The Horse Report September 2020 edition

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IN THIS ISSUE: * Magic Millions sale record prices * Bridle survey * Equine Health Feature * Minimising the laminitis risk in spring * Coat care and conditioning * Feeding for ulcers * Weeds and poisonous plants * Training tips * Photos from around the shows

Mikalya Simmonds, Jessica Fedrick and Clare Fedrick -

Photo by Hoofprintz photography

The Horse Report

What makes Rose-Hip Vital Equine stand out in a cluttered market? There are in fact many reasons. It all starts

with the humble Rosehip, the berry-like fruit of the wild rose bush species Rosa Canina. A wholefood known to be one of nature’s richest sources of natural vitamin C. A superfood containing 8 naturally occurring vitamins (including C, E, B1 and B6) and 23 minerals (including iron, copper, zinc and magnesium), essential fatty acids (omegas 3, 6 and 9), DQWLR[LGDQWV DQG ŴDYRQRLGV You may already know rosehips are often fed to horses for immune system support and a UDQJH RI KHDOWK EHQHƓWV LQFOXGLQJ KRRI KHDOWK improved circulation and improved digestive function. So you’re probably wondering what makes Rose-Hip VitalŽ so special? Rose-Hip VitalŽ is made from Rosehips manufactured with patented extraction and drying processes which isolate and activate a galactolipid (fatty acid) called GOPOŽ. GOPOŽ has clinically proven antiLQŴDPPDWRU\ DQG DQWLR[LGDWLYH SURSHUWLHV The patented processes also concentrate and preserve the naturally occurring vitamins and minerals, transforming Rose-Hip VitalŽ into a product that is both in a category all on its own, and across many; It’s a joint VXSSOHPHQW DQ DQWL LQŴDPPDWRU\ D SRZHUIXO antioxidant and a nutritional supplement. It delivers noticeable improvements to mobility, mood, condition, willingness to move forward, performance and recovery while reducing V\VWHPLF DQG RU ORFDOLVHG LQŴDPPDWLRQ improving general health and wellbeing, and boosting immunity. Rose-Hip VitalŽ is a clinically proven plantEDVHG DQWL LQŴDPPDWRU\ SRZHUIXO DQWLR[LGDQW and rich source of natural vitamin C. There is no product like it. Unlike other joint supplements, Rose-Hip VitalŽ is 100% plantEDVHG 8QOLNH DQWL LQŴDPPDWRU\ PHGLFDWLRQ Rose-Hip VitalŽ is safe for long term use and it does not swab. It can be used alongside conventional treatments and supplements as well as potentially replacing or reducing the UHOLDQFH RQ DQWL LQŴDPPDWRU\ DQG RWKHU SDLQ medication.

6FLHQWLĆ“F UHVHDUFK GHPRQVWUDWHV *232p How does Rose-Hip VitalÂŽ Equine lengthen GLVFRXUDJHV WKH DFFXPXODWLRQ RI H[FHVV the lifetime of a working horse? ZKLWH EORRG FHOOV IURP DFFXPXODWLQJ LQ 7KH VFLHQWLĆ“F UHVHDUFK VXSSRUWLQJ 5RVH +LS WKH MRLQW WKHUHE\ EUHDNLQJ WKH F\FOH RI Vital is comprehensive. There are in excess of MRLQW LQĹ´DPPDWLRQ DQG DOOHYLDWLQJ SDLQ VFLHQWLĆ“F VWXGLHV LQFOXGLQJ GRXEOH EOLQG placebo controlled clinical trials on people, ([SUHVV HG LQ VFLHQWLĆ“F WHUPV *232p KDV dogs and horses mainly focusing on antiLQĹ´DPPDWRU\ DQG DQWLR[LGDWLYH SURSHUWLHV DQG VKRZQ WR LQKLELW H[SUHVVLRQ RI L126 ,/ Ńż DQG 003 DQG ,/ Ň€ LQGXFHG $'$076 003 the unique compound GOPO. 003 ,/ Ńż DQG ,/ LQ FKRQGURF\WHV To many people, antioxidants and anti-aging 6FLHQWLĆ“F UHVHDUFK DOVR VKRZV *232p go hand-in-hand. Antioxidants are talked protects cartilage. This means it helps to delay about as the antidote to cell-damaging free the onset of arthritic changes or slow down radicals. Exercise and the associated stress further cartilage degeneration if it already and increase in oxygen consumption are exists. linked to an increased production of free radicals. When the production of free radicals overwhelms the body’s antioxidant defences, In short, if you want to extend the lifetime of your working horse, feed it a natural antioxidative stress can occur with subsequent LQĹ´DPPDWRU\ D SRZHUIXO DQWLR[LGDQW DQG D GDPDJH WR FHOOXODU VWUXFWXUHV 6FLHQWLĆ“F rich source of natural vitamin C. Rose-Hip research shows horses need natural vitamin VitalÂŽ Equine is your only option, and the C to help block toxic free radical activity, results speak for themselves. which causes damage throughout the body including joints and cartilage. Some white blood cells in the body contain granulocytes which enable them to ‘clean’ DQ LQĹ´DPHG MRLQW E\ GHVWUR\LQJ WKH bacteria in it. Too many of these white blood cells wear down tissue cartilage. In large numbers they can also produce chemical enzymes and toxic freeradicals which cause even more tissue damage. Excess accumulation of white blood cells combined with the release of chemical substances cause’s joint pain DQG LQĹ´DPPDWLRQ The more LQĹ´DPHG D MRLQW becomes, the more the white blood cells are attracted to it – a painful cycle.

Horses like it so much, even the fussiest of eaters become more enthusiastic about their feed once Rose-Hip Vital is added. So while Rose-Hip Vital Equine has become a highly UHFRPPHQG SURGXFW IRU DQWL LQĹ´DPPDWRU\ use, it also has become highly recommended for improving general health and wellbeing, improving performance and maintaining healthy joints.


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The Horse Report

Double Victory for Simone Pearce & Destano It was a clean sweep for Australian dressage rider Simone Pearce and her black stallion Destano at the CDI3*-W Brno in the Czech Republic recently The combination not only claimed victory in both the Grand Prix and Grand Prix Special competitions but also smashed the Australian Grand Prix and Grand Prix Special records, both of which were previously held by the combination. In the Grand Prix Simone and Destano scored an impressive 76.26% bettering their previous record of 74.15%, which they achieved at Achleiten CDI 4* last month, by more than 2%. Then the combination took to the arena for the Grand Prix Special where they produced a phenomenal test scoring a 77.89% smashing their previous record of 74.61%, which was also achieved at Achleiten. “Worlds best horse! Wow, wow what a show; thank you Destano, I love you to the moon and back. I’m so happy and proud of this amazing horse and I’m so thankful to Gestut Sprehe and Sabine Rüben for giving me the opportunity to ride this wonderful horse and make my dreams come true. Destano you are a legend, thank you” said Simone of her double victory. This marked the first international victory for the combination, as despite their fantastic run of results the pair had yet to finish on top of the podium. The combination has only been together a short time and has already made a name for themselves on the international dressage scene.

Destano, a 13-year old Hanoverian licensed stallion by Desperados x Brentano II, came to Simone already having competed to Grand Prix level but the talented rider saw his greater potential and worked hard at changing some of his ‘basics’ in order to unlock his true capability. "He has really come so far in the past six months and I really changed the way he has been training and have changed his basics. I think that is quite impressive with a horse, who is already trained to Grand Prix, that they allow you to change their basics so much, he has really been a pleasure to work with and I am so grateful to have him,” describes Simone.

Smiles all round for Simone and Destano

HOUSE ON ACREAGE WANTED TO RENT Business couple looking to rent a house on acreage suitable for 3 x show ponies and pets. Husband is a licensed Builder and can do renovation work. Looking at Southern Gold Coast to Murwillumbah areas for a 1-2 year lease. References available. Contact Liana on 0412450767 or

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The Horse Report

Noble Privilege tops final day of sale The final day of the 2020 Magic Millions National Sale saw progeny of Lonhro starring across the day. The top price for the day was $260,000 given by Darby Racing and Will Johnson Bloodstock for the exciting race prospect Noble Privilege. The unraced, but trial winning colt was offered during the National Racehorse section as part of the Estate of the late Eduardo Cojuangco Sale. "We missed out on the Shalaa last night, we were wrapt with that Shalaa but when this guy came up, he was just a must get for us," Darby Racing's Sale Manager Mark Holland said. "Lonhro, outstanding family, two stallions in the family and he's a horse that's won a city trial already. “This horse is still a colt, he's by Lonhro who is a champion stallion and he was just a must have. "That's one of the massive bonuses. “We're up here buying yearlings at the moment and now we can get our shareholders into a racehorse and with legitimate reasons for Gooree to be moving him on." Darby Racing revealed they would transfer the exciting prospect to the stables of Michael, Wayne and John Hawkes. "Obviously John (Hawkes) with Lonhro, it's a great match," Holland said. "They pride themselves on good types and this colt was a mirror image of his father and we think it's a perfect fit for Team Hawkes." It was a Lonhro sort of day on the Gold Coast as the second top seller in the National Racehorse Sale and the headline horse from the Godolphin draft was another son of Lonhro, Haunted.

Noble Privilege topped the final day of sales at the 2020 Magic Millions on the Gold Coast.

A stakes winner and last start placegetter in the Ramornie Handicap at Grafton, Haunted sold for $160,000 to Queensland based owner Jack Pakis. All 30 lots offered at the National Racehorse Sale were sold for a gross of over $1.8 million - boasting an average price of over $60,000. The National Yearling Sale concluded with Book Two action and a colt by Darley's champ Lonhro was the star of the session - selling for $180,000. Offered by Goodwood Farm, as agent for Jazcom Thoroughbreds, the Lonhro colt was the subject of bids from around the complex before a $180,000 online bid from Hong Kong based Upper Bloodstock proved the winning one. The Lonhro colt is the second

Accommodation Available Horse & Rider x 2 - Samford

Lock up stable, tack room. Large 1 acre run & round ring, plus safe riding arena. Handy to large parks. Parking for float or truck. Accommodation air conditioned one bedroom, Kitchen toilet & shower including all power. Furnished x 2 1 $300 per week 2nd $340 per week Plus Option for extra stables and run Ph 0418 722 325 Page 4

foal of the Sydney winning Street Cry mare Respected - a half sister to stakes winner Federal. It's also the family of Godolphin's recent Group One winner Flit. "To achieve well over $80 million for the stock we had and to be clearing well over three quarters of what we offered is a phenomenal effort in the current climate," Magic Millions Managing Director Barry Bowditch said. "A lot of people went to extraordinary lengths to attend - having to make many sacrifices and also adhering to changing conditions." "This sale was for the participants of the industry and they got in behind it and met the market and the buyers were here and they were very motivated to

play and I think that is evident. It has been an extraordinary sale from start to finish." "To the team at Magic Millions, to put a plan in place to hold this sale and I have never been more proud of them. “I think it justifies what this team can pull off and I think this has been quite extraordinary." "I also think that being here at Magic Millions provides the best of both worlds, you have the online audience, but you also have the live auction audience to be able to do both of them in one go, can only add to the sales outcomes," Bowditch added. To view the National Yearling Sale results or to make an offer on a passed in lot visit the website at

LISA McCANN HERBS September Specials

1kg Cool Calmer $37.00 1.25 Winter Warmer $40.00 1kg Joint Blend Plus $75.00 - Ph: 07 5447 7644 - Ph 07 55909721 - mob 0413 733 294 - Email:

