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I am SO sorry this happened. I want you to know that your work is so appreciated. Your writing is terrific. You should not ever have been made to feel that your artwork wasn’t good enough, because everything you create is so much better than good. It’s FANTASTIC. This photo is incredible, and the fact that you went so far out of your way to take it is above and beyond anything anyone could ever ask. We want to honor it properly now, and I can only say that I regret that it took so long for us to do so. I do not expect forgiveness, but I hope this at least makes things a little better.

Love, Star



Overdue Correction Dear Readers, It has been brought to our attention that an awful mistake has occurred and we are going to set it right at last. In the Summer 2019 edition of The Quibbler, a beloved staff member and wonderful writer, /u/meddleofmycause, created an excellent article, titled “The Curious Case of Qualupik”. It was meant to be paired with an AMAZING photo of Denali, which you will find on the front cover of this issue. Sadly, a glitch in our system prevented this from occurring. The beautiful photo, taken by Meddle herself, was mistakenly misplaced and a stock image was provided in its stead. Since this time, we have issued other corrections and this error, which we take full responsibility for, has not been rectified. It’s time that we fix this, and I would like to present our reprinting of “The Curious Case of Qualupik” with its proper artwork, and offer full apologies to Meddle.

I would also like to offer my sincerest apologies. This shouldn’t have happened once, let alone multiple times. As production manager it’s my job to pay attention to the details and present all articles as the authors intended, but unfortunately due to my own carelessness I overlooked your artwork not once, but twice. I deeply regret the hurt I have caused. I know it doesn’t change what happened, but we have created a better system for reporting and logging mistakes which will hopefully prevent this from happening again. Thank you for all the wonderful contributions you’ve made to The Quibbler. Best wishes, Kackel ------------------------------------------------------------Meddle, I really want to start off by not only apologizing, but also letting you know that what happened? Well, it sucked. I actually remember you submitting this image. I remember it because we didn’t really have a system in place at the time for if someone submitted a writing piece and had it marked for not needing artwork, and then later changed their mind. It’s something we fixed after that issue, and I had made a note. I didn’t check. I didn’t go to make sure that your image was included, and as the Art Director? I failed you.

One of the things that I’ve been trying to get more of for the last year is photography. I absolutely love photography and I feel like it’s something that’s not represented enough in The Quibbler, and I was hoping that photo would help pave the way for other photographers to submit pieces. With something like that, something that was important to both of us, I should have ensured it made it in.

I regret that I didn’t. I regret that not only did it make it in once, but it happened multiple times.

Not having it built into our system isn’t an excuse. Spreadsheets will change, update, and things will get wonky. We can do everything to help modify the spreadsheet, as it very much is a constantly changing entity, but communication errors are easily rectified by simply having a conversation.

While I can’t undo the past issues, it has helped ensure that it doesn’t happen again. The spreadsheet has been modified and updated in countless ways to ensure better communication between the departments. We’re all active on discord, which has afforded for easier communication there as well. This has shown us where we were weakest in handling new situations, and I like to think we’ve stepped up. We have more checks and balances now, and it’s something that we wouldn’t have had otherwise. It’s unfair that it was you that this happened to, it’s unfair that it happened at all, but we’re doing what we can to ensure it never happens to anyone again.

Your work is always appreciated. Your photography is wonderful. I love that you went above and beyond to provide such a lovely photo that should have been showcased properly.

I hope this helps.

With adoration, Sin

The Curious Case of Qualupik

by MeddleofmyCause

Alaska is the northernmost state of the United States of America; a wild land known for cold, darkness, and bears randomly jumping out at runners to eat them. Though many muggles have found their way to Alaska (including the highest concentration of muggle mass-murderers in the world!) Most Wizards have not thought of making Alaska their vacation destination. The Wizarding village of Qualupik, Alaska would like to change that!

The Quibbler was invited by Qualupik mayor, Clint Koornet, to visit the remote village located in the middle of Denali National Park this January. With only 100 residents during winter, Qualupik is one of the smallest wizarding villages in the world. The village is almost impossible to access by muggle means, keeping it well-concealed along the back of the McKinley River. Though the average temperature in the nearest city of Fairbanks during the month of January is -15° Fahrenheit, and the sun is only up in the sky for two hours a day, this reporter thought “What the heck,” and hopped the nearest international Portkey to the frozen wasteland. After going through customs and then taking another portkey into Qualupik, the first noticeable thing was the complete lack of frostbite! In fact, though the temperature in nearby Fairbanks was in the -40° 's, Qualupik was in the high 80's. And though the Sun hadn’t even risen above the Arctic Circle for 2019 yet, Qualupik had 14 hours of artificial sunlight, with an hour-long sunrise and sunset. The village truly felt like a tropical escape in the middle of one of the harshest winter climates on earth.

