IN THIS ISSUE: * Horse riding holiday ideas * Camps and Getaways * Studs and breeding * Christmas Gift ideas * Soundness or suitability * EMS, Laminitis Cushings * Endurance * Horses behavior
Don’t forget to visit our website or Facebook page to read our monthly digital e-m magazine MONTHLY MONTHLY ONLINE EXTRA
Dont forget to visit our facebook page or website to see what’s new is in the MONTHLY DIGITAL E-MAGAZINE advertise with us Print advertising from as little as $50 Full page in the digital magazine only $150
IN THIS ISSUE * Grants and Subsidies * Eye injuries * Winx wins 31 straight * Equine Flu outbreak in UK * Carriage Driving * Drugs * Equine Hoof and Leg Feature - Stiflelock - Hoof Balance - Over- reaching - Joint supplements
* * * * * * * * * * * * * *
IN THIS ISSUE 2019 Oceania Team announced The Quilty Waterford ODE Equine Health and Nutrition Equine Immune System Hoof supplements Natural feeds Is your horse in pain Oxalate pastures Equine gut health Treating coughing EquineVital signs Condition Scoring Flexion tests
Photo by Jasmine Dunmore Photography
The Horse Report magazine available Australia wide
The Horse Report magazine available Australia wide
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Bi monthly in print and monthly as a digital e-magazine
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The Horse Report
The Wintec saddles you know and love...
JUST GOT BETTER! comfort d n a s le d sad rites! sted favou on your tru
Model Shown
Combining hard-wearing materials with best-in-class technology, the new range of Wintec saddles has something for every discipline, conformation and budget. Try a saddle today and put Wintec to the test‌ The saddle is pictured with the Wintec Changeable Stirrup Keeper in Blue for illustrative purposes only, available to purchase separately.
Find your next Wintec Find your next Wintecsaddle Share your story
Page 2
@wintec.saddles - Ph 07 55909721 - mob 0413 733 294 - Email:
Holiday Ideas feature
The Horse Report
Take a horse riding holiday near Noosa Kiah Park Horse Riding Camp is nestled in the beautiful hills of the Beenaam Valley, just north of Noosa. Looking for a great horse adventure for your child in the summer holidays? Kiah Park is a horse lover's paradise and offers seven day horse riding camps for children during all Queensland school holidays as well as shorter camps over long weekends throughout the year. There are also day trips for those who just want to come and spend a great day out in a beautiful location. They focus on horse-riding, taking the children on trail rides twice a day.
Trail riding through the beautiful Beenaan Valley near Noosa with friends on horseback. What a great way to spend your holidays.
Children learn how to groom and care for the pony they are allocated for the camp
Children also learn to care for their horse and have opportunity to feed and enjoy all the friendly farm animals that live on the property. During their camps each child adopts a horse to pamper and care for. They follow an active and busy schedule to provide a great range of outdoor fun, including an over-the-dam flying fox, a camp fire night with marshmallows and a fun gymkhana at the climax of the week.
Whether your child is new to horses or is a competitive rider, every holiday at Kiah Park Horse camp is a healthy outdoor, technology-free holiday where your child will make lasting friendships and lifelong memories to take home. It is one adventure your child will not soon forget. For further information ph 07 5486 6166 or email or visit
Kiah Park Horse Holiday Riding Camps 7 Day Horse Riding Camps 7 - 14 December * 14 - 21 December * 28 December - 4 January * 4 - 11 January * 11 - 18 January
Looking for a great horse adventure for your child in the summer holidays? Kiah Park is a horse lover's paradise and runs 7-day residential horse riding camps for school-aged children. Situated on the Sunshine Coast hinterland, with a horse for every child's riding ability, whether they are new or experienced riders. Each child adopts a horse to pamper and care for and enjoys arena lessons, trail rides and a fun gymkhana, besides lots of camp activities all throughout the week. It is a place where new friendships are formed in a fun and safe environment, doing what every horse-crazy child loves best. Horse camp is a healthy outdoor, technology-free holiday with lifelong memories to take home. It is one adventure your child will not soon forget.
Day camps are available on Monday and Tuesday throughout the summer holidays.
Gift vouchers available - (07) 5486 6166 - - Ph 07 55909721 - mob 0413 733 294 - Email:
Page 3
Holiday Ideas feature
The Horse Report
Things to do in the school holidays PONY CLUB CAMP & GYMKHANA The Murwillumbah Pony Club has a lot to offer this school holidays they will be holding their annual three day camp on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday, January 15, 16 and 17. Instruction will be provided in show jumping, sporting, show riding, dressage, mounted games and getting horse over scary obstacles. There will also be theory lessons for proficiency certificates, fun with games, trick riding and vaulting and lots more. To attend the camp you need to be a financial member of a pony club for 2020, have your own horse and prenominate via the nomination form available on request. This year, adult riders will be welcome to join in at the camp so long as there are financial riding members of a pony club. Following the camp will be the annual Zone 15 fundraiser T-shirt gymkhana with a program that offers something for riders of all ages and interests from the lead line under eight riders up to associates rider 17 yrs and under 26 yrs. Events include dressage, best presented, hack, rider, pleasure and bareback classes, showjumping and sporting events. The club operates out of the Murwillumbah Showgrounds and offers great facilities, stables, camping, canteen, new dressage arenas, jumping and sporting equipment, qualified instructors and friendly helpful members. Murwillumbah Pony Club welcomes new members to come along and join the club and join in the fun. But riders from any club are welcome to come along and join in the fun of camp. Nominations are essential to attend both the gymkhana and camp. For further information contact Paula on 0413 733 294 or Glenda Bowkett 0412 491 839 or email
Murwillumbah Pony Club Looking for something to do in the School Holidays Murwillumbah Pony Club has a lot to offer GYMKHANA AND ANNUAL 3 DAY CAMP. They offer great facilities, stables, camping, canteen, new dressage arenas, jumping and sporting equipment, qualified instructors, friendly helpful members. Murwillumbah Showgrounds Queensland Rd, Murwillumbah
*** Zone 15 Fundraiser Gymkhana ***
LANG PARK COTTAGES Lang Park Cottage is a new rural tourist facility with one bedroom cottages on a private 25 acre horse property 10 mins from Byron Bay, Mullumbimby and Bangalow. Whether you want the relaxing lifestyle of just sitting back on this beautiful 25 acre property to unwind and enjoy the peace and tranquility or would like to visit waterfalls and rainforest at Minyon Falls or walks on the beach and a visit to the lighthouse in Byron Bay, the choice is yours. Lang Park cottages is situated just a stone throw away from them all. The beautiful self-contained cottages are all brand new with modern furnishings and come complete with fireplace, kitchen, lounge room, modern bathroom and spa and a deck to enjoy the beautiful mornings and afternoon sunsets. The property also has a pool/BBQ area, stable block and sand dressage arena. It’s a beautiful spot to holiday or just stop in for an overnight stay. For further information contact Aaron on 0429 997 077, 02 6684 7241 email or visit or check the Facebook page.
Saturday 18 January Show riding events, Dressage, Jumping, sporting
*** 3 DAY CAMP ***
Wednesday 15th - Friday 17th January
contact President - Glenda Bowkett 0412 491 839 Senior Instructor - Paula Anthony 0413 733 294 email
LANG PARK COTTAGES A new rural tourist facility with 1 Bedroom cottages on our private 25 acre horse property 10 mins from Byron Bay, Mullumbimby & Bangalow 02 6684 7241 Email:
Page 4 - Ph 07 55909721 - mob 0413 733 294 - Email:
Holiday Ideas feature
The Horse Report
Australian Outback Spectacular's Heartland Australian Outback Spectacular is famous for it’s spectacular shows that feature the Australia landscapes and way of life. The Current show Heartland is the story of true Australian characters, Reg and Marge, who are battling a severe fiveyear drought on their farm. This heart touching story will resonate with many as it delves into real world struggles that many Aussie farmers are dealing with today. With the help from some unlikely characters, and friendships that will last a lifetime, the pair overcome the harsh realities of life on the land. Australian Outback Spectacular's Heartland show takes guests on a compelling and emotional ride into the heart of the Australian bush. Experience an immersive transformative arena that can appear to spin, turn, shatter and transform through hi-tech projection mapping while enjoying being waited on as the show includes a delicious three-course dinner with beverages. General admission tickets are $99.99 and provides you a generous night out of a dinner and
show including a delicious three course meal with drinks included (beer, wine and soft drinks) for the duration of the show. This is a truly remarkable dinner and show that you do not want to miss. So while on holidays this year make this a must see and add it to your bucket list of things to do. For more information and tickets visit - Ph 07 55909721 - mob 0413 733 294 - Email:
Page 5
Stud & Breeding feature
The Horse Report
What to do when you are left with an orphan foal By KAREN HODGES Sometime things don't go as they should and sometimes the breeder is left "holding the baby". It is not common but some mares will reject their new foal. The mare may die during or after the delivery, but whatever the reason for the foal being left without a mother, it needs love and nurturing. That first drink is essential for the foal's life. If the mare has died before the foal has had its first drink of colostrum, then milk the mare out. Milk out as much as possible. Transfer the colostrum to a bottle and encourage the foal to drink. Colostrum contains antibodies that the foal will need in the first few days of its life to survive. Most breeders know the value of this first drink and if a mare delivers a dead foal it is advisable to milk her out and freeze the colostrum, you never know, it might save another foal’s life. Some studs have colostrum stored in their freezer for such emergencies. When administering the colostrum, don't stretch the foal’s head up, try and keep the bottle and the foal’s head at about a parallel level. If the foal’s head is too high then it is likely to aspirate, that is milk will run down into the foal’s lungs and it will develop pneumonia and that can be fatal. In the situation where the mare has rejected the foal, the mare still has to be milked out. She may require twitching and restraint to be able to do this safely. The attending vet may sedate her as well. It is
Raising an orphan foal requires planning and patience but is extremely rewarding. a good idea to remove the foal from the mare's presence if she has started to show signs of aggression towards the foal. Some mares, especially with a first foal, might be so overwhelmed by the new offspring that she just wants to keep looking at it and every time the foal attempts to suck, the mare moves around so she can see her new foal. In this situation, just hold the mare and once the foal has had a good drink, her udder should have softened a little and she will feel more relaxed about the foal being under her. The mare might squeal when the foal first starts to suck, this indicates the mare is suffering a little discomfort with a very tight udder but after the milk has been released it will be more pleasant for her.
POLARMORE Black Thoroughbred Stallion Sydney-winning son of champion sire More Than Ready (USA) and the Golden Slipper-Gr.1 winner Polar Success
When it is clear that you are now the sole parent of this little bundle of joy, you must have a warm clean stable for the both of you for the next 24 hours. There are several milk products on the market that can be purchased from most good produce stores . The powdered milk solutions are usually mixed with warm water in a clean bucket and starting off with a few litres every two hours. It is important the milk is mixed fresh every feed. In a few weeks, the foal's needs will grow to several litres per feed. I don't recommend you keep the foal on a bottle for more than 24hrs, introduce the bucket of milk to the foal. By putting your fingers in the milk and letting the foal suck for a minute it will soon get the idea how to drink milk without a bottle. The foal will attach to you very quickly and not want you out of its sight. From personal experience, getting the foal a horse friend is essential. I had a yearling filly that bonded very quickly to the orphan I raised. Having a friend meant I could have a couple of hours between feeds to do other things, the foal always galloped over at feed time and sucked every drop of milk offered to her. Within a couple of months the foal will be eating "real" food and you can start cutting the milk supplement down. Don't cut it right out until at least four to five months of age. At three months of age, a vet check and some immunisations are crucial. Remember the foal has not had it's mothers milk or immunity to protect it.
Cremello Quarter Horse stallion Standing at 15.1 Hands Sire: A Paige in time Q-5 57839 Dam: Peppan Mint A1-8 8153 100% guaranteed to throw dilute foals (buckskin, palomino, Cremello ect) His foals on the ground so far have been cracking types with exceptional temperaments and very trainable minds. Service fee $850 live cover with LFG. - chilled semen also available.
You ungstock ava aila able for sa ale Producing Quality, Colour, Temperament and Conformation
Standing at stud at Coalbank $1,000 plus gst for thoroughbred mares and $800 plus gst other breeds contact Sandra or Chris on 0413 386 330 or 07 4692 6155 after 7:00pm Page 6
Standing at stud Dry Gully Quarter Horses and stockhorses, Located Mount Whitestone QLD. Contact Sally Engley 0476 041 098 - Ph 07 55909721 - mob 0413 733 294 - Email:
Stud & Breeding feature
The Horse Report
'Fantasia Park' standing at stud
'Tally S Make N Moonshine'
World champion lines - 5 panel negative - Palomino Overo - 15.3hh. $1300 Live and AI.
