Colombo Rotary News June 2012

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The Four-Way Test : Of the things we think, say or do;


e Bulletin - 2012/2013

JJU ULLYY 0011,, 22001122


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Is it the TRUTH? Is it FAIR to all concerned? Will it build GOODWILL and BETTER FRIENDSHIPS? Will it BENEFICIAL to all concerned?

ROTARY CLUB OF COLOMBO SOUTH th Chartered on 7 thOctober 1978, District 3220, Zone 5A, Sri Lanka

RTN.PHF.KUNCHITHAPATHAN INSTALLED AS THE 35TH PRESIDENT At a very colorful function held at Salon Anthurium ,Galadari Hotel, Colombo on June 23, 2012, Rtn.PHF.P.Kunchithapathan was installed as the 35th President of the Rotary Club of Colombo South. District Governor Elect Rtn. PHF. Dharsan John was the chief guest. District Governor Gehan, Past District Governors Mangala, Tissa, Krish, Paths, Thariq and Imthiaz, District Governor Nominee Imran, District Secretary George and District Coordinators General Susil and PP.Sunil graced the occasion, in addition to a large number of Rotarians, Anns and distinguished guests. Visiting Rotarian Rtn.IPP.Pushpa Devi from our sister club in Malaysia-RC/Greater Kuala Lampur was a special guest present on the occasion.

Rtn.PP.MPHF.N.Saravanapavan was recognized as the Outstanding Rotarian of the Year while Rtn.PHSM Marian Wansapura was recognized as the New Rotarian of the Year. Awards for members who had attended all weekly meetings or made up attendance during the year were given to twelve members. President Ramanah also thanked all members and Anns for the support extended to him.

Cont.Page 4 The Rotary Pledge was read by Rtn.PHSM.Sepali Panagoda. This was followed by the welcome Address by the Installation Committee Chair Rtn PP.MPHF.S.Rajanathan, and a presentation on the Previous Year’s Activities by President PHF.V.Ramanah. President Ramanah recognized all members who had worked hard to make the year an outstanding one.

The Club meets every Tuesday,7.30pm at Galadari Hotel, Colombo.1

PROGRAMME J UL Y – 2 0 1 2

F Rotary International

Tue. Jul.03

Public holiday No weekly meeting

Thu. Jul.05 07.30 p.m

1 Meeting of the Board of Directors Great Wall Restaurant, Colombo 3.

Tue . Jul.10 07.30 p.m

Inaugural Weekly Meeting – Discussion on the Club Strategic Plan

Tue. Jul.17

2nd Weekly Meeting Rtn. K.Arasaratnam, SSP, Director (Traffic) will speak on “Minimizing accidents while driving”.

President 2012 - 2013

Sakuji Tanaka, RI President 2012 -13, was chair of the Daika Company and president of the National Household Papers Distribution Association of Japan. He also has been vice president of the Yashio City Chamber of Commerce. Sakuji has served Rotary as RI director, regional Rotary Foundation coordinator, district governor, member of the Polio Eradication Advocacy Task Force, the Permanent Fund Committee for Japan,and the Future Vision Committee. He was chair of the 2009 Birmingham Convention Committee.Working with his district, Sakuji helped to construct a school building in Bangladesh, and he…


Meet the New President......... Rtn.PHF P Kunchithapathan was th installed as the 35 President of the Rotary Club of Colombo South on , June 23 2012. Enriched with professional technical background in Information Technology and Communication, presently working as Group Communication Engineer at Sumathi Group of Companies since 1990. He held many positions during his tenure at Sumathi as General Manager / CEO of the subsidiary companies. He was instrumental in starting many business enterprises at the present work place. Started his career in electronics engineering, handled many variety of state-of-the-art brands of electronics, computers and communication devices covering many segments of the industry. With reasonable educational and professional background he was instrumental in designing and implementing many turn key projects in the past. He obtained many technical trainings from companies from many countries.


He is also a working director in Auseel Holdings (Pvt) Ltd specialized in asset management.

“Only when the last tree has been cut down; Only when the last river has been poisoned; Only when the last fish has been caught; Only then will you find that money cannot be eaten.”

