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Monday, September 9, 2013 thehilltoponline.com

Vol. 98 No.4

The Student Voice of Howard University

est. 1924


via AllPro Photo

The Bison defense recorded nine sacks en route to a third consecutive win in the Nation’s Classic Saturday.

INSIDE Classic Recap

Missed this weekend’s festivities? Check out what went down! p.2

Album Review

Did John Legend’s album make the cut? Checkout the album review inside. p.8

NFC Review

Get the action that you might have missed at Saturday’s big game. p.10



LIFE & STYLE................ p.8

Partly Cloudy High 82 Low 71

CAMPUS..................... p.2

SPORTS...................... p.10 OPINIONS................. p.11



Partly Cloudy High 92 Low 74


The Hilltop Newspaper

It’s More Than Just A Game ...

Glynn Hill

Howard University Hosts:

Editor-in-Chief Dominique Diggs Chief Managing Editor Indigo Silva Multimedia Editor Emmy Victor Campus Editor Keneisha Deas Metro Editor Maya Cade Life & Style Editor Khari Arnold Sports Editor Cameron Clarkson Opinions Editor DeAnna Miller Copy Chief Alexis Grant Copy Editor Terranie Sims Copy Editor Lindsey Ferguson Copy Editor Tasia Hawkins Staff Writer Jourdan Henry Staff Writer Siniyah Smith Staff Writer Erin Van Dunk Staff Writer Steven Hall Columnist Rachel Cumberbatch Photo Editor Robert Gross Public Relations Director Katie Downs Cartoonist Armanie Brooks Business Manager

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The Presidential Symposium Erin Van Dunk Staff Writer The Nation’s Classic is more than just a football game. The Presidential Symposium offered an opportunity for students, alumni, and the presidents of various HBCU’S to speak out on the benefits of attending an HBCU and the work that still remains. The symposium was composed of various panels, beginning with “The Presidents’ Forum, continuing with “The Next Step: ‘The Long Walk: A Candle in the Dark,” onto “Why I Chose to Attend an HBCU,” and finishing with “Keepers of the Culture.” A question and answer portion followed each session drawn from both the audience and a live twitter feed. “The Presidents’ Forum,” session one, gave Tennessee State University president Dr. Glenda Baskin-Glover, Howard University president Dr. Sidney Ribeau and Paul Quinn College president Michael Sorrell the opportunity to give their viewpoints on the purpose and benefits of the HBCU experience. Moderated by Mr. John Davis, the three were able to discuss how these colleges and universities affect and contribute to the communities around them. President Ribeau spoke of bringing students from communities where they are not given the opportunity to succeed due

to their socioeconomic situation to HBCU’s. He believes this will place them on the path to achieving their goals. President Sorrell spoke about the prospective focus of HBCU’s on ethical leadership, educational leadership and economic leadership. He indicated that by teaching these values, a sustainable model can be created to assist the surrounding underdeveloped communities. When asked about the benefit of HBCU’s for African-Americans, all three presidents spoke of the feeling of empowerment of being surrounded by your own people, especially educated intellectuals who are as goal-oriented as you are. “The Next Step: ‘The Long Walk: A Candle in the Dark,” session two, focused primarily on the theme of the session: developing a strategic path for the future. Dr. Tilden LeMelle moderated the discussion with participators Dr. Greg Carr, Dr. Bryant Marks, Dr. Ivory Toldson, Dr. David Rice and Dr. Dana Williams, to address the improving condition and changing position of the black community. Dr. Carr started by speaking about HBCU’s preparing global citizens and making connections internationally to change our position in the United States. He says that the solution is to take back control of the black colleges and universities and think beyond the standard that has been

Ciara Performs at AT&T Kick-off Rally Shannen Hill Staff Writer Fonzworth Bentley and Wendy Raquel Robinson hosted the kickoff rally for the 3rd annual AT&T Nation’s Classic on Saturday night at the 9:30 Club. With music from 95.5FM WPGC and a performance by Ciara, the night was full of dancing and fun. The rally started off with performances from the drumlines and cheerleaders of Howard University and Morehouse College. Football coaches from both schools also came to the stage to represent for their teams before the big game. Throughout the night, Bentley, graduate of Morehouse College, and Robinson, Howard alum, went back and forth on whose alma mater is better. “[Bentley and Robinson] were really funny and entertaining,” said Courtney Hollingsworth, a sophomore at Howard. Other performances throughout the

set. Dr. Toldson told his own story of success, speaking out on why Ivy League universities ask him to speak to their students. He stated this was because they “don’t know how to make someone like him:” that his HBCU cultivated his way of thinking that makes him attractive to predominately white institutions. Dr. Rice shared the one of the benefits of being a product of an HBCU is having the opportunity to be honest with yourself about your purpose and what you are being tooled for. Dr. Williams wrapped up the session in a short statement about African-Americans needing to figure out what we want our position to be; to mimic the ‘American” ideals or do something that defines our own values systems in our own reality. “Why I Chose to Attend an HBCU,” session three, allowed students to respectively comment on the benefits of the HBCU experience. Senior Dominique Perkins of Howard University stated that HBCU’S colleges show students’ true strengths and weaknesses because the distinguishing factor of race can longer be depended on. Sophomore Layla West of Howard University agreed to take all of this enlightenment about ourselves and preach on about what the HBCU essence is. Senior Shanteal Lake of Spelman College concluded the

session by offering advice for all students to utilize the alumni and the HBCU network for post-graduation opportunities. “Keepers of the Culture,” session four, solidified work that needs to be done to make our HBCU’s better. The alumni began with discussing the need for fundraising opportunities. Mr. Chris Washington suggested having donation stations during Homecoming’s YardFest, while Ms. Franchell Davis discussed having an easier pathway to accountability so that alumni can feel assured that their donations are going where they want it go. The conversation then turned to the perpetuation of disrespectful culture and negative stereotypes through music. Mr. Jeff Burns talked about holding ourselves accountable for what we listen to and setting a higher standard for ourselves than others would, while Ms. Davis, being an artist herself, reminded the audience that we are a representative of the African-American community. The Presidential Symposium’s four panel discussions brought to light many issues that HBCU’s deal with on a daily basis, and gave a new perspective on what an HBCU is to its surrounding community. Having speakers from multiple HBCU’s from across the country showed there are also many similarities that can be attributed to the overall experience of an HBCU.