Photos by 'Shannon Ok Portraits'
For further information contact Nicole and Kaitlin at Fantasia Park Email: or Ph 0409 367 453 - Ph 07 55909721 - mob 0413 733 294 - Email:
Page 7
Stud & Breeding feature
The Horse Report
Page 8 - Ph 07 55909721 - mob 0413 733 294 - Email:
Stud & Breeding feature
The Horse Report
Karman Eagles Tribute
Sire: Karman Eagle - HSH - Dam: Homesdale Sugar - HSH Tribute is doing well in all competition arenas achieving multiple wins in both the show ring and campdraft arena. and is showing natural cattle ability. A very talented sire that is producing quality calm and talented easy to handle foals Standing live cover - Frozen semen also available.
Ramadan Arabians Makers Mark
(Fame Maker R USA x Karmaa USA)
Service Fee $800
"Frozen semen available for the 2019 season" Ph 0412 706 105 Youngstock available for sale
For further information contact Zeta Frost on 0408 019 888 Email: Karman ASH Stud
Q - 66941 Born 2010, 14.3hh * Open Campdraft Winner * Missed out on 2015 NCHA Derby by one point * Snafflebit Cutting Winner * Campdraft and Cutout Winner Contact: Holly Holden Email: Stud Fee $1100.00 including GST
Page 9
Phone: 0487 461 518 Located: Warwick Qld
Service Fee: $1,200 Discounts for multiple mares or proven competitors. AI and live cover Contact Jessie Britton 0487 388 181 Standing at Hintons Performance Horses Thirlmere, NSW - Ph 07 55909721 - mob 0413 733 294 - Email:
Christmas Gifts Ideas feature
The Horse Report
Summer Season Saddlery Sale EUREKA EUREKA SUMMER RIPSTOP P RUGS AND COMBOS OMBOS An all time favourite rite complete with ripstop grids and und. fully bound. Comes with all the features a qualityy rug should have.
Combos 5’0 to 6’9
Rugs 5’0 to 6’9
SHOWCRAFT SUMMER RIPSTOP RUGS AND COMBOS Superior fitting rugs and combos. Made in ripstop poly cotton. Fully bound with taffeta lining on chest (combo neck is also lined)
Combos 4.3’ to 6’9
Rugs 4’3 to 6’9 9
Neckrugs gs and Hoods ds
Both rug and combo have a quality chest strap, shoulder gussets, rump darts and leg straps.
Miniature Rug 3’0 to 4’0
Miniature Combo 3’0 to 4’0
3,000+ EQUESTRIAN PRODUCTS IN STOCK NOW AND READY TO GO: www.natequest www w natequest com au Page 10 - Ph 07 55909721 - mob 0413 733 294 - Email:
Christmas Gifts Ideas feature
Rugs 4.3’ to 6’9
Waterproof Ripstop 18.5oz Canvas vas Rug with quality fittings and matching ching g Hoods & Neckrugs. Lined shoulders, ders,, or chest, hoods and neckrugs for protection against rubbing. Ideal for rainy summer days. An all time favourite for people in the know.
Neck Rugs and Hoods
Comboss 5’0 to 6’9
Rugs 5’0 to 6’9
Eureka 600 denier waterproof and breathable ripstop rugs and combos. Complete with a fully lined cotton body with satin lined shoulders, chest, lower panels and combo neck. Completed with quality Rug features that all rug or combo owners expect.
3’0 to 4’0
X-CALIBUR 1200 DENIER SUMMER RUGS AND COMBOS 1200 Denier waterproof, cotton lined d Rug/Combo with anti rub syntheticc satin in shoulders & tail flap (and Combo Neck). Quick clip chest straps and quality fittings make for a secure moulded fit.
RUG RU R U was $
Miniature Combo
3’0 to 4’0
Combos 4.3’ to 6’9
Rug Rugs gs 4.3’ to o 6’9
$94.95 $94. 95
Combos 4.3’ to 6’9
SH SHOWCRAFT HOWCRAFT DIAMOND MESH DIAM COMBOS C Showcraft diamond mesh combos are showcraf showcraft at its best. The showcraft diamond mesh me insert summer combo is 280 GSM diamond d weave ripstop. Poly cotton, cotton fully bound with taffeta ch lined chest and combo neck. Offers protection against UV rays, rays horse flies, midges and annoying insects.
BUY ONLINE: www.n www.natequest w atequest ORDERS $150 $150+ ffreight i ht ffree tto your ffavourite it store t
FREE SHIPPING - Ph 07 55909721 - mob 0413 733 294 - Email:
Page 11
Christmas Gifts Ideas feature
The Horse Report Need new fencing treat yourself for christmas While chemically treated timber maintains its dominance as the standard material used for fence posts on most equine properties, there is a small but growing number of products made from other materials that are gaining a slice of the market share. Woodshield is one of those and has been gaining momentum since originating in 2004. Australian made innovation at its best, the Woodshield product is untreated timber encased in recycled plastic. You have the rigidity of the timber post core with the maintenance free, long life, polymer outer. The polymer itself is recovered from agricultural irrigation pipe and dripper tube so it's taking Ag waste away from land fill and putting it back out there in a useful way. And it ticks all the boxes as far as no painting, no splinters, no cracks, no termites, horses don't eat it and it lasts 4-5 times longer than standard treated timber posts - how good it that! Install it once and leave it alone. At the end of its life, it can be totally recycled with the poly going back into the plastic recycling scheme and the timber can be mulched or burnt on the spot - no chemicals. Visit and check them out on Facebook, Instagram etc. Lots of photos and lots of uses and organically certified so perfect for the vege garden.
Northern Rivers Rivers Northern
Beat the winter chill , will your horse be warm and cosy are you prepared Drop in and see all the great new rugs we have in store.
155 Casino St Lismore 2480 Ph 02 6622 1666
Are you readdy for the Far Nortth Coastt Show run? We have everyythiing you needd 155 Casino St Lismore 2480 Ph 02 6622 1666
hŶƚƌĞĂƚĞĚ ƚŝŵďĞƌ ĞŶĐĂƐĞĚ ŝŶ ƌĞĐLJĐůĞĚ ƉůĂƐƚŝĐ dŝƌĞĚ ŽĨ ƌŽƚƚĞŶ ƉŽƐƚƐ Ͳ dŝƌĞĚ ŽĨ ƉĂŝŶƚŝŶŐ dŝƌĞĚ ŽĨ ĐƌĂĐŬĞĚ ƐƉůŝƚ ƚŝŵďĞƌ Ͳ dŝƌĞĚ ŽĨ ĨŝdžŝŶŐ ďƌŽŬĞŶ ĨĞŶĐĞƐ EK ƌŽƚ ͬ EK ƌƵƐƚ ͬ EK ĐŚĞŵŝĐĂůƐ ͬ EK ƚĞƌŵŝƚĞƐ
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Christmas Gifts Ideas feature
The Horse Report Wintec saddles you know and love have just got better The Wintec saddles you know and love... just got better! They are now available from leading retailers throughout Australia with a new and improved range from the world’s favourite synthetic saddle brand. Combining hard-wearing materials with best-in-class technology, the range of new and improved Wintec saddles now has something for every discipline, conformation and budget. There is a range of new specialist confirmation saddles for your high withered or wide horse which include: • NEW Wintec 2000 High Wither All Purpose saddle – perfect for those highwither thoroughbreds! • NEW Wintec 2000 Wide All Purpose – now a grippy saddle to suit your wide quarter-horse! • NEW Wintec Pro Wide Dressage – finally, a grippy dressage saddle to suit your wide dressage horse. There is also improved comfort on your trusted favourites: 1. Next level rider comfort with soft seats that feel close and secure 2. Next level connection with a saddle flap that contours around your horse, channelling your thigh for improved contact
3. Super soft panels, mould in and around your horse’s working muscles for a closer, more stable fit – simply the perfect facilitator of CAIR 4. New, modern look with the choice to feature a pop of colour with a changeable stirrup keeper that celebrates being a Wintec rider 5. Horse and Rider Technology: There are so many features and systems in saddles that can deliver a transformative result for both horse and rider. Wintec have made it simple and taken the
best of the best when it comes to Horse and Rider Technology, for a gold standard in horse and rider comfort you can trust… Wintec calls this HART. The Wintec saddles you know and love, just got better! The new and improved range of easy-care, weatherproof Wintec saddles is available NOW, with prices starting as low as RRP $595*. Find your nearest retailer at, and join the revolution… just in time for summer!
ARE YOU READY FOR THE LOCAL SHOW RUN Do you need new Jodhpurs or Breechers, show prep makeup plaiting or grooming supplies, Feed, joint or coat enhancing supplements .. we have what you need
02 6672 8486
29 Prospero St Murwillumbah 2484 - Ph 07 55909721 - mob 0413 733 294 - Email:
Page 13
Christmas Gifts Ideas feature
The Horse Report
Lots on offer at Equitana Auckland 2019 EQUITANA Auckland promises to bring to New Zealand a level of equestrian entertainment and education like no other. The ASB Showgrounds will light up like never before at the November 21-24 event. The EQUITANA brand is internationally recognised for its quality. EQUITANA Auckland will be bringing a raft of superstars, including current and former Olympians and world-class competitors who are still competing successfully at an elite level. Competition in show jumping, dressage, eventing and showing is set to both impress and intrigue from some of the very best combinations from Australia and New Zealand. EQUITANA Auckland is pleased to present an exciting and innovative Education Program in 2019. Watch as local and international experts present displays, seminars, interactive question and answer sessions and training demonstrations which cover a range of disciplines and topics such as English and Western sports, equine health and care, natural therapies and horsemanship. With more than 35 educators and 25 sessions a day across the event, there will be something for everybody! This is the opportunity to hear what has made them the champs they are. Learn from the master classes and Q and A sessions, have photos taken with them, talk one-on-one and collect autographs. EQUITANA Auckland is proud to play host to New Zealand’s inaugural Performance Horse
Auction as part of the EQUITANA Auckland programme. Partnering with New Zealand’s world respected breeding organisation, the New Zealand Warmblood Association (NZWA), prospective buyers and event goers will see a variety of young warmblood horses available for purchase, with the auction scheduled for 2:30pm on Saturday 23rd November in the Hansen Products Indoor Arena. Featuring young stock as well as horses going under saddle, the EQUITANA Performance Horse Auction is the place to discover your next equine partner. With horses purpose bred for excellent conformation, train-ability and movement from New Zealand’s top perfor-
mance horse breeders, the NZWA will showcase a variety of horses of international quality bloodlines for jumping, dressage and eventing. Auction horses will be on site throughout the event, and are available for viewing at our Auction Hub throughout EQUITANA. Prospective buyers must register to bid, and are encouraged to view available veterinary reports. The NZWA Performance Horse Auction will be held on Jumping Day, Saturday, 23rd of November at 2:30pm in the Hansen Products Indoor Arena, and is accessible to all EQUITANA Auckland visitors. It is yet another reason to go “shopping” at EQUITANA Auckland!
NORTH COAST TACK SHOP Jewellery, Bridles, Boots, Browbands, Reins Show Shirts, Gloves and lots more
Northern Rivers Northern Rivers
Beat the winter chill , will your horse be warm and cosy are you prepared Drop in and see all the great new rugs we have in store.
155 Casino St Lismore 2480 Ph 02 6622 1666
Are you readdy for the Chriisttmas? We have everyythiing you needd 155 Casino St Lismore 2480 Ph 02 6622 1666 Rhonda Maluta
0402 638 323
Page 14 - Ph 07 55909721 - mob 0413 733 294 - Email:
The Horse Report
Not getting the therapeutic benefits ? LOOK FOR A LOOK FOR A PRODUCT THAT IS
Australian Pesticides & Veterinary Medicines Authority
REGISTERED PROVEN TESTED There's never been a better time to try TECHNYFLEX PUT A SPRING IN YOUR STEP - 1800 136 393 - Ph 07 55909721 - mob 0413 733 294 - Email:
Page 15
Soundness or suitability- a buyer’s choice By DAVID LOVELL BSVS
When buying a horse, a “vet check” for soundness is important but the purchaser should also consider the suitability of the horse, especially measured against the purchaser’s own riding ability.
FULL SERVICE EQUINE CLINIC “The Horse Hospital at Redlands”
radiographs, all chemically developed, which is very labor intensive. Digital machines have now made this a relatively quick and easy process). This sort of examination is exactly what we are trained to do and so, just like any professional or tradesman, we get to be pretty efficient. The main point I am trying to make is that in a racing situation, the purchaser has already determined that the horse is a suitable candidate to acquire to put into training. All our vet check is required to do is determine that the horse has no disease condition, or so called "unsoundness" that would prevent performance. The situation often becomes entirely different when we move into the pleasure horse industry. Yes, these horses also have to perform and certainly many professional or elite competitors are also able to predetermine the "suitability" of the horse for their needs and again they are after a thorough examination only. However, the vast majority of horse competitors are not at the "elite" level. This is not saying that they are not very committed, dedicated people who give it all they can and very dearly love their animals but I still find it difficult to understand why people fall into the trap of buying a horse that is entirely mismatched to their skills and ability. Certainly emotion plays a large part and people inspect a horse, fall in "love" with it, and elect to buy without seeking proper pro- m fessional advice.
