Report from MIOT (UK)

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Report from MIOT(UK)

by Dr Kantha Niranjan FRCP(Lon)FRCP(Ed) Consultant Physician Essex,UK President of MIOT 2011-12

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• A UK Registered Charity No.1066824 • About 24 years old • Membership-Tamil Medical or Dental Practitioners • Student Members • Associate members –Tamils working in the health field who supports this institute • Honorary Membership to any person who has given distinguished services to advance the objectives of the institute

• The objectives of the Medical Institute of Tamils(MIOT) has been to • The relief of Poverty • Sickness • Preservation and Protection of the Health of the Tamil Community in the Home lands and in the UK • Ref:Constitution of the MIOT

Objectives of MIOT • To provide a forum for exchange of medical knowledge • To undertake health advice and research projects among the Tamil community • To encourage and provide social and recreational activities • To work in partnership with other international organisations like IMHO to achieve the above objectives

Medical Projects by MIOT(UK) • Our main aim is to support medical projects • MIOT has three family health centres in Jaffna district currently in Jaffna,Chavakachcheri & Moolai • All three centres’ consultation rooms are modified to the standards of primary care centre in Britain

Medical Projects by MIOT • Support to Tamil Medical Students studying in Jaffna Medical Faculty from North & East • Monthly a sum of 2000 SLR is given to selected poor students-this process is supervised by the Dean of Jaffna Med.Faculty • Annual Gold medal award to a final MBBS student who get the highest marks in Paediatrics

Medical Projects • We have secured, £.5000/= year for Research projects submitted by any medical students from North & East • Our Education Secretary for MIOT supervises this process carefully • We have advertised this in our website and both Medical faculties in North & East are informed about this sponsorship

Medical Projects • MIOT has funded two CPAP machines to Jaffna hospital to be used in Intensive Care Unit last year • Burns Unit-Jaffna hospital • Northern branch of MIOT collected £.8000/= from 2004 to build a new unit. However due to insufficient amount the money is now donated to the Surgical ward, Jaffna hospital to buy equipment to treat burns patients

Community Projects by MIOT • Community Projects • MIOT has two orphanages solely run by MIOT groups-Thialagawathiar’s Illum in Vaharia and MIOT Girls Home in Thambiluvil • We have adopted more children from Arul Aham,Vavuniya now • Support Hari Children Home,Batticaloa time to time • Support to Widows

Community Projects • Support for Orphans from Vanni Disaster • Support for Widows following war • Support for some school hostels which have taken the children who are destitutes or Orphans from Vanni • After School support for students in East

Batticaloa Flood Relief-2011 • Collaboration with BUDS(UK) to provide after school shelter, educational materials and dinner on a daily basis, for the children from the village, Thiraimadu, Batticaloa • YMHO-Chenkalai • Ramakrishna mission • Hari Illum • Educational Development Society

Batticaloa Flood Relief-2011 • We allocated emergency funds for providing food items for adults and milk powder for children • Drinking water,vitamin tablets were distributed to pregnant and breast feeding mothers, Children and Older people by Ramakrishna mission from the funds we gave.

Flood relief cont 2011. • Funds allocated to Church of the American Ceylon Mission- for rehabilitation work in Eastern Province for supporting victims and families • Thilakawathiyar Illam in Vaharai and Hari Illam, Batticaloa got additional funding after floods to get school uniforms,books etc.

MIOT • MIOT has been focussing on Medical education in UK for medical students, General Practitioners & other doctors for a long time • We do a Health screening programme for retired people living in UK in the community centres for diabetes, hypertension and high cholesterol • Health education included in this programme • We provide a forum for Tamil doctors and medical students.

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• Our Funds are mainly from Membership • We have about 350 members(33 life members • Donations from well wishers • Drug Company sponsors • Fund Raising Events • Many projects are funded by the doctors in UK who are MIOT members

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• My vision for the future, • MIOT has the wealth of experts in various medical fields • We are always acting in a knee jerk reaction to help when disasters happen • We should focus to develop an infrastructure, like Health Centres, support medical education in North & East, training health workers who could give health education to the community.

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• From the Central Committee, • About £.14,130 Pounds paid out for Charity work in 2011 • Income Generated in 2011 £.37,496 Pounds(including tax rebate £.6,869) • Our Accounts are audited every year by approved auditors firm

Our Mission

• Our mission is to provide external support, generate financial aid and develop local expertise, while fostering strong links with similar organisations at national and international levels towards achieving our vision

• The problems we face, • Duplication of work and funding allocation by other charities • Many Organisations from N&E request request for funds from various charities • Our membership contribution is given to nameless projects with others • We don’t get good feed back all the time

Current Projects-2012 • We have secured funding for Neonatal Intensive Care Unit in Jaffna Hospital • Our Charity fund raising dinner & dance in December,2011 has allocated all the profit for this project • Another cultural programme is planned by MIOT members from South of London to raise money for this project on 5th May,2012

Current Projects-2012 Our new mission this year, • Charity Cataract Mission in Jaffna district • MIOT is fully funding this project with an aim to perform about 300 cataracts within a week time. • The surgeon and his team are travelling on their own expenses • This team has done about 2000 cataracts in Jaffna district in 2002,2003 & 2004 • Expected cost for MIOT about £.10,000/= is ring fenced now.

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• SUMMARY • Our committee has many committed NHS doctors in UK • Supporting the health related projects, support to Medical students and medical education in the home land and UK is our main aim • Encouragement to medical students to do research or studies for which we are ring fenced funding from 2011. • Funding for other projects when there is a natural disaster on a humanitarian basis • Medical Education • Health Education

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What we need? More members More younger members Encourage collaborative working with IMHO IMHO has been successful in organising a number of health projects in our Home land, gathering support from the government and NGOs. • Team working and partnership by all • • • •

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• We have to learn from the mistakes in the past • We have to embrace a culture which should change with time at the same time retaining our values • Constructive Criticisms should be welcome from any one • We should not forget that there is a long way to restore normality in war affected areas specially in the provision of a good health service • We have to work together to achieve this!!!

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Hope you all enjoyed my talk! • My Special thanks to the IMHO management committee and the Programme Coordinator

• Any Questions? Visit –

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