night included up and coming R&B singer Adrian Marcel. He had all of the ladies swaying from left to right as he sang his original songs as well as a few covers. “Adrian Marcel was my favorite part of tonight’s show,” said Tamekia-Terin Taylor, Miss Howard University 2013-2014. “I really hope that people get hip to him.” Ciara closed out the night performing her hits, from “Goodies” all the way to “Body Party.” “Oh my God, Ciara was awesome, she was amazing. I love all of her songs,” said Ashley Mercier, a sophomore at Howard University. Even though students continued to go back and forth on which school was better, the night was filled with HBCU love. “I know we have a rivalry, but it’s always great for us to get together and have a good time,” said Emanuel Waddell, a junior at Morehouse College.


Photo by Shannen Hill, Staff Writer

Fonzworth Bentley and Wendy Raquel Robinson, as they host the AT&T Classic Kickoff pep rally Friday.



Emmy Victor, Campus Editor



Howard vs. Morehouse Debate

Photo by Robyn Hutson

Robyn Hutson Contributing Writer Howard and Morehouse went head to head at the highly anticipated Mordecai Wyatt Johnson-Benjamin Elijah Mays Student Debate this past Friday. The exhibition was held in Cramton Auditorium at 1:00 P.M. and broken into two debates focusing on issues of national security and health care. The first resolution focused on the legitimacy of outweighing an individual’s right to privacy for means of national security. The latter was on whether healthcare is a funda-

mental constitutional right that should be funded by a single-payer federal system. Howard argued the affirmative for both resolutions. Abraham Williamson, a senior, Political Science major and president of the Howard debate team led as Prime Minister. “We’re not saying that privacy doesn’t matter,” he said, but in the interest of U.S. citizens’ safety, he argued, “national security must outweigh individual privacy.” Morehouse’s Emanuel Waddel countered, “This is not about laws. This is about principles.” Referring to the government, Waddel added,

“Do your job, but do it without taking away my rights!” People in the audience were nodding their heads in agreement. It’s apparent that some interpret President Obama’s announcement of increased security as an invasion of privacy and basic rights. Students also turned to Twitter to express their thoughts on the event. While their beliefs leaned both ways, many agreed that Morehouse College had a more effective presentation. “Howard had a good argument, but weak delivery,” said Christopher Cloud, a sophomore, Legal Com-

munications major. There was a surprising shift of momentum for the Howard team during the second debate. Radiah Shabbazz, a senior, Print/Online Journalism major, was the last to speak. Shabbazz, disturbed by Morehouse’s claim that Howard was “going to lose” due to not proving necessary points, exclaimed, “[Howard] will not lose today!” She went further to point out the staggering statistics on those who do not have health insurance and received a thundering applause from the crowd. Although tensions were high in

Pepsi Fan Festival Tailgate Brings Students & Alumni Jasmine Quarles Contributing Writer If you were looking for an affordable way to celebrate the AT&T Nations Football Classic the Pepsi Fan Festival held at the RFK stadium in Lot 5 would have been your best find. As students, alumni, and patrons arrived to RFK stadium via metro or car, the Fan Festival was their first stop. From 11am until 3pm the gates were free and open to the public, for everyone to mingle and explore the various tables. As the loud R&B music blared from the AT&T Soundstage speakers, patrons were presented with tables that included Greek paraphernalia, jewelry and small trinkets, and free sunglasses. The vendors present were proud sponsors AT&T and Pepsi. Along with those were: The Howard University Bookstore, The Department of Howard Alumni Relations, WHBC, BET,

Wells Fargo, Morehouse Maroon Tigers, PSAMaxx.com, UBER, JAP (Jesus Answers Prayers), Thurgood Marshall College Fund, Mary Kay, ABC 7/News Channel 8, Home Depot, Amtrak, and the well-known radio stations in the DMV area: WPGC 95.5, WKYS 93.9, Magic 102.3, and WHUR 96.3. The volunteers were bright with smiles as people crowded around each table. As BET and Wells Fargo handed out fans, you could learn about a downloadable App from UBER in case you were ever in need of a ride from a taxi, town car, or SUV. The Fan Festival was filled with miniature giveaways and opportunities for students, alumni, and other attendees. When the temperatures increased you could maneuver your way over to Pepsi and grab a free sample of soda while waiting for the performance to start. Whether you responded to the call of Howard

University or Morehouse College, the Fan Festival was fair ground. At the BET tent just after the gates opened celebrity Jay Ellis also known as Blue from the BET show “The Game” made the crowd go crazy. “I appreciate the Pepsi Fan Festival and the HU and Morehouse family because it provided a release from studies and gave us a chance to bond,” said LaQuita Howard, junior Advertising major while waiting in line for a photo. Dressed down in a blue button up shirt and yellow pants he sat and signed photos for anxious onlookers and posed for numerous pictures. If you weren’t waiting in line for Jay Ellis then Rita’s was the alternate crowd pleaser. Once the clouds started to pass over and the sun started to beat down on the pavement, the AT&T soundstage introduced Experience Unlimited (E.U) and Mambo


