Spring 2020 issue of THE HUB Magazine

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SPRING 2020 | www.sacculturalhub.com

Updates & Resource G uide


Surviving to Coronaviruthe COVID-19 s Pandemic p.30




S Y r A e x D i I M g FR

n i k T r S o FIR s Netw s e n i s u B













Stay SAFE and HEALTHY everyone. We look forward to seeing you in person very soon. Watch for the Sac Hub eblasts and the radio ad announcements on KDEE 97.5 FM

E-mail us at contact@sacculturalhub.com for more info on how to become a First Fridays HUB Impact Partner.



“I’d love for you to tell your family and friends. Or, better yet, call me and I’ll contact them. After all, there’s nothing I like more than helping people get lower rates, more mortgage options, and faster closings.”


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HE HUB knows the importance of having the power of critical information at your fingertips. It’s what we’re built on and is our commitment to you.

This issue includes an interview with Dr. Nadine Burke Harris - California’s first Surgeon General (page 8) along with a guide of COVID-19 resources (page 30). SO WHAT HAS HAPPENED? The world is currently experiencing a pandemic of an infectious disease called coronavirus disease 2019, or COVID-19. COVID-19 is caused by the severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) and is part of a large family of coronaviruses (CoV). Coronaviruses are transmitted from animals to people, with this particular strain of coronavirus thought to have originated from a seafood market in the city of Wuhan in China in late December of 2019. Symptoms of COVID-19 resemble that of the common cold, with those infected often experiencing fever, coughing, and shortness of breath. However, infection can lead to pneumonia, multi-organ failure, severe acute respiratory syndrome, and even death, in more severe cases. The elderly and those with preexisting chronic health conditions have accounted for the majority of deaths from COVID-19. As of April 20, 2020 • Number of COVID-19 cases worldwide 2,407,537 • Number of deaths from COVID-19 worldwide 165,082 Source: https://www.statista.com/topics/5994/the-coronavirus-disease-covid-19-o

Newsom’s sanctioned shelter-in-place order, we are still connected through social media, our phones, Zoom meeting/webinars until we meet again in person.

We hope you will share these resources with your family members and your entire network as we all continue to be in the fight against the Coronavirus.

Peace & Blessings,

Pleshette Robertson CEO and Founder Sac Cultural Hub Media Company and Foundation facebook.com/pleshettemarie

As we publish this Spring 2020 issue, we realize that so much new information is over flowing throughout the social media and t.v. networks so be very careful about what you are reading and what you share with others. In these precarious times, we will continue to inform, educate, inspire and connect you to the resources you need for you, your family, and in your business. Although we have been and continue to be under Governor

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33 | Maintaining and Enhancing Your Mental Health


31 | Local resources

34 | Black Corona’ Diaries


39 | Things to do while you are at home



40 | Generosity Stories 42 | Navigating Black California




IN EVERY ISSUE 4 Founder’s Room 13 Michael’s Mind’s Eye: COVID Convos — We May Feel Trapped, But The Genie’s Out Of The Bottle


46 Advertiser Index

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Things To Do, Places To Go


BOOKMARK Sacculturalhub.com Inside every issue of THE HUB: The Urban Entertainment and Lifestyle Magazine there are things to do, places to go and people to see, with a calendar of events, spotlight and feature articles on major event reviews, career profiles and business services. This magazine celebrates the urban lifestyle of African-Americans living in Northern California.

Northern California’s Most Popular Urban Entertainment Magazine ESTABLISHED FEBRUARY 2006 Mailing Address 7902 Gerber Road, #367 • Sacramento, CA 95828 Ph 916.234.3589 | Fax 866.302.6429 E-mail contact@sacculturalhub.com CHIEF EDITOR, CEO & FOUNDER – SACCULTURALHUB.COM Pleshette Robertson | pleshette@sacculturalhub.com ADVERTISING AND MARKETING TEAM Twlia Laster | 916.662.3502 • twlia@sacculturalhub.com Lesley Leatherwood | 916.838.9267 • leatherwoodmarketing@yahoo.com Michael P. Coleman | 916.715.2996 • mcoleman@sacculturalhub.com NEWS REPORTERS Neketia Henry | Keadrian Belcher-Harris Donna Michele Ramos CONTRIBUTING WRITERS Michael P. Coleman | Lesley Leatherwood | Valarie Scruggs Tony Harvey | Mike Muse ADMINISTRATIVE STAFF Vicki Blakley PHOTOGRAPHY Rayford Johnson | 916.714.5840 Khiry Malik | Magiceyephotos.com 916.730.5405 Creative Touch Media Services (CT Media) Robert Briley – 916.579.4555 GRAPHIC DESIGN­ Heather Niemann | Tingible Design • heather@tingible.com COVER PHOTO: Michael Winokurr Circulation THE HUB: The Urban Entertainment and Lifestyle Magazine has an estimated readership of more than 500,000 African American residents in Northern California. Copies are available at numerous storefront locations and distributed quarterly: Winter, Spring, Summer and Fall. Advertising THE HUB: The Urban Entertainment and Lifestyle Magazine offers affordable rates to meet your business needs and marketing budget. Ads are due 45 days prior to the next issue. Call (916) 234-3589 or e-mail contact@ sacculturalhub.com. Letters to the Editor Letters should include the writer’s full name, address and telephone number. Letters may be edited for space, clarity or style. Name and address may be withheld upon

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Connect with African American professionals and families! Share your services, products and events with Sacculturalhub. com and THE HUB Magazine ... your leading source of EXCITEMENT and Urban Entertainment News in Northern California. Contact us: contact@sacculturalhub.com or 916-234-3589

request. Mail to: THE HUB: The Urban Entertainment and Lifestyle Magazine, 7902 Gerber Road, #367, Sacramento, CA 95828. THE HUB: The Urban Entertainment and Lifestyle Magazine is printed quarterly in the United States. All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or part of any text, photography or illustration without written permission from the publisher is prohibited. The publisher assumes no responsibility for unsolicited manuscripts, photographs or illustrations. Views and opinions expressed in this publication are not necessarily those of the magazine. THE HUB: The Urban Entertainment and Lifestyle Magazine is not responsible for errors and omissions in regard to content of ads in which events were cancelled or rescheduled, or phones that have changed abruptly.

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YOUR Dental HEALTH Presented by Terri Speed, D.D.S.

REPAIRING A CHIPPED OR BROKEN TOOTH Although the enamel that covers your teeth is the hardest, most mineralized tissue in the body, its strength has limits. Falling, receiving a blow to the face, or biting down on something hard -- particularly if a tooth already has some decay -- can cause a tooth to chip or break. If you discover you have broken or chipped a tooth, don’t panic. There are many things your dentist can do to fix it. •

If the tooth is painful, take acetaminophen or another overthe-counter pain reliever. Rinse your mouth with salt water.

If the break has caused a sharp or jagged edge, cover it with a piece of wax paraffin or sugarless chewing gum to keep it from cutting your tongue or the inside of your lip or cheek.

If you must eat, eat soft foods and avoid biting down on the broken tooth.

Dental Filling or Bonding If you have chipped off just a small piece of tooth enamel, your dentist may repair the damage with a filling. If the repair is to a front tooth or can be seen when you smile, your dentist will likely use a procedure called bonding, which uses a tooth-colored composite resin. Dental Cap or Crown If a large piece of tooth breaks off or the tooth has a lot of decay, the dentist may grind or file away part of the remaining tooth and cover it with a crown, or tooth-shaped cap, made to protect the tooth and improve its appearance. Permanent crowns can be made from metal, porcelain fused to metal, all resin, or all ceramic. Dental Veneers If a front tooth is broken or chipped, a dental veneer can make it look whole and healthy again. A dental veneer is a thin shell of tooth-colored porcelain or resin composite material that covers the whole front of the tooth (much like a false nail covers a fingernail) with a thicker section to replace the broken part of the tooth. https://www.webmd.com/oral-health/guide/repairing-a-chipped-or-broken-tooth#1

Dr. Terri Speed is a family dentist in practice at 9098 Laguna Main St., Suite 4, in Laguna West.

