Future Stars Magazine

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Aswestepintoanexcitingnewyear,TheHolyArtispreparingtotakeboldstridestowardnotjustincreasingourpresencebut trulyestablishingourselvesasaglobalforceintheartworld Thisyear,we’rethrilledtoannounceeventsinmajorcultural capitalsacrossallcontinents,includingMelbourne,SanFrancisco,Athens,Tokyo,LosAngeles,NewYork,Madrid,Paris,and manymore

Theseeventswillshowcaseexceptionaltalentfromaroundtheglobe,reinforcingourcommitmenttoconnectingdiverse artisticvoiceswithaudiencesworldwide Witheachshow,weaimtocelebratecreativity,fosterconnections,andinspirea broaderappreciationforcontemporaryart


Layla Knox


Mixed media sculpture, mixed fibre crochet, papier maché, textile scraps, suit trousers, glass seed beads, nylon and cotton thread


Height: 40cm, width: 25cm, depth: 25cm @lknox art

Gabriel Pen & Ink


21 x 29 7 cm




In the Stone Circle


Oil on canvas

24 x 30 inches

Not For Sale


Hello Every body‼, 2024

acrylic pain




www hakudouroom theshop jp


Digital Painting

20248 6 x 12 9'’ $100

@lunaaa avatar https://lunaaa studio/

Arjola Bimaj

The Weight of Grace, 2024

Materials used: raw canvas, acrylic, red thread 190cmx122cm £980 @abstract art aria

Mingyue Chen

Se Son Rose Fioriranno 2022

Digital 3D 28x38 5 $1200

https://www bluebirdieball club/

Dr. Paul Berg

Kindle in Lightnce ‘2024

11x24'’ $350 @ptcberg

https://lilithsrede squarespace com/portfolio

Falling Oil on canvas 60x80cm 2024

CHF2100 @chillamosby https://chillamosby com/

Edward M.

Sharad Ritu: (Autumn)

17 5 x 23 5 x 0 5 inches Ink, Prismacolor Stix, Pastels $2500 2023 @edwardm0691insta https://artistedwardmdonald com/

Chilla Mosby Joyce Jiao

Soroush Hasani Katja Lührs

Color Sound 70x90


https://katjaluehrs com/

Stephan Ravare Jr

Focus 2024

28 x 40 inches

Digital Painting


https://www etsy com/shop/creolebanditstudio/

Emily Lamburd

Zygopetalum Orchid

Digital Illustration




Madiba 2 Oil on canvas 25 x 30


**FutureStars**wasbornasawaytospotlightyounger,emergingartistsandprovidethemwithaplatformtoshowcasetheir work notonlyinphysicalartgalleriesbutalsoinprint,inamagazineliketheoneyou’reholding.

Sheila A Photography Hunter Taglieri x A Thousand Circles

You look well/ Metamorphosis 2022

Ink and pencils

39 x 22

Not for sale @athousandcircles

Peekaabo photography

3000x4500 2024


@sheilaaphotography https://chillamosby com/

Christina Legere

Kawaii Core Mary Collected objects, toys, acrylic paint and gold leaf on canvas

$1600 2024

@gunky queen of cutecore https://www gunky com/

Aurora Boralis 2022

Lauren Bishop

Manuel Martin

Blondie Howden

Pegasus 2024

Mixed media

@blondie howden

¡Adelante! 2024

2481px x3508px



https://www sifter net/

138 x 68 cm 2024


@zenbyte art

Self Restraint

Acrylic on canvas

$400 2024


https://www colorfulweird0artshop com/

Zen Flow: Mountains of the Mind II Watercolor and Ink

WewillbedominatingtheUSand youshouldcomealong.


TheUSAstandsasthebiggestartmarketinhistorydueto itsunparalleledeconomicpower,culturalinfluence,and infrastructurethatsupportsthearts MajorcitieslikeNew YorkandLosAngelesareglobalhubsforart,housing renownedgalleries,auctionhouses,andmuseumsthat attractcollectorsandartistsworldwide



Thecountry’sstrong capitalistframework encourageshigh-value transactions,withartoften seenasalucrative investment.