Sauce. The crowd started to sway as a mix of R&B and GoGo began to play through the speakers. With the upcoming performance of Raheem DeVaughn on the horizon the space in front of the stage quickly filled. If you weren’t gathered in the front of the stage then maybe you were drawn to a cheesesteak or waffle from one of the nearby food trucks. Food for the Soul, Cheesesteaks & Speidi, and Capital Chicken and Waffles were some of the food trucks that were posted on the side. Just before Raheem DeVaughn graced the stage, singer Letoya Luckett was escorted by two bodyguards to the BET tent to discuss her show Culture List on Centric TV. Some of the people started to drift away from the tables and congregate in the middle of the pavement when the announcement came across the speakers. Raheem DeVaughn began performing new songs from his upcoming album

the auditorium, both teams were awarded with trophies and commended for their performances. Morehouse and Howard have exceptional debaters and many collective accomplishments. Earlier this year, Howard debated Harvard College and Morehouse was ranked 10th in the nation by the National Parliamentary Debate Association. This year’s Classic motto, “More than a Game”, signifies the real purpose of the annual festivities. Students are able to learn, challenge, and compete with another celebrated HBCU and use their skills to become future leaders, perhaps even with their present opponents. “It’s always a pleasure being here,” said Rodje Malcolm, one of the Morehouse debaters. The sophomore, History and International Studies major was very pleased with his team’s performance, but also understands that there is more significance to the debate than just a rivalry. “The most important thing in our public discourse is reason and we find that a lot of idealism and absolutism dominates our political rhetoric. What a debate like this allows is that we can reduce issues to reason discussion and best decision making. For me it’s important because in the [nation’s] capital, that’s what we need most amongst our leaders.”

“A Place Called LoveLand” as the crowd tuned into the new sound of music the 3oclock hour was quickly approaching. With DeVaughn still on stage those with tickets began to gravitate towards the entrances of the stadium to grab their seats. Although the Nation’s Classic is focused mostly on the football game, the vendors come out every year to give back to the community by offering their free incentives; some like UBER, JAP (Jesus Answers Prayer) Jewelry, Amtrak, and the Thurgood Marshall College fund are some new faces to the Pepsi Fan Festival but fit right in next to the faces of Pepsi, Home Depot, and AT&T. As the Fan Festival came to a close Howard students migrated towards the HUSA tent at the back of Lot 8 to indulge in some free food and light conversation. At the end of the day students, alumni, and patrons left with bags full of surprising new gifts.



Have any ideas for the campus section?? Interested in writing for the Campus section?!? Email: campus@thehilltoponline.com REMEMBERING SEPTEMBER 11, 2001 Photo by Taylor Middlebrook Photography

Howard University Student Named Miss Black Michigan 2014 Tasia Hawkins Staff Writer Angel Mills, a senior Broadcast Journalism major at the university from Detroit, Michigan, has been crowned Miss Black Michigan 2014. Next August she will compete against winners from around the country in the Miss Black USA pageant. Mills created the platform ‘Ladies must Lead’ to encourage young girls to be leaders. Through her platform, Angel will work with D.C. and Detroit area high schools implementing sessions on professional dress and interview prep. She will also work with the American Association of University Women to encourage young women to run for office. When Mills originally learned about the Miss Black USA competition, she wanted to compete to represent D.C., but decided to use the opportunity to make a positive impact on her hometown of Detroit. Miss Black USA is more than just a pageant- it aims to develop the


“whole woman, mind, body, and spirit.” Black queens are required to participate in community service, serve as ambassadors for their communities, and travel with the organization before the final pageant. In this upcoming year, Mills looks forward to completing her service commitment and bringing important issues to the forefront of her community. On campus, Angel also serves as cocoordinator of the program “Elect Her: Howard Women Win,” is a member of the Independence Fund Appropriations committee, a fellow for the Management Leadership for Tomorrow program, and a part of Annenberg Honors Program in the School of Communications.

September 11, 2001, marked a day in America when the lives of many were altered forever. Tragically, countless individuals lost their lives, and many continue to suffer from physical and emotional scars that still affect their livelihood. Despite the crisis situation, many men and women rose to the occasion in aide of the suffering; we thank and celebrate each of them for their courage, bravery, and compassion. As we take this time to remember those whose lives were touched by the tragedy of 9/11, the Office of the Dean of the Chapel is open for silent prayer and members of the Chapel staff are available on the lower level of the Carnegie Building for anyone who needs to talk, wants a shoulder, or needs support.

“I think having a clear purpose behind my desire to be Miss Black Michigan helped to put me over the edge,” said Mills. “I would encourage all students to challenge themselves to pursue both on-campus and external opportunities to develop themselves.”



Metro Dancing For Those Who Can’t

Saryn Francis Contributing Writer At just six months old, doctors found Olivia Grace Jones had an enlarged heart. She was transported to Children’s National Medical Center in Washington, DC, where she was diagnosed with cardiomyopathy, Her heart was slowly deteriorating and would eventually fail. Olivia spent 100 days at Children’s National waiting for a new hear; her family by her side every day. Just after her first birthday, she received the best present of all- a new heart. Now 9, in addition to celebrating her own birthday every year, Olivia also celebrates her heart donor’s birthday, a little girl whose memory and spirit still lives on through Olivia.

children,” said Syreeta Crawford, a senior biology major and president of Phi Delta Epsilon. Carina Felix, a junior biology major and chair of the Children’s Miracle Network and Executive Chair of Meccathon, has been dancing since the age of 3 in various different genres such as jazz, African, ballet, and calypso. However, dancing this time will have a much greater purpose. “This time I’ll be dancing for the smiles, laughter, good times,” Felix said. “And, most importantly, the unbelievably courageous kids who aren’t able to. To relieve the burdens from these children and their families and replace it with excitement and hope, even if just for a day, is, by far, the best reason ever to put on my dancing shoes.”

