The Quibbler Spring 2022

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A Long Overdue Correction Dear Readers, It has been brought to our attention that an awful mistake has occurred and we are going to set it right at last. In the Summer 2019 edition of The Quibbler, a beloved staff member and wonderful writer, /u/meddleofmycause, created an excellent article, titled “The Curious Case of Qualupik”. It was meant to be paired with an AMAZING photo of Denali, which you will find on the front cover of this issue. Sadly, a glitch in our system prevented this from occurring. The beautiful photo, taken by Meddle herself, was mistakenly misplaced and a stock image was provided in its stead. Since this time, we have issued other corrections and this error, which we take full responsibility for, has not been rectified. It’s time that we fix this, and I would like to present our reprinting of “The Curious Case of Qualupik” with its proper artwork, and offer full apologies to Meddle.


Meddle, I am SO sorry this happened. I want you to know that your work is so appreciated. Your writing is terrific. You should not ever have been made to feel that your artwork wasn’t good enough, because everything you create is so much better than good. It’s FANTASTIC. This photo is incredible, and the fact that you went so far out of your way to take it is above and beyond anything anyone could ever ask. We want to honor it properly now, and I can only say that I regret that it took so long for us to do so. I do not expect forgiveness, but I hope this at least makes things a little better. Love, Star ------------------------------------------------------------Meddle, I would also like to offer my sincerest apologies. This shouldn’t have happened once, let alone multiple times. As production manager it’s my job to pay attention to the details and present all articles as the authors intended, but unfortunately due to my own carelessness I overlooked your artwork not once, but twice. I deeply regret the hurt I have caused. I know it doesn’t change what happened, but we have created a better system for reporting and logging mistakes which will hopefully prevent this from happening again. Thank you for all the wonderful contributions you’ve made to The Quibbler. Best wishes, Kackel ------------------------------------------------------------Meddle, I really want to start off by not only apologizing, but also letting you know that what happened? Well, it sucked. I actually remember you submitting this image. I remember it because we didn’t really have a system in place at the time for if someone submitted a writing piece and had it marked for not needing artwork, and then later changed their mind. It’s something we fixed after that issue, and I had made a note.

I didn’t check. I didn’t go to make sure that your image was included, and as the Art Director? I failed you. One of the things that I’ve been trying to get more of for the last year is photography. I absolutely love photography and I feel like it’s something that’s not represented enough in The Quibbler, and I was hoping that photo would help pave the way for other photographers to submit pieces. With something like that, something that was important to both of us, I should have ensured it made it in. I regret that I didn’t. I regret that not only did it make it in once, but it happened multiple times. Not having it built into our system isn’t an excuse. Spreadsheets will change, update, and things will get wonky. We can do everything to help modify the spreadsheet, as it very much is a constantly changing entity, but communication errors are easily rectified by simply having a conversation. While I can’t undo the past issues, it has helped ensure that it doesn’t happen again. The spreadsheet has been modified and updated in countless ways to ensure better communication between the departments. We’re all active on discord, which has afforded for easier communication there as well. This has shown us where we were weakest in handling new situations, and I like to think we’ve stepped up. We have more checks and balances now, and it’s something that we wouldn’t have had otherwise. It’s unfair that it was you that this happened to, it’s unfair that it happened at all, but we’re doing what we can to ensure it never happens to anyone again. Your work is always appreciated. Your photography is wonderful. I love that you went above and beyond to provide such a lovely photo that should have been showcased properly. I hope this helps. With adoration, Sin

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