The Horse Report

Lifting the veil on bridles survey Archaeological evidence shows our equestrian ancestors have been using bitted bridles to guide horses for up to 6,000 years - a practice that continues to the present day. However, in the past few years - the equivalent of a heartbeat in this archaeological timeframe there has been a gradual transition towards riding horses with bitless and other forms of unbitted bridles. What were the triggers for this move away from traditional bridles? Judith Matusiewicz, a Master's research candidate from Charles Sturt University, would be interested to find out why riders' choose the bridles they do. Is bridle choice based on tradition? Or is it club rules, horse welfare, rider safety or something else? Judith has developed a survey to obtain this information, and you can help. Please have your say by participating in her anonymous survey, it will only take about 10-15 minutes of your time. Your participation will be important in increasing the knowledge of equine science.. Here is the survey link:

Is your choice of bridle ( with bit or with out bit ) based on tradition, rules, horse welfare or something else?

or, if you prefer to scan a QR Code:

ACCREDITED MOBILE TICK INSPECTOR For all your horse and cattle movement treatment requirements

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Looking for a final resting place for your special horse? Warrego Farms offer a peaceful and compassionate solution We offer a collection and burial service Professional handling

Contact - Lindsay Goodwin: 0402 071 374 - Ph 07 55909721 - mob 0413 733 294 - Email:

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The Horse Report

How to select your next champion By DAVID LOVELL BSVS

Good conformation, attitude and desire all play a part in the horses ability to become a champion.

and appearance. Potential horse owners are attempting to select animals on adjudged features of conformation that in their opinion, should provide an animal that is capa-


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ble of being trained and educated to successfully perform a particular kind of work. Dr R Smythe in his book on horse structure and movement written in England over 50 years ago made the following statements: "Well shaped young animals have a greater market value than plain ones, but it is unfortunate that choosing a horse by its looks is nearly as great a gamble as selecting a wife with an eye to her vital statistics alone" - (I know, politically incorrect in these days, but it serves to show a point!), "The truth is that there are virtues in a great many horses, as in a great many people, completely unrelated to good looks or even physical perfection, that enables them to achieve great things" Ultimately the goal of the majority of horse owners is successful performance and this is what we are trying to assess when selecting a horse. I feel there are several key elements that a horse must have to be a successful performer. These are Attitude, Desire, Ability, Conformation, and Training. All are very important and elite competitors in any discipline must be proficient in all elements. Many horses with deficiencies in some areas are still able to be very successful performers. Certainly a skilled trainer and rider is very often able to

Full Service Equine Clinic It’s all about your horse

In the early 80s, I was fortunate enough to visit a large standardbred breeding farm in New Jersey in the USA and was shown their newest acquisition, a four-year-old stallion who had just retired from racing. At that time, this horse was the fastest pacer of all time and was the sport’s greatest stakes winner. He was not quite 15 hands tall, narrow and slabby, had a club foot on the left front, an overshot jaw, and only one testicle. He had a full book of mares for the upcoming breeding season. From that day forward, I have been a little cynical about conformation and what it really means. This horse probably could not have had any worse a conformation and yet he was one of the greatest performers of all time and mare owners were flocking to breed to him. How could such a horrible looking horse be so good? Good conformation certainly has a perceived market value. Young horses in particular are most often judged on their looks


achieve excellent performance from ordinary horses. This is most often demonstrated when an owner with lesser skills acquires a seemingly well performed horse from an expert trainer and the horse fails to live up to its reputation ATTITUDE: The temperament and personality of the horse. Attitude refers to the psychological profile of the horse. This certainly includes temperament which, in my opinion, is probably the single most important selection criteria that potential owners should assess, but it also includes "expression" and this refers to the personality of the horse. There is absolutely no pleasure in having to deal with a difficult horse and they should be avoided at all costs by the average horse owner. DESIRE: "The Will to Win" Desire is an intangible attribute that is impossible to identify or properly measure, but the "Will to Win" is the major factor that differentiates the "average" competitor, from the "elite", This applies across all species and sports, but is best exampled by racing and endurance horses, being that individual that continues to race on, even though the elements of fatigue are cascading and really hurting, but the competitor fights on. Cannot be selected for when choosing a horse. continued page 7

r horse

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The Horse Report

Conformation and traits to look for  from page 6 ABILITY: Speed, Strength, Endurance, and Neuro-muscular Co-ordination. This is where breeding and genetics play a major role and many people spend an inordinate amount of time studying breeding and pedigrees. Without going in to the finer points, if you are after a racehorse, look for a thoroughbred, a dressage horse, consider a warm-blood. These breeds have been selected over many generations for particular performance abilities. CONFORMATION: What we see when we "look" at a horse Conformation means different things to different people and there are so many theories and opinions as to what is right and what is wrong. It basically refers to the form, shape, balance and outline of the horse and it is what most of us look at when assessing a horse. I am not so sure that many of us really understand what we are actually looking at, but basically the principles of conformation that have evolved are those characteristics that have been shown to give a horse a better chance of withstanding the loads and rigors of performance. TRAINING: Developing the Abilities of the Horse. Ensuring the horse is fit, skilled, and geared to ensure the horse is best able to maximise its inherent ability. Training obviously is a progressive thing and prospective owners have different requirements and will be looking for individuals ranging from unbroken yearlings through to retired schoolmasters. From a performance point of view, training, tactics, and presentation often dictates how successful the competitor will be.

Breeding and genetics play a major role in performance

The only objective measurement of this can be the performance record. Claims of superior levels of training by a vendor in a horse that has not been to competition have to be taken with a grain of salt. I alluded earlier on to the fact that skilled trainers are very often able to extract superior performances from horses that are relatively "ordinary" in their real skills. Unfortunately, this is where a lot of lesser skilled buyers come unstuck. The professional trainer often makes their living buying and selling horses and unfortunately the new owner does not have the skills and experience of the vendor and the horse fails to live up to expectations. That, however, is the way of the world, and the only advice I can give is to select your horse very carefully and seek advice from those around you who are familiar with the new rider's abilities and skills.



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Equine Health Feature

The Horse Report

How to minimise laminitis risk in spring By LARISSA BILSTON, BAgrSc (Hons 1), Animal Nutritionist, Farmalogic Days are getting longer, the soil is moist and nights are warming up and spring grass growth has begun. Why is springtime such a tricky time for managing laminitis/founder-prone horses and ponies? The RSPCA defines laminitis as "inflammation of the laminae of the foot - the soft tissue structures that attach the coffin or pedal bone of the foot to the hoof wall." Chronic laminitis is commonly referred to as founder and is usually associated with permanent changes in hoof structure including pedal bone rotation. Many chronically laminitis-prone horses have an underlying condition such as Equine Metabolic Syndrome (EMS) or Pituitary Pars Intermedia Dysfunction (PPID) also known as Cushing's disease. Some horses with PPID and all horses with EMS are Insulin Resistant (IR) horses and are particularly at risk of developing laminitis in spring and autumn when pasture contains high levels of sugar and starch. What triggers laminitis in horses and ponies? Research to identify what causes laminitis has confirmed that a large and prolonged influx of sugar and starch leads to a large and prolonged rise in insulin and this has been demonstrated to trigger separation of the lamellae in the hooves though the actual mechanism is still unknown. During spring and autumn, an over-abundance of high carbohydrate grasses is responsible for many cases of laminitis in horses, ponies, donkeys and mules, especially when they are insulin resistant. Carbohydrate overload also occurs during spring when the sudden introduction of high sugar grass can increase the amount of sugar being fermented in the hind gut causing hind gut acidosis and disrupting the equine gut microbiome. This causes diarrhea and may lead to the release of endotoxins causing colic and laminitis. However there are other (non feed-related) causes of laminitis including retained pla-

In spring and autumn pastures contains high levels of sugar and starch 2. For weight loss, limit daily dry matter centa in mares after foaling, septicaemia and intake to 1.5 per cent of the horse's bodytrauma from hard ground, severe trimming weight either by using locking off the pasof hooves or compensation for lameness in ture and providing low calorie grass hay another limb causing the non-lame leg to (ESC + Starch below 10%) in a slow feeder bear more weight. hay nets. If unable to buy suitable hay, soak hay for a Top 10 tips to minimise spring-time laminiminimum of half an hour in hot water or one tis risk hour in cold water and drain before feeding to reduce calories (but be aware this will also 1. Choose low carbohydrate roughage remove some of the vitamins and minerals). sources for EMS, overweight, easy-keeper or 3. Do not leave horses for hours without laminitis-prone horses. food because their bodies will release stress The carbohydrate (sugar and starch) levels hormones that put the body into 'drought of ryegrass and some other introduced mode.' grasses, particularly C3 species, are too high These hormones tell the body to "conserve for horses who evolved to graze lower qualienergy at all costs, because we don't know ty roughages. when there will be more food to eat" which Look for slower growing, higher fibre, lower is counter-productive in a weight loss situanutrient varieties such as Rhodes Grass, tion. Cocksfoot, Browntop Bentgrass, Yorkshire 4. Exercise overweight and insulin resistant Fog, Teff, Crested Dogtail Grass Prairie horses with at least 20 minutes of ridden or Grass and Australian native grasses lunge work (predominantly trot or canter) Wallaby Grass, Native Wheatgrass, Native daily provided the horse is not lame. Bluegrass and Weeping Grass are amongst Do not exercise post-laminitis until the the best suited to grazing. affected hooves have grown out completely Consider the use of hindgut buffers and proand a vet has given the all-clear. biotic live yeast to help maintain a more stable hind gut pH. Â continued page 9

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Equine Health Feature

The Horse Report

Monitor your horse’s grazing in the paddock  from page 8 Additional and regular movement can be encouraged in the yard by placing hay nets in different places or use a laneway system so that the horse has to travel from food to water. 5. When your laminitis-prone horse has lost weight and there is a suitable low carbohydrate pasture available to graze, use a grazing muzzle and gradually introduce limited grazing time (no more than a few hours in the very early morning around dawn before grass sugar levels rise) or let horses follow cows/sheep through paddocks - but only if grass is higher than 10 cm, is rapidly growing and has not gone to seed. Some parts of the plant are higher in sugars, fructans and starch than others - laminitis prone horses should avoid eating grasses high in seeds and the stalks that support seed heads (this includes all kinds of cereal hay and chaff such as barley or oaten). The stems in the lower 10 cm of the plant also act as a reserve of energy (sugars, mainly fructans) for the plant, so laminitis prone horses should not be kept on overgrazed pastures. If using strip grazing, implement a back fence to prevent horses from going back and eating the lower leaves and stems of the pasture (in addition to reducing your horse's sugar intake, this will also help your pastures recover and produce more feed ready for the next grazing). 6. Do not let laminitis prone horses graze pastures stressed by frost. When plants are stressed by drought, nutrient restrictions or frost, plant growth is much slower and sugars accumulate in leaves and stems. 7. If your horse is not laminitis-prone and is able to graze on spring pastures, ensure gradual introduction of lush green grass to give the gut microbial population time to adapt to the changing food source. Feed a probiotic live yeast to support a healthy gut microbial population during unavoidably sudden changes in feed such as fresh growth following rain. Use a hindgut buffer when high carbohydrate grass consumption is unavoidable or difficult to manage.

Increase your horse’s exercise regime by placing hay nets away from water or limit their food intake through the use of grazing muzzles (pictured below).