Keneisha Deas, Metro Editor



A Celebration of Diversity: Adams Morgan Day Keneisha Deas Metro Editor Hundreds, if not thousands of people gather in Adams Morgan to partake in the annual neighborhood festival, Adams Morgan Day, held every 2nd Sunday in September. The festival stretched from Florida Ave. to Columbia Rd. on Eighteenth Street and featured live performances, vendors for food, handmade jewelry, and vintage clothing. Since 1978, Adams Morgan Day is celebrated to reflect the diversity of the city in D.C., with many residents taking great pride in the city’s culture. “This is my neighborhood, and I’m very dedicated to my neighborhood. I’ve been coming here for years and years, and this is the first time I’ve been a volunteer,” said Craig Karp, 61, a volunteer for Adams Morgan Day, and resident of Adams Morgan. “It’s reflective a little bit of Washington’s evolution. It’s not many cops out here, because it’s a very peaceful event. There have been times when it was not such a

Kids like Olivia are the many Meccathon, will be in the Spring of reasons why Dance Marathon has become a nationwide movement for 2014 in the ballroom of the Amour J. Blackburn Center on Howard Children’s Miracle Network HosUniversity’s campus. All proceeds pitals. With more than 300 Dance will benefit the Children’s National Marathons across the country, colMedical Center, less than one mile lege students are raising funds and from Howard University’s campus. awareness for their local Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals with the Located right across the reservoir, Children’s National is the premier goal of bringing a11, brighter future to September 2001, marked a pediatric day incare America when provider of in the kids everywhere. the lives of many were altered Tragically, Washington, forever. DC, treating more than 300,000 patients each year. many individuals lost their lives, and At countless Children’s National, the local


Children’s Miracle Network Hoscontinue to suffer from physical and emotional scars All organizations on campus are pital for greater Washington, DC, encouraged to participate in MecthatMarathon still affect their Dance funds help pay livelihood. Despite the crisis Throughout the event, for the area of greatest need, such situation, many mencaThon. and women rose to the participants learn a “morale dance” as uncompensated care and comoccasion in aide of thethatsuffering; welimber thank serves to keep them as and munity support. Last year with the they stay on their feet for 12 hours celebrate each of them for their courage, bravery, help of Dance Marathons, Chiland is an outward symbol of the dren’s National provided more thancompassion. and campus uniting for the kids.

peaceful event, so I would say there has been progress,” said Karp. “Then, of course you know that Adams Morgan is a very popular place among Howard students, so we’re very happy to see that happening,” said Karp. Juels Bland, 23, from Silver Springs, MD was one of the performers and also a first time attendee to the festival. “I got involved with one of the guys running it, and [he] invited me to play. The crowd was receptive and this is probably the biggest crowd I’ve ever played for by myself. So, I was pretty surprised I got this,” said Bland. Not only does Adams Morgan Day serve as a venue for food and entertainment, but also an opportunity for business, and political ground for politicians implementing their platform for the upcoming mid-term election in 2014. A few tents featured campaign supporters for Jim Graham to become reelected for Councilman in Ward 1, and Muriel Bowser for Mayor. Renee Prioleau, a Howard alumna, was one of the many

vendors at the festival. While she’s been in school, she’s never heard of Adams Morgan Day but is now a regular attendee. “I’ve been coming to Adams Morgan Day for the past seven to eight years. My first introduction into the event was a vendor. I am a jewelry designer, and this is a wonderful venue for the artists to come out and present their work to develop a clientele and a marketplace, “ said Prioleau. “Even though there are times when I will not be participating as a artisan, it is still a fun event to enjoy the food, the culture, arts and crafts, and the people. It’s a real nice event to bridge the gap between the two seasons”, said Prioleau. Historically Adams Morgan is named after the desegregation of two elementary schools, an all-White school named John Quincy Adams Elementary, and an all-Black school, Thomas P. Morgan Elementary. The future of that vision of diversity could not ring any more true, than the celebration of Adams Morgan Day.

CELEBRATING YOM KIPPUR As the Jewish community enters into this Sabbath rest, The Office of the Dean of the Chapel recognizes and congratulates the continued observance of a rich and fruitful tradition.

$100 million in community benefit services, including $50 million in uncompensated care and $6 million for research projects. As we take this time to

“This is a chance for students to meet new people,” said 2013 Howremember those whose lives ard alumni, Alexandria Wells. “We want everyone mix and mingle werestudents touched byyearthe tragedy of to 9/11, the Office of College spend the amongst each other.” planning and raising funds for their is open for silent prayer and the Dean of the Chapel Dance Marathons. At the main members of the ChapelFormer staff arefrom available patients Children’s on the event on campus, they stay on their National, like Olivia, will lower level of the Building forvisit anyone who feet for four to forty-six hoursCarnegie to to share their stories throughout show their support for local kids. needs to talk, wants a shoulder, or needs the night and dance along with support. In the Dance Marathon world, students. they say they “stand for those who can’t.” “When you hear the stories of the children you are dancing for, your This spring, Howard University morale will go up and you won’t will host its first Dance Marathon, want to stop dancing for anything, ” “Meccathon,” planned by Howard Wells said. University’s DC Alpha Chapter of Phi Delta Epsilon International Medical Fraternity the Howard University Undergraduate Student Association, and the Howard University Student Association. “It is really important for us to live up to our standard to giving back to our local community and to be a care taker and care giver to sick

To register and begin fundraising, visit the official Meccathon website, www.Meccathon.org. For more information on how you can be a part of Meccathon, contact Carina Felix at Meccathon. dm@gmail.com.

