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Our fellow South Australians,
Here at The Hilarian we would hate to break a long lineage of proud tradition and thus are proud to bring you our habitually delayed Issue 2. We imagine the inside of Ligertwood now resembling the Upside Down, a swampy marsh complete with the ghosts of Chancellors past, and demogorgons consuming the remains of the library staff. Alas, when our asbestos filled home was closed, our lecturers faced the monolithic challenge of using basic recording equipment and endured the ‘demoralising’ process of doing their jobs: presenting lectures to an empty room.
Whilst we may be mourning what we have missed from our quarantine dens, we think it’s time to celebrate the gains; namely being body hair, weight, Tik Tok fame and intensified desperation. In this edition we celebrate the first half of the shitshow year that has been 2020, utilising poor humour as a coping mechanism when adjusting to the concept of social distancing.
Highlights of Issue 2 include Will Broderick’s legal analysis on the disappearance of Don Lewis, Luke Zounis’ compelling introvert's guide to social interaction, and Grace Jin’s quiz to help us all decide our legal destiny. Meanwhile, Olivia Edmonds explains why we should put nap shaming to bed, whilst Cecilia TranPham decodes how Tame Impala’s Currents album projected the ol’ rona season. As usual, we feature our steamy love letter submissions (heyyy MG), banging playlist and predominantly questionable poetry.
We hope to caress you and your NGP’s very soon,
Hugo, Bianca and Christiana.