Sri Lanka • IDP Situation Situation Report #05 26 November 2009 This report covers the period from 23-26 November 2009. Limited Circulation
I. Situation Overview !
As of 19 November, there were 136,242 IDPs accommodated in temporary camps, of which 129,103 people were in camps in Vavuniya District; 2,276 in Mannar camps; 2,059 in Jaffna camps; and 2,804 people in camps in Trincomalee District. A further 1,984 IDPs remain in hospitals in the Northern Province. A total of 27,663 IDPs have been released to host families and elders’ homes, while 112,209 IDPs have returned to their places of origin.
Returns to Jaffna District ! On 20 November and 24 November, 1,557 and 1,672 persons respectively left the Vavuniya camps to Jaffna District, where they were temporarily accommodated at the Kodikamam Ramavil IDP camp. While the majority has been released, others have to remain in the camp since they do not have friends or relatives to host them or access to their homes / lands. ! As of 25 November, a total of 68,030 persons from IDP camps in Jaffna, Vavuniya, Trincomalee and Mannar have been returned to or released in Jaffna District. ! The Jaffna Government Agent’s Office is undertaking a common assessment of the needs of returnees to Jaffna District, with work led by UNDP in cooperation with OCHA, who will support mapping based on assessment findings and needs. Returns to Vavuniya District ! On 20 November, 118 IDPs returned to Vavuniya District from Mannar. Returns to Mullaithivu District ! On 23 November, 856 IDPs were released from the Vavuniya camps to Manthai East District Secretariat Division, in Mullaithivu District. On 21 November, a further 875 IDPs returned to Mallawi. Returns to Kilinochchi District ! Local Government authorities have indicated that approximately 25,000 IDPs in Vavuniya camps, will be returned to the Karachchi region in Kilinochchi District, beginning on 1 December. They will be temporarily sheltered at the Karachchi Central College. HALO Trust is finalizing a general survey and reports on 32 minefields in the area, to ensure that landmine contamination does not endanger returnees and humanitarian personnel. Teams from the UN, IOM and Jaffna District Mine Action Office are in the process of ascertaining the status of facilities at the Central College.
II. Humanitarian Response NFI ! The distribution of NFI kits to returnees to Poonakary started on 26 November. All returnees in Thunukkai and Manthai East, as well as Mannar, have received packages. WASH ! In Mannar, UNICEF is collaborating with relevant Government partners to agree upon the cost of well cleaning operations. Food security ! FAO is working with the Agricultural Department to distribute paddy seeds to 700 vulnerable returnee families in Vavuniya District and 1,000 returnee families in Mannar District. FAO is also preparing to distribute seed paddy to returnees in Kilinochchi and Mullaithivu Districts. On 24 November, two truck-loads of paddy seeds will be sent to Thunukkai for the cultivation of 750 acres of paddy land. Seeds will be distributed to beneficiaries once land preparation is complete. !
WFP is providing six-month food rations for IDPs, who have returned to their homes or are staying with friends/relatives in Jaffna District. This assistance is targeted at families displaced
before 2006 but will be reviewed with new developments, such as the opening of High Security Zones (HSZs). The Government estimates up to 70,000 people will be resettled once HSZs open. Mine Action ! The Vavuniya District Mine Action Office (DMAO), assisted by UNDP, is supporting efforts for the return of IDPs by working closely with the respective Government Agent’s office and humanitarian agencies to plan assistance in areas of return. In addition to demining activities, General Mine Action Assessments / general surveys facilitate release of land, by identifying and de-marking contaminated locations. ! The Jaffna DMAO is collecting information with the District Secretariat (DS) offices regarding the impact of demining operations and plans to create a database of contaminated areas. ! UNDP reports that 80% of the Rice Bowl area, in Mannar District, has been cleared of mines. IN addition, 40 villages in Musali and Nanddan have been released after completion of the mine survey. ! UNDP reports that 8 Grama Niladhari divisions in Vavuniya North DS will be issued with Land Release Certificates on 25 November. In addition, 120 villages in Vengalachettikulam and Vavuniya South D.S. divisions have been surveyed and released.
Funding / CHAP ! !
As of 27 November, the CHAP 2009 for Sri Lanka is 68% funded, with US$ 168,152,594 received out of the revised midyear requirement of US$ 270,055,118. In addition, US$ 361,464 has been pledged by various donors. The CHAP 2010 for Sri Lanka is currently being developed with the participation of Sector Leads, partner agencies and Government counterparts. The global launch of the CHAP 2010 in Geneva is scheduled for 24 November 2009, although the Sri Lanka CHAP will not be included. Finalization is not expected before mid-December.
All humanitarian partners including donors and recipient agencies are encouraged to inform FTS of cash and inkind contributions by sending an email to:
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