Yom Kippur, meaning “Day of Atonement,” is the most important holiday of the Jewish year. This day is set aside for attending synagogue services and enter into fasting.




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Maya Cade, L&S Editor

Black Cinema Gems

find it on Netflix or Amazon.com. Moolaadé, Ousmane Sembéne, (2004) Ousmane Sembéne is arguably the greatest, most renowned African filmmaker, and his 2004 masterpiece is one of his best. Now I know I’ll lose a few readers when I say that Moolaadé concerns female genital mutilation. For those who haven’t stopped reading, I’ll say such a brutal subject also perturbed me. However, I was unprepared for the comedy, warmth, and beauty of his film. It is a stirring statement on injustice, but it is also a buoyant affirmation of humanity in the face of cruelty. Anyone who braves its harsh subject matter will be in for a vision of singular brilliance. You can view it on Netflix or order off Amazon.com.

via Flickr.com, sfdavid

Marc Rivers Contributing Writer By now I’m sure you all have seen Do the Right Thing (if not, stop reading right now and go watch it). You’ve seen things like Boyz N the Hood, Love and Basketball and Precious. And today it is all but impossible to avoid the work of Tyler Perry (though I do my best). African-American cinema is so rich with small and forgotten gems that I’d be remiss if I didn’t try to shed some light on some lesser-known films, films no less accomplished than those of Spike Lee and Lee Daniels (and in a couple cases more accomplished). The filmmakers of these five films have sought to portray black characters with a spark of authenticity and feeling. They work outside of the straining Hollywood machine, determined to tell it like it is and not how a major studio might want it. I would suggest to the thoughtful viewer to search them out, as each one provides a unique and artful depiction of African and African-American life that may prove more impactful than what gets more attention in the mainstream bubble. Killer of Sheep, Charles Burnett (1977) This one may prove hard to find (though it may be ordered off Amazon.com), but for those who do, they will see a film unlike any other. Writer/director Charles Burnett submitted this eloquent, small budget portrait of an African-American family in Watts, LA as his M.F.A. thesis project at UCLA. Obscured from view for decades because Burnett could not secure rights to the


music for the film (costing higher than the film’s actual budget), it was re-released in 2007 and garnered extraordinary praise from major critics at Time Magazine, The New York Times, and elsewhere. A jewel of American filmmaking, Killer of Sheep’s lyrical visuals, pared down style, and use of non professional actors were compared to the neo-realist works of Italy in the 40s, films defined by their raw immediacy and realism. For budding filmmakers, it will prove a great lesson in vividly evoking a time, place, and state of mind with the simplest of tools and techniques. For the rest of us, it will prove a potent tale of the have-nots in an unforgiving world. Daughters of the Dust, Julie Dash (1991) In 1991, John Singleton made waves with his formidable debut Boyz N the Hood. Simultaneously, a 39-year -old Julie Dash quietly became the first African American woman to release a full-length feature with her small family drama Daughters of the Dust. A story of three generations of African-Americans living on a Southern, offshore island in 1902, Dash eschews much of the melodrama of most family films by focusing more on mood and feeling. It is a tale of family remembrance, the persistence that defined those who were first enslaved in America, and the importance of our memories. With lush photography, colorful costumes, and a rich use of language (combining English with African languages and a French patois), Daughters of the Dust was a huge critical smash at the Sundance Film Festival and will prove an emotionally rewarding experience for any viewer. You can

Medicine for Melancholy, Barry Jenkins (2008) Also on Amazon and Netflix is Barry Jenkins’ thoughtful and assured debut about two twenty somethings (played by comedian Wyatt Cenac and Tracy Heggins) in San Francisco who, after a onenight stand, spend the day together. In an age of Tyler Perry’s caricatures and Lee Daniels’ lurid style, Medicine for Melancholy stands out as a simple yet smart observation on class, race, and culture while also featuring black characters that don’t seem to embody stereotypes or ideas. They’re just regular people. Who would’ve thought? Beautifully desaturated cinematography, charismatic performances, and a cool soundtrack propel this quiet, poignant mood piece. Those looking for a lot of action should skip, but those looking for black characters that actually seem to belong to the world we live in should give it a watch. Pariah, Dees Rees (2011) Dees Rees, like Mr. Jenkins, is another young black filmmaker at the infancy of her career showing remarkable talent early on with her first feature. Vibrantly photographed by Howard alumnus Bradford Young, Pariah tells the story of a young, black lesbian, played by wonderful newcomer Adepero Oduye (who will be seen in Steve McQueen’s 12 Years a Slave later this year), struggling with her identity and budding sexuality, while her parents dance around the reality of their daughter’s life. Modest in narrative yet rich in feeling, Pariah will resonate with any viewer who has struggled with identity, family, and the violent tempest that is adolescence.




