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Campuspubs,studeorgsjoin forcesagainstVAW

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in mind, The Industrialist, the official student publication of Don Honorio Ventura State University, sowed the seeds of the campus publications and student organizations’ call to eradicate all forms of violence against women (VAW) prior to the closing of the annual celebrationofthe18-DayCampaign to End Violence Against Women and Children (VAWC) on December9,2022. collective effort of the universitywide student publications and organizationstoshowsupporttothe campaignandtoreinforcetheefforts oftheuniversityinrealizingviolencefree environments and spaces for women realizethatVAWisasocialproblem that requires long-term solutions because it compromises the fundamental human rights of women,”thestatementreads supportof54campuspublications and student organizations in the university, which saw an increase fromthepreviousyear’scountof47


Act No 10398, known as the “NationalConscientiousnessDayfor theEliminationofViolenceAgainst WomenandChildren,”DHVSUis set to continually promote the advocacyeveryyear organizations and campus publicationswhosignedwiththe unity statement led by The Industrialist: ⬬

DHVSUTechnicalVocational LivelihoodTeachersClub

DHVSUSocietyofMechanical EngineeringStudents

DHVSUSocietyofInformation Technologists

DHVSU Senior High School StudentCouncil

DHVSU Senior High School


DHVSUHumanitiesandSocial SciencesSociety



DHVSU Language and LiteratureSociety

DHVSU Kristiyanong


DHVSU GTC commences 4th Genderized Seminar-Serye


INTENDING to teach various strategies to cope with and improve themselves, the DHVSUGuidanceandTesting Center (GTC), in partnership with various universityaccredited organizations, launched the university’s 4th genderized seminar series at the

UniversityAuditoriumonNovember 29

The said seminar-series, themed

“Capacitate Student Advocates Through the Lenses of Peer Facilitatorship,”isinaccordancewith thevariousGenderandDevelopment (GAD) programs launched by the university to raise awareness and promoteholisticdevelopmentwithin thestudentbody

Before started, the hosts Rowel Buan and Danin Cayle Saguban conducted a finish-the-lyric icebreaker Taylor Swift edition that resulted in an eruption of excitement and smiles insidethevenue

AlfrancisLagazonkickedofftheseries of seminars with the first topic, “ATeam:WorkingwiththeTeam,”in whichhestressedtheimportanceof effectivecommunicationinteam building and development and presented various common problems that may hinder team communication

Whenabouttopresentthe thevariousfactorsthatmaymake or break a team, Mr Lagazon said,“Napaka-simple,butwhen you dig deeper, it’s more complicated and important,” emphasizingthatone

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