At that time, horses would go through the auction, and if the Hong Kong Jockey happened to purchase one, it was immediately loaded on a truck and shipped to our hospital for xrays before the sale was completed. That was a bit of pressure as each horse required at least 42
PODIATRY PRE PURCHASE EXAMS DIAGNOSTICS Xrays Ultrasounds Endoscopy Cardiology
Experience IS the Difference Dr DAVID LOVELL Equine Veterinarian for over 40 years You have to know what is wrong with your horse!
At REDLANDS we guarantee you a DIAGNOSIS
3207 7325 Email:
Full Service Equine Clinic all about your horse “It’s all It’s About Your Horse”
Full Service Equine Clinic It’s all about your horse
Soundness or suitability - the two words are often used interchangeably when people ask for a "vet check" prior to buying a horse but the two words could not possibly be further apart when used in relation to people buying a horse. Over the years I could not possibly count how many pre-purchase assessments I have done for prospective acquirers of a new horse. Many of them are relatively simple, particularly racehorses, as all the purchaser requires is a full and complete clinical examination to ensure the horse has no hidden conditions that would render the animal unable to perform. When I say "simple", I am not understating the detail and completeness of the examination as it certainly requires a very comprehensive assessment and usually involves a full set of x-rays, endoscopy, and sometimes ultrasound and electrocardiographs. (I well remember the very early days of the Magic Millions sales way back when, when our facility was the only hospital functioning in the area.
The second factor is the "skill" of the vendor and the ways that some are able to hide and disguise faults and deficiencies in the horse and almost always are asking a price that is well above the actual true value of the horse. So what is the actual "true" value of the horse. This is actually a ridiculous question as who, or what determines a horse's value. There is certainly no objective assessment. The selling price ultimately has to be the amount of money a purchaser is prepared to part with to acquire that horse. Good luck to the seller, and well done, we live in a capitalist society, but if the poor purchaser ends up with a horse that he or she cannot get to perform to their goals and aspirations, then the money has been wasted. Yes, most of them have a vet check, often with the primary request being "be sure to do the flexion tests", thinking that this will help ensure the horse will perform, but as I have said above, the examination seeks to detect clinical deficiencies with the horse and the reality is that very few vet checks miss any of these as that is what the vet is trained to do. (I am well aware of how many times the vet ultimately is blamed in the final wash up, but many of these accusations are nebulous and not based on facts). More times than not, the final dissatisfaction has really resulted from a "miss-match" of the horse and rider, or "suitability" Continued page 17
-m Page 16 - Ph 07 55909721 - mob 0413 733 294 - Email:
r horse
ur horse
The Horse Report
The Horse Report
Selecting the right horse for the right job  From page 16 So many factors have to be considered in selection of a horse. Two of the most important being the actual skill levels of the intending rider, and the "skills" or level of training of the horse. Many, many horses that are offered for sale have very basic levels of training. How often do I hear the comment, "Oh, he is graded preliminary or novice, but is training elementary or advanced". Most times this is rubbish, or at least should be taken very cautiously. This horse is absolutely useless to a relatively inexperienced rider, for example one who is not aspiring to the elite level, but wants to compete and progress through the lower levels, hopefully attaining elementary or advanced. If the horse was good enough, it would have progressed through its classes and already be graded. The only way the lesser trained horse is going to progress is if the new rider is able to teach the horse to respond and performs to aids. We have already said the new rider is inexperienced and so if the horse has no idea what to do, and the rider does not know how to make the horse perform, obviously the situation becomes a disaster. No, this rider needs a "schoolmaster". One that can teach and help the rider learn. I believe that in many situations, older welltrained horses that may have some relatively minor clinical issue are a much better option
The skill level of the rider needs to be taken into account when purchasing a horse.
for the less experienced rider that a "perfect" animal that is really only being sold on "potential". There is actually absolutely no doubt that the cheapest part of owning a horse is often what you pay for it. They are very expensive animals to keep, maintain, prepare and compete and the costs keep going on, week after week after week. If the rider is not getting value and satisfaction out of their animal, then is has been a very expensive waste of time. Surely the key is to be very objective in selecting and acquiring the horse in the first place.
Nothing is easy, and so many factors are involved, but when I carry out a pre purchase examination, I find I spend much more time attempting to probe into the abilities and skills of both the new purchaser and the horse, and attempt to provide some arms length advice as so many times the decision to buy the horse has been influenced by well meaning advice from friends or people who are too close to the purchaser. I can go on and on with one example after another of miss matching of the horse and rider but the main point that acquirers have to debate is the "Suitability" of the horse, not the so called soundness. - Ph 07 55909721 - mob 0413 733 294 - Email:
Page 17
The Horse Report
EMS, Laminitis Cushings and metabolic conditions By ANTOINETTE FOSTER
Dip Nut Equine Nutritional Therapist and Medical Herbalist
The common consensus when managing a horse with Equine Metabolic Syndrome (EMS) is to supply the horse less feed and exercise more. However reducing the feed intake and increasing exercise may not necessarily be the problem solver. There is another aspect to weight loss which has nothing to do with the feed intake but more to do with hormones more specifically. Hormones such as cortisol and insulin will dictate how much body fat your horse will store. When a horse undergoes stress, it instantly tells the body to hold on to the fat. This is very similar to chemical changes that occur during a famine. Horses will generally feel safe based on their natural instincts in this situation. In simple terms the horse's body is then tricked into gaining weight not losing it. Horses, as we know are strict herbivores and require a high level of constant roughage throughout the day. It may make sense to feed less to a horse that is suffering from EMS or Laminitis however, by feeding the horse less contradicts the natural instincts of the horse. Removing feeds that perhaps may be quite fattening is a common-sense approach, but to restrict the amount of roughage that the horse has access to, whether this be hay or pasture is detrimental to the horse's health. The anatomy and physiology of the horse has not changed much throughout the evolution process over thousands of years. The animal has simply become larger, but they are still perpetual grazing animals that require high levels of roughage. Not allowing your horse to consume enough roughage in a day will create more stress not less. When a horse is grazing or consuming hay this process produces saliva and it neutralises the acid that is constantly flowing into his stomach. The horse's stomach should never be empty as he needs roughage flowing through the digestive tract to keep the muscles active.
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An overweight horse showing signs of Equine Metabolic Syndrome. If this does not happen the muscles tend to get loose or flabby this can also weaken the intestinal tract and can create an unhealthy situation which could lead to complications. The hindgut or caecum must be full for the digested material to leave the horse’s body. If horses are not being provided enough roughage per day it may also lead to behavioural issues such as chewing fences, trees or even consuming their own manure. When horses experience high stress levels which includes pain or intense exercise or even being transported to an event, cortisol levels are increased. Horses that have a restriction on the amount of roughage available to them can lead to pain within the stomach or anywhere along the gastrointestinal tract. It has been well-documented that a high percentage of domestic horses being fed a hard feed develop ulcers during their lifetime. It stands to reason that ulcerations will occur very quickly if hay is withheld. This can be for even as little as one or two hours, because the stomach continually releases acid it makes the horse’s digestive system quite vulnerable. When cortisol levels increase due to a restric-
tion of feed intake, these elevated levels stimulate the liver to derive glucose from glycogen stores, this can result in insulin being secreted from the pancreas. Horses that suffer from EMS which includes a multitude of equine metabolic syndrome cases often the vet will recommend to lock the horse up overnight, limit the amount of feed and perhaps even where a grazing muzzle during the day. If you consider that the horse is a perpetual grazing animal and requires a constant level of roughage throughout the day, you can understand very quickly that this will become a stressor for the horse. If your horse is boxed overnight and you are supplying hay, when you arrive in the morning to check and feed your horse, your horse’s hay nets may be empty. The horse may have finished his hay two hours earlier or five minutes earlier but at the end of the day, your horse’s hay nets or slow feeders should never be empty. Reducing the amount of intake of roughage throughout the day will not allow your horse to lose body fat, instead your horse is more likely to lose muscle tone. Horses that lose weight in this way don't have any change in their body condition score, neck etc. What does tend happen is that longissimus dorsi muscle thickness is reduced and the metabolic rate can be affected. So it may appear that your horse has lost weight but in actual fact that is not the case. Some studies have shown that if the horse is not deprived of hay overnight they show a much greater degree of insulin resistance. So, keeping those hay nets full until you arrive the next morning is extremely important to reduce the risk of physical pain and discomfort. Your horse's brain will begin to tell him to hold on to the fat, insulin levels will increase and when insulin levels increase the horse is not going to burn fat. continued page19 - Ph 07 55909721 - mob 0413 733 294 - Email:
The Horse Report
The need for roughage in the horse’s diet From page 18 Other studies have shown that horses that only have access to hay and no grazing have an increased risk of insulin resistance as opposed to those horses who could graze on pasture, insulin resistance decreased. The explanation - the horses were also allowed to move around freely whilst grazing. A horse that does not have constant access to pasture or hay, means that the stomach will be left empty for several hours and will have an increased level of cortisol. Horses who have empty stomachs for a period of hours tend to eat their feed when it arrives very quickly this is not a normal way for the horse to exist. When food is limited horses tend to be waiting for the next meal. The horse's metabolic rate can also be affected if there is a restriction of the level of roughage being fed during the day. Not providing your horse sufficient roughage throughout the day causes the horse’s body to break down tissue for glucose. The metabolic rate will then slow down even further as muscle is lost. The Equine Smart Gut test can look at the horse's faecal sample to provide you with an insight into the levels of bacteria in the horse’s gut microbiome and the ratios. It is important to be aware that there are no good or bad bacteria, it is actually about the ratios of the bacteria contained in the gut microbiome. There are seven major gut phylums and within these gut phylums there are many different bacteria species. The Equine Smart Gut test can determine several issues relating to digestive health, stress, inflammation, immune function, effects on skin and coat condition and also more serious conditions such as leaky gut syndrome, ulcers etc. firmicutes is the most common gut phylum, this makes sense because this phylum is directly related to consuming a high fibre diet. To assist your horse to lose weight it is important to provide the horse with free choice roughage that matches the normal natural environment for the horse. Exercise is obviously very important for each horse, reduce
Horses should have access to pasture or hay 24/7 to help the digestive system and reduce stress.
the amount of concentrates that are being fed or look at a feed such as Harrys Choice that is very high in natural roughage suited to the species. Lowering the amount of fat intake in the horse's diet will be an advantage, however, all horses require some fat in the diet. I would highly recommend having your hay tested to ensure that is low enough in sugar and starch and calories. It would be also advantageous to have your pasture tested and your soil. I always encourage horse owners' trainers and riders to have their horses out on pasture as often as possible for this is a natural state for the horse and will encourage a healthy, mentally sound horse. If your horse has access to roughage 24/7, whether it be in the form of pasture or hays he can then make his own choice when to walk away and return to his hay or grazing. This also encourages the horse to be more relaxed and will also help with the metabolic rate. I do not recommend using grazing muzzles for horses this can create a high level of stress. If you must use a grazing muzzle never use it beyond two hours maximum. I believe it is incredibly stressful and quite dangerous. Today there are many different options for slow feeders, they include large hay nets with small holes, Porta grazers, there are a few good options that you can purchase online. If you don't have a large hay nets then provide at least two nets, particularly if the horse is being left overnight with little
grazing or being boxed. The golden rule is to make sure your horse has access to either pasture or roughage 24-hour is the day. The golden rule: ensure the horse has access to continual roughage. For information on individualised diet plans and managing EMS related conditions please contact one of our highly quali-
fied nutritionists. Phone 03 97756422 Equine Smart Gut testing: Download our E-Book - The Truth About Gut Health es/the-truth-about-gut-health
6WRS +D\ :DVWDJH IDEAL FOR LAMINITIC HORSES Available small, medium andtolarge Huge varietyinof sizes available suitsizes yourin individual 4cm and 6cmfor net hole 48 and 60 needs. ply, plus 3cm, NEW 60ply in 4cm horses sizes suit every horse. on their hay nets! that available are EXTRAtoTOUGH
GutzBusta Slow Feed Haynets REDUCE HAY WASTAGE by up to 40%! Great for laminitic and IR horses, will simulate grazing, reduce boredom, stable vices and choke, and are so easy to fill!
Round Bale and Large Square Export Bale Hay Nets Available. 0418 282 097 | - Ph 07 55909721 - mob 0413 733 294 - Email:
Page 19
The Horse Report South Australian takes out Australian Championships Young South Australian rider Stella Harbison took out the FEI 160km endurance ride at Stirling's Crossing Equestrian Complex in Imbil, Queensland in the Equestrian Australia Championships. The 30-year-old from the Adelaide Hills crossed the line riding Minton East Chaucer 11 hours and 17 minutes after setting out into the Imbil State Forest tracks at 2am that the morning to tackle the course. Ride organiser and president of the Stirling's Crossing Endurance Club, Kim Moir, said she was delighted with the Equestrian Australia Championships and complimented Ms Harbison on an exceptional ride. "Stella finished 25th in her division in the 2019 Tom Quilty Gold Cup in July which was also hosted at Stirling's Crossing Equestrian Complex," said Ms Moir. "To see her return from South Australia just two-and-a-half months later to take out the Equestrian Australia Championship title for the three-star FĂŠdĂŠration Equestre Internationale (FEI) accredited ride is impressive and we congratulate her on the outstanding result. "Second place went to the owner of the Stirling's complex, Matthew Sample riding Cedar Ridge Lyric while third place in the tough 160km ride went to Samantha Yates from the United Kingdom riding Ausden Prince Mahal." The junior title went to Tahlia Franke from Table Top, NSW riding Oso Florin who completed the ride in 13 hours and 45 minutes. The event also included a hotly contested
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Stella Harbison on Minton East Chauncer (Photo credit Denise Keelan).