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Photo credit: Center for Youth Wellness



CALIFORNIA’S FIRST SURGEON GENERAL By Contributing Writer, Michael P Coleman


hen faced with any battle, it is comforting to know that someone is on the inside, in the trenches, who has the tools, temperament, and abilities needed to get the job done and lead an army to victory.

to his team in January 2019, appointing her as the first California Surgeon General. Neither could have known the public health challenges that marched toward them in the form of the novel coronavirus.

En route to an early April briefing with the governor, Burke Harris checked in with THE HUB to set the record straight on a number of pernicious COVID-19-related myths. During our wide-ranging interview, she also stressed the need to heed recommendations and guidelines from the Centers For Disease Control and Prevention so that OUR OFFICE HAS PUT we can, ultimately, put coronavirus TOGETHER A PLAYBOOK behind us.

In our fight against the novel coronavirus, we have that person in Dr. Nadine Burke Harris, California’s first Surgeon General.

Burke Harris’ distinguished career has led her from her birth home in Jamaica to the Bay Area, where she treated individuals and families while pioneering research on the effects of NOT ONLY FOR ADULTS, adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) “I will always be very transparent about BUT FOR KIDS AND on longterm health and wellness. what we know and what we don’t CAREGIVERS. She garnered the attention of Gavin know,” Burke Harris assured. “We don’t Newsom, who was then San Francisco’s have a lot of great data about the racial mayor. After Newsom ascended to the and ethnic breakdowns of infections and governor’s mansion, he recruited Burke Harris deaths related to COVID-19, but what we’re | 8 | T H E  HU B MA G A Z I N E

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CENTERSTAGE seeing in a few areas around the country is that African Americans are over represented in COVID-19 cases.” “One of the worst legacies of our health care establishment’s history of inhumane treatment of African Americans is the persistent mistrust and doubt that [it] has created,” Burke Harris continued. “We worry that the lack of trust within the African American community may be putting the black community at greater risk. When people of color hear about current guidelines, much of their mistrust is rooted in the history of what has happened in this nation. It’s a history that we have to work very hard to repair.” “At the same time, it’s very, very important for black communities, and communities of color in general, to be aware that this is not a hoax. There has been a myth circulating that black people don’t get coronavirus. That myth is totally false! If Idris Elba is not enough to convince folks that black people get coronavirus...we do! So stay home, and practice strict social distancing. It’s up to us to care for our communities by staying connected, by staying home.” When Burke Harris gets fired up, it is easy to see how she has been so successful in transforming the lives of the individuals and families in her care. And she is as passionate about wearing face coverings as she is about social distancing — and following all of the CDC’s coronavirus guidelines. “The CDC has recommended that lay people wear face coverings when they leave the house,” Burke Harris said. “The reason that the recommendation to wear masks did not come earlier is there’s a worry that the lay public will… start competing to buy surgical masks and N95 masks, and that folks will be vulnerable to scams.” “We’re asking folks to leave the surgical masks and the N95 masks for our health care workers who are on the front lines, and that they wear face coverings in public. They can make those at home, or repurpose those that they’ve used before — it can even be a bandana. But wear a face covering when you’re out in public. That’s the latest guidance.” With the coronavirus challenge, Burke Harris has had to apply her decades-long work on the longterm effects of ACEs to the current global pandemic. “Everyone is stressed out because of the virus,” Burke Harris said. “On top of that, we’re seeing increased distress for many people as they’re losing their livelihoods, getting laid off, because of the necessary public heath measures that are required to stop this pandemic.”

Photo credit: Center for Youth Wellness

“And then, schools are out so kids are at home. Parents who weren’t stressed out before…have a lot more on their plate, dealing with a kid who’s bouncing off of the walls. If they’re fortunate enough to be able to work from home, they may be dealing with a real economic distress. So we’re seeing heightened stress for everyone.” “Our office has put together a playbook not only for adults, but for kids and caregivers. It’s a clear, straightforward set of guidance to mitigate the stress and reduce the risk of not only child maltreatment but intimate partner violence, substance abuse, mental health concerns, and even physical violence. Toolkits are available at covid19.ca.gov.” As Burke Harris and I wrapped up our chat, I felt the need to check in with her and make sure she was ok, as first months in her new role have been a trial by fire, to say the least. She assured THE HUB that she has a great support system in place — as we all should have. “Working for government is a little like working in a foreign country…or maybe on another planet,” Burke Harris laughed. “It’s a new experience! It’s a steep learning curve in terms of understanding the rules of the road and how to be successful. That said, Governor Newsom has been nothing but supportive of me and our work, and the initiatives that we’ve been moving forward.” “I call myself ‘The Joyful Warrior.’ The work’s not necessarily easy, but it’s well worth it!” n Access comprehensive toolkits for managing coronavirus — for individuals, caregivers, and children — at https://covid19.ca.gov/ manage-stress-for-health/#top

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Connect with freelance writer Michael P Coleman at MichaelPColeman.com.



YOUTH & MUSIC Contributed by Donna Michele Ramos


ueled with passion to create his own youth music foundation is music industry executive and entrepreneur, James Jackson, who is a pioneer in this own right. Since his time as an A&R rep back in the late 90’s for several major labels, Capital and Bellmark Records (sister company of Stax Records), he has helped drive the success of several recording artists. THE HUB is quite familiar with James’ inspirational music career from producing all genres of music and gospel shows in Sacramento, Bay Area and Atlanta. His latest project, iSound Performing Arts is providing life skills to children through several artistic activities. THE HUB: What inspired you to create your own youth music foundation? JACKSON: On February 22, 2015 my son James Jackson, Jr. was killed, here in Sacramento in a drive–by shooting. It was tragic for my family. I was in the middle of touring and my recording contract with Capitol Records for my gospel album. My son was a producer, this is in his honor. I wanted to save our youth as music is a universal language. I came from Watts - music saved me when I was young.

THE HUB: How are children chosen to participate? JACKSON: Through social media and marketing. The parents find out about us and bring their kids, ages 10 – 18 years old. We see if they are into art or music. We have serviced over 200 kids. They constantly come back. We get numerous calls to do events. I started iSound Performing Arts two years ago in Atlanta, Georgia and here in Sacramento, June 2019.

THE HUB: The summer music camp runs for two weeks, ideally how long would you like it to run? What are the dates for this summer? JACKSON: This year it will run for three weeks from July 6 – July 26, 2020. We were going to have a Spring break session but we had to cancel it because of the Coronavirus. For our classes we brought in instructors and got instruments donated. Our instructors teach piano, dance, vocal, drums | 1 0 | T H E  H U B MA G A Z I N E

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and guitar. Everyone has to attend life skills classes as well. We feed the kids nightly with food donated by restaurants like Dominos and ChickFil-A. The City of Sacramento is giving us grants to help. The first week we wrote songs and formed bands. The second week we went into a $1 million recording studio where I brought in my producers. They recorded music and the kids sang. We have some real talented kids so we started the iSound Chorus. If the funding is right we’d like to do an after school program. We’re trying to get our own space with looking for districts to help us with space at closed schools 3 days a week. Arden Church of the Nazarene offered us space to use.

THE HUB: What are your goals for your foundation’s future? How can people and organizations help iSound Music Performing Arts? JACKSON: We welcome help in obtaining a standalone building so we can spread out and have designated area for different activities. What we want to do is teach life skills that include: giving advice on bullying, drug prevention, how money and debt works, how to protect themselves, virus protection, and gender equality. It’s important for us to get more kids involved. In the future we want to get more grants for arts because it’s not in schools anymore. There are principals approaching me for our program. This year we’re doing a video shoot

on the Tower Bridge for our song “Stand Up.” One of my kids wrote the song years ago. We performed it this year at the annual MLK March celebration event; we won a grant. Everyone is welcome to come to our video shoot. There will be an appearance by the Mayor of Sacramento. Two weeks before the video shoot we’ll have an open casting call. The video will be funded by a donor. We are tentatively scheduled for the Ellen Show in August or September for the kids to perform. We’re waiting for the associate producers to call us back with a confirmation. We need volunteers and always could use donations. n For more information about the iSound Music Foundation call (678) 507-6971 or visit isoundmusic.com

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The Arts Bring Us Hope


The Arts Bring Us Joy

California Black Chamber of Commerce is building a small business grant fund. Help fund black-owned businesses with grants.

The Arts Connect Us

Let us bring the arts to you: Stay connected to the arts and artists you love by joining us online.


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International superstar Andrea Bocelli ended his bravura 30-minute live Easter Sunday performance from Italy’s Duomo Cathedral standing just outside of it, where he delivered a stunning version of “Amazing Grace” while showing equally striking footage of largely empty locales all over the globe. He soothed a battered planet, drawing more than 22 million viewers before the end of the day. In many ways, Bocelli’s musical prayer was just what the doctor ordered, as we connect remotely and grapple with the global coronavirus pandemic. As I watched Bocelli’s performance, I pondered an Easter holiday when worship services were banned all over the world, families weren’t together, and that elusive light at the tunnel’s end seemed disturbingly beyond sight. As spring turns to summer, I am also questioning our collective path forward, as I am certain that, in many regards, the genie’s out of the bottle with regard to the novel coronavirus — even as many of us feel trapped and isolated, adjusting to maintaining a necessary distance from each other.

Photo courtesy of Disney

And I believe the new “working from home” reality that many of us have embraced will be a game-changer! n Read MPC’s full Spring 2020 column, and other awardwinning features of his, at: https://michaelpcoleman. wordpress.com/2020/04/12/covid-convos-we-may-feeltrapped-but-the-genies-out-of-the-bottle/ Connect with freelance writer Michael P Coleman at MichaelPColeman.com

As we remember those who succumb to COVID-19, I wonder whether many industries — like live concerts and sporting events, retail, higher education, and theatrical film distribution — will ever return to what we used to call “normal.”

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FIRST FRIDAYS MARCH 2020 by Chief Editor, Pleshette Robertson


irst Fridays Business Networking Mixer presented in partnership by the THE HUB Magazine, California Black Chamber of Commerce, Sac Cultural Hub, and KDEE 97.5 FM on Friday, March 6, 2020 at SEASONS 52 Restaurant in Sacramento. THANK YOUS to our MC/Host Lady Charmaine Bassett, our HUB Impact Sponsor Partners - City of Sacramento, Chevron, Weave and Blue Shield of California. Attendees enjoyed a line up of activities that included: speed networking, live jazz band, appetizers and raffle prizes. For more info on joining our 2020 Small Business Initiative as a Gold Card member or HUB Impact Sponsor/ Vendor at THE HUB’s First Fridays future monthly business mixers contact (916) 234-3589 or e-mail contact@ sacculturalhub.com. Stay tuned for the Sac Hub e-blasts from the Sac Cultural Hub Facebook fan page and radio announcements on KDEE 97.5 FM for the next First Fridays business mixer event. As we are in the COVID-19 shelter-in-place order stay safe and healthy until we meet up in person for our monthly business mixers throughout the Greater Sacramento Valley Region n Photos: Robert Briley CT Media 916.579.4555

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n February, U.S. Senator Kamala D. Harris (D-CA) held a roundtable discussion (02.18.2020) in partnership with the California Breastfeeding Coalition in San Francisco to discuss the Black maternal mortality crisis and her legislation to address persistent biases and shortcomings in our nation’s medical system. Also present at the roundtable was California Surgeon General Dr. Nadine Burke Harris and moderator Devona Robertson, Chair of the California Breastfeeding Coalition along with a host of health providers, community members and maternal care advocates.

To see all photos from the roundtable event go to: http://www.sacculturalhub.com/photo-galleries/photo-gallery | 1 7 | T H E  H U B MA G A Z I N E

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uring Black history month, it is important that we not only celebrate the rich legacy of Black Americans, but also acknowledge the historic struggles within the community – many of which persist today,” said Sen. Harris. “Even as advancements in medicine improve outcomes, Black women continue to face a maternal mortality crisis. Every day that we fail to confront racial disparities and injustices in America, we are failing our families and future generations.” “In our struggle, we need to remind ourselves that we are not alone,” urged Senator Harris. “When we are talking about black maternal mortality, we are talking about the fact that black women die at three to four times the rate of other women in America in connection with childbirth.” The issue has two parts: racial bias and unique stressors that black women in America face: housing, pay and childcare inequity. This is not just about bias among medical health professionals, but also bias in every system that exists. These various issues, when combined, contribute to the mortality rate of black women. Senator Harris explains, “it hurts when you are not taken seriously. Especially when you know your facts, when people don’t believe you and you have to prove what you know instead of people just taking you at your word. It’s at the core of a system that is corrupt frankly.” The community professes to be about caring for people, making them whole, and giving them care, and yet it conducts itself in quite the opposite way, which is to suggest they are not whole and undeserving of care. Surgeon General Burke Harris shared, “just like our broader American society, our healthcare system is built on a history of racism and oppression. We can’t separate that.“ The main reason that hospitals desegregated was due to the passage of the 1965 Medicare/Medicaid Act, which required medical facilities receiving federal dollars to integrate. What needs to | 1 8 | T H E  H U B MA G A Z I N E

happen in America today is to change hearts. Burke Harris believes the best way to do this is to change policy. “We can change policy, we can change requirements, and that changes outcomes, and hearts and minds change as a result of the different outcomes.” At the roundtable, many maternal health providers, advocates, and mothers shared their stories and how they are contributing to improve maternal care and mortality in California. After challenges with two of her four pregnancies, Brandi, a lactation consultant at West Oakland Health Center, made it her personal mission to make it known about the health disparities of black women and children, and teaching selfadvocacy. As she grew in knowledge through each pregnancy, she still experienced mistreatment. “It’s so interesting that you can know so much and you can know who you are as a person, and as soon as someone comes in with more power and authority, that you think – they are a doctor in a white coat – how they can change you.” She felt pressured in how to care for her baby that were contrary to her beliefs and her knowledge, and it was difficult to stand up for herself. Through her experiences, she is motivated to equip black mothers with knowledge so they may be confident and better able to speak up and advocate for themselves and their babies. Another lactation consultant remarked that when she started in her hospital she was the first black lactation consultant. She had to prove her knowledge; pediatricians did not trust her judgment at first. She shared, “we should not have to roll out our resumes or our credentials when we walk into a doctor’s office, clinic or hospital.”

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Maternal Care Access and Reducing Emergencies (Maternal CARE) Act Authored by Senator Harris (reintroduced in May 2019). The act has three elements to it: • A $25 million grant to support medical, nursing, other training schools to implement training on implicit and explicit racial bias; • A $125 million pregnancy medical home pilot project to help states develop integrated care; • And directs the national academy of medicine to study and make recommendations to incorporate bias recognition in clinical skills testing for medical schools.

Programs mentioned that will undoubtedly play a major part in educating as well as assisting Black mothers that include: • San Francisco Collective Impact program, Expecting Justice, has created the Racial Equity 101 Toolkit, A Series of Tools to Advance Racial Equity in the Workplace. • Legislation - California Doula Medi-Cal bill AB-2258 | Allowing Medicaid to cover doula services will improve outcomes for pregnant women and reduce costs. Under the bill, services from a trained, qualified doula would be eligible for coverage through private insurance and Medicaid, including the state medical assistance program, for up to $1,500 per pregnancy. The bill, which would take effect July 1, 2020, would also set industry standards and create a statewide registry of doulas. • The Black Child Legacy Campaign has established a statewide expansion projects for maternal and infant health focus on the areas of: Black mothers digital media storytelling project, Birthing While Black documentary, and community listening sessions and forums. • Equality and equity are NOT the same thing. What works for black women is different than other races. Highland Hospital is developing a model for prenatal care developed by and for black women – black doctors, midwives, social workers, nutritionists, lactation consultants. It is imperative to offer black families a program that is geared towards them. • Supporting Our Ladies And Reducing Stress (SOLARS) to prevent preterm birth is one of the first, large-scale studies, designed by women of color, to help us understand the impact of stress, anxiety, and racism in addition to resilience and coping - on preterm birth.

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In summary, we need to do more than just raise awareness. We need to have accountability and training for our medical professionals on the specific needs of the black community. It should be enough that black women and babies are dying. The Black Maternal Health Momnibus Act of 2020, was just introduced last month (March 2020) by U.S. Representatives Lauren Underwood (D-IL) and Alma Adams (D-NC), U.S. Senator Kamala Harris (D-CA), and members of the Black Maternal Health Caucus. The bill addresses the racial disparities in pregnancy outcomes among Black women in America, including higher rates of death and severe morbidity. The 3rd annual national Black Maternal Health Week (BMHW) campaign, founded and led by the Black Mamas Matter Alliance, will be a week (April 11-17, 2020) of awareness, activism, and community building intended to: deepen the national conversation about Black maternal health in the US; amplify community-driven policy, research, and care solutions. Activities during BMHW are rooted in human rights, reproductive justice, and birth justice frameworks!� n

E-mail us at contact@sacculturalhub.com and visit www. blackchildlegacy.org for more information as Sac Cultural Hub Media Foundation has been working in partnership with the Black Child Legacy Campaign at The Center at Sierra Health Foundation on the statewide expansion projects for maternal and infant health.

Photo credits: Office of U.S. Senator Kamala Harris

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WHAT TO DO IF YOU’RE EXPOSED TO DANGEROUS SECONDHAND SMOKE 1 Visit TobaccoFreeCA.com to learn about California smokefree laws.


Quick tips for a smokefree life.

Learn about your community’s smokefree policies


3 Contact your local health department to report being exposed or to get assistance on an issue you’re experiencing.



More ways to smoke = more smoke

Contact your mayor to let them know you want a completely smokefree community.

Secondhand smoke is more common than you might think. In 2017 only 10% of Californians smoked cigarettes, but over half were exposed to the secondhand harm. And cigarette smoke is just the beginning. Californians face increasing levels of secondhand smoke from vape and marijuana. None of it is harmless.


Just because it doesn’t smell like a cigarette doesn’t mean it’s not a health risk. There’s no such thing as safe secondhand smoke. Here are dangers specific to various smoking products.




At least 10 chemicals identified in vape aerosol are on California’s Proposition 65 list of cancer-causing and reproductive toxic chemicals.

Secondhand cigarette smoke Secondhand smoke from cigarillos causes approximately 7,330 deaths contain the same toxic chemicals from lung cancer and 33,950 as cigarette smoke. deaths from heart disease each year in the US.

Hookah Secondhand hookah smoke contains carbon monoxide and other toxic chemicals which can cause lung, bladder, and oral cancer.

Marijuana Secondhand marijuana smoke contains many of the same cancer-causing substances and toxic chemicals as secondhand tobacco smoke. In one study, 3 out of 4 kids whose parents smoked marijuana in the house had tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) in their bloodstream.

Children, Elderly People, and Pets Secondhand smoke endangers the health of everyone in its reach, especially kids and pets who lack the ability to change their environments.

Kids face greater risk of: Middle ear infections Respiratory infections Asthma

PROTECTING YOUR LOVED ONES IN PLACES & SPACES Know Your Rights & How to Stand Up Secondhand smoke exposure is rapidly increasing, and it’s up to you to educate yourself on the policies in your community that protect your family. Cities, counties, and tribes enact their own smokefree policies. Local policies can build on statewide smokefree laws, and expand to more places and spaces to protect you and your family.

Babies exposed to secondhand smoke have a higher rate of SIDS (sudden infant death syndrome).

CA clean indoor air laws prohibit indoor smoking of:

You can be exposed to secondhand smoke:

Vape Marijuana Cigarillos Cigars Hookah Cigarettes

Indoors - your home, apartment, condo or some workplaces. Outdoors - sidewalks, entryways, parks, trails, restaurant dining patios, festivals, concerts, or other organized events and outdoor worksites.


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Chronic respiratory symptoms Asthma Heart attacks Weakened health

following ways:

When you know what policies are in place, you can stand up and protect yourself and your loved ones.

Contact your local mayor and ask for a completely smoke-free community, as well as updating smoking definitions to include ALL plant based and synthetic products.

Elderly people (as well as all adults) are at risk of:

Dogs show more instances of lung and nasal cancer. Elk Grove Mayor and City Council (916) 478-2201 Sr. Administrative Assistant Carolyn Cohen ccohen@elkgrovecity.org

Cats living in homes with smokers have about 3x the risk of developing lymphoma, a cancer with a poor prognosis for survival.

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Brought to you by The SOL Project, Funded by the California Department of Public Health Tobacco Control Program, under contract #17-10978. (c) 2020

Birds develop respiratory problems, such as pneumonia and lung cancer.



Just a reminder from THE HUB to support our local soul food restaurants in an around the Sacramento Region. Place your orders for delivery or curbside pick up. Cora Lorraines (Colos) 916-692-8948 D’s Smoking Pit 916-993-9428 Daddyo’s Smokehouse 916-821-9020 Dubplate Kitchen & Jamaican Cuisine 916-339-6978 Ermajeans southern cuisine restaurant & catering 530-749-9651

Macque’s Barbeque (South Sac Location) 916-381-4119 Macque’s Barbeque (Elk Grove Location) 916-714-2910 Mo’Betta Finger Foods On Wheels 916-307-9511 MoMo’s Meat Market 916-452-0202 Queen Sheba 916-446-1223

Family Pizza Take n Bake 916-333-3397

Shakey Js | Peach Oliver 916-661-6750

Fixins Soul Kitchen 916-999-7685

South Restaurant 916-382-9722

Flower’s Fish Market 916-456-0719

Stage Coach 916-422-9296

Louisiana Heaven 916-689-4800

Toris Place Soul Food 916-646-6038

VIRAL MOBILE VIDEO: HIGH-POWER BLACK WOMEN HAVE EASTER SUNDAY FUN by Contributing Writer, Tony Harvey | California Black Media


echnology is providing virtual meeting spaces and the capability for people to have fun, be resourceful and send common-sense messages to each other — and the world beyond — while we practice physical separation during California’s COVID-19 stay-at-home order. Nine California professional African American women tapped into the social power of digital media during the Easter holiday weekend. Each of the women recorded a personal mobile video showing what they would wear to church if they attended in person. Then, one woman’s daughters mashed up the clips for a compilation video that they shared on social media outlets, including Facebook. Phyliss Marshall, the Chief Legislative Representative at the Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors, led on the creation of the video montage set to the Staple Singers classic hit “I’ll Take You there.” n Read full article and get video link online at: https://bit.ly/2V997m0

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Photo credits: Bryanmeeks.com


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Karen Meeks Johnson is gifted with an incredible singing voice and outstanding songwriting skills. The granddaughter of two founding pastors and the daughter of a pastor, Karen was born and raised in Northern California. The Church of God In Christ is where her religious and singing roots began. As young as three years old, Karen was singing in a children’s choir. In addition to her own youth choir rehearsals, her choir director/pianist mother and organist/minister father would take her to weekly adult choir rehearsals. Karen found herself enthralled by the beautiful spirit filled voices of the soloists. It is after these anointed vocalists that she began to pattern herself. Since her teenage years, Karen has sung in weddings, special events, and talent competitions. Karen has also graced the Sacramento Kings basketball players and their fans with her special rendition of the Star Spangled Banner for 11 consecutive NBA seasons. Karen is currently a teacher in Northern California, married and the mother of two children. With a full life and a full schedule, she has made the time to use her life experiences to write songs in hopes of reaching and encouraging souls of all ages, races, and beliefs. www.karenmeeksjohnson.com

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THE HUB: How does Coach Carl train you?

efore COVID-19, Karen Meeks Johnson had been in training for the Mrs. California America Pageant with Coach Carl Fears – certified trainer and owner of Got Muscle Health Club. THE HUB talked with Karen about the shelter-in-place adjustment and what led her to participating in the pageant.

JOHNSON: We start with cardio, do a series of stretches, add abdominal workouts; depending on the day we work out on equipment, there’s always some kind of weights and varied cardio to close out.

THE HUB: When is the Mrs. California America Pageant? How long have you been training?

We wish Mrs. Johnson luck in her upcoming pageant. n

JOHNSON: It was originally scheduled for April 18, 2020, due to the corona virus pandemic, it has been rescheduled for June 19, 2020. I was in the pageant last April. I started training with Coach Carl in February 2019 and have been training with him ever since.

Photo credits: Bryanmeeks.com

THE HUB: What led you to want to participate in this competition? JOHNSON: The pageant is not platform based where you proclaim your support for a special organization but there are benefits for those who want to. I’m 55 years old, there is no age limit. I have raised two children. I am a thyroid cancer survivor. I am also a domestic abuse survivor; I left my fiancé a week before our 300-guest wedding. It is just important for me to come out and raise awareness and help organizations like WEAVE. I survived and I am thriving. I hope to give hope to ladies my age and older and to show everyone this wisdom we’ve gained is to be passed down. I was the first Ms. Black America. As a singer it gives me the opportunity to sing again; in 1986 I sang for the Kings for 11 seasons. THE HUB: What is your food regimen? Do you need more info on preworkout nutrition - what to eat before and after a workout? Good nutrition can help your body perform better and recover faster after each workout. Knowing what to eat is important.

JOHNSON: I love dark chocolate and almonds, fortunately they are two foods that are great for you. I eat them on a daily basis; everything in moderation. I drink nonfat milk daily in my latte with a ¼ pump of dark chocolate. I drink lots of water and get lots of sleep. Also on my menu is lots of green vegetables. I don’t drink alcohol because it doesn’t feel good for me. I buckle down two weeks before the pageant, no sugar, only sugar naturally found in foods, do meal prep, space out meals and eat every few hours.

Contact Carl Fears, Owner and Certified Personal Trainer at Got Muscle Health Club at (916) 381-1221 or visit www.got-muscle.com

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Support our Cosmetologists, Hair Salon & Barbershop Owners Specializing in new urban cuts, colors and natural hairstyles

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Are you interested in a beauty career? Our accredited beauty school in Sacramento could be the perfect place to start! MIXED’s faculty and staff are dedicated to giving our students the skills to excel in this industry and knowledge to acquire employment opportunities. Come and see for yourself.

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By Mike Muse

original Black-owned businesses; free and enslaved African Americans hired out by their masters “seized the opportunity to become entrepreneurs in an industry void of white competition, with minimal startup costs and significant profit potential.”

In response [to the Covid-19 crisis], a growing number of overnors, from New York to California, have ordered various restrictions on public gatherings and businesses. Such measures, necessary though they are, have crippled the economy at every level, from corporate to small business to individual. Recognizing the moral imperative of the moment, Congress has proposed a $1.8 trillion economic stabilization package to aid families and businesses affected by the pandemic. A bailout of this size and scope is unprecedented. Every industry is being devastated by the coronavirus. Unlike businesses selling goods like clothing or food, barbers can’t transition their business to online commerce or takeout service; there are no unemployment benefits to apply for. A vanity service doesn’t immediately come to mind for a bailout — and it won’t without a representative convincing legislators of its worth. All money and business sectors are not created equal in the proposed stabilization legislation. The amounts that trade groups and lobbyists are asking Congress to allocate to their respective industries are numbers unseen during a presidential election year: $1.4 trillion for the manufacturing sector; $4 billion for museums; $100 billion for doctors, nurses, and hospitals; $325 billion for restaurants; $60 billion for Boeing; $250 billion for the travel industry. In the lobbying world, it’s a matter of who is best positioned with the party in control of the government. Their advocacy on behalf of their clients will determine not only what is included in the stabilization package but at what amount.

The barbershop has been part of the bedrock of Black community — and there’s no Black barbershop lobby on K Street fighting for these business owners. Unlike businesses selling goods like clothing or food, barbers can’t transition their business to online commerce or takeout service; there are no unemployment benefits to apply for. During this pandemic, the barber is one of the most vulnerable — not merely because of the nature of the business, but the value it is assigned. A vanity service doesn’t immediately come to mind for a bailout, and it won’t without a representative convincing legislators of its worth.

The current debate in Congress regarding the proposed stabilization package centers on two competing ideologies on the allocation of funding: either an emphasis on people or on big corporations. At stake is the $500 billion program within the package that would award loans to states and cities as well as businesses. The program would be administered through the Department of Treasury, at the discretion of Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin. I’m not sure the last time Mnuchin has been inside a Black barbershop, but it’s important for him to know that these noncorporations are still giants in the community. They may not have boards of directors, but they’re large holding companies of community interest, held together by collective bargaining agreements, with work environments that allow for Black men to show up as their authentic selves — and Six Sigma certified to deliver a consistent, guaranteed, product weekly.

To understand the economic role that Black barbershops play in the community, you first have to understand the history Even if K street hasn’t come in for a fade. and origin of the institution. In the book Cutting Along the Color Line: Black Tracy Brown Barbers and Barber Shops in Professional Hair Stylist America, Quincy T. Mills writes that and Co-Owner of the Black barbershop can be traced Another Look Hair Salon back to the early 18th century (916) 688-7704 when enslaved men and women acting as plantation barbers and hairstylists would groom fellow slaves on Sunday mornings — “the only leisure time they had for proper grooming.” Early www.anotherlookhairsalon.com barbershops were essentially the Book your appointment now 916-688-7704 S PRI NG 2 0 2 0

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Building a strong community of leaders by EDUCATING, PROMOTING, and INSPIRING individuals to pursue their personal, academic, and business goals.

REMEMBER US! Big Day of Giving Thursday May 7, 2020

What is Big Day of Giving? A program of the Sacramento Region Community Foundation’s initiative to grow local philanthropy - Big Day of Giving is an annual 24-hour community-wide movement that unites the region’s nonprofit sector to help raise unrestricted funds for the organizations that strengthen the capital area. Since 2013, the giving day has generated nearly $40 million for more than 600 local nonprofits!

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First and foremost let me say THANK YOU to all of our essential workers especially those in health care, in our grocery stores, garbage collectors, and restaurants for continuing to serve in the capacity of delivery and pick ups. As we are living in unprecedented times, THE HUB encourages you to stay calm and be aware of what you can and cannot do within the confines of your home and business. Social isolation and loneliness has been a real issue for some of us since the shelter-in-place order across the state of California by Governor Newsom was issued on March 19, 2020. All of us undoubtedly have suffered huge losses financially, some more than others. We can navigate these unchartered waters but it will take discipline, courage and faith like we have never seen before by helping family members and working in the community together. This moment in time and how we deal with the aftermath of COVID-19 is critical to rebuilding and reinvesting in our families, neighborhoods, and businesses making them stronger, safer and healthier as we come together and take care of each other in moments of crisis. We’ve compiled a list of some of the resources available throughout California to ensure African Americans communities are aware and have access to the care and necessities they need. There are so many organizations and association groups who are doing their due diligence in providing current info to help assist families and businesses and THE HUB wants to make sure you STAY INFORMED. Be sure to go online to check out these resource links listed in detail at: sacculturalhub.com/covid-19-resources

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by Chief Editor, Pleshette Robertson


SACRAMENTO REGION Are you a City of Sacramento resident unable to make your rent because of #COVID19? You must notify your landlord BEFORE the first of the month to be protected from evictions. Download the template delay notice here: https://bit.ly/ SacRentDelayForm. More info at https://bit.ly/SacEvictFAQ and https://bit.ly/LSNCcovidFAQ The Sacramento Labor Council has useful links with information on resources for those who have lost jobs, potential benefits and other services available due to the impacts of COVID-19. Access the information at: https:// www.sacramentolabor.org/covid-19-resources. COVID-19: Coping as a community webinar series Dr. Hendry Ton, Associate Vice Chancellor of Health Equity, Diversity and Inclusion, has launched a weekly webinar series to help the UC Davis community deal with the emotional toll of the COVID-19 pandemic. https://health.ucdavis. edu/diversity-inclusion/ Mental Health Services in Sacramento County 24/7 for Mental Health Crisis Calls (916) 875-1055 or toll free (888) 881-4881 dhs.saccounty.net/BHS/Pages/Mental-HealthServices.aspx Rapid Response Business Triage HOTLINE: 1-833-391-1919 Sacramento Asian Chamber and Sacramento Metro Chamber Launched the Rapid Response Business Triage Hotline for Small Businesses Impacted by COVID-19 The hotline provides free resources and counseling in multiple languages for the Sacramento small businesses struggling to operate in the current economic climate. https://businesstriagehotline.com/

Mortgage Relief from financial institutions The State of California is working to soften the financial impact of COVID-19 on residents who are struggling to pay their mortgage and bills. Citigroup, JP Morgan Chase, US Bank, Wells Fargo, and nearly 200 state-chartered banks, credit unions, and servicers have committed to providing relief for consumers and homeowners in California. Under the Governor’s proposal, Californians who are struggling with the COVID-19 crisis may be eligible for the following relief after contacting their financial institution. Get more info online at: https:// covid19.ca.gov/get-financial-help/ Chief Editor of THE HUB Magazine, Pleshette Robertson emphatically states: “Everyone needs to understand their rights as a homeowner. It is highly recommended that you contact your lender and keep the communication open regarding your financial hardship. You must be direct in your request in asking for a forbearance or deferment on your mortgage loan and then follow-up with a letter (send by e-mail).”

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BAY AREA theREGISTRYbayarea.com offers an excellent online resource for African American arts, culture and lifestyle with information about financial assistance for your business, guide to soul food cuisines, job announcements, and links to county, national, regional and global resources.

SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA Free COVID-19 Testing Available In partnership with the City of Los Angeles and LA County, free testing is now available to ANY LA County resident with COVID-19 symptoms. To learn more about eligibility see the flyers below or to set up an appointment visit: Coronavirus. LACITY.org/Testing

Racial Equity Tools: Racial Equity & Social Justice Resources

Protections for Renters Against Evictions

Advocacy: Contact Congress to Ask for Additional Federal Funds to Support Afterschool

Webinar: Continuity Planning During Moments of Crisis

“Shelter in Place” Resources for Educators

Emergency Grants: No Kid Hungry

Free Zoom Professional Development Webinar Series

COVID-19 eviction protections are in place for all Angelenos. Below is valuable information with answers to many of your questions. HCID LA also developed a template letter that tenants can use to communicate their inability to pay rent to their landlords.

The California School-Age Consortium (CalSAC) has an incredible list of resource links, including:


Sign up for FREE empowerment and howto webinars for entrepreneurs and business owners being conducted by the following organizations:

The State of California launched a new comprehensive, consumer-friendly website and public service announcements to boost COVID-19 awareness.

California Black Chamber of Commerce: calbcc.org

Covered California

California Capital: cacapital.org

Due to COVID-19, you can still enroll in 2020 health coverage. Are you or someone you know without health coverage and concerned about the coronavirus? You can enroll in a health plan through Covered California NOW due the coronavirus/COVID-19 crisis and may be eligible to receive financial help to help you pay your monthly premium. coveredca.com

Small Business Majority: smallbusinessmajority.com

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Participate in activities or hobbies that you enjoy, or learn a new one.

Taking care of your well-being, including your mental health, is essential during this time. Everyone reacts differently to stressful situations. Many people may experience stress, fear, anxiety, or feelings of depression. This is normal. There are things that you can do to manage your stress and anxiety:

Keep your current mental health appointments. VA offers both video and phone telemental health options that do not require you to go to your closest facility inperson should you have a medical concern or need to follow specific social distancing guidelines in your community.

Exercise regularly, try to eat well-balanced meals, and get plenty of sleep.

Limit alcohol.

Practice breathing exercises and/or meditation. VA has many free mental health apps for Veterans.

Take breaks from the news.

Stay connected with others while practicing social distancing.

Learn ways to connect with VA providers using telehealth options and schedule or reschedule your appointment online. If you are requesting a new mental health appointment, please call your local VA and they will work to arrange an appointment for you. If you need same day access for mental health services, call your local VA to request this and you will be connected to care. www.mentalhealth.va.gov/coronavirus

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STAY ENCOURAGED The risk is real for all Americans, however it has been devastating for African Americans when it comes to death rates at disproportionate rates due to or related to COVID19 diagnosis. The worst fears of everyone in the black community about the impact of the Coronavirus pandemic on black communities in America are being realized. As there have so many disturbing headlines in the news about African Americans dying of COVID-19 all over the United States in Chicago, New Orleans, Detroit, and New York. While numerous Black celebrities and activists (British actor Idris Elba and wife; Brooklyn Nets player Kevin Durant; NBA Players Rudy Gobert and Donovan Mitchell; Rapper Slim Thug; Houston Rapper Scarface, Broadway star Brian Stokes Mitchell; Gospel artist BeBe Winans; his brother and mother; and Babyface, along with family, have been diagnosed with Coronavirus, there are literally thousands of Blacks who have tested positive for COVID-19. We have many that have survived Coronavirus and those who did not successfully recover. THE HUB has started its Black Corona’ Diaries as we have and are talking with various African Americans to talk about their experience with Coronavirus, their recovery, and how COVID-19 has affected them personally, within their family, in the community, at work or in their own business.

Celebrities like Idris Elba, BeBe Winans, Babyface and Kevin Durant have recovered from Coronavirus.

The CDC found that 33% of people who’ve been hospitalized with COVID-19 are African American, yet only 13% of the U.S. population is African American. Some local communities have found a similar pattern in their data. Among the many (26) states reporting racial data on COVID-19, blacks account for 34% of COVID deaths, according to research from Johns Hopkins University. Source: Black Americans and COVID-19 Pandemic Facebook page is a tool to collect and share useful information and resources. facebook.com/Black-Americans-and-Covid-19-Pandemic-106220921060081

SURVIVING COVID-19 RESOURCE GUIDE most vulnerable are at the top of list. Check on them and check in with each other on a regular basis.


A WORD FROM BISHOP LOVELACE by Contributing Writer, Donna Michele Ramos

Bishop Parnell M. Lovelace, Jr. serves as the senior pastor of the Center of Praise Ministries of Sacramento, CA, which he founded 30 years ago. He is the author of the book, Set it Up: Planning a Healthy Pastoral Succession. THE HUB: What do you see as the impact of the Coronavirus on communities, especially the Black community? LOVELACE: Anytime a situation of this magnitude or not as large as this hits, it is always harder on the Black and Brown communities. It’s tied to misinformation, lack of information or the disparity of our access to healthcare, always affects us in a disproportionate way. We’re responsible for educating ourselves. THE HUB: How should we be dealing with this outbreak as we move forward with faith in God and Christ? LOVELACE: We should be dealing with it with a sense of hope that this is our opportunity to see the best of what encompasses our community. I was raised in Del Paso Heights, and we picked up things for your neighbor it was not just about self. If my mom went shopping and chickens were on sale, she’d tell our neighbors and sometimes she’d pick up the chicken for them. This is the opportunity for us who profess to be Christ’s followers to reconnect to who we are.The African American community as a whole was always built on adversity, and we have a resilience; our belief in God will bring us closer. THE HUB: How can we encourage and be helpful to others while dealing with job loss, business shutdowns and providing for our families? LOVELACE: We should contact, communicate and care for one another. Acknowledge people on the sick and shut in list. This is the first time in my life, everybody is on the sick and shut in list. Call, text, email each other, how are you doing? The elderly and

THE HUB: What are some of the current programs you have in place to help your members cope with COVID-19? LOVELACE: We have immediately activated a systemic approach to communicating with our congregation of nearly 3200 people, by personally calling each member and attendee. We have given particular care and support to our senior citizens and vulnerable family members. This includes providing referral for immediate supply assistance, either with inhouse or community assistance. We also are providing daily devotions and updates on other direct needs such as filing for unemployment insurance or helping people to understand the difference between a forbearance agreement and a deferment. We are continuing our partnering with local community organizations. We have immediately moved our worship and public gatherings to solely virtual platform. We have been intentional about including a weekly fast-paced, energetic, and engaging children’s online presentation, which proceeds our main online worship celebration presentations. THE HUB: For those persons that you know who have contracted Coronavirus, how have you dealt with that? LOVELACE: For persons that I personally know that are battling the Coronavirus, I have continued to encourage with the good news, that Jesus Christ is yet healing. I firmly believe that God hears the prayers of His people. Most of us have never been taught how to pray effectively and fervently. Most engage crisis management prayer. However, I submit that there is the pattern of prayer, which Jesus taught in Matthew 6:9-14. When we align our hearts with His purposes a with a spirit of humility, we will be able to not only navigate and engage physical healing. We will be able to embrace our spiritual and emotional healing personally, within our faith communities, and the entire Beloved Community. This is not the time for giving up. It’s time to hold on. n www.cop.church

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SURVIVING COVID-19 RESOURCE GUIDE THE HUB: Why did you choose to share your story?


COVID-19 HITS THE NATIONAL BLACK SKI SUMMIT by Contributing Writer, Donna Michele Ramos

THE HUB talks with a Sacramento resident who along with her husband contracted COVID-19 while attending the National Black Ski Summit held February 29 – March 7, 2020 in Sun Valley, Idaho. Sharon Sargeant mother and wife who works full time in Sacramento County and lives in West Sacramento notes the following: Who wouldn’t want to ski in such a beautiful ski town? The trip was fun and the skiing was great but a day or two after you get home you’re sick. You think it’s the flu and you soldier on. But soon you’re congested, sneezing, coughing and your throat feels like it’s on fire. It’s hard to breathe, your body hurts, you’re hot and cold and super tired. Your doctor tells you to take cold medicine. Six days later instead of getting better you’re even sicker. You are still tied to your bed, coughing and how can you be losing your hearing? What is going on?

SARGEANT: I want people to be concerned about messaging now. You don’t have fever all the time. No fever isn’t an indicator. I had stomach issues with vomiting and diarrhea. I want people to understand this virus is deadly. I know a lot of people and I saw some of my friends weren’t taking this virus seriously. THE HUB: Being recovered, you don’t have to worry about getting the virus again, right? SARGEANT: No, because I beat the first round doesn’t mean a second round won’t hit my body. The doctors said they cannot guarantee survivors won’t get it again. Since my husband and I had it, we’re praying our daughter does not contract it. I’ve never prayed to God as much as I’ve prayed since returning home from the trip. THE HUB: You and your husband both contracted the Coronavirus and recovered. Do you know how many fellow skiers got the virus? SARGEANT: There were over 600 people on the ski trip; more than 200 got sick when they got home. At least 10 people I know were hospitalized from this in California. Unfortunately, four people passed away. One of them was a close friend of mine, my mentor. People ask why did you go on the trip? We left on 2/29/20 and there was nothing saying don’t go, don’t travel. Our organization didn’t have any information.

Now you hear some of the people that were on the ski trip with you are sick and some are getting tested for COVID-19. You call your doctor again. You go in and test positive for coronavirus. This is confusing because you don’t have a fever. Several of your friends are in the hospital, some are in ICU. You get well at home because you were fortunate and the virus didn’t attack your respiratory system. But it still took 21 days of fighting to test negative and be cleared by the Sacramento Public Health Office. The doctors can’t answer your questions about will your hearing return if you can you get COVID-19 again?

THE HUB: Do you know how many people from the ski trip have recovered from COVID-19?

On top of this, the town in Blaine County, Idaho where you contracted the disease tries to blame it on your group by saying you are the reason they now have it. They have since retracted that statement but the nerve of them doing that when you got sick because you went to their town where they passed it on to you and your group.

THE HUB: Anything that you’d like to add?

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SARGEANT: Over 20 to 30 people that I know personally have recovered. I don’t have information on the skiers that went to the states they live in. I urge people to take this virus seriously. Some people aren’t homebodies and go bonkers in the house but the only way to avoid this virus is to stay home. You have to keep from being exposed to it. On the positive side, the outpouring of help I’ve received has me very grateful.

SARGEANT: I hope people complaining about being home take this seriously. Stop ignoring social distancing warnings. Don’t go out unnecessarily. If you don’t think about your health, think about the health of your loved ones. You can show no signs of the virus and pass it on to others. This virus is real and doesn’t care that you’re bored and it does not respect boundaries.

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THE HUB: How has COVID-19 impacted you? GREENE: This virus has impacted me personally and physically, because I am a carrier of the virus. During the time of me being ill, my grandfather passed. My grandmother asked me to come stay with her, but of course I wasn’t able to. And that was hard. No one in my immediate family has the virus. But so many that are close to me has it, and some have passed away, and it has been a challenge for everyone. I am apart of the COGIC (Church of God in Christ) and we have lost so many of our bishops, First Ladies, administrators, etc. due to this virus. So it has really impacted all areas of our lives. THE HUB: Challenges faced during your recovery? GREENE: There are many challenges that come with this virus. 1. You are basically left to figure this thing out on your own. There is no medication, no treatment and no antidote to treat this virus. So it’s really a guessing game. The doctors will give you medication to treat other symptoms, but nothing to specifically treat Covid19. 2. BREATHING was/ is a huge challenge for me. This virus attacks the respiratory system, which makes it sometimes hard to breathe properly. And you can’t go to the hospital to get breathing treatments, so they supply you with a breathing machine for your home. Sometimes it was impossible to breathe, and at the moments I thought I was going to die. I would pray and ask God not to allow me to die in this house alone. And because it got so bad at times, I literally sleep with my fan on. So that way if I do pass in my sleep, the fan will keep my body cool and I won’t decay before I am found. That was my thinking. I spend most days just sitting because a trip to the bathroom, could be too much. My outings include a trip to the mailbox or the garbage can outside, and most times I would become winded. Turning over in my sleep would even cause me to lose my breathe. 3. Another challenge is trying to stay positive, while there is so much negativity around concerning the virus. And so much death. And so sometimes it was a challenge to stay positive and keep the faith. A lot of days I would have distance myself from social media and news sources. Social media sometimes would frustrate me, because everyone had their theory as to why some

caught the virus. Some believed it was punishment from God, or it was witchcraft. Some said it is the poor man’s disease. The list of ignorance goes on and on. 4. Another challenge was/ is not being able to have human contact. Literally they would put what ever they have in my trunk or leave it by my front gate. There was no walking to the front door, because they were afraid. And I totally understand. I never took it personal. And I am a hugger and I love being around those I cherish, so that has been a hard part as well. I’m dealing with this alone, but I’m not alone if that makes sense. God is always here comforting me. And people check on me all day, everyday. THE HUB: What do you want others to know about COVID-19? GREENE: 1. It’s REAL. It’s not a joke. It’s not a myth. And it needs to be taken seriously. 2. No one is EXEMPT from this. This virus doesn’t exclude blacks. It attacks all social and economic classes. 3. Do not ignore symptoms. Pay attention to your body. If you don’t feel right get tested before it is too late. 4. There are people surviving and beating this daily. I am a living testimony. Has it been hard? Yes. Did I want to give up? Absolutely. But if I tell you, God was a keeper and a mind regulator through this whole process. I don’t have a sad story. I wasn’t depressed. I spent more days laughing then I did crying. God gave me such a peace that surpassed all of my natural understanding. Reminding me even in this, He will get the glory out of my life. And He promised to walk this thing out with me. Never leaving or forsaking me. But being by my side as I make my way to the finish line. I am coming out of this VICTORIOUS. Coming out so much better, stronger and wiser than I went in. And for that alone I am grateful. I AM AN OVERCOMER. n Greene contracted the Coronavirus in March and our conversations with THE HUB started in early April after we connected with her via Facebook about sharing her story. Connect with Theresa Greene at: facebook.com/theresa.greene.9461

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RELENTLESS SERVICE DURING COVID-19 by Chief Editor, Pleshette Robertson

D’Wayne A. Wells is currently employed with Emory University Hospital in Atlanta, Georgia and has been with Emory a little over a year. Prior to that he was with Fersinious Vascular Care for 7 years. Wells has worked in the medical field since 1989 in several operating rooms and emergency rooms in California, Kentucky, and Atlanta. He is a Certified Surgical Technologist and obtained his training from Stanford University in Palo Alto, California. He was born in Chicago and raised in Louisville, Kentucky and East Palo Alto, California. I noticed Wells’ post in a Facebook group (Hometown of EPA) as he talked about how being off for 3 days was awesome. THE HUB: How has COVID-19 impacted you personally and your family? GREENE: COVID-19 has impacted me on so many levels because it’s taught me and reaffirmed just how precious life truly is, and how in the blink of an eye it can be taken away. It’s impacting my family because I’m super concerned about my father who resides in California and he is an 80-year-old cancer survivor, and he’s at a high risk, in a state where the Coronavirus is seriously running rampant. I’m further impacted by the Coronavirus because I now have my oldest son and third grandchild who was born in New York City that isn’t even a month old yet! I really can’t wait to see her. n Connect with D’Wayne A. Wells at: facebook.com/dwayne.wells.16

About the Virus The 2019–20 coronavirus pandemic is a pandemic of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) caused by the severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARSCoV-2). The disease was first identified in Wuhan, Hubei, China in December 2019.

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THINGS TO DO WHILE YOU ARE AT HOME: • Read actual books with your children or audio

• Think about new ideas on how to solve some

• • • • • • • •

• Come up with a new service and/or product

books in your room via earphones Explore new cooking recipes

that people need and/or want

Write or compose new music

• Draw, paint, color with the kids • Create clothing patterns and sew up a new

Starting writing your new book or memoir Start your new vision plan for 2020-21

design collection

Plant a garden Create a vision board for your dream business Spend time with family Do 10-30 minutes of cardio exercises indoors or outdoors; take a walk or jog in your neighborhood

• Play board games, cards, dominoes with your parents, children or siblings

• Learn something new on a youtube video –

• Declutter, organize your closet, your room, and/or garage

• Remember to eat responsibly and drink lots of water

• Check in with family member daily • You can still complete the U.S. Census 2020

form that just arrived by mail either by phone or by mail – californiacensus.org

• Review and study stock market losses; learn

e.g. - how–to video

• Start writing your business plan if you don’t have one

of these world issues or local problems

more about whether you should be buying stocks when the market crashes and stocks are at an all time low.

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GENEROSITY AT THE 100TH POWER OF GIVING TRUE BLESSINGS in the midst of a monstrosity of COVID-19 chaos. LOOK at some of what has happened in the name of generosity and true giving spirit in Sacramento and beyond!

Brooklyn Landlord Cancels Rent For Hundreds Of Tenants To Make Sure Everyone Has Money For Food Source: https://www.unilad.co.uk/news/brooklynlandlord-cancels-rent-for-hundreds-of-tenants-tomake-sure-everyone-has-money-for-food

Serving hundreds of families every Saturday morning offering free bags of groceries at South Sacramento Christian Center under the leadership of Pastor Les Simmons

‘Atlanta Angel’ Tyler Perry Paid For Seniors’ Groceries At More Than 70 Stores The actor, writer and director purchased goods for elderly shoppers at 44 Kroger stores in Atlanta and 29 Winn-Dixie stores in Louisiana. Source: https://www.huffpost.com/entry/tyler-perry-coronavirusgroceries_n_5e8dfd7fc5b670b4330a4264?

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Shout out to SOJO Museum...

“SNL” star Michael Che pays rent for 160 public housing residents in building where his grandmother lived.

in its relentless devotion to the South Sacramento community in providing SOJO Museum Virtual Pop Up activities that included free meal pick ups and reading activities for children as well as delivery to senior apartments. SOJO Museum othewise known as the Sojourner Truth African American Museum under the leadership of Founder - Shonna McDaniels. Visit sojoartsmuseum.org Source: https://www.facebook.com/shonna.mcdaniels

“Saturday Night Live” star Michael Che says he will pay a month of rent for residents of the same New York City public housing building his late grandmother lived in. During last weekend of April 11th episode of SNL, the “Weekend Update” co-host revealed she died from COVID-19.

Roberts Family Development Center: MASKS & MEAL GIVEAWAYS to families in North Sacramento robertsfdc.org

Source: https://www.wbtv.com/2020/04/17/ snl-star-michael-che-pays-rent-public-housingresidents-building-where-his-grandmother-lived/

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NAVIGATING BLACK CALIFORNIA Directory of Black MEDIA News Groups in California Black Voice News blackvoicenews.com California Black Media cablackmedia.org Inland Valley News inlandvalleynews.com LA Focus ourweekly.com West Side Story Newspaper westsidestorynewspaper.com Bakersfield News Group facebook.com/bakersfieldnewsobserver

Compton Herald comptonherald.org

Sacramento Observer sacobserver.com

Inglewood News Today inglewoodtoday.com

OnMe News onmenews.com

San Bernardino American sbamerican.com

L.A. Sentinel lasentinel.net

Pace Newspaper pacenewsonline.com

San Francisco Bay View sfbayview.com

L.A. Watts Times lawattstimes.com

Pasadena Journal pasadenajournal.com

Sun Reporter sunreporter.com

The Oakland Post oaklandpostonline.com

Precinct Reporter precinctreporter.com

Tri County Sentry tricountysentry.com


kjlhradio.com • Bay Area - KBLX 102.9 FM kblx.com • Sacramento - KDEE 97.5 FM kdeefm.org • Central Valley - 1001.FM Mega 100 mega100fm.iheart.com

THE HUB’s Favorite Nationwide Black News Groups • • • •

Essence.com TheGrio.com BlackDoctor.org HelloBeautiful.com

• Huffpost.com/Voices/Black-Voices • Sisters from AARP - sistersletter.com • The African History Network


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NAVIGATING BLACK CALIFORNIA Directory of BLACK ASSOCIATION GROUPS in the Greater Sacramento Valley Region and Beyond 100 Black Men of Sacramento 100bmsac.org

National Coalition of 100 Black Women, Sacramento Chapter sacramentoncbw.org

African-Americans for Balanced Health aabh.net

National Council of Negro Women, Sacramento Chapter svsncnw.org

Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. norcal-alphas1906.com Black American Political Association of California (BAPAC) bapacsd.org Black Sistahs Making Friends facebook.com/groups/1091392134541999

Roberts Family Development Center robertsfdc.org Sacramento ACT sacact.org Sacramento Area Black Caucus facebook.com/sacramentoarea.blackcaucus

Black Small Business Association of California facebook.com/BSBACA

Sacramento Area Black Golf Club sabgc.org

Black Women for Wellness www.bwwla.org

Sacramento Area Black Caucus facebook.com/sacramentoarea.blackcaucus

Black Women Organized for Political Action (BWOPA) bwopatileleads.org

Sacramento Black Chamber of Commerce sacblackchamber.org

California Black Chamber of Commerce calbcc.org

Sacramento Chapter of The Links sacramentolinksinc.org

California Legisative Black Caucus blackcaucus.legislature.ca.gov

Sacramento Chapter of the NAACP facebook.com/SacNAACP

Centers for Fathers & Families cffsacramento.org

Sacramento Kappa Psi Zeta Chapter of Zeta Phi Beta sacramentozetas.org

Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. Sacramento Alumnae Chapter sacramentoalumnaedst.org

Sacramento Realtist Association sacramentorealtist.com

Elk Grove Chapter, Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. dstegac.org

Sacramento Sister Circle facebook.com/groups/TheSisterCircle

Eta Gamma Omega Chapter of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc., Sacramento Chapter etagammaomega.org

Sojourner Truth African American Heritage Museum sojoartsmuseum.org

Greater Sacramento Urban League gsul.org

Voices of Youth voiceoftheyouth.com

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THINGS TO DO, PLACES TO GO For more events in Sacramento and beyond, go to www.sacculturalhub.com and list your event for free online.

ADVERTISER INDEX OF HUB PARTNERS To advertise inTHE HUB Magazine, e-mail contact@sacculturalhub.com or call (916) 234-3589 ANOTHER LOOK HAIR SALON www.anotherlookhairsalon.com CALIFORNIA BLACK CHAMBER OF COMMERCE www.calbcc.org CALIFORNIA CENSUS www.californiacensus.org COLEMAN COMMUNICATIONS www.michaelpcoleman.com CRYSTAL’S HAIR SALON 916.549.8972 DOUBLE TAKE HAIR GALLERY www.facebook.com/tavia.jenkins DR. EPHRAIM WILLIAMS FAMILY LIFE CENTER www.flcsac.org FORTUNE SCHOOL www.fortuneschooL.us GOREE & THOMPSON REAL ESTATE www.goreeandthompson.com GOT MUSCLE HEALTH CLUB www.got-muscle.com JAMES THE BARBER AND STYLIST (916) 514-2539

For the who, what, and where stay updated online with our EVENTS page and sign up to receive THE HUB’s URBAN WEEKLY e-newsletter www.sacculturalhub.com/events www.sacculturalhub.com/entertainment/ urban-weekly | 4 6 | T H E  H U B MA G A Z I N E

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KDEE 97.FM www.kdeefm.org MIXED INSTITUTE OF COSMETOLOGY www.mix-ed.com MONDAVI CENTER AT UC DAVIS www.mondaviarts.org SHEILA’S SOLUTIONS www.sheilasolutions.com TERRY SPEED, D.D.S. www.terrispeeddds.com THE GOSPEL VINE www.thegospelvine.com UC DAVIS ucdavis.edu/admissions/undergraduate UC DAVIS OFFICE OF CAMPUS COMMUNITY RELATIONS http://occr.ucdavis.edu

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I sit next to the governor of the fifth largest economy in the world going, ‘Hmmm, I used to be in South Sac.’ And I tell my story because, just like me, they’re there, but you have to find them. With a little bit of effort, you can find a lot of those young people who are waiting to be tapped in terms of their potential.

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