2 minute read
Cruising into Back-to-School FUNCRUISE
Our 4th Familyfest Fun Cruise is just around the corner! Families from all over the Sioux Falls area can spend the day together by cruising around town to check out local businesses. These businesses provide extra specials, giveaways, discounts, and activities for the whole family throughout the day of the cruise. You can visit as many or as few stops as you would like, whatever works best for your family!
You can find more fun summer events at thehoodmagazine.com. Our calendar has classes, festivals, and places to go with the whole family! If you want ideas to keep the kids busy, we also have activities, crafts, and recipes to make at home. If you are a stay-at-home or work-from-home parent, the mom of our cover story family summer survival tips in this issue.
While we’re still in the middle of summer’s heat, we are also looking ahead to back-to-school time. In this issue, you’ll find stories on preschool, hearing detection, and keeping them active through the arts. Our Ask the Experts are also talking about going back to school. Check out thehoodmagazine.com for even more tips.
I am excited about this year’s cruise and seeing all of you who attend. Our unicorn mascot, Fancy, will also be there, along with free Familyfest Fun Cruise Swag Bags with lots of goodies! Don’t forget to tag us in your fun photos and stories on social.
President & Publisher
Steffanie Holtrop
605-366-1479 steff@thehoodmagazine.com
Editor Miranda Ochocki editor@thehoodmagazine.com
Art & Design Director Ally Chase
Digital Media Director Jaclyn Small Calendar Jessie Paquette Intern Ellysia McElroy
Circulation Ben Graff and Laura Kattenberg
Cover Photo S. Kay Photography
Reproduction or use of the contents of this magazine is prohibited. ‘Hood Magazine is published 7 times a year by Hoodlum Productions, LLC and strives to publish only accurate information; however, Hoodlum Productions, LLC cannot be held responsible for consequences resulting from errors or omissions. All material in this magazine is the property of Hoodlum Productions, LLC and cannot be reproduced without permission of the publisher.
©2023 Hoodlum Productions, LLC All Rights Reserved.
Steffanie Holtrop Publisher

Conquer the First Day Fear
School will be back in session before we know it. The first day can leave children feeling anxious and even a little afraid.

Family Picture Season is Here
If you have ever taken a family photo, you know getting kids to cooperate is not the easiest task. Luckily we have an expert to help! Stephany from S. Kay Photography is giving us everything we need to know to make your family photo session a breeze this year.

Pet Allergies, What to Watch For

If you have ever wondered if your pet could have a food allergy: this one is for you! Mini-Critters is helping to teach us signs to watch for in their latest article.
Enjoy the Familyfest Fun Cruise in Style!
Claim Your Free Printable!
Keep schedules smooth as you transition into back to school time. Use our FREE printable to keep before and after school time organized and stress free.

Through July 12th, you can enter to win one of two “Cruising to Family Fun” giveaway packages from our friends at Voyage Federal Credit Union and SuFu Cruise. Included is 2 hours cruising the Familyfest Fun Cruise in a party bus! Your party bus will take you to any Familyfest Fun Cruise stops that you desire for 2 hours, while you get to sit back and enjoy the time with your family! Head over to familyfestsf.com to fill out the simple form for your chance to win one of these packages!