8. Horses do not need a 'laminitis-safe' hard feed during weight loss. All that is required is low carbohydrate roughage, vitamins, omega-3s and a mineral balancer. Laminitis prone horses require supplementation with minerals to top up and balance the mineral ratios across the diet as a whole. Look for low calorie options such as concentrated balancer pellets (avoid those with a cereal base) or add powders to add to a token low starch feed such as lucerne chaff, copra, beet pulp or soy hulls. 9. Feed omega-3s to balance omega-6 levels and therefore reduce inflammation in horses fed a predominantly hay diet. Marine-sourced omega-3s containing DHA and EPA have been shown to increase insulin sensitivity. 10. Consider the use of specific prebiotics designed to improve insulin sensitivity. - Ph 07 55909721 - mob 0413 733 294 - Email:

Page 9

The Horse Report

NATURAL ANIMAL CARE PRODUCTS 'Pure botanical goodness for optimum coat condition' SULPHATE FREE SHAMPOO & CONDITIONER Powered with Neem, a blend of the purest essential oils and vitamin E to nourish, protect and leave the coat in optimum condition.

INTENSIVE COAT OIL For more severe cases of itch to provide relief and repair the skin

COAT OIL Protein-enriched formulation to help with dry/scaly areas, hair regrowth and minor itch. Less is more with this product!

CLEANSING TEA TREE SPRAY Contains essential vitamins & minerals of Tea Tree and Papaya. Flush & clean with minimal fuss & handling.

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TEA TREE & NEEM POWDER The detoxifying ability of Kaolin Clay to extract impurities plus the wonderful benefits of Neem & Tea Tree will soothe & deodorise.

WONDER WAX Formulated with organic beeswax, shea nut butter, cocoa butter & essential oils. Use on cuts and abrasions, skin will stay supple to reduce scarring.

GREASY CREAM Antibacterial & antifungal cream may help with greasy heel, mud fever, saddle sores, girth gall and minor itch.

EQUINE SPRAY All over outdoor protection, safe & effective alternative to chemical-laden products.

Proudly Australian owned and operated small business since 2004 - Ph 07 55909721 - mob 0413 733 294 - Email:

Page 10

Equine Health Feature

The Horse Report

What makes Rose-Hip Vital Equine stand out in a cluttered market? There are in fact many reasons. It all starts

with the humble Rosehip, the berry-like fruit of the wild rose bush species Rosa Canina. A wholefood known to be one of nature’s richest sources of natural vitamin C. A superfood containing 8 naturally occurring vitamins (including C, E, B1 and B6) and 23 minerals (including iron, copper, zinc and magnesium), essential fatty acids (omegas 3, 6 and 9), DQWLR[LGDQWV DQG ŴDYRQRLGV You may already know rosehips are often fed to horses for immune system support and a UDQJH RI KHDOWK EHQHƓWV LQFOXGLQJ KRRI KHDOWK improved circulation and improved digestive function. So you’re probably wondering what makes Rose-Hip VitalŽ so special? Rose-Hip VitalŽ is made from Rosehips manufactured with patented extraction and drying processes which isolate and activate a galactolipid (fatty acid) called GOPOŽ. GOPOŽ has clinically proven antiLQŴDPPDWRU\ DQG DQWLR[LGDWLYH SURSHUWLHV The patented processes also concentrate and preserve the naturally occurring vitamins and minerals, transforming Rose-Hip VitalŽ into a product that is both in a category all on its own, and across many; It’s a joint VXSSOHPHQW DQ DQWL LQŴDPPDWRU\ D SRZHUIXO antioxidant and a nutritional supplement. It delivers noticeable improvements to mobility, mood, condition, willingness to move forward, performance and recovery while reducing V\VWHPLF DQG RU ORFDOLVHG LQŴDPPDWLRQ improving general health and wellbeing, and boosting immunity. Rose-Hip VitalŽ is a clinically proven plantEDVHG DQWL LQŴDPPDWRU\ SRZHUIXO DQWLR[LGDQW and rich source of natural vitamin C. There is no product like it. Unlike other joint supplements, Rose-Hip VitalŽ is 100% plantEDVHG 8QOLNH DQWL LQŴDPPDWRU\ PHGLFDWLRQ Rose-Hip VitalŽ is safe for long term use and it does not swab. It can be used alongside conventional treatments and supplements as well as potentially replacing or reducing the UHOLDQFH RQ DQWL LQŴDPPDWRU\ DQG RWKHU SDLQ medication.

6FLHQWLĆ“F UHVHDUFK GHPRQVWUDWHV *232p How does Rose-Hip VitalÂŽ Equine lengthen GLVFRXUDJHV WKH DFFXPXODWLRQ RI H[FHVV the lifetime of a working horse? ZKLWH EORRG FHOOV IURP DFFXPXODWLQJ LQ 7KH VFLHQWLĆ“F UHVHDUFK VXSSRUWLQJ 5RVH +LS WKH MRLQW WKHUHE\ EUHDNLQJ WKH F\FOH RI Vital is comprehensive. There are in excess of MRLQW LQĹ´DPPDWLRQ DQG DOOHYLDWLQJ SDLQ VFLHQWLĆ“F VWXGLHV LQFOXGLQJ GRXEOH EOLQG placebo controlled clinical trials on people, ([SUHVV HG LQ VFLHQWLĆ“F WHUPV *232p KDV dogs and horses mainly focusing on antiLQĹ´DPPDWRU\ DQG DQWLR[LGDWLYH SURSHUWLHV DQG VKRZQ WR LQKLELW H[SUHVVLRQ RI L126 ,/ Ńż DQG 003 DQG ,/ Ň€ LQGXFHG $'$076 003 the unique compound GOPO. 003 ,/ Ńż DQG ,/ LQ FKRQGURF\WHV To many people, antioxidants and anti-aging 6FLHQWLĆ“F UHVHDUFK DOVR VKRZV *232p go hand-in-hand. Antioxidants are talked protects cartilage. This means it helps to delay about as the antidote to cell-damaging free the onset of arthritic changes or slow down radicals. Exercise and the associated stress further cartilage degeneration if it already and increase in oxygen consumption are exists. linked to an increased production of free radicals. When the production of free radicals overwhelms the body’s antioxidant defences, In short, if you want to extend the lifetime of your working horse, feed it a natural antioxidative stress can occur with subsequent LQĹ´DPPDWRU\ D SRZHUIXO DQWLR[LGDQW DQG D GDPDJH WR FHOOXODU VWUXFWXUHV 6FLHQWLĆ“F rich source of natural vitamin C. Rose-Hip research shows horses need natural vitamin VitalÂŽ Equine is your only option, and the C to help block toxic free radical activity, results speak for themselves. which causes damage throughout the body including joints and cartilage. Some white blood cells in the body contain granulocytes which enable them to ‘clean’ DQ LQĹ´DPHG MRLQW E\ GHVWUR\LQJ WKH bacteria in it. Too many of these white blood cells wear down tissue cartilage. In large numbers they can also produce chemical enzymes and toxic freeradicals which cause even more tissue damage. Excess accumulation of white blood cells combined with the release of chemical substances cause’s joint pain DQG LQĹ´DPPDWLRQ The more LQĹ´DPHG D MRLQW becomes, the more the white blood cells are attracted to it – a painful cycle.

Horses like it so much, even the fussiest of eaters become more enthusiastic about their feed once Rose-Hip Vital is added. So while Rose-Hip Vital Equine has become a highly UHFRPPHQG SURGXFW IRU DQWL LQĹ´DPPDWRU\ use, it also has become highly recommended for improving general health and wellbeing, improving performance and maintaining healthy joints.


$199.95 NOW $99.95

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Pop's Diner Discounts 15th Anniversary Treats

Available in super strong 60plyb - 3cm, 4cm and 6cm holes Our Smalls are very generous in sizing, with large open mouths.b They easily take up to 3 biscuits of Our Mediums take a generous half bale.b Super wide mouth so filling is a breeze.bbFantastic for stable, yard, float and paddock use and for managing laminitic horses and ponies.b All in 60ply.

Large Hay Net - Full Small Bale Available in super strong 60ply b- 3cm, 4cm and 6cm holes Our Large GutzBusta Hay Nets are unique in that they open on the long side. Therefore they are SUPER easy to fill.b No more struggling with trying to pull a large net over the entire bale. Also great if you are feedingb biscuits from round bales or large squares.

Great for horses, cattle, sheep, donkies, alpaca's, goats and even chickens!

GutzBustaÂŽ Round Bale Nets Huge range of 60ply available in 3cm, 4cm and 6cm sized holes Drastically reduce your hay wastage by up to 46%.b Stops animals from peeing, pooping, and laying on the round bale as well as the wind blowing ay away.

Large 8x4x3 / 8x3x3 Square Bales

Most generous sized and easy to fill hay nets in Australia

Small and Medium Hay Nets

Available in 3cm, 4cm and 6cm sized holes - in bstrong 60plyb Keeps the hay held together to massively reduce hay wastage. Just some of the advantages of using a GutzBustaÂŽ Hay Net: * Reduce incidence of choke, stomach ulcers, colic and stable vices * Fantastic aid in managing laminitic horses and ponies. * Great for soaking hay as our netting doesn't absorb the weight of water 998 Glenlogan Rd, Cowra, NSW | 0418 282 097 | Page 12 - Ph 07 55909721 - mob 0413 733 294 - Email:

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Equine Health Feature

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Following the success of HOOF GOLD and increasing demand from veterinarians, Farriers and clients we embarked on producing our next generation of formulas. NEW Equine & Canine Range NOW AVAILABLE TM

We are proud to announce the release of our two new patent formulations, BONE GOLDTM and COAT GOLDTM in both the Equine and Canine presentations. Our Formulas have been granted Innovative Patents as they present as totally unique in the market and are clearly differentiated from all other supplements. Our new products have been produced with the same attention to detail with the highest quality pharmaceutical grade ingredients manufactured in an Australian APVMA CLASS 2 registered and certified Laboratory. Unlike most other supplements made in feed barns or pet food factories, this guarantees the quality and quantity of each ingredient in all our products. VET GOLDTM products are made in the same laboratories as many Veterinary Pharmaceuticals with the highest quality control standards in the Australian Veterinary industry. Our products are developed with specialist bio-engineers focused on ensuring maximising product effectiveness balancing ingredient ratios and particle sizes to optimise physiological uptake, digestibility and stability.

Extensive research and development in conjunction with clinical testing and observation by Veterinary Surgeons on clinical equine and canine cases is conducted on all our products. Dr Watts has lectured at Equine Veterinary Association meetings, at the University of Queensland and runs regular remedial Equine podiatry workshops in conjunction with Veterinary colleagues and Farriers in addition to running a busy clinical Equine Practice. VET GOLDTM is a family owned Australian business that takes pride in all our product range with comprehensive personal support with any questions answered directly by Dr Andrew Watts and his stoic knowledgeable partner Mel Watts. Please feel welcome to contact us anytime, we look forward to personally providing any technical or medical support or information regarding our products.


HOOF GOLD NUTRITIONAL HOOF SUPPLEMENT designed to assist with conditions such as laminitis, white line disease, hoof cracks and abscesses

BONE GOLD SUPPORTS BONE JOINT & COLLAGEN HEALTH designed to support Type 1, 11 and 111 Collagen formation

By Dr Andrew Watts

COAT GOLD SUPPORTS COAT AND HAIR HEALTH contains the essential Amino Acids and building blocks for the production of Keratin



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What is the best diet for ulcer By ANTOINETTE FOSTER Dip Nut Equine Nutritional Therapist and Medical Herbalist Š2020 Hi Form Australia Pty Ltd

It has been proven that the most effective way to manage ulcers in horses is via nutrition. The right balance of nutrition can minimise the risk of ulcer formation, so putting a well-balanced high roughage diet into place will not only improve your horse's digestive health but support the gut microbiome. Providing a high percentage and a quality roughage-based diet will assist in stimulating saliva production and may help reduce occurrences of ulcers. Feeding alfalfa hay is one of the best options to reduce the risk of ulcers in horses. Alfalfa is high in calcium and protein and this may act as a buffer against gastric acid. The longer the stem hay the more advantageous it will be for your horse as this encourages the horse to chew the feed at a normal rate. Horses must be fed a minimum of 1 to 1.5% of their body weight during the day. If you are feeding a hard feed to your horse, make sure at the same time you are providing plenty of alfalfa hay. If you own a high performance horse and they are being fed a high energy diet, feeding quality alfalfa hay will be highly beneficial as it will not only provide a readily digestible source of nutrients but you can also reduce the amount of grain being fed per day. Alfalfa is also very low in starch and sugar and has an excellent level of protein. Make sure the horses starch intake per does not exceed 2 g of starch per kilogram of body weight. High-performance horses often require larger amounts of grain per day so it is advisable to feed at least 3 smaller meals per day always remembering that horses have small stomachs and require smaller feeds more often. This will also help to support the horses digestive system longterm.

