June newsletter 2015

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Reportability of EBVs appearing on the website under the animal’s ancestry details, relies upon their accuracy which is based upon the quantity and quality of data recorded on the subject animal itself and all its relatives. The more information, the higher the accuracy. Whilst there are exceptions, the general level of accuracy allowing reportability is 20%.

The EBVs reported on the Society’s website are updated monthly on around the 25th of each month. All data submitted to the Office is processed immediately but will make no difference to the reported EBVs until the update has been carried out. Normally results of the new EBVs will appear on the Society’s website on the 1st of each month.

If bulls are being scanned with the intention of the results being available for a particular Sale, the monthly deadline is important: For example in the case of the Society’s Spring Show & Sale held early April if the latest results are to appear in the Sale Catalogue, the data must be submitted by the 25th February. If submitted after, but before the 25th March, the updated results will only appear on the Breedplan Sale Cards, the results in the Catalogue being based upon the previous update. -----------------------------------------

For an extended explanation on all matters relating to Breedplan Recording go online via the Society’s website. Select the option “Breedplan”, then from the drop down select “Breedplan Performance Recording”. You will then arrive at “Getting Started with Breedplan”. Whilst not all the information is relevant to the UK, the basics certainly are and are clearly set out.

Should you prefer to receive information in “hard copy” format various booklets and information sheets can be obtained, upon request, from the Office.

BREEDPLAN RECORDING MATURE COW WEIGHTS AND CONTEMPORARY GROUPS Your Council are currently reviewing the Breed’s “Self Replacing Index” and the Committee elected to look into the subject recently met with Jack Allen, Technical Director, Agricultural Business Research Institute (ABRI). In the discussions that took place two specific items arose that Recording Members are asked to note:The Importance of Recording Mature Cow Weights Annually The weight of mature cows has a considerable influence on profitability:– ●

Generally lighter cows tend to eat less so less expensive to maintain.

Value of all cows is determined by their weight so heavier cows may provide higher returns.

Achieving an appropriate balance is therefore important. To record the mature weight of a cow it is important to note that Breedplan will only analyse the weight if the cow has a calf with a weight recorded within 2 weeks of when the mature weight was taken and further, the calf was between 80-330 days of age when weighed. It is therefore suggested that the ideal time to record the mature cow weight is at the same time as the 200 day weighing of her calf. Other important information to note:Breedplan will only analyse the mature cow weight if the cow is older than 2.4 years of age (870 days) at weighing. ● Breedplan will only analyse the mature cow weight performance of a cow if her first valid mature weight is taken before she is 6 years of age (2,200 days). If not, then none of her mature weights will be analysed. ● It is essential that correct management groups information is recorded with the mature cow performance. Recording Members prepared to record “Mature Cow Weights” should contact the Office for a “Mature Cow Weight” pack. ●

Contemporary Groups As highlighted on previous occasions, it is extremely important to create effective “Contemporary Groups” by ensuring that calves are born, ideally, within 6 to 8 weeks of one another and certainly no more than 12 weeks. The basis of a “Contemporary Group” is:● Male or Female but not a combination of both. ●

Born within 90 days of one another.

A 90 day period kicks off with the birth of the first calf: e.g. Calf born 1st January – the 90 days expires approximately the 1st April, the next calf born will then trigger the next 90 day period.

By ensuring a close calving system is adopted, the results analysed will be more robust and will achieve greater accuracies.


HEREFORD CATTLE SOCIETY ANNUAL DINNER at the Three Counties Hotel, Belmont Road, Hereford, HR2 7PB (Tel: 01432 299955)

on MONDAY, 12TH OCTOBER, 2015 7.00 P.M. FOR 8.00 P.M.

All Breeders and Friends are welcome to attend

(Dress Informal) Tickets - £30.00 per person available from Hereford House TEL: 01432 272057 Any Member requiring accommodation at the Three Counties Hotel should, when making their booking, mention that they are attending this function – the Hotel having offered a discount for those Members wishing to stay overnight. Accommodation is limited and therefore Members are advised that it will be upon a “First come first served” basis.

AUTUMN SHOW & SALE - TUESDAY, 13th OCTOBER, 2015 SHOW: 9.00 A.M. SALE: 12.00 NOON (Times are provisional and may change, dependent upon the number of entries) Entries Close: Friday, 28th August, 2015 - Entry Fee: £24.00 (Inc. VAT) SHOW SECTION CLASSIFICATION WHERE ALL ANIMALS MUST BE SHOWN  Females - born on or after 1st October, 2012  Bulls - born on or between 1st March, 2013 & 13th October, 2014  Classes - will be divided into appropriate age groups.  Bulls - will be subject to an Upset Price of 1,500 gns. and must be DNA tested prior to the Sale in accordance with the Society’s instructions FOR SALE ONLY SECTION

 

     

