North of England attends several shows After what seemed like a decade of being locked away on-farm, in spring 2021 North of England Hereford Breeders’ Association (NEHBA) members started to sense a taste of ‘normality’.
“It has been an enormous privilege and opportunity for me to visit so many great herds in our region, all with excellent cattle which has made my final deliberations even more difficult.
Members were luckier than in some areas, by having a number of shows to attend, for exhibitors to compete at show and club levels. After a period away from these activities, members are now more aware of the importance of conversation and informing visitors about the great Hereford breed.
“In each of the categories I wanted to find a herd with a consistent group of breeding cows that demonstrated good phenotypic traits including milking ability, udder structure, locomotion and carcase conformation. I have balanced this with the adoption of genetic technologies, a clear set of breeding objectives and a sound understanding and relationship with their target markets and buyers, be they pedigree or commercial.”
The Great Yorkshire Show saw a rather different format this year, with reduced visitors and extending to four days. The breed stand was positioned opposite the Hereford ring and cattle sheds. The association’s new marketing coordinator, Sam Walton of Walrose Herefords, kicked-off proceedings on the Tuesday and reported a successful footfall, which was very encouraging considering the beef breeds weren’t yet on the site. This was also the society’s first chance to show off the new show stand materials. Visitors, exhibitors and members commented positively and was very encouraging. Massive thanks go to Matthew Rollason, of New Dawn Herefords, who accepted the invitation to judge the NEHBA herd competition and travel the length and breadth of the North of England, viewing, note taking and deliberating on the cattle he saw. The year 2021 also saw the National Herd of the Year Competition, of which the NEHBA herd winner was Auckvale Herefords. A massive congratulations goes to the Kemp family, who also went on to take place position in the national competition. Results of the NEHBA herd competition can be seen below. Commenting on his travels around the North of England, Matthew said:
Congratulations must also be extended to Carolyn Fletcher for taking the prestigious honour of becoming the 2022 Hereford Cattle Society president. NEHBA are sure Carolyn will have a tremendous time visiting many breeders, events and shows during this time. The association is keen to meet up at our AGM in early 2022 and set about pursuing new ideas for further breed promotions.
Best bull calf, S and E Walker, Hoghton View 1 Jackpot
NEHBA points competition 2021 Female of the year, E Jackson, Eveter 1 Demelza 4th Reserve female, E Jackson, Eveter 1 Demelza 5th and R and E Jackson and S Taylor and D Marsh, Solpoll 1 Starlet T5 from Exhibitor-bred female of the year, E Jackson, Eveter 1 Demelza 4th Reserve best exhibitor-bred female, E Jackson, Eveter 1 Demelza 5th Bull and exhibitor-bred bull of the year, S Taylor and D Marsh, Taymar 1 Trailblazer Reserve and reserve exhibitor-bred bull of the year, H Whittaker, Coley 1 Vincent Senior young handler, Ryan Shaw
Herd competition results Overall, W and R Kemp and sons, Auckvale Small herd, 1st, E Jackson, Eveter; 2nd, M Sedman, Whitby; 3rd, GJT, V and K Parkinson, Dovewood Medium herd, 1st, Mr and Mrs B Rimmer, Barbern; 2nd, S and E Walker, Hoghton View; 3rd, G Hall Pinmoor Large herd, 1st, W and R Kemp and sons, Auckvale; 2nd, Mr and Mrs D Kelly Netherhall, 3rd, CS Fletcher, Barwise Proven stock bull, CS Fletcher, Moeskaer Ultra 1582 Best heifer calf, Mr and Mrs B Rimmer, Barbern 1 Babs 554
Sam Walton with Peter Wright, from television series The Yorkshire Vet