Regular access to pasture is important for gut health

By providing a smaller feed more often will also reduce the amount of starch being fed per meal. Another extremely important aspect of managing the horse's long-term digestive health is to ensure that they have access to pasture on a regular basis. If this is not possible then I highly recommend slow feeders or hay nets that have small holes. If you are using a round bale, there are round bale hay nets with small holes. Personally, I am not a fan of using these hay nets in a paddock situation as there is a risk that horses could get caught in the hay net. This happened to me personally, my preference is to provide a securely attached hay net but of a larger size with small holes. These can generally accommodate up to 5 biscuits of hay which is ample if you are providing hay overnight or during the day. Horses who are retired or perhaps are good doers again will benefit from this type of management and hay nets with small holes. There has been some evidence to suggest that using a good quality oil could also reduce the risk of the formation of ulcers and supply a good level of cool energy (Cargile et al., 2004), the oil I recommend is always a certified organic, cold pressed

flaxseed oil such as AlphaFlax, not only do you have the potential benefit of reducing the risk of ulcers with a cool energy source but also a high level of omega 3 which will help to reduce inflammation. Feeding oil is a great option as you can reduce a high grain ration and still provide an excellent level of calories and fat. Always make sure that you provide your horse with the correct intake of vitamins and minerals per day. If you have a horse that requires spelling due to an injury, it is important to transition them slowly from a hard feed diet to a high roughage-based diet. Hays like teff hay (pictured below) are quite beneficial as they are very low in sugar and starch and do not contain high levels of protein this combined with alfalfa would be a good option and a nice balance in these cases. Â continued page 17

Equine Health Feature

The Horse Report

Alfalfa hay is highly beneficial on several fronts. Page 16 - Ph 07 55909721 - mob 0413 733 294 - Email:

Equine Health Feature

The Horse Report

Diets and digestive health for your horse  From page 16

When you replace sugar and starch with fat you can also have an impact on horses that tend to be tense or ones that have possibly too much energy. Using a good quality oil is also very beneficial for horses that perhaps are being stabled due to an injury. It is not recommended to maintain a high energy grain diet when horses are recovering from injury as the calories provided will be too high for a horse at rest. The same rule applies when your horse has a day off if your horses being fed a hard feed make sure you reduce the level of calories on these days. One the most important parts of managing your horse's digestive health is to ensure that they always have access to fresh clean water. I am not a fan of automatic water troughs; I prefer to know precisely what the horse is consuming per day. Very often automatic water troughs are neglected in relation to cleanliness too. Knowing how much your horse consumes per day is very important. Finally, it has been proven beyond all doubt that what you feed your horse has a bearing on whether they will develop ulcers. Using pro-and prebiotics are also beneficial to support the digestive health and gut microbiome. Bioequus is a Pro and Prebiotic but also has gut soothing herb extracts which is very beneficial when you are managing or treating an ulcer. Just remember the most important aspect of managing your horse's overall health and reducing the risk of ulcers is to provide a high level of roughage every single day. This can be provided in the form of good quality pasture hay, some oaten hay, teff hay and alfalfa hay. Which combination will depend on availability and the type of horse you are feeding. If your horse is working hard and requires extra energy look at the option of including good quality oil alongside a grainbased diet. My most favourite grain is oats, it is lower in starch sugar

Allways ensure your horse has access to plenty of fresh clean water

For further information and advice you can contact email or p.m. us on Facebook. We will also be conducting our first webinar in approximately three weeks' time which is titled The Thing About Ulcers this will be an interactive webinar, conducted by myself and my colleague clinical nutritionist Erin Romanin. Please check out our Facebook page or Instagram page for an announcement on how you can join webinar. This webinar is free and it is the first of a number of webinars we will be offering in 2020 through into 2021, we hope that you can join us.

and protein than other grains and can be fed whole. The other option is to look at a natural based long stem fibre feed such as harryschoice, these feeds are a 100% natural feed that is produced in a certified organic mill. Everything used in these feeds is natural to the horse and all the feeds contain a natural high percentage of roughage. It is the best feed I have found to support the horse's overall health and gut microbiome long-term. Being a complete feed there is no requirement for any other chaffs to be added. Providing good quality hay alongside a feed such as Harryschoice is essential for your horse.

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Champion First Season went to Heathmont Flirt ridden by Paul Austin and owned by Abbey Lovell

Pictured working out in Childs Hack over 15hh class EBL Silver Lining ridden by Emily Barrow, owned by Kylie Barrow.

Pictured working out in Small Show Hunter Hack class Benabella Power N Grace and Lousie Slater.

The Skyring Family "Rathowen McNamara" Memorial Small Saddle Galloway Champion was "Astoria Katkin" ridden by Phil Bobic and owned by Leigh Sears. Champion First Ridden Pony went to "Barindale Anthem" ridden by Chase Jackson and owned by Paul Austin.

Champion Large Saddle Hack over 16hh "KS Bellevue" ridden by Mikayla Van Kampen and owned by Kim Taunton. Email:

Page 18

Georgia Cronin rode Kate Kyros's Lentara Ambition to Champion Childs Ridden Shetland. - Ph 07 55909721 - mob 0413 733 294 - Email:


Runner Up Small Show Hunter Galloway went to "Glenvale Perfect Partner" ridden by Riley Kent and owned by Georgia Fairweather.

Rory Nicholls riding The Douglas Family "Imperial Bonus". They got Reserve Champion Childs Small Hunter Pony and Champion First Ridden Show Hunter Pony.

Isabelle Trotter and CJP His Lordship won Champion Rider 17 yrs & under 21 years

Champion Rider 30 years & over Renee Simpson and "Top Contenda". Email:

Runner Up Champion Leading Rein Pony ne. 12hh rider under 8 years went to "Centre Stage Ra" ridden by Honey Ferihaut, owned by Fallyn Ferihaut. - Ph 07 55909721 - mob 0413 733 294 - Email:

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The Horse Report

Beware weeds and poisonous plants Horses in healthy condition with adequate feed seldom have problems with poisonous plants, but there are times when they may inadvertently have the chance to eat something they shouldn't. If you have any concerns about the health of your horse, particularly if those concerns come from the animal eating plants that may contain harmful poisons, contact your vet immediately. Plants that can affect the nervous system: Many plants contain compounds called alkaloids that affect the nervous system of horses. Symptoms of alkaloid poisoning are uncoordinated gaits, staggering and trembling. Many alkaloids are also narcotics so symptoms can include impaired vision, listless behaviour, starry eyes and generally uncoordinated actions. Monkshood, wolfsbane or aconite (Aconitum napelius): - A perennial garden shrub up to one metre tall with bright blue flowers in an errect bunch at the top of the plant.

Monkshood Yellow burr (Amsinckia species): - An annual herb 1.2 m tall with dark green leaves covered in short, stiff hairs. The flowers are yellow and are bunched together along one side of the upper stem often resembling a young fern frond. Horses poisoned by this weed often walk around aimlessly. Poppies: - The Mexican poppy (Argemone ochrolenca) is an annual herb up to 600mm tall and is thistle like with bluish leaves and stems, pale yellow flowers and yellow sap. The Californian poppy (Eschscholtzia californica) is also an annual herb resembling the previous plant except the leaves are not thistle like and the flowers are orange/yellow to red. The garden poppy (Papaver species) has soft hairs up the stems and usually has only one yellow, orange or red flower per plant. Ergot of paspalum (Claviceps paspali of Paspalum distichumor other species of Page 20

Paspalum ergot


paspalum): - Paspalum is a tufted grass that forms a dense mat under grazing conditions. The seed head consists of two to five very thin stalks. The toxic ergot fungus (Calviceps paspali) invades the seed head replacing seed with a mass of sticky, black material that eventually becomes hard and seed like. White iron weed or corn gromwell (Litho-spernum arvense): - A small annual herb with narrow grey-green, hairy leaves. The small white flowers are closely attached to a curved stem at the top of the plant. Hemlock (Conium maculatum): An errect annual usually only 1m to 1.5m tall with many clusters of small, white flowers at the top of the plant. It is often confused with parsley, Parsnip or aniseed. Delphiniums, larspurs (Delphinium species): - Annual herb that grows 1m high with white, pink or blue flowers loosely attached to the central stem. Lupin (Lupinus species): - Annual herb that grows to 1m high with leaves made up of five to 10 characteristic finger-like leaflets. The pea-like flowers are blue, yellow or white and the seeds are borne in a pod closely resembling a pea pod. The seeds are pale coloured varying from cream to white and are slightly flattened. Ragwort (Senecio jacobaea): - This is a short-lived perennial herb that grows up to 1.2m tall. The large, yellow, daisy-like flowers are clustered together at the tops of the stems. A variation of ragwort is groundsel. Fireweed (Senecio madagascariensis): This plant can be an annual or short-lived perennial with leaves that are bright green, alternate, narrow with serrated, entire or lobed margins. It has numerous small, yellow daisy-like flowers. The seeds are small and light, attached to fine, silky, white feathery hairs. Fireweed is responsible for many cases of failure to thrive and poisoning of livestock because it contains pyrrolizidine alkaloids that cause liver damage. Potato (Solanum tuberosum): - An annual herb with dark green leaves and small

white flowers growing up to 500mm tall. The green tubers are especially toxic. Branched onion weed (Trachyandra divaricatta): - The seed is spread when the whole flowering stem breaks off with the dry seed capsules and rolls along like a tumbleweed. It causes a stiff, stumbling, uncoordinated gait with tremors, exercise intolerance and excessive sweating. This progresses to paresis (paralysis due to disease of the brain). Death eventually occurs. Plants that cause respiratory problems: Crofton weed (Ageratina adenophora): Crofton weed is an erect perennial shrub with numerous chocolate-brown coloured woody stems emanating from an underground crown, reaching a height of 1m to 2m. It has a broad, slightly crinkled, trowel shaped, toothed leaves with chocolate coloured petioles. It produces white flowers in spring. Horses with access to crofton weed may become ill in as little as eight weeks. The first sign of poisoning is coughing made more pronounced with exercise. This can progress on to further lung and possibly heart damage, leading to shortness of breath even when at rest and eventual death from respiratory failure. Damage is irreversible. Â continued page 21

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The Horse Report

Know the danger plants can pose  From page 20 Poisonous garden plants: Milkweed: Various species of milkweed have yielded resinoids, alkaloids and glycoside. All parts of the plant are toxic, whether consumed green or in hay. Signs of poisoning include staggering, depression, weakness, laboured respirations and dilated pupils. Animals may go down and exhibit tetanic spasms before going into coma and dying. Lantana: The major clinical effect of lantana toxicosis is photosensitization. The horse may also exhibit jaundice followed by liver failure. Signs of ingestion include sluggishness, weakness and transient sometimes bloody diarrhoea. Yew: Yew trees are extremely toxic to horses. All parts (living or dead) are poisonous, especially the leaves. Yew contains an alkaloid that depresses the action of the heart. Rhododendron: Rhododendron is a bush that has large, oblong, smooth leathery evergreen leaves. The flowers are spotted on the inside and form large clusters and can be a variety of colours. They can kill a horse within a few hours after being eaten through cardiac malfunction.