Females entered “For Sale Only” will be sold in Breeder order decided by ballot. No Females born before 1st October, 2006 will be accepted. Exhibitors are asked to note that ALL cattle, including Non-Show MUST be Halter Tied for the Pre-Sale Inspection (when vendors MUST be present) and Washed and Groomed so as to improve overall presentation of the Breed. Herd Reductions and Dispersals will also be allowed but any Bulls (other than calves at foot) must be entered in the Show and sold in catalogue order within that section. In the case of Consignments, Reductions and Dispersals these will be subject to the pre-Sale inspection on the day before the Sale. Any considered to be below Breed Standard or not in an acceptable condition will be rejected. Exhibitors wishing to seek a second opinion prior to submitting their entries may call upon their Council Members for advice. However, the decision of the appointed Independent Inspector & Veterinary Surgeon carrying out the pre-Sale inspections will be final and binding on all parties. GENERAL All entries will be subject to the Society’s Pre-Sale Inspection on the day before the Sale, commencing 1.00 p.m. No cattle will be accepted after 2.00 p.m. ALL cattle will also be numbered at the same time. Any cattle rejected must be removed from the Market prior to the morning of the Sale or moved to designated pens as instructed. Please ensure that all particulars relating to your entry/ies are the same on both the Pedigree Certificate and BCMS Passport. TB: All entries (including calves) must have been subjected to a Tuberculosis Test within 60 days of the Sale (i.e. after 14th August). BVD: All entries MUST be tested and vaccinated as per the instructions issued by the Society. The Society’s “Herd Health Declaration” form MUST be received by Friday, 28th August along with the Entry Forms. In the case of both TB & BVD a signed Sale Animal Declaration Form issued by the Society MUST be submitted to the Office at least one week before the Sale. All females born more than 24 months before the date of Sale must either have a calf at foot or be warranted in calf. Any female stated as served or running with more than 10 weeks prior to the Sale will be automatically warranted in calf irrespective of her age. Exhibitors are requested to note that any animal(s) sold outside the Sale Ring at the Market MUST be booked through the Auctioneers and the relevant commission paid.

FARMPLAN We have received the following update from “Farmplan” regarding use of their Pedigree Cattle Management Programme:“We will be incorporating the ability to send birth registration details

to yourselves in the next version of our Cattle Manager Programme.

Your Members can already download their pedigree details from the members area of your website and we are aware that several have already done so. The next version is currently being worked upon with a view to its release by the end of the Summer”. Those members wishing to obtain a copy of the Programme should, if not already having done so, contact Sally Ashwell at Farmplan direct – Email: Sally.Ashwell@farmplan.co.uk.

DNA HAIR SAMPLES IMPORTANT NOTICE We have been informed by the Laboratory carrying out our tests for Parentage Verification and Genetic Defects that, with immediate effect, if unable to successfully achieve a result due to the hair samples submitted not carrying sufficient roots/follicles, or being contaminated, charges will still be incurred and retests will also be charged for. It is therefore extremely important that you ensure that the samples collected are carefully plucked and not cut and that sufficient hairs must have their roots/follicles attached. It is also important to ensure that the samples are in no way contaminated, especially with faeces or any hairs of a different animal. Whilst we suggest that samples are collected from the tail head - this area normally being the cleanest part of the animal’s body – it is far more important to ensure that the hairs collected are, as already stated, not contaminated and have sufficient roots/follicles attached. Another point where care should be taken is when an animal is shedding hair. Such hair does not normally include live roots/follicles so again please ensure hairs are plucked and are carrying the roots/follicles needed.

COSTS OF REGISTRATIONS SUBMITTED ON PAPER TO INCREASE BY 10% The Council have agreed to increase the cost of registering calves on paper by 10%, commencing with calves registered on or after the 1st JULY, 2016. This will allow those Members not registering their calves “Online” 12 months to commence doing so thereby avoiding the 10% increase. Instructions relating to registering calves “Online” can be found elsewhere within this Newsletter, together with instructions for submitting payments “online” via BACS. Members with any views on this subject are requested to relay them directly via their Area elected Council Members.

GENETIC DEFECT TESTING SALE BULLS Your Council have agreed that commencing with the Autumn Sales 2016 all Bulls MUST be DNA tested in advance of the entries closing and results lodged with the Society at the same time as submitting the entries. This will enable us to include the results of the test for “Parentage Verification” and “Hypotrichosis” in the Sale Catalogue. As stated in the last Newsletter, any Bulls testing positive for either Idiopathic Epilepsy or Dilutor will not be accepted for entry into Society Sales.

IMPORTANT It is important to note that, to ensure the DNA results are available at the time of Sale Entries Closing, samples for testing will need to be lodged with the Society at least 12 WEEKS before the date of the Sale.

