Spring 2014 Issue 10

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Volume 99, Issue 10 March 12, 2014

Check out new eateries to satisfy your sweet tooth on page 12.

The Hornet The Voice of Fullerton College





A.S. recovers after Ahn

FC student leaders manage to pick up the pieces after they lost their former president, John Ahn. MARIAH DURAN Hornet Reporter

After former Associated Students President John Ahn was removed from office for allegedly harassing an A.S. Senator, Vice President Joey Victor took over as the new A.S. President last semester. “It’s a ton of work and a lot of pressure but it’s enjoyable,” said Victor. Victor is in charge of preparing the agendas for A.S. meetings and he also meets with Fullerton College President Rajen Vurdien to discuss any issues that students may bring up. He must also oversee the progress of A.S. as a whole. “I had to learn what my job was and which committees I had time for. I had to discover the limits on the power I had,” Victor said. Once Victor became A.S. president, Joshua Kleinbergs took Victor's old position as A.S. vice president. "It was an honor to take that position. Ahn was abusing his powers and there wasn't a lot of returning senators so I thought it would be a good role to take and I have the expereience," said Kleinbergs. Because of Ahn's actions, A.S. had to enforce their policies in Senate. "Both Joey and Darlene Jensen helped me prepare for the vice president position, we were able to have events done on time. Everything ran smoothly," Kleinbergs said. A.S. is well known for helping cosponsor school events such as, walk in her shoes and this year, A.S. will also be playing a role in Kindercaminata, an event that brings Kindergardeners to FC. However, many of the senators struggled to finish the goals they had set for this semester. “The A.S. executives have their own goals to work on,” said Wayne Bergman, A.S. Senator. “They want to ensure A.S. is going to have a successful semester.” In April, the spring elections for new A.S. president, vice president, treasurer and inter club council trustee will take place on the Quad.

The fourth anniversary of the Downtown Fullerton Artwalk brought together people of all ages and walks of life. Guests and artists congregated at the plaza where they enjoyed music and the different forms of art on display. See pages 6-7 for the story.












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