Lantana - commonly found across Australia and can cause liver failure in horses. The entire plant is poisonous, especially the berries. Symptoms of ingestion include acute colic, diarrhoea, weak pulse, mental disturbances and the collapse of blood vessels. Death has occurred within 10 hours of ingestion. Prunus: The Prunus group of plants are commonly grown in Australia and include: apricots, cherries, peaches, plums, almonds and nectarines. Poisoning in horses can be caused by swallowing just a small amount of leaves. Nightshade: Stems and leaves are poisonous to horses. Nightshade contains alkaloids that interfere with digestion by

Rhododendron Privet (Ligustrum): Privet poisoning is not common but wide distribution of this invasive plant makes it a possible danger to horses. Both leaves and berries are toxic. Symptoms of poisoning include loss of power in the hind limbs, rapid pulse, pupils dilated. Death may occur within 48 hours. Azalea: This is a slender shrub, which may be 3m tall. Symptoms of poisoning include slow pulse, incoordination and paralysis. Rhubarb: The leaves of the rhubarb are toxic. They cause colic and weakness, which precedes death. Mistletoe: Mistletoe is a parasitic plant.

Nightshade inhibiting parts of the nervous system and directly irritating the digestive system. Nightshade is related to the tomato plant. Tomatoes: Tomatoes are another common household plant that is toxic to horses. The leaves of the tomato plant as well as

unripe tomatoes are potentially poisonous to horses, so care also needs to be taken when disposing of these plants, as well as the fruit. Care also needs to be taken to ensure tomato plants do not grow in horses' paddocks. Paterson's Curse (also known as Salvation Jane, Lady Campbell weed, Purple bugloss, Riverina bluebell): Paterson's Curse has been declared a noxious weeds in most states in Australia. It is found in many Australian pastures and is native to the Mediterranean region. The plant is usually unpalatable but horses will eat it if there is little other forage available. All parts of the plant are toxic to horses and the plant remains toxic even when dried. Avocado: All parts of avocado trees are poisonous to horses but the leaves (whether fresh or dried) are the most toxic. Oleander: The oleander is a common plant that is widely grown in all parts of Australia. All species of oleander plants are highly toxic to horses, as well as to other animal species and humans. All parts of the oleander plant are toxic, including fresh and dried leaves, flowers and branches. Red Maple: The bark and leaves (including dried or wilted leaves) are toxic to horses and can cause life threatening anaemia if the horse ingests even a small amount of wilted or dried leaves. - Ph 07 55909721 - mob 0413 733 294 - Email:

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Stud & Breeding feature

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Equine Health Feature

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Stud & Breeding feature

The Horse Report

Sire: Fernleigh Fine Print Dam: Ardenhall Royal Secret (imp) 2020 Service Fee $1200 plus GST Live cover and chilled semen available

15% discount for mares booked by July 31

Standing at ROSEBURY PARK, Dubbo NSW 2830 Contact: Taylor Hind M: 0427 408 147 E: Ad Design Kerri Hill I Photoa Julie Wilson - Ph 07 55909721 - mob 0413 733 294 - Email:

Page 25


DRIVING SEPTEMBER 5 Dalby QBRA - Double Jackpots 12 Brymaroo Double Jackpot 17 Rosewood Midweek Non Point SEPTEMBER 20 Harness Gymkhana @ Moombi PC 0427 766 726 OCTOBER 18 Dressage & Show Driving Clinic @ Moombi PC 0427 766 726 NOVEMBER 8th Max Saunders Memorial Sporting Day @ Moombi PC 0427 766 726

BREEDS SEPTEMBER 19 Allstars young stock show @ Park Ridge Pony CLub

CAMPDRAFTING/CUTTING /TEAM PENNING SEPTEMBER 4 Bollon Champagne Draft 4-6 Timber Creek Campdraft 12-13 Crows Nest Campdraft 12-13 Nindigully Campdraft 17-18 Borroloola Campdraft 18-20 Manumbar Campdraft 18-20 St George 24-27 Brunette Downs Campdraft 25-27 Burke & Wills Campdraft and Rodeo 26-27 Surat


SEPTEMBER 6 Park Ridge 6 Redlands & Southern Districts Eq Group 12 North Queensland Equestrian Group 13 Cedar Grove 13 Bundaberg 13 Tweed Valley winter series 13 Caboolture 13 Cooloola Dressage Championships 16-19 Brisbane CDN & Qld State champs 20 Hunter Valley Dressage 26 Townsville Dressage 27 Equestrian Gold Coast OCTOBER 3 Maryborough Active Riders Club 2** 4 Fig Tree Pocket 10 Tweed Valley Eq Group - Power of Pink

Natural Canine & Equine Products

Because you love them!

ENDURANCE SEPTEMBER 12-13 Pure Endurance 12-13 Charleville 19-20 Biggenden 26-28 Cordillera Trail OCTOBER 3 Ride The Range 3-5 Stirling's Crossing /State Champs

PONYCLUB&INTERSCHOOL SEPTEMBER 5-6 Cabarita/Zone Gymkhana 6 Gympie District Hack Show 19 Southern Highlands Christian School Eq Carnival @ Bong Bong Racecourse OCTOBER 1-4 Pryde's EasiFeed IQ State Championships @ Toowoomba DECEMBER 4 - 6 PCANSW State Show Riding & Dressage Champs @ Murwilllumbah 10 2020 Queensland State Interschool Championshis





For that perfect coat Red Healer is an Australian Company that specialises in the scientific research and development of Natural Equine and Canine Skin Products.

Happy horses and dh hounds recommend Red Healer Page 26

Made in Australia

If you are planning an event or cancelling your annual event please let us know so we can list it in our October edition Calendar of Events to keep our readers informed contact Paula 0413 733 294 or THE CALENDAR OF EVENTS IS A FREE SERVICE - PLAN AHEAD

CONTACT PAULA 07 5590 9721 O - Ph 07 55909721 - mob 0413 733 294 - Email:

OF EVENTS SHOWJUMPING /EVENTING SEPTEMBER 4-6 Pryde's EasiFeed Spring into Jumping Championships @ Gatton 5 Fraser Coast Horse Trials 5 Capalaba Saddlery Open Showjumping 12 Queensland Showjumping Classic 12 North Queensland Equestrian Group 13 Buderim Official Combined Training 13 Scenic Rim Equestrian Club Showjumping 19 Tropical North Showjumping Club 20 Equestrian Gold Coast 25 S & K Drilling Show Jumping Championships @ Pittsworth 26 Doomben Triathalon OCTOBER 3-4 Tropical North Showjumping 4 Cedar Grove 10 Pryde's EasiFeed IQ State Eventing Championships

SHOWHORSE SEPTEMBER 10 Thoroughbred Feature Show @ Toowoomba 11-13 ACT & Southern NSW Show Horse Championships 11-13 EQ Show HOTY @ Toowoomba 12-13 Kings Park Equestrian Centre Dressage @ Hack show 19 Allstars yong stock show Park Ridge Pony CLub 20 Park Ridge Pony CLub Hack SHow 26 Eumundi Show 27 Cedar Grove T shirt Hack Show OCTOBER 2-4 SHCQ HOTY 9-11 NSW HOTY 10-11 Show Horse Youth Clinic and Champion of Champions Show 17-18 Hygain SHC SA HOTY 24-25 SHCWA HOTY

Northern NSW Show Horse Assoc 24-25 2020 North Coast Show Horse Championships and All Breeds@ Kings Park Equestrian Centre

Hack Championships Lismore Showgrounds


TRAIL RIDING & CTR Australian Trail Horse Riders Association 0418 438 807 Alligator Creek 0427 619 725 Beaudesert Shire 0419 772 907 Beechmont & District 0419 737 253 Bouldercombe 0418 715 837 Breakaway 0408 712 851 Brisbane Valley 0428 750 145 Blackbutt Pony Express 0432 401 525 Border Country Trail Riders 0448 326 59 Cairns Trail Horse Club 0419 770 992 Calen Trail & Horse Sports Club 0402 084 749 Canungra Trail Riding Club 0419 750 854 Cooloola Trail riders Ph 07 5482 8436 CTHC-Caboolture ph 07 5498 6068 Curtis & District 0438 111 091 Dayboro Trail Riders to 0475383553 FNQ Trail Horse Club 0408 981 555 Ipswich & District 0457 881 012 Logan River Redlands 0423 206 109 Mudgeeraba & Hinterland 0407 902 754 Rathdowney Trail Riding 07 5544 1177 Richmond River Trail Horse Riders Club 0427 866 276 / Saturday Horse Activities 0408 361 215 SCATER Ph: 07 5478 8676 or 0417 612 061 Somerset Trail Riding Club - 0418 438 807 Sunny Coast Trail Horse Club - 0428 176 557 Tweed-Byron Trail Riders 0418 400 047 Toowoomba Trail Riders 0419 614 426 Toowoomba's Cumburrie 0429 663 397 Trail Riding Australia 0458 342 067 Wide Bay Trail Riders 07 4126 3456

Grand National Qualifier

T N E V E 2020 ELLED C N A C Enquiries

Di McMahon 0413 474 074 President - Les Gilleard PH: 0428 469 562 Secretary - Tanya Stuart 0439 547 985

Email. ----------------------------We are hoping to run the ALSTONVILLE ALLBREEDS SHOW later in the year Date yet to be advised Follow us on facebook Northern NSW Show Horse Association

WESTERN SEPTEMBER 6 Southern NSW QHA@ Sutton Farm 20 Western Districts QHA @ Mount Moriac OCTOBER 4 Southside WPC Multi Judged Show

02 6672 8486 29 Prospero St Murwillumbah 2484


If you are planning an event or cancelling your annual event please let us know so we can list it in our October edition Calendar of Events to keep our readers informed contact Paula 0413 733 294 or D LIST YOUR EVENT HERE DON’T LET YOUR EVENT BE MISSED


Keep cattle ticks out of NSW Horses and other grazing livestock entering NSW from the cattle tick infested zone of Qld MUST comply with the Mandatory Measures of the Biosecurity Order (Permitted Activities) 2017 regarding examination and treatment of livestock prior to entry into NSW.

Contact: NSW DPI at Kirra Ph. 0755364714 Fax 0755361290 - For accredited certifiers QLD DAF call centre 07 3404 6999 Cattle Cattle ticks ticks ar e notifia notifia b le in NSW - Ph 07 55909721 - mob 0413 733 294 - Email:

Page 27

The Horse Report


Stops the bit pinching the tongue Stops the tongue getting over the bit Stops roof rubbing and lip pinching Stops the tongue out the mouth

i i i i

Stops mouth opening, rearing & bucking Stops head shaking, pulling & bolting Stops displacement of the soft palate XRAY 1 & 2 roof rubbing & bit pinching

Riders and trainers agree tthee d es g iss design brilliant!


Major Breakthrough.


Works great, try it.

The bit arms do not fold down or right back preventing roof, bars, cheek and lip pain.

Only 11mm high preventing roof rubbing. 7KH À DW VRIW VXUIDFH SUHYHQWV ELW SLQFKLQJ TROY PALMER Drafter D ft

ORD DER NO OW! Contact your saddlery or Ph 0413 898 128 info & video at

Like power steering.




