JANUARY 9, 2013
EVENTS & ANNOUNCEMENTS NEXT WEEK AT Q.C.C (JAN 14-18) MONDAY 8:30 Low Impact; 9:30 Monday Painters; 9:30 Parents & Tots; 3:00 Sing for Pure Joy; 4:30 Karate; 6:00 Weight Watchers; 6:30 Garden Club; TUESDAY 10:00 Spinners & Knitters; 10:00 Japanese Cooking Class; 7:30 Folk Dancing; WEDNESDAY 10:00 Yoga with Trinity; 11:00 Moms & Babes; Noon Community Kitchen; 2:30 Kid’s Art; 5:00 Dance with Elsa 4-6yr; 6:00 Dance with Elsa 7-up; 6:30 Sweating to the Newbies; 7:00 Legal Clinic; THURSDAY 9:30 QI GONG; 9:30 Parents & Tots; 10:00 Physio; 3:00 Climbing Kids 7-up; 4:00 Climbing Kids Teen & Adult; 4:30 Karate; 5:00 Yoga with Megan; 6:30 Sensible BC; 7:00 Belly Dancing; 7:00 Public; FRIDAY 8:30 Low Impact; 3:00 Climbing Kids 4-7yrs; 4:00 Climbing Kids 7-up; 6:00 POI Dance Teen & Adult THE LANDING PUB reopens on Thursday, January 10. Our renovations are done and our staff are ready to serve you.NO BAD DAYS! THIS WEEKEND AT Q.C.C (Jan.11) Friday 8:30 a.m. Low Impact; Noon Seniors Friday Lunch; 3:00 p.m. Climbing Kids 4-7yrs; 4:00 p.m. Climbing Kids 7-up; 6:00 p.m. POI & Dance Teen & Adult; 7:45 p.m. Friday Flicks Presents: Moon Rise Kingdom SING FOR PURE JOY! Re-enchant the world with melodies, harmonies, rounds and body rhythms from different cultures around this glorious Earth! A safe, nonjudgmental place where everyone can SING. Quadra Community Centre from 3 - 4:30 beginning January 14. 285-3764. On Saturday, February 9 it’s Tequila Mockingbird Orchestra returning to the Legion with their new album release. $10 at the door. Doors open at 9pm. The next Legion general meeting is Tuesday, January 15 at 8pm.
Call for artists! The Quadra Studio Tour is accepting applications for the 11th annual tour, June 1 & 2, 2013. email: studiotour@quadraislandarts.com or pick up forms at Yellow Dog Trading. Deadline January 15. Quadra Singers promises a spicy lineup of songs for all musical tastes with a Musical Potpourri this spring. Join the fun 6:45pm, Thursday, January 17 - at the Legion. Info: 285-2739 or 285-2142 or quadrasingers@gmail.com Saturday, January 19: Sierra Quadra presents ‘The Big Fix’, a compelling and smartly researched film on the aftermath of the Deepwater Horizon. 7:30pm at the Quadra Community Centre. Admission is by donation, refreshments will be served. Doors open at 7. H appy N ew Y ea r e v e ry o ne ! Hummingbird Office and Art Supply has all your organizing and filing needs (It’s almost tax time again, yuk). Check us out. Winter hours: Monday to Saturday 10am to 4pm.
On Saturday, January 19 The Legion is celebrating its 75th Anniversary & Carol Ann’s 50th Birthday, with a pot luck dinner at 6:30pm and dance with High Society 9pm. On sale! Specially designed t-shirts to commemorate the event. Vision Board Class! With the New Year comes New Intentions. Join Hummingbird on Tuesday, January 22 from 7 pm – 9 pm in creating your vision for 2013. $15 supplies included. Space in limited. Please call 285-3334 to reserve your place. FAWN; A three course evening: dining, movie and dancing. A project funding event for Cory Doherty’s next film. Full evening: $39.95. Film and dance: $30. Add a room + $49. January 25. 6:30pm seating, 7pm serving, 8pm movie, 9pm dance. Reserve: 285-3322 A new year is now underway bringing all of us new dreams and new goals ... and yes some new artists at Works of H’Art! A past resident of Quadra Island - Chris Jones has showcased his design talent in the form of 999.9% pure silver rings - each one unique and hand-crafted. Check out the painstaking precision of the hand-made cards of Rae Houghton — a Victoria resident ... and speaking of precision ... Discovery Metal Creations “The Howl of Night” and “Lone Wolf of the Sea”! A huge thank you to the people of Quadra island and Cortes and all visitors for supporting my little gift emporium before, during and after Christmas. Visit during January to check on clearance items and also put in requests for items you would like me to watch for when I go with my daughter to a suppliers show in Toronto at month end! Misplaced your flyer? Tru Value specials – for both the Heriot Bay and Q-Cove stores – can be viewed online every week at www.thehungryeye.ca
Hungry Eye – January 9, 2013 • 1