9th Annual IMHO Convention Toronto 2012 sponsorship package

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International Medical Health Organization (IMHO)—Canada A non-political, non-profit, humanitarian organization A registered not-for-profit organization in Canada

October 2011 Dear Friends, Thank you for considering our invitation to sponsor the 9 Annual Convention of the International Medical Health Organization (IMHO) to be held April 27 and 28 , 2012 in Toronto. Each year IMHO holds its annual convention in a different city, and we are excited to finally have this important event in Canada for the first time. th



At every convention we are joined by visiting physicians from Sri Lanka who share with us the most pressing needs on the ground and lay forth plans for ensuring a higher quality of health and medical care for persons in need. We also invite other experts and professionals who are deeply involved in development work in under-served communities in Sri Lanka, as well as other countries where our organization is active. This event also provides a unique opportunity for all in attendance to actively discuss and participate in this work we undertake on behalf of others. Guests, volunteers, supporters, and team members of the IMHO family of organizations gather from across the globe to attend this convention, and we are very much looking forward to opening up this opportunity to the community in and around Toronto this year as well! This year’s convention will feature a special program on Friday evening (April 27 ) with the Tamil business community, in which we will be welcoming members of the Tamil Chamber of Commerce and Tamil entrepreneurs. Our full program will take place all day Saturday (April 28 ] from 8:00am through 11:00pm, in which we will hear from speakers from Sri Lanka, Australia, United Kingdom, United States, and Canada. The evening program will also include an entertainment portion, auction, and dinner. We are anticipating roughly 250 guests in the morning & afternoon sessions, and approximately 500 in the evening. All event activities will take place at the New Jasmine Banquet Hall (90 Nolan Court, Markham, ON L3R 4L9). th


We hope you will consider the following sponsorship options outlined in this package. We would be happy to meet with you at your convenience to discuss these wonderful opportunities for sponsorship. As appreciation for your sponsorship, which inspires giving from other community organizations and individuals, we will be recognizing your spirit of generosity, compassion, and commitment to enabling positive change in communities in need. All checks can be made payable to “IMHO Canada” and sent to our office at 5637 Finch Ave. East, Unit 7, Scarborough, ON M1B 2T9. For any questions or enquiries, please contact either of the following: Meera Kandeepan, IMHO Canada Secretary meera@imhocanada.org 416.816.4909 Greg Buie, IMHO Programs Coordinator coordinator@theimho.org 714.315.0518 (USA) Thank you very much and hope to speak with you soon! All the best, The IMHO Team

5637 Finch Avenue East, Unit 7, Scarborough, Ontario M1B 2T9, Canada Tel: (416) 321-9555 Email: contact@imhocanada.org


International Medical Health Organization (IMHO)—Canada A non-political, non-profit, humanitarian organization A registered not-for-profit organization in Canada

IMHO Overview IMHO Canada is a grassroots global health nonprofit organization that seeks to improve and develop health and health care infrastructure in under�served regions worldwide. The organization, which is modeled after the original IMHO (USA), was founded on the principles of humanitarianism and neutrality in 2008 by a volunteer group of committed doctors and other professionals that shared a vision for improved global health and medical care. IMHO Canada is part of the IMHO family of organizations, which includes IMHO (USA), IMHO (Lanka), and IMHO (European Union/UK). IMHO aims to improve health care across the globe for those in need, by identifying health needs and providing resources & training to address those needs. We believe in empowering communities to build their own health systems, improve overall health and well being, and respond to humanitarian needs as they arise. IMHO frequently partners with local and international non-governmental organizations to better channel assistance to needy populations. Our work is focused in the areas of Primary Care & Public Health, Health Education & Training, and Capacity-Building. Where does IMHO work? Due to the unique nature of the organization, IMHO is primarily focused on impoverished and disadvantaged regions of Sri Lanka, where marginalized populations have endured conflict, poverty, and other hardships. IMHO works through an extensive network of contacts on the ground, including local doctors, health officials, and other grassroots organizations in identifying health needs, and then providing resources and training to accommodate those needs. Over the years IMHO has also contributed to emergency relief and development efforts in Burma, Bangladesh, DR Congo, Egypt, Ethiopia, Haiti, India, Indonesia, Japan, Pakistan, the Philippines, Somalia, and the US. What does IMHO do? IMHO has developed healthcare systems through training medical personnel and students, and providing them with medicine and resources to better assist needy populations. IMHO has established three primary healthcare centers and two psychiatric centers in mostly rural regions, with fully-trained staff and equipment to accommodate basic medical needs in the area. These health workers have provided essential health education, disease prevention, counseling, and treatment. The organization also operates mobile clinics, to regions out of reach of the primary care centers. Through these efforts, IMHO has provided healthcare to tens of thousands of individuals. Additionally, IMHO responds in times of crisis, both in Sri Lanka and around the world, by helping to address the immediate health and medical needs, providing life-saving nutrition and medicines, equipments & medical devices, and providing 5637 Finch Avenue East, Unit 7, Scarborough, Ontario M1B 2T9, Canada Tel: (416) 321-9555 Email: contact@imhocanada.org


