www.ideas2impact.org Email: info@ideas2impact.org
• Skype-based mentorship of orphaned schoolchildren • Online sharing of medical cases and resources • Interactive map of health care deficits • “ நலமதானா? ” / “ Nalamthaana? ” • Smartphone app for rural tele-medicine • I2i “Inaiyam” : web portal for videos and internships
“Have you ever felt so inspired that for a moment you could see the glimmer of hope on the horizon, that maybe, just maybe, you could actually affect positive change in the world if you tried really hard? On Friday night, we went to an event that was full of those moments and I finally believed that there was hope […] that Northeast Sri Lanka wasn’t part of a sinking ship, but rather a stalled ship that just needed a really great motor to get it kick-started…”
- blog post after i2i Toronto
“This has the potential and virality to induce a revolution for diaspora engagement with the issues [back home]…”
“One of the best and most fulfilling events that I've attended in a long while. Well done IMHO […] I really believe that this the beginning of some great humanitarian projects. The hope and belief that we can really make a difference in the lives of people back home has been ignited in me again...” - comments at i2i London