80km FEI accredited ride (1 star), with the winner Imbil local Akhmed Pshunov crossing the line just six seconds ahead of runnerup Christopher Bailey from Orange, NSW who was only two and a half minutes ahead of Imbil local Nikki Scott who took out third. "When you have riders out on the track for over five hours and they come across the line a few seconds apart it makes for great
competition throughout the ride," said Ms Moir. "The junior title in this ride was also very close with Toowoomba riders taking home both first and second place when they came over the line only seven seconds apart having been out on the tracks for close to seven hours. Molly Choyce, 17, took out first and Mognild Eerkens, 15, came in second, with third place going to New Zealander Ana Whitehead (17)." The two star 120km FEI ride saw only one completion with the junior title going to Elexis Webb from Boorabee Park, NSW. In addition to the three Equestrian Australia Championship FEI rides, there were seven other rides at the event including two introductory rides to give new endurance riders the opportunity to try the sport. Matthew Sample said he was very keen to grow the sport of endurance by offering a range of rides starting at 20km introductory rides and including 40km, 60km, 80km, 120km and 160km rides to cater for all skill levels. "We love the sport and understand the need to offer entry level rides to attract new competitors," said Mr Sample, who owns Australia's only purpose-built endurance facility. More than 182 riders participated across the 13 rides bringing 400-500 support crew and family members to the Mary Valley region over the three-day event. To find out more please visit - Ph 07 55909721 - mob 0413 733 294 - Email:
THE HIGHEST QUALITY FULL SPECTRUM PATENT VETERINARY DESIGN HOOF SUPPLEMENT BY DR ANDREW WATTS HOOF GOLD has been formulated after 28years of field experience with debilitated horses feet, working with vets, farriers and clients to produce Australia’s highest quality Hoof Supplement. Hoof Gold is designed and manufactured in Australia. Vets and farriers claim HOOF GOLD assists with conditions such as laminitis, white line disease, hoof cracks and abscessation. Manufactured in an APVMA registered laboratory
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Page 21
The Horse Report
Think carefully before you breed in drought By VICTORIA FERGUSON This horrendous drought should force a major re-think on horse breeding. Selective breeding is essential to producing performance horses that are in demand. There is an old saying ‘Select the best to be mated to the best, and then hope for the best!’ The answer may not be as easy as that, but it certainly expresses the idea of strong selection, while there are no guarantees in what you get. There are many excellent studs across Australia doing a wonderful job of producing top quality horses for a wide range of sports, including many internationally successful horses. But sadly we have seen many top stud dispersals in the last year because of the drought we are still enduring. But on the other side of the coin, there are a lot of people breeding a few horses with no real idea of what they are doing. There is no selection for conformation, soundness, temperament or performance and some of the breeds that are being crossed are plainly ridiculous. Add to that breeding only for colour and the scene is set for a large number of unwanted horses. What happens to all the unwanted horses? Before embarking on any breeding, it would be wise to consider what happens to all the unwanted horses. More than 60,000 horses are bred annually in Australia. Half of these are slaughtered at abattoirs, either for export meat for human consumption or for pet food, fertiliser and hides. Only 20% of them are brumbies and the rest are domestic horses of all breeds. A significant percentage of the horses slaughtered are young horses mostly still in their prime, sold for export meat for human consumption mainly to Europe and Japan. This market demands young, well-muscled animals. Whilst there is little documentation available about age, breed or type of horse going through the abattoirs, the racing industry does have a very high attrition rate and it is logical to assume a high percentage of the young horses slaughtered for meat are Thoroughbreds. However there is no shortage of all other breeds that end up at knackeries and abattoirs. Which leads to the question - does the horse meat industry exist because there is indiscriminate breeding through ignorance of the economic realities? Drought is an ongoing fact of life in Australia, therefore anyone who thinks they can breed horses when they cannot afford hand feeding or other essentials of responsible breeding, are breeding horses which have a very high chance of ending up as meat. The motivation for breeding also provides an insight into why so many horses end up being unwanted. One of the most prevalent reasons for breeding is ‘putting is a mare in foal when she isn’t good for anything else’. This leads to a lot of poor quality animals being bred. Frankly it would be best to have these mares slaughtered rather than creating more candidates for the slaughter house. Page 22
Then there are what is commonly called the backyard breeders who mistakenly think they are going to make money out of breeding a few horses on the cheap. If they took the real cost of responsible breeding into account – there would be a lot fewer people being unable or unwilling to care for their horses. It is estimated that the cost of producing a foal from conception to weaning is between $3000 and $7000 depending on whether they are hand fed or not. And this does not take into account service fees, labour costs or property costs. There are plenty of documented cases of breeding of large numbers of horses usually leading to horrifying neglect, especially during droughts and most of these horses end up being slaughtered, which is the kindest option at the time. There are only two export abattoirs for horses in Australia, one in South Australia and one in Queensland, which means that any horses destined for the export meat market must be transported long distances. They suffer injury and deprivation of food and water on these trips which can be compared with the iniquitous practice of live export of sheep and cattle for slaughter. As a result there are many horse rescue operations and breed re-homing groups which do the most wonderful job. But they cannot save all the unwanted horses. Whilst it is an unpalatable fact, abattoirs do perform a necessary service, as it is the indiscriminate breeding and lack of proper care that continues to provide the raw material. How much better would it be to have no unwanted horses in the first place. Mare selection should be given more consideration The common practice of putting a mare in foal to “sort her out” very seldom works. Double trouble is usually the result. Even if behavioural problems disappear during pregnancy, they usually return, quite often influencing the foal both by genetics and environmental influence. Also the practice of using mares “who are no good for anything else” to breed from is all too prevalent. Heritability of a whole range of problems is an accepted fact. Breeding for fads and fashions also has a negative effect on soundness. Whilst some behavioural problems may not actually be genetically transmitted they are certainly passed through to progeny by example. Obviously a mare with a highly developed flight instinct is going to teach her foal to be the same. It is surprising how often one
will hear of patterns recurring with various different traits. Despite popular belief and practice, the mare is more important in the breeding equation than the stallion. There are two reasons for this – the first, the maternal environmental influence and the second is a scientific fact. “If there is any bias in the relative contribution of sire and dam in a given mating, it is in favour of the female. The normal genes of the body are inherited equally from each parent. But the genes of one special part of the cell come solely from the mother. This is the organelle called the mitochondrion, a separate, self-contained part of the cell that is responsible for converting stored energy into work with the aid of oxygen.” “Mitochondria are curious in another way, in that their DNA comes solely from the mother; there is no recombination of genes from both parents.” (1) There are a lot of famous horse breeders around the world who recognise the greater importance of the mare and use it to great financial advantage. This season please think hard before you breed. At the time of writing most of Qld and NSW are still in drought, water is running out in many districts, feed availability and price is becoming a serious problem.
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The Horse Report
What makes Rose-Hip Vital Equine stand out in a cluttered market? There are in fact many reasons. It all starts
with the humble Rosehip, the berry-like fruit of the wild rose bush species Rosa Canina. A wholefood known to be one of natureâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s richest sources of natural vitamin C. A superfood containing 8 naturally occurring vitamins (including C, E, B1 and B6) and 23 minerals (including iron, copper, zinc and magnesium), essential fatty acids (omegas 3, 6 and 9), DQWLR[LGDQWV DQG Ĺ´DYRQRLGV You may already know rosehips are often fed to horses for immune system support and a UDQJH RI KHDOWK EHQHĆ&#x201C;WV LQFOXGLQJ KRRI KHDOWK improved circulation and improved digestive function. So youâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re probably wondering what makes Rose-Hip VitalÂŽ so special? Rose-Hip VitalÂŽ is made from Rosehips manufactured with patented extraction and drying processes which isolate and activate a galactolipid (fatty acid) called GOPOÂŽ. GOPOÂŽ has clinically proven antiLQĹ´DPPDWRU\ DQG DQWLR[LGDWLYH SURSHUWLHV The patented processes also concentrate and preserve the naturally occurring vitamins and minerals, transforming Rose-Hip VitalÂŽ into a product that is both in a category all on its own, and across many; Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s a joint VXSSOHPHQW DQ DQWL LQĹ´DPPDWRU\ D SRZHUIXO antioxidant and a nutritional supplement. It delivers noticeable improvements to mobility, mood, condition, willingness to move forward, performance and recovery while reducing V\VWHPLF DQG RU ORFDOLVHG LQĹ´DPPDWLRQ improving general health and wellbeing, and boosting immunity. Rose-Hip VitalÂŽ is a clinically proven plantEDVHG DQWL LQĹ´DPPDWRU\ SRZHUIXO DQWLR[LGDQW and rich source of natural vitamin C. There is no product like it. Unlike other joint supplements, Rose-Hip VitalÂŽ is 100% plantEDVHG 8QOLNH DQWL LQĹ´DPPDWRU\ PHGLFDWLRQ Rose-Hip VitalÂŽ is safe for long term use and it does not swab. It can be used alongside conventional treatments and supplements as well as potentially replacing or reducing the UHOLDQFH RQ DQWL LQĹ´DPPDWRU\ DQG RWKHU SDLQ medication.
6FLHQWLĆ&#x201C;F UHVHDUFK GHPRQVWUDWHV *232p How does Rose-Hip VitalÂŽ Equine lengthen GLVFRXUDJHV WKH DFFXPXODWLRQ RI H[FHVV the lifetime of a working horse? ZKLWH EORRG FHOOV IURP DFFXPXODWLQJ LQ 7KH VFLHQWLĆ&#x201C;F UHVHDUFK VXSSRUWLQJ 5RVH +LS WKH MRLQW WKHUHE\ EUHDNLQJ WKH F\FOH RI Vital is comprehensive. There are in excess of MRLQW LQĹ´DPPDWLRQ DQG DOOHYLDWLQJ SDLQ VFLHQWLĆ&#x201C;F VWXGLHV LQFOXGLQJ GRXEOH EOLQG placebo controlled clinical trials on people, ([SUHVV HG LQ VFLHQWLĆ&#x201C;F WHUPV *232p KDV dogs and horses mainly focusing on antiLQĹ´DPPDWRU\ DQG DQWLR[LGDWLYH SURSHUWLHV DQG VKRZQ WR LQKLELW H[SUHVVLRQ RI L126 ,/ Ńż DQG 003 DQG ,/ Ň&#x20AC; LQGXFHG $'$076 003 the unique compound GOPO. 003 ,/ Ńż DQG ,/ LQ FKRQGURF\WHV To many people, antioxidants and anti-aging 6FLHQWLĆ&#x201C;F UHVHDUFK DOVR VKRZV *232p go hand-in-hand. Antioxidants are talked protects cartilage. This means it helps to delay about as the antidote to cell-damaging free the onset of arthritic changes or slow down radicals. Exercise and the associated stress further cartilage degeneration if it already and increase in oxygen consumption are exists. linked to an increased production of free radicals. When the production of free radicals overwhelms the bodyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s antioxidant defences, In short, if you want to extend the lifetime of your working horse, feed it a natural antioxidative stress can occur with subsequent LQĹ´DPPDWRU\ D SRZHUIXO DQWLR[LGDQW DQG D GDPDJH WR FHOOXODU VWUXFWXUHV 6FLHQWLĆ&#x201C;F rich source of natural vitamin C. Rose-Hip research shows horses need natural vitamin VitalÂŽ Equine is your only option, and the C to help block toxic free radical activity, results speak for themselves. which causes damage throughout the body including joints and cartilage. Some white blood cells in the body contain granulocytes which enable them to â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;cleanâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; DQ LQĹ´DPHG MRLQW E\ GHVWUR\LQJ WKH bacteria in it. Too many of these white blood cells wear down tissue cartilage. In large numbers they can also produce chemical enzymes and toxic freeradicals which cause even more tissue damage. Excess accumulation of white blood cells combined with the release of chemical substances causeâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s joint pain DQG LQĹ´DPPDWLRQ The more LQĹ´DPHG D MRLQW becomes, the more the white blood cells are attracted to it â&#x20AC;&#x201C; a painful cycle.
Horses like it so much, even the fussiest of eaters become more enthusiastic about their feed once Rose-Hip Vital is added. So while Rose-Hip Vital Equine has become a highly UHFRPPHQG SURGXFW IRU DQWL LQĹ´DPPDWRU\ use, it also has become highly recommended for improving general health and wellbeing, improving performance and maintaining healthy joints.
