Hereford Manuel Obarrio 2948, C1425CQB - Buenos Aires, Argentina Mr. Augustin Arroyo, General Manager Phone: 54-11-4802-1019 Fax: 54-11-4802-1019 Email: info@hereford.org.ar www.hereford.org.ar
Herefords Australia Ltd.
Lisa Sharp General Manager Locked Bag 7, Armidale NSW 2350, Australia 16 Uralla Road, Armidale NSW 2350 Australia Phone: 02 6772 1399 Mobile: 0447 949 650 Fax: 02 6772 1615 www.herefordsaustralia.com.au Email: lsharp@herefordsaustralia.com.au
Canadian Hereford Association
Mr. Stephen Scott, Executive Director 5160 Skyline Way N.E., Calgary, Alberta, T2E 6V1, Canada Phone: 1-403-275-2662 Fax: 1-403-295-1333 www.hereford.ca Email: stephen@hereford.ca
Irish Hereford Breed Society
Ms. Louise Callan, Acting Secretary Harbour Street, Mullingar, Co. Westmeath, Ireland Phone: 353-44-48855 Fax: 00-353-44-48949 www.irishhereford.com Email: irishhereford@gmail.com
Kazakhstan Hereford Association
Kenesary 40, Street Business center “7th Continent” office 1206, 1205. 12 Floor 010000, Nur-Sultan city, Kazakhstan Phone: +7 7172 279 002, +7 7172 279 996, +7 771 532 002. www.herefords.kz Email: info@herefords.kz, director@herefords.kz
New Zealand Hereford Association Inc. Mrs Posy Moody, General Manager Hereford House, Box 503, Feilding, New Zealand Phone: +64 6323 4484 www.herefords.co.nz Email: manager@herefords.co.nz
Norway Hereford Association
Mr. Inge G. Kristoffersen, President Storhamargata 44, 2317 Hamar, Norway Phone: +47 915 45 613 www.hereford.no Email: post@hereford.no Email: inge.g.k@online.no
The Norwegian Breeding Association
Danish Hereford Association
Storhamargata 44, 2317 Hamar, Norway Director: Halvor Nordli Phone: +47 952 90 855 Fax: +47 62 53 82 41 Email: tyr@tyr.no
Animal Breeders Association of Estonia
Oficina de Registro Genealogico de la Asociación Rural del Paraguay Ing. Carlos Pedretti, Ruta Transchaco Km. 14 ½ Mariano Roque Alonso, Asunción, Paraguay Phone: 011-595-21-754412 E-mail: secretaria@orzarp.org.py
President, Knud Erichsen Skibstedgaard 0045 40196310 www.hereford.dk Email: skibstedgaard@skibstedgaard.dk General Manager: Tanel Bulitko Hereford Director: Mr. Aigar Suurmaa 79005, Rapla County, Estonia Phone: 372-4873-181 Fax: 372-4890-680 Hereford Director: Mr. Aigar Suurmaa Phone: 372-742-1575 Fax: 372-742-2879
Finnish Hereford Association
Chairman:Kai Pastell Innilantie 113, 37500 Lempaala, Finland www.hereford.fi Email: hereford@hereford.fi
German Hereford Association
c/o Carsten Schmit Neuer Kamp 38, 30900 Wedemark, Germany Fax: 49-5130-925023 www.hereford-germany.de Email: info@hereford-deutschland.de
Dutch Hereford Association
Paraguay Hereford Association
South African Hereford Breeders Society Contact: Liezel Grobler P.O. Box 20165, Willows, BFN 9320, South Africa Phone: 051 410 0958 Fax: 086 218 8246 www.hereford.co.za E-mail: liezel@studbook.co.za Promotions: Lizette Vermaak Phone: 082 412 2868 Email: herefords@vodamail.co.za
Swedish Hereford Association
