Fall 2019 issue of THE HUB Magazine

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FALL 2019 | www.sacculturalhub.com






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FALL 2019


SIMPLE TRUTHS! It has been a LONG time since I had so much trouble writing this column. Usually this is one of the easier issues, as we come together each fall to celebrate our region’s Exceptional Women Of Color. But as I write this, I have not been able to get our brothers and sisters in the Bahamas out of my mind! The death toll in the aftermath of Hurricane Dorian is just over 50, while hundreds of others are still missing. Bodies are literally being dug out of the mountains of debris. We pray for the families. I have trouble imagining the pain that they are going through. It was mostly poor, brown, Haitian immigrant IN THE AFRICAN AMERICAN communities — Marsh Harbour, COMMUNITY, IT HAS TRADITIONALLY BEEN THE WOMEN the Mudd, and Pigeon Peas — — THE MOTHERS, GRANDMOTHERS, that were devastated. While Trump tweets about Mexicans who he says know more about drug use than most communities do, and continues to talk about building his border wall. That man is a constant test on my PATIENCE!


It is a lot to take in. But I know a couple of simple truths, and they help me get through times like this. There are several versions of this truth that I like, but Maya Angelou, who was an “exceptional woman” if there ever was one, did one of the best jobs of saying it:

and only Jenifer Lewis, “The Mother Of Black Hollywood!” Thinking ahead to October 19, allow me to THANK YOU for supporting the annual event and helping to bring Lewis to our community, a community in need of healing. Maybe not like those communities in the Bahamas, but Sacramento has been battered, too. But Maya pointed the way:

You may write me down in history With your bitter, twisted lies, You may trod me in the very dirt But still, like dust, I’ll rise.

Leaving behind nights of terror and fear I rise Into a daybreak that’s wondrously clear I rise Bringing the gifts that my ancestors gave, I am the dream and the hope of the slave. I rise I rise I rise.

Just like moons and like suns With the certainty of tides Just like hopes springing high, Still I’ll rise. In the African American community, it has traditionally been the women — the mothers, grandmothers, sisters, and aunts — who have nurtured grieving, hurt, battered families and held our communities together. We will be the ones to put emergency plans together to help protect us from the unknown. And we will CELEBRATE our STRENGTH and POWER this fall with some of the best of our community at the 11th Annual EWOC event. Speaking of strength and power, we could not have picked a better person to deliver our keynote presentation than the one | 4 | T H E  HU B MA G A Z I N E

WE rise! Peace & Blessings,

Pleshette Robertson CEO and Founder Sac Cultural Hub Media Company and Foundation facebook.com/pleshettemarie

FALL 2019



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4 Founder’s Room





36 Michael’s Mind’s Eye: Northern California Welcomes Great Christmas Shows This Year


42 Advertiser Index

Things To Do, Places To Go




FALL 2019


BOOKMARK Sacculturalhub.com Inside every issue of THE HUB: The Urban Entertainment and Lifestyle Magazine there are things to do, places to go and people to see, with a calendar of events, spotlight and feature articles on major event reviews, career profiles and business services. This magazine celebrates the urban lifestyle of African-Americans living in Northern California.

Northern California’s Most Popular Urban Entertainment Magazine ESTABLISHED FEBRUARY 2006 Mailing Address 7902 Gerber Road, #367 • Sacramento, CA 95828 Ph 916.234.3589 | Fax 866.302.6429 E-mail contact@sacculturalhub.com CHIEF EDITOR, CEO & FOUNDER – SACCULTURALHUB.COM Pleshette Robertson | pleshette@sacculturalhub.com ADVERTISING AND MARKETING TEAM Twlia Laster | 916.662.3502 • twlia@sacculturalhub.com Donna Michele Ramos | facebook.com/donnamramos1 Michael P. Coleman | 916.715.2996 • mcoleman@sacculturalhub.com NEWS REPORTERS Neketia Henry | Keadrian Belcher-Harris Donna Michele Ramos CONTRIBUTING WRITERS Michael P. Coleman | Lesley Leatherwood | Valarie Scruggs

Connect with African American professionals and families! Share your services, products and events with Sacculturalhub.com and THE HUB Magazine ... your leading source of EXCITEMENT and Urban Entertainment News in Northern California.

ADMINISTRATIVE STAFF Vicki Blakley PHOTOGRAPHY Rayford Johnson | Npaphoto.com 916.714.5840 Khiry Malik | Magiceyephotos.com 916.730.5405 Creative Touch Media Services (CT Media) Robert Briley – 916.579.1806 GRAPHIC DESIGN­ Heather Niemann | Tingible Design COVER PHOTO: Shutterstock.com Circulation THE HUB: The Urban Entertainment and Lifestyle Magazine has an estimated readership of more than 500,000 African American residents in Northern California. Copies are available at numerous storefront locations and distributed quarterly: Winter, Spring, Summer and Fall. Advertising THE HUB: The Urban Entertainment and Lifestyle Magazine offers affordable rates to meet your business needs and marketing budget. Ads are due 45 days prior to the next issue. Call (916) 234-3589 or e-mail contact@ sacculturalhub.com. Letters to the Editor Letters should include the writer’s full name, address and telephone number. Letters may be edited for

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Contact us: contact@sacculturalhub.com or 916-234-3589

space, clarity or style. Name and address may be withheld upon request. Mail to: THE HUB: The Urban Entertainment and Lifestyle Magazine, 7902 Gerber Road, #367, Sacramento, CA 95828. THE HUB: The Urban Entertainment and Lifestyle Magazine is printed quarterly in the United States. All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or part of any text, photography or illustration without written permission from the publisher is prohibited. The publisher assumes no responsibility for unsolicited manuscripts, photographs or illustrations. Views and opinions expressed in this publication are not necessarily those of the magazine. THE HUB: The Urban Entertainment and Lifestyle Magazine is not responsible for errors and omissions in regard to content of ads in which events were cancelled or rescheduled, or phones that have changed abruptly.

FALL 2019

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YOUR Dental HEALTH Presented by Terri Speed, D.D.S.

HAVE YOU BEEN NAUGHTY OR NICE TO YOUR TEETH? It’s not easy to stay healthy during the holidays. Sweets seem to appear everywhere you go, and with all of the presentwrapping and card-writing, there’s not much time to devote to you and your family’s health and well-being. Luckily, Hermey the Elf, best known for his adventures with Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer, joined forces with the American Dental Association (ADA) to come up with tips for keeping your mouth and teeth healthy during the holidays. In the classic holiday movie, Hermey dreamed of becoming a dentist and helping people keep their teeth healthy. In 2014, the ADA awarded Hermey with a Dental Do Gooder (DDG) for his passion for dentistry. This year, Hermey and the ADA came up with a set of tips to help families keep their smiles in tip-top shape. • Have a routine. Hermey always brushes his teeth two times a day, for two minutes, and you should too! It’s what keeps your mouth healthy in December and all year long. Make sure to use a fluoride toothpaste that has earned the ADA Seal of Acceptance. • Choose the carrots. (That means you, Santa!) Cookies and sweets are nice holiday treats, but instead of reaching for another candy cane, take a cue from Rudolph and eat the carrots. • Don’t forget the dentist! The holidays can be a busy time, but that doesn’t mean you can forget about your teeth. If you are due for a teeth cleaning or need work done, don’t forget to visit your dentist in December. • Drink water. You need a lot of energy for holiday activities, but avoid drinking sodas, sports drinks and juices with lots of sugar. Instead, drink water with fluoride in it to keep your teeth strong and healthy. • Protect your teeth. Wear a mouthguard whenever you play sports – or reindeer games – this winter. SOURCE: https://www.mouthhealthy.org/en/babies-and-kids/holiday-healthy-teeth-tips

Dr. Terri Speed is a family dentist in practice at 9098 Laguna Main St., Suite 4, in Laguna West.

www.terrispeeddds.com (916) 686-4212

10 bands. 2 nights. 1 incredible sound experiment THURS, OCT 17

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From Social Worker to Resource Parent to Dad In Sacramento County there are over 1,700 youth who are currently in the Sacramento County foster care system with many of those children in need of a permanent and forever home. Leon Burse, a Sacramento County Department of Child, Family and Adult Services social worker helps families learn how to become a foster parent, also known as a resource parent, and connects them with youth who urgently need a loving home. There is an ongoing need to find and maintain resource families who can support foster youth in Sacramento County. Resource families provide parenting, stability, guidance and love to foster youth until they can be reunited with their parents, or moved to a permanent home through adoption or guardianship. The Sacramento County Resource Family Approval (RFA) program that Leon works in supports, trains and offers guidance to these families who are interested in opening their homes to our local youth. “As a Concurrent Planning Social Worker, a major part of my job is helping families understand the process of becoming a resource parent and have them move past any fear they might have of becoming one,” said Leon. “I love my job because I am able to connect families to youth who really need a home. Typically, families are looking for babies, but there are also so many teenagers, African American youth, sibling sets, LGBTQ and youth with medical needs who are in | 8 | T H E  HU B MA G A Z I N E

desperate need of guardianship and a loving home.” With the passion Leon has to help foster youth, it was no surprise to family and friends when he and his wife Dykiesha answered the call and welcomed children into their own home in 2016. Leon and Dykiesha became a concurrent home, one that fosters children but can adopt the child if the child is unable to return to their biological family. After 12 months of reunification efforts, the Burse family chose to go through an appeal process to adopt the two children. “My wife and I always knew we wanted to adopt, specifically to help LGBTQ and African American youth but like any family, my wife and I had fears before opening our home,” said Leon. “We were thinking we wouldn’t be enough for the kids, but quickly after, our kids proved us wrong when they came home from school every day and would say how much they loved and missed us – all our fears went out the window.” When advising future resource and adoptive parents, Leon reminds resource families to always be flexible as it is “an endless rollercoaster of uncertainty – be flexible, and keep the child’s best interest in mind.”

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ADVERTISEMENT | BECOMING A RESOURCE PARENT - NEXT STEPS “The foster and adoption process can be chaotic, but in the end it is all worth it – today, my two eldest children who came to us through adoption are eight and 10 years old and they are the light of my life. My favorite part about being a parent is watching them grow and flourish into the beautiful, healthy kids they are today. I cherish being able to put my small imprint on them,” said, Leon. In November, the Burse family were named a “Family of the Year” during the National Adoption Day Calling Out of Names event at the State Capitol for going above and beyond with their dedication to family and community.

Regarding the designation, Leon said, “My wife and I didn’t do it to be recognized, we did it to become a family. But, we were very honored and humbled, and the kids were on cloud nine”. Families who are interested in becoming a resource family can attend an RFA orientation, where they are given a wide overview of what to expect. To learn more about local foster care opportunities and how to become a resource/foster parent, please visit the Sacramento County Department of Child, Family and Adult Services website or call, 916-875-5543.


Attend an Orientation Held From 6-8 p.m. every Tuesday at 3701 Branch Center Road, Conference Room 1, Sacramento. • Two-hour review of process, foster care system. • Opportunity to determine if being a resource family is right for your family.


Complete the Application • Includes employment status, income, and health condition. • Complete a background check.



Get Training • 12 hours of pre-approval training (4 classes over 2 weeks). • Learn about child development and trauma. • Complete CPR class, if needed.

5 Welcome Your New Family Member! • Typically takes 90 days to find out if you are approved for a license. • Social workers begin searching for a child that will be the best match for your home.

Prepare for interviews • Three in home visits. • Social workers assess home safety and your ability to care for the child. • Extensive study that will approve you to provide foster and adopt a child.

Becoming a Resource Parent

Next Steps FALL 2019

Contact us today to join our next orientation! Sacramento County Child Protective Services www.dhhs.saccounty.net/CPS

916.875.5543 T H E  H UB MAGAZI NE | 9 |






s I write this just after Labor Day, Hurricane Dorian has just ravaged the Bahamas and pummeled the southeast coast of the United States. Luckily, northern California doesn’t have to worry about such meteorological events. Or do we? On October 19th, Hurricane Jenifer — Jenifer Lewis, that is — will roar into town as the Keynote Presenter at the 11th annual Exceptional Women Of Color event, to be held at UC-Davis’ Mondavi Center. Lewis has been a Tinseltown staple for over 30 years, earning the moniker The Mother Of Black Hollywood. Brilliantly, that’s also the title of her 2017 best| 1 0 | T H E  H U B MA G A Z I N E

selling memoir, an honest, detailed book that’s just been released in paperback. The Mother Of Black Hollywood’s overarching message? If Lewis can make it through the formidable challenges she’s faced — SPOILER ALERT! There have been MANY — so can we. Lewis’ memoir is a mostly hysterical, at times searing NSFW tome that describes the journey that a little girl from St. Louis took to becoming, as she loves to call herself: “Jenifer Muthafucking Lewis.” Our early morning conversation was peppered with that kind of “real talk.” Lewis’ book, like the legend herself, is not for the faint of heart…or for the very

FALL 2019

CENTERSTAGE young. Only the mother of black Hollywood could get away with it!

finger on the button, and that’s scary shit!”

“You’ve got to understand, darling, that I’ve been an entertainer for my entire existence,” Lewis, 62, EXCLUSIVELY told me, during a chat that left me feeling quite good about being called “darling.” For one of the few times in my career, I threw objectivity to the wind. She’s Jenifer Muthafucking Lewis, and to be in her orbit is utterly intoxicating. “It’s a huge responsibility to say ‘come see me after your 9 to 5’, which for most people is a job that they don’t love. I, on the other hand, have gotten to do what I loved to do. So when people come see me, they leave entertained. It is what I do!”