AN ALTERNATIVE SYSTEM FOR PAYING YOUR ACCOUNTS - BACS (BANK AUTOMATED CLEARING SYSTEM) A number of Members using the Society’s On-line Registration System have now chosen to pay their accounts by “BACS”. “BACS” is ideal for making regular automated payments, helping reduce costs of administration and improve financial control. As the process is electronic, it removes the need to write cheques which can be costly and is often subject to human error. Payments can be made much later in a business day – up to 9 p.m. and are cleared within two business days to any Bank Account. Should you wish to pay your accounts using this method, you will need to approach your Bank who will require the following details:Society Bank: Account Name: Sort Code: Account Number:


National Westminster The Hereford Cattle Society 53 50 41 05613019

It would assist us that, when setting up your payments by this method, you request that your Bank use your Society Membership Number as a means of identification in addition to your name. You should also ensure that we are informed that you will be paying your accounts by “BACS” and that you advise us on each occasion a payment is being transmitted. This can simply be an email at the time your payment is made.

Details relating to “BACS” now appear on all Invoices being sent out from Hereford House

MAKE USE OF THE “ONLINE REGISTRATION SYSTEM” Members are encouraged to make use of the “ONLINE REGISTRATION” facility available on the Society’s Website under the heading “MEMBERS ONLY”. To access this facility for the first time you will need to contact the office to obtain an ‘access code’. Once you have entered “ONLINE” you will be requested to create your own “Password” for future access. You will find a number of facilities available to you as a Member of the Society which are all fully explained. Once logged onto the file you will have the ability to submit Calf Notifications/Registrations online and the basic instructions to do so are:● Click on the link that says ‘online transactions’. ● Then click on ‘create a new batch’. ● Then select the appropriate batch type (Calf Registration/Notification). At this stage Recording Members can also choose an option to submit their Performance data. ● When the batch has been created you will need to click on the ‘add button’ to record/register each animal that is included in the batch. ● Once created additional animals and information can be added/changed until such time that you submit the batch to the Society. The batch will remain in a holding file until you submit it. ● Please remember that, having created a batch, it must be submitted to the Society within 27 days of the oldest calf on the file otherwise late fees will automatically be imposed. ● The information available to you includes the Sire and Dam of each calf, details of which can be accessed by either – (A) Selecting the animal from a drop down list, OR (B) Manually entering the Identity Number (Tag No.) of the animal. The drop down list of Sires will include all those you have used in the last two years. The list of Dams will consist of active cows currently in your ownership, together with breeding age heifers.

Making use of this system will save on stationery, postage and time. Once online, take a look at the other facilities available:●

Mating predictor

Download PDF files

Ownership selection for animal/EBV enquiries

PRE-SALE TB TESTING CARLISLE, DUNGANNON & STIRLING SALES In an attempt to overcome any unnecessary confusion regarding “PreSale TB Testing” in respect of the above Sale Centres, some of which are in a 4 yearly TB testing area, Members should check with the respective Auctioneers at each Centre and conform to their requirements.

HEREFORD MARKET SALES In respect of all Official Sales held at Hereford ALL animals entered, including calves at foot, MUST be TB tested within 60 days of the Sale.

SUBMITTING SALE INFORMATION FOR SALES HELD IN HEREFORD VIA EMAIL Members are requested to note that when submitting any information relating to Sale Entries for the Sales held in Hereford via email they MUST only use the Society’s MAIN email address:postroom@herefordcattle.org

TRANSFERS Please note that in the event of a request being received from a buyer to transfer an animal into their name, so long as the request is accompanied by the Society’s Official Pedigree Warranty Certificate, the transfer will be processed. Any breeder selling stock that they do not wish to transfer should ensure that the buyer is made aware at the point of sale and the Pedigree Warranty Certificate forwarded to the Office for cancellation.

SUCCESSFUL SPRING SHOW & SALE 2015 As can be seen by the results within this Newsletter, the Spring Show & Sale proved to be a great success with two bulls breaking the five figure barrier and not far short of a total clearance of all the females offered. However, it was more than evident, especially in the bull section that buyers are extremely selective and therefore if we are to stand any chance of achieving similar results at our future Sales, cattle entered must be of the highest possible standard. The Sale certainly emphasized the importance of being able to provide performance data. In the Show Heifer Section the majority of the high priced animals were in the top 5% of the Breed’s performance results. Likewise in the Bull Section, the leading priced bulls were in the top 1% to 5% of the Breed. When analysing the results of those bulls not sold, the majority were either recording performance results below average or no results at all. Obviously there will always be exceptions at both ends of the spectrum and no doubt these will be highlighted by those who are somewhat sceptical on the subject of Performance Recording. However, there is no doubt that the evidence now before us has shown the importance of the availability of performance data when selling both bulls and females at the Society Sales. It is therefore hoped that Members currently not recording will seriously consider doing so and those who are somewhat haphazard in submitting data will do so on a more regular basis. It really is imperative that standards are maintained and improved if we are to repeat the results of the recent Sale at future Sales.





