2 minute read
Why We Chose to Wait Until 8th
from February 2020
by Julie Prairie Photography
As a parent to three 14-year olds, I’m often unpopular in my home. I have to enforce annoying rules like, “Homework needs to be finished before gaming” or “Kids owe Mom $1.00 for every towel she picks up off the floor” or the worst “No phones until 8th grade.”
It doesn’t bother me to be unpopular, but it’s bothered my kids a bit this past year. We know we aren’t alone as parents in our decision to wait until 8th grade to allow phones for our teenagers, as more and more parents we talk to are pushing back on the age that they get phones for their children.
I consider myself fortunate to have grown up in Gen X - I had an analog childhood and a digital adulthood. Our world has completely changed from my childhood. There are so many great advantages to technology, but also some very difficult problems that have compounded in recent years. Below are a few of the reasons why we have decided to wait before getting phones for our kids.
• Teen suicide rates (and pre-teen) have jumped drastically in the last decade. Numerous studies have shown that social media and technology increase anxiety and depression. In previous generations, you might not be invited to a birthday party and felt sad about it. Now if you aren’t invited to the event, you can sometimes watch it happening live.
• Cyberbullying is a real thing. As adults we see it constantly. When you are typing something in the vastness of the internet it’s easy to say something hurtful. And it’s almost always something that you wouldn’t say to someone in person.
• Access to pornography, sexting and sexual targeting are everywhere. Relationships are complicated and hopefully we can help protect kids as they learn to relate and date.
Did you know that most people who work in technology delay using it for their kids? Many don’t allow phones or tablets until high school. These devices are a distraction to learning and daily function and those who are creating them know this.
As a parent today we are asked to make decisions for our kids that no generation has ever faced. And while those decisions might be unpopular now I hope that my kids will someday understand and appreciate our decisions.


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