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Page 23
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NOVEMBER 2-3 National Stud Show @ SIEC 3 Tocal College Approved ASH Sale 8 Tasmanian State ASH Show 9-10 Deniliquin Branch Annual ASH Show 15-17 National Arabian Stud Show @ SIEC 16-17 Central Tablelands ASH Show 16-17 Moss Vale ASH show 16-17 Far North Qld Stockmans Challenge 17 RPSBS NSW State Show 22-24 National Pinto Champs @ K Ranch 23 Thoroughbred Spring Fair 24 NSW Palomino Champs @ Londonderry 29-1 Dalby ASH Sale Campdraft & Challenge DECEMBER 8 Roan National Show @ Hawkesbury
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EFA Ph 07 3891 6611 NOVEMBER 2 Caboolture 3 Festival of Dressage QSEC 3 St Ives 3 Young 0429 831 427 3 Shoalhaven 0401 901 013 9 DNSW Awards Night 0407 017 066 10 Bemboka 0419 693 718 10 Hawkesbury 0416 110 066 u 10 REA Wagga Wagga 0405 384 201
17 Central Coast 0401 329 026 16-17 Central West 0419 264 629 16-17 Leeton 17 TLEC Twilight Dressage Series 17 Monaro Eq Club 0418 649 869 17 New England Girls School 22 Equitana CDIW Auckland 24 Camden 0408 258 989 24 Eurobodalla 0433 307 853 24 Manning Valley 24 TLEC Twilight Dressage Series DECEMBER 1 Canberra 0421 633 394 1 Warringah 0419 276 661 5-10 CDIW Pacific League World Cup 7 Dressage Qld Awards Night 7 Goulburn 0459 622 505 8 Sugarloaf Cobbitty Equestrian Club
DRIVING NOVEMBER 30-1 CDE Elmore Equestrian Park
ENDURANCE NOVEMBER 1-3 Dregholm Ride, Vic 0458 889 286 2-3 Matar Stables Bullio Cup 0429 326 245 2-3 QERA Sparkler 0488 710 022 2 Foley Memorial 03 6491 1553 Tas 2 Denmark 9-10 Fernvale 0417 626 188 30 Tas State Championships 03 6496 1309
PONYCLUB&INTERSCHOOL JANUARY 23-24 PCANSW State Show Riding Championships @ Murwillumbah 25-26 PCANSW State Dressage Championships @ Murwillumbah
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REINING QRHA Secretary (07) 5429 8797 NOVEMBER 2-3 SQRHA - Gatton 9 TRHA Training Day & Presentation Night 10 SARHA Ribbon Show / AGM/ Hi-Points 16-17 VRHA Spring Rein Show 16-17 Western Downs Ribbon Show 23-24Collie Western Riders DECEMBER 7-8 SQRHA - Gatton 7 VRHA Christmas Break up & Awards
RODEO APRA 07 4661 8183 - NRA 07 5495 8668 NOVEMBER 2 Tarcuttta 7 Queanbeyanne 9 Yass 15 Bulahdelah 15 Walcha Bushmans Carnival Rodeo 16 Harden 23 Coffs Coast Rodeo 23 Dorrigo Show Rodeo 29 Blue Moon Bull Riding - Hinton 30 Gundagai Rodeo DECEMBER
CONTACT PAULA 07 5590 9721 O
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OF EVENTS 7 Xtreme Bulls Luddenhan NSW 26 Myrtleford Golden Spurs Vic 27 Yarrawonda Vic 28 Carrieton SA 28 Lawrence Rodeo NSW 0434 618 646 28 Jindabyne Rodeo 29 Rylstone Bull A Rama 0423 364750 29 Nowra Rodeo 30-31 Smithton Rodeo & Challenge 31 Mitchell New Years Eve Rodeo 31 Tallangatta Vic 31 Upper Horton Rodeo 02 6782 7240 31 Bartlett Park Rodeo 07 4723 9402 31 O'Connell Rodeo 0423 016 850
SHOWJUMPING /EVENTING E.F.A. 07 3891 6611 NOVEMBER 1-3 Boneo Park Cup 6-10 Australian Showjumping Championships14-17 Adelaide 3DE 14 Adelaide CSI 1*-W 25 Sale CSI1*-W 30-1 SSJC Summer Champs DECEMBER 4-8 Summer Showjumping Classic @ SIEC 28-31 Bega Showjumping Club
SHOWHORSE / NOVEMBER 1-2 Albury Show 1-2 Murwillumbah Show 2 Frenchs Forest Show 3 Minto Show 8-9 Dungog Show 8-10 Queanbeyan Show 9-10 Bulli Show 9 Neville Show 9-10 Mullumbimby Show 15-16 Bulahdelah Show 15-16 Bangalow Show 22-24 Dorrigo Show 23 Emmas Show horse and Breed Champs DECEMBER 5-7 EA Australian Show Horse & Rider Championships @ Werribee JANUARY 11-12 Bowral Show 11 Pambula Show 17-19 Agricultural Shows of Australia Inaugural Conference @ Mantra Gold Coast 18-19 Albion Park Show 19 Candelo Show 24-25 Kiama Show 25-26 Eurobodalla Show 31-1 Bundarra Show and Rodeo 31-1 Berry Show 31 -2 Stanthorpe FEBRUARY 1 Nimmitabel Show 7-8 Tenterfield Show 7-8 Nowra Show 7-8 Allora 8 Henty Show 8-9 Crookwell Show 8-9 Cobargo Show 8 Rydal Show 8 Uralla Show 8-9 Morisset-Lake Macquarie Show 8 Oberon Show 14-16 Bega Show 14-15 Gundagai Show 14-16 Glen Innes Show
14-16 Clifton 21-22 Killarney 22 Cooyar
SPORTING NOVEMBER 1 Sale 3 Whittlesea 9 Dandenong 17 Werribee Park Classic
TRAIL RIDING & CTR Australian Trail Horse Riders Association 0418 438 807 Alligator Creek 0427 619 725 Beaudesert Shire 0419 772 907 Beechmont & District 0419 737 253 Bouldercombe 0418 715 837 Breakaway 0408 712 851 Brisbane Valley 0428 750 145 Blackbutt Pony Express 0432 401 525 Border Country Trail Riders 0448 326 59 Cairns Trail Horse Club 0419 770 992 Calen Trail & Horse Sports Club 0402 084 749 Canungra Trail Riding Club 0419 750 854 Cooloola Trail riders Ph 07 5482 8436 CTHC-Caboolture ph 07 5498 6068 Curtis & District 0438 111 091 Dayboro Trail Riders to 0475383553 FNQ Trail Horse Club 0408 981 555 Ipswich & District 0457 881 012 Logan River Redlands 0423 206 109 Mudgeeraba & Hinterland 0407 902 754 Rathdowney Trail Riding 07 5544 1177 Richmond River Trail Horse Riders Club 0427 886 276 Saturday Horse Activities 0408 361 215 SCATER Ph: 07 5478 8676 or 0417 612 061 Somerset Trail Riding Club - 0418 438 807 Sunny Coast Trail Horse Club - 0428 176 557 Tweed-Byron Trail Riders 0418 400 047 Toowoomba Trail Riders 0419 614 426 Toowoomba's Cumburrie 0429 663 397 Trail Riding Australia 0458 342 067 Wide Bay Trail Riders 07 4126 3456
WESTERN NOVEMBER 10 Central Coast QHA show 14-16 Victorian State Show 30 Pioneer Country QHA show DECEMBER 1 Yarra Valley QHA 7 Big Valley QHA 8 Central Coast QHA
Planning an event in 2020 let me know and we will listitin The Horse Report Calendar
R Email:
10% off to all Pony club and Equestrian club members.
Page 25
The Horse Report
Photos by Paula Anthony
Supreme led exhibit Mercurian exhibited by Kirsty Harper Purcell
Supreme rider of the show was Aolani Ware
Supreme Districk Hack exhibted by Eleisha Went
Marena Flame winner of the Ladies Galloway ridden by Aolani Ware
Supreme Hack Worldly exhibted by Kirsty Harper Purcell
Champion led Boroque
Champion Led Standardbred
Tremayne Royal Opera Champion ridden RPSBS Show Hack
Paula Anthony Photography Covering selected shows throughout northern NSW and South East Qld photos available for purchase
0413 733 294 proofs available on facebook Page 26 - Ph 07 55909721 - mob 0413 733 294 - Email:
The Horse Report
Winner of the Gary Robson memorial Champion of Champions was Worldly exhibted by Kirsty Harper Puurcell and runner up ClemsonTuxedo pictured with Isabell Cross Winston Joanne Robson and judges Mieke Bigg and Gail Iskra
Nathan Johnson in the show jumping
Champion Novice Galloway exhibited by Kristy Lolback
Photos by Paula Anthony
Reserve Champion Junior rider was Olivia Johnson
Todd Lane in the show jumping
Champion Junior Rider Amica Ware
Champion District Pony Hack Bamborough Chanelle ridden by Charlee Anthony owned by Ciel Letts
LANG PARK COTTAGES A new rural tourist facility with 1 Bedroom cottages on our private 25 acre horse property 10 mins from Byron Bay, Mullumbimby & Bangalow 02 6684 7241 Email: - Ph 07 55909721 - mob 0413 733 294 - Email:
Page 27
The Horse Report
Supreme led Quarter horse
Photos by Paula Anthony photography
Champion Galloway Gorden Park Supernova exhibited by Georgia Fairweather
Supreme led Palomino exhibit
Ben Hudson and Musicman
Runway and Megan Rerrin working out in the open Hack
Champion Hunter Pony exhibited by Liz Davies
Tremayne True Moment winner of the Riding Pony under saddle
Karen Jackson working out to win the Thoroughbred off the track class
Champion Led Arabian Exhibit shown by Peter McDonald
Paula Anthony PHOT OGRAPHY Covering selected shows throughout northern NSW and South East Qld photos available for purchase
0413 733 294
Cliff Davies in the show jumping Page 28 - Ph 07 55909721 - mob 0413 733 294 - Email:
The Horse Report
Photos by Hoofprintz photography
Cascading Regal Irish and Georgia Gent winner of costume
QLD API Hunter Of the Year Langtree Starshine Owner - Katie Brandon Rider - Shari Baldwin
Riviera Park Ditta Von Kitty ridden by Jasmin Nagy Champion Intermediate Arab Derivative
Why waltz Kid Rock ridden by Paul Austin won Champion Intermediate API and Supreme API
Miva Champagne Diva...rider Tristan Kerwick. Winner of Arabian Derivative ridden by a youth
Hearthrob Stylish Lady Ridden by Jenna Amory Owner Emma Barkla HOTY was Reserve Champion Intermediate under 14hh
Arabianoro Kharamel Kisses ...B Adams Champion Arabian Derivative Hunter over 14.2hh
HOOFPRINTZ PHOT OGRAPHY Available for shows events and private photography shoots
0476 128 212 Crazy Heart HTA Owned by Emma Barkla and Riden by Emily Denyer Champion Arabian Derivative Over 15hh - Ph 07 55909721 - mob 0413 733 294 - Email:
Page 29
The Horse Report Equine Performance Registry of Australia Pty Ltd is an all breeds equine registry that is striving to revolutionise and unite the equine industry of Australia. Equine Performance Registry of Australia Pty Ltd believe in providing a central hub and community for breeders, owners and riders regardless of their chosen event or horse breed that provides a one-of a-kind industry directory where you can find anything from Arena Equipment & Surfaces, Breakers, Trainers & Instructors, Equine Dentists & Farriers, Equine Veterinarians, Feed & Nutrition, Horse Transport, Sheds, Stables, Arenas, Portable Yards & Rubber Products, Show & Sale Prep, Floats, Goosenecks, Trucks & Trailers, Garlands, Ribbons, Rosettes & Trophies, Online Horse Magazines, Performance Horse Sales and everything in between. With over 40 combined years of experience and passion, the team strives to support, promote and make a real difference to the Australian Equine Industry. We have been running a Stallion Promotion for a period of 8 weeks through our social media platforms, where every day we are promoting a different stallion and we have reached over 150,000 people and this figure is rising every day, due to the increased interest in EPRA registered sires during the current breeding season. Our next promotion starts NOW where we will be promoting our Pre Christmas-Gift Voucher. We will be promoting our Traders on our website and on our social media platforms. So, if you have an Equine Product, Business or Service and would like that extra boost leading up to Christmas donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t hesitate to contact Equine Performance Registry of Australia Pty Ltd today.