2nd 3rd 1st & Reserve Champion 4th

2,200 1,800 4,200

2,800 4,200

3,500 2,500 3,700 3,900 3,000 850 950

CLASS 1 1 2 4

Murton Grange, N. Yorkshire B. Cambridge, Bristol Murton Grange, N. Yorkshire


Murton Grange, N. Yorkshire


CLASS 2 10 11

Murton Grange, N. Yorkshire J.S. & A.E. Radcliffe, Glamorgan

12 13 14 16

B. & M. Chilman, Powys W. & P. Eccles, East Lothian W. & P. Eccles, East Lothian Murton Grange, N. Yorkshire

5th 1st and Champion 6th 3rd 2nd 4th

G. Thomas, Pembrokeshire D. Jerman, Powys. Murton Grange, N. Yorkshire Murton Grange, N. Yorkshire Wiltshire College, Wiltshire B. Cambridge, Bristol B. Cambridge, Bristol

3rd 5th 1st 2nd 4th 7th 6th

1,500 3,800 5,200 3,800

CLASS 3 18 19 20 21 22 23 24

17 Show Heifers sold for £54,390 to Average £3,199.41


SALE DATES 2016 Spring Show & Sale will be held on Tuesday, 5th April *Autumn Show & Sale will be held on Tuesday, 11th October



*This Autumn Show & Sale will be the first at which all Bulls entered MUST have been fully DNA tested prior to the entries closing.





Hutton & Sons, Bristol Bowmans Leisure Ltd., Herts. Atkin Brothers, Derbyshire Mouboon Farm Partnership, Hfds.

5th 3rd 1st 2nd

915 930 930 1,025

40 39 38 39

1,500 2,000 5,200 3,200

R. & S.E. Poole, Staffordshire Oyston Estates Ltd., Lancashire B.J. Hughes, Anglesey S.B. Price & Sons, Shropshire A.E. Nesbitt Farms Ltd., Berks. Fir Farm Ltd., Gloucestershire D. & R. Meredith, Herefordshire

4th 1st 6th 3rd 2nd 5th 7th

980 935 820 1,165 860 815 860

36 39 39 43 39 38 40

3,000 10,500 2,500 3,000 10,800 4,800 2,000

41 43 44

A.E. Lloyd & Sons, Powys. H.A. Colburn & Son, Gloucester J. Boomaars, Surrey

890 890 785

38 39 40

2,400 3,400 8,200


Wiltshire College, Wiltshire

7th 3rd 1st & Res. Champion 2nd




D. & E. Colledge, Warwickshire R. Archer, Derbyshire Torcountry Ltd., Devonshire

1st 6th 2nd

760 815 750

39 39 38

3,000 5,200 1,800


M. & M. Roberts, Herefordshire




63 65 67 68

M. Whieldon, Staffordshire L. Parry-Jones, Anglesey T.I. Grey, Gloucestershire T.G. & E.I. Thorne, Pembrokeshire

1st & Champion 3rd 2nd 5th 4th

655 640 530 625

36 40 37 40

3,300 4,800 1,600 4,000



CLASS 4 28 29 30 33 CLASS 5 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 CLASS 6

CLASS 7 51 52 54 CLASS 8

23 Bulls sold for £98,595.00 to Average £4,286.75


69 70 73 74 77 78 82 83 84 85 86 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 96 97 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 110 113 114 115 116 117 118 119


Wiltshire College, Wiltshire M. Whieldon, Staffordshire Murton Grange, N. Yorkshire Murton Grange, N. Yorkshire Murton Grange, N. Yorkshire Murton Grange, N. Yorkshire B. Cambridge, Bristol M. Jones, Carmarthenshire M. Jones, Carmarthenshire M. Jones, Carmarthenshire G. Thomas, Pembrokeshire G. Thomas, Pembrokeshire B. Cambridge, Bristol G.R. & K.F. Parry, Gwent. G.R. & K.F. Parry, Gwent. G.R. & K.F. Parry, Gwent. G.R. & K.F. Parry, Gwent. M. Whieldon, Staffordshire B. & M. Chilman, Powys. G.E. & S.E. Jackson, Herefordshire G.E. & S.E. Jackson, Herefordshire Mrs. J.A. Pudge, Herefordshire N. & L. Holdsworth, Warwickshire M. Whieldon, Staffordshire J.W. & C.A. Raymond, Pembrokeshire P.R. & R.J. Lewis, Corwen P.R. & R.J. Lewis, Corwen R.J. Verdin, Herefordshire P.R. & R.J. Lewis, Corwen N. & L. Holdsworth, Warwickshire N. & L. Holdsworth, Warwickshire B. Cambridge, Bristol R.G. Jerman, Powys. D.G. & S. Morgan, Glamorgan G. Thomas, Pembrokeshire N. & L. Holdsworth, Warwickshire

36 Lots sold for ÂŁ68,775.00 to Average ÂŁ1,910.42


2,300 2,750 1,800 2,100 2,500 2,500 1,550 1,400 1,500 1,600 1,700 1,650 800 1,450 1,500 1,700 1,750 1,650 4,000 3,000 1,800 1,900 1,900 1,500 1,450 1,050 1,050 2,800 1,200 1,400 1,650 950 1,800 1,800 2,600 1,450

The “Denis Jones Memorial Overseas Travel Bursary” to attend th The 17 World Hereford Conference, Uruguay 16th-23rd April, 2016 Applicants must be between 17-26 years of age as of 30th April, 2016 Booking Deadline – 1st September, 2015 Details on the Conference week will be found on the following pages and final details will appear on the Society’s website as soon as they are received. The successful candidate selected to attend will receive funding of 75% of the costs of Flights and Accommodation for the Conference week, 17th to 23rd April, - the remaining 25% and Travel Insurance to be paid for by the candidate, who will also be responsible for any costs that may be incurred should they wish to participate in any Pre or Post-Conference Breeders Stud visits. To apply for the Bursary each candidate must: ● Be nominated by a Member of the Society who will be required to present in writing their reasons why they believe the candidate would be a suitable nominee. ● Submit in writing(i)

A CV of their involvement with the Breed.


