Harnessing the Diaspora for Health Systems Strengthening: People to People & the Ethiopian Experience
* People to People (P2P) is a nonprofit commi4ed to building a bridge linking the diaspora with Ethiopian ins=tu=ons and communi=es for effec=ve Human Resource Development, Healthcare, and Educa=on. ‐ Started in Kentucky in 1999 ‐ Headquartered in the US; office & staff in Ethiopia; various chapters globally ‐ Project focus areas include HIV/AIDS, medical & health service delivery and capacity‐building, diaspora exchanges, elders care, etc. * Partnership with the World Bank began in 2008 with the development of a diaspora physicians database * “Ethiopian Diaspora Health and Educa6on Professionals Mobiliza6on Project” was ini=ated in late 2011
“Ethiopian Diaspora Health and Educa4on Professionals Mobiliza4on Project” * Project u=lizes ICTs to link Ethiopian health and educa=on professionals to counterparts in anchor ins=tu=ons in Ethiopia to help educate and train medical doctors and support physicians/administrators under the Federal Ministry of Health’s “New Innova6ve Medical Educa6on Ini6a6ve (NIMEI)” ‐13 new medical colleges ‐Partnering with St. Paul’s & Addis Ababa University/Black Lion Hospital for postgraduate support ‐Partnering with Adama & Yirgalem Hospitals for undergraduate support ‐Cri=cal partners in World Bank and Ministry of Health (FMoH) * Ac=vi=es (3 main categories): 1. Teaching and research‐related ac=vi=es 2. Clinical case‐based diagnos=c exchange 3. Public health outreach
“Ethiopian Diaspora Health and Educa4on Professionals Mobiliza4on Project” Major Responsibili=es:
‐Support the determina=on of teaching subject ma4er ‐Conduct joint online reviews/vegng of exis=ng curricula ‐Design and delivery online courses according to local partner gaps ‐Help supervise, mentor, and counsel medical students & residents ‐Par=cipate in peer‐to‐peer knowledge exchanges ‐Assist in iden=fica=on of joint research agenda items ‐Create an e‐library of available resources ‐Forge partnerships for twinning ini=a=ves ‐Expand diaspora database and website ‐Organize annual Global Ethiopian Diaspora Conference on Healthcare and Medical Educa=on ‐Design and u=lize case‐based diagnos=c exchange portal ‐Prepare and disseminate public health outreach materials
Engaging the Diaspora & Related Networks
Examples of Case Studies
Examples of Case Studies
“Ethiopian Diaspora Health and Educa4on Professionals Mobiliza4on Project” What has been successful… * High level of interest amongst the diaspora and FOEs (friends of Ethiopia) * Repeated visits by diaspora physicians for training, lectures, rounds/ consulta=on, exchanges, etc. * High degree of support for the established ins=tu=ons (Black Lion Hospital & St. Paul’s Medical College) * Annual diaspora conference * Draking and dissemina=on of public health outreach materials * Forging a partnership with Ethiopian Airlines to support visi=ng professionals * Achievement of majority of grant ac=vi=es half in to the projected =meline
“Ethiopian Diaspora Health and Educa4on Professionals Mobiliza4on Project” What has not been successful… * Curriculum/modules not yet developed or shared by FMoH * Lack of equipment, internet connec=vity, and intranet for partner ins=tu=ons to properly access and u=lize virtual service ac=vi=es * Rushed =meline * Need to maintain consistency across the new medical colleges & exis=ng ones and standardize the educa=onal experience * Development of online portal, e‐library, etc. has proven complicated and expensive; no coordina=on/support with the FMoH * New medical college administrators/teachers are also prac=cing physicians and hospital administrators—too many responsibili=es and lack of =me/ resources for communica=on and coordina=on
“Ethiopian Diaspora Health and Educa4on Professionals Mobiliza4on Project” Current planned ac=vi=es for engagement of diaspora professionals and FOEs to support NIMEI‐related ac=vi=es include: 1) volunteer their services in Ethiopia; 2) give online courses & trainings; 3) e‐mentoring; 4) join a P2P Task Force; 5) pre‐record video trainings and lectures; 6) online case‐based diagnos=c exchange; 7) curriculum development and review; and 8) explore developing twinning rela=onship and/or establishing Virtual Communi=es of Prac=ce (COPs)
“Ethiopian Diaspora Health and Educa4on Professionals Mobiliza4on Project” Next steps… * Renewed focus on the new medical colleges, who have made it clear that in‐person delivery is the preferred and only viable op=on at present, though all lectures, trainings, materials, etc. will be archived online ‐Development of P2P Diaspora Resource Center and formaliza=on of exchange programs ‐Support through airfare and/or honorariums ‐Be4er coordina=on with FMoH and other actors * Need to hone in on suppor=ng the development of the new NIMEI medical college curricula and module development * Long‐term focus on virtual systems delivery, standardiza=on and accessibility of online educa=on/training, and development of online courses * Hos=ng a Symposium at the University of Kentucky in November 2012 to explore new rela=onships and twinning ini=a=ves with US‐based ins=tu=ons
“Ethiopian Diaspora Health and Educa4on Professionals Mobiliza4on Project” * High degree of poten=al for both scaling this project in Ethiopia and replica=ng in other Sub‐Saharan African countries ‐U=lize exis=ng model and make modifica=ons based off lessons learned ‐Organize diaspora popula=ons and leverage exis=ng contacts/connec=ons in support of related ac=vi=es ‐Explore new twinning rela=onships ‐Requires close coordina=on and planning with the Ministry of Health and partner ins=tu=ons ‐P2P, as an umbrella organiza=on, has 13+ years of experience in organizing the diaspora and harnessing its poten=al ‐Understanding of culture and local context is key ‐The poten=al is unlimited, but pa=ence and long‐term vision & commitment are necessary
Presen=ng New P2P Short Film: “Strengthening Ethiopia’s Healthcare Systems: The Diaspora & Telehealth”