Given my Superman fixation, of which Lewis knew nothing, I was stunned by the Lex Luther reference. I leaned in. “But I’m an optimist,” Lewis continued. “We have to stand together, because when we laid down, we wound up with Bozo The Fucking Clown in the White House.” “So we’ve got work to do!” n For information and tickets to see Jenifer Lewis at the 2019 Exceptional Women Of Color event, go to ewocawards.com. Go to michaelpcoleman.Wordpress.com for more of MPC’s EXCLUSIVE interview with Jenifer Lewis. Connect with freelance writer and “darling” to Jenifer Lewis, Michael P Coleman (yes, he has told himself that he is the only one she calls “Darling”) at michaelpcoleman.com.

“I was the Beyoncé of my time!” In a rare retreat, Lewis hilariously amended that last declaration. “Let me rephrase that,” Lewis whispered, LEWIS’ BOOK, LIKE THE almost as if to LEGEND HERSELF, IS NOT provide a salve FOR THE FAINT OF HEART… to the Beyhive, OR FOR THE VERY YOUNG. before bellowing ONLY THE MOTHER OF BLACK HOLLYWOOD COULD GET “I couldn’t have AWAY WITH IT! touched Beyoncé. Even I wasn’t that talented! That’s one talented bitch right there!” Having just wrapped a film with another icon, Dolly Parton, slated for release next year, Lewis has started writing her second memoir. While that book is just coming together, it will focus on the work that Lewis says we all have to do in 2020. Conservatives, consider this your warning. “I want to say we have to fight, but we have to stand,” Lewis said. “Am I scared? Yes. But I’m unafraid! And that is what we must be: unafraid. We have Lex Luthor in the White House, he has his FALL 2019

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THE HUB is proud to once again spotlight all of our 2019 EWOC Honorees who will receive the EWOC Champion Award and the EWOC Excellence Awards at the 11th Annual Exceptional Women of Color (EWOC) EXPO & Awards (10/19/19). We are honored to recognize Assemblymember Dr. Shirley Weber with the EWOC Champion Award – Women to Watch – creating historical paths for us to follow in political leadership as she is performing an exemplary job and going above and beyond to promote economic empowerment, social/ health equity, fight for injustices, and building sustainable partnerships within communities of color.

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The EWOC Excellence Awards will be presented to several women from CEOs to retirees, principals to mothers who represent everything a woman is and can be while overcoming multiple obstacles to become pillars of our community.


FALL 2019



Assemblymember Shirley Nash Weber was elected in November of 2012 to represent California’s 79th Assembly District, which includes the cities of Bonita, Chula Vista, La Mesa, Lemon Grove, National City and San Diego. Born to sharecroppers of Hope, Arkansas, Shirley Weber has lived in California since the age of 3. She attended UCLA, where she received her BA, MA and PhD by the age of 26. Prior to receiving her doctorate, she became a professor at San Diego State University (SDSU) at the age of 23. Dr. Weber also taught at California State University at Los Angeles and Los Angeles City College before coming to San Diego State University. Dr. Weber chairs the Assembly Budget Subcommittee on Public Safety. She also serves as a member of the Assembly Standing Committees on Education, Higher Education, Elections, Budget, and Banking and Finance. Prior to being elected to the Assembly, she served as the mayor’s appointee and Chair on the Citizens’ Equal Opportunity Commission. Dr. Weber has also served on the Board of the NAACP, YWCA, YMCA Scholarship Committee, Battered Women Services, United Way, San Diego Consortium and Private Industry Council, and many more. Assembly Member Weber has lived in the 79th Assembly District for over 30 years. Her children attended public school in the district and she was elected to the school board. As a board member, and subsequent board president, she became known for her advocacy for closing the achievement gap and a higher standard of excellence for all children. From 2005-2006, Dr. Weber hosted a popular weekly radio program weekly entitled, “It’s a New Day with Dr. Shirley Weber,” on KURS AM 1040. The program was broadcast live throughout San Diego and internationally over the internet. In 2006, she aired her program live from Johannesburg, South Africa, sharing her students’ perspectives and those of local South Africans. Dr. Weber has lectured throughout the United States, Caribbean and Africa. Assembly Member Weber is the mother of two children and the widow of the late Honorable Daniel Weber, a California state judge. n In an NPR interview where Assemblymember Dr. Weber was asked why she introduced California Act to Save Lives AB 392 bill (in February 2019) and why was it necessary in her view? Assemblymember Dr. Weber’s response was: “Well, it was necessary because California did not have a solution to the problem we were facing in terms of the shooting of unarmed individuals. It was clear that our policy was outdated, and it was making our communities angry and frustrated because they could see that there were alternative methods that could have been used in saving individuals’ lives. And so it’s a really simple bill that says you shouldn’t use deadly force unless you absolutely have to, unless it is necessary to save your life or someone else’s life.”

On Aug 19, 2019 California Governor Gavin Newsom signed AB 392 by Assemblymember Shirley Weber (D-San Diego). The bill enacts one of the strongest use-of-force laws in the country. AB 392 modernizes standards for use of deadly force by officers. Specifically, this bill updates the existing deadly force standards to provide that deadly force may only be used when necessary. AB 392 also requires officers to use other techniques to address threats instead of using deadly force when safe to do so, encouraging law enforcement to train on and use de-escalation techniques like verbal persuasion and other crisis intervention methods.

FALL 2019

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funny kind, connection


FAVORITES: Vacation Getaway: I love Prince and old school hip hop. I am a huge fan of Notorious B.I.G. Fragrance: Milk & honey body oil. Vacation getaway: Montego Bay, Jamaica. Wanda Abney is the founder & CEO of SpeakHer Consulting, a public speaking coaching firm for women business owners. Wanda is a motivational speaker, author, training consultant and the host of Full Circle, a weekly radio program dedicated to empowering women through conversation. Wanda’s warmth and genuine caring nature draws females of all ages and evokes deep sense of sisterhood among her listeners whom she referred to as #teamfullcircle. Wanda has a heart for healing and desires to see women restored and happy. She shares with audiences the personal experience of her journey from divorce and pain to freedom and wholeness. Wanda is a featured author in the book compilation “She Believed, Vol. II”. in which describes the steps taken to regain her joy. A 20-year cancer survivor, Wanda stresses the importance of self-care and allowing room for rest. You will often find her routinely getting massages, walking or traveling to the ocean, the place where she can reconnect with nature and reset her spirit. Wanda also enjoys spending time with her family and friends, traveling and preparing for her next race. AT A GLANCE: Marital status: Single (divorced) Trademark: I have a warm smile and I am passionate about helping others, especially women. Best workday strategy: Make a “to-do” list and stick with it! It helps keep you organized and the day doesn’t seem to get away from you. Alter ego: Ms. Wanda Hobbies: Traveling, reading, bowling, writing/journaling. Best advice for following your dreams and achieving success: It starts with belief, if you don’t believe in yourself and that you can do it, no one else will. Set your intention, write it down and take the steps necessary to get to where you want to be. It will not be easy! Find a tribe who will support you and tell you the truth. Be able to accept constructive criticism. Know that failure is an important part of success.

Choice of entertainment: I love listening to live music mostly in the Bay Area. I enjoy attending art events. On Mentorship: Throughout my life, I have had many people provide guidance and life advice. Their words of advice have allowed me to set clear goals, challenge myself in areas where fear may have overtaken me, and push myself to go for what I want. Thoughts on the upcoming 2020 Presidential Election: I am concerned. By now the opposing parties should have had a strong front-runner with just over a year to go. Currently, the field is so crowded, I wonder if a viable candidate can be chosen and in enough time to solidify themselves as a serious challenger. There are several ways we can get involved. Start researching these people who want to run this country, look at their records and demand answers for things that are questionable. Don’t just vote party lines, do your research! Talk to people about the importance of voting and how their votes do count. Make phone calls, hit the pavement and support your candidate with dollars.

Best life experience: Being a 20 year cancer survivor.

What do you like about Sacculturalhub.com and THE HUB Magazine? I love that the magazine has a nice blend of stories from political to entertainment. I know what’s going on in our community. I enjoy getting the e-blasts that give me quick information to what’s happening in Northern California. Every week, I look at the events section on your website to find out what’s going on here in Sacramento and in the Bay.

Something surprising about you: I watch “Frasier” every night before bed.

Slogan you live by: “Don’t make space for anyone who is not making space for you”

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FALL 2019


COORDINATOR, FAMILY & COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT AT SAN JUAN UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT FAVORITES: Book: Mis-Education of the Negro by Carter G. Woodson & Their Eyes Are Watching God by Zora Neal Hurston Music: Old School R&B, Hip Hop, Gospel. Perfume: La Vie Est Bella Vacation getaway: Seattle, Washington

wise witty welcoming

Bonita Aytch, a California native, serves as the coordinator for the FACE (Family & Community Engagement) department for San Juan Unified School District. She works as a strong advocate for parents to have a voice and to protect their children and the family unit. She does this for all children, however Bonita has a heart for children of color, to help bridge the achievement gap for our kids to graduate. She is heavily involved in the community, going to many events, spreading the word about the FACE department and providing resources to all from the events she attends. Bonita works hard at training new parents to be liaisons within the community. Recently, a grant program has funded a Parent Ambassador program, which Bonita leads. Bonita works with several community groups, such as the Black Child Legacy campaign and The Mutual Assistance Network. She performs home visits, school site visits, holiday food baskets for families, and donates school supplies. Bonita works and offers assistance with BSU’s at different campuses. Bonita has a big heart, caring for families, giving food, and assisting with the needs of the community.

Best life experience: Being a woman, mother, daughter, wife, sister, auntie and sister friend. Something surprising about you: Completed a full 26 miles in Hawaii. Choice of entertainment: Movie night at Sugar Mill winery. Thoughts on the upcoming 2020 Presidential Election: Get out and vote locally and nationally.

AT A GLANCE: Marital status: Engaged

What do you like about Sacculturalhub.com and THE HUB Magazine? The current information about politics to party.

Best workday strategy: Listen, don’t let your first thought be your last thought.

Slogan you live by: “Grace is not just a prayer it’s a way of life.”

Guilty pleasure: Staycation in 4 Star hotels. Celebrity male icon you admire: James Baldwin - he’s the truth past, present and future. Church: Bayside Midtown Alter ego: Equity Warrior Queen Hobbies: Hot yoga, 10 K walk/run Best advice for following your dreams and achieving success: Stay focused. Best achievement so far: Waking up grateful everyday. Hero: My father Harvey Aytch. He taught me to live fearlessly and own all my choices.

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CO-FOUNDER & EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR, BLACK WOMEN UNITED FAVORITES: Book: A Chinese Cinderella Music artist: Lalah Hathaway and Whitney Houston Perfume: Wildbloom by Banana Republic Soul food restaurant: Jimmys in the DPH (Del Paso Heights – Sacramento) Vacation getaway: Anywhere near the water or with friends

loyal intelligent warrior

Elika Bernard is the co-founder and Executive Director for Black Women United (BWU). While majority of her time is spent advocating for black women and girls, her passion and first love is for the arts and design. She has been teaching visual and performing arts for over ten years at various schools in Sacramento. She currently heads a team for a small consulting business called, “H&E Web and Graphic Design” who provide brand management and media support to black women running for public office. She began her social justice work through Sacramento Area Congregations Together (Sac A.C.T.) Through Sac A.C.T. she was mentored by Danielle Williams who inspired her to pursue social justice specifically for Black women. It was through this work she realized that there was a lack of concern for the lives of Black women and girls in the social justice movement. BWU has given her a platform to raise the voices of Black women and bring what is invisible to the light. AT A GLANCE: Marital status: Single sometimes. Best workday strategy: I always start my day with a to do list and reward myself with walk breaks. Guilty pleasure: Talenti salted carmel truffle ice cream. Celebrity icon you admire: Ayanna Pressley - when she speaks I see myself and believe anything is possible because an unapologetic black woman like her is doing it. Church: Center for Spiritual Awareness Alter ego: Samuel L. Jackson Hobbies: Painting and playing the piano. Best advice for following your dreams and achieving success: Go to therapy and sort your shit out so you won’t get distracted by the land mines of trauma we are born into. Seek out the wisdom of the elders and honor your intuition. Also, if there’s a client you really want to work with but they can’t afford you, work with them anyways. Give them your full attention and best service. It will open other doors. Best achievement so far: I helped organize the first ever black women’s march. I’ve also built a media platform for | 1 6 | T H E  H U B MA G A Z I N E

black women running for office which has reached hundreds of thousands and helped get several of them elected. Hero: Kendra Lewis (Vice Chair, African America Caucus) is my hero because she has taught me how to use my super powers. She’s not afraid of my fire or strength and she is the most strategic black woman I have ever met in my life. She has empowered me in ways that has changed the way I see myself and the world. She is a consistent force for good in my life. I know for a fact, if I don’t have anybody I will always have Kendra. She loves me in a way that heals and nurtures the deepest parts of my soul. Your best life experience: Watching my son grow into a happy and caring little boy. He has a heart of gold and loves people the way God does. Something surprising about you: I have six sisters and my dream in college was to be a star on Broadway in musical theatre. Choice of entertainment: Live music and good food! Thoughts on the upcoming 2020 Presidential Election: From personal experience Elizabeth Warren has been a great ally. It has been a priority of her campaign to really listen to black women and trans black women without asking for anything in return. What do you like about Sacculturalhub.com and THE HUB Magazine? I love Sac Hub because when I needed an Op-Ed published I couldn’t get any newspapers to take me seriously. Sac Hub came through and we were able to reach thousands all over the state of California. Slogan you live by: “Live your life like the goal is to be much greater than the day that came before,” Sunni Patterson