The Legend is Back! Siniyah Smith Staff Writer John Legend adds a little more sizzle to September with his new album release entitled, Love In The Future. With Legend taking a five-year hiatus from the studio; fans were anxious to hear his new sound of R&B. Just based on the title of the album we get an invitation to the story of his newfound love interests. The songs on Love In The Future are a collection about Legend’s plan to venture into plans of a new marriage to model Chrissy Teigen this fall. It is clear that this new album has inspired not only his fans, but also his new relationship. From various strings to traditional acoustics, the album constructs an elegant concept. The artwork of the album is very simple but classy, with three bloomed red carnations on a blank background. From the beginning to the very end, the themes of the album are love and classic romance. Love In The Future was released on September 3, 2013 and is Legend’s fourth solo album. It includes 16 tracks filled with varied melodies and vocals accompanied by a smooth and sexy beat. The album has a classic rock and blues music influence. Legend incorporates a grown and

sexy vibe for his older audience. If listeners did not know about his new relationship, they definitely will after listening to his new album. Love In The Future features Florida rapper Rick Ross, upcoming singer Stacy Barthe, and musical icon Seal. “It was time for some new music, so we’re ready to go,” said Legend during a Good Morning America interview with Robin Roberts. New music is exactly what he gave us with his new album. Legend brings aboard several significant producers such as Kanye West, James Fauntleroy, 88-Keys, Hitboy, Q-Tip, and Pharell to help with the construction of the album. The album’s vintage soulful vibe is intertwined with today’s new era R&B, with the inclusion of the electronic beats and sound effects. John Legend is known for being a triple threat; he not only sings, but also writes lyrics and plays piano as well. It is evident that Legend is capable of producing quality music for his fans while still maintaining his personal life. It is quite refreshing to have an artist that can adapt and grow with the constantly changing music industry, but yet remain true to himself. John Legend’s newest masterpiece, Love In The Future just might make its’ way to the top of music charts. The Legend is indeed back.

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Howard Gets Three-peat Khari Arnold Sports Editor

For the third consecutive year, Howard (1-1) defeated Morehouse (0-1) in the AT&T Nation’s Football Classic at RFK Stadium last Saturday. While the final score of the previous two match-ups were separated by just four points, Howard took control early and seized a 27-16 victory before a crowd of 17,012 people. Quarterback Greg McGhee received his second AT&T Nation’s Football Classic MVP after going 21-of-27 for 242 yards and three touchdowns. “Greg did an outstanding job,” said interim head coach Rayford Petty. “He understands the game so well that he could actually call the game himself if he had to.” Along with the exceptional quarterback play was a defense that recorded 9 sacks, an interception, and 14 tackles for a loss. After a first quarter of two field goals by each team, Howard’s first play of the second quarter was a 20-yard touchdown pass from McGhee to freshman running back Anthony Philyaw in the corner of the end-zone, extending the lead to 10-3. Less than a minute later, junior cornerback Ademola Olatunji intercepted Morehouse quarterback Joshua Harris on the Bison 38-yard line. McGhee led the offense into red-zone territory again after a 20yard pass to junior wideout Richard Aiyegoro and a 31-yard pass to senior wideout Brandon Flanagan. The team capped off the drive with a 33-yard field goal by John Fleck, giving the Bison a doubledigit, 13-3 lead. “We tried to get back to the ball as fast as possible and catch [Morehouse] in coverages that we wanted,” said McGhee, who believes the fast-paced style of offense was instrumental to the team’s success Saturday.

“We beat a lot of teams with our tempo. That’s what all our conditioning is for after practice,” continued the junior Pittsburgh, Pa. native. McGhee and offensive coordinator Ted White were able to run a successful hurry-up offense as Howard’s time of possession was 24:54 compared to Morehouse’s 35:06. With less than two minutes in the first half, Howard extended its lead to 20-3 off a 27-yard strike from McGhee to sophomore wide receiver Matthew Colvin. Colvin finished the game with 3 receptions for 57 yards to go along with the touchdown. The Maroon Tigers attempted to score before the end of the half but Howard’s staunch defense continued to plague Morehouse’s offense, ending the half with a sack by defensive end Marques Blanchard. “It was just relentless effort and discipline defense,” said senior linebacker Tabrian Resby, who finished the game with nine tackles and two sacks. The pressure on the quarterback was effective throughout the game as the Morehouse backfield was continuously replete with Bison. The defensive effort from the front seven and the secondary was communal as Harris was held to just one pass for more than 15 yards. “Good job by the secondary to hold tight so the pressure could be a factor,” Resby continued. Morehouse received to start the second half but was still ineffective as the defense forced a three-andout. Midway through the third quarter, McGhee completed a 26-yard pass to junior wide receiver Rodney “DJ” Tyson, imposing a 27-3 lead. “The touchdown was huge, it was a post across the middle. It was a good play call and throw by Greg,” said Tyson. With 49 seconds remaining in the third quarter, Morehouse scored the


Khari Arnold, Sports Editor


Photo by AllPro Photo

team’s first touchdown of the game on a nine-yard pass from Harris to Brandon Sartin, trimming the deficit to 27-9 due to a missed extra point. After a Howard punt, the Maroon Tigers capped off a 90-yard drive with a touchdown run for three yards by running back Shelton

Hamilton. The score reduced the deficit to an 11-point game, as Howard led 27-16 with 10:06 remaining in regulation. Howard gave up an 11-point lead in the second half last week against Eastern Michigan, but the defense was able to sustain Morehouse’s momentum as well as any late-game

heroics. The Howard victory was the sixth consecutive win over Morehouse, extending the overall series record to 23-10-2.