Page 30 - Ph 07 55909721 - mob 0413 733 294 - Email:
The Horse Report - Ph 07 55909721 - mob 0413 733 294 - Email:
Page 31
The Horse Report
Trainers feature
Buck Brannaman Clinic January 6th, 7th & 8th 2020 The Australian Equine & Livestock Event centre 503 Goonoo Goonoo Rd, Tamworth , NSW 2340
Event host: Deb Desreaux or 0407 731 187
Page 32 - Ph 07 55909721 - mob 0413 733 294 - Email:
Trainers feature
The Horse Report
1/ 144#0%' #0& #; 706 #.+8' Proudly presented by Carolyn Hunt & Buck Brannaman
January 3rd, 4th & 5th 2020 Australian Equine & Livestock Event Centre 503 Goonoo Goonoo Rd, Tamworth NSW 2340 Event Co-ordinator: Deb Desreaux Email: or call 0407 731 187 Event Co-ordinator: Deb Desreaux or call 0407 731 187 FENCE SITTING WILL BE AVAILABLE THROUGH THE FOLLOWING LINK: - Ph 07 55909721 - mob 0413 733 294 - Email:
Page 33
The Horse Report
The ideals of Ray Hunt and Tom Dorrance A Legacy of Legends is a continuation of what Ray Hunt and Tom Dorrance taught and understood about horses. While Ray is widely considered the greatest and most influential horseman of all time, he was always quick to give the credit to Tom. “Tom told the horse’s side of the story,” Ray said in an interview not long after Tom’s passing. “He knew what the horse was going to do before the horse knew it. I’d never seen anything like it and I’ve never met anyone since who understands the horse the way Tom did. He had something truly special.” Together Tom and Ray changed the horse world, but with the loss of Ray in 2009 there were concerns about how to preserve their legacy and assure that the extraordinary gift they had given us was passed on. The Legacy of Legends annual gathering brings together some of today’s best examples of what Tom and Ray started, and through our scholarship program we are certain the learning will continue and the lessons these two legends taught will never be forgotten. Like Tom and Ray, who were always thinking about how they might make it easier or better for the horse, A Legacy of Legends offers others the encouragement and understanding to keep searching too. The 2020 Australian gathering will be held in Tamworth from January 3 to 5 at the Australian Equine & Livestock Event Centre. This years presenters include Buck Brannaman, Carolyn Hunt, Jaton Lord, Sarah Clifford, Anthony Desreaux and Brook Hazlett.
"Buck" Brannaman is a leading practitioner within the field of good horsemanship, which is a philosophy of working with
Ray Hunt and Tom Dorrance horses based on the idea of working with the horse's nature, using an understanding of how horses think and communicate to train the horse to accept humans and work confidently and responsively with them. One of Brannaman's stated goals is to make the animal feel safe and secure around humans so that the horse and rider can achieve a true union. Buck was for many years a disciple of Ray Hunt and also inspired by Tom and Bill Dorrance. Buck now teaches clinics worldwide. Carolyn Hunt, the Widow of the Legendary Ray Hunt Carolyn is a remarkable accomplish Horsewoman in her own right, travelling and support Ray on the road for years Carolyn now spends her time dedicated to carrying on the work of her late husband Ray and Tom Dorrance with the Legacy Foundation.
Jaton Hunt is the grandson of Ray and Carolyn Hunt and had the opportunity to travel with them and ride under Ray’s tutelage from an early age. When he wasn’t with the Hunts, Jaton worked on the family ranch in southern Idaho, competed in High School Rodeo and started
colts for the ranch along with outside clients. After finishing school he combined his practical ranch experience and the valuable lessons learned from his grandfather and went to work for Reined Cow Horse trainers Annie Reynolds and Doug Williamson. From there he branched out on his own with Jaton Lord Performance Horses. Among the futurity horses he now has in training are several colts started at the Legacy of Legends Gathering. In addition to training and competing, Jaton also conducts a limited number of clinics with his grandmother, Carolyn Hunt.
Sarah Clifford work for wellknown clinician Joe Wolter in Carmel Valley, California. Joe introduced Sarah to the Dorrance brothers, Bill and Tom, and to Ray Hunt, and Sarah was lucky enough to work with all three. Sarah trains, coaches non-professional riders and competes. Sarah also travels, judging ranch versatility competitions and giving clinics.
Anthony Desreaux grew up on large cattle stations in outback Australia, where old training traditions meant he rode a lot of
broncs in his early years. But it wasn’t until he was exposed to Ray Hunt that things really began to change for Anthony. After a 2008 clinic in Parowan Utah, Ray and Carolyn invited Anthony to their place in Texas, where he spent a month riding under Ray’s tutelage. Ray opened a whole new world up for Anthony and he returned to Australia inspired and full of new insights that caused him to see his horsemanship in an entirely new light. “Ray told me to sing my own song and that the more horses I rode, the more I’d learn from the horse. He was so right and his sayings are still ring true to me on a daily basis.”
Brook Hazlett has been starting and training outside horses for the last 20 years. He lives in Swan Hill, Victoria where he and his family own and run “Tallara,” an irrigation farm producing quality hay. Brook has a reputation for being a genuine horseman who produces horses that are confident and willing partners for their riders, regardless of the discipline. Brook travelled with Ray and Carolyn for several months in 2002 during their U.S. clinic tour and again in 2004 during a tour to Spain. Brook later spent time at Ray and Carolyn’s Era, Texas ranch training cutting horses. Brook feels very fortunate to have had this time with Ray and to witness Ray’s dedication to horses and his genuine desire to communicate with those willing to open themselves up to his teachings. Brook often reflects on something Ray said or did, and is thankful he has these invaluable slices of wisdom to recall and inject into his daily work with horses and in the clinics he conducts. For further information on the 2020 Legacy of Legends contact Deb Desreaux by email: - Ph 07 55909721 - mob 0413 733 294 - Email:
Page 34
Trainers feature
The Horse Report
Why our horses behavior can change By TANJA KRAUS
Solutions 1.If you suspect ill health, a simply blood test conducted by your vet can offer some insight. 2.If you have a horse that was 'quiet' and now seems to have issues, It could simply be that the horse is feeling better (this can be as simple as diet, or recovery from illness). I would consider education and training to resolve behavioral issues.
Changes in our horses Behavior Why it happens, and how we can help. There are many reasons that your horse may change his behavior. Here is a list of the most common causes, and their solutions; Diet Causes 1.New Feed. Simply new feed giving more energy, or an intolerance to the feed. 2.New grass / new pasture growing in the paddock / moving the horse to a different paddock. 3.Additives to the feed. 4.Maintaining 'regular' feeding rates, and reducing the workload excess energy. Solution 1.Go back to the feed that works 2.Wait for them to become accustomed to new pasture. 3.Reconsider additives. Check ingredients. 4.Adjust feed according to work. Exercise Its important to note - horses are designed to travel 20km per day. On Grass. Causes: 1. Energy in (feed in) Vs Energy out (Exercise) 2. Small Paddock = Less movement 3. Small / Basic Paddock = Less stimulation Solutions 1.Increase Exercise (human exercising, bigger paddock, bigger herd) 2.Stimulate the horse more - Slow feeder hay nets, paddock mates, toys. 3.Reduce feed. Either in quantity or quality (feed a lesser quality hay). Mares Causes 1.Mares coming in and out of season. 2.Hormonal fluctuations Solutions 1.Feed additives (there are feed additives and herbs on the market to assist with mares. 2.Injections. Your vet can offer advice on injecting a mare to stop / delay cycling. We do not necessarily endorse this or use this method. It is simply an option that is available. Change in Herd Causes 1. Being alone will cause anxiety and other behavioral issues. 2. New horses added to the paddock can 'stir' things up while hierarchy is re-established. 3. New lead horse - either a new horse, or simply a horse that has 'moved up' in the pack.
Many things can effect our horses behavior 3.The loss of a herd member, particularly the lead horse in the paddock. Solutions 1.Put your horse in a herd 2.Wait for the new herd to settle. 3.Wait for the new alpha to settle in. 4.Stimulation through training (we taught a horse who had lost his paddock alpha my ground exercises syllabus, and this built his confidence both outside, and back in the paddock). Change of Season Causes 1.The changes in season tell your horse what he should be doing breeding, eating or moving pasture. Even geldings can be affected by this. 2.Change of season can bring cold or hot weather, which can cause horses to become 'frisky' or 'lethargic'. 3.A change in season can change the pasture in the paddock. 4.A change in season can bring new dietary requirements. Solutions 1.Recognising which of the issues could be causing behavioral problems and adjusting feed or training as required. Pain Causes 1. A horse in pain can begin to exhibit behavioral issues. 2.A horse recovering from pain or discomfort may exhibit behavioral issues that were previously disguised. A horse that was 'too sore' to protest, once healed, can start to show a lack of education. Solutions 1.An investigation by professionals. A vet will give you answers if you suspect your horse is in pain. 2.A horse that begins to recover from injury and begin to display
behavioral issues, may simply need some education and training. Health Causes 1.Ill health can cause a range of behavioral changes, perhaps simply lethargy. 2.Ill health can cause a horse to appear 'quiet' when they are simply to lethargic to protest.
Unknown Causes We can never know what goes on when we are not around. Recently we noticed a change in our horses behavior and discovered that there had been a drone flown directly above them. I have noticed that on my rides since this incident, my horse is displaying 'spooky' behavior, this is a horse I have owned since she was born, and has not been spooky in the past. Solutions Rebuilding their confidence will go a long way to helping them get 'back to normal' after a scare. I hope this has given you some ideas in how to determine the cause of behavioral issues, and how to help resolve them, while preserving the horses confidence.
Tanja Kraus Horsemanship
Calendar of Events OCTOBER 2019 October 5th - 20th USA Tour & Clinics Tanja Kraus & Phil Monaghan
NOVEMBER November 9th -11th Liberty Clinic Que Sera Farm, Biddaddaba November 16th - 18th Foundation Clinic Glenreagh, NSW November 23rd - 25th Horsemanship Course Wauchope Showground, NSW
JANUARY 2020 January 2nd -16th Start your own horse under saddle - Glenreagh NSW
Tanja Kraus * Places are limited so donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t miss out! * see our events page on facebook!
2018 Cowboy Dressage Top Hand Champion - Ph 07 55909721 - mob 0413 733 294 - Email:
Page 35
The Horse Report
Two Aussie Legends
CLINTON ANDERSON IAN FRANCIS 14th and 15th December 2019 Queensland State Equestrian Centre, Caboolture Tickets $100/day or $175 w/end
Ti ckets
$100/day or $175 w/end Virginia 07 4168 5444 Page 36 - Ph 07 55909721 - mob 0413 733 294 - Email:
f Trainers feature
The Horse Report BIT 7+( ',))(5(1&( %(7:((1 :,11,1* $1' /26,1* 13 '$9,' +$<(6 Trainer 0DMRU %UHDNWKURXJK
0(*$1 -21(6 OlympicV Works great \ou must try it.
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Riders and trainers agree the design is brilliant! )
Stops the bit pinching the tongue
) Stops
the tongue getting over the bit ) Stops roof rubbing and lip pinching ) Stops the tongue out the mouth
) Stops
2QO\ PP KLJK SUHYHQWLQJ URRI UXEELQJ The bit arms GR QRW IROG GRZQ RU ULJKW EDFN to U ULJKW prevent 7KH IODW VRIW VXUIDFH SUHYHQWV ELW pinching pressure and pain to the URRI EDUV cheekV and lips.