FALL 2019



DIRECTOR, CUSTOMER SERVICE AT SMUD FAVORITES: Book: The Great Gatsby (I’ve read it at least 100 times) Music artist: Right now, Anderson .Paak Soul food restaurant: I just discovered Georgia’s in Long Beach – amazing! Vacation getaway: Anywhere near an ocean. Brandy Bolden’s career experience spans over 25 years in both the public and private sectors and across the financial, semiconductor, consumer goods and utility industries. She’s currently the Director of Customer Services at SMUD, the nation’s sixth largest publicly owned utility. A Sacramento native, Brandy graduated from St. Francis High School and attended the University of California, Davis where she received her Bachelor

fearless loyal fun

of Arts in Sociology. She is alumni of the Nehemiah Emerging Leaders program and a holds Project Management Certification from UC Irvine. Brandy is actively engaged in servicing the Sacramento community. She’s an active member of the Sacramento Chapter of the Links, Incorporated, a national organization of African American professional women who are committed to serving and strengthening their communities through volunteer work focused on services to youth, the arts, national trends, international trends, and health and human services. Brandy also sits on the board of the American Red Cross, Gold Country Region. In her spare time, Brandy enjoys spending time with her family and friends and traveling. She resides in Elk Grove, CA. with her two children and husband of 16 years. AT A GLANCE: Trademark: Authentic Best workday strategy: It has to start with a workout followed by coffee. I’m usually in a lot of meetings, so I try to keep moving throughout the day so I don’t sit too long. Plus moving helps me think better! Guilty pleasure: Watching re-runs of Law & Order … SVU is my favorite! Hobbies: Traveling, shopping, decorating, and spending time with family/friends. Best advice for following your dreams and achieving success: Don’t let anyone tell you what you can’t do. Best achievement so far: My children. Hero: My father. I don’t know anyone like him. He’s the smartest, kindest and most amazing person I know. Best life experience: Growing up in a tight-knit family surrounded by love and lots of laughter. It gave me my foundation and shaped who I am. Something surprising about you: I collect Legos…lots of them. Choice of entertainment: People watching in Las Vegas!!! How has mentorship help you? I’ve been blessed with both personal and professional mentors. They’re mirrors that allow me to see what others see. It not something that’s easy to do by yourself because we often only see our shortcomings. Mentors help me understand how others perceive me. Plus I can always count on them for honest and direct advice. Thoughts on the upcoming 2020 Presidential Election: Just vote – our future depends on it! What do you like about Sacculturalhub.com and THE HUB Magazine? It’s like the Ebony/Jet of our region. You can always stay on top on what’s going on. Love it! Slogan you live by: YOLO (you only live once) and tomorrow is not promised. T H E  H UB M A GAZI NE | 1 7 |


ADRIAN CARPENTER-MCKINNEY PANEL MEMBER OF CALIFORNIA CANNABIS CONTROL APPEALS PANEL; CEO & FOUNDER OF POTENTIAL PARTNERS FAVORITES: Soul Food Restaurant: Roscoe’s Chicken and Waffles (Sunset location) Vacation getaway: New Orleans with my husband’s family.

intelligent competitive compassionate

Adrian Carpenter-McKinney currently serves as a Panel Member on the California Cannabis Control Appeals Panel. She works as a quasi-judicial officer adjudicating cannabis appeals. She previously served as a Deputy Legal Affairs Secretary for Governor Edmund G. Brown Jr. In this role, she worked on complex legal issues concerning the criminal justice system. Prior to serving in the Governor’s administration, Adrian was a Deputy City Attorney for the City of Sacramento. There, she served as an advisory attorney for the Sacramento Police Department, Labor Relations, and the Community Development Department. She was also the lead prosecutor for all criminal filings and designed a new program targeted at serial inebriates in the City of Sacramento. Prior to her work with the City of Sacramento, Adrian was a Deputy District Attorney at the Sacramento District Attorneys’ Office. During her tenure at the office Adrian worked in the misdemeanor, domestic violence, and general felonies unit of the office. Adrian also participated in the Capital Fellows Program as a Judicial Administration Fellow in Sacramento. Adrian currently serves on the Board of Directors for California Change Lawyers (formerly the California Bar Foundation) and the Los Rios Colleges Foundation Board. She is the pastPresident of the Wiley W. Manuel Bar Association, and sits on the Board of Directors for A.C.E. (Achievement, Commitment, Excellence) a non-profit organization focused on enhancing the lives of at-risk African-American male youth by providing them with the essential tools and exposure to enhance their cultural environment and awareness while gaining positive self-worth. She is also an Assembly Delegate of the California Democratic Party. Adrian holds a B.A. in Political Science from Occidental College, a Master’s in Public Administration from California State University, Northridge, with honors, and a Juris Doctorate from the University of San Francisco, School of Law. Adrian currently lives in Plumas, Lake, CA with her husband, Terrance. AT A GLANCE: Marital status: Married for four great years

Hero: My parents. They have been married for almost 40 years and I really look at their marriage as a success story. They raised three daughters that all have graduated from college and have been the biggest cheerleader through my years. Best life experience: Working as a Deputy Legal Affairs Secretary for Governor Edmund G. Brown Jr. Did you have a mentor? I have multiple mentors that assist with the different areas of my life (legal, life skills, politics, etc.). One of my most influential mentors has been Alana Mathews-Acurio, a winner of this same award in 2012. She has been in my life since 1995 and has helped me throughout my legal career.

Best workday strategy: Creating a daily to-do list for all tasks. Guilty pleasure: Real Housewives of Potomac Church: Bayside of Midtown Best achievement so far: Starting my own business.

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EDUCATIONAL CONSULTANT AT EDUCATE EMPOWER LEAD FAVORITES: Book: The Power of Broke Music artist: J-Cole, Remy Ma, and Mary J Blige Perfume: Jimmy Choo Soul food restaurant: Dolls Kitchen in Fresno, CA Vacation getaway: Miami South Beach

motivated, inspirational, go-getter

Mrs. Garbralle Conroe was born and raised in Fresno, California. She received a Bachelor’s degree in Criminology and a Master’s of science degree in Clinical Rehabilitation and Mental Health Counseling from California State University, Fresno. For the past 6 years she has been teaching graduate courses at California State University, Fresno. In addition she has been providing professional development, cultural competence and diversity, trainings through her consulting business Educate, Empower, Lead. In 2012 Mrs. Conroe received Business of the Year Award from Resources for Independence Central Valley. She was recognized for her outstanding work in her community by helping individuals with disabilities obtain jobs. In 2015 she was awarded the community service award from Fresno City College for her exceptional contributions with Fresno City College students. In 2017 Mrs. Conroe was awarded the 40 under 40 award which recognizes individuals under the age of 40 for their contributions and, achievements, In addition Mrs. Conroe was the keynote speaker for the 2018 Girls World Expo, the 2018 Fresno Housing authority all staff event, and received the 2018 Spotlight on Success award from Pivot Sacramento for her exceptional leadership that lights the path for others. Mrs. Conroe has facilitated several professional development sessions at Fresno City College Institutional, Development, for Equity, Access and Success Summit titled “Bridging the Gap between Privileged & Adversity”. In 2019 Mrs. Conroe was featured on Valley PBS Young, Gifted, and Black where she shared her motivational journey of how she overcame barriers, and stigmas growing up in South West Fresno. Mrs. Conroe proposal was selected, and she participated as a presenter at the 2019 National Association of Multicultural Rehabilitation Concerns in Atlanta where she focused on Cultural Competence in Counseling.

time speaking at different high schools, and community events about self-worth, making smart choices, leadership, and the importance of education. Mrs. Conroe has co-authored a manuscript on the use of service-learning in building cultural competence among counseling trainees. She thrives on the model “each one teach one”. AT A GLANCE: Marital status: Married Best workday strategy: You are only out of options when you stop looking. Guilty pleasure: Shopping and Starbucks. Celebrity male icon you admire: Daymond John. I admire his grind from when he first created his business brand FUBU. To see his growth to where he started to now being on the Shark Tank, and writing many books is very inspirational. Alter ego: (Hollywood) I have great acting skills, and often times can play different characters really well. When I was a counseling student to practice our counseling techniques the professors would always ask me to play the role of a client, and students would play the role of a counselor. I would often get feedback on how great I am at playing multiple personality roles. Hobbies: Traveling and spending time with my husband. Best advice for following your dreams and achieving success: You must be comfortable with being uncomfortable. That is when the real growth and success happens. Best life experience: When I did my first paid speaking engagement, titled “What is Your Why.” I was so nervous, and fearful of what I should charge. When I gave my price the agency not only agreed but wanted me to extend my speaking from 30 minutes to 75 minutes. That experience gave me more confidence, and courage to speak at other events. Something surprising about you: I used to Rap in high school. I would often participate in talent shows with my brother. Do you have a mentor? Yes, Jenelle Pitt who initially served as my professor when I was a graduate student. She has been not only a great mentor and role model, but she has turned into my family. She took me under her wing and allowed me to shadow her, and learn how to navigate being a young woman of color through corporate America. I have grown professionally and personally under her guidance.

Mrs. Conroe has a passion for inspiring youth, and giving back to her community. She currently engages in motivational speaking, and professional development events throughout the Slogan you live by: Each one teach one. Central Valley as well as in Northern California. Additionally, Mrs. Conroe mentors numerous students, and volunteers her FALL 2019 T H E  H UB M A GAZI NE | 1 9 |



CEO OF N-POWERED COACHING ACADEMY FAVORITES: Book: The Bible Music artist: Lauren Daigle Perfume: Imari Vacation getaway: Somewhere warm and near the beach!

intelligent transparent loving

Introducing the transformational speaker and CEO of N-Powered Coaching Academy, Laticia “Action” Jackson. She is dynamic, energetic and transparent with often described as a fitness olympian, survivor of domestic violence, globally recognized women’s health expert, 10 x author, and U.S.A.F. veteran. You will often find her featured on nationally and internationally syndicated TV stations such as NBC News, Seattle’s King 5, WEAR Channel 3, WSRE, Blab TV, CW 31, ABC 10, FOX 40 and other stations where she shares insight, tips and tools for women and girls to overcome social, physical and cultural barriers. Her health, fitness and personal development expertise has been seen on a global scale where she’s been featured in over 30 health, business and lifestyle magazines such as Oxygen Fitness Magazine Australia, Women on Topp, Writer’s Life Magazine, Muscle and Fitness Hers and numerous more. Her own personal development workshops have been delivered to the United States Armed Forces and presented at companies such as Microsoft, The Women’s Business Center and Destin Chamber of Commerce. In 2018, she was nominated Indie Author of the Year. As a transformational speaker, she’s on a mission to ignite fire, life and purpose within her audience. She’s known to take her audience on a ride of personal truth that stops at pain hidden by success, knocks on the door of pretense and shouts in the face of fear. After almost losing her life in a domestic violence attack at the age of 29, she realized, true success starts from with-N. Her amazing ability to weave together personal and professional information that ignites personal change has led her to being the keynote speaker for many events that include: Girls on The Rise Empowerment Conference and Global Strike Commands Women’s Leadership Conference. She’s on a mission to transform the world and shows no sign of stopping now! AT A GLANCE: Marital status: Single Best workday strategy: Morning prayer and meditation followed by a workout, clear intentions for the day and prioritization of tasks. Guilty pleasure: Divorce Court, Paternity Court and Couples Court. Church: Calvary Christian Center Alter ego: She’s intense, she’s bold. She’s competitive with herself and she’s unstoppable. She comes out whenever I am told no or challenges of life knock on my door. I will not be defeated in life. I am a warrior! | 2 0 | T H E  H U B MA G A Z I N E

Hobbies: I love art, jazz, history, traveling, reading books that engage my mind. I love working out and I love time with friends and family. I am a social butterfly and love attending events where I can meet new people! Best advice for following your dreams and achieving success: Be so clear about God’s purpose for your life and your path that nothing or no one can tell you different. When life happens and things are out of your control, pray, evaluate your role in the situation, take action steps to correct what you can and keep moving. Setbacks aren’t failures, they are just character and resilience builders. Learn to say no to people, places and things that don’t align with your character, calling and cause. You can’t be all things to all people. Learn your value and ask for what you’re worth! Be unapologetically you. There’s only one of you, the world needs you, your gifts and your dreams! Best achievement so far: My best achievement so far is learning that I am not “what” I do rather, I am who I am in Christ and Him alone. I have learned that titles, degrees and success doesn’t build character, struggles do. After almost losing my life in a domestic violence attack at the age of 29, I realized true success can only happen when one is whole from within. Today, I am a complete person, mind, body, soul and spirit. I am no longer seeking external approval from the things I do. Today I stand in the truth that I am enough just for being myself and for that, I am forever grateful!