A written report (up to 500 words maximum) providing reasons why they wish to attend the Conference.

● Be prepared to provide a full written report on their experience, accompanied by appropriate photographs for publication in the Society’s Annual Journal. (They will also be expected, if invited by an Area Association, to make a presentation on their trip). ● Following receipt of all applications, the Chairman and President of the Society will act as adjudicators to select the successful applicant. I M P O R T A N T Applications must be submitted to the Hereford Cattle Society by no later than


17th WORLD HEREFORD CONFERENCE 2016 URUGUAY We are still awaiting final details regarding the above Conference but, in an effort to provide an idea of the costs in respect of the actual Conference week, Field Farm Tours Ltd., who are our officially appointed tour operator, have produced an estimate of the costs which are shown on the opposite page. Since providing us with these details we have picked up a subsequent notice that a Pre-Conference Tour is to be offered – Saturday, 16th to Sunday 17th April, 2016 (limited capacity due to availability of hotels – costs to beetermined soon). Saturday 16th Departure from Hotels in Montevideo to breeder’s farm in Mariscala, Lavalleja Visit to stud and typical barbeque lunch Departure to Punta del Este seaside resort Accommodation in Punta del Este Sunday 17th Check out Punta del Este City Tour Lunch Return to Montevideo Accommodation in Hotels, Montevideo Pre-registrations Welcome toast at Sheraton Hotel


2016 Breed Journal Advertising – Don’t miss out! Why should members consider advertising in the Breed Journal? It’s the Society’s flagship Promotional Publication Cost effective advertising with 3,500 copies produced Copies provided to Members & Prospective Members, Beef Farmers, Colleges, & General Beef Industry Range of sizes for Breeder Adverts Quarter, Half or Full Page (All colour) at Competitive Rates For further information please contact Hereford House: Tel: 01432 272057 Email: postroom@herefordcattle.org

SPONSORSHIP AT WINTER FAIRS English Winter Fair, Royal Welsh Winter Fair, Scottish Winter Fair, Allams Christmas Show, N.I. and East of England Smithfield Festival The Hereford Cattle Society will award £1,000 to the Exhibitor of the Overall Supreme Beef Champion if by a Registered Pedigree Hereford Sire. In the case of Class Entries at all the events, both Pure-Bred and CrossBred, £50 will be awarded to the first three Prize-Winners of each Class if by a Registered Pedigree Hereford Sire. In all instances proof of identity of the Sire, either in the form of a Pedigree Certificate, in the case of Pedigree entries, or a copy of the Passport in the case of Cross-Bred entries must be submitted to the Hereford Cattle Society for confirmation. The £1,000 will only be awarded subject to the winning animal being DNA tested and being verified by the sire stated.

CALF MANAGEMENT LETTER 1st JULY, 2015 – 30th JUNE, 2016 LETTER ‘N’ Those Members adopting a management letter as an additional means of identifying calves are advised that the letter “N” should be used in respect of calves born on or between 1.7.15 and 30.6.16.

HEREFORD BREED JOURNAL 2016 As usual the Annual Breed Journal will be in FULL COLOUR and in an endeavour to maintain and improve the high standard of this publication we ask advertisers to ensure that they submit photographs of the highest quality possible and, if required, a list of professional photographers can be obtained by contacting the office. We are highlighting this issue following comments from some Members who have expressed a view that past photographs that have been included in the Journal do not do justice to our Breed. In an endeavour to ensure publication of this Journal by the end of January, advertisers are requested to submit their adverts by the COPY DEADLINE of 31st OCTOBER.







All rates are subject to 20% VAT.

PROOFS All advertisers will receive a proof of their advertisement for approval prior to final printing. PLEASE NOTE THAT MAJOR ALTERATIONS TO ORIGINAL COPY PROVIDED WILL BE SUBJECT TO AN AUTHOR’S CORRECTION CHARGE. Any advice or assistance in setting out adverts will be available if so required. -------------------------------

To make your booking please contact the Office and reserve your space. Email: postroom@herefordcattle.org Tel: 01432 272057 Fax: 01432 377529 FINAL DATE FOR ADVERTISEMENT COPY - 31st OCTOBER 2015

SOCIETY FEES FROM 1ST JULY, 2015 Your Council has reviewed the following Society Fees for 2015/2016 and have decided that no amendments are necessary. MEMBERSHIP (VAT ZERO RATED) £ Entrance to Membership


