The Four-Way Test : Of the things we think, say or do;
e Bulletin - 2012/2013
JJU ULLYY 0011,, 22001122
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Is it the TRUTH? Is it FAIR to all concerned? Will it build GOODWILL and BETTER FRIENDSHIPS? Will it BENEFICIAL to all concerned?
ROTARY CLUB OF COLOMBO SOUTH th Chartered on 7 thOctober 1978, District 3220, Zone 5A, Sri Lanka
RTN.PHF.KUNCHITHAPATHAN INSTALLED AS THE 35TH PRESIDENT At a very colorful function held at Salon Anthurium ,Galadari Hotel, Colombo on June 23, 2012, Rtn.PHF.P.Kunchithapathan was installed as the 35th President of the Rotary Club of Colombo South. District Governor Elect Rtn. PHF. Dharsan John was the chief guest. District Governor Gehan, Past District Governors Mangala, Tissa, Krish, Paths, Thariq and Imthiaz, District Governor Nominee Imran, District Secretary George and District Coordinators General Susil and PP.Sunil graced the occasion, in addition to a large number of Rotarians, Anns and distinguished guests. Visiting Rotarian Rtn.IPP.Pushpa Devi from our sister club in Malaysia-RC/Greater Kuala Lampur was a special guest present on the occasion.
Rtn.PP.MPHF.N.Saravanapavan was recognized as the Outstanding Rotarian of the Year while Rtn.PHSM Marian Wansapura was recognized as the New Rotarian of the Year. Awards for members who had attended all weekly meetings or made up attendance during the year were given to twelve members. President Ramanah also thanked all members and Anns for the support extended to him.
Cont.Page 4 The Rotary Pledge was read by Rtn.PHSM.Sepali Panagoda. This was followed by the welcome Address by the Installation Committee Chair Rtn PP.MPHF.S.Rajanathan, and a presentation on the Previous Year’s Activities by President PHF.V.Ramanah. President Ramanah recognized all members who had worked hard to make the year an outstanding one.
The Club meets every Tuesday,7.30pm at Galadari Hotel, Colombo.1