FALL 2019

Hero: My mother. After my parents divorced at the age of 13, my mother raised three girls on her own. Despite her struggles, she never gave up on my sisters and I nor herself. She taught me to always keep my eyes on God and His plans for my life. When dark times have arisen in my life, she has loved and prayed me through many of my challenges. She’s kind, loving and resilient. She raised me to be the woman I am today. I will forever be thankful that God chose her to be my mother. Best life experience: Life within itself has been my best experience! All of the ups, downs, pains, hurts, celebrations, setbacks you name it. They all have brought me where I am today. Life is such a gift! Something surprising about you: I am a true extrovert, but I am also an introvert. There are times when I get really quiet. Those who know me, know when I get quiet, I am either upset or thinking on a very deep level. I can be intense at times and sometimes I am very strong willed; just ask my mother!

Named one of the “five drummers whose time is now.” —The New York Times

Choice of entertainment: I love live music; I love outdoor activities and I love to walk downtown Sacramento. There’s so much history in this city! I love being here! Do you have a mentor? Yes, I have a spiritual mentor and a business mentor. My business mentor has helped me grow my coaching and speaking business N-Powered Coaching Academy. She provides me with business tools, resources and she’s a sounding board when I have new ideas, concepts and thoughts. She respects my thoughts and also knows how to keep me centered when I get off track. My spiritual mentor keeps me accountable to keeping God’s word. He promises and His direction at the forefront of my life. Mentorship is essential to every woman’s personal and professional growth and I thankful that both of these women have invested in me. Thoughts on the upcoming 2020 Presidential Election: I have been closely following the 2020 elections and there are a few candidates with whom I resonate with both on the Republican and Democratic side. As a voter, what’s important to me is having a President who has a “we” and not a “me” mentality. This approach will drive key decisions in all policy making and implementation. We have working families who can’t afford quality healthcare, we have homelessness, we have systemic racism that is showing within our prisons, schools and other places. We as a country have numerous issues. Therefore, it is important that we vote a person in office who will focus on key priorities to their constituents. I am not interested in a president who will push their own agenda. When citizens vote, take the feelings out and stick with the facts. Has this potential presidential candidate shown particular measurable outcomes in the areas in which they are focused on? Does the candidate understand the pressing issues, fears and concerns of Americans? Don’t vote by color, vote by purpose and progression. What do you like about Sacculturalhub.com and THE HUB Magazine? I love all of the community events you highlight. I love your commitment to community and I love your desire to highlight women like myself and others who are out in the world making a tangible difference! Thank you for what you do!

Kendrick Scott Oracle

Kendrick Scott’s longtime band, Oracle, builds on the legacy of Terence Blanchard and Art Blakey’s bands, encouraging individual musicians to find their own voice over deep grooves. Oracle’s newest release, A Wall Becomes A Bridge, continues the growth and experimentation that keep the group at the forefront of jazz.


Harlem 100

Featuring Mwenso and the Shakes WITH SPECIAL GUESTS BRIANNA THOMAS, MICHAELA MARINO LERMAN AND VUYO SOTASHE The most exciting performers in Harlem today pay homage to the presentations made famous in the Apollo Theater, the Cotton Club and other celebrated venues of the Harlem Renaissance. Featuring the music of Fats Waller, Duke Ellington, Billie Holiday, Bessie Smith and Ethel Waters, as well as a nine-piece band with three dancers.


Buy Nowats!

for best



Slogan you live by: Get out of your feelings and get into your facts! FALL 2019

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FOUNDER AND EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR OF THE HEALTH EDUCATION COUNCIL Debra Oto-Kent, MPH, is the Founder and Executive Director of the Health Education Council, a nonprofit organization committed to promoting health and preventing chronic disease in diverse, underserved communities. For over 27 years since its founding in 1991, the Health Education Council has worked at the forefront of cross-sector collaboration to create innovative, model programs that intersect community well-being and chronic disease prevention. In 2016, the organization received an Innovation Award from the California Department of Public Health and was named a Nonprofit of the Year for its work to reduce health disparities in the Sacramento region.

fun committed quiet-warrior

She has served on a variety of boards, and committees of local and statewide health related and research organizations, with current board service on the West Sacramento Housing Development Corporation, UC Davis Comprehensive Cancer Community Advisory Board, Cien Amigos, and Communities, Adolescents, Nutrition and Fitness. Ms. Oto-Kent has been recognized for her contributions numerous awards that include: Placer County Putting Kids First Award, 2017, Outstanding Service and Advocacy Award, Martin Luther King Celebration, Greater Sacramento Region, 2010 to name a few. Ms. Oto-Kent received her undergraduate degree in health science studies from San Diego State University and a Master’s in Public Health degree from UCLA’s School of Public Health. She has written and presented extensively on her two primary areas of expertise – coalition building among diverse stakeholders; and improving the public’s health with an emphasis on reducing health disparities in low-income communities and diverse ethnic populations. AT A GLANCE: Marital status: Celebrated 40th anniversary this year! Yay! Vacation getaway: Being with my family. What do you like about Sacculturalhub.com and THE HUB Magazine? Informative, entertaining, important, relevant! Thank you! Slogan you live by: One of my favorite quotes …“Service to others is the rent you pay for your room here on earth.” – Muhammad Ali

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MANAGER – AT&T MOBILITY DATA CENTER FAVORITES: Book: The Bible Music: Gospel - Bishop Hezekiah Walker and the LFC Choir Perfume: Burberry Brit Soul food restaurant: Chez Soul in Fairfield, CA Vacation getaway: Dubai

inspirational trustworthy dedicated

Karlette Porter affectionly known as First Lady Karlette Porter is a native of Sacramento. Raised in a Christian home and having accepted the Lord at the tender age of eight, she participated in many activities while growing up representing her church and the Lord. Some included competing in Bible Memory Verse, Bible Sword Drill, and ushering competitions on the local, state, and national levels. She is an accomplished speaker and workshop instructor. She has taught Sunday school classes, Bible study sessions, and women’s enrichment workshop seminars. She has also directed several Christian plays written by her mother-inlove, Hazel Porter. Presently, First Lady Karlette is the Outreach Director and leads the Women of Wisdom Conference which is held every year for the Genesis Church where her husband, Dr. Tecoy Porter is the Senior Pastor. First Lady Karlette has been happily married to Pastor Tecoy Porter for 26 years. From this happy union, they were blessed with three children, Tecoy Jr., Kamarion, and Kara. Academically, she holds a Bachelor of Arts Degree in Computer Science from Southern University at Baton Rouge, Louisiana. Karlette is currently employed with AT&T where she is the manager for the Mobility National Technology Center. In her spare time, she enjoys spending time with her family, reading, traveling, and exercising. Her favorite scripture is Philippians 4:13, “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.” AT A GLANCE: Best Workday Strategy: Write a to-do list first thing in the morning. Whatever isn’t completed today, Lord willing there’s tomorrow. Guilty pleasure: Dark chocolate Celebrity male icon you admire: Rev. Al Sharpton - he walks what he talks and is about bettering the lives of all people. Alter ego: Sarabi (from the Lion King - don’t mess with my husband or my kids). Hobbies: Reading, exercising, traveling. Best advice for following your dreams and achieving success: The only person that can stop you from pursuing and accomplishing your goals and dreams is you. Best achievement so far: Witnessing both my oldest son T.J. receive his Bachelor of Arts in Marketing from California Lutheran University at 20 years old and my youngest son Kamarion graduating 11th in his class from Cosumnes Oaks High School

after just turning 17 years old within a span of two weeks this past May. Hero: My parents. They lived and fought for our civil rights and sacrificed for me and my siblings so we could have a wonderful childhood, debt-free college education, and great adult lives including caring for their grandchildren and giving them a head start in education. Best life experience: Helping to establish a church in Mukono, Uganda in 2010. There is now not only a church building but an administrative building and a wonderful school as well. Choice of entertainment: Attending a gospel or R&B concert, seeing a show in Vegas or going to a play in New York. Did you have a mentor? I did. Elder Hazel R.T. Porter – she helped lead and guide me into being the Pastor’s wife that I am today. Thoughts on upcoming 2020 Presidential Election: I think that we need not be distracted by the hatred and divisiveness that is plaguing our nation. We need to come together and encourage everyone to get out and vote to ensure that we don’t have another 4 years of chaos and confusion. In order for a successful outcome, the DNC needs to rally around whomever is selected for the Presidential candidacy. Every vote matters. If it didn’t, people wouldn’t be trying so hard to suppress it. What do you like about Sacculturalhub.com and THE HUB Magazine? Both entities highlight what is going on in our community, city, state and nation. We are constantly informed on what is happening, especially on things that matter to us as people of color that we may not otherwise hear about. Slogan you live by: I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.

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INFECTION PREVENTIONIST CLINICAL RESOURCE NURSE III AT UC DAVIS HEALTH FAVORITES: Book: We Were Eight Years in Power: An American Tragedy by Ta-Nehisi Coates Music artist: Beyonce Perfume: Ed Hardy perfume for women Soul food restaurant: Simmons Soul Food in Detroit, MI and still looking locally. Vacation getaway: St. Thomas, U.S. Virgin Islands

intelligent transparent loving

Melinda Powell, from Detroit, Michigan, has been a nurse for 16 years and currently works for the University of California Davis Health System as an Infection Preventionist Clinical Resource Nurse III. Melinda is certified in infection control by the Board of Infection Control and Epidemiology and has worked in infection prevention for 10 years, in various settings. She has traveled nationwide to serve in the states of Michigan, Illinois at Cancer Treatment Centers of America, Virginia, Washington, D.C. at Inova Health System and the U.S. Territory of Guam at Guam Regional Medical Center as a specialist assisting and supporting infection prevention and control programs nationally. She is a member of the Association for Professionals in Infection Prevention (APIC ), and currently is on the board for the Sierra Chapter serving the nominations committee. Melinda has been married for 21 years and has three daughters. Melinda and her family currently reside in Sacramento, California and have volunteered for several community events in Sacramento and the Bay area. She holds high her commitment to community service and believes in being a servant to the underserved, vulnerable, and marginalized people in her community. Her family volunteers regularly with the City of Sacramento youth volunteer projects, which encourage all youth to remain active in government and community services. Melinda has also taken part in the San Quentin Health fair to provide health screening, disease prevention and health education to the forgotten members of our society. Melinda mentors young women and encourages them to network and to become future leaders by following a path to success through planning, goal setting, and set goals to achieve them. When she is not working at UC Davis Health, she is educating future nurses as a Theory and Clinical Nursing instructor at Unitek College. Melinda is the primary faculty for the Sacramento evening vocational nursing program at Unitek College and has decreased attrition and increased student retention there. Melinda is also currently continuing her own education towards a Master of Science with a focus on nursing education. She is a member of the Sigma Theta Tau International Honor Society of Nursing. Melinda plans to use her education to further contribute to medical care and services in her community and to empower more young women with education in the medical field.

AT A GLANCE: Best Workday Strategy: Be realistic, stay organized, be punctual, and communicate. Guilty pleasure: Strawberry covered New York style cheesecake. Celebrity icon you admire: Idris Elba, six words: great actor, Stinger Bell, John Luther. Hobbies: Reading, traveling, cooking, walking, spending time with family. Best achievements so far: Under 40 Award National Black Nurses Association. Best life experiences: Traveling with family, birthing 3 healthy children, earning a degree and graduating college, getting married. Something surprising about you: I volunteer with youth and future nurses. I also mentor and tutor nurses. Choice of entertainment: Live bands with soul artists with dancing, great food along with positive vibes. Did you have a mentor? Yes, Calene Roseman RN Nurse Manager at UC Davis Health. She is a woman of color who supports other women and young nurses of color. She gives priceless lessons to help improve your career. She inspires and creates the environment for networking and pushes us to go beyond the expected and strive for excellence. What do you like about Sacculturalhub.com and THE HUB Magazine? It connects me to my community and provides useful information. Slogan you live by: Work hard, hustle hard, and stay dedicated!

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FALL 2019

CATHY RODRIGUEZ PRESIDENT & CEO FOR THE SACRAMENTO HISPANIC CHAMBER OF COMMERCE FAVORITES: Book: To Kill a Mockingbird Music artist: Rascal Flatts Soul food restaurant: South

authentic positive encouraging

Catalina (Cathy) Rodriguez Aguirre is the President & CEO for the Sacramento Hispanic Chamber of Commerce, one of the largest and most influential Latino organizations in the region. She currently serves on the Board of Directors for the UC Davis California Aggie Alumni Association, and the Aggie Square Partnership Council. She was featured in the 2017 UC Davis Spring Magazine as one of 11 alumni making an impact in Sacramento. Cathy is a Senior Fellow of American Leadership Forum (ALF, Class XXI). She was named one of the Sacramento Business Journal’s 2016 “Women Who Mean Business”. She has a strong history of community engagement through her service with non-profit Boards and committees including Roberts Family Development Center, PRO Youth & Families and others. Cathy was the Keynote Speaker for California Seal of Biliteracy for Sacramento County, and a featured speaker for the US Attorney’s Office-Eastern District, Apple-Elk Grove Campus “Hispanic Heritage Month”, Hispanic Scholarship Fund “Hispanic Hero” Conference and is often a presenter and panelist for numerous conferences in the region and state. In her past professional experience, Cathy was the Public Affairs Manager for The Sacramento Bee, and had her own small business CR Connects. She grew up in the tight-knit small town of St. Helena, Napa Valley, where she learned the powerful impact a community can accomplish. It’s that experience that drives her to not only make a difference in all that she does, but to leave an imprint that inspires others to do the same. She lives in East Sacramento with her husband, Sid along with three dogs, Chico, Luna, and Louie. AT A GLANCE: Marital status: Married Trademark: Caring. I strive to leave a room having people feel that they were listened to and appreciated. My goal in life is that anything I commit to, I make better than I found it. Best workday strategy: I block out my time as often as I can: for writing, for calls, for meetings, and even answering emails. I put things in blocks to help keep me from losing focus on what I need to do and gives me time to plan for what I want to do. Guilty pleasure: Haagen-Dazs rocky road ice cream. Celebrity male icon you admire: President Obama. From the first time he spoke at the Democratic Convention, I was like many others inspired by his message of hope. I would love to have coffee with him, and hope that Michelle joins us, too! Church: St. Helena Catholic Church/St. Mary’s in Sacramento.