He joined Rotary Club of Colombo South in 1996 and held many positions. He was adjudged the Best Secretary in the District in 2011/2012. A great campaigner of eradicating poverty from this country he also works hard to uplift the livelihood of the unemployed community. As a close follower of the development of latest technologies he is keen to introduce modern system to open new opportunities among the youth.

has established an endowed Rotary Peace Fellowship. He has received the RI Service Above Self Award and the Foundation’s Distinguished Service Award. Sakuji and his wife, Kyoko, are Benefactors and Major Donors.

He is married to Yasotha who is a graduate in Agriculture from the University of Predeniya. She is a school teacher and they are blessed with a daughter Harsha and son Sanjeethan, both of whom are presently in Australia. His hobbies are cricket and playing keyboard.

RI President Kalyan’s Farewell message

Donation of Medical Equipment to Base Hospital, Tellipalai – Funded by IMHO

Greetings ..…Birthdays July, 04 July, 08 July, 13 July, 16

As the 2011-12 Rotary year comes to a close, I feel happy and proud to have brought the Rotary message to 68 countries. It’s been an amazing 12month journey. India was declared polio free this year, which was a tremendous accomplishment that came from the hard work and efforts of so many. My wife, Binota, and I have seen first-hand the countless and wonderful ways in which Rotary makes a difference in the world. We have witnessed the tireless, selfless efforts, and dedication of the many Rotarians who are willing to help others in improving their lives. We have been so fortunate in having a wonderful Board of Directors in 201112. I believe they were the best Board of Directors ever at Rotary International! Binota and I would like to convey our thanks to the family of Rotary, which includes the several event organizers, hosts, local aides, and other Rotarians too numerous to name individually. They have made us feel welcome on our trips with their kindness, generosity, and open arms. To the Rotary staff who has worked diligently behind the scenes to make this year a wonderful and memorable experience - we thank you all! Finally, whatever we have done in 2011-12, has only been possible because Binota always held my hand and we did it together.

July, 30

International Medical Health Organization (IMHO), a registered charity organization in USA, has come forward to support health care services for those in need in the war affected North, partnering with our Rotary club. We are happy to inform that IMHO has donated a sum of US $20,000 to supply a Multi Para Monitor and a Diathermy Machine to the Base Hospital Tellipalai, which is in need of operation room equipments. The Multi Para Monitor was formally handed over to Rtn.PP.MPHF.N Saravnapavan, who was coordinating this activity in the North, during the installation ceremony held on June 23, 2012 in Colombo. This will be sent to the Tellipalai Base Hospital soon. Action is also being taken to purchase the Diathermy Machine soon. We are very grateful to IMHO and Dr.Rajam and Mr Murali Ramalingam of USA for coordinating this project.

Yasodha Kadirgamarajah Rtn.PP.MPHF.Dr. Azeez Mubarak Rajinie Kulendra Bawani Rajendran Jamuna Sathiacama Yasotha Kunchithapathan Suratha Jeganathan

…..Wedding Anniversaries July, 25 - Ponmalar Arasaratnam Our Heartiest Congratulations and Best Wishes to all those who celebrates their birthdays and Wedding Anniversaries!

ROTARY’S SIX AREA OF FOCUS 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Peace & Conflict Prevention/Resolution Disease Prevention & Treatment Water & Sanitation Maternal & Child Health Basic Education & Literacy Economic & Community Development

Rotary Showcase Another Feather in the Cap of Rotary Many philanthropists say it is more difficult to give money away intelligently than it is to earn it. Rotarians can be confident that their contributions to The Rotary Foundation are being well spent. The Foundation has earned a grade of A+ from the American Institute of Philanthropy, a top rating of four stars from Charity Navigator, and full accreditation from the Wise Giving Alliance of the Better Business Burea.

Rotary Showcase is Rotary International’s newest social media tool that helps Rotarians share club service initiatives with the Rotary family and beyond. With Rotary Showcase, users can add their clubs’ service projects, exchange ideas with other Rotarians, and explore the wide variety of activities that Rotary clubs are undertaking worldwide. Rotary Showcase officially debuted at the 2012 RI Convention in Bangkok, where hundreds of Rotarians posted project descriptions with photos, videos, and impact data and then shared their project stories on Facebook with the simple click of a button.



