A Registered Non-Profit Organization Reg. No .: 84419 1494 ! ! ! ! IMHO Canada: Toronto Fundraiser Report ! ! !
! !"#$$%"#&#'$#% !!!!!!!!!! ! As the situation in war‐torn Northeast Sri Lanka continues to ! deteriorate, reports from the ground reveal the alarming "#$%!&'(')'! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! @3#A!>)5!>BB?! extent of the humanitarian crisis facing hundreds of thousands ! ! caught in the conflict zones and in the IDP (Internally Displaced ! ! Persons) camps. In addition to the deaths and injuries from the Dr.Lambotharan M.D. C038!D$8!E!;3F3GH! fighting and a general lack of adequate medical & health care ! President =I!#7J5!G74%!7K!I71!J71LF!-3/0!-038F!7K!%-0!-1G3#!,74%!7K!%-0!J38!$#!! and other basic supplies, the threat of severe malnutrition and %-0!M3##$!80N$7#!K87G!/38$714!4718,04!3#F!$%!$4!N0%%$#N!J7840!OI!%-0!! starvation remain serious concerns. Children and the elderly are particularly at risk. There has been -718A! Tam Sivathasan B.Eng. heavy fighting in and around many areas where there are hospitals, adding further stress to those ! Secretary doctors and healthcare providers trying desperately to serve those with urgent health and medical 6-0!P;Q9!$4!O1$LF$#N!1R!3#!3LL$3#,0!3#F!#0%J78S!J$%-!718!N8344!877%!! ! 78N3#$T3%$7#4!3#F!J78S$#N!7#!%-0!L7N$4%$,4!7K!N0%%$#N!%-0!K7LL7J$#N!! needs. These hospitals are now operating far beyond their capacities, especially as those civilians ! 18N0#%!$%0G4!%7!%-0!R07RL0!$#!F$80!#00FH! caught in the conflict zones have flooded out in the past several days. <A!;0F$,3L!41RRL$04! R.Sivanandarajah CGA >A!:1%8$%$7#E;$LS!R7JF08!K78!,-$LF80#! Treasurer On April 11, 2009 the IMHO Canada team, along with many volunteers and well‐wishers, raised *A!U3%08!R18$K$,3%$7#!%3OL0%4! ! ! an impressive $75,000 for the emergency relief effort through a telethon/radiothon that took 6-0!P;Q9!O738F!-3F!3L803FI!80L0340F!"DV!<BB5BBB!K87G!$%4!4L14-!K1#F4!K78!%-$4! Dr.Varagunan M.D. place at the Atlanta Party Hall in Scarborough, Toronto. The event was brought to the public by R18R7405!3#F!%-0!K$84%!4-$RG0#%!7K!41RRL$04!380!7#!%-0$8!J3I!%7!%-0!#00FIA!.#! Director a number of Canadian television and radio media, including CMR, CTR, and TVI. Various speakers P;Q9!80R8040#%3%$/0!$#!W7L7GO7!$4!7#!-3#F!%7!F0L$/08!%-0!N77F4!3G$F4%!3LL!F$KK$' touched on the current crisis and the massive humanitarian needs now plaguing those affected. ,1L%$04A!P%!$4!04%$G3%0F!%-3%!3%!L034%!<BB!R07RL0!3!F3I!J$LL!41,,1GO!%7!$#X18$04! Special thanks to all who donated to this initiative in such a timely manner and to all who made J$%-71%!3F0Y13%0!41RRLI!7K!%-040!0440#%$3L4A!! Jayanthi Sritharan ! this event a reality! Director .4!41,-5!J0!G3I!O0!$#!#00F!7K!K18%-08!K1#F4!$#!3!4-78%!#7%$,0!4-71LF!7%-084!F7! #7%!,7G0!K78J38F!%7!-0LRA!Z71!-3/0!804R7#F0F!N0#08714LI!$#!%-0!R34%!3#F!7#,0! Following this fundraiser, the second shipment of life‐saving Dr.Kanna Vela 3N3$#!J0!,7G0!O3,S!%7!I71!K78!3$F!%7!-0LR!718!O80%-80#A!Z71!G3I!0$%-08!,7#%8$O' milk powder and other nutrition was sent from IMHO 1%0!0L0,%87#$,3LLI!OI!/$4$%$#N!718!J0O!4$%0!3%!JJJA%-0$G-7A78N!78!G3$L!3!! Director ,-0Y10!%7H! through our local partner organization, the Consortium of & Youth Coordinator P;Q9!W3#3F35!"#$%!&'()*&!+$#,-!./0A!25!6787#%75!9:! Humanitarian Agencies, to benefit those within the conflict ! zone. However, with an upsurge in violence that day, the +780!G780!$#K7A!RL0340!,3LLH! Contact shipment of milk powder and vegetables was re‐routed to ! !"#$%&'(")*%$+',"-./"' C8A[3GO7%-383#H!\<)!>??']<BB!!!63G!D$/3%-343#H!\<)']B\'*\\*! Jaffna to benefit the IDPs there. This much needed milk ' DAD$/383X3#H!\<)')(?'((*)!!@3I3#%-$!D8$%-383#H!!\<)'?<]'(]&>! "#$%!&!'!()*&!+$#,-!./0#10! powder/nutrition helped to both save lives and benefit the 234%5!6787#%7!9:!;<=!>6?! ! overall health of those affected. This shipment was valued at $75,000 in total, $25,000 of which 6-3#S$#N!I715! was contributed by IMHO. In total, IMHO has given $265,000 to this emergency relief effort and ! Tel.: 416-299-1494 ! is planning to commit much more in the months to come. Towards this end, IMHO Canada has C8A[3GO7%-383#! www.theimho.org contributed $75,000! Our funds have been spent in the following ways: ^804$F0#%!'!P;Q9!W3#3F3! 1. $225,000 for a myriad of relief efforts from February thru April 2009 2. $25,000 for 2nd installment of milk powder/nutrition 3. $5,000 to help setting up a temporary ward to serve pregnant mothers and children in IDP camps in the southern part of the Jaffna peninsula 4. $10,000 for medications for patients in IDP camps in Jaffna 5. Now looking into supporting more mobile medical clinics inside the IDP camps 5637 Finch Avenue East, Unit 7, Scarborough, Ontario M1B 2T9, Canada www.TheIMHO.org Tel: (416) 299-1494; Fax: (416) 299-4620 Email: contact@theimho.org