Hobbies: Reading, playing with my dogs. Best advice for following your dreams and achieving success: Work hard and give your best to everything you do. When you do, opportunities you never knew existed open. It’s ok to be afraid to take that next step, next job, next anything…just don’t let the fear overtake your confidence. A healthy dose of fear keeps you moving forward! Best achievement so far: Seeing my former interns and mentees moving forward in their careers and community service…helping build the next level of leadership is one of the most important things I can do. Hero: My Pop. He came to the United States when he was 20. He started off in the vineyards of the Napa Valley, and retired from Beringer Winery as the cellar master. My life reflects my dad’s perseverance, work ethic, and integrity. From him, I learned the value of work and humor…it takes both to overcome challenges and achieve success. Best life experience: Falling in love, and marrying my amazing husband…no matter what, not a day goes by that we do not laugh. I learned from my parents that the person whose hand you reach for in good and bad times is going to make life that much better. I am happy to have his hand to hold. On mentorship: When my high school counselor passed away a year ago, it hit me hard that without Mr. Frank, I would not have this life. He was instrumental in making sure I went to college, that I had financial aid, that my parents supported my decision. His memorial service was full of former students who felt the same. I have had many mentors in my life, but Mr. Frank was the first. What do you like about Sacculturalhub.com and THE HUB Magazine? I love that you are always on the pulse of entertainment and culture in our region. Slogan you live by: “Although she be but little, she is fierce.”

Alter ego: Jennifer Lopez…I like to think she thinks so, too! FALL 2019

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CHIEF OF STAFF FOR CITY OF SACRAMENTO MAYOR DARRELL STEINBERG FAVORITES: Book: Lab Girl, by Hope Jahren Music: I love a lot of different music but one of my lifelong music loves is Paul Simon. Perfume: Elizabeth and James – Nirvana, white Vacation getaway: Beautiful and quiet places with water whether an ocean, lake, or river (e.g. beautiful turquoise glacial lakes in the Canadian Rockies).

kind authentic strong

Kelly Fong Rivas is the Chief of Staff for Sacramento Mayor Darrell Steinberg. She joined Steinberg’s team in December 2015 as the Campaign Manager where she oversaw a successful June primary victory and then led the Mayor-elect’s six-month transition period until he was sworn into office in December 2016. She served as the Deputy Chief of Staff and Communications Director for the Mayor during his first year in office. Rivas previously served for two and a half years as the Field Director & Deputy Press Secretary for the District Office of Congressman Ami Bera, M.D. (CA-07). Rivas graduated with a B.A. in Politics from the University of California Santa Cruz. After graduation, she worked as a community organizer on a statewide ballot initiative to increase renewable energy standards where she was trained by community organizer legends Dolores Huerta and Fred Ross Jr.. She then joined the Sacramento based political consulting firm, Jim Gonzalez & Associates in 2009 where she served four years as a Senior Policy consultant and Media Director working on a range of issues across the Western United States that included Congressional races, connecting low-income Latino communities with pathways to college, and the continued promotion of renewable energy sources. She is a founding member and past President of the Sacramento chapter of the Fem Dems, has served in advisory and panelist roles for Emerge California and the Women’s Policy Summit mentoring initiative ‘Pathways to Policy’, served as the Project Director for the photo documentary project ‘Sacramento Farmers & Chefs’ and is a founding member and former Curator for the Global Shapers Sacramento Hub – a worldwide community of exceptional young leaders selected to represent their cities within the World Economic Forum. Rivas has been widely recognized as one of the top young leaders in the city: Sacramento Business Journal ‘40 under 40’ (Nov 2015); Comstock’s ‘Emerging Leaders’ (Mar 2016); Sacramento Magazine’s ‘Powered by Women – 8 women’ (Nov 2016); Girls on the Grid’s ‘Sacramento Women Making History’ (March 2017); Sacramento Asian Chamber of Commerce ‘Emerging Leader of the Year’ (February 2019).

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AT A GLANCE: Marital status: Single (in a relationship). Trademark: Cool under pressure. Best workday strategy: Bring joy to each day. Guilty pleasure: Potatoes and fat in any combination – fries, chips, mashed, baked… Celebrity male icon you admire: Why does it have to be a dude?! I would say Dolores Huerta… but since we’re going with a guy I will say Barack Obama because he is a community organizer at heart like me and because honestly, he’s OBAMA. Alter ego: Probably Megan Rapinoe. Hobbies: Walking/hiking, baking, writing. Best advice for following your dreams and achieving success: Figure it out and follow through with strength and kindness. Always keep your heart and doors open. Lean into the things that make you feel full and let go of the things that waste your time and energy away. Best achievement so far: Getting Darrell Steinberg elected as his campaign manager and now implementing our shared vision as his Chief of Staff for real inclusive economic growth to address institutionalized/systemic racism and poverty in tangible ways. There are many small achievements within this work and it will never be done but it is the north star that keeps me going.

FALL 2019

CAMuseum_CAVotesforWomen_IdaBWells_1-2pg_SacCulturalHub.pdf 1 9/11/2019 3:22:43 PM

Jennifer Siebel Newsom Hosted By California First Partner

Hero: My sister. Her life was turned upside down by sudden tragedy and everything she ever dreamed of was taken away. She persevered through all of it with raw grit and the commitment only true love can inspire to become a stronger more capable version of herself. She is now literally paving the way within a new industry as a small business owner and is finding happiness once again.


Best life experience: Growing up in a family with unconditional love and stability. Yes there was divorce and other hardships but my parents moved through it in ways that always provided unconditional love and support for my sister and me. I am forever grateful for that and the foundation it has provided me in my life.


Something surprising about you: I competed in the Junior Olympics and ranked 5th in the nation for pole vaulting when I was in middle school.

Featuring a lecture by author, speaker & educator

Choice of entertainment: Music, art and people watching. Do you have a mentor? I have always been fortunate to have wonderful mentors. Some of the most important ones to me are: Faith Whitmore who taught me true compassion in professional work settings as well as the importance of team bonding and support; and Darrell Steinberg who has taught me so much about the art of governing, putting yourself out there on the hard issues to drive them forward and that you can be simultaneously hard on the issues and easy on the people. Thoughts on the upcoming 2020 Presidential Election: Everyone should engage and vote! If you don’t feel you know enough, find a group that you trust and engage with them. This election is so so so important and regardless of your choice, you have one so don’t give it up by neglecting to vote. I reject Trump.

Michelle Duster Ida B. Wells’ Great-Granddaughter




A Golden State Suffrage Centennial Celebration S a t u r d a y, N o v e m b e r 9 , 2 0 1 9 ¡ 1 0 : 0 0 a m - 4 : 0 0 p m





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What do you like about Sacculturalhub.com and THE HUB Magazine? I like your consistent community engagement and presence – it is so important to provide reliable sources of information and inspiration. Kudos on achieving that and consistently lifting up women of color.

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Slogan you live by: Figure it out and follow through with strength and kindness.

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FALL 2019

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DIRECTOR OF OPERATIONS AT ROBERTS FAMILY DEVELOPMENT CENTER FAVORITES: Book: Born of Crime by Trevor Noah Music: I love Hip Hop - Jay Z, Kendrick, Rick Ross, Drake. Neo Soul - Jill Scott, Maxwell, Kem. Perfume: Versace Soul food restaurant: Everett and Jones BBQ in Berkeley. Vacation getaway: I love anywhere with a beach, where the water is warm and clear. It was the “family” in Roberts Family Development Center (RFDC) that intrigued Tichia Sims Lindsay when she met Derrell and Tina Roberts in 2008. At the time she was a Sac PD recruit, but she knew that she wanted to focus more on her own family and that meant not becoming a Police Officer. She began working at RFDC part-time, which allowed her to focus on herself, her husband and two young daughters. Since Tichia joined RFDC in 2008, the organization has grown from 15 staff members at one location, to over 100 employees at nine locations throughout Sacramento. With this rapid expansion, Tichia’s role within the business grew as well. Today she is the Director of Operations. As the Director of Operations, she oversees the daily and long-term functions of the business. Non-profit employees are known to wear several hats and have many duties, and Tichia does it with a smile on her face. Annual fundraising events such as the RFDC Dinner with the Mayor along with the RFDC Golf Scholarship Classic are two of Tichia’s staple events that gross well over $100,000 dollars annually. She works directly with the CEO and COO on business relations, she plans community events, and she works with elected officials and local business leaders. The importance of family has always been in the forefront of Tichia’s heart and drives her spirit daily. It is not enough to make sure her family is thriving but that those around her are thriving as well. When she isn’t busy at RFDC, Tichia is either running from place to place, city to city taking her kids to and from their numerous activities or hosting a family party. Family is what brought her to RFDC eleven years ago, and family is what RFDC has become. AT A GLANCE: Marital status: Married Trademark: Hmmmm... maybe family planner. Best workday strategy: I’m a list person. I love to write down my to do list and mark it off as I go through out the day. It helps keep me organized! Guilty pleasure: Brownies, cookies and cake! Church: Bayside Midtown Alter ego: Any one of the Fly Girls because I love to dance. Best achievement so far: My family | 2 8 | T H E  H U B MA G A Z I N E

loving loyal strong Hero: Single moms because being a mom is not easy even when you have a partner. My mom was a single mom and she worked her butt off for me and my brother and we weren’t appreciative until we became adults. Moms have a thankless, tireless job so I salute all of my sister friends out there doing it all alone. Best life experience: Growing up in a neighborhood with all of my family nearby. I could walk to both sets of grandparents houses in less than five minutes. All of my cousins, aunts and uncles were right there and it was great. Any one could discipline my brother and it was okay with our parents. My husband and I have tried to recreate it for my kids in our current neighborhood but the difference is my kids don’t like to walk anywhere. Ha! Something surprising about you: I’ve been with my husband since we were 14 years old. Choice of entertainment: Since I love the beach, I love to go to LA and hang out on the Pier in Hermosa or Newport Beach. The perfect evening is having dinner then sitting on the Pier, listening to the waves... eating dessert! How has having a mentor helped you in life? My grandmother was one of the most loving women I’ve ever met. If she ever said anything negative about someone it was only in the hopes of making them better. She never turned any one away from her home, loved the holidays, knew how to have a good time and didn’t sweat the small stuff. I’m a lot like her. What do you like about Sacculturalhub.com and THE HUB Magazine? I love that Sacculturalhub.com keeps the culture informed of community events, lifts up of our community members and is the voice of the people. Slogan you live by: My only competition is yesterday’s version of myself.

FALL 2019

SEPTEMBER IS ALOPECIA AWARENESS MONTH September is Alopecia Awareness Month. Now to most people, it doesn’t mean anything. But to anyone effected by Alopecia, September is ours. It is a month of empowerment and freedom. We are able to see how many people are actually living with this, and not feel so alone. Those of us who are able to speak about our struggles use this month as a chance to spread the word about what Alopecia is, celebrate ourselves and end the stigma that comes with being different. Even though not everyone is affected by Alopecia, everyone should know about Alopecia Awareness Month. Alopecia, for those who don’t know, is an autoimmune hairloss disease. Alopecia areata is estimated to account for 70 percent of all Alopecia cases. Alopecia totalis causes complete hair loss just on the head and face. Alopecia Universalis is rarer and causes complete loss of all hair on the body. With these three types, the hair still has the chance to regrow, because the follicles are still in place. Cicatricial Alopecia, the rarest form of Alopecia, causes permanent hair loss due to the hair follicles being destroyed. Everyone of every age, race, and gender can have Alopecia. This means children are affected; and unfortunately, it’s not rare. Since there is no cure, Alopecia is a lifelong disease. Anxiety, depression, and PTSD are common in people with Alopecia, as losing hair is a life-altering event. Loss of the hair often affects a person’s sense of identity. This can even result in social phobia, or fear of being in public. This obviously isn’t the case with everyone, as we all cope differently, but most patients go through some sort of grieving process. This disease takes a toll on a person not only physically, but mentally as well. The cause is unknown. Traumatic events, hormone change, or high stress levels are often triggers for the onset, however this isn’t always the case. No cures exist today. Treatments are present, however, success rates aren’t high. These treatments are usually painful or tedious, and often the hair falls out again in time anyway. This means that many people are living with hair loss and need support. This is the reason for Alopecia Awareness Month.

as a chance to come out about their disease. We support each other and encourage each other to be confident however we chose to be. Some people with Alopecia choose to wear wigs. Wigs can be a blessing, but some feel it holds them back. They can be expensive and there are many activities that can’t be done in them. Some people choose to go with hats or no coverings at all. No matter what we choose to go with, we are proud to support each others confidence. This diagnosis is hard to come to terms with, and finding a way to not feel “different” is important. This means we must end the stigma surrounding being “different” or in our case, “bald.” Being bald isn’t the norm in our society. In fact, it is usually associated with illness. If more people knew about the different reasons people can be bald, have hair loss, or wear wigs, this wouldn’t be the case. Though one of the defining aspects of femininity seems to be hair, we can end the stigma. Bald is just as beautiful. Wigs are just as beautiful. Being bald shouldn’t come with negative connotations; it’s just another hairstyle choice. Support rather than stigmatize. Spread the word, celebrate strength and Tracy Brown confidence, and Professional Hair Stylist end the stigma. Happy Alopecia Awareness Month.