Annual Subscription




GENERAL Transfer of Ownership (Cows with calves under 6 months 1 Transfer Fee)


DNA Profile


DNA Profile + 3 Traits


DNA Profile + 3 Traits + Poll Genotyping


Initial Entry/Export


Duplicate/Amended Warranty Certificate


YOUNG HEREFORD BREEDERS (25 YEARS OF AGE AND UNDER) Both the following fees are VAT Zero Rated Entrance to Membership


Annual Subscription


The following fees are inclusive of VAT Herd Name


Calf Registration


A maximum of 4 calves per annum may be registered at the discounted fee of £13.20 (inclusive of VAT) Additional calves registered will be charged at the normal Registration fee of £26.40, inclusive of VAT. Calf Notification Transfer of Ownership Fee (Cows with calves under 6 months 1 Transfer Fee)

6.60 18.00



The following fees are inclusive of VAT Calves Registered within 27 days


Calves Notified within 27 days


Embryo Calves Registered within 27 days


Any of the above three categories submitted between 28 and 60 days an extra


Subsequent registration of notified calves Any Calf previously Notified and subsequently submitted for full registration between 61 days and 18 months of age


Any Calf previously Notified and subsequently submitted for registration over 18 months of age


Subsequent registration of calves not notified Calves not previously Notified and submitted for registration between 61 days and 18 months of age (including DNA Profile)


Including DNA Profile & 3 Traits for Calf Only


Calves not previously Notified and submitted for Registration over 18 months of age (including DNA Profile)


Including DNA Profile + 3 Traits for Calf Only


In the case of these two categories, at the time of Registration a copy of the DEFRA Passport must be submitted together with Hair Samples of the animal being registered and its Dam, for DNA Parentage verification. The fees in both instances include the DNA Laboratory costs. For every two Heifers cancelled up to the age of 18 months, a credit will be given for one Registration. -----------------------------------------



Saturday, 1st August 2015

Saturday, 5th September, 2015

Entries Close: 30th June

Entries Close: 31st July

Schedules available Tel: 01296 658310

Schedules available Tel: 01608 651908

SCOTTISH NATIONAL SHOW PERTH Saturday, 1st August, 2015


Entries Close: 30th June

Friday, 30th October, 2015 Schedules available in due course

Schedules available Tel: 01333 730877 or 07855 237474

Tel: 01432 272057

BRIGHTWELLS IN CONJUNCTION WITH HEREFORD MARKET AUCTIONEERS SHOW & SALE of Hereford and Hereford Cross Store Cattle Sired by a Registered Hereford Bull, including Beef Type Cows in or with Calves and Feeding Bulls will be held at Hereford Livestock Market at 11.00 a.m. on Thursday, 18th June, 2015 Thursday, 17th September 2015 For further details contact: Michael Evans, Greg Christopher or Sara Hamer mike.evans@brightwells.com greg.christopher@brightwells.com sara.hamer@brightwells.com Tel: 01568 611166



SATURDAY, 12th DECEMBER JUDGE – MR. DONALD BIGGAR Schedule and Entry Forms will be available from the Society’s Office during the Autumn. Watch for details on the Society’s Website. For any further details contact the Secretary: Alison Allman Phone: 01432 880027 - Mob: 07860 308599 Email: allman.amberley@gmail.com


MIDLANDS & EAST ANGLIA H.B.A. CALF SHOW will be held at The Newark Vintage Tractor and Heritage Show Newark Showground on SUNDAY, 8th NOVEMBER, 2015 For further details contact: Alan Pittam Tel: 01788 890702 Email: alan@herefords.org.uk

£150.00 + VAT £ 75.00 + VAT

ANNUAL SUBSCRIPTIONS Annual Members who do not pay their subscriptions by Bankers Order are reminded that the fee of £65.00 for the year 2015/2016 becomes due on the 1st July, 2015. ----------------------------

DOREPOLL HEREFORDS REDUCTION SALE SATURDAY, 26th SEPTEMBER, 2015 On the Farm at 1.00 p.m. 41 Divis Road, Dundrod, Crumlin, Co. Antim, Northern Ireland, BT29 4UB 40 LOTS TO INCLUDE: Calves Heifers Cows Bulls Embryos and Semen Packages For further information contact:Ivan Haire 02890 825215 or 07887 675649 William Haire 07725 653233 Email: haire.dorepoll@btopenworld.com

Auctioneers – Wright Marshall

NEW MEMBERS Breen, S.A. Coolcrannel Herefords 51 Lisnagole Road, Coolcrannell, Maguiresbridge, Enniskillen ,Co Fermangh, N Ireland, BT94 4RG. Bruce, R.K. Calaburn Herefords Calaburn Farm, Hawick, Roxburghshire, TD9 7NU. Burnham, D.M. & D.M. Hidiart Herefords Hidiart Lydan, Lon Goed, Chwilog, Pwllheli, Gwynedd, LL53 6TJ. Chatsworth Settlement Trustees Chatsworth Herefords The Estate Office, Edensor, Bakewell, Derbyshire, DE45 1PJ.