) Stops
the horse headshaking, pulling & bolting PRXWK RSHQLQJ, rearing & bucking
) Stops
displacement of the soft palate
25'(5 12: &RQWDFW your saddlery or 3K 0413 898 128 LQIR YLGHR DW ZZZ LLZLQQHUV FRP
&223(5 /((621
â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;LLOVE TH HEMâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;
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03%&3 /08Ã&#x2021; $POUBDU ZPVS TBEEMFSZ PS 1I JOGP WJEFPT XXX JJXJOOFST DPN - Ph 07 55909721 - mob 0413 733 294 - Email:
Page 37
The Horse Report
Traders Only Promotion ADVERTISE YOUR BUSINESS, PRODUCT or SERVICE WITH US! What do you get? x Full 12 months advertisement on EPRA website x When you have a new product or a promotion advise us, and we will notify our social media platforms for FREE x Any promotional material we will put in our competitor bags and give out for FREE x Advertise your business on our big screen at our trade sites at Major Equine Events held throughout the year for FREE x 12 months Promotion …………………….….…………...$300.00 x 12 months Business Membership………………….……$75.00 Including (but not limited to) Arena Equipment & Surfaces, Breakers, Trainers & Instructors, Equine Dentists & Farriers, Equine Veterinarians, Feed & Nutrition, Horse Transport, Sheds, Stables, Arenas, Portable Yards & Rubber Products, Show & Sale Prep, Floats, Goosenecks, Trucks & Trailers, Garlands, Ribbons, Rosettes & Trophies. Visit: or email: Contact: Babette Kelly: 0473 614 207 – Amanda Nicholson 0473 614 208
Page 38 - Ph 07 55909721 - mob 0413 733 294 - Email:
The Horse Report Equine Performance Registry of Australia aims to provide concise industry directory The Equine Performance Registry of Australia is based in Tamworth and offers a service which aims to provide memberships to equine industry individuals, clubs, societies and businesses, allowing them to register their stock, input their event performance points and access a directory of equine professionals. EPRA provides a one-of-a-kind industry directory where you can find anything from trainers and breakers, to equine veterinarians and riding instructors - with everything in between. But thatâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s not all, they recognise and register all horses that are able or unable to be registered through other breed societies/associations. They offer an alternative to members, fees that are affordable and memberships that run for a full 12 months from the date of joining. Points and performance history are also allocated to horses, riders and trainers in classes that are recognised by EPRA and its approved performance bodies/breed societies, Australia wide. EPRA is all about performance, recognition and information. They are striving to revolutionise and unite the equine industry of Australia. They believe in providing a central hub and community for breeders, owners and riders regardless of their chosen event or horse breed. They aim to provide a one-of-a-kind industry directory where you can find anything from trainers and breakers, to equine vets and riding instructors - with everything in between. With over 40 combined years of experience and passion, the Equine Performance Registry of Australia strives to support and make a real difference to the Australian equine industry. For further information visit
JOIN UP NOW MEMBERSHIP FEES Full - Competition, riding member - $75 per year Amateur - ( see rules on website) - $30 per year Club, Association or Society - Free
REGISTRATION FEES Horse Lifetime registration Sire Registration Breeding return
- $50 - $100 - Free - Ph 07 55909721 - mob 0413 733 294 - Email:
Page 39
The Horse Report
BUSINESS CARD LISTINGS LOCAL & INTERSTATE HORSE TRANSPORT * Insured * Safe Modern Floats * Kind Sensible Horsemanship * Excellence for your horse * Competitive rates order online 24/7 or phone our friendly staff
w w w. c o u n t r y p a r k . c o m . a u 07 55964387 Ruth 02 62381135 Carol
Equine Sports Massage Therapy
Teagan Leeson 0403 412 776
Ph Annelise - 0400 742 509 Servicing SE QLD to Sydney out west and all areas in between
(when booked for 12 months) one off advert $100 per issue Ph Paula 07 5590 9721 - 0413 733 294 *** Now reaching over 50,000 readers ***
Servicing the Northern Rivers NSW
TRADES & SERVICES LINE LISTINGS Horse Report Line Listings Ph. 0755909721($44 for 6 months or $77 for 12 months) Horse Transport Ph 0408 537 904 The Horse Report .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ph 07 5590 9721 Neds Bed . . Horse & Dog O’Tel . . . .Clybucca . . . . . Ph 02 65650085
The Saddlefitter - Kathryn Sullivan - Butt . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ph 0413 371 802 Country Park . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ph 07 5596 4387 Aitkins Saddlery . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ph 07 3209 7506
($44 for 6 months or $77 for 12 months) or receive a free listing with display adverts booked for 12 months
Horse report
Animal Itch & Skin Remedies - Country Scene Saddlery - County Saddlery Qld - Country Park Animal DeMeulenkamp (QLD) Itch EFA Queensland... Embroidered saddlecloths - Eq Land Developments Equine on the web ... Equilibrium Mineral Mix... Equestrian On line ... Feed XL... Fordsdale Farm Stay ……. Gallagher Electric fencing ... Gold Coast Horse.... GG’s Horse Transport ..... Greystone Manure Vacuums ... GEOHEX Ground Stabilisation ..... Have Horse … Will Travel Healing for Horses Horse Transport … Horse Transport … Horse Floats … Horseland..... Page 40
Ken Faulkner... Kentucky Equine Kulavale Equestrian... Lisa McCann Herbs ....... Mitavite ... Mobile Livestock Nathan Trailers at Nerang... National Equestrian Wholesalers .... Natural Hoof care ..... Natural equipment Neds Bed Horse & Dog O’Tel..... New England Girls School . Norco..... Omega Feeds Pharmachem ... Redlands Vet Clinic ... Replay Classifieds... Riding for the Disabled............ Saddleworld...... Stance Equine Feeds.......... StockGuard Electric Southwood Saddlery... The Horse Report ... - Ph 07 55909721 - mob 0413 733 294 - Email:
p k g y !
GREAT GIFTS Buckles, Belts, Montana Jewellery & Flags Aussie books from Brigalow - Akubra Outback - Pocket Knives - Ariat Ph/Fax 07 4637 8933
100 Taylor Street, Toowoomba. 4350
Horse Clipping Heather Crack
Ph 5546 3276 - 0408 193 131 VET
LISA McCANN HERBS - Ph: 07 5447 7644
Ph 07 5520 6662 Fax 07 5522 6092 Mob 0400 712 759
Justin Wain Unit 1/9 Kortum Dr West Burleigh 4219 Email:
Equine Sports Massage Therapy REDLANDS VET CLINIC 433 Boundary Rd THORNLANDS
Teagan Leeson 0403 412 776 DR GREG BALDWIN
“The Horse Hospital at Redlands”
DR DAVID LOVELL Ph 07 3207 7325 Email:
Servicing the Northern Rivers NSW
or $250 for 12 months Phone/Fax 07 5533 2948 Melissa Waller Mob: 0417 711 445 PRODUCE/HAY/STOCKFEED
Kev’s Quality Hay & Chaff Ph Andrew 0422 824 923 Free Delivery - conditions apply HORSE TRANSPORT * A I R BAG S U S P E N S I O N * ANGLE LOAD * Q UA L I T Y OV E R N I G H T S TA B L I N G
Ph 0413 733 294
Ph: 02 6672 3898 E: CLINICS & LESSONS
RIDING INSTRUCTOR Paula Anthony PCANSW Coach /Examiner Dressage Show Horse Pony Club Rider Class Clinics Show Prep
Ph 0413 733 294 Gold Coast - Tweed - Ballina
Samantha Gunter Equine Dentistry Caring, Reliable, and Comprehensive Treatment
0415 169 469 PHOTOGRAPHER
NEW LOCATION 68 Currumbin Creek Rd Currumbin Free Delivery Gold Coast - Pottsville Conditions Apply
Servicing the Gold Coast, Mid North Coast, Northern Rivers and regularly to Brisbane, Sydney and Melbourne
Phone: 0408 724 935 Email: - Ph 07 55909721 - mob 0413 733 294 - Email:
Page 41
Qualified Animal Naturopath order online 24/7 or phone our friendly staff
w w w. c o u n t r y p a r k . c o m . a u 07 55964387 Ruth 02 62381135 Carol
Enter Coupon Code: HORSEREP for 10% discount Tel:07 5449 1453 - Email:
Kevâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Quality Hay & Chaff Weekly Deliveries from Gatton - Pottsville
Ph Andrew 0422 824 923 Free Delivery - conditions apply Samantha Gunter Equine Dentistr y Caring, Reliable, and Comprehensive Treatment 0415 169 469
Servicing the Gold Coast, Mid North Coast, Northern Rivers and regularly to Brisbane, Sydney and Melbourne
LISA McCANN HERBS October Specials
Herbal Ulcer Blend 1kg - $74 Cool Calmer Blend 1kg - $35
HOLISTIC HARMONY Creating harmony for the horse and rider. Healing physical and emotional issues with massage, acupuncture and The Emotion Code.
Phone: 0405 778 744 facebook: Harmony for Horses - Ph: 07 5447 7644
Servicing Brisbane and the Gold Coast.
Newrybar Produce & Saddlery
Matt Butler 0410 619 037 Servicing Coffs Harbour to the Gold Coast
9 Old Pacific Highway Newrybar NSW 2479
Now Under New Managment with Aaron Lang Offering country charm, friendly staff and great customer service * Hay and Chaff * Feed and Supplements * Saddlery and Grooming supplies * Fencing and Farm supplies
Ph 02 6687 1342 Email:
Page 42 - Ph 07 55909721 - mob 0413 733 294 - Email:
NEW LOCATION 68 Currumbin Creek Rd Currumbin Free Delivery Gold Coast - Pottsville Conditions Apply - 0418 291 124
Ph 07 5520 6662 Fax 07 5522 6092 Mob 0400 712 759
Justin Wain Unit 1/9 Kortum Dr West Burleigh 4219 Email:
Keep cattle ticks out of NSW Horses and other grazing livestock entering NSW from the cattle tick infested zone of Qld MUST comply with the Mandatory Measures of the Biosecurity Order (Permitted Activities) 2017 regarding examination and treatment of livestock prior to entry into NSW.
Contact: BSc BVSc MPhil
Ph: 02 6672 3898 E: P: PO BOX 355 MURWILLUMBAH 2484
BRISO RURAL 69 Lawrence Drive, Nerang Gold Coast, Queensland
Horse float servicing, repairs & rebuilds Stable construction & horse shelters, Fencing & roundyards
Jason Brisenden 0418 660 677
NSW DPI at Kirra Ph. 0755364714 Fax 0755361290 - For accredited certifiers QLD DAF call centre 07 3404 6999 Cattle Cattle ticks ticks ar e notif ia b le in NSW
HAPPY HORSES BITLESS Considerate Horsemanship Bitless Lessons and Bridle Sales
Suzy Maloney B.Eq.Sc. 0401 249 263
(when booked for 12 months) one off advert $100 per issue Ph Paula 07 5590 9721 - 0413 733 294 *** Now reaching over 50,000 readers ***
Shop 37 De-H Havilland Cres Ballina NSW 2478
02 6686 2361
Email - Ph 07 55909721 - mob 0413 733 294 - Email:
Page 43
(when booked for 12 months) one off advert $100 per issue Ph Paula 07 5590 9721 - 0413 733 294 *** Now reaching over 50,000 readers *** hĹśĆ&#x161;Ć&#x152;Ä&#x17E;Ä&#x201A;Ć&#x161;Ä&#x17E;Ä&#x161; Ć&#x161;Ĺ?ĹľÄ?Ä&#x17E;Ć&#x152; Ä&#x17E;ĹśÄ?Ä&#x201A;Ć?Ä&#x17E;Ä&#x161; Ĺ?Ĺś Ć&#x152;Ä&#x17E;Ä?Ç&#x2021;Ä?ĹŻÄ&#x17E;Ä&#x161; Ć&#x2030;ĹŻÄ&#x201A;Ć?Ć&#x161;Ĺ?Ä?
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Distributed By: Lisa Jones 0419 700 829
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The Horse Report
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The Horse Report
Contact: Suzie Bloxsidge-Kennedy Email - Ph: 0400 558 218
Poise’n’Ivy Price: $ 8,500. 145cm - 14.1 hh Reg: Arabian Riding Pony Bay Mare YOB: 2011 Sire: Bevanlee After Dark Dam: TB Mare Poise’n’Ivy was recently imported from NZ to compete at the Arabian Youth Championship show at K Ranch. Ivy as she is known at home has taken the big trip all in her stride and is settled and happy here. She is unfortunately for sale as in NZ we do not have adults on ponies like in Aus and her rider is about to turn 18. Ivy is an easy mare to have around. Great to travel, clip, prep etc. she has had one goal and was a super mum. She has been shown with success and is the current NZ National Champion Ridden derivative mare under 148cm and also the National Champion Costume Horse. Price is negotiable to the very best of homes.