I was greeted by Mayor Koornet at city hall, who handed me a pina colada and helped me remove my parka and mukluks that I had picked up in the Alaskan hub of Anchorage, in anticipation for a snowy arrival. After I had removed my extra layers, I was treated to an exciting tour of the town. The residents of Qualupik are predominately of Athabascan heritage, which was very apparent through the tour. Most of the buildings were made of logs, with moss roofs atop them. Though never in my life did I think I would see women walking around in moose-hide bikinis, that’s exactly what I saw in Qualupik, made in the traditional Athabascan way and beaded with love and magic. Most of the village are homes - but they do have a tribal hall where most village events take place, a small chapel, a hotel, a store, and a water park. The hotel and water park are located slightly to the left of the main village but are still built in the traditional Athabascan way.

I had the honor of meeting Granny Shirley - one of the village elders, who teaches traditional magic to the children of the village. “Now-adays, most children go on to learn magic at Ilvermorny, but I make sure that when they come home to Alaska they have the opportunity to learn the traditional magic as well. During the winter, the village is just the elders and some adults, but in the summer this village is overrun with children and laughter and fun. This is the place for children to learn about their heritage

and the magic that runs through their blood. Children from all over Alaska end up in this village, whether their family comes from Steven’s Village or Houslia, all magical Alaskan children are given a way back to their heritage in Qualupik.”

I sat with Granny Shirley as she showed me some traditional Alaskan beadwork, including a lovely Parka with beaver-trim. When I asked why they would need a parka in such a warm place, she laughed and informed me that Qualupik had not always been the tropical land that I saw around me. In fact, a mere 11 winters ago Qualupik was in the -70°'s for an entire week straight. When asked what had caused such a dramatic change, Granny Shirley instructed me to go seek out the Mayor and ask him. So after getting another pina colada, away I went.

The Mayor had his office in the tribal hall, and the chairs were made of a soft birch wood. At 32, Mayor Koornet was nothing like who I expected a mayor to be. He lounged around in moose-hide shorts with a long sinew and bead necklace around his neck. His long black hair was loosely braided, and his flip-flops were made of moose-hide and sinew. His wand-holster at his side looked like it could easily conceal a dagger, and at the end of his wand was a carved raven. He looked like a combination of a war chief ready to lead his tribe into battle and a surfer about to catch the next big wave; his personality entirely matched his clothing.

The Mayor told me about growing up in Alaska, an area which works hard to keep their native traditions alive. The children of Qualupik came from all the villages of interior Alaska, and when they received their Ilvermorny letters they would begin to spend their winters away at school and their summers away at Qualupik; mostly only visiting their home villages for a couple of weeks three times a year. In some ways, the children become more connected to their roots, learning the native Alaskan magic that was harnessed without wands. Mayor Koornet spoke about warming charms as an example; how they learn to harness them, use them, and imbue them into their clothing.

When asked about the warming charms used in the city, Mayor Koornet spoke about tapping into the underground hot springs, pulling the heat from the earth’s crusts and bringing it to ground level. “You don’t understand how hard it is living in Qualupik during winter. Traditionally, Alaskans live in family units. The families are very close here in the winter, spending their time indoors telling stories and singing songs, but when the children are sent away to boarding school it's still too cold to go out and hunt or fish. The adults were getting depressed. We decided to fix it. Some heating charms were used and suddenly the children leaving isn’t traumatic, because we get to stay in our beach resort. It’s really helped bring the community together.”

When asked about the climbing temperatures around the world and the fact that the state has seen a severe weather change in the past few years, Mayor Koornet was quick to discount the heating charms as a cause. “The muggles are very clear that pollution and the burning of fossil fuels is causing global warming, not a few wizards changing the temperature in the Arctic.”

Though the mayor seems sure that global warming has nothing to do with the village of Qualupik, this reporter would like to remind our readers that multiple scientists have come out against excessive heating charms, and no science has been able to account for why the glaciers are melting at such an alarming rate.

A quick trip to the water park and my time at Qualupik was at an end. Though the village is a unique and interesting place to visit, the remote nature and inability to go more than ten miles from the city without hitting below freezing temperatures is a bit of a drawback. Still, I would highly recommend that anyone who wants a real Alaskan experience without waiting for summer or dealing with the cold or bears should go and visit Qualupik.