President Rtn.PHF.P.Kunchithapathan Immediate Past President Rtn.IPP.PHF.V.Ramanah President Elect Rtn.J.Trushan Handy Vice President Rtn.Phelps.P.Jeganathan Secretary Rtn.PP.PHF.Bradley Ockersz Treasurer Rtn. MPHF.R.Kadirgamarajah Sergeant--at--Arms Rtn PP.MPHF. Ranjan Rajavasan Standing Committees Club Administration Rtn.PHSM.Sepalika Panagoda Membership Development Rtn. PP. MPHF.N.Saravanapavan Public Relations Rtn.Mihiri Bamunusinghe Service Projects Rtn. PP.PHF.Sudath Amarasiinghe The Rotary Foundation Rtn.PP.MPHF.S.Rajanathan Club Advisor Rtn.PDG.Major Donor N.Pathmanathan Club Trainer Rtn.PP.MPHF.V.Ratnasothy Bulletin Editor Rtn.Arulseelan Harishan Jt. Chairmen /College of Past Presidents:Rtn.PP.MPHF.E.Sivalingam Rtn. PP.PHF.S.M.Sathiacama Director Fellowship Rtn.PP.MPHF.V.Ariyaratnam Sub Committee Chairs Vocational Service Rtn. PP.MPHF.Dr.A.M.Mubarak Co n t d .

RTN.PHF.KUNCHITHAPATHAN……….. DG Gehan handed over the RI’s Avenues of Service Citation to Rtn.PP.MPHF.N.Saravanapavan. Thereafter, Rtn.PHF.Ramanah installed Rtn.PHF Kunchu as the 35th President of the Club Rtn.Kunchu was introduced by District Secretary Rtn.MHF. George Jesuthasan. Rtn.Kunchu, in his Acceptance Speech, thanked the Club for the trust and confidence reposed in him. He also elaborated his future plans to make RI President Elect Sakuji Tanaka’s theme-Peace through Service, meaningful and a reality. He thereafter introduced the members of his Board of Directors. Rtn.PP.PHF.Sudath Amarasinghe, Service Projects Chair, announced the implementation of two new projects - donation of medical equipments to Tellippalai Base Hospital, with funds received from IMHO, USA and donation of two wheel chairs to Rotary Community Corp, Wanathamulla. Introduction and induction of two members who were joining the Club also took place. They were Mr.Arulseelan, Harishan, a teacher and Rtn.PP.Jeeno Singarayar, a civil engineer. The Chief Guest Rtn.DGE.Dharsan John delivered an inspirational address. He was introduced by Rtn.PP.MPHF.V. Ariyaratnam. DGE Dharsan congratulated the outgoing president and his team for the excellent work done and wished the new president and his team every success. After the messages sent by Rtn.PP.P.Thayaparan and Rtn.Kayo Tanaka were read out, Visiting Rotarian IPP.Pushpa Devi from RC/Greater Kula Lampur, addressed the audience. She invited all members and Anns to attend the intercity meeting to be held in Cochin next year. She also pledged that her Club would contribute US$ 5000 towards a matching grant project With the vote of thanks proposed by the Secretary – elect Rtn.PP.PHF.Bradley Ockersz, the meeting was adjoined for fellowship and dinner. The function was wellattended.

Jt.Community Service Rtn.PHF. Vipula Wijesundara Rtn.Anslem Kaluarachchi International Service Rtn. PP.MPHF.V.Ratnasothy Jt.New Generations Rtn. PP.MPHF.George Jesuthasan Rtn.S.T. Sriskanda Family of Rotary Rtn.MPHF.S.Sowndrarajan

ATTENDANCE HUNDRED PERCENTERS FOR THE YEAR 2011/2012 1. Rtn.PP.PHF.Sudath Amarasinghe 2. Rtn.PP.MPHF.V.Ariyaratnam 3. Rtn.J.Trushan Handy 4. Rtn.PP.MPHF.George Jesuthasan 5. Rtn.IPP.MPHF.Dr.Azeez Mubarak 6. Rtn.PP.MPHF.Bradley Ockersz 7. Rtn.PDG.Major Donor N.Pathmanathan 8. Rtn.PP.MPHF.S.Rajanathan 9. Rtn.PP.MPHF.Ranjan Rajavasan 10. Rtn.Pres.PHF.V.Ramanah 11. Rtn.PP.MPHF.V.Ratnasothy 12. Rtn.PP.MPHF.N.Saravanapavan 13. Rtn.PP.PHF.Reza Sulaiman

Our Heartiest Congratulations to all the Hundred Percenters! We Salute You!

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