1 minute read
“What’s the worst that could happen?” she said, it echoed around my brain, an invader, a usurper of my fears.
Inhibitions knocked off a monolithic throne; I was crowned an idiot by wasted years.
I waded through missed moments, dead friendships and a sea of disappointment I once chartered solo. For a moment, I found myself emancipated, worry could not hold me down.
A caged animal desperate and destined to run free unto the realm of possibility.
The worst that could happen, had passed.
Willingly and blindly I had swum with breezeblocks fastened tightly by woven, strangling cord to my weak ankles.
An unknowing committal, I killed myself I sunk myself. What a horror; I am a poorer Catholic than I had fathomed.
Reverently faithless, I refused to believe a better life was owed to me.
I have learnt to take what I want, what I need; because the worst that could happen I won’t let happen again.
27/2/2017 9:34 pm