An Eagle-Eyed View from Her Time on the Top

- Eldis_ and iSquash

I’m pleased to realise that I’m not as out of breath when arriving at the Knocker as I feared I would be. Don’t let Star know, but the bazillion stairs in the Quibbler Tower might come in handy after all. Apparently it does keep you energised, who knew. The riddle that greets me is short, sweet and simple, exactly what I like. Also exactly what confirms my pending theory that the Knocker knows when you’ve already proven yourself worthy of Ravenclaw.

As I enter the Head of House’s office, I immediately trip over a box and almost faceplant onto another box, but Squash’s quick spell work saves me from what would have been a quite painful start of this interview. I absolutely adore Madam Pomfrey, but the poor woman has had to patch me up often enough.

“Eldis! You’re here! Sorry for the mess, packing is always such a bother.” “Don’t worry about it, I should’ve paid more attention,” I say, as I get up and dust myself off. “How are you?”

“I’m doing OK! Want to take a–” Squash falters as she looks around the absolute mess of boxes. “I would love to offer you a seat but I fear that won’t be comfortable at the moment. Shall we go down to the common room and find a spot there?”

That is something I can only agree with. It is really nice to settle back into the comfortable couches on the soft, magically kept clean carpets. At Squash’s request, two house-elves pop up and deliver a large pot of tea and a plate of cookies. “You had some questions?”

“Yes! After news broke that you would retire – and no, I’m not at all bitter about the Daily Prophet claiming that bit of information first, and no, you shouldn’t at all be worried about undiluted Bubotuber Pus in your mail, I simply knew I had to interview you about your time as Head of House.” I pretend I don’t see Squash cast a quick spell on her tea to check its contents as I continue. “I am sure you have many stories to tell! And many boxes to pack, of course. Shall we begin?”

Taking a careful sip of her tea, Squash nods.

Q: “Do you remember how you got introduced to the wizarding world?”

A: “I remember I was about 8 years old and we were in one of those small shopping mall bookstores. I always judged books by the cover and the synopsis on the back. I found my little kid bean-bag chair, found a few contender books, and then picked up Harry Potter and immediately became invested.”

Q: “Looks like ‘don’t judge a book by its cover’ is not always the right advice! How did you know you were a Ravenclaw?”

A: “I really love to learn and read. Trying new things excites me. I enjoy taking eclectic classes to this day!”

Q: “Ah, that does sound Ravenclaw-y indeed. And that also explains why I saw you in some of my classes even when you had already graduated. When did you get started as Head of House? How did that come to be?”

A: “I started out in Ravenclaw around 2015 or 2016. My first interaction with Ravenclaw was the Slytherin interhouse Cards Against Humanity competition.

This was way back in the days of IRC. I met Oomps and Penultima for the first time and fell in love with the tower. Over the months my participation in the sub grew, and I had even been elected Prefect a few times. A few years ago on Christmas Eve, events transpired, which eventually led to my bffl DancingonFire to become Head of House of Ravenclaw. People asked me if I would have any interest in being Head Human, and so I accepted and ran my small mini-campaign. I was elected and worked with Dancing for…” Squash squints, staring into nothingness for a second before continuing. “Two to three years? Before she decided to retire. She trusted the tower to me, and I hope I did her proud.”

Q: “If your amazing work didn’t make her proud, I have no idea what on earth could. Can you describe the development of the sub during your ‘reign’? Were there any drastic changes?”

A: “I feel like the tower really found our rhythm and jam. The community has grown a lot in this past year! We found a structure that worked for us, and really worked together towards the house cup. Even though we didn’t win, I really think we developed a fun positive culture.”

Q: “You served during the pandemic. Was there a significant surge in people trying to find an online community at /r/ravenclaw?”

A: “I wouldn’t say 2021 saw any more traffic than usual, but we did experience an influx in 2020.” Q: “That does make sense. Could you share your favourite part about your position?”

A: “The ability to serve my community,” Squash smiles. “I know this sounds corny!” she says, holding up her hands in defence. “But it is true. I really love Ravenclaw Tower and the little family we’ve made.”

Q: “That is wonderful to hear. You did become our mom more and more as time went on, and I’m sure I speak for all of us when I say we really love you too. What is your favourite change you introduced to this crazy family?”

A: “I don’t think I’ve made any changes without the help of our wonderful teammates. I am so incredibly proud of our interhouse [see pp. 57-61 of our Fall 2021 edition, red.]. It was a team effort, with a lot of it from Kev, and it was just so fun to plan and play! It will go down forever in history!”

Of course, Squash would be too humble to take any credit for herself. Although it is difficult to pinpoint the exact reasons why, Ravenclaw house has become a much tighter-knit group in the past years. The constant banter, inside jokes and laughter that surrounds us as students hang out in the common room during our interview is proof of that. I grab another cookie before continuing the interview. Q: “And then the main question I think everyone is asking: Why are you retiring?”