My Soul, Waiting

Pastels on Canvas

23 5 x 16 in 520 euros

@aretha fine art


50 x 70

@94 fine arts

Elisa Daart

Princess ll Oil on panel

82 x 70 cm

3000 euros




Acrylic on Canvas

72.7 x 60.6 cm



Oil on canvas

1 10 x 1 40 m

1000 euros


Xiaohui(ICE) Wang

Spring - Bird, flower and Tea

Oil on panel


210 x 297 mm


@ICE 冰的画画⼩空间


11×9 5×11inch 1kg, 5×3 5×4inch 0 1kg, 6×4 5×5inch

0 13kg


@maya mekira

https://www mayamekira com/

xabier soubelet




46 x 38


www soubeletxabier com

Samurai Bull 2024
Emotional balloons
Stone powder clay, Wire, Acrylic, Wood

Carolyn Hardy Surrealist Artist

Path of Life


7 x 9'’

75 usd @ karen12162021

Nick Ho

On Bird Bridge: Not Making the Team Oil on panel




https://www absolutezerobasketball com/

Acrylic on Canvas


15 x 30'’

Not for sale @carolynhardy surrealistartist

https://www carolynhardysurrealism com/

Melanie Tsang

The Slitting of Material Time

Installation materials: aluminum rack, lamb carcass, stainless steel handles


24 x 36 inches

$2000 @melaniets art https://melanietsang com/


Haleema Aziz

Commute Oil on Canvas

60x60 cm


@haleema arts

https://haleema art/

The Listening Shawl Mixed Media

83”x 25”x8

$15000 2024 @karen12162021

Lauren Walker "The Artist y 8x10

2024 599CAD


https://www theartist-within weebly com/

Sweet Current 2023


£5000 @MaraBonofiglio

https://www m8bg com/

Karen Mooney

Riky R. Christian


Digital Painting


39 4 x 39 4 cm



https://www rikychristian art/

Fishermans Creek

Oil on Canvas

100 x 100 cm



@sheldonchase art

https://sheldonchase art/

Louise Percy

Limited Edition King Charles III

Mixed Media

40 x 40 cm


@designs by the duchess https://www westwingart com/

Christina Arebratt


Acrylic, 2024

50x50 cm

400 euros


https://www chare se/

Juliana Andronico

Juliana Andronico is an acclaimed abstract artist based in Las Vegas, Nevada, celebrated for her distinctive large-scale, heavy textural creations. Her work is characterized by a unique fusion of vibrant colors and dynamic compositions that captivate the viewer, inviting them to explore the depths of emotion and introspection Deeply passionate about the therapeutic power of art, Juliana views her creative process as a transformative journey one that not only allows her to channel her own emotions but also inspires others to connect with their inner selves through her work Guided by an innate desire to communicate the unspoken, Juliana’s art transcends traditional boundaries, blending texture and abstraction to create pieces that evoke a visceral and personal response Her work has been featured in numerous galleries and publications, earning her recognition for her ability to bridge the gap between raw emotion and aesthetic beauty Rooted in a belief that art has the capacity to heal and unite, Juliana continues to push the boundaries of her medium, inviting viewers to lose themselves in the intricate layers and stories embedded within her pieces

Beauty In The Broken: 24in x 48in $1600 (made 2022)

Joan Ryan

Lusina Teloyan

Renea Dizdarevic

A whirlwind of emotions

Acrylic and texture paste on paper


817 x 17

1500 euros

Colin Wang

Angel time


https://www colinwang co uk/

Annie Graham

Miami Beach Hut 1

Acrylic on board


50x50 cm



https://www anniegrahamartist co uk/


Nest of Experiential Faces

Mixed Media

195 x 195 cm

@ramonrivas rivismo

http://www rivismo com/

Janet Clay LaPelusa

Voices of Broken Trees @jlap777 https://www janetlart com/

Darren Hall

Amber Nectar

Acrylics 2024

25cm x 30cm


@dh art73

Mike Kure

Johnny Larran

First Memory

Digital Drawing 2024


https://www johnnylarran com/

El viaje hacia la grandeza

Kyle Yip

Dream Painting F15


48x48 inches

10,000CAD @kylepyip

https://www kyleyip com/

Gala Reya

Svanety 2023

100x100 cm


@galareya art


Peinture Acrylique qui represente l'union des lumieres le ciel et les poussieres d'or

700 euros @chris21 art peinture

John Hemmen

Bear Dance

Acrylic on canvas


48x60 inches


https://www johnhemmenart com/

Yingxue Daisy Li

Commonwealth Ave III, 2024. Oil and pencil on Linen. 49 X 50 in.

My days often start with setting up a still life with a view outside the window or biking around Boston to find a landscape motif, such as ponds, woods, bridges, or tunnels

While intensively observing my chosen subject, I transcribe my spirit and thoughts through the back-and-forth acts of looking and creating I constantly make marks, then erase and rearrange them, revealing my honest search, not a mere picture of a preconceived idea of how a subject appears

My works bear traces of covered and erased lines and repainted shapes and colors. Using multiple mediums, such as charcoal, pastel, ink, acrylic, oil, and collage on paper or canvas, I play with how laying in colors in different textures and brush strokes can connect with my observational experiences and internal thought processes