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People with Alopecia (we often call ourselves ‘Alopecians’) often use this

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FALL 2019


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DIRECTOR OF OPERATIONS, KAISER FOUNDATION HEALTH PLAN, MEMBER RELATIONS FAVORITES: Book: “The Greatest Salesman in the World,” by Og Mandino. Music artist: Jill Scott, Ledisi, Be Be & Ce Ce Winans Soul food restaurant: The Porch Restaurant & Bar Vacation getaway: Hawaiian Islands

calm compassionate resilient

Angelic currently serves as the Director of Operations for Member Relations at Kaiser Foundation Health Plan in the Sacramento North Valley. In this role, she is responsible for the overall operations of the Local Member Services department for the Sacramento Medical Center. North Valley Local Member Services serves over 75,000 members per year answering inquiries about enrollment, benefits, products, coverage options, facility information, and other available services. Angelic has built a strong culture of service excellence with her teams and empowers them to always do their part to ensure that the KP customers get the assistance that they need. Angelic joined the Kaiser Organization over 30 years ago, and much of her responsibility includes managing the job tasks of a diverse workforce, always recognizing that differences are not to be diminished or overlooked but appreciated and valued. In this role, Angelic not only helps to facilitate discussions among customers and team members about their experiences, but she also plays a major role in assisting executive leads to broaden their awareness and understanding of the customers’ “voices” and their extant needs. Angelic maintains that it is the “voice” of the customers as well as staff that can be very instrumental in moving the needle and laying the foundation for the adoption and implementation of strategies resulting in the improvement of customers’ overall care experiences. This work has not only been personally rewarding but it has allowed Angelic to make a transformative impact on the lives of so many individuals. In addition to her daily tasks at Kaiser, Angelic also serve as an Educator for the Equity, Inclusion, and Diversity Leadership Training Program. The leadership training that she orchestrates and executes is specifically designed for new managers assuming leadership roles. Training courses include: Cultural Sensitivity; Equity vs Equality; Unconscious Bias; and Inclusive Leader Model emphasizing the importance of humility and self-awareness as key traits to inclusive leadership. During her interactions with the novice leaders, she often draws from personal real-life management experiences in order to authentically engage and inspire the participants. This is where Angelic uses her unique style of storytelling to persuade, teach, and inspire others. Her authentic, transformational, and influential leadership style has helped her to not only create change in individuals but also within the KP organization. “I use my influence to make things better,” says Angelic. During her spare time, Angelic serves as a spiritual volunteer at one of the oldest medical centers in Sacramento. This work has thrusted her into engaging in more introspection and self-reflective episodes. Needless to say, this work has been extremely rewarding for her. Angelic deeply appreciates

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FALL 2019

CENTERSTAGE | EWOC HONOREE SPOTLIGHT the opportunity to lend compassionate service to individuals experiencing illness. As a spiritual volunteer, one thing has become quite apparent is that most people just want to be validated and heard. “People want more than simply being listened to, they desire to be heard,” says Angelic.

showed me unconditional love, my grandmother taught me the importance of serving others, and my aunt Norma taught me to never stop learning. These are the three wisest women I know, and I am so blessed to have these wonderful women guiding me throughout my life.

One other relevant experience includes serving as Kaiser Permanente’s Regional Co-Chair of the African American Professionals Business Resource Group (KPAAPA). In that role, she partnered with key leaders to develop the mission, vision, objectives, action plan and a strategic road map to ensure alignment with the company’s strategic objectives. It was during her leadership at KPAAPA where Angelic was very influential and a key player in organizing and hosting the KPAAPA Women’s Conference where Kaiser Permanente executive women and physicians share challenges and successes faced in their careers. This annual conference, held in March, has helped inspire many Kaiser Permanente women of all backgrounds.

Something surprising about you: Sometimes I like to dance like nobody’s watching.

As a young African American female growing up in a diverse community, Angelic’s awareness and sensitivity towards others came at a very early age. Her parents taught her the importance and value of accepting all people long before diversity became an operative term. Over the years, and especially in this current climate, Angelic have become extremely passionate and concerned about how we treat each other. All people deserve to be treated with respect, dignity, and understanding, regardless of the situation. Angelic holds to the very firm belief that this behavior must be taught and modeled. There is a sense of urgency! Our willingness to treat each other with kindness must become part of our repertoire of behaviors. AT A GLANCE: Marital status: Married

Do you have a mentor? I’ve had several mentors throughout my life and career. One piece of advice that stood out the most was to never be afraid to ask “why?” Understanding the “why” will give you clarity. What do you like about Sacculturalhub.com and THE HUB Magazine? It is the local media resources that focuses on reaching an audience that is too often underrepresented in mainstream media. I love that the magazine covers the African American experience, people of color, lifestyles, culture, entertainment, fashion, and networking for local businesses in our communities. I especially like the intimate focus on Exceptional Women of Color in the community who are influencing and making things happen. As we begin to see a shift towards diversity and the multicultural experience, my hope is to see more extraordinary women making their mark in meaningful ways. Slogan you live by: Love never fails.





Trademark: Driven with purpose and passion. Best workday strategy: Leverage those who know more than you, and remain open to new ideas. Guilty pleasure: Sugar and salt. Celebrity male icon you admire: I never pass up an opportunity to see Mathew McConaughey as the leading man in a romantic comedy. Church you attend: Saint Benedicts in Oakland, CA Alter ego: Olivia Pope “It’s Handled!”

Specializing in new urban cuts, colors and natural hairstyles

Hobbies: Events and floral design. Best advice for following your dreams and achieving success: My hopes, my dreams, my aspiration, and my measure of success have certainly changed over the years. My advice to following your dreams and achieving success would be to remember that everything comes with hard work and dedication. When you work hard and align your career with purpose and commitment, then success is sure to follow.


Best achievement so far: Recently celebrating my 30th wedding anniversary and raising two beautiful adult children that turned out to be wonderful people. Hero: My sheroes are my mother Linda Butler, grandmother Litabelle Dorsey, and aunt Norma Herbert. Growing up, my mom FALL 2019


MOBILE: 352.497.5763 | SALON: 626.793.7745 @BRANDNEWJAMES T H E  H UB M A GAZI NE | 3 1 |



MANAGER, GOVERNMENT & EXTERNAL AFFAIRS AT BMW OF NORTH AMERICA FAVORITES: Book: The Path Made Clear by Oprah Winfrey and A New Earth by Eckhart Tolle Soul food restaurant: Urban Roots

thoughtful grateful whole

Linda White is Manager of Government & External Affairs for BMW of North America, located in Sacramento, CA. In her capacity, she is responsible for tracking legislation in California, Oregon, Washington State and Colorado. She also keeps a pulse on global issues to help monitor relevant trends in the industry. Linda is responsible for a wide array of topics, including autonomous vehicles, electric vehicles, infrastructure, diversity, equity and inclusion, and more. In 2015, Linda represented BMW NA at the United Climate Conferences in Paris, France and in Cologne, Germany in 2017. This year she was selected as the 2019 Women of BMW for International Women’s Day. Linda is an active board member of Forth. Forth is based in Portland, OR and is focused on advancing electric, smart and shared mobility in the Pacific Northwest. She also serves on the board of Leadership California, an organization that elevates a diverse group of influential women across the state. She serves on the board for WEAVE. Linda serves as a mentor for She Shares, and Women in Politics. She is also an active member in the community and works with various non-profits in their fundraising efforts. AT A GLANCE: Marital status: Married Trademark: Calm

What do you like about Sacculturalhub.com and THE HUB Magazine? It is up to date on current affairs and always present on issues concerning the African American community. It offers a great review of upcoming entertainment as well. It’s a well– rounded source of information. Slogan you live by: Have an attitude of gratitude. Even for the challenging moments...look at them as transitions.

Best workday strategy: Coffee and an open mind. Hobbies: Yoga, traveling, meditating. Best advice for following your dreams and achieving success: Know who you are and why you’re pursuing a goal. Align your passion with your actions. Prepare. Prepare. Fail forward! Best achievement so far: My two daughters. Hero: Nelson Mandela Best life experience: Joining Oprah and Gayle on The Girlfriend’s Getaway. It changed my life and set me on a meaningful path. Do you have a mentor? I have several mentors because at times I may need different perspectives. Mentors have helped me prepare for opportunities, talked me off the ledge, and sometimes also give a swift kick to get my stuff in order. They’ve challenged me to take on more.

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FALL 2019



thoughtful kind powerful

FAVORITES: Book: The Alchemist Music artist: Havana d’Primera, Whitney Houston, Luther Vandross Perfume: Miss Dior Blooming Bouquet Vacation getaway: To date, Jambiani, Zanzibar! Asha Wilkerson is an educator, attorney, and speaker who equips emerging leaders with the tools they need to make a difference in their lives and in the world around them. When colleges and universities want to show their student leaders how to develop into agents of change, she is the one they turn to. Naturally curious with a servant’s heart, Asha has always made professional choices that allowed her to be of service to others. While pursuing her juris doctorate at the University of California at Hastings College of the Law, her passion for assisting in the growth and empowerment of underserved communities all over the world was ignited. She supported legal teams at the United Nations High Commissioner on Refugees in Costa Rica and the International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia in the Netherlands. Her focus on human rights led her to work, study, and teach in other countries, such as Haiti and Cuba. A few years after law school, Asha opened her own practice, The Wilkerson Law Office, in Oakland, CA. This gave her an opportunity to educate her local community about their rights pertaining to employment law and small business ownership. For her efforts, she was recognized by Super Lawyers Magazine as a Northern California rising star for five consecutive years. Driven by a desire to affect change on a deeper level, Asha minimized her practice to enter academia full time, after years of teaching as an adjunct professor. She currently serves as the program coordinator and Department Chair of the Legal Studies Program at American River College in Sacramento, CA. In this role, she revels in showing students how to explore, design, and thrive in careers within and beyond the law. As a speaker, Asha brings to the table a powerful blend of her diverse experiences as a legal professional and educator. She’s known for delivering insightful presentations in a speaking style that is inspiring, honest, and relatable. Apart from her work to impact communities, she can be found pursuing her love of adventure by traveling the world and learning new languages. AT A GLANCE: Marital status: Divorced Best workday strategy: Make a to–do list the night before, do the challenging work in the morning, place a little reward for myself in the middle or at the end of the day to stay motivated. My rewards include working out and wine!

Guilty pleasure: Currently, kettle corn popcorn from Trader Joes. It is DELICIOUS! Church: The Way Christian Center in Berkeley, CA!! Hobbies: Dancing Cuban salsa, working out, reading. Best achievement so far: Living life on my own terms. I have made many dreams and goals come true and it is because I stayed committed to seeing them through. By way of example, I am working in my dream job. I am teaching, earning enough money to live, and I am able to travel the world. I have also launched a criminal record clearing clinic at school, which has made my paralegal program the first in northern California to provide such a service to our students and the community. I have traveled to 23 countries and plan to add more to my list every year. It isn’t the outcome that makes me proud, it is the process of setting a goal and working to achieve it that is the real accomplishment. Hero: My mom, Verna Bailey. She was the first African-American woman to enroll in the University of Mississippi in 1964 during the height of the civil rights movement. After graduating she made her way to the west coast where she worked in education for over 40 years. Throughout her career she has always put the well-being of the students first and she has led with compassion, understanding, and intellect. Her constitution is strong and she is unwavering in her commitment to do what is just and what is right. I hope that I am even a fraction of the incredible person my mom is.

FALL 2019

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One who goes above and beyond what is required be it at home, on the job, at church or wherever she is needed. It is someone who consistently puts others ahead of herself for the betterment of them. She is a confidant, an inspiration, an influencer, an advocate, and a true friend.

First Lady Karlette Porter An easy one is Oprah! However, I believe we

are all exceptional in our own ways and together we are

a force! You don’t have to be a global icon to create meaningful change in your community. We have amazing women in the community doing incredible work. An exceptional woman to me is someone who knows who she is and is not afraid to take an unpopular stand. Linda White

Confidence & courage Bonita Aytch

Elika Bernard

A woman who isn’t afraid to the nega challeng tive narra e portrays, tive that by using their platf society awarene orm to cre ss, a ate makes it th nd change. A w om rough the door, and an who door open le for others. aves the Garbralle Conroe

First of all being a black woman is Exceptional! When I think of an Exceptional Woman of Color, I think of Michelle Obama. She is someone who smiles in the face of adversity. I am sure her time as first lady had many stressful moments that we will never know about, yet she always carried herself with grace. That’s on a more grand scale,

being exceptional means things like supporting your community, whatever community you

Someone who honors the past and future by striving to be the best version of themselves every day because it means she appreciates the work,

sacrifices and dreams of those who came before her

I am an exceptional black woman because of all the exceptional black women that came before me. But what makes us exceptional is not our pedigree, looks or social status. What makes a black woman exceptional is her ability to get out of the bed every morning and go out into a world that was designed for our demise and find joy and peace in the calamity.

identify with. It means handling challenges, sometimes alone and sometimes with help. It means including others in the work or things you are doing. Wanda Abney

as well as how far she herself has come and it means she is considerate of the people who come after her and how she can leave things better than she found them. Exceptional women of color strive to be the best version of themselves possible because they know in doing so, they will be able to help the most people possible.

