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Mental Health of Post War North
Ganesan 31. 4. 2010
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• These are challenging issues I am raising here • They have been challenging me for some time • I hope this leads to self reflection and sensitive response by the community
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Why Am I Raising These Here? •
Back home depressed, disempowered
Lack of leadership
Lost path, poor knowledge
You have seen the world
Good technical knowledge
Most importantly – part of us with the will to help
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The human being is transformed through changing his/her reality, by means of an active process of dialogue in which there is a gradual decoding of the world, as people grasp the mechanisms of oppression and dehumanisation. This opens up new possibilities for action. The new knowledge of the surrounding reality leads to new self-understanding about the roots of what people are at present and what they can become in the future. Martin Baro, Social Psychologist killed by Armed Forces at El Salvador in 1989.
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Before we Think of Where We want to Reach •
Where are we now?
How did we get here? - leave it to historians
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Where Are We Now •
Past – Poor understanding of citizenship, less knowledge of world affairs, secretive, paranoid, poor leadership
Recent past – grief, loss of home, loss of trust, loss of a future, injury, loss of limb, orphans, single parent families, camp life, abuse
Present – no civil amenities, no leadership, no employment, protection, structures weak, lack of experienced and qualified civil servants, fear
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Why Talk of Mental Health? •
It is fundamental for (contended) living
For society to function well
It is not about mental Illnesses or psychiatry
It is not about psychiatric services
So then what is mental health?
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"If the foundation for a people's mental health lies in the existence of humanizing relationships, of collective ties within which and through which the personal humanity of each individual is acknowledged and in which no one's reality is denied, then, the building of a better and more just society, is not only an economic and political problem; it is also essentially a mental health problem". Martin-Baro,
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What is............. •  'Mental health' properly describes a sense of well-being: the capacity to live in a resourceful and fulfilling manner, having the resilience to deal with the challenges and obstacles which life presents.
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Mental health: a state of well-being Mental health is defined • as a state of subjective well-being in which • every individual realizes his or her own potential, • can cope with the normal stresses of life, • can work productively and fruitfully, and • is able to make a contribution to her or his community.
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Positive mental health Positive mental health is about: • feeling in control • being able to make rational decisions • being in touch with our feelings • being able to form positive relationships • feeling good about ourselves • knowing how to look after ourselves
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Some of The Mental Health Problems •
Loss and grief
Widow / widower
Conflicts / resolution
Poor problem solving
Domestic violence
Intellectual disability
Lack of empathy
Drugs and alcohol
Community action (restricted to family)
Belief systems
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To Address Mental Health Problems •
Humanistic values
Value life
Respect diversity
Civic responsibility
Respect law
Rights-based approach
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5 key areas of work • • • • •
building healthy public policy reorienting health & other services developing personal skills creating supportive environments strengthening community action
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Some Small Examples from the past •
Consumer empowerment
Intellectual disability
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Medical Model •
Tertiary prevention
Secondary prevention
Primary prevention
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Tertiary prevention •
Disability services
Support to single parent families
Rehabilitation of persons affected by war
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What about livelihood? What about the future of this child? How will this family rebuild their lives without support?
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Secondary Prevention •
Good health services
Educational system to meet diverse needs
Corrective environment
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Primary Prevention •
Primary health care
Good educational system
Social services
Care of vulnerable individuals – orphans
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The latest UN figures show that 160,000 houses in northern Sri Lanka have to be repaired or rebuilt as the conflict-displaced return to their home areas.
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Current available funding allows for the repair and reconstruction of just 22,120 units.
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•  Lanista & Newton
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The Time of Need •
The time to help
The need will be there for a long time
Key areas – Keep the family – Health – Education – Income generation
Mechanism carefully decided
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In Conclusion •
IMHO has been a great support to us in the past
I don't think the community has undergone this amount of trauma ever in the past
But this is also time for hope, healing and rebuilding a new future
This is the time for us to show solidarity with the people Vanni and the rest of the NE
I am sure IMHO will lead the way