Magnus Johansson, Chariman Hollstorp Hagalund, 355 91 Växjö, Sweden Phone: +46 470 749 461 or +46 768 303 600 www.hereford.nu Email: magnus.johansson@hereford.nu
Swiss Hereford Association
Henk Kuipers Horstingerend 7, 7843 TE Erm, The Netherlands Tel. 0591-564135 www.hereford.nl Email: henkensonjakuipers@kpnplanet.nl
Walter Faessler, President Interessengemeinschaft Schweizer Herefordzuechter, c/o Walter Faessler, Barenegg, 9633 Baechli-Hemberg Switzerland www.swisshereford.ch Email: barenegg.hereford@bluewin.ch
Dr. Istvan Marton, General Manager H-7400 Kaposvar, Denesmajor 2, Hungary Phone: 36-82-3-16-610 Fax: 36-82-510-046 www.mhagte.hu, www.hereford.hu E-mail: hereford@t-online.hu; info@mhagte. hu
Mr Paul Sneyd, Director of Operations Hereford House, 3 Offa Street Hereford, HR1 2LL U.K Phone: +44 1 432 272 057 Fax: +44 1 432 377 529 www.herefordcattle.org Email: postroom@herefordcattle.org
Hungarian Hereford Association
Hereford Cattle Society (UK)
Sociedad Criadores de Hereford del Uruguay Dr. Alejandro Costa Irigoyen, President Mercedes 855 Esc 605 CP 11.100, Montevideo, Uruguay Phone/fax 0059 2908 7579 - 2901 0437 www.hereford.org.uy Email: info@hereford.org.uy
Non-member countries
Associação Brasileira de Hereford e Braford Luciano Augusto Sperotto Terra, President Av. General Osório 1094 Caixa Postal 483, Bage - RS - Brasil Phone: 55 (xx)(53) 3312 8726 Fax: 55 (0xx53) 3242 1332 www.hereford.com.br www.braford.com.br Email: hereford@braford.com.br
Asociacion de Criadores de Hereford de Chile Fernando Schuck R, President Casilla (P.O. Box) 703, Osono, Chile Phone: 56-64-234388 Fax: 56-64-238408 E-mail: fschuck@surnetlibre.cl
Czech Republic Hereford Association
Czech Beef Cattle Association KAMIL MALÁT, CEO Těšnov 17, 110 00 Praha 1, Czech Republic Phone: +420 221 812 865 GSM: +420 724 007 860 email: info@cschms.cz
Association Hereford France
Pascal Bastien, President 10 rue de la fontaine, 57170 BAGNEUX, France Phone: +33 615177610 Pascal Bastien Email: pascal.bastien@orange.fr www.hereford-france.com International contact (English speaking ) Jean-François Protheau Phone: +33 614037229 Email: jfprotheau@yahoo.fr
Hokkaido Beef Cattle Club
c/o Yuji Ikeda - Shintoku Animal Husbandry Experiment Station Tokiwa 5-46, Shintoku-cho Hokkaido, T088 2313, Japan Phone: 1566-4-5321 Fax: 1566-4-6151
Mexican Hereford Association
Octavio Bermudez, President Bosque de Yuriria 2701-2, Fracc. Sicomoros Chihuahua, Chih. 31260, Mexico Phone: 52-410-7493
POLSKI ZWIĄZEK HODOWCÓW I Producentów Bydła Mięsnego (Polish Association of Beef Cattle Breeders and Producers) ul. Rakowiecka 32, 02 - 532 Warszawa Poland NIP 527-20-04-291 Phone: (+48 22) 849-19-10 Fax: (+48 22) 849-32-32 www.bydlo.com.pl E-mail : bydlo@bydlo.com.pl
Herd Book Society of Zambia Hereford Breed Section Mrs. Joan Holmes, General Manager P.O. Box 50146, Lusaka 15101, Zambia Phone/Fax: 260-1-251149
Zimbabwe Hereford Society
Mr. Phil Rogers, Chairman P.O. Box FM80, Famona, Bulawayo, Zimbabwe Phone: 263-09-229-588 Fax: 263-09-74839 Email: herefordzw@hotmail.com