A: “I’m old. I’m tired. I don’t want to have responsibility or work on a timeline. I’m that old lady from the ‘’it’s been 84 years’’...”

“You don’t look a day over 27, Squash!” I interrupt. Squash laughs and flips her hair.

“Thanks, Eldis. You always know how to make someone feel better. But no, seriously. I also believe it was time for me to go. There should really be elections for Head of House every like, two years or so. Allow at least a chance for new people to take the reigns. Keep it fresh, you know? And seriously, I’m tired.”

Q: “That sounds very sensible, I am very much looking forward to the new things MJ will bring. But will you still be somewhat involved backstage, or are you fully rinsing your hands of this lot?” I ask, as I nod my head at a couple of Eagles who have gotten into a fierce debate about the existence of Jupiter.

A: “No, you can’t get rid of me that easily! I will still be helping moderate the main sub and will help MJ wherever she needs it.”

Q: “Speaking of MJ, what do you think of her as a replacement?”

A: “I have no doubt in my brain and soul that MJ will do a phenomenal job.”

Q: “I fully agree with that. Do you have a message for her?”

Squash clears her throat and sits up straight before declaring, in a professional voice,

A: “✩ �� ����������������, ���������������� ������ ���� ������❣ �������� ���������� ���� �������� ������������, ������ �� ������, ���� ���� ������ ������ ����������, ���� �������� ������ ���� ������ �� ����, �� �� �������� �� ������ ������ ������ �� �������� . ���������������� ���������������� ������ ���� ������❣ ���������������� ���������������� ������ ���� ������❢ �������� �� ❁�� ������ �������� ����, ���� ���� �� ���� ������ ��❁������ ❢ ���������� ���� ������ ������ ��������, ����’�� ���� �������� ���������� �� ����❢❢ ������ ���� �������� ������ ���� ☯������ ... ���������� ������ ���� �� ❢ �������� ��☯ ���������������� ������ ���� ������❣ ���������� ������ ��☯�� , ������ ���� �� ����… ����������������, ���������������� ������ ���� �� ����, �� ������ ���� ����, �������� ���� ����, ������ ���� ������❢ �� ✩”

Q: “Wise words, wise words.

And any words of advice for all our young readers out there, who are still attending

Hogwarts and are dreaming of one day becoming Head of their Houses?”

A: “Get involved! Join our discords! Participate in our events! The options are endless.”

And that is my cue to remind you, my dear reader, that ‘’submitting to the Quibbler’’ is included in ‘’participate in our events’’! It is what got me the Prefect position, after all. After handing out some discount codes for the Quibbler to some of the students in the common room, leaving behind a stack of our most recent edition and holding a little requirement speech, I descend down the many many stairs that lead up to Ravenclaw Tower. Although Squash surely deserves to enjoy her retirement, I’m sure the Eagles will miss her leadership. I have personally experienced her kind, motherly, caring nature, and saw it still intact before I left the Tower, when she gave the rest of the cookies to a student I hadn’t noticed who had been studying for way too long. Ravenclaw house is forever grateful for her leadership.

MJ Flies to the Top of the Aerie & Becomes New Head of House

- Eldis_ and MJenious

I’ve had enough time to properly settle into my booth at The Three Boomsticks before MJ comes running in, out of breath when she sits down in front of me. “I am so sorry!” she apologises. “I got tied up at Hogwarts, Head Human things, settling in, briefing the prefects… oof, there’s a lot to do!”

I smile at my once-dorm mate as she grabs the menu. “Still late to everything?”

“Oh, well, you know me!”

When a lovely waitress arrives at our table, MJ orders the speciality baked potato with some pumpkin juice, whilst I order waffles and tea.

“Still a sweet tooth?”

“Oh, well, you know me!” I echo her words back at her. We fall back into our usual banter so naturally that I almost forget why we are meeting up. By the time I notice my list of questions on the table, we’ve finished our meals and several more drinks. All on Star’s tab, of course, there are some perks to being one of the Quibbler’s head editors.

“Well, I don’t recall if I already congratulated you, but let me take the opportunity to do so now,” I say, as I raise my glass. “Ravenclaw could not wish for a better Head of House, truly. Now, are you ready for a true Ravenclaw tradition, facing a barrage of questions?”

“I have survived our ‘100 questions’-games many a time during our seven years at Hogwarts, I think I’m ready,” MJ chuckles. And, as a true journalist, I need little further encouragement than that.