Lady Bison Lose in Overtime Thriller

Nile Kendall Contributing Writer

The women’s soccer team took on Wagner College in a non-conference showdown at William H. Greene Stadium on Friday night. After picking up the first win of the season against Virginia Military Institute, the Lady Bison came into the dual against the undefeated Wagner team with a 1-1-1 record and four injuries on the roster. Immediately, Howard felt the impact of the Wagner offensive front, as they penetrated Howard’s goal several times before finally scoring


in the ninth minute of the first half. Despite the slow start for Howard, the team was able to stay close in large part due to the incredible play of Bison goalkeeper Kyra Dickinson, who had 11 saves in the game. In the 20th minute of the first half, Howard was finally able to find a crease in Wagner’s defense as junior midfielder Nia Walcott broke away from the pack and was able to tap the ball to freshman forward Zion Clarke, who kicked it in for the goal. The teams went into the half tied at one, but not before freshman forward Jaelin Etierre White suffered a

crushing knee injury on the far right sideline.

able to score off an assist from the left corner and take the lead at 2-1.

In the second half, the injury bug struck again as two Howard midfielders went down. The team was forced to call in backup goalkeeper Natasha Moore to play midfield. Despite the numerous injuries, Howard continued to run the field toe to toe with their opponents.

With just three minutes left in the game, Walcott lined up to kick another corner kick. This time, the Lady Bison would convert as freshman forward Elaina Ringo was able to boot the ball in off of a deflection from her teammate.

In the 20th minute of the second half, Howard came within inches of scoring off of a corner kick from Walcott, but was just barely denied by Wagner goalkeeper Katie Marcy. In the 25th minute, Wagner was


Howard and Wagner entered a firstteam-to-score overtime period. It was the team’s first overtime game this season, however, Wagner was clearly the fresher team as they kept control of the ball for the majority of the 10 minute period. After three

saves from Dickinson, Wagner was finally able to score off of a corner kick by Megan Fritz in the final minute of overtime, making for a very tough 2-3 loss for Howard. Assistant Coach Barney Joseph was disappointed with the result, but pleased with the effort of players. “The whole entire coaching staff is proud of the way the girls played tonight,” Joseph said. “Unfortunately, we came out on the wrong side of this one.”



Dear Alma Mater: Rescind the Ban on Alumnus Malik Zulu Shabazz Jonathan W. Hutto, Sr. Howard Alumnus As an organizer for the Prince Georges County Maryland People’s Coalition, I received a letter of invite from the National Chairman of the New Black Panther Party (NBPP) andConvener of the Million Youth March/Black Family ConventionAttorney Malik Zulu Shabazz to participate in this mass mobilization and teach-in to be held in New York City September 5th- 8th. A mass rally will take place on Saturday September 7th in Harlem. The Million Youth March organizing committee has a 7-point program of action which includes strengthening the Black family, a national truce amongst our gang and street organizations, education and culture, Black Economics, Health and Wellness with a strong focus on eradicating police brutality and racism within our communities. I have always admired the work and dedication of Attorney Shabazz for the liberation of Black people. His commitment came into my consciousness during my junior year of high school in 1994. As a Howard University law student, he chaired Unity Nation -- an activist student organization on campus. It was April 19, 1994 that Unity Nation hosted the “Black Holocaust Conference” at Howard University’s Crampton Auditorium to document the crimes against humanity historically and presently taking place against Black people in America and throughout the world. This conference, streamed live on CSPAN was a watershed event post the Civil Rights era with Black scholars and activists such as the late Dr. Tony Martin of Wellesley College, Dr. Leonard Jeffries of City College in New York along with the late Dr. Khallid Abdul Muhammad of the Nation of Islam (NOI). This event coupled with Howard’s tradition of producing leadership for America and the global community inspired me to send in my admission application. Upon arriving on campus fall 1995, I attended my first political rally hosted by Unity Nation at Scripture Cathedral Church in Washington, DC for the Million Man March. Unity Nation had become a mass base community organization hosting political rallies with luminaries such as poet activist scholarAmiri Baraka. As a sophomore fall of 1996, in conjunction withRev. Jesse Louis Jackson’s call for a national boycott of Texaco for its discrimination practices, I participated in a Unity Nation sponsored shut down of the Texaco gas station formerly on Georgia Avenue across from the

Howard University Medical School. These events impacted me politically. That same year I would be elected an Advisory Neighborhood Commissioner in district government and President of the Howard University Student Association (HUSA) the following semester. Nevertheless, despite the consciousness and political activism Shabazz brought to Howard students and the greater DC community, his work would become the political target of organizations such as the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) which charged Shabazz with being an anti-Semite based on his association and work with the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan and many of his top ministers including Dr. Khallid Muhammad a past national spokesman. Upon receiving his law degree in 1995, under the leadership of President H. Patrick Swygert, Howard University issued a banning notice to Attorney Shabazz legally barring him from the premises of the campus. Almost twenty years later, despite being an alumnus of the undergraduate school of Arts and Sciences and the Law School, Shabazz cannot physically set foot anywhere within the university proper. Shabazz was not the only victim of President Swygert’s draconian policy and attempts to stifle debate and discussion of critical issues on campus in the middle late 1990’s. Nation of Islam Student Minister David Muhammad, then a Howard University undergraduate student and writer for the Hilltop Newspaper, also received a banning notice. This notice was based on suspicion Muhammad inspired a student protest against an ADL sponsored class on campus. A year earlier, Muhammad wrote an editorial in the Hilltop Newspaper lambasting the ADLand its posture towards Black leaders critical of Israel’s foreign policy. The banning of Muhammad sparked student protests spring 1997. One of my first acts as HUSA President summer of 1997 was to lobby then Vice President for Student Affairs Dr. Steve Favors to lift the ban on Muhammad. The ban was lifted and Muhammad moved on from Howard providing leadership to incarcerated youth serving as Deputy Commissioner of Probation in New York City and Chief Probation Officer for Alameda County in California. Shabazz comes in the best tradition of Howard graduates that have used their education towards the liberation of oppress and marginalize people. The most notable Howard example is 1964 alumnus Kwame Ture (aka Stokley Carmichael). On February 17, 1998, Ture