Clark, R. 1 Davis Road, Market Lavington, Devizes, Wiltshire, SN10 4DQ. Clarke, N.J. & R.L. Hamptonwood Herefords Hampton Wood Farm, Hampton Wood, Nr. Ellesmere, Shropshire, SY12 ONJ. Conway, J. & R. Cavanreagh Herefords 55 Cavanreagh Road, Draperstown, Magherafelt, Co. Derry, N. Ireland, BT45 7BS. Crawford, S. Knightwood Oak Herefords Forest Farm, Barnes Lane, Milford-on-Sea, Lymington, Hampshire, SO41 0RR. Cully, P.J. Drumnamether Herefords 11 Lough Road, Drumnamether, Tandragee, Co. Armagh, N. Ireland, BT62 2HQ. Davidson, D. Chestnuthill Herefords 69 Old Caufield Road, Dungannon, Co. Tyrone, N. Ireland, BT70 3NG. Dawson, J. Bishop Hay Herefords Bishop Burton Farm, Bishop Burton College, Bishop Burton, East Yorkshire, HU17 8QG. Dudhill, Mrs. L.L. Kingswood Herefords Mount Pleasant Farm, Kington, Herefordshire, HR5 3HF Duke, D.A. Frith Farm, Wick War, Wotton-under-Edge, Gloucestershire, GL12 8PB. Eggleston P. & Anderson, J. Chollerton Herefords Chollerton Farm, Chollerton, Hexham, Northumberland, NE46 4TQ. Evans, J. Hirnant Herefords Cefn y Meirch Farm, Rhos y Gwaliau, Bala, Gwynedd, LL23 7EY.

Farmery, P. Old Trough Herefords Sycamore House, Sandholme, Brough, E. Yorkshire, HU15 2XW. Fish, G.M. Nant-y-Felin Herefords Deuglawdd, Aberdaron, Pwllhelli, Gwynedd, LL53 8BN. Gledhill Davies Ffynnongelyn Herefords Llanffynnon, Rhydargaeau Road, Peniel, Carmarthen, SA32 7AJ. Harvey, D.J. Hawkesridge Hereford Erw Bryn, Llanfihangel Brynpabuan, Builth Wells, Powys, LD2 3SE. Hinchliffe, D. Horseleygate Herefords Little Orchards Farm, Horsleygate Lane, Holmesfield, Derbyshire, S18 7WD. Hobbs, R. Forked Elm Herefords 231 Marlborough Road, Swindon, Wiltshire, SN3 1NN. Hosford, J. Hosford Herefords Ashton Farm, Martinstown, Dorchester, Dorset, DT2 9HA. Martindale, P. Maico Herefords Yates Farm, Scot Lane, Blackrod, Bolton, Lancashire, BL6 5SL. McDowell, A. Banoge Herefords 15 New Line, Waringstown, Craigavon, Co. Armagh, N. Ireland, BT66 7RY. McMillan, J. Charis Herefords 17 Garvaghy Hill, Portglenone, Ballymena, Co. Antrim, N. Ireland, BT44 8EE. Morgan, D.G. & S. Myddfai Herefords Pantyfallen Farm, Heol Myddfai, Felindre, Swansea, West Glamorgan, SA5 7NJ. Mount Bugle Invetsments Ltd. Mount Bugle Church Farm, Church Lane, Wingfield, Wiltshire, BA14 9LW. Owen Bros. Foel Herefords Foel Fawr Farm, Tregele, Cemaes Bay, Amlwch, LL67 0DP. Powell, D.J. Purlon Herefords Purlon Farm, Old Wick Road, Llantwit Major, Vale of Glamorgan, CF61 1YU. Price, S.C. Celiasam Herefords 15, Palmers Close, Codsall, Wolverhampton, WV8 2JX. Pryce, G. & S. Anroch Herefords 48 Cardiff Road, Dinas Powys, Vale of Glamorgan, CF64 4JX.

Radcliffe, Mrs. E. Kilvrough Herefords Anderson Lane, Southgate, Swansea, West Glamorgan, SA3 2BX. Ritchie, T. 82 Knocks Road, Forfey, Lisnaskea, Co. Fermanagh, N. Ireland, BT92 OHS. Smith, P.A. & S. Gortan Herefords Dorefield House, Peterchurch, Hereford, HR2 OSF. Tallis, S. Sila Herefords Newlands House, Newlands Lane, Warley, Halifax, HX2 7BW. Taylor, M.A. Llwyn Rhyn Herefords Llwyn Rhyn, Llangynidr, Crickhowell, Powys, NP8 1LL. Wilson, J. Deepmoor Herefords Deepmoor Farm, Doveridge, Derbyshire, DE6 5NS. Wood, Mrs. P.J. Foxallers Herefords Fox Allers Farm, Stoke Wake, Blandford Forum, Dorset, DT11 0HF. Wylie, D. Tannybrake Herefords 106 Liminary Road, Kells, Ballymena, Co. Antrim, N. Ireland, BT42 3HZ.

