2 minute read
Inspiring Teens
from February 2020

Teens in the Community Inspiring

Teenagers are truly incredible humans. Academics and activities can consume so much of their time that when we hear of a teen that goes above and beyond for their community, we want to shine a light on them!
Do you know of a teen that thinks of others before themselves? Have you seen a teen that places a high value on serving their community? Who is a teen that is a leader in their local community that deserves to be recognized?
Words can give life to those around us and saying some kind words about a teen in your life is a simple process.
Today’s teenagers are becoming the leaders of our community. Lifting them up and sharing stories of the value they bring to our community will have lasting effects on their lives and the lives they touch every day. We are honored to hear the stories of the Inspiring Teens in our community that you will share in the coming months!

Here’s how you can lift up a teen in our community:
1. Go to thehoodmagazine.com and click on the Inspiring Teen dropdown to find the nomination form
2. Simply scroll down and tell us all about the Inspiring Teen in your life!
3. Fill in your contact information and that’s it!
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Call Steff at 605-366-1479 for more information!

The time for spring cleaning is right around the corner and you can earn cash by cleaning out your little ones’ closets and selling their gently used items at Once Upon A Child.

3804 S. Western Ave. Sioux Falls, SD 57105 605-334-0922