A: “Great question! Considering my age, I was first introduced to Harry Potter through Philosopher’s Stone being played during some Christmas programming on… maybe it was ABC Family? Anyway, I really liked the movie and thought it was cute, so I looked into it and got the books from my local library. It was very much a Matilda scene in my youth – I wasn’t using a wagon per se but I would go to the library each week and trade in books and would take out the HP series very often!” Q: “It sounds like it’s little surprise you got sorted into Ravenclaw then. Do you remember how you stumbled upon the subreddit?”

A: “I definitely just started by lurking in r/harrypotter for like ever,” MJ laughs. “I think at some point I just clicked on the wiki and applied to join the House! My application still makes me laugh but we will never speak of it. I think Squash also made a post that really touched my heart (one of many) and that cemented my wanting to stay and be a more vocal person in the subreddit.”

Q: “You’ve been Head Human for quite some time. Was it Squash that got you into that position as well? How did it come about?”

A: “Head Human elections – my second step in clawing,” we pause the interview to high five for the pun, briefly silencing the conversation in the pub as people identify the source of the sudden sound. MJ immediately looks away embarrassed, suddenly looking like Marge in the muggle series The Simpsons. As the conversations around us pick back up again, I cast a quick muffliato and we continue. “Where was I? Oh, yes, clawing my way to the top. At that point we were still doing elections so it was pretty straight forward but I think that what set me apart is how present I was in House related activities and being super chatty.” Q: “How would you characterise yourself as a mod of /r/ravenclaw?”

A: “I like to think that I’m super laid back? I just want people to have a good time and most folks in Ravenclaw are also chill which lends itself to a perpetually clear mod queue!”

Q: “And now you’re becoming Head of House! Was it a surprise to you?”

A: “I had an inkling that it would shake out this way pretty early on,” MJ laughs. “It’s actually pretty scary how Squash pretty much predicted how this would go when I first became Prefect more than a year and a half ago!! Looking back at our messages still makes me chuckle because I was adamant that it wouldn’t happen that way and now look at us!”

Q: “Look at you indeed! Still the same person, but with power,” I smile. “What are your plans upon becoming Head of House? Any great changes you want to make?”

A: “So many things!!! A Harry Potter Reread, more regular Game Nights, potentially some fun discord and subreddit changes to really spice things up. We have a really strong foundation to work with and very vocal members that are happy to share what they’d like to see and I’m always happy to accommodate.” Q: “‘Happy to accommodate’, that is always good to hear from the mouth of a Head of House. There have been many calls for the Heads to have term limits. Would that be something that you would be willing to accommodate? Bring up with the other Heads of House?”

A: “Of course, I am happy to bring that up! But,” MJ laughs, “I do I plan to die in this position! The point made is entirely valid, though. Something that I appreciate, and maybe take for granted, is the honesty we have with each other in Ravenclaw. If something isn’t working we are able to communicate effectively and comfortably and find the best path forward. When we find that we don’t have the time to give our all to the role, we speak up and start planning for the future as opposed to letting things somehow spiral and stagnant at the same time.”

Q: “Yes, I really love that about Ravenclaw as well – it is why Squash stepped down, after all. Speaking of Squash, has she trained you well? Taken you under her wing?”

A: “I continue to be attached permanently to Squash’s wing, she may never get rid of me.”

A: “Squash knows what I want to say before I say it!! However! Much of that is my continued appreciation for her continuing to support me in whatever harebrained scheme I’ve devised to welcome new folks or convey my opinions in more constructive ways! Thanks for the memories Mom!!”

Q: “Oh, I would 100% like to second that sentiment. Squash was a great Head of House, I have so many fond memories to look back on. Is there anything you would like to say to new /r/ravenclaw members?”

A: “Ah, so many things to say!!! Well, I think that the most important thing is for folks to get involved in whatever way they feel most comfortable! Chilling in Game Nights, watching Korean Dramas at night, sharing fanfiction recommendations, wordle triumphs and the rest! There is a place for everyone here to express and enjoy their interests with others. Also, if you’re reading this interview in the Quibbler, how cool would it be to see more articles and ads in the Quibbler – articles written by fellow Ravenclaws???? Including yourself???? I would like to see it!!!” A: “I have spent enough time with you to know you’ll hex me if I didn’t advertise the Quibbler.”

And there you have it, my dear readers. A new Head of House with great ideas for the future of the house, and enough sense to remember its past. Although I might be slightly biased due to my friendship with MJ, I am sure that she will fulfil her tasks extremely well. She knows how to balance fun and responsibility, and she is a delight to hang out with. Her wittiness, humour and creativity make Ravenclaw house proud. Squash could not have chosen better.

This article is from: