Fall'16 issue 10

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Hudsonian Hud. Hudsonian



The Hudsonian is now faced with a challenge that is not new, but has grown in intensity in the past weeks.


OFFICIAL ST UDENT NEW are in danger of losing compensa- built throughout the years. This means that SPAPtion ERWe forO ourFmembers. Student Senate is the campus is less informed about upcoming HUDTheSO N students ALLEcampus looking to eliminate payment for allV events, in administration and Y CO Mchanges M Student N IT YC funded through their organization after this the workings of the U Senate. The Onews LLEGE academic year, however they have discussed the Hudsonian covers allows students to get keeping compensation for their own editorial board even as others lose the ability to get paid. Without the Hudsonian, there will be no other media outlet covering Hudson Valley campus news with the timeliness that a weekly, college-centered paper provides.The amount of time it takes to write stories, take photos and put together a paper each week is stressful for students trying to balance their academics and a social life, and without financial compensation, we have several members who will have to leave our paper to get jobs to support themselves. The loss of personnel and talent will cause a subsequent decrease in the quality of our paper, and we will not be able to cover news to the standard the Hudsonian has

the most out of their college experiences, become more involved on campus and understand the new college policies that affect their everyday lives. Though we have presented our case to the Senate’s editorial board several times, they have not been receptive to our arguments. We now believe that our only chance is to garner support from our readers from the student, faculty and staff, and so we would like to request that you consider signing our petition. The link is provided on our website, or you can find the link through our Facebook or Twitter pages. We thank you in advance for your support!



Pride of Our Nation Hudson Valley is honoring its veterans with the opening of the sixth annual Pride of Our Nation exhibit.

Story on page: NEWS


Volume 70, Issue 10 Nov. 15 - Nov. 22, 2016 www.thehudsonian.org FREE | Extra Copies, 25 cents

Story on page: NEWS



The Hudsonian Editorial Board


Daniel Kusky Profile

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November 15, 2016


This Week’s Events

Tue 15

Yoga 12:00 pm – 12:50 pm Siek Campus Center, Suite 270 Mindfulness Meditation 12:00 pm – 12:30 pm Siek Campus Center, Room 220 (Interfaith Prayer Room) Heart Beatz: Therapeutic Drumming 11:00 am – 11:50 am Siek Campus Center, Room 270 Transfer Advisor Visit: Siena College 9:30 am – 2:30 pm Siek Campus Center, Room 290

Wed 16

Instant Admit Day 8:00 am – 6:00 pm Guenther Enrollment Services Center, Room 223 Transfer Advisor Visit: SUNY Potsdam 9:00 am – 3:00 pm Siek Campus Center, Room 290 Seafood for Keeps 12:00 pm – 12:50 pm BTC Auditorium Lobby

Mindfulness Thurs Guided Meditation Practice am – 10:30 am 17 10:00 Siek Campus Center, Suite 270

Fine Arts and Digital Media Faculty Artist Talk with Thomas Lail 12:00 pm – 12:45 pm BTC Auditorium Game Day: Reaction Challenge 1:00 pm – 2:00 pm In front of Hudson Hall

Fri 18

Musicians of Ma’Alwyck: Celebrating Musical Genius 12:00 pm – 12:50 pm BTC Auditorium


Kathleen Patrick Scholarship available to nursing students By: Tea’ Claus Staff Writer

As of last week, the new Kathleen Patrick Scholarship has been established in memory of former student Kathleen Patrick. Patrick was a nursing student and caretaker of three children in her late 20’s when she attended Hudson Valley. She started going to school before for nursing, but she had to leave to take care of her family. Patrick recently passed away, and in her honor, her family created the Kathleen Patrick Scholarship. The scholarship starts out at $500, then, when fully endowed, could be up to $25,000. Patrick’s daughter, Peggy Patrick said, “We decided that estab-

lishing this would be something she would be proud of, passing along an opportunity to an older student who might be in the same circumstances she was in at the time - working, going to school and maybe raising a family.” To be eligible for the scholarship, students must be at least 25 years old and have the extra responsibility of raising a family. While there are many nursing students on Hudson Valley’s campus, this scholarship only applies to students that fit this criteria. Andy Hayes, a nursing student, said, “I don’t have a family to take care of, so it really doesn’t apply to me.” Mary Ellen Bressette, a nursing student, is eligible for the scholarship due to caring for her two children. Students agree that this scholarship could be of assis-


Nursing students practice on a dummy.

tance for the students who really need it. Isabella Kadzinuratoric, a nursing major, said, “The people who would be eligible for the scholarship would benefit because they have a busy life with children. Children are expensive, and they benefit because they have the extra money to pay for school, and they wouldn’t have to worry about paying their school bill.” Amie Gammel, a nursing

major, said, “It’s a good idea, a lot of people who come into the program have kids and would qualify for it and every little bit counts when you actually have to pay for your classes.” Bressette continued, “I think it could definitely help out because as we progress through the nursing program, there’s less and less time for us to be outside of class to work and to study, and be a parent, so it would definitely help.”

Veterans share their experiences with students

thrilled to enlist. “In July 1943, I finished my internship as a dietician. I had four years of college in and an internship that finished right in the middle of the war. I had no question that I wanted to join the service, and I wanted overseas duty,” Clark said. Clark was sent overseas and was stationed in Algeria, Africa. Clark was also sent to serve in Pistoia, Italy. While she was overseas she served in multiple hospitals, caring for the troops in need of care. By: Julio Rodriguez Clark said, “I had no basic training or anything like that. I was a Creative Editor second lieutenant, and they took us right in because they needed medical service. I was in a big army hospital, and at one point in January Veterans who served as far back as World War II told their stories of ‘44, we had about 1,500 patients in our hospital. Our hospital was a during the Veteran round table this past Thursday. place where they were shipped back to the States. It was a good experiThe event opened with the Pledge of Allegiance, a moment of si- ence, and I’m proud to have served.” lence and an explanation of the significance of Veterans Day. Veterans “It’s the best choice I’ve ever made. I’ve gotten many many benefits Day commemorates the end of the Great War, out of it. I’ve even learned to use a computer at or World War I. 95 years of age. I have had three six-week periThere was a cutting and sharing of cake to ods over at West Haven, Connecticut VA where commence the event and celebrate the birthday they train the low vision and blind students to of the Marines as a whole. The youngest and the use computers because I am legally blind,” said oldest marines took the first tastes of the cake. Clark. The oldest got to cut, and eat the first bite. The Clark was accompanied by a companion to oldest then passed it onto the youngest mavisit the WWII memorial in Washington D.C. rine. The following was done on marine bases through a program to honor veterans for their throughout the country on Veterans day. service. The local program that makes these Veterans Day was originally called Armiflights possible is the Patriot Flight organizaPHOTO BY VINNY CROCE | HUDSONIAN tion. Anyone can donate to the site to show stice Day, which was recognized every year on Nov. 11 to mark the armistice. It was signed be- Veterans roundtable gives students the oppurtu- their support. nity to learn about veterans’ experiences. tween the allies of World War I and Germany Army-man and first-year student Tommy for the cessation of hostilities on the Western Front of World War I. Henderson referred to himself as the “Lieutenant Dan” of the group However, the initiation of World War II meant that the holiday had of Veterans. Henderson referenced to himself as the Lieutenant from to be renamed, so President Eisenhower renamed the holiday Veterans Forrest Gump because of his family’s long line of history in the military. Day in 1954. Henderson’s family’s service dates back to World War I. Before his The holiday holds significance to many who have served and time in the military, Henderson did not feel proud of himself, but his whose family members have served to help keep those at home safe time in the service changed his perspective. from dangers. “The main emotions I feel are pride and honor. I’m very proud not Betty Clark was the oldest member of the group of Veterans in only for myself, but also for my brothers and sisters in uniform, both attendance. Clark served as a U.S. Army Lieutenant in World War II. those that are here and those that are gone. The military is big on traClark always knew she wanted to go into the military, and she was SEE VETERAN PAGE 3


High/Low 51/41 The Hudsonian Hudson Valley Community College 80 Vandenburgh Ave. Troy, NY 12180 Phone: 518-629-7568 Email: hudsonian@hvcc.edu Editorial Policy All views expressed in this paper are those of the author, and not necessarily those of the The Hudsonian or the College.

High/Low 53/38 Editor-in-Chief Rebecca Jordan Managing Editor Jenny Caulfield Business Manager Tyler Betzwieser Copy Editor Shelby Collins Layout Editor Mike Schaefer

THURSDAY High/Low 54/36 News Editor Anthony O’Connell Creative Editor Julio Rodriguez Sports Editor Skylar Blankenship Photo Editor Mikey Bryant Web Editor Richard Bonomo

FRIDAY High/Low 55/36 Junior Editors Dylan Haugen Staff Writers Zoe Deno Tea’ Claus Setodzi Avoke Staff Photographers Vinny Croce Isaac Kautz Faculty Adviser Rachel Bornn

SATURDAY High/Low 57/42 Letters to the Editor Letters can be delivered to CTR 291 or emailed to hudsonian@ hvcc.edu. Readers may have their letters published anonymously as long as their identity can be verified. Letters will be edited for grammar, style, libel and length.

SUNDAY High/Low 44/36

The Hudsonian is the exclusive student newspaper of Hudson Valley Community College. It is published every week. To join The Hudsonian, attend our weekly meeting on Mondays at 2 p.m. in ADM 107.

November 15, 2016



Pride of Our Nation By: Rebecca Jordan Editor-in-Chief

Hudson Valley is honoring its veterans with the opening of the sixth annual Pride of Our Nation exhibit. “For these men are lately drawn from ways of peace. The fight not for the lust of conquest. They fight to end conquest. They fight to liberate. They fight to let justice arise and tolerance and goodwill among all Thy people. They yearn but for the end of battle, for their return to the haven of home,” said President Franklin D. Roosevelt during his D-Day prayer he gave on June 6, 1944. The quote is featured above the portraits of many Hudson Valley veterans and was chosen as the motto for this year’s exhibit. The exhibit features American service men and women from wars throughout the nation’s history who are immediate family members or ancestors of current Hudson Valley students, faculty, or staff members. The collection of photographs and artifacts has expanded to over 100 photographs since the first Pride of Our Nation exhibit in 2010. The exhibit officially opened on Nov. 10 in the Marvin Library Troy Savings Bank Atrium with a traditional cutting of the cake cer-

emony and will run until Dec. 7. Many family members of the service men and women displayed attended the reception. Joseph Hollner, an environmental sciences major served from 2010 to 2014 in the Navy, was wearing his dress blues to the ceremony. “[The exhibit] kind of gives you a different perspective on the military as opposed to what the media tells us. It’s really nice because if [students] have any questions, then they can come and ask us.” Carrie Farley, president of the New York state Gold-Star Mothers, was also in attendance.

“There’s a war going on, and most don’t know it. It’s very simple: We have a lot of Americans who have given of their time and their lives for the freedom of this country. And a lot of people, if it doesn’t affect them, they’re just not aware of it. It isn’t even just the sacrifices, it’s just the time and dedication of giving.” A Gold-Star Mother is a mother who has lost a child to combat. Her son, Derek Farley, was a graduate from Hudson Valley who was killed in Afghanistan in 2010. His uniform and boots are on display each year.



dition. If it wasn’t for these gentlemen here, the traditions they passed onto us wouldn’t still be around,” said Henderson. David Vatca served in the Marine Corps during the Vietnam War. It was common for soldiers’ dog tags to have holes in them, so that they could place them in their mouths for identification purposes. Vatca’s dog tags did not contain a hole in them. Vatca says he felt a sense of luck for 13 months and two days. “It was exactly 50 years ago today that I left Vietnam to come home. So today is a double celebration for me,” he said. “I think about all Veterans that didn’t come back, especially two buddies I had that never came back. Every time I go to Washington and see their names on the wall, I think to myself, ‘What a waste.’ I can say that from my heart,” said Vatca. Vatca believes that honoring and respecting Veterans should be a priority for all Americans. Vatca was spit on at San Francisco International airport, however he didn’t retaliate with violence, and he was able to find his wife and live a happy life.


Student walks through the Pride of Our Nation exibit in the Marvin Library.

“This is the finest country in the world,” Farley continued. “Right now with getting done with the election, there’s a lot of negativity going on. How can you go back and forth and be angry? Look at the pride and the people in these uniforms and what they gave to this country.” One picture featured in the display illustrates the account of how the Hudson Valley flag was carried into Afghanistan in Oct. 2012 by members of the New York National Guard. “This school was built for veterans coming out of World

War II, so it’s important to acknowledge the legacy,” said Michael Jarvis, a biological sciences major who served in the Army for three years. Louis Coplin, director of student life, attended the exhibit because his father, who served in the Korean conflict, is featured. “I’m a huge history buff, and it’s very emotional for me and others to be a part of an exhibit that honors our veterans, family members and those who are no longer here,” he said. “It’s very comforting that the college offers this type of a program.”

Business administration student Taylor Barton Carrozza has realized something after listening to the veterans speak about their experiences. “It definitely showed me how much the holiday means to them and how important it is,” said Carrozza. Carrozza felt grateful to the Veterans in attendance. Carrozza said, “They risked their lives to give us the freedom that we have, and I appreciate that very much.”

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November 15, 2016



By: Jenny Caulfield Managing Editor

Presidential-elect Donald Trump made history as the first president since 1940 to be elected by a major party without having any military or political experience. Trump, who won the electoral vote and the presidency on Nov. 9, will be sworn is as the 45th President of the U.S. in Jan. 2017. It was a historic election between Trump and Democratic presidential nominee Secretary Hillary Clinton. Clinton was the first woman elected by a major party in U.S. history as a presidential candidate. The country, as well as Hudson Valley students, seem to be divided on the aftermath of this year’s presidential election, but agree this is an election that will never be forgotten. “This election is definitely one that will go down in the history books,” said environmental science major Ben Duell. “I’m incredibly disappointed in the results of the election, but not particularly surprised,” said liberal arts major Grace Sgambettera. Sgambettera believes that Trump’s perseverance towards his presidency led to his immense following and supporters, which guaranteed him the win with minimal qualification. While Clinton wasn’t a strong candidate either, Sgambettera feels Clinton is more qualified to hold the position. Renee Piazza, a fine arts major, is scared of the results of Trump as the presidential elect and also supported the Clinton campaign. “I am incredibly disappointed in the election because I stayed up late to see the results and to see that an actual bag of garbage

covered in cheeto dust is our president,” said Piazza. Piazza, who is in favor of protesting and plans to attend a protest this January in Washington D.C., is hoping Clinton winning the popular vote can somehow change the election results. Piazza said, “I’d rather have someone who may be a little bit corrupted versus someone who has had zero experience and es-

ton, is angered by Trump’s policies and stances on race, immigration, gay rights, health care and low income communities. Although he disagrees with Trump’s stance on these issues, Boese finds more distress from those who refused to vote. “Those who chose not to execute their right to vote are more problematic to this country than any ideology.” Despite this, Boese respects

Although Kelly didn’t vote in the election, he is open to being shown by Trump that he has what it takes to be president. Duell also did not vote in the election, he is happy overall with the results of the presidential election. “I was leaning a little towards Trump because I like his policies on immigration, and I like his personality in the way that he’s

sentially decided to run for president as a hobby because he has money. At least she’s not a rapist, at least she’s not xenophobic and at least she’s not racist.” Adam Boese, a fine arts major, was also disappointed in the results, but found a majority of his disappointment stemming from those who did not vote in the election. “Choosing not to vote means that black communities, gay rights, immigrants and the direction of our nation mean less to you than the 10 minutes it takes to vote, and that is disgusting,” said Boese. Boese, who voted for Clin-

the draw from Trump supporters to vote. “Although I vehemently disagree with Trump’s stance on these issues on every level, at least Trump supporters cared enough about these issues to vote.” David Kelly is a liberal arts major that decided not to vote in the presidential election. “People always say it’s your constitutional right to vote, well, I feel like it’s the freedom that I have to not vote,” said Kelly. Kelly did not like either Trump or Clinton, so felt he would be better to not vote at all. “They always say the lesser of two evils. Why do I need to pick between an evil?”

not afraid to say what’s on his mind. He’s not the typical politician and we’ve been stuck in a rut of just politicians for a long time,” said Duell. Victoria Dellarocco, a computer information systems major, is a proud Trump supporter who is excited for the future of the country. “I wanna see something new and see how it works out,” said Dellarocco. Dellarocco feels this election was one-sided towards politicians, and that many people wouldn’t give Trump a chance due to him not being a politician. “I think [the election] is very one-sided towards politicians,


and I think they don’t give people that are not politicians a chance like Donald Trump. I think people did not give him a chance, and the media is portraying a false person that’s not even there.” Dellarocco also agreed with Trump on some of his policy ideas like immigration. “I liked his policy about immigration. I think everyone that came into [America] should come in legally, like my ancestors who came in from Ellis Island, and not take away jobs.” Content with the election results, Dellarocco is not scared to call herself a Trump supporter. “Once [people] think that you’re a Trump fan, they think you’re racist, which is it totally wrong. I’m not racist, I just believe in his policies and how he wants to change America and make it better again,” said Dellarocco. Additionally, Dellarocco finds people who only voted for Clinton because she is a woman irritating. “There needs to be another reason why you’re voting for her besides that she’s a woman. Because she is different than Donald Trump in sex doesn’t mean you should just vote for her.” Daniel Kusky, an engineering major, was originally in favor of Johnson, but casted his vote for Clinton. Although disappointed, Kusky is keeping an open mind. “Something to remember about Trump being president is that some of the most liberal policies have come from the most conservative governments,” said Kusky. Tom Connolly, an individual studies major who voted for Third Party candidate Gary Johnson, doesn’t like the results of this presidential election, but feels the response from the country is far worse. “I think the people that are crying over the results are acting like complete children that lost their little league game,” said Con-


November 15, 2016



Dan “the money man” Kusky By: Zoe Deno Staff Writer

Student Senate treasurer Daniel Kusky uses his drive for success to lead the financial and executive functionings of the Student Senate. “I joined the Student Senate because Hudson Valley has done quite a bit for me, and what I discovered about Student Senate is that it is where I could give back to the students,” said Kusky. Kusky believes that the Student Senate offered him something that he now values greatly. The Student Senate treasurer was able to find and utilize many of the resources offered to students at Hudson Valley. Kusky said, “When people come here, it is a two-year school, so they leave very quickly and don’t really realize the resources we have to offer. I’ve found a lot of those resources, and they’ve helped me immensely.” Kusky hopes that students will utilize the same resources that helped him. “I joined so I could help inform other students of the resources Hudson Valley has to offer them,” said Kusky. Kusky is grateful for his time at Hudson Valley because it jumpstarted his efforts to pursue his as-

pirations in life. “I was raised an but to meet with the rest of the ex- team to discuss issues and come Orthodox Jew, so I never had a ecutive members and just discuss up with initiatives.” secular education. So a few years things as a whole,” said Kusky. “I [also] review the financial ago, I got my GED and statements I get. We get came to Hudson Valley a lot of fund requests, to start secular studies,” so I go over them and said Kusky. just make sure that ev“So from that point erything is reasonable until where I am right in that club’s budget. now is my biggest acIt’s not that difficult of a complishment because system,” said Kusky. I desire to be an engiKusky wants to neer and that was not improve upon the “simpossible without math ple” system. “I want to and a secular educaset in place good treation,” said Kusky. surer’s methods for Hudson Valley the future treasurers. helped Kusky in purI know SUNY Student suing his aspirations, Assembly has a treahowever, the Senator surer, and he made a does have some regrets financial committee,” pertaining to his time at said Kusky. Hudson Valley. The Senator enjoys “[My biggest reorganizing events and gret] is that I didn’t find understanding how [the Student Senate] things work. He enjoys until later on in my making certain that PHOTO BY DYLAN HAUGEN | HUDSONIAN time here. I was here for everything is in order. Student Senate treasurer Daniel Kusky wants to set probably a year before I He also shows a great in place methods for future Senate treasurers. found the Senate, so if interest in the workings I had found it sooner of the financial side of I probably could have organizations. done a lot more, and I would have Kusky has the added respon“It’s a committee that is gobeen in a better place to under- sibility of dealing with the mon- ing to be treasurers of multiple stand my position,” said Kusky. etary and executive functionings SUNY schools who will discuss Last year, Kusky was elected of the Student Senate. Kusky said, good treasurer’s methods and as the Student Senate treasurer. “I’m not only doing treasurer ways to set systems in place so “My role as an executive board and money-type things. I’m also that the following years will move member is not only as treasurer, working with the e-board as a smoothly,” said Kusky.

Students struggle to cope with the winter weather By: Zoe Deno Staff Writer

From hoodies to seat warmers, students discuss how they stay warm in the cold winter weather. For liberal arts student Garrick Johnson, staying warm can begin as early as waking up. “My room never gets particularly cold ,but when [his room] does get cold it is painfully cold.” Johnson said, “Usually what I do is that I will lay there for a few minutes and assess the situation and determine if it is warm enough to get up without doing anything special. If it isn’t, I will typically get up as fast as I can, and I’ll put on my hoodie.” “If it is exceptionally cold outside as well, then my biggest challenge is to just [get to] the car as quickly as I can and just sit there for a few minutes to let the seat get warm without having to experience the torment of trying to go places while cold,” said Johnson. “Heated seats in the wintertime are a huge luxury,” said Johnson. Johnson tries his best to work with what he has when it comes to


Students have a hard time deciding to bundle up for cold mornings or warm afternoons.

the cold weather. Students should consider layering up, and peeling off those layers later in the day as it gets warmer. Marketing student Jonathan Carter will usually drink coffee in the morning to try and keep himself warm. The warmth of the coffee can help keep things feeling toasty. Carter said, “Handwarmers are definitely a plus when it starts to get colder.” When we wake up in the morning, our body temperature

is typically around 96.8 degrees Fahrenheit. Our body temperature lowers because of the lack of movement during sleep, so bundling up can assist in keeping everything warm. Carter also recommends covering exposed skin to help keep your body temperature regulated. “Maybe even a scarf, you know, something to just help out with keeping your body temperature at your core warmth.” Biotechnology student David

Robinson said he doesn’t do much to stay warm in the morning. “I just put on a jacket.” He said that as the day goes on he will sometimes take off his coat and drag it around with him on campus. Students who want to avoid lugging around a jacket can also walk out to their cars to drop them off. Robinson has walked out to his car to leave it there so that way he wouldn’t have to carry it around. Noah O’Brien layers to stay


Kusky believes his experience as treasurer will help him with his degree, and also to get a job as a project manager in the future. “[Getting a secular education] was something that seemed unachievable to me quite a few years ago. Five years ago, I never would have thought this was possible, so the fact that I could do it now is probably the driving factor for why I’m doing it,” said Kusky. Dedicated, hardworking, frugal, active and observant are all words that the Student Senate treasurer used to describe himself. Kusky said, “I thoroughly enjoy learning and I spend a lot of my day studying and doing school or course work. So I would like to pass onto my child a dedication in what he or she wants to pursue no matter what that thing is.” FROM PREVIOUS PAGE


nolly. “People have to get a grip and realize this country could be a lot worse. We won’t have our civil rights taken away, and a nuclear war isn’t on the horizon. I hope people wipe away their tears and try to make the best situation like adults should,” said Connolly. Kusky, who empathizes with those concerned, feels the protests and riots are being blown out of proportion. “With the riots or protests, you’re protesting democracy,” said Kusky. Kusky feels the cancellation of classes by schools across the country, as well as the number or riots and protests that have come from the election results, are poor choices to be made in the election’s aftermath. Kusky said, “Schools are cancelling classes over this, and I think that is absurd. We should have cancelled classes on Election Day, not after elections.” With mixed reactions from students and across the country, there seems to be a continual firm divide between everyone as to how they feel about this historic presidential election. Boese said, “Every election there is a disappointed side, however I think both Trump and Clinton supporters tend to agree that this election is exceptional. Both sides represent drastically different ideologies that divides our country.” warm in the morning. O’Brien said that as the day goes on he has to take his layers off. “It gets irritating a little bit,” said O’Brien. Having those extra layers and not needing them is probably a much better method to utilize. O’Brien said, “Be smart, and look at the weather before you go out. If it looks like it is going to be cold or windy, you might want to bring an extra layer.”

November 15, 2016



n e e w o l l a H By: Julio Rodriguez Creative Editor Halloween’s demise has led the students of Hudson Valley into a storm of Christmas culture and product placement. Students are split when it comes the immediate switch between Halloween and Christmas. Individual studies student Emily Kuiber believes Halloween is a more enjoyable holiday. “Halloween is my favorite because you get free food, and it’s candy, so that’s awesome,” said Kuiber. “You get to dress up as whatever you want, and you can’t do that for Christmas.” The sudden and abrupt switch to Christmas may be offsetting to some, but not all. Inva-


sive cardiovascular technology student Jennie Drake is looking forward to Christmas. “Yes, I’m ready for Christmas. It reminds me of being younger, and I get to see family. But Halloween is a close second because I like watching scary movies,” said Drake. The added benefits that accompany the holidays are usually why students may be drawn to one over the other. However, liberal arts student Audrey Brimmer has had enough of the two holidays. Brimmer believes that corporations have monopolized the true meaning of the holidays by filling people’s minds with notions that material objects and superficiality are what makes a holiday special.

Christmas “I do not celebrate holidays because they have become so superficial and materialistic. They have lost all real meaning, and they’ve become controlled by corporations,” said Brimmer. However, Individual studies student Haley French does not have a problem with the switch between the two holidays. “It doesn’t really bother me that much. I’m so used to it being there from watching it happen over the years,” said French. French believes that some things have changed, but the true underlying meaning of Christmas has remained since her childhood. Students believe that get-

ting together with family and sharing that time together is what has remained true to the holiday over the years. “Well, I figured out that Santa is not real, but it’s still a good time. I still get together with my family and we’re still very close,” said French. As Drake matured, she experienced a change in her perspective of Christmas.”I appreciate [Christmas] more. When I was young, I only cared about getting presents, but now I see my family less, so it’s nice to see them during the holidays.” Kuiber believes her perspective on Halloween has changed

offer turkey, ham and roast beef, but pastrami, pepperoni, salami and liverwurst as well. Not only are classic cold deli subs offered, but hot sandwiches like reubens, cubans, meatball, chicken parmesan and sausage, and peppers. Deli & Brew shows even more of their character and creativity in the 14 rotating sandwich specials available each week.​ For students up and out too early to enjoy lunch, there is a small breakfast menu offered as early as

6 a.m. Monday through Saturday that mainly consists of bagels and breakfast sandwiches. The selection of freshly-prepared foods and the drink selection is an extensive one to choose from. The plethora of options makes it challenging for someone to leave Deli & Brew without finding something to satisfy their appetite. The people that work at Deli & Brew are nice, knowledgeable, attentive and they work to make

since she was a child. “It used to be about dressing up like a person or a monster and going out to get candy. Now, it’s about getting dressed up and going to parties,” she said. Although Halloween has passed, others who love Halloween, like Kuiber, are ready to accept it’s time to whip out their holiday cheer. Kuiber said, “I am ready for Christmas at this point. Halloween has passed, and I’m ready to get some more free stuff at Christmas time.”

A bite to eat on Vandenburgh Ave. By: Thomas Lloyd Staff Writer Within walking distance of campus, Deli & Brew has a lot to offer students looking for a convenient, hyper-casual lunch spot and a place to meet with friends. Since 1995, this combination deli and pizzeria has been offering Troy locals, as well as Hudson Valley students, homemade-style foods in a welcoming environment at an affordable price. ​Located at 64 Vandenburgh Ave., Deli & Brew boasts a wide variety of options. From homemade soups and deli salads to pizza and subs, there is something to satisfy everyone’s hunger at this establishment. Not only are there a lot of options in this local restaurant, but the portions are generous as well. A single slice of pizza at Deli & Brew is served on two paper plates and still hangs over the edge, completely living up to their motto, “Where Size Matters, Yo”. While one slice of pizza is enough for most, you won’t be sacrificing quality for quantity. Pizza at Deli & Brew is served hot, crispy, topped with a sauce and whatever toppings the restaurant has to offer. Available each day are slices of the classic pepperoni and cheese pizzas, as well as pizzas loaded with different delicious toppings, all coming together to

showcase the creativity of the pizza makers. The sandwiches and subs ​ offered are an entirely different beast. Students can get a sandwich on white, wheat or rye bread as well as a white or wheat sub roll. The regular subs are served up to 15 inches long and are loaded with crisp vegetables and paired with freshly-sliced meats and cheeses. Staying true to their deli roots, Deli & Brew does not only

the experience complete. The staff brings a friendly, hometown feel to the establishment which makes the dining experience that much more enjoyable. When the new student housing opens, it is presumed that the Deli & Brew will be much busier than it is now. If you haven’t already, go and enjoy some of Deli & Brew’s offerings before the lines get too long.



Deli & Brew has been serving Troy and Hudson Valley since 1995.

November 15, 2016




By: Skylar Blankenship Sports Editor


As of June 1, 2017, Hudson Valley will no longer have a hockey team, but will be keeping the Conway Ice Rink. “Our current student-athletes will have full support of our Athletic Department and the opportunity to compete throughout the 2015-16 and 2016-17 academic years, pending continued NJCAA [National Junior College Athletic Association] sponsorship of the sport,” said former Hudson Valley athletic director Kristin Pe l l e t i e r in a statement she released to the Hudson Valley Campus Chronicle, announcing the decision.

It looks to be a great basketball season By: Tea’ Claus Staff Writer

this season, but I think we can do more,” said Kevin Lenehan, a center on the men’s team. Lenehan has hopes for the team go on to regionals and nationals. According to Coach Long, the team was average defensively, but offensively, they still have a lot of work to do. The Viking basketball coaches each have their own expectations and plans, but they are similar. “Be on time, play hard, and be good representatives of the school,” said Coach Long about his expectations for his players. “We want to beat every team, but we’re going to prepare the same way for every team,” said Coach Coleman. This year is Coach Coleman’s first year as the women’s basketball team head coach, and he has many plans for the team this year, as well as his players. “Nothing is going to be set in stone, and we hope to get 500 on the road and win every home

negative effect on the team,” said Michael Fiore, defensemen and sophomore in the liberal arts program. Kyle Constanty, a forward and sophomore, agrees and continues by stating that the second-year team members are trying to go out with a bang. Even though to some it might seem to be worthless, Ken Lancto, the head coach who previously was one of the assistant coaches, will continue to expect his players “... to come everyday, work hard and try to get better.” At this point in the season, the Vikings have a record of 2-6, however, the season is far from over. Even though there will no longer be a hockey team, Hudson Valley will keep the ice rink and continue to keep it open to the public and offer ice skating les-

game,” said Di’Asia Smith, a sophomore forward on the women’s team. Representing the Vikings on the men’s basketball team are six sophomores and nine freshmen. Mitchell Dame, Christian Jones, and Lenehan play center for the team. The men’s basketball forwards are Diamond Corker, Brandon Palmer, Jadaine Shann, Taylor Slattery and Bryan Stanavich. The guards on the team include Jordan Adams, Caleb Canty, Jordan Holmes, Dave Kopyc, John Palmer, Terrance Pierce and Dave Reo. Representing the Vikings on the women’s basketball team are five sophomores and three freshmen. Yaritza Ortiz-Reyes, Destynie Jackson, Ashely Pulcher, Chelsea Stevens, Shelby Dugan, and Kali Szczepanski are hold guard positions. The forwards on the team include Smith and Megan Clute. The men’s Basketball team


sons. There is also the possibility of a hockey club or skating club be brought the Valley. As of now, the hours for public use will remain the same. This school year from Oct. 29 to March 12, the rink will be open from 12 to 2 p.m. Monday through Friday and from 4 to 6:15 p.m. on weekends. Admission to the ice rink is free for students, faculty and alumni of the college with I.D. Children under 12 have a $2 entry fee, and adults have a $3 entry fee. The Over the Edge Inc., ice skating school will be providing ice skating lessons this year in a 7-week program starting in January. The Hudson Valley Health, Physical Education and Exercise Studies Department also offers an eight-week program for beginning to intermediate adult ice skaters. has lost the two games against Rockland, and Cayuga, but by very close scores of 73-80, 7778. The team won against Albany Pharmacy by a score of 68-64. The women’s team have won their last two games against Rockland and Cayuga by scores of 5737, and 78-71.


Viking basketball teams have tough seasons ahead of them, but both teams are looking toward their ultimate playoff goals. This year’s basketball coach for the men’s team is Mike Long, alongside John Kibbe, Ed Pierce and Phil Seller. Coaching the women’s team is Rob Coleman. Last year, the men’s team won 20 out of 30 games and went on to Regionals, only to lose by two to Mohawk Valley in the last minute of the game. “Our goal is to go for 25 wins

Hudson Valley has had a hockey team since 1991, and were Conference Champions, Region III Champions and National Championship in 2001. Last season the Vikings had a record of 11-9-1 and looking back at the last 13 years have a record of 125134-14. When the decision was made, there were only six teams in the NJCAA, which was below the eight required for there to be competition. However, the NJCAA had not yet made their decision about the hockey team. Due to the upcoming termination of the hockey program, Hudson Valley did have a difficult time recruiting for the 2016-17 season. The dark cloud still looms over the team because it is the final season. “I do think not having the program [next year] has had a


The women’s basketball team is holding a two-game win streak.

November 15, 2016



Hudson Valley students are going for a black belt By: Josh McCart Staff Writer The new Martial Arts club at Hudson Valley is a chance for any student that would like to work on and develop new skills in any type of martial arts. “I wanted a place for people to come and learn where it

doesn’t cost any money because in high school, I had to pay to learn about martial arts,” said club leader Connor Robinson. Andrew Tatlock, an engineering student, has a background in mixed martial arts, Sambo, Brazilian jiu-jitsu, kickboxing and Muay Thai. He learned martial arts while he was in the Army for two years.


Club leader Connor Robinson practices his hits on a punching bag.

Tatlock wanted to start the club with the goal of introducing students to the basic tactics of self-defense, and teach them the, “three R’s.” “Recognize the situation, resist danger, and report if necessary,” said Tatlock. According to Robinson, the club is open to anyone and everyone no matter their background in martial arts and even if someone has never attempted martial arts. Both Robinson and Tatlock are students who care strongly for martial arts and want to encourage as many students as possible to join their club. The club’s advisor is a custodian named Master Lou DeFelippo. DeFelippo has two separate fifth degree black belts: one in Taekwondo and one in Combat Hapkido. DeFelippo does the majority of the teaching, with some assistance from a few of the more experienced members. Freshman Jason Campbell, a criminal justice major, has train-


(TOP) Master Lou DeFelippo helps teach martial arts to students. (BOTTOM) Students have a chance to spar with partners to practice what they learn.

ing in multiple types of martial arts including boxing, kickboxing, mixed martial arts and police defensive tactics. “I just wanted to check it out and see what training they do and see if I could get help working on my sparring,” said Alec Matuszak on why he wanted to join the club. The martial arts club meets every Wednesday at 4 p.m. in the multipurpose room in the McDonough Sports Complex. PHOTO BY ISAAC KAUTZ | HUDSONIAN

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