Cameron Clarkson, Opinions Editor gave his last fire side chat to the Howard student body from Andrew Rankin Memorial Chapel. He challenged us that night to take our intelligence and give it to the people as he and many of his colleagues did a generation prior through the Student Non-Violent Coordinating Committee (SNCC). Ture gave voice and analysis to the cry for “Black Power” which grew out of the southern Civil Rights struggle. Ture along with others such as the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. would become the targets of FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover’s Counter Intelligence program (COINTELPRO) designed to destabilize the Civil Rights and Vietnam AntiWar Movements. Hoover believed Ture had the greatest potential for becoming a “Black messiah” unifying the Black militant movement withinthe United States during the 1960’s. As the undergraduate student representative to the Board of Trustees fall 1998, I recommended Ture be honored with an Honorary Doctorate for his service to humanity. I submitted the recommendation a month before he transitioned from this life November 1998. Howard University honored him posthumously that year with his mother Mae Charles Carmichael receiving the degree on behalf of the movement. Ture opposed all forms of oppression including the occupation and human rights abuses against the Palestinian people. Despite his advocacy and being a target of reactionary forces globally, alma mater never ostracized him from campus or prevented any student group from hosting him as a speaker. Our HUSA administration (1997-98) was the last student government to host brother Kwame. A university should be a place where inquiry, discussion and debate of all ideas is welcomed and embraced. The role of a university should be to educate and not simply train students to meet the demands of global capital. Howard University recently hosted Republican Senator Rand Paul spring 2013 for a talk in the School of Business. There were student and faculty forces protesting the appearance of Paul based on past statements against the Civil Rights Act. I was not among those forces protesting Paul’s appearance. I believe a university must be a place for higher learning not thought control. The students represented Howard well that day challenging Paul on a host of issues both foreign and domestic. If the university can welcome Senator Rand Paul, surely we canwelcome home an alumnus who has dedicated his life to the uplift of Black people the world over. Lift the ban on Attorney Malik Zulu Shabazz! O Howard, we sing of thee.




Syria: Humanity Versus Empire Osceola Ulimwengu Contributing Writer

At this moment, president Obama is awaiting Congressional approval to launch “limited” airstrikes onto Syrian targets in response to President Assad’s alleged use of chemical weapons. The U.S.’ requests for action in the small Middle Eastern country have been categorically rebuffed by the U.N. and many of its participating members. Nonetheless, Obama has continued in his pursuit of administrable “justice,” which can apparently only come in the form of military action. Many are baffled by the President’s seeming bloodlust, but they should not be. As the head of a faltering empire, Obama is pining to exert dominance over the rest of the world in the best way he knows how; military might. It is the function of any empire to cloak its brutal displays of force under the guise of righteousness and moral rectitude. The empire strategically dilutes complex cultures and identities into a visage of pure savagery easily digested by its fear gripped citizens. In a strange turn of events, indiscriminant bombings, leveling of cities, and the loss of innocent mothers, fathers, brothers and daughters become necessary to stop the spread of “evil.” America is an empire, and it has been prescribing its tainted conceptions of justice for too long. It was America that ascended to its status as an empire by engaging in the wholesale enslavement of our Ancestors. America tried to cleave African people of their humanity,

using brute force and its “justice” system to conscribe them to lives of servitude and misery. It was America the empire that dropped the atomic bomb on Hiroshima with no regard for those below. Cherry blossom patterned Kimonos blazed into the flesh of young girls who would never see their loved ones again. It was America the empire that dropped Agent Orange, the most toxic substance known to man, onto the verdant forests of Vietnam. The defoliating agent has literally destroyed generations and left a resource strapped nation to deal with accompanying birth defects and infertility. These are only a small sample of the atrocities committed by the American empire, an empire that we as African people are not a part of. As victims themselves, our ancestors combatted American hegemony and oppression the world over. Through their actions and fervent commitment to real justice, our Ancestors posited themselves as the purveyors of humanity. It was our Ancestors who nobly resisted the commodification of human life and liberated themselves from enslavement after centuries of unending struggle. It was our Ancestors who reached out to the Hibakusha or atomic bomb survivors and demanded an end to nuclear warfare. It was our Ancestors who vehemently refused to serve in the Vietnam War because, as Ali so eloquently stated “No Vietcong ever called me a nigger.” So, as the president continues to call for “military intervention” in Syria, an act that will undoubtedly lead to the death of innumerable innocents, to which legacy of justice are you beholden: that of the hegemonic empire or that of your righteous Ancestors?

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Week of September 9, 2013

Monday 9/9

Tuesday 9/10

Wednesday 9/11

Otherwise Engaged Blue My Mind Dress to Impress Mandatory Intake meeting Myth Buster Workshop Leadership Workshop Cramton Auditorium Blackburn Digital Auditorium Blackburn Forum Room 6:30 p.m 7 p.m. 7 p.m. Bros in the Cafe Blackburn Cafe 7 p.m.

Tempation Island II Blackburn Forum 8 p.m.

Tuesday: "Fighting for Survival" Anti-violence Petition Signing Lower Lever Blackburn, 12-2 P.M. Anti-Violence Panel Discussion: Hilltop Lounge, 7:25PM


Money on My Mind Blackburn Gallery Lounge 7 p.m. "Double-Tap: Game Night" Blackburn Game Room: 7:25PM

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