Sanlirra Hula Girl Price: $ 4,800. 14.1 hh Reg: Riding Pony Black/Brown Mare YOB: 2010 Sire: Sanlirra Revelation Dam: Brickie's Girl Daize has looks and movement for both the show and dressage ring. Or would make a fabulous pony for a competitive all round HRCAV rider. With impeccable bloodlines and training started correctly. She’s a bargain for someone wanting a competitive mount. Daize has been to dressage and show jumping clinics and has been hacked out. Suitable for a confident and capable rider. She needs more exposure before being suitable for a novice. Video Footage Link - Contact: Rachel Lawes Ph: 0419 018 578
Contact: Nicky Vujcich Ph: NZ Number 0274 412 443 | Email:
Rivington Vadar Price: $ 10,000. 11.2 ½ hh Reg: Welsh A Grey Gelding Sire: Rivington Gypsy Joker Dam: Hazelmere Virginia Vadar is a well-educated show pony with a look at me presence that garners compliments from judges and spectators alike wherever he goes. He has been lightly shown with good success with previous owners including Champion mini welsh child’s pony Geelong Royal, 4th Childs Hunter Pony U12hh Barastoc HOTY etc. He has done showing, PC, interschool’s and a couple of ODEs (Gr 5 PC). Whilst he is a capable jumper, showing is his forte, he is well educated, sits in a lovely frame and sits his rider up in a great position. He is an ideal leading rein pony or would suit child’s first ridden pony/riding class mount for a confident child. He can be on the lazy side off lead so best with a confident rider capable of being the boss. Once he knows the child is capable he is more than willing to oblige. Easy to c/f/s etc. Video Footage Link - Contact: Maddy Tabak Ph: 0432 802 178
Sanlirra Just Magic Price: $ 15,500. 14.2 hh Reg. Riding Pony, EFA, SHC, Saddle pony elig ANSA Jet Black Mare YOB: 2012 Sire: Dresden Ace of Spades Dam: Kirreway Etching Highly competitive Galloway that commands champions and supreme under saddle. Suit ambitious show home wanting to build on our success. Prepped for season and ready to step out at highest level. No need to dye! Would also excel in Royal led classes. - Qualified for Sydney Royal 2020 - Two places Canberra Royal 2019 - Excellent performances SHC and EFA placings 2018-19 More videos available by request Video Footage Link - Contact: Dee McLaughlin Ph: 0417 043 103 Page 46 - Ph 07 55909721 - mob 0413 733 294 - Email:
The Horse Report
Contact: Suzie Bloxsidge-Kennedy Email - Ph: 0400 558 218
Bordershow Ladybug Price: $ POA 11.3 hh Reg: Riding Pony, SHC and EA Black/Brown Mare Sire: Bordershow Fantasia Dam: Cedar Lakes Ladybird Expressions of Interest I never thought I would be even contemplating this but Daisy is way too good to just sit in the paddock. Bordershow Ladybug needs no introduction. 12hh 6yo Riding Pony mare. Some of her wins to date 2017 Winner of the leading rein open pony at Bathurst Royal 2018 EA Hoty Runner up Open Small pony rider under 14yrs 2018 Winner of the leading rein open pony and Champion small pony at Bathurst Royal 2018 SHC Hoty Nsw Champion child’s open small pony, 3rd Open pony 2019 Pacific Coast hack champs scored 3rd Small Open pony 2019 SHC Grand Nationals Top 10 Open Leading Rein Pony Due to time I’ve basically only done the big shows with Daisy. She is such an easy pony to do everything with. Always a pleasure to take out. Easy to clip, do her feet and float. She has beautiful straight legs and great feet. She is suited to an experienced show home who wants to be competitive at the top. Inspection will not disappoint. Genuine enquires only please as this is a very hard sale and I’m only contemplating this due to the fact my daughter just isn’t that into showing and Daisy is just way too good to sit in the paddock. Contact: Renee Ph: 0400 779 664
Price: $ 25,000. 15.1 1/3 hh Grey Mare Age: 6 yrs
Nigs is the pride and joy of the Late Sarah Rose Beltz, a passionate 16yo rider from Tasmania. Sarah backed and educated Nigs with the help of her coaches Fiona Fehlberg, Paul Austin and Peter Fischer. Nigs has four lovely paces, established flying changes. Alannah and Ava Halloran have kindly cared for and shown Nigs in Sarah’s honour for the last 12 months but Sarah’s family now feel the time has come for her to continue her journey with her new person. Nigs has a long list of performances including multiple State and HOY Champion, Champion Open Hack and Childs Hack at 2019 VASA and placing 3rd in the Childs Open Hack at the 2019 Grand Nationals. Nigs is also qualified for the Childs at 2020 Grand Nationals. If the right home cannot be found, Nigs will be returned to Tasmania to her forever family to live out her days being loved and cared for and potentially bred from. Please direct any enquiry to Alannah Halloran or Paul Austin who will be managing this sale on behalf of Sarah and the Beltz family. Nigs will be competing with the Halloran family at Melbourne Royal Show in September. Rugs included, saddle and show bridle optional. Contact 1: Alannah Halloran on 0438 661 060 Contact 2: Paul Austin on 0401 660 189
Farleigh Overlord Price: $ 20,000. 15.1 hh Reg: EA & SHC Bay Gelding YOB: 2008 Sire: Trellech Enigma (imp) Dam: Farleigh Martinique Robbie as he is known around the stables, is a quality horse with exceptional ring presence. He has three established paces and would suit any rider wishing to excel in the show ring, dressage competitions or interschool events. An ideal first hack for a teenager or adult. Easy to clip, worm and shoe. Robbie has had a successful career to date. He has just competed at the 2019 Brisbane Royal Show winning his Novice Show Hunter 15 to 15.2 and placing second in the Open class. Robbie is a very much loved member of our stable and will only be sold to an approved home. He is 100% sound and drug free. Contact: Tyler Harris Ph: 0488 074 440
Whistlejackets Warlord Price: $ 18,000. ono 15.1 7/8 hh Reg. Riding Pony/Thoroughbred Black Gelding Sire: Wesswood King Joshua Dam: Miss Riddles Childs Small Show Hunter Hack. Lordy is a reliable, safe hack for a teenager.He has been with our family for 3 years. In his newcomer year he was shown & educated by Samantha Kennedy in which he won both his Newcomer at EA & SHC HOTY. He also won Champion Child's Hunter Hack at Junior Show Case with 14yr old, qualifying him for GNs in 2018. Just finished competing at his second Adelaide Royal 2019 with 15yr old with the following results - 3rd Novice Small Hunter Hack, - 5th Child's - 6th Open Qualifies easily for royals & has many Champions to his name. Loves the beach, trail riding, has been to a showjump clinic, easy to catch, float, truck, wash etc. Sad sale as rider has moved onto a new horse & school studies won't allow time for two horses. Lordy will continue to be shown this current season to qualify for 2020 royals. He is in top condition, with miles under his belt ready to go on with, to the best of homes only. Contact Danielle Crosby 0428 762 434 or Samantha Kennedy 0417 837 082 - Ph 07 55909721 - mob 0413 733 294 - Email:
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The Horse Report
Contact: Suzie Bloxsidge-Kennedy Email - Ph: 0400 558 218
Jumeirah Gold Price: $ 16,000. 15.1 hh Reg. Thoroughbred | ASH | SHC Chestnut Gelding YOB: 13 yrs Sire: Anglia Dam: Ash Friday Stunning Show Hunter Hack Finch has 3 lovely paces and has never been un placed at Royal Sydney, Canberra and Ekka. He is currently in full work and show condition. Would suit competitive show home. Selling on behalf of client please contact myself on the below details.
Karma Park Queen of Hearts Price: $ 5,000. 14.1 ½ hh Reg: Riding Pony Black Mare YOB: 2012 Sire: Wesswood Raven Caste Dam: Baseline Reluctant sale of our beautiful home bred girl due to lack of time. Annie has three lovely, kind paces. She shows huge potential and has so much more to offer just needs someone to further her education. Easily pleased under saddle. Annie has placed in hand at the Royal show as a yearling and at other shows in hand. Annie’s been to 1 show under saddle placing in all her classes and taking out champion. Annie has been worked off the property a number of times without a fuss. Easy to clip, float, shoe, rug. Annie has been out of work for a year and half due to family commitments and is currently in paddock condition with price to suit. Experienced home only. She has been on bush walks and taken over small jumps. Video on request. Please NO time wasters as I’m very time poor.
Contact: Kristy Ph: 0429 094 747
Contact: Nicole Dvorak Ph: 0402 905 104
Future Dressage Show Mount Price: $ 10,000. 15.1 hh Reg. German Riding Pony x TB Bay Gelding YOB: 2014 Sire: Don Philino WE Dam: Oxborough Princess (TB) German Riding Pony Woody was broken in at the beginning of the year, then turned out. He has recently come back into full work and is ready to go on with. With 3 quality paces and his trainable nature, Woody would be an ideal competitive dressage mount/show hack for a small adult who could continue his education. Don Philino's progeny are renowned for their super temperament and with more time and experience Woody has the potential to be a top young rider/interschool mount. Good to catch, shoe, worm and float. Reluctant sale only due to having a young family and full time work I can't give him the time he needs to excel. Video Footage Link -
Sanlirra Puppeteer Price: $ 14,000. ono 15.3 hh Reg. Riding Pony/Thoroughbred Brown Gelding Sire: Vale Park Spotlight Dam: Sanlirra Pennyvale Pupp is riding pony/thoroughbred full brother to “Sanlirra Puppet Show” & “Sanlirra Filmstar”, with his impeccable bloodlines. In the last three years we have had Puppy we competed in showing and dressage with success. Puppy is a bold and rhythmic mover, a seasoned and well educated horse trained up to elementary movements. He has also had outings at pony club and trial rides with no fuss. We have performed some low level jumping, not competitively but more so to mix up his workload, he shows great potential and enjoys the task. Puppy has taken me too many rider class wins and frequently scores in the high 60’s for his dressage. He is super easy to catch, shoe, float. He is a sound horse with zero health issues and a beautiful confirmation. He has been handled by kids, nervous mothers acting nothing less than a gentleman. He is happy to spend a whole day being pampered or stand at the float all day as a companion, all in all he is an easy horse to prepare for competitions. From his kind nature and playful personality, Puppy wins your heart and it a stable favourite. Please contact for more information and footage.
Contact: Michelle Ph: 0408 163 288 Contact: Georgia Ph: 0455 607 234 Page 48 - Ph 07 55909721 - mob 0413 733 294 - Email:
The Horse Report
Contact: Suzie Bloxsidge-Kennedy Email - Ph: 0400 558 218
ESF Clair de Lune Price: $ 16,000. Mature 16.2+ hh Reg: AWHA Dark Brown/Black Filly Sire: Pref Keur 00 Seven Dam: Purebred warmblood mare D.O.B 1.10.2018 - Purebred warmblood filly with grand prix dressage blood running through her veins. By 00 Seven (Imp) out of a Kilof McHol (Imp) bred mare, she has an exceptional temperament and possesses a fantastic conformation. Her movement is very expressive with outstanding hock action. Clair de Lune is proving to be very trainable and picks things up quickly. She leads, picks up her feet beautifully, loves to be groomed and is an absolute delight to have in the paddock. This filly has been very extensively handled since birth, loves her humans and is the first to greet you at the gate. She would suit many disciplines from an eye catching show hunter mount, dressage or show jumping mount and when her career is over, a very valuable broodmare. She should mature 16.2hh + and is a very tall, strong looking youngster. An absolute delight and a very sad sale. To knowledgeable home only so this filly reaches her full potential. Reg and microchipped AWHA. Video Footage Link - Contact: ESF Warmbloods Ph: 03 5281 5015
Alkyra Conquest Price: $ 25,000. 16.3 hh Reg: ANSA | AWHA | AHSA | SHC Chestnut Gelding Sire: Contenda (Imp) Dam: Alkyra Enchanted (TB) Stunning Contenda Gelding Exceptionally imposing chestnut warmblood/ TB who grabs the eye with his presence and quality. Incredible movement with a big floating trot and powerful canter. Super even and rhythmic, cadenced and balanced. Riley is that rare horse that sits up in front and travels forward. He has a great attitude to work and is super trainable. Lovely head, stunning front, clean legs and blemish free. Great skin and colour with good markings. Riley has been lightly shown as a newcomer in 2018 with great success winning multiple Ag Hacks champions as well as Champion Prelim and R/Champ Newcomer as SHC HOTY 2018. High places at Canberra Royal 2019. Qualified and entered Sydney 2019 and GN Young Horse 2019. Price is negotiable to a knowledgeable show/dressage home. Very regrettable sale due to family illness. Video Footage Link - Contact 1: Belinda Scanlon on +0412 537 107 Contact 2: Matt Snell on +0422 865 487
Karingal Sasha
Binnowie Rave Review
Price: $ 12,000. 16.1 ½ hh Reg. EA registered - Warmblood Black Mare Sire: Sandrels Dam: Karingal Csar
Price: $ 16,000. 13 - 13.1 hh Reg: RPSBS, Welsh Bay Gelding Sire: Binnowie Centre Stage Dam: Kirreway Celebrity
Sasha is a sweet tempered, social mare with 3 beautiful flowing paces. Easy to shoe/float/tie, only selling due to owner relocation. Sasha is currently competing at elementary level dressage. She has competed extensively in the show ring, and has been outed locally and in Perth. Sasha would suit a capable teenager or knowledgeable adult rider, simply due to her size and level of training. With regular instruction she has taken junior rider up the levels. No vices on the ground or in the saddle. She is currently shod, rugged, and stabled under lights, in full work, and ready to meet her new owner. Sasha will only go to an experienced home with companions on property (personal preference). Vet check is welcome. Price negotiable to perfect home. Notable Results include: 2019 Midwest Dressage 21st Anniversary Series 1 Highpoint Novice Horse 2018 Midwest Hack of the Year 2018 WA State Dressage Championships- Reserve Champion Participant Novice Horse 2018 WADYRA Dressage Festival Team First Contact: Martha Schenk Ph: 0419 973 391
Child’s Show Hunter Pony Unfortunately it is time for our beautiful pony Rocky to find a new little rider. Rocky has taken his then Novice 10yo rider to her first Grand Nationals to a now confident 13yo. With 4 lovely paces and a willing attitude he makes the perfect child’s mount and little rider class mount. Rocky is the ultimate no fuss pony to take away, happy to travel on his own or a part of a team. He has a wonderful temperament at home or out competing. He has won many a broad sash, won at Interschool’s and qualified for GN Child’s and Open classes. Some results include- Champion Large Hunter Pony NSW Hack Championships - Champion Large Hunter Pony Toowoomba Royal - Runner Up Child’s Large Show Hunter Pony QLD Country Hack Championships - Champion Child’s Large Hunter Pony SHCQ HOTY - Runner Up Open Large Hunter Pony SHCQ HOTY Easy to C\F\S. 13.1hh, 11yo, Brown, gelding, EA, SHC & RP. Located Gold Coast. $16000 Price reflects market not quality. video available. Contact: Amanda O’Sullivan Ph: 0422 053 440 - Ph 07 55909721 - mob 0413 733 294 - Email:
Page 49
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