One who has stood at the door of adversity where she has prayed and pushed her way through. She’s a woman who has experienced personal and professional barriers, but has gracefully and boldly knock these barriers down. She is a woman who knows her worth and isn’t afraid to ask for help when her load is too heavy. She’s a woman who understands her gifts, talents and abilities weren’t given to her to keep to herself, rather to disseminate to the world and those who need what she possesses. She’s wrapped in humility and understands the responsibility of her power. She’s both a lion and a flower! She’s a gift from God and knows it! To me, that woman is me, it’s you and it’s every woman of color. She just has to realize it!

Kelly Rivas

There are women of color doing except ional things all arou day and their magn nd us every ificence amazes me . From young to our strength is dee old, p and power mag proclaimed feminist, netic. As a self I believe it is our job to lift each other up so to answer the qu as women estion, we as wome n get to define how ex we are. And we shou ceptional ld tell each other of ten and lovingly

A woman that defies stereotypes, lives and loves authentically, makes no apologies, and positively impacts the lives of others Brandy Bolden | 3 4 | T H E  H U B MA G A Z I N E

Laticia Jackson

Tichia Sims Lindsay FALL 2019

Women who are contributing to making their communities and society better. They may not have an official title or may not be recognized by a society that tends to minimize, overlook, and overshadow their contributions. EXCEPTIONAL WOMEN OF COLOR ARE FOCUSED ON CAUSES GREATER THAN THEMSELVES AND MOVE PAST BARRIERS AND CONTINUE TO RISE TO THE CHALLENGES OF THEIR FAMILY, COMMUNITY AND SOCIETY. Exceptional women of color do not let a job, a society, or a person define them. They recognize their potential and are empowered to continue to clear paths and are redefining the status quo of exceptional. They are creating change and uplifting others whether its by being and awesome mom raising the future mover and shakers or being the CEO of her own company, exceptional women of color are limitless, boundless, and unstoppable. Melinda Powell

She lives with grace, purpose, and gratitude.

She holds true to her values, is brave when needed, and stands up for what is right. She

brings others up with her and works to make sure no one is left behind. She always supports other women because there is room for all of us.

Cathy Rodriguez gs to do as I think one of the hardest thin ited States a woman of color in the Un s all the time. is to be our authentic selve y challenges Not only do we face identit r own people from non-black folks, but ou we can and love to tell us how or who entically cannot be. Living auth want to live in and living the life you truly d messages the face of all the proscribe sis is truly an we receive on a daily ba exceptional act.

Asha Wilkerson

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At this stage in my life, what defines an “Exceptional Woman of Color” (EWOC) are those characteristics that allows others to see her true beauty - inside and out. An EWOC is confident in herself and helps empower others. An EWOC is intelligent, and she loves to have fun. An EWOC stays true to her authentic self and finds balance in her life. And an EWOC is able to lead with her heart and ultimately uses her platform to help change the world. Angelic Torrence

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(916) 688-7704

MIXED INSTITUTE OF COSMETOLOGY 5950 Florin Rd. #103 Sacramento, CA 95823 FALL 2019

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NORTHERN CALIFORNIA WELCOMES GREAT CHRISTMAS SHOWS THIS YEAR By Contributing Writer, Michael P Coleman Haul out the holly — or, at least, get your tickets in advance — for the best of this holiday season-themed performances and events. These shows are sure to sell out. First up, Broadway Sacramento launches their annual Broadway On Tour season with A Christmas Story, the smash musical based on the classic 1983 feature film. It will run November 8-17 at Memorial Auditorium in Sacramento. For information on that show and their entire season, go to BroadwaySacramento.com. On December 3, John Tesh will present his Acoustic Christmas show at the Gallo Center for the Arts in Modesto. Six years ago, Tesh performed a big band Christmas show to a sold-out audience at the venue. This time around, according to the Gallo’s website, Tesh “…embarks on an intimate, acoustic trio performance that will entertain both loyal and new fans…”. For tickets, or for info on all of the Gallo Center’s shows, go to galloarts.org. Two days later, on December 5, world renowned classical tenor Andrea Bocelli will share his astounding voice with discerning music fans at San Francisco’s new Chase Center. At press time, the legend hadn’t decided whether he would perform selections from his stunning 2009 My Christmas album…but a writer can dream. (Bocelli’s duets with Mary J. Blige and Natalie Cole on that album, “What Child Is This” and “The Christmas Song” are FIRE.) Whether Bocelli decides to sing Christmas carols or not, that show is going to make this year’s Christmas one to remember. For more information, go to andreabocelli.com.

residency, December 27-31. The world’s best-selling instrumental artist’s landmark, first holiday album, Miracles, will be 25 years old this fall, believe it or not. Kenny’s sure to celebrate that milestone in grand fashion. Grab tickets while they’re still available at bluenotenapa.com. After telling you about these holiday shows, I need a little Christmas…right this very minute! n Connect with Sacramento-based freelance writer Michael P Coleman at MichaelPColeman.com, check out his blog at michaelpcoleman.Wordpress.com, or follow him on IG or Twitter: @ColemanMichaelP

After that show, Father Christmas himself, the incomparable Johnny Mathis, will perform his only holiday-themed west coast shows at the Bob Hope Theater in Stockton on December 12 and at the San Jose Civic Center on December 14. Mathis has been at it since 1956, and no one sings Christmas music like him. If you’ve not heard Johnny Mathis sing “It’s The Most Wonderful Time Of The Year” or “A Christmas Waltz” live, treat yourself and your family to tickets to one of his performances. I caught one of his holiday shows in San Diego a couple of years ago, and I’ll never forget it. Information on Mathis’ 2019 brief holiday tour, and all of his upcoming performances, is at johnnymathis.com. Kenny G wraps up the holiday season with his return to the intimate, legendary Blue Note in Napa for a year-end holiday | 3 6 | T H E  H U B MA G A Z I N E

FALL 2019


FROM PAGEANTS TO BOOKED AND SIGNED PLUS SIZE MODEL – MEET ENTREPRENEUR MERSADEZ HOGAN By Contributing Writer, Donna Michele Ramos Mersadez Hogan is a hometown girl who graduated from Grant High School in Sacramento. She received a bachelor’s degree in Political Science from Grambling State University. Currently she is working as a Training Consultant for the California District Attorney’s Association where she manages trainings for prosecutors and law enforcement. This year Mersadez joined the modeling ranks and just recently received the news that she was selected as an Ambassador for The Visionaries Summit taking place in Sacramento September 19-22. THE HUB had the opportunity to chat with Mersadez as she shares her journey with us. THE HUB: How long have you been a plus size model? What started you on this career? Hogan: Officially since April 2019. It was through pageants, in 2018 I was Ms. Sacramento Plus America. I competed in Anaheim for Ms. California Plus America. I was first runnerup. I got great photos out of the pageant. Using Instagram I exposed myself and put it out there that I was interested in plus size modeling. A high school friend got me into a Bay area plus size fashion show and expo. I auditioned and was selected during the first round. The fashion show was sponsored by MDT Agency Inc. in San Francisco. They were in the audience at the event. Samantha Davis with MDT Agency wanted to bring this show to San Francisco to get more talent. From there my career skyrocketed. Now I am a fit model for Levi Strauss; in June I signed for print modeling and acting. I got started when I saw phototia.com Tia Gemmell Toccara Jones on America’s Next Top Model. I was completely inspired. phototia.com Tia Gemmell THE HUB: What do you like best about modeling? What has been your most memorable experience as a model? Hogan: When I get messages from other plus size women that what I’m doing encourages them and gives them confidence, it’s rewarding. I never thought about it but it’s become a ministry. Love and embrace yourself, shine from the inside out; love yourself where you are at.

THE HUB: You have an online shop, Thriftstorefly on Facebook. How did you decide to become an entrepreneur? Hogan: It started as me offering myself as a personal shopper and doing closet revamping. Growing up I looked in Delia’s and Seventeen magazine to create outfits because they didn’t carry my size. There was no Torrid for me to shop at. I started putting looks together. I didn’t know it was a gift. I want to teach people you don’t have to break the bank to look good. Buying things at a deep percentage off my shopping site Thriftstorefly was founded

in 2017. In the fall, I’ll have Thriftstorefly merchandise. I like to bargain shop and we like to brag about our great buys. I had a pop-up shop at the Robertson Community Center in Sacramento where vendors brought stuff out of their closets to sell stuff, like shoes and clothes. Small businesses sold hair care products and jewelry. I will do it again in 2020. Items not sold were donated to the Sacramento Food Bank. [Thriftstorefly was featured on Good Day Sacramento on Saturday, August 17 for National Thift Day.] THE HUB: What are your plans for the future in terms of modeling and your business? Hogan: I am heading to CurvyCon in New York taking place on September 7th. It’s the superbowl for plus size fashions, the place to network with models and designers. I will be doing my first commercial global ad for social media in August. I’d like to do acting and be on camera. I am taking acting lessons. Now I’m modeling for Levi Strauss and ThirdLove.com intimate apparel. THE HUB: Any advice for aspiring models? Hogan: Do your research on how to get into the industry. I practiced posing, searched for auditions and things to sign up for. Designers and agencies are always looking for new faces. Have your favorite brands in your photos. See what events are in your area. A good place to start is fashion shows and meet-ups for photo shoots. Do pageants and enter contests on Instagram. Ashley Stewart does annual contests geared towards finding the next Ashley Stewart. n

FALL 2019

Connect with Mersadez Hogan at: facebook.com/mersadezdhogan | instagram.com/mersadezhogan

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BEBE WINANS RELEASES THE BEST SOLO ALBUM OF HIS CAREER By Contributing Writer, Michael P Coleman In the contemporary gospel arena, Bebe Winans is hard to beat. He’s the creative force behind dozens of inspirational, genre-defying classics like “I.O.U. Me,” “Heaven,” “Lost Without You,” “Addictive Love,” “I’ll Take You There,” and “If Anything Ever Happened To You” with his sister CeCe, along with several artistically and commercially successful solo projects. Winans has been at it since 1984. So when he releases, perhaps, the best album of his career, the brilliant new Need You, discriminating music fans sit up and take notice. During our EXCLUSIVE interview, Winans told me that there’s a direct correlation between his four decade run at the top of the charts and the quality of his new project. “When you get older, you become wiser in whatever job you’re in,” the 56-year-old legend told me, “because of the knowledge that comes with time, especially if you’re working in the same industry. I think I’ve learned how to sing. I’ve learned to interpret what I’m feeling in my vocal performance. And these songs are the best I’ve ever written. I feel this album is the best thing I’ve ever done.”

One of the new album’s highlights is “Come To The Water,” which I’d describe as a slow burner that sneaks up on you and eventually lays you out. Ever the prolific wordsmith, Winans has a better analogy to describe the song. “To me, it’s like a stealth plane,” Winans said of that song. “You don’t know that plane is hovering over you, or the power that that plane has.” The only additional warning I’ll give you about “Come To The Water” is this: if you’re not ready to surrender to whatever God has in store for you, skip that track. Ditto with “He Promised Me” and “In Jesus Name.” n

OK, it’s time for some real talk: it’s one thing for an artist to call his current project “the best thing” he’s ever done. Most artists would say that — they want to sell albums. It’s the music business, after all.

Go to michaelpcoleman.wordpress.com to read the rest of this feature, including more about the new album and much more from MPC’s EXCLUSIVE interview with Bebe Winans.

But It’s another thing entirely for this writer to say, and I am telling you the hand-to-God-in-heaven truth: Need You is an artistic masterpiece, and Winans has never sounded better.

Go to michaelpcoleman.com to connect with freelance writer Michael P Coleman, or follow him on IG or Twitter: @ColemanMichaelP

HUB TIDBITS: Emergency Preparedness DISASTER PLANNING tips Having an emergency supply kit is essential to making it through a disaster safely. At the minimum, make sure to fill your kit with enough of these essential items to last each person at least three days. • • • • •

Food that does not need electricity for storage or for preparation Manual can opener for food At least three gallons of water per person Battery-powered/hand-crank radio with weather band and extra batteries Written family emergency plan

| 3 8 | T H E  H U B MA G A Z I N E

Source: https://www.beprepared.com/emergency-preparedness-plan-for-your-family

FALL 2019


WHY IS THE CENSUS IMPORTANT? By Chief Editor, Pleshette Robertson The U.S.Constitution requires an accurate count of the nation’s population every 10 years. Moreover, the census is integral to our democracy. The data collected affect our nation’s ability to ensure equal representation and equal access to important overnmental and private sector resources for all Americans, including across racial and ethnic lines. Census results are used LISTEN UP BLACK FOLKS this go round we cannot afford to allocate seats and draw district lines for the U.S. House for African Americans/Blacks to go UNDERCOUNTED in of Representatives, state California in CENSUS 2020. It affects all types of FUNDING legislatures, and local boards; ALLOCATIONS in our communities for multiple programs to target at least $800 billion Black families depend on and are entitled to. It is CRITICAL for annually in federal assistance to those of us to take the LEAD on keeping our folks informed states, localities, and families; and to PARTICIPATE IN THE PROCESS. My dad once told and to guide community me: “Plee, some people make things happen. Some people decision-making affecting watch things happen. And then there are those who wonder, schools, housing, health care ‘What the hell just happened? DON’T be the folks in the last services, business investment, sentence of that quote!! Grandma, nanna, big mama, big and much more. These daddy, grandpa, aunt, uncle, nieces, nephews, cousins, friends functions depend on a fair and of the family, brothers, sisters, significant others – all LIVING/ accurate census. RESIDING/STAYING in the home/apartment must be counted.