SEMEN FOR SALE FROM “BATTLEDORE CHALLENGER” One of the most successful Canadian imports to the UK, “Challenger” is the most influential sire ever used in our Herd with 169 calves registered. Sons sold to 10,000 gns. in 1981. £15 per straw + VAT plus a further £30 + VAT at time of registration A few straws are still available from Solpoll 1 Dynamite Contact John: 07866 125959 or William: 07891 903243 johnmcm@hotmail.co.uk - www.solpollherefords.co.uk

HERD BOOKS FOR SALE 1930 to 1979 (Missing Volumes – 1969, 1972 & 1973) Includes extra copies of 1964 & 1966

Contact: Margaret Owens-Smith

Tel: 01786 473055 – Mob: 07831 380335 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

1846 to 1985 (Volume 1 – 1846 – contains the four colour plates) Any prospective buyer must satisfy themselves that all Volumes are present. Contact: Mr. Eric Brinkman Tel: 01243 574036 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

1858 (Vol. III) 1859 (Vol. V) 1869 (Vol. VII) 1882-1884 (4 Vols.) 1886-1891 (6 Vols.) 1893-1894 (2 Vols.) 1896-1899 (4 Vols.) 1901-1903 (3 Vols.) Miscellaneous Books Private Herd Register – 1883 Account Book – 1887 Personal Note Book – 1897 History of Hereford Cattle McDonald & Sinclair All appear to have been the property of a Mr. Hughes, Llanwnog, Powys. CONTACT Chris Smith – Tel: 01544 231839 (Kington)

DATES FOR YOUR DIARY 2015 WINTER FAIRS English Winter Fair, Stafford Allams Christmas Show & Sale, Balmoral Royal Welsh Winter Fair, Builth Wells Smithfield Festival, East of England Showground, Peterborough

21st & 22nd November 24th November 30th Nov. & 1st Dec. 3rd & 4th December

SALE DATES Tuesday, 6th October Tuesday 13th October Monday 19th 20th Oct. Friday 23rd October

N. I. Sale, Dungannon Livestock Market Show & Sale, Hereford Market Stirling Agricultural Centre Show & Sale, Carlisle

ANNUAL DINNER Monday 12th October

Three Counties Hotel, Hereford

OTHER EVENTS Wed. & Thurs., 8th & 9th July th

Wednesday 29 July Saturday 1st August Saturday 1st August Saturday 5th September Friday 30th October Sunday 8th November Saturday 12th December

Livestock Event at N.E.C., Birmingham N.I. National Show, Clogher Valley National Horned Show, Tenbury Wells Scottish National Show, Perth National Poll Show, Moreton-in-Marsh Hereford Autumn Calf Show in conjunction with Agri Expo, Borderway Mart, Carlisle M. & E.A. Calf Show, Newark Showground H.C.B.A. Christmas & National Calf Show, Shrewsbury Livestock Market, Shrewsbury

DATES OF REMAINING COUNCIL MEETINGS Tuesday, 22nd September Tuesday, 17th November ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING Tuesday, 17th November

Hereford Beef Website & Social Media The Hereford Cattle Society launched the website www.herefordbeef.org.uk together with social media (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram & Pinterest) dedicated to Hereford Beef in early 2014. Since its inception, The Society’s Council have fully supported the website’s development and promotion via the services of Sharpmonkeys a business based in Worcester. To date this innovative approach has been well received by those using it to source their Hereford Beef, find a restaurant offering Hereford Beef or by following one of the many exciting recipes. We would like to kindly ask those members who have not yet visited this website to please take a few minutes and view what it has to offer. Additionally, can we ask that those of you who use social media please “like” the Facebook page and follow the latest developments on Hereford Beef through Twitter.

The continued success of the website is dependent on its uptake and the number of visitors it receives. Please spread the word and tell your friends and family about Hereford Beef.

Remember, whether you are a purveyor of Hereford Beef or a breeder, an increased demand for Hereford Beef will increase demand for breeding stock and subsequently help to drive bull prices up further….

Hereford Beef twitter https://twitter.com/HerefordBeefUK

Hereford Beef Facebook https://www.facebook.com/herefordbeefuk

Hereford Beef Pinterest http://www.pinterest.com/herefordbeefuk/

More Success at the NBA’s Beef Expo Event!

Pictured above, from L to R, are Tom & John Kemp Auckvale Herefords, Mrs Jane Foster, Calton Herefords & Best Breed Stand Judge Adam Henson.

(Missing from the picture is Mr Kris Stevenson, Alvian Herefords who also supplied cattle on display). The Hereford Stand was judged Runner-up in Best Breed Stand 2015

This is the latest success for Hereford Cattle Society following their Best Breed Stand Awards in 2009, 2012 & 2013.

Email Addresses wanted.... If members would like to receive regular NEWS UPDATES from the SOCIETY could they please send an email to: david.deakin@herefordcattle.org (Emails will help to save time, paper & postage)

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