English & Western Fender &+ & +<1 +<1 <11$ $ 0 0$5 $567 $567 672 21 2 1 Revolutionary


ORDER NOW! Co Cont ntac tac actt yo y ur sad addl ddl dler eryy or Ph 04 er 0413 13 8 898 98 1 128 28 info & video a att ww www w.iiiiwi winn inn nner ers er com co m

Page 28 - Ph 07 55909721 - mob 0413 733 294 - Email:

Trainers feature

The Horse Report

Horses helping humans By SUE SPENCE When I started Horses Helping Humans (HHH) 16 years ago, I had no idea it would become an award winning program and earn the reputation it has of being an outcome based Equine Intervention so popular with family and youth services and for my story to be published by Pan Macmillan. We have now had 1000s of students through the program with proven outcomes of helping change lives for the better. It was these outcomes, which led me to license HHH so the program would help those in other communities. Becoming a licensee means you actually become part of your local community as only one license is granted per area. eg ( HHH Gold Coast HHH Sunshine Coast etc ) Helping you become a respected youth and family service within your government boundary lines assures the quality and outcomes delivered at a professional level are the same in every area. This assures that case workers and counsellors in all areas can confidently refer to HHH for communications intervention and assist them with opening the doors of communication with their challenging clients. This helps them immensely when applying for their own funding, as HHH is a known program for helping with re-

engagement back into school or study. Youth and family services, school chaplains or counsellors, mental health organisations, child protection, homeless youth, DV services and the Justice Dept refer the students we work with. The training covers extensive communication and body language techniques as well as requiring horsemanship ground skills to be of a high level. (The program is based on professional horsemanship, self regulation and life skills which translate straight into everyday life situations.) The License includes full business set up, extensive hands on individual training with me at HHH here on the Gold Coast as well as me working with Licensees at their property with their horses, me speaking at Licensees’ local Youth and Family interagency meetings to discuss outcomes and the referral system, I contact local council MP's and training colleges, my attendance at the opening as I organise a media launch and offer ongoing support. Everything from invoice templates and advertising, referral forms, training manuals, videos, workbooks for youth workers, horsemanship, media releases upon opening, follow up and our annual conference is included. It is the most rewarding career and it is a blessing to be able to help so many make positive changes in their lives.

Your Dream Career Starts Here... ™

Become a licensee and facilitator of this internationally renowned horsemanship and life skills program with proven outcomes. It is specifically designed to assist disengaged and at risk youth.

Horses Helping Humans Certified licensee training includes: • Hands on training with internationally acclaimed communications expert, Author and woman in business award winner 2014 & 2016 Sue Spence

• Full business set up and marketing • Introduction to youth agencies and family services • Corporate Delivery Training

Book available via website or Opportunities available nationwide | Phone 0416 146 396

Current Licensees locations include: Sunshine Coast, Gold Coast, Rockhampton, Innisfail , Atherton Tablelands QLD, Somerville Vic, Port Macquarie, Byron Shire NSW , Devonport Tasmania , Manuatu , Taranaki NZ

Natural Canine & Equine Products

Because you love them!

For that perfect coat Red Healer is an Australian Company that specialises in the scientific research and development of Natural Equine and Canine Skin Products.

Happy horses and dh hounds recommend Red Healer

Made in Australia - Ph 07 55909721 - mob 0413 733 294 - Email:

Page 29

Trainers feature

The Horse Report


Page 30 - Ph 07 55909721 - mob 0413 733 294 - Email:

Trainers feature

The Horse Report

About Holistic Horsemanship By Tanja Kraus If you follow any of my 'stuff' My show, my newsletters, my online workshops, attend clinics then you have heard me say once or twice 'holistic horsemanship' or 'we need to take a holistic approach'. I've recently done 2 online workshops - Overcoming Anxiety in the Horse and Building Confidence in the horse, and in them, I extensively covered a holistic approach to managing horses with these issues. The fact is, training will get you so far, but if your nutrition, herd dynamics, hoof care, body care, mineral supplementation, enrichment, paddock management and a multitude of other things are not in play, then you are really only taking a half-assed approach to having a well balanced, mentally and physically sound horse. The other side of that is, the human. We often consider a multitude of options when it comes to our horses - if he is sore we may seek the help of vets, bodyworkers, chiropractors, check the saddle, acupunture you name it. But when we are having 'trouble' with our horse, for example, behavior issues or confidence issues, anxiety issues basically things that could be classed as 'mental health' we rarely put the microscope on ourselves. In these mental health situations, we more often point the finger at the horse, in some kind of 'blame game' and hold him accountable for his actions. A few years ago now I began to include in many of my clinics and online workshops selfdevelopment skills of the rider/handler, that go far beyond the relation to the horse. We talk about physical strengths - like fitness, flexibility and balance, and we also talk about mental strengths consistency, calmness and holding space. Since introducing these aspects

Overcoming Anxiety in the Horse and Building Confidence in the horse I have seen a dramatic increase in the progress of people with their horses. The self-development that we do on ourselves, reflects in our training, and often 'fast tracks' our advancement with our horses. Since introducing 'human work' into my courses I have received countless messages from people telling me how much their life away from horses has improved - relationships, work, friendships. I received this message recently; Hi TK I just looked back on my goal setting workshop that we completed earlier this year and I set the goal of getting back on a horse. I noticed that the date I got back on was 5 months to the day I had surgery. They told me that day that they did not think I'd be able to run again and riding may not be a possibility. So here I am 5 months later I can jog 200m (small I know but working on one letter box each week) and to have got back in the saddle. What a feeling !! Thanks for the tools that helped me get back on and push through. I still have a way to go rebuilding muscle etc and the plan for the next 6 months is to ride more regularly and even get out on a trail ride. So again thanks and I'll keep in touch. Maybe ill even get to

another clinic soon xx This person has the tools to assist in her rehabilitation and recovery from surgery - all from doing a goal setting online workshop with me! As a regular attendee at clinics it has also given her the tools to assess the safety of the horse before she gets on, assessment of her own skills before she

gets on, and the skills she needs once she is on. Sometimes when it comes to our training, we need to take a step back, and turn the microscope away from the horse, and onto ourselves - there we will find the answer, For further information visit - Ph 07 55909721 - mob 0413 733 294 - Email:

Page 31

The Horse Report EQUESTRIAN QLD NEWCOMMER HOTY Photos by Hoofprintz photography

Barindale Anthem' and Chase Jackson.

Champion Newcommer Hunter Pony Arcadian Jamboree ridden by Bella Cross Winston

Courtalia Park Royalty Champion Small show hunter Galloway ridden by Mykaella Van Kampen

Champion Newcommer Hack Octane ridden by Paul Austin

Sky Oldham riding Piece of the Puzzle

Champion Owner rider show hunter pony shown by Bella Anderson

Amanda Purvis and Cee Dee Hotshot

HOOFPRINTZ PHOT OGRAPHY Available for shows events and private photography shoots

0476 128 212

Page 32 - Ph 07 55909721 - mob 0413 733 294 - Email:

The Horse Report EQUESTRIAN QLD NEWCOMMER HOTY Photos by Hoofprintz photography

Champion Led Newcommer shown by Jane Anderson

Champion Owner Rider Hack exhibited by Kirsty Harper Purcell

Champion Newcommer Large Hunter Galloway Stoneleigh Holly Go Lightly riddeb by Abbey Lovell

Champion Newcommer large Pony Malibu Park Lace Top ridden by Rhys Stanley

Best Ridden Thoroughbred shown by Phil Bobic picturered with Judge Joanne Uppington

Champion Newcommer small Hunter Hack The Lovell Families 'Heathmont Flirt' ridden by Paul Austin


Available for shows events and private photography shoots Champion Newcommer Small Pony Gracefield Lady in Red and Bronte Raymont

0476 128 212 - Ph 07 55909721 - mob 0413 733 294 - Email:

Page 33

The Horse Report


Photos by Hoofprintz photography

Radford Lodge Rising Phoenix and Adam Oliver

Louise Barton on Kolbeach Sunrise and Ruby Baxter & Lily’s Parade with Angela Skyring & Mary McMillan

Dicavalli Destiny and PAul Austin

Dicavalli Diamonds and Rebecca Crane

Mikalya Simmonds

Tremayne Yours Truely

Royalwood After Dark and Legacy with Adam Oliver

Mikalya Simmonds, Jessica Fedrick and Clare Fedrick

Sky Oldham riding Piece of the Puzzle

Merivale Park Kings Ransom and Sabastian Lucas

Power Play and Riley Kent

Sirrah Miss Soprano and Susan Chapman

Page 34 - Ph 07 55909721 - mob 0413 733 294 - Email:


Geace Letts from Alstonville Club

Ayva Immisch from Murwillumbah Club

Charlee Anthony champion Elementary rider and Associate Pointscore winner

Lyla Russell 6-8 yrs Pointscore winner

Zali Greeney champion Junior Preliminary rider

Pointscore and Runner up winners with their certificates and prizes

Photos by Paula Anthony photography

Jemima Southwood from Channon Dunoon

Olivia Johnson winner of the Barback rider

Kaitlyn McNall reserve Champion Novice - Ph 07 55909721 - mob 0413 733 294 - Email:

Page 35

The Horse Report



Looking for a final resting place for your special horse? Warrego Farms offer a peaceful and compassionate solution We offer a collection and burial service Professional handling

* Safe Modern Truck * Kind Sensible Horsemanship * Excellence for your horse * Competitive rates Ph Annelise - 0400 742 509

Contact - Lindsay Goodwin: 0402 071 374

Servicing SE QLD to Sydney out west and all areas in between

LANG PARK COTTAGES A new rural tourist facility with 1 Bedroom cottages on our private 25 acre horse property 10 mins from Byron Bay, Mullumbimby & Bangalow 02 6684 7241 Email:

TRADES & SERVICES LINE LISTINGS Horse Report Line Listings Ph. 0755909721($44 for 6 months or $77 for 12 months) Horse Transport Ph 0408 537 904 The Horse Report .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ph 07 5590 9721 Neds Bed . . Horse & Dog O’Tel . . . .Clybucca . . . . . Ph 02 65650085

The Saddlefitter - Kathryn Sullivan - Butt . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ph 0413 371 802 Country Park . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ph 07 5596 4387 Aitkins Saddlery . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ph 07 3209 7506


($44 for 6 months or $77 for 12 months) or receive a free listing with display adverts booked for 12 months Animal Itch & Skin Remedies - Country Scene Saddlery - County Saddlery Qld - Country Park Animal DeMeulenkamp (QLD) Itch EFA Queensland... Embroidered saddlecloths - Eq Land Developments Equine on the web ... Equilibrium Mineral Mix... Equestrian On line ... Feed XL... Fordsdale Farm Stay ……. Gallagher Electric fencing ... Gold Coast Horse.... GG’s Horse Transport ..... Greystone Manure Vacuums ... GEOHEX Ground Stabilisation ..... Have Horse … Will Travel Healing for Horses Horse Transport … Horse Transport … Horse Floats … Page 36

Horseland..... Kentucky Equine Kulavale Equestrian... Lisa McCann Herbs ....... Mitavite ... Mobile Livestock Nathan Trailers at Nerang... National Equestrian Wholesalers .... Natural Hoof care ..... Natural equipment Neds Bed Horse & Dog O’Tel..... New England Girls School . Norco..... Omega Feeds Pharmachem ... Redlands Vet Clinic ... Replay Classifieds... Riding for the Disabled............ Saddleworld...... Stance Equine Feeds.......... StockGuard Electric Southwood Saddlery... The Horse Report ... - Ph 07 55909721 - mob 0413 733 294 - Email:

p k g y !






