JUNE 27, 2012
EVENTS / ANNOUNCEMENTS FRIDAY, JUNE 29; DUFFY LIVE! We love this guy and his band, don’t miss their extraordinary dance-like-crazy music. Don’t forget open mic every Saturday! 9pm HBI pub
“COMMUNITY GARDEN VISITOR” That’s right...it isn’t a Monarch, just a beautiful Milbert’s tortoiseshell. Photo submitted by Sylvie Loiseau
CINDY & CAROL at WORKS OF H’ART are excited to announce the arrival of the first shipment of Quadra Island t-shirts and hats!!! Get the jump on them before the out-of-towners!! Also every purchase between June 26 and 28 receives an entry form for a guess as to the number of snakes in the store! Prizes will be gift certificate to HBI, Java Bay Cafe and gift bags from Works of H’Art!! Remember we are open 7 days a week ..and nearly always smiling!! LAST U OF Q FOR THE SEASON! June 27; Being the ultimate party wingman, and then it’s PROM! All faculty and students must attend and have an awesome time! Then schools out for the summer! Pub education. 9pm. HBI PUB. THIS WEEKEND AT Q.C.C. (July 1) SUNDAY 3:00 Canada Day celebrations, live music, cake contest and more.
NEXT WEEK AT Q.C.C. (JULY 2-6) MONDAY 8:30 Low Impact Fitness; 9:30 Parent & Tots; 10:00 Yoga with Josephine; 7:15Boot Camp (outside); 6:00 Weight Watchers; TUESDAY 9:00 Yoga with Brenda; 5:00 Yoga with Brenda THE QUADRA LEGION is celebrating 6:45 Yolates with Tamara; WEDNESDAY Canada Day and Legion Week on Saturday, 10:00 Physio; THURSDAY 8:45 Body June 30 and everyone is invited to come Sculpt with Marion; 9:00 Baby Clinic; and enjoy a free Salmon Barbeque Dinner 9:00 Yoga with Brenda; 9:45 Parent and from 6:30 – 8pm. Followed by a free adult Tots; FRIDAY 8:30 Low Impact Fitness; only dance with Go Dog Go. 9:00 Boot Camp (outside); Dusk Movie in CANADA DAY CHILDRENS’ FESTIVAL the Park, the Lorax the Heriot Bay Inn lawns! Bounce-aTAKU RESORT COOKERY July 6th - 2 rama, Lego room, dress up tent, puppets, days of hands-on cooking instruction. sing-a-long, face painting and more! Noon Chefs Haines and Harvey are coming from to 4pm. A free event sponsored by the France to help you realize your gourmet Discovery Islands Chamber of Commerce culinary skills. Starting with the basics of and Canada Day Committee. knife skills and seasoning, you’ll progress CANADA DAY The Landing Pub will have to making an unbelievably delicious Music Jam starting at 1pm with the Blue gourmet meal. This course is for all levels Kats and any Musicians that wish to play and even the most savvy cooks will come contact Joe at 285-2701 for info. We will away with some new skills. Read about feature food and drink specials all day all the details at www.takuresort.com Course only: $900. Course and 3 nights Sunday, July 1st. accommodation: $1050. Call us to book CELEBRATE CANADA DAY WITH US! your spot. 285-3031 Sunday 10:30am Quadra Island Bible Church worship service. 12-noon to 2pm THE KENYAN BOYS CHOIR sang for – enjoy a free lunch, play box hockey, Obama’s inauguration and now they want to sing for Quadra! Bring the whole family make your own button! for $20; Adults $10, Students/Seniors C O N G R AT U L AT I O N S T O K E E LY $5; Quadra Community Centre, Monday, Anderson this year’s recipient of the July 9. Tickets at the door at 6:30pm. Quadra Legion’s Academic Excellence Information: 285-2580. award. Keely plans to continue her education at U.V.I.C. We wish her all the VET CLINIC ON QUADRA ISLAND, best. The Legion will be closed from July T u e s d a y , J u l y 1 0 . T o m a k e a n appointment, please call Kelly at 2851 – 14 for renovations. 2176. PINKY TREATS OPENS Canada Day weekend!! A healthy twist on frozen JULY 15; Intimate Cello Brunch. Heriot treats. Enjoy Italian gelato, vegan tofulati Bay Inn Bay View Room. 10:30am. ice cream, floats, smoothies, hot dogs and $29 Phil Hansen, first cellist in the more. Gluten and lactose free options! Calgary Philharmonic returns to captivate Located in the cove by the ferry – Yum audiences in one of four Island events. www.heriotbayinn.com Reserve 285Yum! 3322.
Hungry Eye – June 27, 2012 • 1