International Medical Health Organization (IMHO)—Canada A non-political, non-profit, humanitarian organization A registered not-for-profit organization in Canada

shelter. During tsunami, times of flooding, and other natural and manmade disasters, IMHO always responds in a big way. IMHO also works to innovatively supplement healthcare infrastructure, by providing specialized resources. IMHO has provided medicines, medical books, staff support, and a myriad of health and medical supplies. Various efforts have been undertaken to develop health infrastructure across Sri Lanka in anesthesiology, cardiology, emergency care, endocrinology, gastroenterology, mental health, nephrology, oncology, ophthalmology, pathology, pediatrics, surgery, and more. In addition to this infrastructure development, IMHO regularly sends teams of healthcare professionals to provide direct relief and training to local personnel to sustain healthcare work in these regions. IMHO has sent over 400 healthcare professionals to Sri Lanka, to provide emergency relief and healthcare services. In 2010, IMHO also organized its first team of 6 volunteers to work with hospitals in Northwest Ethiopia. As the war in Sri Lanka came to an end in 2009, IMHO was the first to respond with emergency food relief inside the conflict zone. Since then, the organization is committed to rebuilding lives through efforts in mental health, physical rehabilitation & prostheses for amputees, microcredit & livelihoods development, and many other emergency relief & development measures.

What makes IMHO unique? • IMHO is strictly a non-political, non-religious, charitable nonprofit committed to humanitarian principles. • Using an extensive network of personal and professional contacts on the ground, we are able to deliver aid and work on development projects with great success, particularly in Sri Lanka. • IMHO has a very committed base of volunteers and supporters who share the organization’s vision and frequently get actively involved. • As a grassroots organization with a keen understanding of ground realities and logistics, and a willingness to commit time and energy, IMHO is extremely well-suited to deliver aid and to implement development projects in Sri Lanka, as evidenced by past accomplishments.

Please consider getting involved in our organization and supporting our work. For more information, please visit www.IMHOCanada.org for more information. 5637 Finch Avenue East, Unit 7, Scarborough, Ontario M1B 2T9, Canada Tel: (416) 321-9555 Email: contact@imhocanada.org


International Medical Health Organization (IMHO)—Canada A non-political, non-profit, humanitarian organization A registered not-for-profit organization in Canada

Sponsorship Opportunities Platinum Sponsor $5,000 (available for 2 sponsors only) -Lead sponsor for event -Recognition as lead sponsor for event on all marketing materials -Recognition on-stage for sponsor representative during evening programs -Premium placement of banner created by event team with company logo on stage -Premium placement of company logo and advertisement in introductory presentation -Premium placement of one full-page advertisement on inside cover/back cover of annual souvenir program -Premium placement of company logo on all marketing materials -Premium placement of company name, logo and link on special event website -Company brochures displayed in reception area during evening programs -Congratulatory sponsorship announcement on Facebook event page -VIP branded table with ten complimentary tickets to the Saturday evening program (a $500 value) Bronze Sponsor $3,000 -Placement of one full-page advertisement in annual souvenir program -Prominent placement of company logo and advertisement in introductory presentation -Inclusion of banner created by event team with company logo at event -Company logo on all marketing materials -Company name, logo and link on special event website -Company brochures displayed in reception area during evening programs -Sponsorship mention on Facebook event page -VIP branded table with ten complimentary tickets to Saturday evening program (a $500 value) Table Sponsor $1,000 -Special mention on-stage during evening programs -Company logo prominently displayed on table -Company brochures displayed in reception area during evening programs -Company name, logo and link on special event website -Sponsorship mention on Facebook event page -Sponsor logo-branded table with ten complimentary tickets to Saturday evening program [a $500 value] Annual Souvenir Program Advertisements: Full-page—$1,000; Half-page—$500; Quarter-page—$250 -Placement of advertisement in annual souvenir program -Sponsor brochures displayed in reception area -Company name, logo and link on event website -Four complimentary tickets for full-page advertisement sponsors to Saturday evening program [a $200 value] -Two compliment tickets for half-page advertisement sponsors to Saturday evening program [a $100 value] *Full-page dimensions are 8 ½” x 11”; half-page dimensions are 8 ½” x 5 ½”; quarterpage dimensions are 4 ¼” x 5 ½”

5637 Finch Avenue East, Unit 7, Scarborough, Ontario M1B 2T9, Canada Tel: (416) 321-9555 Email: contact@imhocanada.org


International Medical Health Organization (IMHO)—Canada A non-political, non-profit, humanitarian organization A registered not-for-profit organization in Canada

The International Medical Health Organization (IMHO) presents‌ !

9 Annual IMHO Convention th

WHEN: Friday, April 27th from 6:30-10:00pm

& Saturday, April 28th, 2012 from 8:00am-11:00pm WHERE: New Jasmine Banquet Hall, 90 Nolan Court, Markham,

ON L3R 4L9, Canada

RSVP: meera@imhocanada.org OR coordinator@theimho.org

You are cordially invited to join all volunteers, donors, supporters, and team members of the IMHO family of organizations (including IMHO USA, IMHO Canada, IMHO Lanka, and IMHO European Union) to attend our 9th Annual IMHO Convention! We will be joined by visiting physicians from Sri Lanka, as well as other experts and professionals who are deeply involved in development work in the communities in need that IMHO serves globally. A full update on IMHO's efforts and plans moving forward will be shared as well. Come learn how you can get involved and become a change-maker for good. All event details are available on our website at www.IMHOCanada.org. Please mark your calendars now and plan on joining us in Toronto in April 2012!

WWW.IMHOCANADA.ORG 5637 Finch Avenue East, Unit 7, Scarborough, Ontario M1B 2T9, Canada Tel: (416) 321-9555 Email: contact@imhocanada.org


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