GREAT GIFTS Buckles, Belts, Montana Jewellery & Flags Aussie books from Brigalow - Akubra Outback - Pocket Knives - Ariat Ph/Fax 07 4637 8933

100 Taylor Street, Toowoomba. 4350



Horse Clipping Heather Crack

Ph 5546 3276 - 0408 193 131 VET



LISA McCANN HERBS - Ph: 07 5447 7644

Ph 07 5520 6662 Fax 07 5522 6092 Mob 0400 712 759

Justin Wain Unit 1/9 Kortum Dr West Burleigh 4219 Email:



Equine Sports Massage Therapy REDLANDS VET CLINIC 433 Boundary Rd THORNLANDS


Teagan Leeson 0403 412 776 DR GREG BALDWIN

“The Horse Hospital at Redlands”

DR DAVID LOVELL Ph 07 3207 7325 Email:

Servicing the Northern Rivers NSW



Stick It ‘n’ Wrap It Unique custom designed Vinyl decals and Stable Banners Stickers for you truck or float Tack boxes, buckets & Bins 0417 425 881 - 0422 855 624


(when booked for 12 months) one off advert $60 per issue Ph Paula 0413 733 294 or email


Kev’s Quality Hay & Chaff Ph Andrew 0422 824 923 Free Delivery - conditions apply HORSE TRANSPORT * A I R BAG S U S P E N S I O N * ANGLE LOAD * Q UALITY OVERNIGHT STABLING


Samantha Gunter Equine Dentistry Caring, Reliable, and Comprehensive Treatment



Ph: 02 6672 3898 E: CLINICS & LESSONS

RIDING INSTRUCTOR Paula Anthony PCANSW Coach /Examiner Dressage Show Horse Pony Club Rider Class Clinics Show Prep

Ph 0413 733 294 Gold Coast - Tweed - Ballina PRODUCE/HAY/STOCKFEED


NEW LOCATION 68 Currumbin Creek Rd Currumbin Free Delivery Gold Coast - Pottsville Conditions Apply




Qualified Carpenter - Northern Rivers - Gold Coast areas

Stables - Sheds - Renovations - Maintenance

We Wash Horse Rugs & Pet Blankets Servicing the Gold Coast, Mid North Coast, Northern Rivers and regularly to Brisbane, Sydney and Melbourne

0418 250 443

Ph Tim 0432 381 771

Email: - Ph 07 55909721 - mob 0413 733 294 - Email:

Page 37


For all your natural horse products & remedies order online 24/7 or phone our friendly staff

w w w. c o u n t r y p a r k . c o m . a u 07 55964387 Ruth 02 62381135 Carol

Enter Coupon Code: HORSEREP for 10% discount Tel:07 5449 1453 - Email:

Kev’s Quality Hay & Chaff Weekly Deliveries from Gatton - Pottsville

Ph Andrew 0422 824 923 Free Delivery - conditions apply Samantha Gunter Equine Dentistr y Caring, Reliable, and Comprehensive Treatment 0415 169 469



Servicing the Gold Coast, Mid North Coast, Northern Rivers and regularly to Brisbane, Sydney and Melbourne

LISA McCANN HERBS Aug gust Specials

2kg Allergy Ease $98 1kg Itch Competition $47 1kg Joint Blend $67

HOLISTIC HARMONY Creating harmony for the horse and rider. Healing physical and emotional issues with massage, acupuncture and The Emotion Code.

Phone: 0405 778 744 facebook: Harmony for Horses - Ph: 07 5447 7644

Servicing Brisbane and the Gold Coast.


Newrybar Produce & Saddlery

Matt Butler 0410 619 037 Servicing Coffs Harbour to the Gold Coast Page 38

9 Old Pacific Highway Newrybar NSW 2479

Now Under New Managment with Aaron Lang Offering country charm, friendly staff and great customer service * Hay and Chaff * Feed and Supplements * Saddlery and Grooming supplies * Fencing and Farm supplies

Ph 02 6687 1342 Email: - Ph 07 55909721 - mob 0413 733 294 - Email:


NEW LOCATION 68 Currumbin Creek Rd Currumbin Free Delivery Gold Coast - Pottsville Conditions Apply




Ph 07 5559 5984



Sa ddler y & Pet Suppli es



02 6686 2361

Shop 37 De-H Havilland Cres Ballina NSW Email:

Ph 07 5520 6662 Fax 07 5522 6092 Mob 0400 712 759

Justin Wain Unit 1/9 Kortum Dr West Burleigh 4219 Email:



BSc BVSc MPhil

Ph: 02 6672 3898 E: P: PO BOX 355 MURWILLUMBAH 2484



10 Pagan Street JERRYS PLAINS NSW 2330 Ph: 02 6576 4162 -



69 Lawrence Drive, Nerang Gold Coast, Queensland

Horse float servicing, repairs & rebuilds Stable construction & horse shelters, Fencing & roundyards

Considerate Horsemanship Bitless Lessons and Bridle Sales

Jason Brisenden 0418 660 677

Suzy Maloney B.Eq.Sc. 0401 249 263

ACCREDITED MOBILE TICK INSPECTOR For all your horse and cattle movement treatment requirements

Contact - Lindsay Goodwin: 0402 071 374

Available for spraying at my property in Warwick or can come to your property. Gold Coast, Gympie, Gatton or anywhere in SE Qld Available for spraying at horse events Regular weekly spray runs Livestock transport specialists Stables and yards available for short or long term stays in Warwick

Keep cattle ticks out of NSW Horses and other grazing livestock entering NSW from the cattle tick infested zone of Qld MUST comply with the Mandatory Measures of the Biosecurity Order (Permitted Activities) 2017 regarding examination and treatment of livestock prior to entry into NSW.

Contact: NSW DPI at Kirra Ph. 0755364714 Fax 0755361290 - For accredited certifiers QLD DAF call centre 07 3404 6999 Cattle Cattle ticks ticks ar e notif ia b le in NSW - Ph 07 55909721 - mob 0413 733 294 - Email:

Page 39


BUSINESS CARD LISTING $30 for 2 months

in the digitial online magazine Ph Paula 07 5590 9721 - 0413 733 294 *** Now reaching over 50,000 readers ***





Disinfects, Conditions, Prevents Thrush and Promotes Healthy Hoof Growth HOOF-AIDâ„¢ aids in the prevention of common conditions of dryness which results in brittle, shelly hoofs, hard frogs, quarter cracks, contracted and split heels. HOOF-AIDâ„¢ arrests fungicidal and bacterial infection, prevents thrush and speeds normal hoof development by stimulation through the coronet band.


Outer flexible rubber post can prevent dragging Superior strong foot grip stops feet slipping


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• • • • •



6$1', 1255,6


HOOF-AID™ gets results without using harmful mineral oils, acids or pine tar. It retains the natural oils in the hoof, and supplements them. HOOF-AID™ doesn’t seal pores. Instead, it lets the hoof breathe, disinfects it, conditions it, and stimulates rapid healthy growth.


Unit 6, 70 Fison Ave West, Eagle Farm QLD 4009

&/(-*4) 8&45&3/

03%&3 /08Ç $POUBDU ZPVS TBEEMFSZ PS 1I JOGP BOE WJEFPT XXX JJXJOOFST DPN BIT 7+( ',))(5(1&( %(7:((1 :,11,1* $1' /26,1* '$9,' +$<(6 Trainer 0DMRU %UHDNWKURXJK

Riders and trainers agree the design is brilliant! )

) Stops

Stops the bit pinching the tongue

) Stops ) Stops ) Stops

the tongue getting over the bit roof rubbing and lip pinching the tongue out the mouth

0(*$1 -21(6 OlympicV Works great \ou must try it.

752< 3$/0(5 Drafter /LNH SRZHU VWHHULQJ

) Stops

the horse headshaking, pulling & bolting PRXWK RSHQLQJ, rearing & bucking

) Stops

displacement of the soft palate


25'(5 12: &RQWDFW your saddlery or 3K 0413 898 128 LQIR YLGHR DW ZZZ LLZLQQHUV FRP

Page 40

6WRS +D\ :DVWDJH IDEAL FOR Reduce HayLAMINITIC Wastage by upHORSES to 40% GutzBusta Slow Feed Haynets

2QO\ PP KLJK SUHYHQWLQJ URRI UXEELQJ The bit arms GR QRW IROG GRZQ RU ULJKW EDFN to prevent 7KH IODW VRIW VXUIDFH SUHYHQWV ELW pinching pressure and pain to the URRI EDUV cheekV and lips.

0418 282 097 | Available small, andtolarge Huge varietyinof sizesmedium available suitsizes yourin

individual 4cm and 6cmfor net hole 48 and 60 needs. ply, plus 3cm, NEW 60ply in 4cm horses sizes suit every horse. that available are EXTRAtoTOUGH on their hay nets! - Ph 07 55909721 - mob 0413 733 294 - Email:

The Horse Report

Perfect in any Arena

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With saddles for every discipline and conformation priced at just RRP $1595, there is an Arena Saddle that’s perfect for you. View the range and locate your nearest stockist at

@arenasaddles - Ph 07 55909721 - mob 0413 733 294 - Email:

Page 41

The Horse Report

Contact: Suzie Bloxsidge-Kennedy Email - Ph: 0400 558 218

Rosedale Songstress Price: $ 10,000. neg 13.3 hh Reg: Riding Pony Brown/Bay Mare 4 yrs Sire: Rosedale Tempting Dam: Rosedale Serenity Jolie is an exceptionally well bred pony who has a very bright future ahead of her. Commencing her newcomer year in 2020, Jolie’s start to her showing career has unfortunately been interrupted due to Covid.

Mirinda Bold Bow Price: $ POA 13.2 hh Reg: Riding Pony Black Gelding 5 yrs Sire: Royalwood Boy Soprano Dam: Mirinda Spellbound Bow is sired by the legendary Royalwood Boy Soprano from the broodmare supreme Mirinda Spellbound. Ponies of this quality are hard to find, even harder to find when they are kind, sweet and loving like him. He is only for sale to make way for a bigger horse.

Jolie has been a pleasure to show and handle at home and is ready to continue her promising career, extremely sad sale due to Covid circumstances.

Bow has been professionally schooled from the beginning with a rock solid foundation. If you aspire to be at the top of line at Royals and HOTY’s, this is the pony to help get you there.