Unfortunately, certain population groups – referred to as “hard-to-count” – are at a higher risk of not being fully counted in the census. Some of these groups have been historically underrepresented in the census for decades; some may experience new or increased vulnerability due to major changes in methodology, such as relying on the internet as the primary way for households to respond to the 2020 Census; and some may be reluctant to respond due to concerns about data confidentiality. Being hardto-count can lead to unequal political representation and unequal access to vital public and private resources for these groups and their communities. African-American households are at risk of being undercounted. The African-American population has been historically undercounted in the decennial census, disadvantaging their families, communities, and neighborhoods. In California, there a number of community groups and organizations that have been and continue to be diligent in keeping citizens informed about how detrimental it is for EVERYONE IN THE FAMILY/HOUSEHOLD to be counted. Leading this effort in Sacramento County for making sure we get an accurate count of African Americans in Sacramento and beyond include Greater Sacramento Urban League, BAPAC Sacramento Chapter, and Sac NAACP. As stated BAPAC, “our collective Black leadership must stand, rise, and act on behalf of our people! Our quality of life depends on our quality of leadership!” As the 2020 Census will determine the distribution of billions of dollars in federal funds, it imperative for us to complete the survey online, via our phones, or by mail. It will be as easy as 1-2-3 and if you require assistance or have any questions about the California Census 2020 (placing emphasis on Counting Black California), please contact: gsul.org or facebook.com/SacNAACP/ n

OVERALL TIMELINE CENSUS 2020 Counting every person living in the United States is a massive undertaking, and efforts begin years in advance. Here’s a look at some of the key dates along the way: January–September 2019: The U.S. Census Bureau opens 248 area census offices across the country. These offices support and manage the census takers who work all over the country to conduct the census. August 2019: Census takers begin visiting areas that have experienced a lot of change and growth to ensure that the Census Bureau’s address list is up to date. This is called address canvassing, and it helps to ensure that everyone receives an invitation to participate in the 2020 Census. January 2020: The Census Bureau begins counting the population in remote Alaska. April 1, 2020: Census Day is observed nationwide. By this date, every home will receive an invitation to participate in the 2020 Census. Once the invitation arrives, you should respond for your home in one of three ways: online, by phone, or by mail. When you respond to the census, you tell the Census Bureau where you live as of April 1, 2020. April 2020: Census takers begin visiting college students who live on campus, people living in senior centers, and others who live among large groups of people. Census takers also begin conducting quality check interviews to help ensure an accurate count. May 2020: The Census Bureau begins visiting homes that haven’t responded to the 2020 Census to make sure everyone is counted. December 2020: The Census Bureau delivers apportionment counts to the President and Congress as required by law. March 31, 2021: By this date, the Census Bureau will send redistricting counts to states. This information is used to redraw legislative districts based on population changes. source: 2020census.gov/en/important-dates. html

Sources used: https://civilrights.org/resource/will-you-count-african-americans-in-the-2020-census/

FALL 2019

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n August 18-19 a diverse group of about 50 people gathered for a 36-hour health policy, historical tour sponsored by UC Davis Health. Faculty, administrators, staff students and community members loaded the bus at 7 am at UC Davis School of Medicine in Sacramento on Sunday, August 18th to traverse highway 99 through the Central Valley on the 5th UC Davis Interprofessional Central Valley Road Trip. It was a transformative experience going through 9 counties and seeing places that most of us had never visited and in some cases had never heard of. Along our journey, we visited places and learned about people, how they lived, and are currently living, as well as the many incredible challenges individuals and families (descendants of African Americans, Asian-American, Hispanic American, Indian American) have been faced with. Several sites off the highway 99 included: Stockton’s Cambodian Buddhist Temple; Central Valley Pride Center in Modesto; The Fresno Wellness Center; Colonel Allensworth State Park, 40 Acres National Monument, Cesar Chavez Foundation, Chowchilla California Women’s Facility and Fathers and Families in Stockton. So many of these monumental places hold a great deal of significant historic traditional values when it comes to agriculture and farming.

8/18 Andres Chavez grandson of the famous American civil rights leader Cesar Chavez. Discussing how he and At times I and my colleague Twlia Laster (Project Director for Saving Our Legacy for African others are carrying on Americans For Smoke Free Safe Places - The SOL Project) were at a loss for words on his ‘Tatas’ legacy locally, what we had learned about the personal experiences that individuals and families were statewide & nationally. confronted with when it comes affordable housing and healthcare along with fair employment Tomorrow we will visit 40 Acres in Delano to see practices. It was truly an uplifting experience knowing how strong and important culture is living history. Tonight we for people in order to endure and survive the many atrocities they were up against. Twlia and break bread as a public I both were honored to participate in this summer’s trip, where elements of the trip edified health family and watch cultural humility principles as they relate to social determinants of health, population health, the movie depicting his life’s work. Si se puede! community based participatory research and access to health care. n (facebook.com/twlia.laster)

8/18 First stop Stockton Cambodia Buddhist Temple. Host Raksmey Roeum-Castleman, Ph.D taught us about genocides & oppression of Cambodia people. This Temple is open to everyone in need of peace, a place to stay and food. Not religion. It’s about relationship & respectful reverence for all. (facebook.com/twlia.laster)

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Pleshette Robertson and Twlia Laster with David Hosley 8/19 Day 2 on the bus! We were all smiles from a great night sleep until discussion of the 2016 study showing 460 premature deaths due to poor air quality. Bakersfield pays the price for health disparities associated to air pollution to the tune of billions per year! (Panorama Bluffs, N.E. Bakersfield!) (facebook.com/twlia.laster)

FALL 2019


Day 2: Left to Right: Fatima Malik, Twlia Laster, Dr. Renetta Garrison Tull (Vice Chancellor for Equity,Diversity & Inclusion at UC Davis), Pleshette Robertson

8/19 Marc Grossman speech writer & personal assistant for Cesar Chavez led this amazing tour of 40 Acres - Cesar Chavez Foundation. Sharing rich historical accounts of sacrifice for success. (facebook.com/twlia.laster)

Left to right: Twlia Laster, Fahima Malik, ToShawne Williams, Pleshette Robertson 8/18 Leaving the UCD Med Ctr in the early AM. Did you know the Central Valley runs north-south for 450 miles? Learning to value the huge diverse group of people through cultural humility (nurturing, redressing, developing, stewarding) (facebook.com/pleshettemarie)

For questions about the UC Davis Health Interrprofessional Central Valley Road Trip, contact Jann Murray-Garcâ at jmurraygarcia@ucdavis.edu. A unique opportunity exposing an interprofessional group of students, staff, administrators, faculty and community members to the beauty, histories, strengths and challenges of the diverse region and its people.

8/18 - In the town of Livingston (near Atwater) ... learning about the significant contribution of the Japanese farmers before Pearl Harbor, along with the recruitment of 1,000 Mexican farmers and a heavy influx of Sikh farmers. Livingston Community Health founded in 1971. (facebook.com/pleshettemarie)

Creator, facilitator, teacher: Jann Murrary-Garcia, MD, MPH; Assistant Clinical Professor, Betty Irene Moore School of Nursing at UC Davis Historian and guide: David Hosley, PhD; Historian and documentary filmmaker of California’s Central Valley, former UC Merced Vice Chancellor, former executive director of The Great Valley Center, former president and general manager, KVIE Public Television. FALL 2019

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For more events in Sacramento and beyond, go to www.sacculturalhub.com and list your event for free online. | OCTOBER | MAKING STRIDES AGAINST CANCER OF SACRAMENTO WALK OCTOBER 20 8 AM West Steps State Capitol Sacramento (10th Street between L and N Street). Registration at 7 AM and walk at 8 AM. sacramentoCAStrides@cancer.org | NOVEMBER | IT’S MY TIME TO RISE BUSINESS EMPOWERMENT CONFERENCE & BOOK LAUNCH NOVEMBER 1 https://www.facebook.com/ events/800405250324448/ DJ QUIK LIVE: THE QUIK & THE DEAD POST-HALLOWEEN BASH NOVEMBER 1 Harlow’s https://www.facebook.com/ events/1264879697025004/


THE TEMPTATIONS & THE FOUR TOPS NOVEMBER 1 8 PM Paramount Theatre in Oakland ticketmaster.com

FANTASIA W/ ROBIN THICKE LIVE DECEMBER 5 7:30 PM Paramount Theatre in Oakland paramounttheatre.com

2019 CHAMPIONS OF MENTAL HEALTH AWARD DINNER NOVEMBER 1 5 –9 PM Sacramento State University mentalhealthca.org

V101’S THROWBACK HOLIDAY JAM DECEMBER 7 7:30 pm Featuring Ludacris at Golden 1 Center in Sacramento. v1011fm.iheart.com

RUN TO FEED THE HUNGRY THANKSGIVING DAY, NOVEMBER 28 Rain or shine. 10k at 8:15 am and 5k at 9 am. Race starts at J Street just west of entrance to the Sacramento State campus and runs through the beautiful tree lined streets of East Sacramento. runtofeedthehungry.com

BOYZ II MEN NYE CONCERT DECEMBER 31 Thunder Valley Casino Resort. Ticketmaster.com

Crystal’s Hair Salon Specializing in extensions, precision cut, color, natural hair, relaxer, silk press.

| ONGOING | OPEN MIC AT MAHOGANY URBAN POETRY SERIES every Wednesday night inside Queen Sheba Restaurant located at 1704 Broadway in Midtown Sacramento (at 17th and Broadway). (916) 446-1223


CALIFORNIA HOUSING FINANCE AGENCY www.calhfa.ca.gov COLEMAN COMMUNICATIONS www.michaelpcoleman.com CROCKER ART MUSEUM www.crockerartmuseum.org CRYSTAL’S HAIR SALON 916.549.8972 DOUBLE TAKE HAIR GALLERY www.facebook.com/tavia.jenkins DR. EPHRAIM WILLIAMS FAMILY LIFE CENTER www.flcsac.org

Schedule an appointment today!

916.549.8972 | 4 2 | T H E  H U B MA G A Z I N E

SACRAMENTO AFRICAN AMERICAN MARKET PLACE on the 1st and 3rd Saturdays of the Month located at 2251 Florin Road (nearest cross street is 24th) in South Sacramento – open from 10 am to 5 pm. For more info go to facebook.com/SacramentoAMP or call (916) 730-6386.

To advertise inTHE HUB Magazine, e-mail contact@sacculturalhub.com or call (916) 234-3589

CALIFORNIA MUSEUM www.californiamuseum.org


ART EXHIBITS, OPEN MIC POETRY, WORKSHOPS at Brick House Gallery, 2837 36th Street in Oak Park Sacramento. (916) 475-1240 or thebrickhousegallery.net


ANOTHER LOOK HAIR SALON www.anotherlookhairsalon.com

Contact Salon Owner and Sacramento’s SILK Press Queen/Stylist

BOOK SIGNINGS, LECTURES, ART EXHIBITS, AND POETRY/ SPOKENWORD EVENTS AT UNDERGROUND BOOKS, 2814 35th Street in Oak Park, Sacramento. (916) 737-3333 or underground-books.com

FORTUNE SCHOOL www.fortuneschooL.us GOT MUSCLE HEALTH CLUB www.got-muscle.com

FALL 2019

JAMES THE BARBER AND STYLIST (916) 514-2539 MIXED INSTITUTE OF COSMETOLOGY www.mix-ed.com MONDAVI CENTER AT UC DAVIS www.mondaviarts.org SACRAMENTO COUNTY CHILD PROTECTIVE SERVICES www.dhhs.saccounty.net/CPS TERRY SPEED, D.D.S. www.terrispeeddds.com THE GOSPEL VINE www.thegospelvine.com UC DAVIS ucdavis.edu/admissions/undergraduate UC DAVIS OFFICE OF CAMPUS COMMUNITY RELATIONS http://occr.ucdavis.edu

Building a strong community of leaders by EDUCATING, PROMOTING, and INSPIRING individuals to pursue their personal, academic, and business goals.

THANK YOU to all those individuals who supported Sac Cultural Hub Media Foundation with donations for 2019 Big Day of Giving (BDOG)! We are so grateful and appreciate all of the BDOG donors. Not only did you raise money for your favorite nonprofit organization, but you were part of the communitywide movement that generated $8.4 million dollars in 24 hours (5/2/19) for nonprofits across the capital area.



Big Day of Giving, Thursday, May 7, 2020

What is Big Day of Giving? A program of the Sacramento Region Community Foundation’s initiative to grow local philanthropy - Big Day of Giving is an annual 24-hour community-wide movement that unites the region’s nonprofit sector to help raise unrestricted funds for the organizations that strengthen the capital area. Since 2013, the giving day has generated nearly $40 million for more than 600 local nonprofits!

THIS IS WHO WE ARE. Alexis Nicole Smith ’20

Political Science and Sociology Transfer from American River College Sacramento, California I chose UC Davis because I immediately felt a sense of community on the campus. I have learned that everything is possible and your goals are attainable as long as you believe and put in the work. While here, I’ve been involved with UC Davis’ Imani Legal Clinic, which serves underrepresented people and communities. When I graduate, I plan to attend law school and impact the lives of many as an attorney.


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