IMHO Canada e-newsletter 6 June 2010

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Update on IMHO Canada Efforts

E-Newsletter Issue #6

June 2010 Nalam Kappom 2010: Toronto, Ottawa, & Montreal

In This Issue

* Nalam Kappom 2010: Toronto, Ottawa, & Montreal*

*Village Associations Support IMHO*

*Volunteer with IMHO in Ethiopia*

*Support Local Needs Requests*

*IMHO Continues to Grow*

*Negombo Mental Health Unit Complete* This May & June 2010, IMHO Canada held its annual Nalam Kappom events to raise awareness and funds for the betterment of the many lives deeply affected by the conflict in Sri Lanka. th th Starting on May 29 and 30 , IMHO Canada representatives spoke to groups in both Montreal & Ottawa for the first time. There has been a great deal of enthusiasm from those who attended these events, and many have signed up as monthly contributors. IMHO Canada intends to hold events in both locations in the future as well. The following weekend, IMHO Canada conducted the Nalam Kappom event in Toronto. At all 3 of these events in Toronto, Ottawa, & Montreal, our featured guests were 4 visiting physicians from Sri Lanka who played a critical role in providing health & medical services to the people of the Northeast during the war time. These doctors are currently attending a course at McGill University in Montreal to study post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), thanks in-part to support from IMHO. The purpose of this training is to improve their knowledge and skills in caring for patients who have been deeply affected by the war, family loss, and other physical & mental hardship. These doctors are currently serving patients in Vavuniya, Jaffna, Kalmunai, and Valaichenai. IMHO has been working with these doctors on various projects throughout the Northeast over the last several years. Perhaps most notably, IMHO funded the in-patient psychiatric unit in Vavuniya, which later served many IDPs at a very crucial time. IMHO was the first group to support psychiatric mobile clinics around the villages as well. The 4 visiting doctors presented about the past and current projects, and highlighted the projects done in partnership with IMHO. They also touched on the current basic medical needs of the IDPS who are now being resettled in various areas.

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