The continuous struggle between the two procedural modes in my practice immersive looking and making use of what I perceive emerges from my own personal history of existing between China and Western countries and the diverse philosophies in each culture. I believe the “self” is an illusion, Daoism’s concept of selflessness and the idea that existence is defined by our continuous search, doubting and actions of making decisions I digest various cultural tensions, and they are expressed through emotional states, such as “meditative” and “ecstatic,” which I then re-locate in my works

Born in Anhui, China, where many traditional landscape painters are from, I carry with me the same longing for a quiet inner space and a pastoral lifestyle as these artists, even after many years of studying abroad However, my family and my multicultural educational background have also taught me to continually look at things from different perspectives and question my initial point of view. My creative process, through painting and drawing, is my journey of navigating through such complex cultural influences

Between marking and looking is the experience of knowing and not knowing Through painting and doubting, I process my existence and the world around me

Yusuke Nakamae

I am a digital artist born in 1986 in Japan, continuously exploring the intersection of reality and fantasy through digital mediums. This work, The Edge of Mysticism, blends traditional Japanese architecture with natural landscapes to create a space where the past and future, history and nature coexist. The mystical atmosphere woven with mist and light invites viewers to imagine unknown narratives while evoking a sense of transience and the passage of time

The inspiration for this piece stems from the timeless serenity and harmony found in Japanese temple architecture and traditional stage designs, as well as the seasonal beauty of nature. By incorporating elements such as red maple leaves and faint mists, I aim to represent the ethereal aesthetics of "Yūgen" a Japanese concept of profound and subtle beauty offering viewers a poetic and meditative experience Additionally, by integrating a cinematic and game-like world, the work leaves room for the audience to create their own stories within the space

My creative process emphasizes crafting spaces that act not only as visual spectacles but also as "gateways" to provoke reflection and emotional journeys for the audience. With my cultural background rooted in Japan and a universal artistic approach through digital art, I strive to explore themes that transcend boundaries of nation and time. Through this work, I hope to inspire viewers to engage in a dialogue with their inner selves and the unknown realms around them

@yusuke nakamae

https://lynkfire com/yusuke nakamae

Echoes of the Autumn Breeze, Digital Painting, 3840×2880, 0.5ETH

Marie M.Nova

Eagan Hsu


Film photography

Art print on demand



Acrylic on canvas


100 x 73 cm


@ayanalee art

https://www ayanalee com/


Digital Photography

4366 x 2456



https://www eaganhsu com/


Hell-ta Skelta

Pen and ink with soft pastel





https://joannanouveaustudio co uk

Nina Nihan Ariti

Ballet Dress

Color pencil on paper

35 x 50 cm 2018


@ninaariti art https://haleema art/


DE76 1001 1001 2016 1192 93

https://www xing com/profile/DORINZI FRANCO


Wellness week website @l qingyi

https://www qingyi-li com/


Clearing the Text

Video Art Size varies

Not for sale @chu lingjung

https://chulingjung myportfolio com/

Zayr Luciano


Acrylic paint and spraycan on canvas


80cm x 100cm @zayrluciano www zayrluciano com

Mingyue Chen

Pau Yoez

El reto de María Acrílico sobre lienzo 2024 190x130cm @regalaarte pau yoez https://gratis-4326191 webador es/

Xiaohan Wang

After Despair

The eight trigrams Screen printing, pigment and foil on fabric


35*35 each @tuuuseew

Body in Between Spaces photography of silica aerogel vial


50 x 70 cm @ifigeniapap www ifigeneiapappa wixsite com/portfolio

Haneefah Adam

Swinging Condition Metal, SLA 3D print

£700 50*50*240cm

Eera Si

Five before five

acrylic and embroidery on canvas

16 6” by 11 7



@haneefahadam https://haneefahadam com/

Floating Water, floating mind

Acrylic on Canvas



2860 euros

@eera si


Netta Ganor

Brothers, 2022, 30x25 cm, Not for sale

Netta, born in 1979 in Israel, is an accomplished mouth painter overcoming paralysis with her artistic spirit. A self-taught painter, she joined the international association of the Mouth and Foot Painting Artists in 2003 - a unique association supporting artists who cannot paint with their hands due to physical disabilities Netta’s vibrant oil paintings have been showcased in numerous group exhibitions and solo shows. As an artist navigating a severe physical disability, her art becomes a canvas of liberation. Devoid of hand function, the brush in her mouth is her conduit to control, independence and a profound sense of freedom. Her realism captures intricate details, portraying the beauty she discovers in her surroundings. She draws inspiration from her experience as a mother with physical challenges and takes pleasure in painting her sons in beautiful everyday moments With a palette of bold, saturated hues, her optimistic artworks reflect a positive outlook on life. Her belief echoes through each stroke: the fusion of mind and heart conquers limitations. Through her art, Netta invites viewers to witness the boundless possibilities when resilience and creativity converge, inspiring a perception of life's beauty and endless potential.

@nettaganor www nettaganor com

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