Contact: Jess Stones Ph: 0421 483 920

All serious offers will be considered. Bow is sound and sane and located in Tamborine, SE Qld. Video available. Contact: Paul Austin Ph 0401 660 189

Merivale Park Royal Ascot Price: $ 3,000. neg 13.0 hh Reg: Riding Pony Bay Gelding YOB: 2007 Sire: Myscal Encore Dam: Willowcroft Hill Rose National Quality pony that has never had the ability to fulfil his potential. Exceptional movement, quiet temperament. Solid education. Just needs consistency and love. Photos were taken first ride after a big break - no lunging required. Not for beginners. Ideal second pony for confident rider. Contact: Tayla Ph: 0401 783 401

Langtree Lazar Price: $ 15,000. 13.2 hh Reg: SHC, EA, RP, Part Welsh Chestnut Gelding Sire: Langtree Composer Dam: Langtree Like A Show Looking for a top quality child's show pony that you can also do some dressage, jumping or pony club with? Lazar is the absolute ultimate allrounder. He will do it all. Previously Lazar has competed and placed at Adelaide and Sydney royals, qualified and competed at Grand Nationals and was always at the top of the line up at shows. The last couple of years his rider has also ventured into show jumping and dressage so lazar has also competed and placed at the interschool nationals and pony club nationals. He was also the winner of the 2019 SA interschool leader board for primary dressage. Too many results to mention. Lazar is a beautiful pony to have around and a pleasure to do everything with. Easy in every way. He is a beautiful mover with lots of presence and well educated with a great mouth. Would make a fantastic rider class mount for a young rider. A very hard sale. Unfortunately his rider has well and truly outgrown. Comes with rugs, work bridle, Shelley Cole show bridle, false tail. Contact: Melissa Harding Ph: 0402 660 884 Page 42 - Ph 07 55909721 - mob 0413 733 294 - Email:

The Horse Report

Contact: Suzie Bloxsidge-Kennedy Email - Ph: 0400 558 218

WINSTON Price: $ 10,000. 13.3 hh Reg: REG EQ, SHC, WELSH, RP AND APSB Grey Gelding

Superstar hunter pony 6yrs 13.3hh hunter pony. Without a doubt one of the easiest ponies I have ever had the pleasure of showing...more often than not taken to shows after no work week prior and off the kids go! Doesn’t need work mum could lunge at home to keep fit solid pony with a huge safe gallop and brakes! Soft snaffle mouth and very easy to ride good to do anything with multi champ/supreme across the board loves to jump safe to ride up our quiet country roads and muster on clean straight legs vets check and bloods welcome outstanding pony very regretful sale to special home. Made to measure bridle and his saddle rugs etc. If required can offer short payment plan. Contact: Julie Ph: 0476 128 212

Pemberton Show Bizz Price: $ 6,600. 13.3 hh Reg: EA, Riding Pony, Part Welsh, Saddle Pony, Hunter Horse Assoc Brown Gelding Sire: Focus on Rathowen Dam: Pemberton Santa Fe Sad sale of much loved pony. Multiple registrations. Lightly competed, well established on the flat with walk to canter, leg yield, shoulder in, travers, baby half pass and walk pirouettes. Has tried a bit of jumping and been round cross country courses a couple of times. Would suit someone that is confident, kind and patient that would like to go to a show or dressage competition one weekend, the beach or trail ride the next weekend then do a round of jumps or cross country. He doesn’t have a nasty bone in his body but is quirky and sensitive at times so no beginners or unconfident riders. Selling out of work and in his winter woollies ready for you to get back into it. Price negotiable, home is not. Video Footage Link - Contact: KristyPh: 0418 182 049

Glamorvid Lucky Strike Price: $ 12,000. 11.3 hh Grey Gelding Reg: EA, SHC, RPSB Sire: Oakvale Serenade Dam: Bandeeka Cupid The difficult decision has been made to sell our lovely pony. Hokey was purchased for my then 6yo daughter as a leading rein pony-they then transitioned beautifully to riding independently and now all too quickly outgrown. Hokey has competed successfully at Grand National, National, Royal and Ag levels. This ripper little pony has proven his easy going temperament by carrying his rider around safely and also giving consistent workouts. He has easily qualified for Melb the last 3 years ridden solely by his little jockey and I can only assume that last season’s qualifications for 2020 will carry over to 2021 as a result of Covid 19. Hokey also enjoys Pony Club, jumping, swimming in the dam and riding around the farm. He isn't fazed by tractors, excavators, kangaroos, dogs, quad bikes or the kids kicking footballs over his head! He's happy to plod along or if the rider pushes him forward he can really move! A Mother's dream to do absolutely everything with and also perfectly trustworthy for little ones to handle independently-he's just so sweet. I'm very grateful to this pony as he's given my daughter the gift of joy and confidence. Only the best home is deserving of this special pony-sadly outgrown. Contact: Sonja Ph: 0427 851 401

Crestwood Royale Ambition Price: $ 15,000. 13.0 hh Reg: SHC WPCS APSB RP APHA DEVA Palomino Gelding YOB: 2012 Sire: Mirinda Spycatcher Dam: Amaranda Lady Luck Bailey has successfully completed in interschool’s, combined training & show jumping , he has schooled over 95cm show jumping & cross country he is very bold & careful, he has easily qualified for all Royals, Bailey is a Multi Supreme winner in hand & under saddle, He is awesome around all aspects of farm life and trail riding Easy to do absolutely everything with. Bailey is also broken to harness. Contact: Kim Simpson Ph: 0413 307 811 - Ph 07 55909721 - mob 0413 733 294 - Email:

Page 43

The Horse Report

Contact: Suzie Bloxsidge-Kennedy Email - Ph: 0400 558 218

HH Rose Gold

Solider Boy

Price: $ 30,000. neg 14.3 ¼ hh Reg. German Riding Pony X Warmblood Palomino Mare Sire: Gleisberg Champions League Dam: Karizmah Bloesem

Price: $ 10,000. neg 14.3 hh Reg: Thoroughbred Chestnut Gelding YOB: 2007 Sire: Danehill Dancer Dam: Fresh Cream

Harvey Horses proudly presents our homebred superstar HH Rose Gold Rosie is by the Imported German Riding Pony stallion Gleisberg Champions League out of the Warmblood mare Karizmah Bloesem. Standing at 14.3¼hh she is the ultimate package; with a show stopping presence, kind and willing nature, elegant movement and elite bloodlines. Rosie is a proven top level show horse, receiving Champion Newcomer Hunter Galloway at the 2019 NSW Horse of the Year as well as Supreme Champion Led Palomino at the 2020 Royal Canberra Show - also a strong contender in the dressage ring, receiving a respectful score of 74 in her 4yo young horse test at Clarendon earlier this year. Though ideally suited to show and dressage, she absolutely loves to jump and go on trail rides. Rosie would suit a confident teenage rider looking to go to the top but still experienced enough to further her education as she is still a young horse with a huge future ahead of her. Please only genuine enquiries (NO BEGINNERS) as this is a very hard sale. Video Footage Link -

Harley is a successful large show hunter Galloway looking for his next loving home. He is a no fuss horse with established walk to canters and lateral work. Harley has an expressive canter and loves to gallop! Harley has spent some time on an extended holiday as we have had other up and coming horses in work. Currently in show condition and full work ready to take on the up and coming show season. Harley craves attention and deserves a home that can give him more time. He would be suitable for a capable teenager or adult wanting to compete at the highest level. Contact: Emma Ashton Ph: 0424 188 300

Contact: Gayna Harvey Ph: 0414 683 011

Del Lee Otis Price: $ 6,000. 11.2 hh Reg. SHC, EA and Welsh Chestnut Gelding Sire: Imperial Consul Dam: Lenson Park Olivia Otis is the ultimate leading rein and tiny tots rider mount. In 2016 he took his then 5yo rider to both his and her first Royal where they beat 18 other show and show hunter competitors to win the Melbourne Royal Leading Rein. It was their second ever class together. They then went on to win SHC Master LR Pony of the Year 2017, SHC Junior Showcase LR Pony and Child’s SH Pony ne12.2hh against a strong field. He ended the year competing at the All State Showdown 2017 and was crowned the LR winner! His extravagant movement makes him look flash even when plodding along. On the lead, he is the easiest pony, soft snaffle mouth, sits in a frame and goes as fast/slow as required with beautiful movement. Recently my 5yo daughter competed at her first tiny tots rider and due to his ease, she could concentrate solely on her riding and was sashed the winner of 11 at ACT SHC. He is completely tuned into the handler and follows all voice commands. Off the lead, he is too smart and needs a capable teen/small adult rider. It is best that those that ride him regularly train and compete him. He will only be sold to the perfect experienced home. He is 14yo. He is the best pony I have ever had the privilege of owning and I am struggling to advertise him so please no time wasters. Qualified for all royals and entered for Canberra Royal. Contact: Cassie Ph: 0438 395 135

Rivington Vadar Price: $ 10,000. 11.2 ½ hh Reg: Welsh A Grey Gelding Age: 11 yrs Sire: Rivington Gypsy Joker Dam: Hazelmere Virginia Stunning 11.2 ½ hh 11yo Grey Welsh A Gelding. WPCS and EA registered. Vadar is a well-educated show pony with a look at me presence that garners compliments from judges and spectators alike wherever he goes. He has been lightly shown with good success with previous owners including Champion mini welsh child’s pony Geelong Royal, 4th Childs Hunter Pony U12hh Barastoc HOTY etc. He has done showing, PC, interschool’s and a couple of ODEs (Gr 5 PC). Whilst he is a capable jumper, showing is his forte, he is well educated, sits in a lovely frame and sits his rider up in a great position. He is an ideal leading rein pony or would suit child’s first ridden pony/riding class mount for a confident child. He can be on the lazy side off lead so best with a confident rider capable of being the boss. Once he knows the child is capable he is more than willing to oblige. Easy to c/f/s etc. Video Footage Link - Contact: Maddy Tabak Ph: 0432 802 178 Page 44 - Ph 07 55909721 - mob 0413 733 294 - Email:

The Horse Report

Contact: Suzie Bloxsidge-Kennedy Email - Ph: 0400 558 218

Black Voodoo Price: $ 25,000. ono 16.2 hh Reg: Warmblood, SHC, EA Black Gelding 12 yrs Sire: Regardez Moi (IMP) Dam: GEC Rosewood This is a unique opportunity to acquire a well-known child’s Large Show Hunter Hack, who is a ‘been there done that’ kind of horse. Voo is a pleasure to handle and prepare and is a no fuss, easy traveller, snaffle mouth. He is currently being ridden, handled and competed by a nervous teenager. A truly devastating sale, however due to owners study commitments, we must find Voo a new rider to continue his promising career. He is qualified for all Royal Shows, as well as Grand Nationals in 2021. Video Footage Link -

Sparkling L’Amoir Price: $ 17,000. 17.0 hh Reg: Thoroughbred Stud Book Bay Gelding YOB: 2012 Sire: Starcraft Dam: C’Yaontheotherside A genuine opportunity to purchase this beautiful tall Gelding. This gentle giant is ready to start his showing career and would suit anyone wanting a really competitive Hack without the fuss. Suitable for juniors/ladies and owner riders. All the hard work is done. Enormous movement, easy to do everything with and pleasure to have around the stables. Contact: Adam Oliver Ph: 0488 111 401

Contact: Jess Stones Ph: 0421 483 920

Maybe Benny

Price: $ 11,000. 15.3 hh Reg: Australian Stock Horse Grey Gelding Sire: Bluff Downs Bega LH Dam: Maybe Shiralee HSH 'Ultimate Allrounder' Benny is the ultimate competitor! Proving this versatility time and time again. He has solely been trained and competed by teenage riders. He has successfully competed in various disciplines including camp drafting, show ring as a hack/hunter, stock horse events (i.e. Challenges, Working Stock horse etc.) show jumping, eventing, polo cross and competitive rodeo barrel racing. You can either show at Royal level in the Show ring or run competitive rodeo barrel racing times. He has sported very competitively at State level. He also has many scores in the camp draft arena. Benny easily jumps and events with a bold safe jump. He truly is a superstar allrounder! Benny never comes home without board sashes or highest point scores. He is best suited to a confident teenager/adult. Sad sale Sound, with vet check more than welcome. Video Footage Link - Contact: Jemma Green Ph: 0439 991 523

Tango Price: $ 10,000. 'Impressive Young Warmblood' 5yo, 15.3hh, eligible WB registration, chestnut, gelding SIRE: Waterview Park Brooklyn DAM: Macarthy (TB) This sensational young horse has been recently broken in and professionally started. Tango is a powerhouse who has the ability to go all the way through either the Dressage levels or as a top small Show Hunter Hack. This rhythmic gelding has had all the hard work done. He is event, soft and correct. He has spent the last two months being thoroughly desensitised. He has a beautiful, friendly temperament and his trainability is second to none. He is a focused young horse with a huge future ahead of him. With three soft, even and impressive paces he ready for long successful career. He would easily suit a lady or an ambitious teen rider. He is fuss free in every way and is just a lovely horse to have around. Sound with vet check more than welcome. Video Fooateg Link - Contact: Jemma Green Ph: 0439 991 523. - Ph 07 55909721 - mob 0413 733 294 - Email:

Page 45

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